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Why have none of the terror attacks since 9/11 been even half

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Why have none of the terror attacks since 9/11 been even half as sophisticated?

9/11 = some shitskins take pilot lessons for months, hijack four planes simultaneously, crash a plane into each twin tower within minutes of each other, and fuck up the pentagon with another plane. Thousands killed, Western world brought to a standstill.

7/7 = four pakis blow up London underground and a bus. Still pretty impressive, but much smaller scale

Paris 2015 = Muslim with a gun runs into a concert, shoots a few people

London 2017 = some geezer crashes a van and stabs a few people

Are terrorist attacks becoming less sophisticated as time goes on!?

You know (((why))), anon, you know why.
Because the FBI arrests the terrorists before it happens.
Because (((MSM))) and Deep State CIA Mossad Niggers did it.

oh and the planes were CGI.
Actually I don't
They don't need to be sophisticated anymore. It would help a lot if they were but people have already lost that post cold war feeling of invulnerability because of 7/7 and 9/11. We all know the next concert we go to could get shot up, or the bank gets bombed on the day we need to deposit cash.

Honestly, I don't know how brits can manage. Here in Texas everytime a muzzie tries something he gets shot.
9/11 style of terrorist attacks will never happen again, it's too expensive, it takes too much training and too much planning to do and there's 1000 ways it could go wrong, besides all that, ISIS knows that for instance they blow up the Eiffel Tower, it would cause too much anger, too much outrage that will cause another mass invasion in the scale of Iraq and Afghanistan, and that's not what they want, that's why they're doing Eye-drop terrorism, because you get to kill infidels and cause terror but not enough for Europe to ever wake up, it's ideal for them.
Becasue of 9/11 intelligence agencies and law enforcement have been more diligent, have shared info with one another more, created more sophisticated means of intelligence collection and analysis, etc etc.

Something like 9/11 can be prevented today due to everything I said above, due to its complexity. Someone driving a truck into a crowd inst sophisticated and cant be stopped.
Because none of them since then were planned and backed by the Saudis.
Because after an event of the magnitude of 9/11, we're motivated to go kill some shitskins. When it's a smaller attack that only kills a couple dozen people, all we do is light candles and tweet out #NotAllMuslims.

Mudslimes have learned death by a thousand cuts is a better strategy than major attacks.
Can't take time to plan shit out over years when you are constantly getting MOABd and droned non stop.
read this and learn http://theinfounderground.com/smf/index.php?topic=1742.0 9/11 was a talpiot operation
Because Israel now has the US government in their pockets. They know that they are in full control after the US politicians covered up their crime. No need for Mossad to attack the United States unless they lose control of the power structure,
Because the Jihadis are dumb as bricks and they can't prepare a good terrorist attack without help from Mossad and Saudis.
also I believe this "low tech" terrorism we are seeing is to get people to sympathise with Israel the rammings/knive attacks are very similar to over there
you may enjoy this http://theinfounderground.com/smf/index.php?topic=1742.0
a wealth of information
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>the cgi plane kraut is back again
seriously u must be lurking this board 24/7/365 just to spam ur anunaki tier shit in every 911 thread WHAT THE FUCK
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its true tho

He makes the threads on a proxy
ISIS has more of a focus on lone-wolf style attacks, where they inspire individuals to commit acts of terrorism as opposed to a proper plan. That, combined with increased security where a high profile attack is far more likely to be picked up, leads to more frequent but less deadly attacks.
I actually don't.
but I watch /pol/ 24/7 and post in every 9/11 thread that I see.
Because 9/11 was the Zionists' ultimate attack, the event on which all their subsequent attacks depended. It had to succeed - because if it did not and the truth were found out then it could lead to the end of Israel itself.

Now that (((they))) have successfully completed 9/11, all they need do is occasionally create attacks that bring up the *memory* of 9/11. A much, much simpler task.

It's like their Passover: they only needed to have all the first born children killed once. Then after that all (((they))) had to do was eat some shitty food to remind them and their masturbatory orgasm was almost as good as when they imagine it actually happened.

So the op just asks a question then leaves right? I guess its possible though
The official theory is the hardest one to beleive.
Imagine that at this very moment, ISIS could be planning the biggest act of terrorism the world has ever seen.
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god damn I happen to come to this place not every day, even weeks pass, but this faggot is seriously the first anon standing out as a "repating entity" in my eyes by this behaviour.

even if proxy, how retarded can u get

No idea what you are talking about
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>outing yourself as a newfag

lurk moar fag
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Because 9/11 wasn't a terror attack.
It was too complex for sand people.
Jet beams can't melt steel fuel.
Controlled termite charges ate through the towers' wood supports.
9/11 was an insect job.
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nimm deine pillen, Ronnie. nur noch 10 tage, dann ist wieder frisches hartz4 da!
They could try but everybody would see that iron does get melted by jet fuel....
Because the terror attacks are government made and they dont want high casuality.Most of these attacks are staged anyways with crisis actors,not actual victims.
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Muslim terrorists did not do 9/11.

