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>This is how we spend EU gibs b-but without gibs we would

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Thread replies: 183
Thread images: 45

>This is how we spend EU gibs
b-but without gibs we would turn into Ukraine, right?
Thousands of little Polish flags, what are you complaining about?
Imagine all those Ukrainian immigrants painting your posts blue&yellow under cover of moonless night...
they can't afford the paint
>central planning is effici-
Do they really think those would stop, or even slow down, a car that someone lost control of?
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Better than spending billions on people who are destroying my country like yours truly
But why?
Why are you posting ylilauta edits?
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EU keeps throwing free money at them, they have to spend it on something.
Junker really wants another Witcher game
It's for bikes
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Made me laugh.
Have a (you).
osz kurwa
I like that walkway tbqhwy
It isn't real?
>tfw no cute polish gf
This has to be autism , why is it half complete tho. Did they realize its literally death walk for old people and decided to let go?
Are the Polish really that bad at allocating resources?
Well, what do you think they do with all they royalties they collect from polish sausage?
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We need to spend gibs on something, otherwise the EU would take it back

It is very popular here to make sidewalk and bike-path

Don't ask me, I guess this is the project that met EU's requirements

it is still better to spend it on niggers, right?
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Why didn't they just put rails on the road
We don't have them where I live
Never thought I would be jealous of Poland...
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it is beautiful
What do you know, you don't even drive on the right side of the road.
Because it's POLE-land, get it?
Kek poles are literally retarded
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Dude, don't ask me :D I have no freaking idea what's the point of setting these poles on a right side of the path

it is very comfy, but we still need to work a bit on road signs, pic rel
>digging out 2 year old memes
Watch and learn guiz, this how do patriotism
>wasting money on bike paths that have to conform to EU standards.
Fuck the EU

The Great Walkway of Poland.
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Westerns pay for this anyway, not my problem. Switzerland recently gave us about $1MM just to improve our subway system, even though they are not in the EU.
I would live there.
Take it whatever just keep the muzzies out.
What is it about European roads and walkways that just make the area look so fucking gay and feminine?
Some of our roads are older than your country
>Some of our roads are older than your country
And your queens vagina is older than the roads.
I'm sure the Trucks of PeaceÂİ appreciate your antique roads.
Only half as many potholes though
pathetic, show some national pride, dont accept handouts, build your own infrastructure, stop exporting your shitty countrymen to my country, i dont want stinking mateusz working without paying taxes.

sort your country out, stinkman
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>American roads

but that's what we did - we exported bydĊ‚o and imported gibs. Now they are yours, you accepted them, you feed them, you take care of them. We don't want them back
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A few of frogs and an American died, how many did the planes of peace get?
Are you mad because your country's GDP is less than one of our Walmarts?
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You got that all wrong, you exported your men and women that work as the lowest class of workers, that send back their wages and welfare money back to poland, it's literally the same thing that sand niggers and actual niggers do, nice national pride being on the same level as sub-humans, because thats what you poles are, sub fucking human.
Yeah, and what was our response? Not inviting more of them into our country...
At least he shows which country he is from
Are you mad because by the end of this century your country will be 35% white, while mine will remain >99%?

But sure, enjoy your jewish money, as long as you can
Your response was to spend trillions of dollars to hunt down a goat fucker and get rid of his group of goat fuckers, and when you left it return to how it was before

>"free" money

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Until the Antarctic Nazis blitzkrieg your asses again
You dare risk waking the Enternal Anglo again?

You mean the eternal Ahmed at this point?
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Is the money used to create a market for EU companies, or is it used to further Bolans own economy?
My fear is that the EU gibs just promote a dependent relationship. Any insights from polska?
but Rossmann, Galeria and H&M can sell you their stuff.

Fuck, we are the jews now
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Damn, you got me Wang
EU gives us 50% of money for something
we need to spend another 50% from state's budget or else gibs will be gone
we need to take credit in order to have this 50%
the jews profit from this

the very most of these gibs are spent on infrastructure, roads, pavements, building renovations, etc
Is this in preparation for refugee march?
Galeria just means gallery, it is not a brand

wtf captcha
Fucking why?

