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>legal almost everywhere in the world because it makes the

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>legal almost everywhere in the world because it makes the road safer and frees up congestion
>Americans make it illegal because 'it's not fair they have to wait in line while the motoryclists get to go up front'
>while the rest of the world is lane splitting, America is arguing politics with 1st grade logic
This is why no one likes us
lanesplitting is a cancer, cunt motorcyclists constantly clip my fucking wing mirror when trying to jump queues
How does it make it safer? Yes, in the U.S. it's considered reckless and dangerous.

oh course they do you 14 year old
Lane splitting is literal third world shithole tier behavior. No way in hell it is safer.
Just move it back at a stoplight then, lane splitting is definitely a lesser evil compared to clipping your mirror.
Not in my state. I know it was either the NHTSA or CHP but one of them did a study on it and said legislated lane splitting is safer than illegal lane splitting.
But it is safer, my man
It's fun too
It's legal in California but fuck man being a motorcyclist in Cali is fucking dangerous. I live in Las Vegas and everyone is trying to kill me already, and the Californian transplants I know say it's even worse there.

Plus add to the fact that there's a huge amount of faggots that watch motovloggers and purposely try to ride like a subhuman shithead because they saw a guy on YouTube doing it. At least 50% of sport bike riders are like that here.
How, precisely, is it safer?
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>open door
>lanesplitting cuck gets fucked one last time

I support lane splitting only because i believe in natural selection.
Just from my own experiences, all the lanesplitters I've seen were just young guys speeding and driving like idiots. Of course there's always shitty drivers no matter what's being driven.
Feel free to ride like a nigger but don't complain if shit happens

>Being this retarded
>Trying to defend yourself - Badly

Holy moron batman
Legal here in California and love it.
What the fuck are you talking about? Or have your multiple dead teeth finally spread their infection to your brain?
>implying all the niggers on bikes don't lane split anyway

I'm waiting for the day to watch a gruesome death unfold in front of me. Might even pull my dick out and jerk off when this happens
There's a safe way and an unsafe way to lane split, of course.
First off it keeps the bike's engine temperature down. Most of them are air cooled, not liquid cooled, and need to be moving for that cooling to happen.

Secondly, cars have air conditioning. Bikes don't. Bikers might have to sit in summer heat for hours and be forced to stroke out by sitting in traffic because your helmet and jack get extremely hot in spring/summer.

Third, if a car brakes, the bike has somewhere to go other than being forced to brake while hoping he doesn't get crushed between two several thousand pound vehicles.

That said, it also keeps emissions down and speeds traffic flow. Motorcycles are great for single and two person commutes because they're more fuel efficient than most other vehicles and take up a lot less space on the road so you might as well put the unused road area to good use.
Enjoy going to prison for life.
>But it is safer
Safer than what? Seems it would be safer to just fucking drive behind.
Motorcycles are fucking noise pollution and should be illegal.
>implying i said i would do it

Plenty of dipshits to do it for me.
i hate bikers and cyclists. i always fuck with them, pretend i'm gonna hit them, ride up right on their ass and start reving my engine.

one time, i threw a 44 oz of mountain dew on one then cut his ass off. what're they gonna do? cry?
>rushing through a narrow corridor of cars
its also illegal in germany, for good reason.
There is a moron down the street from me who rides a Ninja-type street bike. When he comes home at 11pm he needs to gun the engine two or three times before pulling into his garage. He needs wake up the block and let everyone know what a powerful bike he owns. I am praying for a big road accident to come soon.
Take your mirror off, brake your windows, get your plate, or pull you out at a traffic light
All have been done many times
Bike faggots should be run off roads
Safer than being turned into a human crumple zone when stacey doesnt see the cars stopped for a red light

Also reduces congestion a lot
you're worse than him
I always drive with my window down and carry a clear curtain rod with a nail on the end for when motorcucks try this shit.
>motorcuck tries to lane split
>poke his right hand with curtain rod/nail
>nobody can even see the curtain rod
>motorcuck jerks and loses control
>crashes and dies
One guy survived and I stopped to administer first aid for the keks. The retard said he thought he got stung on the hand by a wasp and thanked me for helping him!
Just hit them with your stable 4 tire vehicle lol
>Stacey doesn't check her blind spot and merges without looking
This scenario seems much more likely.
yea try that with me and my crew see what happens
Maybe they just get cancer from being around someone who larps like a faggot
i carry a gun cycling and on my moto just in hopes someone like you tries this shit
legal in Texas

get fucked cagers XD
Either way it's motorcucks dying at my hands and I'm ok with it.
>motorcuck has a small penis and rides around provoking people so he can shoot them
Nice admission to attempted premeditated murder. Motorcucks aren't the smartest though.
please kill all the bad drivers, they affect all of us motorcycle or not.
Yes, but generally cars dont merge into the sides of each other, so it is unlikely you will be caught between two cars

General advice is to take each pass on its own, that way you can judge the right time to pass between two cars. But most people just act like you are riding in a two foot wide lane
hahhahahah what a faggot
Legal in Texas since when?
16 year old Asians on crotch rockets detected.
my insurance goes up because of phony tough guys like you. take up skydiving or something if you need to prove your masculinity.

>confesses he has committed manslaughter
>calls self defense premeditated murder

schools out for the summer
Motorcyclist here.

Lanesplitting is NOT safe, you're a retard if you claim it is.

I'm not particularly sure it should be ILLEGAL, though.
well its overlooked I guess. I do it all the time
It should be legal and I have no idea why it's not. It would help with motorcycle crashes and incentivize riding a motorcycle. Too many cagers on the road and almost no motos
How fast can you accelerate after I throw a handful of sparkplugs through your windshield?
The only time I can see it being safe is at a red light so you don't get crushed by some dumb bitch texting.
cant handle the bants eh dad? I clip mirrors on purpose
Literally none of these reasons justify or explain how lane splitting is safe.

