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>net neutrality >banning encryption backdoors >union

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>net neutrality
>banning encryption backdoors
>union wide roaming
>student exchange programs
>internal freedom of movement
>the right to be forgotten (aka fuck silicon valley)
>collective bargaining to bully everyone else
>extensive consumer protections
>technocracy that does not answer directly to the feelings of dumb voters

Tell me again, without using memes, why should we dislike the EU?
forced immigration crisis killing off native Europeans
the ability to actually vote for your leaders and have a say in how you are governed

u fuckin pussy
this. everyone knows Swedes have fun with that tiny smelly hajji cock fucking your women.
Because Europeans on /pol/ are total fucking Anglo cucks that are so out of touch with reality they cannot differenate between American/British interests and their own country's interests.
the aspects of their policies that effect real life?

if your politics are based 100% on the internet you are a fucking loser.
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>the ability to actually vote for your leaders and have a say in how you are governed
>uses fascist flag
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>banning encryption backdoors
very useful information desu
Basically this. Besides, you can achieve everything you said with an independent state and a good government.
Not being forced to take part in the EU army. Being allowed to elect your own rulers. Being allowed to negotiate trade deals by yourself. Brits get their fishing rights back in the north sea. Not having to fund a bloated, opaque monstrosity. Etc etc
Because it allows immigrants, and every time you want to deport one human rights court block it
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>Fascists have never gained power through democratic means
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>92135892357 millions immigrants arrive in Europe
>nobody wants them
>germany sends half of them to Sweden
>tell them no, we can't afford it
>Germany forces us, either immigrants or Sweden is kill

Tell me again why this is good
yeah and ours is gonna do it right?
Europe will get cut out like a birthday cake if EU collapses

Having to choose between American forced policies and Russian forced policies (depending on which side of the continent you're on) like during the Cold War is not independence, it's pure fucking slavery.
>without using memes
back in reality. same with the americans, but i don't respond to them because they never know any better.
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>>student exchange programs
That was just Sodom and Gomorrah abroad on taxpayer expense. Of course I enjoyed it but taxing me so that some other dipshits can have the same fun is bullshit.
>x student in germany gets one student from france
>y student in france gets one student from germany
>same amount of students go through same amount of hoops
>this is somehow much more expensive
*x/y student = x/y university
No, but this doesn't mean the rest of European countries are third world shitholes.

>Having to choose between American forced policies and Russian forced policies
Ultimately both and the EU have the same masters we like it or not.
>Not being forced to take part in the EU army
There isn't and won't be such thing in our lifetimes
>Being allowed to elect your own rulers.
So the status quo??
>Being allowed to negotiate trade deals by yourself.
I know it might be impossible to understand for a Brexiter but majority of European countries have no negotiating power to force favourable deals with the great powers of this world, which is why the EU happened in the first place
You just posted the pros of being in the EU

>Send money to EU
>recive less back

>don't have the freedom to choose what we do with country
>EU stops that

>EU globalist laws goes before our own laws
right to be forgotten is retarded, especially when the government doesn't do any forgetting
We shouldn't. Only autists deny the benefits of the EU. The main argument against it is "muh rapefugees". Just ignore them and hope the jews leave Assad alone so we have a reason to deport the refugees back without infringing the moral values of the Union. It will get better, /pol/ is just LARPing.
When have they?
shut up fattard

we have pretty good experience in exterminating annoying minorities
>>130707256 >>130707394 >>130707476 >>130708040 >>130708061 >>130708274 >>130708429 >>130708502 >>130708686 >>130709261 >>130710220 >>130710256
pretty sure it's all the niggers and jewish overlords bringing in the niggers and making you pay for the niggers and the kikes don't have to deal with the niggers and the kikes are tying to replace whites with the niggers
Obviously a military and economic alliance is not bad. All the problems we have are with the political union. Military cooperation as long as it's not to kill poor innocent people in the name of the kikes is necessary and good, just like economic cooperation. The problem is we are currently a puppet of the US and therefore (((them))) militarily and of the (((big corporations))) economicly and politically.
So we create a new network.
How fuckin hard can it be?
Everyone goes to the home University they can afford. Everyone does an exchange to wherever their tax-paid Erasmus scholarship can get them in. So yes, people do move UP for their semester abroad. Only whores slum it.
because if not there would be a war on the Balkans now

and German foreign policy based on stabile Balkans

Gun control.
Lack of national sovereignty.
Impossibility of setting up your own market do to foreign companies already being set up to outcompete you with nothing to do about it.
Gibs even when properly implemented create dependency.

