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>be jews >get expelled from your homeland >go to europe

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Thread replies: 87
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>be jews
>get expelled from your homeland
>go to europe
>dirty christcucks keep dying from diseases because they keep throwing trash into wells they take drinking water from
>hurr fuckin joos be poisonin our water n shieet
>go somewhere else
>same shit
>finally end up in eastern europe
>nobody bothers you
>western christcucks just can't mind their own buisness and cause world war trying to exterminate you because they are still butthurt they couldn't clean their hands before eating 500 years ago
>fast forward 70 years
>finally have your homeland back
>/pol/acks wonder why jews use their influence to fuck over western yurop
geeez, I wonder why?
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>Aaa kurwa, polacy robacy, kurwa, jak się polaka spytasz jak ma na imię kurwa, np. Niemiec czy Jankes odpowie “Mam na imię Hans” albo kurwa Steven, a polak jak się go kurwa zapytasz jak ma na imię, to tak o, zasłoni twarz ręką kurwa i “Zostaw pan nie ruszaj pan ja nic panu nie zrobiłem” kurwa polacy zwierzęta, polacy robacy kurwa ja pierdole.

>W normalnym cywilizowanym kraju jak się popatrzysz na kogoś, i albo się do ciebie uśmiechnie albo podejdzie uśmiechnięty i się spyta czy my się przypadkiem nie znamy. A w polsce ja pierdole, w polsce jak w lesie kurwa, nie, w polsce jak w chlewie obsranym gównem kurwa. Spojrzysz się na polaka robaka, to jak zauważy że się na niego patrzysz to kurwa albo podejdzie i ci wpierdoli albo się spyta “Co kurwa, chcesz wpierdol kurwa? Patrzysz się na mnie na polaka robaka? Wiesz kim ja jestem kurwa? Nie mam pracy kurwa, pracuje za 3 tysiące złotych, jestem kurwa kimś! Jestem kimś kurwa!”.
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>A poza tym kurwa polacy śmierdzą, nie myją zębów, ci którzy “dbają” o siebie w polsce, myją zęby od czasu do czasu, nie dłużej niż przez 2 minuty kurwa dla tego zawsze im śmierdzi z japy. Zęby mają pokryte takim białym kurwa nalotem jakby jedli co dopiero twaróg. szyjki zębów mają odsłonięte, dziąsła im się cofają do góry, do dołu. A polki kurwa to już w ogóle ja pierdole, owłosione cipy, w pępkach kurwa jakieś pajęczyny.
jew spotted.
Kurwa faggots are all fucking subhuman jews.
Hitler did nothing wrong.
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Matki i ojcowie polaków są ociężałymi umysłowo skurwysynami, są obrzydliwi ciałami, brzuchy im kurwa wiszą, dupy mają porośnięte jakimś chuj wie kurwa czym, wszyscy są łasi na jakiekolwiek grosze, np. Jak pojedziesz do takiego polskiego domu i każdemu zawieziesz buteleczkę jakichś chujowych perfum typu kurwa, nie wiem, kurwa “Paco Robanne” albo jakiś “Georgio Armani” to ci obciągną kurwa, bo oni w życiu czegoś takiego na oczy nie widzieli, jakie oczy, powiedziałem na oczy? W życiu czegoś takiego na czujki swoje nie widzieli, bo oni mają czujki, takie dryń dryń, jak mrówki kurwa jak karaluchy i inne robactwo, biedaki kurwa biedaki jebane kurwa mać.
>Blood libel
GTFO back to karachan metacontrarian subhuman
>get accused of poisoning the well of every civilization you have ever been in, to the total of thousands of times
yea those OTHER people are the problem!!!
Die kikes dieeee
Why is Poland always like this?

Even in Witcher poor jew allegories literally dindu nuffin always baselessly accused

Jews betrayed you hundreds of times, why do you support them? We learned our lesson
they seriously dont teach you about the pogroms? lol, nicely done poland
>dinjew nuffin
ah poor kikes, the eternal victims.

You faggots can not deal with the fact that jews have superior intellect, superior genes, superior faith, superior wealth and influence.