The arguments about air cooled engine are retarded, have nothing to do with safety.

Bike emissions other than 2 strokes (and even then) are negligible.

If a car brakes in front of you, just like other traffic you should have an out. Maybe you have to veer and split. That's fine, doesn't mean it's the RULE for what is clearly an exception.

Second of all of a car in front of you is breaking and your reaction time is too poor to go to a side lane or you do not have enough room behind you you are driving poorly.

You should always maintain at least 2 "gates" at all times. If you're telling me this is happening in rush hour traffic with no space you're full of shit because you're moving at a crawl and its a non factor.

You're a fucking idiot and you probably have never ridden a bike in your life.
I have seen multiple retards do this when I was living in Hawaii smash into peoples side mirrors.
To be fair, not much about riding a motorcycle is safe. If we wanted safe we would be in cars

Filtering at the lights is safer than stopping behind cars though.

Filtering = moving between slow or stopped cars
Lane splitting = moving between cars traveling at or near the speed limit
>schools out for summer
I've never understood why fuckbois thought this was an argument. I've been out of school for 10 years and had no idea the kiddies were on vacation right now. It seems like the people who say this are more familiar with the schedule as a result of being younger.
I just lanesplit anyways, not through moving cars but through stopped ones, so long as I am not impeding traffic. Its my safety, and traffic laws are archaic - fuck it. Cops usually can't catch a motorcycle anyways, at least they haven't gotten me (yet). You're bound to encounter some assholes, as I have, when you split, but I always carry on my bike and its visible when the wind lifts your shit up, so people usually shut up quickly.
So some dipshit lowsides in dirt and I'm supposed to think that's relevant to you catching me on my R1?
I "filter" in my car for fuck sake. Everyone does this all the time, It's it unique to motorcycling.
nahh... you can look up all the lane splitting incidents all over...
you say us crybaby americans cry about not waiting in line when the people who want filtering/splitting are the ones always crying about it... ive been riding for longer than some of you fags have been alive and its just dumb... i suppose you hate helmet laws too.. just indian larry yourself already
It's NOT unique*
>cunt motorcyclists constantly clip my fucking wing mirror

I'm sure this has probably happened about once, but you exaggerate it because you're jealous that motorcyclists get to overtake you, and also have higher testosterone than you sitting in your sweaty cuckbox.
Lane splitting is legal where I live but the splitter is always at fault should anything happen. That said it's pretty fucking annoying.
or being a functional part of society and noticing when I don't have to slow down for a fucking school zone anymore on my way to work.
Or instead of telling us to look up your evidence, you can llok it up for yourself and post it here
Dont think you could out accelerate a bullet though, or just write down your license plate, let the cops deal with it lmao
You're going to get shot. If you behaved like that around me while I was on my bike, I'd guarantee you a closed casket.

Same for you, if you threw something out of your car at me I can legally gun you the fuck down, and I would.

All of these cucks are either too fat or stupid to ride a motorcycle, or they can but are too scared to get one and get jealous. You summerfags crack me up.
It's just distracting and dangerous.

I don't know if it should be like, but it's stupid and distracting for sure. People already have a hard enough time noticing motorcycles, now you're going to deliberately drive between all the possible blind spots?

Right go for it. I'll stick back with my brights on in proper lane position and just pass all the traffic at the next light due to my superior acceleration anyway.



Vid is literally my commute every work day. I split to avoid that.
>lying on the internet
I keep a .45 tucked in my seat. If some bikecuck starts reaching for shit, they're getting a hollow point to the dome and they're ugly faggot kids will get to attend a closed casket funeral.

1. The engine is cooler therefore the driving is safer, of course.

2. This is kind of a shitty point, and better one being that the bike does not have to be on the road as long because it can take advantage get to destinations faster. Saying the biker needs to keep cool and therefore keep moving is stupid. Get a car if you're burning in the heat. This also has very little to do with safe driving.

3. You can lane split to avoid a collision, don't be a retard.

4. Sure, doesn't have much to do with lane splitting though.

I see little suggesting it's actually safer, as I can only assume lane splitting increases the chance of a collision. I don't know the statistics of it though.
You realise no one believes your pathetic larping about how you totally kill all these motorcyclists and no one ever notices and this one guy thought it was a wasp sting LMAO XD? What kind of loser comes onto /pol/ and pretends about this kind of shit? At least larp about being an FBI insider like reasonable people on here.
k curtain rod nail kid, go back to your looney toons to get some more larping ideas.
I bet the guy in the video was thinking more about his bike than himself
>don't get upset when people break the law
Lmao, I've had cops CATCH my license plate in the act and show up at my house later. That won't do shit.
Yeah sure you do man.
It's legal in my state
There are a number of studies showing that it is safer, though. Mainly because it reduces the number of rear end collisions.
When the surrounding cars are stopped, it isn't dangerous at all. The worst case is someone opening a door, but that is rare and not typically lethal at the typically low speed of travel in that situation.
If you 'filter' in a car you're either driving recklessly or don't fully understand what filtering is
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>all these mad cagers
Check what the NHTSA and CHP had to say about lane splitting if you don't believe me then.

As someone who has motorcycles, these whiney reasons are why I dislike other bikers. They expect everyone else to sympathize with them and treat them like the royalty of the road or something.

Bikers should accept that riding a motorcycle in traffic is dangerous and they should ride extremely defensively instead of riding like idiots and then getting angry when someone does not notice them and cuts them off when they are flying up from behind at 30mph over the speed limit. Yes, not getting noticed sucks, but one has to accept that a motorcycle is much smaller than a car and the average driver is used to only looking out for other cars, as motorcycles are much less common.

