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Why doesnt /pol/ like Israel anymore? Theyre white, based and

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Why doesnt /pol/ like Israel anymore? Theyre white, based and nationalist. Also, they BTFO mudslimes 24/7/365. Are /pol/ hypocrites for hating Israel? I think so
that left cunt is the jewiest looking jew cunt i've ever seen
/pol/ was never a Zionist board. We oppose all forms of Jewish supremacy.

Fuck off shill
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Semites are not aryan
That's a cute way of saying stubborn
Nationalists don't depend on international finance.

>Hating Israel
I want them out of my government, no hard feelings.
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how is a country nationalist when it needed the "British empire" for its fucking creation fuck Israel fuck Jewish religious supremacy fuck retarded threads like this DOWN WITH ISRAEL VIVA PALESTINE
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Reee there's nothing wrong with being Jewish.
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Becouse they are jews and consider everyone else their enemy. +guilty for european imigration crisis
because they are bitch boys for the house of saud and the muslim brotherhood.
Stop posting Russian/Ukrainian IDF grills.

Wtf I wanna fuck a jewish girl nkw
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Provide proof that pol ever did like Israel
Protip you cannot
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Kalergi is a piece of shit, but the only thing he was saying here was to raise jews to another sect of people that did not mix with the general population of europe and controlled them - the european aristocracy. It's not anti-white. It's anti-white pleb.

Every time I see a jew face, my jewdar goes beserk and I have a sudden urge to start building gas chambers.
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Russian are the best.
You guys are going to shit on me for saying this, but I'm in favor of a Jewish ethnostate in Israel if a White ethnostate is created in Europe
These ones actually aren't. The one on the left is an Eva Green type ashkenazi, and the one on the left is a mizrachi
When did /pol/ ever like kikes?

Get out Chaim. Saged
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You guys post Jude girls all the time.
good bait
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>hating Israel? I think so

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>Why doesnt /pol/ like Israel anymore? Theyre white, based and nationalist. Also, they BTFO mudslimes 24/7/365. Are /pol/ hypocrites for hating Israel? I think so>>Anonymous (ID: 5UEjP0KJ)
>06/20/17(Tue)17:31:43 No.130707437
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There seems to be quite a lot of Israel threads today.
Is today some Jewish or Israeli holiday?

Anyways, Israel is a pretty based country.
What I learned growing up, from my (God-fearing) Oupa, was that Israel is a country that stood by us during Apartheid when no one else did.
He also told me that it's a white country, with white people facing the brown hordes - similar to our situation here with the kaffers.

If Israelis are white, and our allies against the Muslims, then why should we hate them? I see no good reason for this if I ignore all the autistic /pol/ memes.
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We should stand with Israel /pol/.

Or do we stand with the paki Palestinians who the other sand pakis can't stop drooling over?
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>similar to our situation here with the kaffers.
Perhaps however look at what they are doing against us not just for us and ask if the scales balance out?

And this is why the jew hates themself. I'd hate myself too.


Right.... There is nothing wrong about eating baby goy.
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Fuck off.

They control the USA.

It makes the plebs in the USA unhappy.

The jews say they are just better stock. Not the case; just better at telling lies.
I makes me feel good to see Americans more and more redpilled about the Jews
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>they're white
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I agree
Looks line a Reddit meet up
Huuuh! That's pretty frightening!
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(((They're))) not white.
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>Israeli special forces
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>Hasbara thread with Jihadi flag
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>Why doesnt /pol/ like Israel anymore?

Because jews. Israel as a nation does a lot of respectable things, it's the fact that there are 15 or so million should-be Israelis around the west that's the problem
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>Israel as a nation does a lot of respectable things
[citation needed]
thanks to pol i actually like jews. nazi larpers are pathetic
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Because it's a fake country.

Jews aren't white.


They're fiercely nationalistic and persecute non-westerners, that's respectable as far as a nation looking after itself.
They should stop treating Palis like shit.
If they are serious with a peace process a lot of their enemies would be out of a job
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I would love to be allies with Israel, but they are the number one entity that is trying to destroy Europe. Israel is actively and purposely trying to commit genocide (Article 2 section C) on white people.

>You need to love us goy, we are your allies goy.
Fuck of jew, you are root to every fucking current problem.
Why a jewish girl didn't answer to me when I wrote, but add another girl (which answered) into friend-list
>see flag
I don't mind you posting here but you need to get out of /sg/ thread
It's time Israel started taking in refugees
So? A lot of Muslims countries are nationalistic and that doesn't make them better. Also you forgot to say the live leeching burger aid. They are not more than parasites. Come to a foreign land and kill their residents and when Muslims get angry about it they are bad for defend their land but kikes are based for killing some Muslims? Fuck off.
I like Israel. Unf /pol/ has real fug NAZIs on here. I love Jews!!! There's just a lot of autistic mental cases on here.
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Go back to Israel JIDF!

Because kikes, that's why.
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>tfw no jewish gf
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Outside Israel
>Accept diversity Goyim!!!
Inside Israel
>n-no negro jews p-pls....

Go fuck yourself JIDF
Jews are like vegans

They always got to let us goys know they are jewish. It gets irritating.
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I stand with Israel.
Because their leaders want to destroy the west and white culture for their own gain. I have no idea why? Do they not see by taking out whites they will leave themselves alone to fight the Muslim hordes that hate them?
Found the vegan...I mean Jew
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Smite the Parasite.
how come a large portion of them have curly hair?
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>we are not a race u racist goy
>posts hawt jew bitches

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*shuts u down*
They're arabic
If nobody pointed it out you would have no fucking clue if she was Jewish you dumb stormweenie
yanks and brits that stand with Israel have got to be some of the most stupid motherfuckers out there
t. Ahmed
I stand with you because you are an human being.
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THIS. Hes just mad a shitskin like him would never have a chance with a Based (and white) Jewish Goddess like her
Kalergi wasn't even Jewish cunt.
There are brown jewish too and even blacks. What do you think of them?
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Ugh Israhell. Free Palestine.
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The blacks are pretty much harmless, unlike the blacks in America. Still wish they weren't here, though.
Jews skin color might be white but they are hook nosed.
This thread is jew propaganda, hot girls with idf uniforms. Weird, like sending american jews to israel to mingle with israelites. Everything your people does it's weird, subtle, with some hidden purpose. Just stop, sage.
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Don't think so honey
>There seems to be quite a lot of Israel threads today.

all we ever knew online was hate, jew hating is the oldest form of hating, it existed before the internet. so when we get in places like this (no filters) we see things we only heard about, that's the first thing we ask, because that's the first thing we see here.
much logic /pol,
>The blacks are pretty much harmless

True, you would imagine they would develop thug syndrome, or street shaniqwa syndrome, but they don't.
It's thanks to the army and the fact that all non orthodox jews serve, most jews would tell you best 3 years of their lives.
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