Is this your first day on the internet? Let me help you out. Always blame the Jews. For 9/11, blame (((Larry Silverstein))).
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>Paris 2015 = Muslim with a gun runs into a concert, shoots a few people
This bait? Two terrorists use the open border chaos of Merkel to sneak into Paris, meet their local scout contact. Then together 3 terrorists simultaneously stormed Bataclan, killed 130! people, trapped them, TORTURED THEM TO DEATH in front of a camera to record it for ISIS propaganda, injured more than 300. Also they were planning to fly a drone with explosives into a stadium and more, but were shot by French Special Units.

I think it's a good example: it's not THAT easy to find a target, even a soft target, where you can kill thousands of people at once and a new, uncomplicated method to pull it through and hit the state off guard, so they react too late and you wont get shot befor reaching your goal.

ALSO we do not know how many and what kind of terror attacks were prevented by the agencies in the USA and EU. Maybe they prevented a second 9/11, but didn't tell, because PANIC!!!
OP here.
I didn't leave I'm just reading all the replies

nice (((bantz))).
9/11 was a ritual sacrifice dedicated to tisha bav. tisha bav is associated with the destruction of (((their))) 2 temples, like the 2 towers and other great misfortunes and false one the 9th day of the 11th month (9/11 just switched around. the towers were also symbolizing the two pillars famous in masonsymbology, boaz and jachin standing for the moon and the sun.
10 is a number associated with perfection. 9/11 thus symbolizes the jump from imperfection (9) to a point of even succeeding the (divine/godly) perfection (11).
11 years before 9/11, on the very same day bush held his new world order speech
>The phrase "new world order", as used to herald in the post–Cold War era, had no developed or substantive definition. There appear to have been three distinct periods in which it was progressively redefined, first by the Soviets, and later by the United States before the Malta Conference, and again after Bush's speech of September 11, 1990.
11 years after 9/11 on the very same day the benghazi attack happened.
>The 2012 Benghazi attack that September was coordinated against two United States government facilities in Benghazi, Libya
>At 9:40 p.m., September 11, members of Ansar al-Sharia attacked the American diplomatic compound in Benghazi
it also marked the start of a new millenia (there is no year 0, 2000 was still the 2nd millenia, the 3rd one started in 2001. 1st millenia year 1-1000, 2nd 1001-2000, 3rd 2001-3000)
thus all the predictions in the media probably werent initiated, but just realized the plans based on the symbology and understood that the sole purpose of the buildings was to come crashing down again
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>this nigger is back again
You're so fucking gullible

Excellent post OP, I've been waiting for someone to articulate this. Agree wholeheartedly, without help nothing that big can be achieved
The plane hit the other side of the building you retarded fuck.
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also before you had two (many) world trade centers, those then got destroyed and replaced/traded for a ONE WORLD tradecenter. E pluribus unum. out of many one. further more the unification of opposing energies jachin and boaz represent, moon and sun, male and female, good an evil is a common theme in the occult
the star of davids (what i believe) original meaning is the unification of male and female, and by extend generally polar opposites. its basically another version of ying and yang. only later was it used for a symbol of saturn, and judaism. rothschild used it back on his store back then and made it later a jewish symbol, corrupted and then act like it was theirs from the beginning like they always do.
they do this to:
1. make people who find out about it think thats the real meaning and start worshipping their deity as they believe thats what it was all about from the beginning
b) make them turn away from it and even disregarding the positive expects instead of only the corrupted things
III: rechannel their prayers/thoughts/energy to their deity.
One believe was that magic springs into existence where 2 polar opposites meet. good and evil, the above and below, male and female. especially the unification of the last is one of the most holy events in many cultures where the magic of life happens and the first step for the existence of a new human has been made.

9/11 was the new pearl harbor event needed to start middle east rampage
ferpiss dich, du bist duhm
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Hmm, yeah I'm sure Silverstein orchestrated the attack to bring down his OWN buildings. Also the guy was almost killed, if it weren't for being sick on the day he would've died, it must be harrowing know you were a decision away from certain death. Give the guy a damned break.

You truthers are downright insufferable. Sage.
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the WTC was not profitable. a lot of the offices where empty. it was full of asbestos and it would have cost a shitton of money to get rid of it. by crashing it silverstein even gained insurance money.
also there are even documents showing israeli involvement you fucking retarded shill
The two towers were just the smoke and mirror to cover wtc7
Not to mention that it was an asbestos horror show
When something is used once, and then not used again, it means you should look at the (((clues)))

Gas chambers.
Moon landing.
Twin Towers.

Once and then never again.
Don't let (((them))) fool you. If something works, it's used all the time.
Yes, 9/11 was an event of significance at many levels.

Wheels within wheels.
9/11 was just like other major attacks against the US: a false flag. Literally every single big event/attack like that against the US or its troops, have been a false flag. Every single one, just google it.