All of my bikes are old and I do not mind taking them off-road. If there is traffic I just pull off the highway and cut through the grass onto a side road or ride through a field or whatever. Which I am sure is quite illegal but it is a fun way to avoid traffic without getting into an accident with anyone.
just look up "filtering fail"
how many should i post? 100-200... just 1?
filter bros are the only bikers more annoying than harley bros in the entire world.... ok thats a lie, there is always India
Why are bikecucks so easy to bait?
>post obviously LARPy shit about fucking with bikecucks
Um no sweetie, you have a small penis and fantasize about compensating for it anonymously on a Myanmarese wind chime board.
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yfw no one larps with you and get called on your shit by adults.
you're a real piece of shit.
In reality when most splitting occurs it's when traffic is snarled and cars can't change lanes anyway.

It's not hard to drive in a manner that makes you a "victim" to those evil bikers. I drive a full size truck, when I'm in the 1 lane I favor the left side of lane and would do so anyway in case the car in the 2 lane drifts. When I'm in the 2 or center lane(s) I favor the middle. Right most lane, favor the right side.

Never held up a biker before, and when I split those scenarios always lead to more than enough room to slip through.

If you're "constantly getting surprised" or always having to move to avoid bikers it's your own shit driving and awareness.
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>yfw you've never accomplished anything in life and are proud of being a "grown man" who spends half your day calling people LARPers on the internet
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>Driving 75 MPH on 2 lane highway in SUV, in outside lane
>motorcylist 1 ahead of me. I am about 20 meters away
>See another motorcyclist pulled over, about go return on road
>He tries to merge with other motorcycle who has already past
>Slam on my fucking breaks as this fucker has decided to punch it with no regard for anybody's safety.
>Fucker is driving diagonally.
>He turns, still driving diagonally, making eye contact with me to yell and flip me the bird, as I can see the whites of his eyes he is so close.
>Continues to fucking dodge through traffic, inches away from each passing vehicles just to catch up with his motorcycle buddy so they can "be safer in a group"

No protective gear, not even a fucking leather jacket. Fuck 'look twice save a life.' Because 90% of people who drive motorcycle are fucking dickheads.

Fuck you motorcylist #2
Is there anyone that has rode a motorcycle for more than 10 years and not had a major surgery from it? It seems like fun, but I like having a functioning body.
You are the aggressor, if I begin reaching for something, and you assault me again, lethally, that is murder my friend. Implying you would even have the chance to grab your gun, cuck. Also no one believes this larp.
Same with bicycles. Fucking hell I can't stand those sons of bitches. I had one dent my trunk for no reason and then speed off, and another girl rear ended me and put a dent in it. At least it's all the same piece of metal!
What the fuck is wrong with you?
>inb4 fucking soundfag
>being this mad over what you've pointed out to be an obvious LARP
See >>130854794
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Am I a kid or a grown man make your mind up.
I put grown man in quotes for a reason, you fucking illiterate moron.
I'm not sperging, I'm merely pointing out that you are flawed in your larp. You do want to get better at this, don't you? Summer just started, you have time.
safer as long as cars never change lanes.
first fair point you have made
I'm both ride a motorcycle and drive a semi for a living. American motorists are so fucking pathetically unsafe on the road that I would never lane split. All it takes is that one fucking dumb bitch to reach for her dropped phone, because God forbid you pay more attention to the ton of steel you're barreling down the fucking highway than to whatever your vapid cunt of a friend has to say on Facebook.
>'it's not fair they have to wait in line while the motoryclists get to go up front'
well yeah. But if you let them do that it will incentivize them to cause traffic jams so they can get ahead of everyone.

Just think about what you type before calling others "1st grade logic" nu-fag
LOL oh sweet baby jesus you will get shot. And I would laugh at your slumped over bloody body you sally bitch
>The motorcycle that I own have been converted to electric because I am an EV geek who loves silent transportation.
Unless you put in a fucking 15 kw motor in it, you'd have wheelie'd yourself to death.
All of those justified resins can be solved by being inside a car. Personally I want a motorcycle even though I live in LA, but you need some harder safety reasons to justify it.
I don't care what motorcycle faggots do. As long as you stop bitching and complaining about "cars never look out for us motorcyclists and we gets hit" as you go down the freeway doing 120 and swerving in and out of traffic like children.
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>sweaty cuckbox.
This - 600 gazillioin times, this
>incentivize them to cause traffic jams

literally, what?
t. biker who knows lane splitting is the only redeeming quality of california
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What is a, "Ninja-type" bike exactly? Like this?
>I was only pretending to be retarded
>le summer xD
I already addressed that too >>130853293
You dare to do it because you fags gave up your guns. Try that in America and get a bullet in the back of your skull.

You think your poo don't stank but it do
Is that Anthony Fantano?
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Nigger mentality. Too much of a pussy to fight a man one on one. I see bikers and niggers the same
They were referring to a sport/street bike, a common model being the Kawasaki Ninja series.

