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Answer honestly: How many of you nazis here are non-white/mixed?

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Thread replies: 319
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Answer honestly: How many of you nazis here are non-white/mixed?
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Glorious Jomon master race reporting in from Kagoshima!
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I'm white hispanic mixed with lebanese and maybe some tiny percentage of indigenous, but I just LARP as a nazi actually I'm an ANCAP since I actually do make ANCAP money in this lawless shithole that I live in
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Half white half Hispanic but I look Russian
100% aryan with SS & SA ancestors here
I don't eve know what am I. I'm definitely white-skinned but my mother is mulato and my father is white.
I'm a Nazi with mixed origins, both French and German. 100% white. People tell me all the time.

Also catholic since I was baptised as a baby, and still catholic today, as well as my whole family.

The "/pol/ is full of non-whites" meme is just a joke, don't take it too seriously.
Also, being a pure white pure catholic christian, I love russians and I consider them totally white too.

I see a lot of hate for them, here, and I think it's dumb and unfair.

Sieg Hail.
Three quarters English one quarter Spanish. My grandmother came from Burgos which was only occupied by the arabs for a very short time.
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HHaHaha nice try kyke
Italian, german and norwegian mixed.

blood of the flag
I'm white but not a nazi.
I just want my race to continue existing.
THIS 100% pure Nordic, Slavic, Saami, Mongolian master race.
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I'm 100% pure Norwegian, thankfully
97% pole, 100 % slav so obviously not white. Kill all crackers, race war now!
Same, dad's mestizo from a good family, mom's white American. Luckily I turned out straight-up white. I'm not a nazi but I do hate niggers (and kind of my mestizo brothers)
nazis in >>/pol/? we are the board of peace
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this is muh mixed genetics
Anglo-Celtic mongrel here
>Portuguese Malaysian
Do you mean Portuguese people who lived in Malaysia, or part Portuguese, part chink?
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100% poo in the loo. No caste mixing and race mixing. Mohyal bharmin. The bloodlines were kept pure. The Gita is the most violent book you will ever read. The Koran is a baby in front of it.
Nazis were peaceful
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I'm 1/16 Native American. Am I mixed? I have brown hair, blue eyes, and I start to burn within 5 minutes of being out in the sun.
all portuguese that lived in malaysia are mixed cause portuguese women weren't allowed on the boats.
I'm like five percent Indian (feather) if that counts
Requesting the picture of the /pol/ meetup with Brittany Venti in it
Is it at all noticeable in your features?
huwhite hispanic mother and anglo dad. Out of respect for the pure breeds though, won't wife a pure 100% white girl.
Didn't know that thanks
The family tree is preserved in Haridwar( Hindu holy city) and last dated was 973 years. The rest became faded.
Oy, there are no (((Nazis))) on pol you filthy semite,


Now get the fuck out

It was the Zionist nations who were the aggressors. Germany only freed territory occupied by German people and to secure their future via the Lebensraum.
Unironically white
I'm a nazi, and a supream gentleman.
Nope. No high cheekbones, no funky eyelids.
American mutt. I'm a Christian, I love Jesus and am majorly anti-Zionist but I had a Jewish great-grandma. I also have English, German, Irish, Swedish, French and Southern-Italian. So I have no idea where I would stand in all the racial purity stuff, probably why I'm a civic nationalist and not as race-conscious as most are here. I honestly believe if we have a major anti-degeneracy movement and reorient our society more towards reason on things like casual sex and other indulgences and addictions, that any unwanted and degenerative racemixing would end, and we could definitely survive with only a moderate amount of racemixing on the fringes.
im white ty
You are a rabbi untermensch
50% Vlach 25%Pontic 25% Thracian
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1st generation Hohol here. 100% white with the added bonus of having my great grandpa been born a legitimate slave in 1861 Ukraine, this giving me a platform in any argument against any stupid chimp or his liberal zookeepers
good goy
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Half white and half Mexican wish I could be a Mexican nationalist but most Mexicans don't/can't implement a fascist state.

I'd call myself Latino but I'm more inclined on my white side/culture just because my father is a white immigrant and I grew up with his culture.
poo here
I'm pure white but as you can see from my flag, not a nazi
if nazi mean nationalist then every asian countries ever
Cuck shit nigga
>Literally believing in the holy goybook
You and your family sound like very good goys yes
Good looking beaner here.
Are you saying Nazi ironically?
I'm unironically a Nazi. I lust after money and power. I want to take over Europe, and create a new reich out of it and establish myself as an emperor. I'm not autistic like /pol/ when it comes to race and I judge a white degenerate the same way I judge a nonwhite degenerate.