Oh and I almost forgot:
Brain drain which leads to a poor employment rate for nationals in the rich nations, and lack of development in the poor nation.
I understand where youre coming from, but i disagree. If EU was USAs puppet we would have had TTIP shoved down our throats years ago.
You mispelled EUSSR which are unaccountable to anyone - fuck the EU
I don't give a shit about the balkans
They can have a war for all I care as long as there aren't any immigrants comming to my country
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I said militarily not economically.
Brexit seems like a staged event to show what happens when you leave the JewU.

welcome to the 21st century
>Gun control.
No one here wants those pieces of shit allowed you fat retard, EU or not
>Lack of national sovereignty.
Again, stop viewing the rest of the world from your very American centric perspective. Majority of Europe wouldn't be independent without some sort of a pan continental organisation to fight for their mutual interests.
>Impossibility of setting up your own market do to foreign companies already being set up to outcompete you with nothing to do about it.
Gibs even when properly implemented create dependency.
Hint: the poor shit countries of EU would still be poor and dumb outside of it. Leaving the union won't magically turn you into the next Silicon Valley. The real world isn't like your American Dream.
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Brexit is a disaster. They only wanted to stop immigration but paki immigration not polish immigration. They were too afraid to say it loud because muh racism and they are still recieving 300000 pakis/year despite having left the EU.
Romanian and Hungarians come here to leech of off SU (student grants) and free college. Then they leave, like a mosquito who has drained as much blood from its host as it possibly can, before taking off with the benefits. Fucking slavic scum. They should all go back. No Danish person in their right mind would freely go to Romania to study, hell I wouldn't even if I was paid in six digits. Truly a disgusting people. All thanks to EU, I have to work with them, because they are required to work at least 10 hours a week to be eligable for grants.
>national sovereignty is "American Centric"

Elaborate on that for us please.
>technocracy that does not answer directly to the feelings of dumb voters
>absolute rule by a small political elite with no accountability is a good thing
How's that boot leather taste?
Hows that monetary policy working out for you Iberian monkey? Where's the youth unemployment rate at these days?
And don't even get me started on the smell, oh lord the smell. Once brought a Romanian girl home, she couldn't even get me hard, so I showed her nicely out the door.
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It's FUCKING BULLSHIT! That's why.

The EU is a good idea, to unify mainland europe. Instead the two main factions of whites Germanic Europe, and Anglo Empire, has bitched and faught against each other for so fucking long, that the only creatures that benefit are our enemys.

If we continue on this present course, white will die. Period.

1. Europe belongs to Germanic Europeans, they should push south into Africa.

2. Anglosphere should rule the seas, and get a grip on it's American colonys.

3. Slavs and Rus look east, and secure that.

DONE. Whites spread and push out in 3 directions, and we got this. But most of the shit happening to use, is done by another faction of whites, and everyone loses, except our enemys. All 3 factions should stop fucking with each other.

The Immigration crisis was caused by the US and UK fucking shit up in the Arab world, and flooding mainland Europe with mud in order to weaken it. UK pulled out at just the right moment to pull up the drawbridge to stop it getting fucked at the mess it created.
Why would you invite a gypsy to your home?

This is like a binary star system of two retards.
It would be shit with or without the EU. All the complains people here have against the EU are immigration and liking your masters' boots in foreign policy. In the rest of aspects we would be worst without the EU than now with them.
I thought you niggers were somewhat educated
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I agree.
But that doesn't changes the fact that CIA has a base in Germany. EU isn't European, fuck that shit, nothing about it is European and nothing about it is equal salary oriented and nothing about it is based on trade between European countries, it's all about international trade of global companies.
Why would you invite hundreds of thousands of muslims into your home?

If you have a basket of rotten apples and rotten pineapples, you have a basket with rotten fruit in it. When your wife asks you, whats that smell coming from the basket, you explain to her, that its rotten fruit. Pragmatic racism my good summerfriend.
I don't invite them. The government does and the cucks of this nation
>you have a basket with rotten fruit in it
So, you guys make pruno like swedistanis?
Why don't you contact your local representative?