>im going to larp and try to trigger bikecucks kek le shadilay!
>no one is larping with me, ill just call them reddit kek!!11!
>Things that never happened for 100
>person cuts you off or tosses a small piece of garbage

>shoot him

motorcyclists truly are niggers. How do you LARP fags envision this going down in your head? he cuts you off then what, you stop behind him and start shooting at him? or you pull in front, turn around, draw and fire? this is the dumbest shit I've read all day and my sister keeps showing my shit from pinterest
>because you fags gave up your guns
wrong dummy I own guns, and if you're gonna shoot someone for clipping your window you truly can't handle the bants

very sad, many such cases
>be burgerland
>have the best public transit in the world in the early 20th century
>scrap it all because you're cucks to the car lobby
>sit in traffic in your mobile cuckshed for hours each day
what a pathetic country
>living shoulder to shoulder
no thanks
I didn't call anybody reddit, nice Freudian slip.
Oh, I thought it did, except when I didn't. >>130854794
>stabbing people in the hand
>cutting them off

Pick one. In regards to trash, I could care less, however if it impacts my riding, such as a wrapper getting stuck over your visor, that is attempted manslaughter. Responding by drawing a gun is appropriate.
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None of these things contribute to safety at all.

About the only time lane splitting can be considered safe is when all the cars being split are stopped and you're trying to get out in front of them at a stop light. Otherwise lane splitting is incredibly dangerous because most people can see a person riding on their prosthetic beins in their side view mirror at twice the speed of normal traffic.

inb4 I can't afford a car but I can spend $10,000+$2500 in upgraded on my two wheeled jap trap.
shut up canadafag...just because you can't figure out how to do it safely doesn't mean you can speak for all riders
>implying le isn't indicative of a reddit post
You're a fucking retard.
Land splitting makes more organ donors, so I'm for it.
yes we exist

there are bold riders
there are old riders
there are not too many old bold riders

don't be an asshole and you are fine
Praying for a brain?
Motorcyclists are obnoxious and irritating anyway. Acting like they own the fucking road and doing stupid shit just because they can.

God forbid you do anything about it, the instant you cop an attitude they chimp out and break your mirrors/windows/doors.

Fuck 'em. Make them sit in line like everyone else, hopefully they run out of fucking gas while they're at it.
Why would I know what's indicative of a reddit post, I've never been there. You seem to be an expert and really insecure about it.
it's that fat guy from full metal jacket
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A disproportionate amount of collisions involving motorcycles happen because people in cars rear end them in traffic queues. Distracted drivers, day dreaming, looking at their phones, they plow right into motorcyclists.

Lane splitting prevents this.

Give them room, you retarded cunt. How hard is it for you to crank your wheel and move just a couple inches? A biker passing you isn't going to impact your day. Someone getting to their destination faster isn't going to harm you. Traffic isn't a race.
This petulant petty mindset that so many motorists have is specifically why road rage is a thing. Cut it the fuck out, you giant vagina.

also BMW a best
AGV helmets a best
Dainese gloves, jackets, and armor a best
Its legal where I live in Cuntfornia.

I dont have a problem with it.
Lanesplitting is cancer in Taiwan, the lanes aren't actually wide enough for you to do so safely.
>it's not fair they have to wait in line while the motoryclists get to go up front

>americans think traffic is a race
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>person cuts you off or tosses a small piece of garbage
>shoot him

I have been riding for many years. I also carry and have done so for many years. If someone unintentionally cuts me off that's one thing and yes it happens way too frequently...but if some asshole decides he is going to try to kill me for funsies shit is going to get fucking REAL. Believe it or not your choice.
Gun nuts are also considered reckless and dangerous.
I suspect passing=/= filtering.
Real life isn't cawadooty sweetie, have you ever tried to shoot a moving target from a moving vehicle with only one hand on your weapon? You're going to dump your mag, not hit a thing, then get rekt.
never realized how much white trash and southern niggers lurk here
>rider comfort doesnt contribute to rider saftey at all
if you want to be technical, lane splitting is legal but only in case of emergency. the rest of the time, it is illegal, although overlooked because it poses no immediate harm to anyone except the cager faggots in their cars who are jelly that they have to sit in traffic. boo hoo.

*lane splits past you*
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Fellow Vegasfag here, that's why I leave absolutely no room for bikeniggers to lane split.
Yeah, but real life is stand still traffic and you pulling alongside a biker youve pissed on and goodnight, sweetie
>bmw a best
>drop your s1000rr and it is writen off
A disproportionate amount of collisions involving motorcycles happen because some motorcyclists do not drive/ride defensive enough. Side view mirrors aren't efficient enough to see a small object traveling at least twice the speed of regular traffic.
>Lane splitting prevents this.
It doesn't prevent people from changing lanes into a rider splitting for the same reason above.
I realize the biggest safety issue is getting "out of the crowd." When you split lanes for 15 miles you're never going to get away from the crowd and only increase your chances of an accident. Getting in front of the crowd at a stop light is one thing. Stop and go or slow moving traffic on a highway is another thing.
Do you ever fuck your sister?
Extreme caution and nice loud pipes
>get shot by a real American sitting in traffic because they don't know someone hurt your bikecuck fee fees
>Uses my 3000lbs car to slightly turn into you and watch you disintegrate on the pavement

>Real life isn't cawadooty sweetie, have you ever tried to shoot a moving target from a moving vehicle with only one hand on your weapon? You're going to dump your mag, not hit a thing, then get rekt.

No what I would do is follow and wait until the person who almost killed me comes to a stop and get in front of them. After that I draw and if they so much as creep forward hit I unload a mag into their fucking face seeing as they tried to kill me YET AGAIN by using their vehicle as a deadly weapon. And there is about zero chance they are going to be able to evade me as I ride a motorcycle that runs in the 9's stock and tops out at about 186mph. So at some point they are going to come to a stop. It is inevitable.

