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I'm afraid in the Race War I'm gonna get attacked by

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I'm Asian and White, I'm Fascist/Mussolinist and I'm Afraid that I'll be attacked by the Communists and Fellow right wingers, for my race. I'm scared.
You should be. You're on scare tactics.
I am only going for the niggers and mudslimes.
I feel you bro, I'm hispanic and I look like an arab even though I hate those backwards mudslimes.

Either hole up in a secluded location and shoot anyone who goes near you, or just find an Asian gang since you probably look Asian. Then when things stabilize find the inevitable fascist breakaway state and ask if you can join.
Well whatever you do, don't go to Canada or Australia. They HATE hapas and Asians for some reason...
I look too white to be apart of an Asian gang
>I'm Asian
Doomed since conception
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Honestly when it goes down Asian's will probably be given honorary white status unless shit really hits the fan and they are deemed not worthy. We'll need the help killing the nogs.
Sorry senpai, you asians won't be the first ones to disapear but you eventually wil, after the spics probably. It's ok tho you probably won't live to see it happen.
You get free lead.
First things first, pop that zit.
oh nevermind I think you're good.
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You will undoubtedly be eviscerated in the great race wars, chink. This is the curse that your parents bestowed upon you.
No its chinks that are hated up here even though there are some white guys who marry chink chicks. There are a lot of Chinese now, but for the most part no one hates the Japanese and they become anglicized in one generation.
But a swastika t-shirt and wear it on the day of the chopstick.
Why would whites attack asians? They can be annoying but they're not a drain on western society. As long as they're a small minority who cares
just gas kikes, they caused this
If your a jap or a plip your probably good. Depending on the people. I doubt there will ever be a race war (unless blm starts it). I am pretty sure there will be a war against Islam around the world at some point.
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asians & whites are friends you dickhead

whites begrudgingly like chinks, and chinks begrudgingly like whites. its the widest form of racial harmony on the planet. i have... only SOME bad things to say about chinks, which basically makes them my favorite race besides my own

unless you are asian in the "mediterranean descent" variant. in that case, fuck you, i hope you get thrown off a cliff
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Get ouuuuuuuttttt!

honestly if you jump in a foxhole with white people as a happa and start shooting niggers, I don't think anyone is gonna turn on you. People talk shit here but when bullets start flying people will just be thankful you're willing to be on their side and actually do something. Be glad you're not half black because that is more tricky and you would probably be fucked.
Fuck you faggot, we are the redneck Canadians that turn on out own that day. Do you even know any fucking Canadians?
You shouldn't be fascist. Mussolini had a worse economy than Germany's because it had more central planning than NatSoc Germany. If you must have fascist inclinations, adopt Germany's style of economy, or even China's. Overall, a free market economy is best because there is a lack of both big government and big business which screw over the common man.
What kind of Asian?
Get lost Lolbert

Unregulated Free Market economy will lead us straight to hell.
I just hate the dark skinned people. Asians aren't the problem. Yet.
>I'm scared.
Get the fuck out of our nation, chink.
Yet it's the only ideology that lets the common and poor man lift themselves up rather than being held back.
I don't believe in a racial test. It's one of ideology and intelligence. Race factors in to those things.
pretty much this OP
you have to be 18 to post here. holy shit all this underage cancer.
You'll be fine
and kys
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>your future
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I have the same problem. I look white, but my dad is Korean. Hopefully I can fly under the radar when shit gets real.
How does one become an honorary Aryan?
Gook + white= guatemalan? Sheeeit
False. It's easier to become rich in Norway than in the US or Brazil or India. All have less regulated economies.