>be sven
>call local rep to complain about immigration
>phone picks up
>"hallo this is Abdulla"
Reminder that the Chink firewall is so ineffective that it is actually optional for police to arrest people for net crimes and people get around the censors by just using different words, and the UK is the fucking base of operations for several of the major ISPs.

Theresa May's plan was retarded when she was the leader of a majority government, let alone now.
Those technocrats have more checks and balances than your higher-ups. The EU actually kept the surveillance state from expanding in countries like the UK.

And they (the Commission) are appointed by elected governments (the Council) which hold proportional power (contingent on each state's population) not so different from your presidency backed by the electoral college.
The electoral college decides the leader of the federal government not the leaders of the individual states. The US federal government's purpose is to maintain the autonomy of the states as best as possible.

The EU is NOT a government. It doesn't fucking matter how proportional power is, it is not a government. It should not have a court or a parliament or a fucking currency or a national anthem. I don't care how proportional my country's power is in the EU, I don't want Germans or French or Poles having any say whatsoever in my country's law.
>local representative
>ask a commie to stop accepting immigrants
Yeah, that will sure make some change
>internal freedom of movement
That's something negative. My country is full of Balkan niggers because of that.

>union wide roaming
>the right to be forgotten (aka fuck silicon valley)
These are profound interferences with economic freedoms. If EU wide roaming is such a great thing then somebody would do it by themselves. It seems it's just not profitable, so why force them to do unprofitable business? That's a recipe for disaster.

>technocracy that does not answer directly to the feelings of dumb voters
Oh, they are concerned about the public opinion. They have just problems conveying their "democratic approachability".
But I agree insofar as the purely technocratic stuff (what kind of voltage levels are allowed in deviced that are certified for...) is done quite well by them. They are just grossly overreaching into areas that are none of their business and they want every more of that.

>banning encryption backdoors
impossible to enforce. Just for PR.

>collective bargaining to bully everyone else
THat's the one good thing about the EU. And that's why it was invented in the first place and nothing mroe.
Ahah, I didn't mean to say the EU has a say in who leads each state. And states are free to leave. No civil wars here.

But to think other countries have no say in your country's law is a deep misunderstanding of geopolitics. Your country can't thrive alone. Because countries are interdependent they make mutual concessions. But "mutual" doesn't mean equal, other economies don't need yours as much as yours needs theirs. The best you can hope for, if you are not already one of the strongest economies, is to band together and have your group negotiate as one, from a position of superiority. Or you can pursue worse trade deals, sure, and have weaker growth.
because it leeches off countries with good economy, health care, laws, etc. and turn them into complete shitholes with no say. Just "you're a part of this, you have to comply". As long as Germany has such a big part in the EU, being friends with shit countries like Turkey, Greece, etc. it will never be good.

NATO is fine tho, since America mainly is in charge. I just hope we can keep our 2% promise so our military stays somewhat strong, and so we dont become the leeches.
>Ahah, I didn't mean to say the EU has a say in who leads each state.
The point is the EU wants this. Guy the baby shit eater Verhofstadt openly wants this. I realise the geopolitical climate has some degree of influence over law but the EU wants to seize direct control of its member states.
>These are profound interferences with economic freedoms. If EU wide roaming is such a great thing then somebody would do it by themselves. It seems it's just not profitable, so why force them to do unprofitable business? That's a recipe for disaster.

yees goy, listen to your corporate masters
This polack gets the basics right.
You can oppose the EU for a plethora of reasons but the basic idea: making Europe independent of the interests of foreign powers.
Whoever thinks that Europe, which conquered the world should now be a continent of serfs to the JewSA or the declining Russian neoEmpire is just a huge fucking cuck.
But that's what the burgerflags on this board want, ofc. And their lapdogs are vehemently arguing for European subservience too. But they Anglos have always been traitors to the white race. Time to rid us of them.
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Why don't you set up your own telecom provider and see how the business goes?
What I grant the EU is to prepare a level playing field so that you can expand your business to other EU countries but forcing them to charge you in a specific way?
You will get either get poor service quality or unhealthy businesses that can't invest anything because they have to shoulder an unprofitable business model.
>le net nootrality

This is the faggiest most reddit thing to whine about
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