Did you ever wonder why police officers put themselves into the path of a vehicle? It forces the situation. Are you really this weak-minded kid?
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You're less alert when you're relaxed. You're less defensive when you're relaxed.
>b-but my water temperature
>b-but my helmet is sweaty
>b-but if I ride at 60mph between 30mph cars I won't be so soggy
Im sorry, I dont speak burger
>its another "motorcyclists justify inconveniencing everyone around them" episode
>with guest star "if you dont like our dangerous driving then change your own driving to accommodate us"
Youre degenerates, period
Lol keep dreaming their Outlaw Josey Wales, your little "iron horse" would get you splattered across the hood of my car and your mangled cuck vehicle and whats left of your corpse would sit nice and comfy in my grill.

Bikercide when??
>I unload a mag into their fucking face
No you wouldn't, you probably struggle to hit anything beyond 10 meters with a handgun, even with slow follow up shots.
interesting move. my armor and gear help me easily survive the spill, and since i have my rear and helmet cameras rolling anytime i hop on my bike, i'll see you in court faggot. enjoy having no lisence and an assault charge.
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get a load of this mad max bad ass
>You're less alert when you're relaxed. You're less defensive when you're relaxed.

bullshit. relaxed is not the same as nodding out retard
you have quite the imagination, dixieland. where'd all that hate come from? did a guy with a leather jacket and a bike fuck the girl you wanted in high school, so now you hate anything on 2 wheels? that's a pretty shitty way to live.
What do you do if they don't move? They've ended hostilities and you can't shoot them at that point. Do you sit there for 12 seconds until your effeminate shoulders tire and you put the weapon down or call the police like a good statist cuck?
Right because when you see the muzzle of a firearm pointing at your face your instinct is to drive right into it.

Excuse me while I laugh at you.

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I want to be allowed to split so freaking badly. Just got home from work, sitting in traffic in 100 degree temps wearing leather. ATGATT sucks sometimes...
You've never had a gun pointed at you, how do you know?
I have a leather jacket and a bike, but I ride my shit like everyone in a car. I grew up on dirtbikes before I could hardly walk, but driving like a fucking nigger of vehicles is a good way to piss people off and get hurt.
>open door
>problem solved

Fuck them.
>>I unload a mag into their fucking face

Yes at the range I would be it would be almost impossible to miss. Struggle to hit at 30 feet? Uhh no sweetums. But even then I wouldn't be that far away child. I would block the path and be offset and aimed at your head and upper body.
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>No what I would do is follow and wait until the person who almost killed me comes to a stop and get in front of them. After that I draw and if they so much as creep forward hit I unload a mag into their fucking face seeing as they tried to kill me YET AGAIN by using their vehicle as a deadly weapon.
Hard to unload a mag when you're already under my car sweetheart.
>And there is about zero chance they are going to be able to evade me as I ride a motorcycle that runs in the 9's stock and tops out at about 186mph.
9's! Get a load of this faggot?!
This. It's legal in CA, but I'd never commute on a bike here. Too many assholes on their fucking phones, or rageaholics who freak out over everything. Just getting onto the freeway in a car is dangerous, let alone a bike.
You sound like someone who's never even fired a gun before. I don't even believe you own one. Post a timestamped pic.
it is
If you open your door on a freeway, there's something wrong with you.
>>Calls people child
You smell as summer as fresh cut grass
You wouldn't do shit pussy. Probably aren't old enough to drive.
I have had guns pointed at me more than once. it's one of the reasons why I carry now kid. And I am telling you the last thing you want to do is move towards a muzzle.
Lol fight or flight retard Id bet money even if you did shoot me my foot would still be down on the pedal and would pave you permanently into the ground.

>he has to use pics of slutty women to try to make his hobby seem cool

this is why I hate the motorcycle community, Its always been another mode of transportation not thos fucking psuedo tough guy "muh secret club" bullshit is why I dont ride anymore.
Up late, parents out eh?
give me one example where someone has been shot by a civilian for petty shit like this

>muh guns
even your police officers are trigger happy retards that cry after firing the scary boom boom
>while the rest of the world is lane splitting, blah blah blah

This is why so many videos end up on the internet from shithole countries showing idiot motorcycle drivers with their brain cavities evacuated on the pavement. Fuck you and your faggot motorcycle that no one on the road can see coming.
If you did that shit to me I'd be running your ass over squid
Mmmm, that 96-98 ZJ
>no you haven't
>no you don't
>we moved towards muzzles all the fucking time when I was in the military including light machine guns
>driving reacting to normal flow of traffic
>some jackass going way faster than everyone else cuts around
>not expectong this people don't react in time
>casualties, usually the jackass
Now multiply that by 10 with a motorcycle lanesplitting.
Never driven in CA, have ya?
Even in a car, you're gonna have some asshole in an SUV up your ass in the slow lanes, in the fast lanes it's fucking ridiculous. Nobody watches what they're doing, they smack into each other all the time because of it. I see at least one rear-ender every fucking day on the freeway. People don't know how to merge, they're selfish and childish and just ram their way through traffic. Then you get the gaping assholes who start brake checking if you hurt their fee fees if you merge in front of them - I've had little shitheads try that on me twice. Traffic was clear, there was plenty of room, but because Special Snowflake deserves to never have cars in front of them, they played Fast And Furious to get in front of me to brake check me, because "hurr derr". And you want people to ride a bike with that shit?
I bet you could make a solid fucking case for lane splitting saving lives.
>trusting wop shit

You're a fucking idiot. AGV is ok at
best, Dainese shit fits like tight garbage. Buying Italian is almost as bad as buying Chinese. I only trust US, Jap, or German-made shit when it comes to anything automotive.
No, they're going to get you on tape with their helmet cams, and the police will show up at your door and arrest you.

That's how I know you're larping, and don't do any of that.
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What? In my state, lanesplitting is explicitly legal.

Even so, a lot of people think it's illegal. Some dude roadraged and tailgated me at 60 on a boulevard because I drove in front of him. Almost killed me. His kids and wife looked embarrassed.