Meritocracy+ethnostate with exceptions for meritorious nonwhites is the way to go.

Even if I fail to create my empire, the last thing I need to do before hitting the grave is getting rid of every single Jew.
>the butcher's son's rendered pork lard
do you actually eat that
When will you publish Hunter X Hunter goddamn it.
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Completely white
>10% Greek
>6% North African
>Supposedly Native American but it didn't show up on muh genetics test even though my great grandfather was 100% Chippewa apparently
>25% Irish
>3% Bantu according to Jew DNA test
>Rest is general west/south European
>brown eyes, brown curly hair, pink nips
>Roman face and feet
>Just tell myself I'm what Romans probably looked like
I'm white but have hapa children.
I probably have 1/4 to 1/3 injun in me. Only shows in my ability to tan very dark reddish brown though.
If this thread isn't a data mining gold mine I don't know what is.
100% white so I'm good to go

I rejoice when I see little white children born to two white parents.

I fucking hate shitskins

Except for my niece, she's mixed but I'll raise her right
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Making ramen broth. Has been on the simmer for 2 days now.
*sniff sniff* POO
I think I got black blood from a slave somewhere up my mother's line, but I still can't say nigger in public without getting lynched so I don't really consider it.
>Yes, good goyim! Abandon God and your morals, they're all subjective anyway!
*sniff sniff* SHART
I also use it to keep Muslims away.
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OG European (Ancestry goes way back to the religious German migrants in the 1600s who settled in Pennsylvania) here. How does it feel to be the bottom bitch compared to my fellow OG Europeans?
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>tfw one drop rule
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Am I white if I have brown hair? It's the only non native european white trait I have.

You don't have to be white to hate Jews.
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50% Jewish 50% Italian raised Catholic here. I have the worst hook nose you'll ever see, but luckily I have an Italian last name so I can pass as Mediterranean fairly easily. I can make you a (((delicious pizza))) if you want.
Also I'm not a legit Nazi and neither is most of /pol/.
good answer :^)
I am so white, that I've got permbanned in CS:GO, because everytime I was joining a game, people thought that I'm continuously flashbanging them.
german since at least three generations back, probably more as one half is certified german back to at least 1730
What color hair did Hitler have?
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I'm a spic. I wouldn't consider myself a "Nazi," though. I am definitely a reactionary. I mostly come here for the banter and the occasional good bread with information I wasn't aware of before since I am an independent researcher and writer.
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I keked
100% Croatian blood flowing through the milkiest of white skin. Some genetic thing passed down through my fathers bloodline causes my skin not to turn brown under the influence of sunlight.
Spanish-ghanian-turk here, nobody should live mixed, its hell on earth.

I see myself doing a service.
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I understand what you're saying, just wondered how /pol/ feels as a whole since I know some hold to the 'blonde hair blue eyes pink nipples' level of white classification and wondered if it was prominent here
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Dalmatinac? It's a Croatian thing I know very pale Croats who don't burn like northern cuckoos but get tan.
Another such specimen here, North Sea mutts unite!
I'm a black guy.
My gramps is white tho.
Bear in mind that Hitler was not survived by any children and killed himself when his work was done. Just because aryans tolerate your existence as long as you are useful to them doesn't mean they will permit you to sully their genes with your own.
Nope, Slavonac
My grandpa researched our family history, all of my ancestors that we could find are from Germany, a tiny amount is from Luxembourg.
>new fags falling for the data mining threads
shitskins here the only ting i have in common whit nazi is hating the jews
If you don't count my 1/64 Injun blood.
Im supposedly 12% gypsy. Apart from that im all germanic, nordic and slavic.
I'm 25% Ukrainian, almost 75% British, and less than 1% native American.
As far as I know.
By the way, natives are fucking degenerate. Their ghettos are more AIDS-fucked than Africa, I hear.
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Father is a gook loser.

Mother LARPs a Jewish Native American (not kidding) despite having only having minuscule amounts of either of those in her ancestry. Probably did more to push me into white supremacist beliefs than anything else.


>has kids
>browses /pol/

Get the fuck outta here and go play with your children already.
Is it me or are there quite a number of WMAF couples in the Netherlands?
>Bergstein thinks natsoc is ironic
My dad is 1/4th jap 1/4th chinese 1/4th thai 1/4th filipino
my mom is 1/4th french 1/4th english 1/4th polish 1/4th czech

It's like every single one of my ancestors decided to fuck someone wildly different. Weirdly enough, no matter who I choose to have kids with, my children almost certainly will be less diverse than me. Most people I meet start the conversation asking what my ethnicity is, and they usually guess it's mediterranean, middle eastern or spic.