You are on the wrong side of history, and so was I years ago. Redpill does not exist, racemixing is the future ( check the official reports you fucking morons, racemixed children are naturally stronger ) and political correctness has to exist because western countries HAVE to pay for years of torment and colonialism.
>Even in Witcher poor jew allegories literally dindu nuffin always baselessly accused
And what do you expect from a mainstream game?
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>be jews
>piss off Egyptians, get expelled from Egypt
>claim to find "homeland" near by
>piss off Babylonians, get enslaved
>get taken from "homeland"
>play nice, get released, return to "homeland"
>piss eachother off, have civil war, split "homeland" in 2
>get invaded by Romans
>piss off Romans
>get expelled from "homeland"
>spend the next 1900 years pissing people off everywhere,
>keep getting expelled from everywhere.
>finally have your homeland back
>still pissing people off

I wonder what happens next...
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*cries out in pain as it strikes you*
Oyyy veeeyy!
Calm down Schlomo.
>If you meet one asshole, they're probably an asshole
>If everyone you meet is an asshole you're probably an asshole
hahahaha see the kikes falseflagging as poland now cause they want people to hate them

that is fuckin adorable
stop making sins and G-d wont sent plagues to goyim.
Yeah.. funny. Colonialism consumed more lives than any war, ever. Not to mention the fact that earth was less populated in 19th, 18th and 17th centuries.

Whites halted the birth rate of blacks, without colonialism, there would be at least 12 bilion people in the world.
Good thing this colonialism.
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>be jews
>fail to greentext
>post pornographic pictures to slide and shill
we're on to your tricks now.
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It's hilarious watching you mouth breathers sperg out because you are inferior to Jews.
Poland never harmed Jews living here and they never did any harm to us, yet the western cucks had to come here and cause war.
Now, you are being overrun by niggers and muslims and your societies are crumbling apart while we are chilling out doing buisness with Israel and leeching EU money.
Hi Satan
> be jew
> see that christians arent allowed to hand out loans
> oh veying intensifies
> go to europe
> hand out loans with massive interest for christians because stupid goyim
> turn the native population into slaves by financial means
> become even richer than kings by fucking over the poor even harder than they do
> wonder why the native population hates you
The first edition of the German original was issued Frankfurt, 1700, under the title "Entdecktes judenthum", but was suppressed until after a second edition appeared at Königsberg, 1711. Editions of the translation, with preface by J. P. Stehelin, were issued 1732-34 and 1742 under title: The traditions of the Jews.


...Tenth [in conclusion] I say, therefore that the Jews are permitted to kill Christians who cause those to sin; see the Jalkut Schimóni on the Laws of Moses, Folio 245, column 4, number 773, on the words of Numbers 25:17. “Deal with the Midianites as enemies since they deal with you as enemies;” since it is written:

Socrates [the 5th-Century A.D. Greek-Byzantine cleric, not the more ancient Greek philosopher] reports, in one of his church histories in the seventh book, chapter thirteen that the Jews, in the year of Christ 418 in Alexandria, ganged up during the night, braided palm leaves around their fingers as a sign [to each other] and then raised a howl and claimed that the Christian church in that city which was called the Alexander Church was on fire. When the Christians ran out to put out the fire the Jews lay in wait for them on the road and killed all those that they could catch. For that reason, Bishop Cyril, the next day expelled all Jews from Alexandria.
In the year of Christ 1321 the Jews in France had local lepers poison the wells so that many people died as a result and all those who were guilty of this crime were burnt on the orders of King Philip as was the case in Heinrich Anselm von Ziegler’s Taeglicher Schauplatz [Daily Showplace, a sort of almanac] in the year 1695, as printed in Frankfurt in folio, page 5, column 2 and in Sebastian Muenster’s Cosmographia, Book Two, page 192, printed in Basel in the year 1550. The same thing also happened in Switzerland and Alsace in the year 1348, as stated in Muenster’s respected Cosmographia, pages 656 and 660, as well as in Ziegler’s Schauplatz, page 353, columns 1 and 2, and as we may read in the Cluverii Epitome historiarum, of Breslau,