>motorcyclists constantly clip my fucking wing mirror when trying to jump queues

desu I've done this once or twice. Leave space between lanes you dumb fuck.
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I ride a literbike that makes over 184chp and weighs less than 420lbs wet. It goes 104mph indicated in first gear and runs easily into the nines stock and traps in the 140-50's. And is currently geared to run about 180ish or so.

Apparently you know DICK about bikes huh? But don't take my word for it faggot, ever hear of GOOGLE? Try it you might learn a few things.
Cool larp, bro.

Just on a decade now, never even put me in hospital let alone surgery.
I've written off three bikes and punched a kangaroo to death at 100+kmh, but no hospital. I usually wear full gear.

I lanefilter, it is legal in my state up to 30kmh, then it is called lanesplitting. It halves my commute time, hence halving the time I am vulnerable to getting hit by a car because they're too fucking asian to have spacial awareness and check their blindspot before changing lanes.
It removes the chance of me getting hit from behind by another spatially inaware asian, this happens more often than you may think. Happened to my mate late last year, sometimes people switch to autopilot and don't fully identify the single set of brake lights ahead of them as the approach traffic lights.

I've never hit someone's mirrors. I respect people's property, assume they have worked their tits off for their vehicle like I have, and if I don't think I can fit through a gap I won't try to.

A lot of hate in this thread. Some of it is probably deserved. If a rider scratched your shit with some nigger act, I'm sorry. But taking it out on the next rider who may or may not have a helmet camera is just another nigger act.

Why do you have the USA flag up when you can choose the fascist flag you FUCKING COMMIE.
HA. I bet you buy Icon trash.
Dainese stuff is really high quality, though you've got to be somewhat of a lanklet for it to fit right. Or that used to be the case, its not really true for the whole product line these days. Most of their fashion stuff and casual/adventure riding gear is sized more for America.

My Dainese gloves are the best I've ever come across. Rev'it is alright sometimes, but the difference in the stitching between brands is massive.
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LOL whatever you have to tell yourself kiddie.
This is only beneficial if the motorcycle is air cooled and must keep moving in a traffic jam to prevent over heating. If you do this I might accidently spit something out of the window like my own semen for instance.
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Which one you want a picture of faggot? Just one of the ones I primarily carry?
Personally motorcycles are just too fucking dangerous. It requires too much trust that the other people on the road won't completely kill you. I'd probably be okay riding motorcycles if we were back in 1960 and whites still made up >90% of the US population, but with the roads being filled with more and more niggers, spics, pooinloos, chinks, etc that can't drive at all and are inconsiderate as fuck? No fucking dice.
Open car door will fuck up that narrative real quick
Stop stalling nigger
>niggers, spics, pooinloos, chinks, etc t
You live in Florida too?
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Simple solution: Anyone lane splitting is automatically considered an organ donor.
>leave space between lanes
How about we just pave you your own gold-plated lane as long as were bending over backwards for your precious lifestyle choice, princess?
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I'm not saying your bike can't run 9's. I'm saying YOU can't make your bike run 9's. Quit larping fuckstick. I can go to wikipedia too and pick out the coolest bike that runs "9's."
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Lane splitting is literally rape.
As a biker, last person that did this, I just put my wheel up to it and bent their door off.
Then I claimed new bike forks and tire on their insurance because they were deemed 100% at fault
>no you haven't
yes I have.

>no you don't
Yes I do.

>we moved towards muzzles all the fucking time when I was in the military including light machine guns
So because you moved towards enemy fire in the military you would feel compelled to floor it in hopes of running me over before I put a few in your fucking upper body and head? Are you retarded? I am thinking so. But hey whatever you have to tell yourself to think your tough I guess.

>not much about motorcycling is safe

Fucking this

Sorry but I'd rather not die because Mrs Baby on Board is too busy with her shitheads and didn't look before changing lanes, what a pointless way to die

Motorcyclists are roughly 30x more likely to get in a crash per mile traveled and another 30x more likely to be seriously injured or killed in that crash

I don't trust other drivers near enough to not put a car between myself and them
Kek, so much projection. You have to be 18 to post here m8y.
Lane splitting is for entitled faggots. Fuck I hate bikers so much. Cunts. Get fucked.
Mfw serial rapist
He can just duck under his dashboard.

Good luck trying to dodge a fucking car
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LOL what a faggot. Do you think that it is that hard to get a fucking literbike in the nines? What are you fucking new? Hell you can lower, strap, and minimally stretch a 600 with maybe a couple more bolt-ons and run in the nines faggot.

get a load of this FNG
I buy Shoei trash, thank you very much.
Dainese does have solid leather, but the fit is terrible if you aren't lanky as you said. I've never tried their gloves, I'd be willing to give them a shot as I'm a pretty big stickler when it comes to gloves. I wouldn't buy any helmet or jacket from Italy because their manufacturing quality is horrendous, and they stick shitty wop flags and logos everywhere.
I wouldn't do that, no, I would simply get out and blow your brains out because I'm a better shot than you and you would freeze when bullets came your way.
Refer to what I said below nobiek.
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A huge chunk of rider fatalities involve the rider being drunk. Riders who don't attend a proper riding school like an MSF course are more likely to wreck, and riders who don't wear gear are also more likely to both wreck and die. It says a lot of who is in the top percentile for risk.

Riding definitely is dangerous, I wouldn't recommend anyone do it, no reason for someone to tempt fat, but its not exactly the guaranteed death sentence that some seem to think it is.

Attend an MSF course, watch and read Twist of the Wrist until you memorize it, practice practice practice, always wear All The Gear All The Time™, don't be reckless, and don't ride if you've been drinking.