Here's the kicker though, I've been working out and eating right for the past 3 years, and as I become increasingly more fit, people have been guessing that I'm mediterranean more often, and now I'm even getting spanish / eastern european. My best hypothesis as to why this happens, is that people associate attractiveness with being white. Either way, although I'll always be a non-white frankenstein abomination, exercise and diet is changing people's perception of my ethnicity towards whiteness, and that's fucking incredible to me.

Sorry for blog posting.
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>Here's the kicker though, I've been working out and eating right for the past 3 years, and as I become increasingly more fit, people have been guessing that I'm mediterranean more often, and now I'm even getting spanish / eastern european. My best hypothesis as to why this happens, is that people associate attractiveness with being white. Either way, although I'll always be a non-white frankenstein abomination, exercise and diet is changing people's perception of my ethnicity towards whiteness, and that's fucking incredible to me.
Hi Steven
I'm a quadroon. 1/4 Jamaican.
I don't think it's ironic all. I said MOST, not all. We had a recent poll that was a bout 50/50 for fascism/libertarianism, and not all fascists are technically NatSoc.
>implying there are any actual nazis on /pol/
nice bait there, noseberg
I know pretty dark Hercegovci so you're fine.
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East German slav mongrel here, idk if it counts as nonwhite.....
I'm 1/8 sicilian. That would make me at least 1/64 nigger.
100% Irish but I've been told we're not white so I dont fucking know
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my grandmothers father was a German kike, I don't know what percentage kike that makes me

but the rest of me is blonde hair blue eyed Norwegian

feels bad man
Anchor baby Spic reporting for duty mein neigger
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At least I'm not a nigger or mulatto. Also you guys should post these if you have them.
i'm a jewish mulatto but i use this flag to show how easy it is for retards to agree with retarded statements. lol good luck competing against non-rubes for college, summerfags. i'm sure it'll be affirmative action's fault that you're a total failure.
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>idk if it counts as nonwhite.....

you are not white.
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Good, white people are cucks anyway.
If you're a grill, we could try to make an 1/128 nigger jew! :^)
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Answer honestly: How many of you shills here are jewish
My maternal grandparents were both Swedes, born to immigrant families in Minnesota. My dad I'm not as clear on, after he died all I found of note was his birth certificate stating he was baptised catholic and his father's ww2 dog-tags.
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howdy howdy fellow spic
I guess I never answered the OP. I'm pale white, blonde hair turned brown growing up, hazel eyes. Flemish/Anglo on dad's side, though my mom's adopted so I have no idea with her other than maybe Polish. Waiting to get a DNA test...
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Nice try Achmed
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I am totally white. R-right guys?
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Konichiwa, mestizo-kun.
Me but not a nazi. Am monarchist.
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Honestly what is considered white?
I've never really understood this desu. If someone could give me a uick breakdown that would be cool.
judging from that question you're already not white
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oy vey
there is no way. no jews here Herr Kommandant.
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Both of my parents were mixed blacks.

I hate being black so much because Im a rational person and I have no choice but to act like a stupid ape just to appear normal to my own fucking race.

I hate every single thing about my race, how they worship criminals yet are "christian", how they pride on acting like wild animals, how mindlessly violently they are, how they ruin and destroy everything, how criminal they are, I fucking hate this race so much I wish I could kill every black person on earth including myself.

I wish I was anything except Abo being black and rational is a curse.

I persistently slip a chemical that causes sterilization into weed and cigarettes and then deal them to my fellow nigs.
They can't give you a breakdown because every nazi larper has a different opinion.
Half-Mesoamerican Half-Choctaw. My father told me as a child that the white man brought us all these technical advancements that would ultimately take us to the Stars in Space Ships. Then a bunch of feral white niggers decided that NASA wasn't important any more and that we needed to transition the US of A into a system devoted entirely to coddeling the Black and the White Niggers that grow more prolific every day while also trying to give the Land their forefathers won away to savage African and Sandnigger Hordes.