Tax funded education, health care, sick leave, vacation days is essential. Government should also regulate/build and provide housing if needed. This model creates MUCH better societies in the long run. You can do this without importing non-Europeans and having open borders.
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how asian we talkin here
are you half japanese or half some sort of sick gook reject
Asians are honorary Aryans - Horohito did good back then
As a white man Asians are the least of my worries when talking other races. In any case thou you should gtfo of our country
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>I'm Asian and white
Yet in reality they aren't free markets. The only free market that tried to flourish was a project in Chile called "Galt's Gluch Chile", but it failed not because of its economics, but because a single person was selling land and property there to those interested, but never ponied up when the time came and just sucked up their money, and disallowed them from establishing a base to get the economy going. He was probably a kike looking to discredit libertarianism/ancap.
No such thing as "something" and white. You're not white unless you can say "I'm white."
ancap here, if race war starts I will start killing every race just for fun. Maybe I can make a profit selling bombs.
No problem, I'll take a sister of yours as a wife. I'm Greek. We are white.
doesn't follow NAP
They have less regulated economies than Norway, which was my point.
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You should be
thats what you get for supporting authoritariansim
Asians are honorary
If anyone doubts you just say you're Portuguese.
We need a shaolin division full of athletic hapas like that jungle book gook who also played the crow.
No serious man would be going for asians in a hypothetical war
Responding to violence with violence is permitted by the NAP.
>I'm Asian and White
Kek. Sorry chang, you can only be one.
Also you made this thread twice now, faggot I'm on to you, stop sliding shit


If your not wearing red and fucking hanging out with niggers your fine.
On what measures? Scandinavian countries get a bunch of hype by bernfags for being 'democratic socialist' paradises, yet they have freer markets than most places, just high taxes. Scandinavian countries also don't really produce anything worthwhile compared to the biggest economies.
Asians will likely get a pass assuming they don't get involved
Don't be afraid, when we will rise again from the ashes of hell, barbarians and niggers will be crucified, we don't have problems with asians/japanese, actually we italians have great respect for nationalist japan. and we are very sorry for the nuk3s, was a tragedy.
You can join the ranks as a based roof korean
>Scandinavian countries also don't really produce anything worthwhile compared to the biggest economies.
We have low populations...
And we don't have freer markets than most places. However we are opening up, which will have damaging effects in the long run. Not more damaging than our own genocide though.
Also this says they you guys have higher 'regulatory efficiency' than the US. I don't know if that means less or more regulation, but obviously regulation that's bad does not point to a freer economy.
forgot link: http://www.newsobserver.com/opinion/op-ed/article62448217.html
andres br3vik
Jesus fucking Christ kid, you're not even old enough to have a family, what the fuck do you even know about life in order to decide you're a fascist.

These underage LARPers are gonna kill this fucking board, I swear.
>this is what a fascist from /pol/ looks like
That's because we are a high-trust educated society with less corruption and less incompetent people. Not only because of the system, but also because of our culture, genetic stock and the fact that we were until recently homogenous.
By far the best image ever posted on 4chan
True I hated gooks before it was even cool
Yet now you'll be able to revel with your mudslime leeches. As soon as your libcuck friends put mudslimes in government your countries will be recked. Besides that, if your people had higher IQs they'd probably make better products that the world would use besides having a low population. A free market encourages market competence and higher IQs because of it.
Worry about being deported back to Mexico.
Relax. Just acknowledge that you are a second class citizen there and you will be fine. Humility is a virtue that all true christians respect.
>As soon as your libcuck friends put mudslimes in government your countries will be recked
True, but that isn't an argument against the economic model. Do you want this to happen so that your worldview would somehow seem more right?

>Besides that, if your people had higher IQs they'd probably make better products that the world would use besides having a low population.
How much higher? I'm pretty sure we are 99-101 like all of Western-Europe. I don't see how this is relevant either though. Comparable to our populations we do actually make a lot of "products" that are exported though, so you don't really have a point at all.

Norway is a special case because very much of our industry is centered around oil and oil technology (where we are leading actors).

>A free market encourages market competence and higher IQs because of it.
How do Free market encourage smart people to have more children?
Asians are going to be on the white side in the race war. You'll be fine.
I don't care what happens to Scandinavia as I'm not from there. If you succeed or parish that's on you. As you open your markets further I'd expect bigger success, but you're also going to have to keep the gibs away from the leeches entering your countries. A free market encourages a person with a low IQ to think more efficiently and grow their brain so they can attain a higher IQ to succeed in the marketplace, regardless of being born with certain IQs.
>I don't care what happens to Scandinavia as I'm not from there.
Where are you from?