In the Year of Christ 1475, on the evening of Holy Thursday, the Jews of Trent, through a Jew named Tobias, captured a poor Christian child named Simon who was not fully two and a half years old, and brought him to the house in which they had their synagogue, where they were all assembled. Then an old Jew named Moses took the child on his lap, undressed him, and stuck a handkerchief in his mouth, so that he could not scream, while the others held him by his hands and feet. Moses gave him a wound with a knife in his right cheek and cut out a piece of flesh. Those who were standing around collected the blood, and each cut out a little piece of flesh with scissors, until the wound had become as large as an egg, which they also did in other parts of the body. After this they stretched out his hands and arms like a crucifix and pierced through the half-dead body with many needles, and at the same time said some sayings
In the Year of Christ 1540, in a place in the Upper Palatinate, in the principality of Neuburg, which is called Sappenfeld and lies not far from Neuburg, a little boy named Michael, four and a half years old, whose father was called Georg Pisenharter, was taken away by the Jews before Easter and brought to Titingen. They bound him to a column, tortured him for three days, cut off his fingers and toes, cut crosses throughout his body and ripped him apart so badly that he could no longer be wounded. This murder came out through a young Jew, who had told other Jew-boys on the street that “the dog died after three days of howling,” which was heard by the neighbors. [The Jews had] carried the body into the hedges in a forest and covered it with leaves, which a shepherd's dog found, upon which many people came together and saw how the child had been killed; and his blood was later found in Posingen, as the above-cited Raderus thoroughly shows in his book, Bavaria sancta, in the third part, page 176, etc.
you believe in santa claus too?
Kikes shut down that second link. Here's it's archive. Has much of the book translated in English. Even more than what i posted.

All of this shit is cited from many different sources at different times in history. Sorry your fetal alcohol brain can't comprehend the truth.
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In the year of Christ 1321 the Jews in France had local lepers poison the wells so that many people died as a result and all those who were guilty of this crime were burnt on the orders of King Philip as was the case in Heinrich Anselm von Ziegler’s Taeglicher Schauplatz [Daily Showplace, a sort of almanac] in the year 1695, as printed in Frankfurt in folio, page 5, column 2 and in Sebastian Muenster’s Cosmographia, Book Two, page 192, printed in Basel in the year 1550. The same thing also happened in Switzerland and Alsace in the year 1348, as stated in Muenster’s respected Cosmographia, pages 656 and 660, as well as in Ziegler’s Schauplatz, page 353, columns 1 and 2, and as we may read in the Cluverii Epitome historiarum, of Breslau,

[p. 219] published in 1672, page 577, column 2. And this deed of the Jews as Ziegler reports was known and said to have been committed by the Jews because they had decided, because of the dissensions of the Emperor and the Pope, that the downfall of the Christians was at hand and they wanted to help it along a little bit, by poison. But they got their well-deserved reward since many of them were burnt at Basel, Strasbourg and Mainz. In other places they put them in the same bags of poison which had been found in the wells and threw them in the water and drowned them while others were stabbed to death, thrown out of the windows of their houses and otherwise executed in all imaginable ways without consideration of age or sex. Similar cases of poisoning of wells by the Jews are also described by the Jesuit Matthaeus Raderus in his Bavaria sancta, Part Two, page 315 and Part Three, printed in Munich in the year 1627. He also writes, on pages 172, 173 and 174, that the Jews confessed to it.
yeah, some clerk 1500 years ago wrote that some part of population suddenly started killing others for no reason, it sure makes sense, it's not like the lord told him to write it so he has casus beli, right? it's not like stuff like that ever happend in history
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>1500 years ago
>Polish intellectuals

Read the Talmud quotes i posted you dipshit. They see non-Jews as human cattle. They are commanded to usurp the goyim while looking out for each other.
>Socrates [the 5th-Century A.D. Greek-Byzantine cleric
>Be Jews
>Be expelled from every single counry you've ever settled it
>Somehow it's the goyim's fault
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It's many accounts across history, court documents even.
>finally have your homeland back
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>tfw no jewish gf with huge nose
(((official reports)))
nice goy
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better quality
ITT: Lots of baiting, jewing, and (you)ing
But at least there's some decent jew truths being posted...
So what did Amalek do lel?


True to his mission, Amalek has historically tried to destroy the Jews. The first traces of Amalek are found when they fought against the Jewish people as they left Egypt circa 1300 BCE, attacking the Jews out of pure hatred – Amalek lived in a distant land and was under no imminent threat (Exodus 17:8-15). Amalek resurfaced later in history, in a battle against King Saul (1-Samuel ch. 15). Again, Amalek arose headed by the wicked Haman who commanded an attempted genocide against the entire Jewish people, as recorded in the Book of Esther.
So what happened to Amalek after that?

Sennacherib, the King of Assyria, circa 500 BCE, mixed up all the nations (Talmud – Brachot 28a). When he conquered a country, he would take a large segment of the population and send them to other countries. This caused confusion among the population so they would never be able to muster enough strength to cause a rebellion. In this way, Sennacherib was able to retain control. Many of these peoples intermarried with each other and their old nationalities became mixed together. Amalek also was mixed in at this time. This means the identification of a particular individual or group, as Amalek by the means of genealogy is absolutely impossible.