Most major wrecks are harley riding baby boomers who get a few beers in their system and think they can still cruise, or boy racer squids on their first 600cc sport bike that like eating pavement from 4th gear on a residential street.

The thrill and excitement of riding makes it worth all the risks though. You can't understand it unless you experience it yourself. Getting into a good turn, looking down and seeing the asphalt fly by impossibly fast, the vibration, the noise, everything about it is pure adrenaline. A good ride for 30 minutes is like being on vacation for a week. Its so destressing and relaxing theres nothing else like it.
Ka ching
when there is a congestion, why exactly should a cyclist be FORCED to wait?

I mean the point of a motorbike is that it lets you go places a car doesn't. It lets you drive differently.
>bmw a best

Goddamn right they are.
t. K1300R
You would literally get aired the fuck out kid. That would be the end of your life. Do not pass go, do not collect 200 dollars. You would fucking die. Understand it or not it matters little. If you tried to kill me with your vehicle multiple times and I drew on you I would end your life.

I don't know how much easier to say it to you.

My point ultimately is only half about motorcycles. You should always leave equal space between cars on both sides of you for safety reasons.

Kill all cagers, honestly. Everyone should be required to ride a motorcycle in order to drive a car.
You would die in your own piss and shit, little boy.

It's totally legal in California, and for good reason. It just makes sense.

I used to look forward to red lights because I could split lanes to the front of traffic and then accelerate to 40-60 miles per hour before the other cars had cleared the intersection.
i was actually going to pick that then i changed it back, probably for the same reason you don't have one
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Trying to figure out which one is the tween and which one is in their 20's. They both live in their basement and the biggest weapon they own is an old airsoft gun and a flea market katana.
To all motorcyclists and road cyclists

Imagine having to ride your bike through a narrow corridor full of toddlers riding tricycles.

This literally what it feels like to be driving a car around you lot.

Especially bicyclists who sometimes don't even have helmets on.

what's the benefit of riding a bike if you have to drive like a car ? haha stupid burgers.
Step 1, duck under dash
Step 2, floor it.

Moto-vloggers on youtube made me not really like motorcyclists that much. They go around starting shit with people, and acting as if they themselves are police officers whenever someone makes a mistake on the road. They act all tough towards people and when someone bigger than them wants to fight they say "say hello to the camera fagget xD" then drive off.
I'm in my 20s and trolling this retard hard. It's pretty hilarious.

Drop any bike the wrong way, stat write off. Look at how they place the handlebar clip-ons and footpegs next to the frame, two scratches on that one piece of metal and you're bike shopping
if your houses are so spread out why is there traffic congestion?
checkmate faggot.
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Looks like you just called yourself a faggot for some reason.
>I have a really awesomely fast 9 second capable motomuhcycle and I'm going to catch up to you and then sniper shoot you with my pistol if you do something to make me mad in the tenth of a second I have before you run me over because I was splitting lanes and you couldn't see me at all before you ran me over and killed me.
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>implying he wouldn't use his AP incendiary 9mm rounds to headshot you through the engine block
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>You smell as summer as fresh cut grass

wtf is this? is this a game of thrones thing? are u raytarted??
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Good job
This, handgun round won't penetrate past engine block. I should screencap this shit for a cringe thread.
Looks like airshit

>if I pretend I'm invincible then I won't die

I'll put you down for both kidneys and the liver then okay?
You don't know how to use it though
Not even close to real.. You probably have a flea market katana don't you?
130 not 103 you fucking moron! WTF, are you retarded? I hate this place, kill yourselves right now, please. Fuck, I'm pissed...
>posted in a holster at a long angle
Airshit for sure
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definitely getting a tattoo that says:
not an organ donor, fuck you.

I don't know how to simplify that any easier for you.
Nice airshit retard

do that to me on my Grom and I will pull out my hand gun and pop your ass

fucking faggot
Did someone just step on the snek?
>Americans make it illegal
I thought it varies from state to state
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lol that is a CZ P-07 1st gen. 15+1 9x19. Would you prefer I showed you a different one I also carry faggots?
This is the faggiest thread I've seen in a long time.

>not donating organs

Literally a cancer on society

Welcome to nu-/pol/ aka /b/ 3.0
Checked nice quadie quads
>>not donating organs
>>lane splitting literally rape
Cancer rape
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it's like talking to children here. What exactly makes you think this is airsoft?
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fuck yes iam,
just checking.
>That guy who actually uses turn signals

You can always tell the guys who don't drive often
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This just keeps getting better. Posts picture of airsoft. That extended barrel. That worn down chinese plastic mag release.
The last thing this guy rode on wheels open air was grandma's wheelchair.
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>be me last week
>riding down the road minding my own business
>traffic lined up the opposite direction
>car suddenly makes a left turn right into my path going my way
>some asshole waved them out right in front of me
>car that pulled in front of me slams on brakes now is in the middle of my lane on a diagonal
>try to swerve into shoulder, not going to make it
>front wheel hits the bumper of the asshole that pulled in front of me
>front of bike bounces towards the shoulder, handlerbar fucks up my gas tank
>left pipe hits the care in nearly the same spot as my wheel
>bumps and bruises, bike is fucked
>first thing the bitch hit me says, "Why were you speeding?"

I hate riding in high traffic areas. Bitch didn't even ask if I was ok.
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posed in holster to show I carry it faggot
fuck off

motorcyclefags are the niggers of the roads.
honestly i would've in sulted you and checked on my car,
i dont really care about other ppls but i would also not have stop'd probably would've accelerated & you would've not hit me so, it's a tie.
Take another pic, pull mag and show rounds otherwise that's airshit bro.
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sorry i am getting gangbanged by multiple people trying to reply to all faggots.