>I'd expect bigger success
Short term? Questionable. Long term? Nothing implies it.

>A free market encourages a person with a low IQ to think more efficiently and grow their brain so they can attain a higher IQ to succeed in the marketplace, regardless of being born with certain IQs.
But how does it make high IQs have more children and low IQs have less?
Nice face no homo
I'm from the USA

It'd be longer term success if your politicians don't back out of the free market policies after experimenting slightly.

Regardless of the breeding habits, it'll make the efficiently intelligent succeed and the unintelligent not succeed. And even then you don't need government gibs for the ones who fail, as private charities make up for that.
When the bullets start flying no one is going to be that picky. In war your brother is the man to your right and left.

The happa question is like way down the list of things that matter. Just have good ways to ID as friendly.
>I'm from the USA
Are you white?

>It'd be longer term success
If they just tear down everything that was build post-WW2? Sorry, but I don't measure success in the number of rich people. Rather I prefer to measure in the well-being of the population as a whole, including the rich of course.

>it'll make the efficiently intelligent succeed and the unintelligent not succeed.
It would be a good thing if it improved our genepool, as in later generations would be harder working and with higher IQ. I base things from an utilitarian point of view, which is the only objective way of base things from.
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>Being shunned/attacked by whites in the race war

Haha, no. Don't worry.
Hole up and protect yourselves and your property. Or fight with us against the lesser races, it would be greatly appreciated.

Personally, I'll be taking in my elderly Chinese neighbors if anything goes down. They're my childhood friend's parents and he lives up North now. I wouldn't dare let anything happen to them.
lol Just tell everyone you are a Finn.
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Asians would be the only reliable Allies for Whites, don't get blackpilled.
We've been Allies before, We'll be Allies again.
orientals are ok in my book,you are one of us m8

hitler liked you

you have a deep and rich history like ours

your men have high iq

your women are hot

you work hard

you will be spared
I'm white and latino 50/50.

The number of rich people means more and more are lifting themselves up to the point no one is not wealthy, and equates to well-being of the whole population over time. It has better communal benefits than collective ideas ever have given.
>Implying anyone gives a fuck about a happa.

Look at you, get buff and kill these niggers with us.
Asians are smarter and more successful than they white man without trying to subvert our culture from within. Asians deserve no hostility as long as they aren't commie scum.
>I'm white and latino 50/50.
And why you don't care about the future of Norway? I care about the future of any country and especially European ones. You are mostly European of ancectry I would assume, so this is where you loyalty should be.

>up to the point no one is not wealthy
Economy doesn't work this way, sorry. If everyone is rich, who would work shitty low-paid jobs?
do you also like to give helicopter rides
There is no such thing as a 'latino'.
I'm an individual, not bound by collective identities. As much as I like European cultures, I'm not bound by them. If individuals in other areas of the world had good cultures I'd appreciate those too.
Well my Mexican-American mom has somewhat fair skin. My dad's Anglo-Saxon. Either way I don't like being bound by race identity either.
Make sure you band up with understanding people and prove your self in combat. you shouldn't need to do much else to prove your worth if you can fight like a white man
Fpbp and checked
this its believable
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So you want a society where you as an individual can succeed.

I want that for me too, only that I am not willing to sacrifice my people for it.

What is best for the nation as a whole, is the right path.
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Asian;s and Halfa are allys dont worry
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This is who you post with everyday
Speak for yourself you disgusting weeb. Chinks are subhuman scum on par with jews and as gross as pajeets, they get the gas too.
Over time evolution would probably make regional differences in humans again though. Based on the geography and temperature the best traits for certain environments will win out. I suppose natural selection is curbed because of human muckery, but on the plus side you'll probably be able to genetically modify undesirable traits out of you or offspring over time. Personally I stick away from trans-humanism though for religious and other reasons.
fuck you cia nigger muh based asain didnotdonuffin wongggg... we need more ppl on are side i rather have it be the smart ones that dont do crime
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