Does Amalek exist today?

The story is told about the great Rabbi Yosef Chaim Sonnenfeld, the revered spiritual leader who lived in the Old City of Jerusalem at the turn of the century. When the German Kaiser Wilhelm visited Jerusalem in 1898, Rabbi Sonnenfeld refused to greet him. He explained that the Kaiser exhibited the classic signs of Amalek (a tradition passed down from the Vilna Gaon).

Shockingly, the Talmud (Megillah 6b) identifies a nation called "Germamia" as the descendents of Amalek.
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Germanic's have Assyrian/Amalek blood in them. That's why the jews hate them.

The only link to the region of Germany by Assyria are the expeditions into that region such as the ones by Prince Trebeta who colonized what is today Trier, which is annunciated by the Archbishops of Trier in records known as the Gesta Treverorum.

The oldest city in Germany is Trier, a city whose inhabitants say was founded around 2000 B.C. by the Assyrians.

Josef K.L. Bihl writes in his German textbook In Deutschen Landen, “Trier was founded by Trebeta, a son of the famous Assyrian King Ninus. In fact, one finds … in Trier the inscription reading, ‘Trier existed for 1,300 years before Rome was rebuilt.’” To this day, this story is used to attract tourists to Trier.

According to Greek historians, the ancient Assyrian capital of Nineveh was built by Ninus. The biblical account tells us that the builder of Nineveh was Asshur, the son of Shem, who became the progenitor of the Assyrians (Genesis 10:11). Ninus is simply the Greek name for the Asshur of the Bible.

The original Ninus was Nimrod, grandson of Ham, of the black race. Asshur, son of Shem, who was white, also took the name Ninus. He is the Ninus II of ancient historic record who founded Nineveh.

Archaeological data reveals that shortly after Xerxes’s disastrous campaign, a great migration of the Assyrian people from the Black Sea region occurred. With the Persian Empire weakening, the Assyrians moved from Asia Minor and the southern shores of the Black Sea to the sea’s northern shores—to a land called Scythia. Here they began to be called Scythians, and their identity was eventually obscured. But these people didn’t just disappear into thin air. They migrated west and underwent a name change!
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Predominant in Scythian territory were numerous tribes from two races in particular. “[T]wo major currently recognized racial types, Caucasoids and Mongoloids, are considered to have existed historically in geographical proximity on the steppe,” observes The Cambridge Ancient History (Volume III, Part 2).

Archaeology gives further insight into the area. “Archaeologically, it is clear that the eighth- and seventh-century B.C. ‘Scythians’ were not the same as the fifth-century ‘Scythians.’ Both were mounted elite war-bands originating in the more easterly regions of the steppe, and the Greeks, quite naturally, called both groups by the same name” (ibid.).

Archaeology shows five major phases in the area between 750 and 250 B.C., “with a fresh nomadic component arriving in three of them: 750-650 B.C. (‘Cimmerians’ and ‘Scythians’); 475-430 B.C. (‘Scythians’); and 300-250 B.C. (‘Sarmatians’)” (ibid.). These great migrations were the effects of great population displacement in the Middle and Near East resulting from the collapse of various empires and kingdoms. (They even included the movement of the Israelites following their overthrow by Assyria.)

It is clear that the Germanic people comprised, at least in part, this second phase of Scythian migration. We can know this because Roman records show the Germanic people first began invading central and western Europe in the late second century B.C., soon after their northern move.

Archaeology confirms these Scythians migrating all the way into Germany proper. “Nomads and fierce warriors, they lived in Central Asia … and their culture spread westward to southern Russia and Ukraine, and even into Germany …” wrote Mike Edwards in National Geographic (June 2003). This German migration would have been a result of the pressure that the newest migrants into Scythia, such as the Sarmatians, were placing on the Germanic people who occupied the territory. After the Sarmatians began to move in during the third century B.C., the Germanic people were forced further west.
Hitler did nothing wrong.
So according to Abrhamic religions Germans are basically the root of all evils?
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Yes, this is why kikes always hunt down Germanic white people to a head. Multiculturalism is a way of polluting Amalek's seed.
That's pretty awesome.But the Germans basically lost in this timeline,i gather.
Sounds ridiculous to be honest.
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The idea off 0.73% of the World Population being in control of the world or Germanic people having made over 70% of the worlds inovatiosn sounds ridiculous as well but both are reality.