Like I understand wanting a walkway, it looks nice. But why the nasty look guardrails?
Look at the colours, very patriotic
Ordinary EU bs. They allways spend money on projects like this. Here we are not able to spend all EU money, becose they support most fag projects.
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At least our soldiers can go somewhere that's hotter than 27 degrees.

>At least seven, and possibly up to 10 candidates – all reservists – suffered heat illness as temperatures reached reach 27C (80.6F)
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the lack of niggers may have something to do with it

Which aspect of the EU do you guys appreciate more?

The forced resettlement of millions of third worlders, or the income redistribution from Germany/UK/France to useless layabout Meds and slavic shitholes?
Haha, what voidvodship is this shit in?
>recycling bin
>not gay
>'not white'
>Not a kike
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Bunch of reservists couldn't handle the heat, bunch of your full time army is killing Brits
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Ok, that's actually funny Poland. You win this round...
That is rich coming from you, Malaysia.
Looks pretty Slavic desu
what the fuck
is it battle snorlax?
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Eu money well spent
They're clean.
Wish the US gave us big infrastructure gibs, instead they give welfare to """""""""""""""""poor""""""""""""""" people
Why is your country so poor? Aren't some of you supposed to be white?
What is the purpose of this? Seriously, explain.
Why not build it yourself? Why do you need white people to do everything for you?
because puerto-ricans are niggers
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What the fuck is the point in that ramp?
You need to spend min amount of money on EU projects if you want to get it done so sometimes you can see stupid shit like that only to spend money on something and get EU funds
the maximum slope for a wheelchair ramp isn't very high
Oh, I thought you were joking from the earlier posts. But you were completely serious. That's pretty funny.
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Diversity and strength
It's for parkour you dumb nigger
Well, your options for spending were:
>Poland-themed railings on your footpaths
>vast quantities of lubricant to assist African men in impregnating your women

So of the choices, you made the right one. Soon Germany might remove one of those choices though.
theyre not meant to be "poland-themed", thats just how protective railing looks here, bet the polish kike is behind that
>b-but without gibs we would turn into Ukraine, right?

yes, because without this gibs alot people wouldn't have any jobs.
Oh right.

Well, for what it's worth, they look like absolute shit.
get fucked you paid for em cunt
>accusing member states of being leeches
The gibs don't exactly make up for the engineered currency/lending trap which is the Eurozone/IMF.
>We need to spend gibs on something, otherwise the EU would take it back
This. If you don't spend everything you'll have to pay it back AND they will gibs you less next year/funding period.

The system has perverted incentives. So there's a lot of idiotic shit projects the money is being spent on just because it needs to be spent.
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You helicopter flight has been booked, comrade.
not the current generation. the money-back-sending types were 10 years ago. now only bydlo who can't find a job in Poland leaves for the west.

it's literally trash tier people AND PLEASE NEVER SEND THEM BACK!
If you carry on like this I'll buy the fucking hovel you call a "house", tear it down, and replace it with a winding footpath bordered by those ugly railings.

Then I'll import your model-looking sister, marry her, give her everything she wants, but always discourage her from pursuing the career she wanted, leaving her under-fulfilled. I'll also never stop making fun of her accent.