>oh and the planes were CGI.
Stop David Icke-ing this, you dumb nigger. Nobody will ever take any of your (even the valid ones) points seriously.
its true. I'm bored of these small happenings. If these goat fuckers assmliated they'd relaise where people hang out at events and plan a huge happening.
thankfully they're stupid dumb fucks without any planning skills
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The Zionist commit every single terrorist attack you dumb infidel!!!!!
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I actually want more division within the communities
can only happen with a major happening.
Simple. The Internet provides too much info for them to pull that much of a false flag off in today's world. Too many eyes, too many people are woke
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Too many mobile phones with acceptable camera.
Thats why the fitzgerald failed as a false flag.Too many recordings.
Because the Jews are phoning it in
Ahh, the cgi plane kraut is back, how have you been my friend
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Imagine, on the same day Muslims blew up a Jewish school
>The (((media))) outrage
Imagine if Muslims blew up young girls at a Justin Beiber concert
>The white man outrage
Because we're winning the war on terror.

Thank you based Bush!
Maybe us Texans should go around and be security consultants... It would just be common sense, but we could just talk like Matthew mcconehey and they might find us charming.

Just remove kebab.
This pretty much.

I'm not saying the (((planes))) were CGI or any of that other shit. But what happened on 9/11 started long before 9/11.

I also think that they had cooperation, it was mutually beneficial for (((leadership))) and (((terrorists))) to have this event happened. They served their purpose and they almost got caught.

It will be increasingly harder to pull that thing off again. Not saying it wont, or cant, it's just exponentially harder than it was.
if this isn't a joke then fuck you traitor
read this you fucks!!!!!!!

You missed one big one in Spain where the sand niggers wrecked a train just before elections. And the voters in Spain showed their condemnation for the attack by electing sand-nigger-appeasers!
Show them Hans, show the kike shills the work of their masters!
they realised that now they can false flag smaller things and say its "like a 9/11" and call back to the big hypnotic firework show. its much cheaper.
Theres people who still think jet fuel can melt steel beams

OP, you know Urban Moving Systems (Mossad) did 9/11 if you've spent a month+ on /pol/.

Paul Kurtzberg
Sivan Kurtzberg
Omer Marmari
Yaron Schmuel
Oded Ellner
Dominik Suter (owner)

The latter five names are the Israelis arrested by New Jersey police on 9/11 for celebrating the attack, and questioned by the FBI for having passports, plane tickets, and thousands in cash on their persons. In the official reports, they told police that Palestinians were to blame. Look into Ryan Dawson's research and YT videos on the subject, all backed up by official reports. It's 2017, no excuse to not know this if you're here.
>They were arrested for cheering and celebrating the attacks
Wait is that a fucking crime? Sure it's edgy but it's still within 1st amendment territory.

>Israelis celebrating 9/11 isn't a crime

Urban Moving Systems was a New Jersey front company that operated for many months before 9/11. When five of its employees were arrested, having been observed jubilantly celebrating AND photographing the attacks, including the first airplane crash which was initially thought to be an accident nationwide, the owner of UMS, Dominick Suter, quickly abandoned the offices and fled to Israel, his home country.

The FBI then raided the UMS office, retrieving numerous computers and documents, all of which remain classified. Meanwhile, the five 20something Israelis under questioning failed lie detector tests, gave elusive answers, etc. The FBI to this day has suspicions about these men. They were only freed when Israel Gov pressured the Bush admin to send them back. These Israelis then hired an Israeli lawyer to sue over their detainment, until the Feds presented more evidence, the media began to get interested, and that was that.

Keep in mind, UMS offices were abandoned, leaving behind unfulfilled contracts, customers' belongings in storage/transit, unpaid US employees (ex-employees came forward, noting UMS's high turnover rate and its favoring Israeli staffers), etc.

When they were arrested, all five Israelis had plane tickets to different international airports, clearing having arranged to leave the US after the attack. And again, read up on the declassified reports. Watch the interview with the NJ cop who arrested them. They had foreknowledge of the attack.

Another case of Israeli foreknowledge is the Israel-based messenger service Odigo, whose employees received warnings of a NYC attack before 9/11. Odigo granted the Washington Post interviews, in two different articles after 9/11, expressing bafflement at how this happened, and supposedly cooperated with authorities. Though no explanation was ever made public.

When Donald Trump said Muslims in NY/NJ celebrated 9/11, he was dogwhistling re:Dancing Israelis
Oh, it's very true. Planes don't really exist due to the Earth being flat. Planes are Cia Mass Astral projections. It is a situation where people are tricked into thinking they're flying "around" the "globe" when in reality they are using train services that run underneath the world disc.




All this evidence is pure Patriot network fake news. Show me the actual indictment made by the US Attorneys office. You've been watching too much Alex Jones bozo.
so we can't have an honest 9/11 discussion without you shitting up the thread? Vollpfosten

You make any valid argument that refutes the official story look aluminium foil.
thanks for that, but i believe that is your intention anyway. you want people to believe the official story.


You are incapable of intelligent debate, but I'm posting for newfags so that /pol/ can do its role.

Maybe he is the ultra retarded "Mainstream Smasher" from YT
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