Pick one.
Justifying Jews being parasites? Nice.
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Kicked out of 100+ countries including fucking Egypt, yeah, the problem is everyone else.
I wish I was a jew. Being an oldschool NY Jew would be so comfy.
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Christians handed interest charging over to the Jews. >>130675357
They've been in control of the west's capital for a long time. It's not just the country of Germany they want to pollute. It's all descendants of the Assyrian migrations. That's why the EU is gun ho about forcing refugee shitskins into Germanic, white countries.

>Archaeology confirms these Scythians migrating all the way into Germany proper. “Nomads and fierce warriors, they lived in Central Asia … and their culture spread westward to southern Russia and Ukraine, and even into Germany …” wrote Mike Edwards in National Geographic (June 2003). This German migration would have been a result of the pressure that the newest migrants into Scythia, such as the Sarmatians, were placing on the Germanic people who occupied the territory. After the Sarmatians began to move in during the third century B.C., the Germanic people were forced further west.
>That's why the EU is gun ho about forcing refugee shitskins into Germanic, white countries.
>be jews
>get expelled from your homeland
more like:
>be jews
>get invited to goyland because of money and usury
>goyim use your jew gold to build infrastructures and even churches
>goyim decide not to pay
>goyim kick you out instead
>repeat for a few hundred years
it's even documented how they would proudly kick them out kek. dumb asses.
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And at the end of the day you are just some autists spamming how you are master race descended from aliens while jews are wiping your nations out.
And we in eastern europe just sit back and enjoy the show.
good goyim
There's a difference, half-dick.
racemixing actually doesn't create a stronger race. it increases the risk of a single genetic flaw or disease wiping out most of the species. genetic diversity helps protect against this, especially in an era when people travel across the world on airplanes every day spreading whatever infection they might be carrying.
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You're next up on the multicultural chopping block you dipshit. Kikes already raped the shit out of you with Communism.
Hybrid genetics are unstable and full of chronic health conditions. All the old textbooks warned of race mixing due to health reasons. Even Nords and Meds mixing creates improper hip to baby head size ratios.
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>Kikes already raped the shit out of you with Communism.
I wouldn't call wiping out remnants of aristocracy that held the country back in XIX century, preventing spread of literacy among lower classes and selling everything to french and brits and then rebuilding the country from scrath rape.
But I guess you know better.
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>finally end up in eastern europe
>nobody bothers you
>destroy eastern europe
>stalin turns on you rats and purges you
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Sorry about the fetal alcohol syndrome. Maybe in the next life...
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What kind of master race you are anyway if you get jewed by the alleged subhumans who are inferior to you?
I like it how you run out of arguments and started throwing insults, just like these evil leftists and antifas.
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It will be great watching the Catholics flood you smug cunts with shitskins. Just like they do everywhere else on earth. 4chan has driven me to hate Poles. You all come off as arrogant retards. No wonder the Brits want you out.

You are extremely deluded to not see how hard you were fucked and how hard you are being targeted now.
Yes, I see you are an expert on polish history, I'm sorry I tried to challenge your knowledge Mr. Lard.
>this bait

Fuck it, I'll bite. Why should there be more (((people))) on this planet?
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Because Catholics hate white people.
Jews never harmed you? Damn, the poles really must have enjoyed the soviet era. Marx was a jew, the first bolsevik government was 80% jewish. The bolseviks killed tens of millions of people. Communists tried to take over germany in their civil war. Guess who were the leading figures? oh why oh why did the germans start hating the jews so much.
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In the trash you go

>Germanic's have Assyrian/Amalek blood in them. That's why the jews hate them.

thats interesting. i thought they hate them because of the holocaust.
Are you kidding ?
Socrates : 5th century BBBBBCCCCC Greek philosopher, not AD
It's funny how around the same time period Jews suddenly started trying to hijack multiple Empires from within. They managed to hijack the Ottoman Empire, trigger WW1 so that they could get Palestine, and then hijack the Soviet Union. Then once they got control, they started genociding Christians.

Donmeh crypto-Jews in the Ottoman Empire Massacred Armenians and Greek Christians. Bolshevik Jews massacred Russian and Ukrainian Christians. They tried to do the same thing in Germany towards the end of WW1.

Sick fucking kikes.
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