Galeria is the Polish word for mall.

kek, only a poorfag would project this much
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Gibs aren't even 0.5% of Poland's GDP. So pretty shitty argument, Hans.
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inb4 eu tries to create trust for them for poland to get corrupt and later vote away their interest.
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>If you carry on like this you gonna end up with muslim prayer song 6 am everywhere and sharia law.
t. the_d washout
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>We need to spend gibs on something, otherwise the EU would take it back
I feel you
>mfw even our bike paths are refugee-proof
There's not even 8 billion people on the planet. Where the fuck are you going to find 1 billion "refugees"?
introduce universal basic income maybe?
>tfw not part of Shengen
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still didn't answer my question
so patriotic
lurk for two years before posting.
I have been here for 2 years, I just don't know every facet of every detail of every history of every meme, you expert faggot.
>be largest net payer in EU
>leadership well and truly cucked
>current and future PM fully invested in an EU career
>two largest parties in the country are right wing, yet we will get a left wing government
>huge parts of the (upper) middle class are blindly loyal to the EU and will swallow everything it says
>EU has never done a single thing for us

Just fuck my shit up famalam.
lurk for two years, shitskin
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>no reading comprehension
>calls someone else shitskin
k nigger
Not lurking in equals refugees coming in not integrating
Go back where you're from
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Using a meme flag is more of an indicator of newfaggotry than anything else, btw.
Why would you need to enclose a bike path like that?
Is every cyclist in Poland drunk all the time or something?
says the muslim refugee
This ramp is not about the purpouse but about the journey
His wikipedia has one of those bios of highly-influential/accomplished people, who "just happen" to have influence in the realm of social engineering, which "just happens" to have a Marxist slant, but who claim to express no explicit political views, and have their political views shielded by the media.

He has a fucking foundation for something called "social entrepreneurship", about the most slimy guise I've ever seen.
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I'm not even European you dumb cunt. Lurk more.
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Where do u think those nignogs wil go in the coming years? It's allready happening
>In 2100 Africa will be 80% of the worlds population

Holy i just got cancer reading that.

But yeah just assume that Africa will stop breeding like fucking pigs.
>Slavshits are dumb as a ton of bricks

What's the point of this thread?
whatever you say achmed
They'd steal it and you know it.
>be at university
>have some mandatory lecture
>professor is showing stuff on projector
>suddenly other professor walks in
>puts mini EU flag on the table
>changes presentation on the projector to show something about pozzed feminism
>pulls out a camera
>makes a few photos of the whole scene, including students
>walks away
>lecture resumes in normal order

they got money from EU to make some lecture on certain EU friendly topic for general public. So the faculty just took photo of a packed room (since the lecture was mandatory) and told the EU bureaucrats that the lecture was a great success and they should give them more money to make another on.
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under the bridge? are you nigger or refuge?
he's bulking
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>So the faculty just took photo of a packed room (since the lecture was mandatory) and told the EU bureaucrats that the lecture was a great success
maybe not, but you are a grade A tard
Why? Muslim refugees are in Europe, not the U.S.
Your faculty is based. Here, they would have raised tuition to create a new administrative position to oversee the new institute founded to advance pozzed feminism.
based cesky ucitel kek
what point are you making about the capture?
Yeah, it is shit but
we cant spend money the way we need, UE must accept it and it is almost impossible to spend it on business, esp. competitive to western companies
topkek, in Polish we call situations like that "czeski film" (a Czech movie)
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100% HaĊĦek
that is how Czechs has got through absurd since 1948
This must be trolling...
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so basically Poland is btfo you west european cucks
although not all of pictures are from Bulgaria but you are masters of trolling or next ukraine
Rofl, they painting some lines and kept the rest?
This is on par with my polish ship joke
you poles really like poles.
Candy cane lane

He's a troll
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Poland is home the whitest and most powerful kingdom that ever existed

I think the gods arranged that just for the kek. Seriously, if I had power over reality that's what I would do. Make really bad puns, everywhere.
no, the brittish were never there
Rounded shapes and pastel colors.
Kek, that ramp scares me. Wonder if anyone has actually used it.
bulgaria is truly the mexico of yurop
In fear of sounding like a fucking leaf. This is fake, right?
Even if it is fake, it's essentially the reality.
Alright giv im da stick


Before Poland got Soviet gibs now it's EU. Why can't you cunts ever survive on your own?
boland is shithole
I'm in tears that ramp cannot be real
I bet Poland built it out of spite when they were told they had to build a ramp to accommodate the disabled per regulations.
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