So I thought I didn't have a firearm I carried and blah blah blah.

O what's that? You know dick? Yeah I know.
>pull out from a stop sign right in front of someone causing an accident
>insults them

You would get you ass kicked buddy.

Do you ride with a camera? You probably should just because there's a lot of people that seem to not know how to drive around bikers. Just don't become one of those moto-vlogging faggots that go around harassing people and acting like they're vigilantes enforcing the laws of the road for sweet youtube clicks.
this sort of mentality is why bikes need banned.
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maybe that's exactly what iam after :D
conflict is good, conflict is life.
That's a felony in California. And if some faggot did that to me, I would stab him/her.
I have been planning on getting one just for insurance reasons.
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OK faggot...here see the size of the barrel? see the hst's? see the mags? See the other one I also carry?
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First time here? First week or so?
You will figure it out eventually man. Drop the "I" and stop the larp. You're going to do okay.
I don't care about lanesplitting but fuck motorcyclist. They constantly do 20-30 mph over the speed limit through residential and school zones
pretty big bbballs this airsoft must shoots.
i dont mind bikers but why are lots of them faggots that have to rev their shit super loud in public or at 2am?
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yeah how dare I stop someone who has tried to kill me not once but twice.
this sort of mentality is why people need euthanasia.


Cagers, car drivers.. watch this video and learn not to fuck with bikers, and let them lane-split. Fucking pussys in ur boxes.
I live in the USA and fat mid-life small dicks always ride these homocycles in the middle of the highway. What are you talking about?
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luckiest biker alive.webm
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>using bikes on a highway
You suicidal fucks are a public safety hazard!
Well, I'll be damned. I'd figure a faggot like you would have picked up a felony somewhere along the way but I was wrong I spose. Those hsts still won't penetrate an engine block.
This.It's bad enough those faggots drive like lunatics, but theres been a ton of instances where one of these fags rides down the road while I'm hjaving a conversation and I can't even hear the other person who's right in front of me talk.

If any of you that do this are ITT please just kill yourselves.
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Yeah I don't post much I lurk a bit. But all the KILL MUHTERCYCLES shit gets a little old.
That notebook is definitely shopped
Nobody who actually owns guns says this. The x19 is implied and you only need to specify if it's not, like a 9x18. Put your dad's guns away before you shoot yourself or shoot up your school and tell him to lock his safe next time.
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.
You're not wrong
What the fick did you just fucking say about me, you little untermensch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Waffen SS, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Jew hideouts, and I have over 300 confirmed jew scalpings. I am trained in aryan warfare and i'm the top sniper in the entire Third Reich armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another juden. I will wipe you the fick out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Enigma machine? Think again, schwine. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of Gestapo agents across Nazi Germany and your gold star is being tracked right now so you better prepare for the storm, semite. The storm that wipes out the pathetic thing you call your chai. You're fucking dead, jew. I can be anywhere, anytime and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my double Sig runes. Not only am I extensively trained in swastika combat; but I have access to the entire arsenal of the Kriegsmarine and I will use it to its full extend to wipe your miserable subhuman stain off the continent, you little scheiße. If only you could have know the Aryan retribution your little "jewish" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking nose. But you couldn't, you didn't and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit Hitler all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, juden.

Move to some third world shithole if you want to zip around on sidewalks and between lanes like some gook.

This is America and we wait in line patiently in our luxury SUV's and minivans, ideally with a right-wing podcast on talk radio playing.
Too bad your brain would be smeared across the asphalt, faggot.
You sound like a real cock sucking cuck, did you know that?
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>definitely shopped

Try harder faggot. I said 9x19 to be specific. This ain't no 6mm plastic bb's. I reload 9x19 among other calibers too. Want to know C.O.L. on my plinking 115fmj's? How about the propellant charge grain weight? Want me to take pictures of my reloading equipment too or is that also going to be def shopped?

>9x19 Nobody who actually owns guns says this.

I own guns and I just said it. So you are admitting once again you know fuck-all. Good job.

Fucking faggots. Go suck a dick or something.
take an oreo. without breaking it or taking it apart, lick the cream but NOT THE COOKIES

thats lanesplitting
man ill break out my x-32 alpine cool grip.
I'll pay to make you a study claiming it is not safer. It's safer theoretically, but if you are a bitch, and let's be honest here, most bikers are dumb bitches, riding aggressively and over the limit, it's not safe. The machine is no lightweight and they usually drive really dangerously. I've seen cars completely penetrated by motorbike, no survivors. From my standpoint, I prefer you get killed instead of you killing yourself and me in my car.
KYS, or buy a car.
>Land of the free

As pathetic as Jay Walking
Can't even cross the rad where and when you like. Have to be nannied by the state, every stage of the way
that was definitely gay af
A good way to get yourself killed m8. If everyone carries, no one does. You want to start fucking shootout? I wouldn't shut up if I saw a gun m8.
Yeah, take pictures of your white trash reloading equipment and be sure to include more mossy oak in it.
yeah, on roads that are shittier than brazil in places
Nice. Lose sight of me and pray I don't side step from my already not direct-angle and still light you up through the door. Yeah with you not even looking I am sure everything would be alright for you while I proceeded to open fire.

Sure thing timmy.
You wouldn't hit shit, retard, this has been established multiple times. He doesn't even need to pray. He could give a thumbs up and then flip the bird.
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right. They are mine you can't have them jew
What you are seeing is a limited model that has the extended barrel. it also has night sights. The cheap plastic you are derping over is a cerakote job that is showing wear from being carried. Now you want to see a pic of my bike too faggot?
Yes, post bike and boipussy too
Sure thing whatever you say no bike no gun faggot loser.
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