The mindset of White Niggers like Liberals and Pinkhairs befuddle the fuck out of me, or why the White Man has let these weak degenerates consume him. The Red Man may be outnumbered but when they come for us we'll fight them to the end. Consider doing the same.
I'm Ethiopian. Only an eighth Italian. And my Italian side defected once Italy became fascist and moved to Ethiopia. Kek.
>that picture
Kill yourself, you walking garbage.
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I am actually German Irish American Indian.
Chill senpai Greeks are okay on the day of the rope
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>this thread proves the 60% Americano meme is real and when you talk to somebody with an American flag you're probably not talking to somebody who is white

Also lmao at people saying
>b but Iook more white than my Mexican father therefore I am white also fuck niggers btfo the Jews shadilay!
What about retarded white people that Larp as Nazis but jerk off to anime all day?
what gives you the idea nationalism is exclusive to white people?
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>I already knew the answer and that was a bait question HAH you sure look stupid now
checks out
/pol/ is a board of peace
I don't care about us I'm just saying that most of you want a white ethnostate when whiteness is subjective. You have to admit these things don't go well together. Btw most people in this thread would disagree with what you said
100% phinnic phenotype
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Well I'm Aryan, my parents are white, my grandparents are both white, and I know the parents of 2 of my grandparents are all white too.
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That is sorta what I figured, just wanted some more information just in case I was mistaken.
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I'm ethnically Jewish, feels good man
My mother had a Spanish last name, and I have more Indian blood than Elizabeth Warren.
No, she's a nigger that deserves to die. Are you going to be a nigger's cuck or are you going to do what needs to be done?
I don't have exhaustive genealogical records, but as far as I know I'm a 100% German. There might be a little bit of Czech mixed in on my paternal side but thats less than 1/32. Not that there would be anything wrong with some Czech blood I might add.

For the most part, yes. But Russia picked up some pretty subhuman stuff along the way when they expanded to the East. But the northwestern Russkies are pretty fucking Aryan.
Countries in Europe are white but many people who live in southern spain, southern Italy and parts of Greece have more Middle Eastern and NA DNA than native European.

People like North Indians, specific groups in Afghanistan and the caucuses appear white with white skin but they are not white people from Europe.

Thats how I see it.
In order of how much of that race I am, I'm German, Irish, French, Native American.
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I thought it was a good question dusu.
>I'm Aryan
No, you're not. Look up what are Aryan actually means.
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I'm mixed but devoutly a nazi.

Thankfully I got all the RECESSIVE GENES
Heil Hitler. Half-breed reporting in
Check out this page tons of Nazi supporters out of the evil reach of the Jew
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25% Irish, 25% English, 25% Malta, 25% Indian. Please kill me. I will get the snip so I won't pass on my shit genetics.
Fucking BASED
>half of the thread are mixed breed nigger Americans who got the recessive gene and are therefore white

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Not Nazi but the left is pushing me right.
Can you post your arm? No homo, just curious.
I do not consider myself a nazi but an educated and contributing member of society who wants to live in peace and asks only this of his countrymen

And I'm proud of my heritage, family has lived in my city since 1500. The only mixing that happened in my family line, as far as I can trace back, is with some German and Danish blood on my mothers side.

I don't look down on other races and actually believe in multiculturalism. In the way that each culture has a place to call home and should stay there.
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Could being white just be a state of mind? After lurking /pol/ for a number of years, that is what it seems to me. I don't think I have ever really met a person that didn't have something mixed in with them.
So you're a faggot content on letting nigger races deestroy the world? Got it.
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Why is your mother and your grandmother Malaysian but you are Dutch?

>Except for my niece, she's mixed but I'll raise her right
>All women are whores, except mommy
>Blood Test
>100% Serbian
>Annoys sissy fash friend who is 1/2 hungarian 1/2 german he is not a serb
>is a bigger fash them most fashs
>not a fash
Mixed European and I think I register with the Cherokee. I'm not a member of the Nazi party I just think fascism got a bad rap because of all the wars.
Pic with timestamp of track suit or gtfo.
I'm married to a woman so I don't think I qualify for being a faggot.

Also, if you read my post, I'm not opposing to different races or culture living on this planet, as long as they stay in their homeland. To me, black people and black culture belongs in Africa, Muslim culture belongs in the Middle East, etc.

But I guess reading is hard for you. Good luck with that.
Ugh. The economist is such trash now.
I don't even own a camera.
>I wish I could kill every black person on earth including myself.

There are some really talented and well educated blacks, at least in Europe. Maybe you should change your country.

Mix breeds inherit the primative yet valuable survival instinct and will to fight that a lot of modern whites have lost.

Why else do you think so many screaming liberals are white? Jews defanged a large portion of the white man.

As far as I'm concerned, nazi muts and mongrels are our boots on the ground. Every war needs fodder willing to fight and die.
I'm 0.1% Asian according to Shlomo&Me.
NO black people and muslims belong in HELL. Not on earth. What the fuck do you cucked people not understand about this?
>I persistently slip a chemical that causes sterilization into weed and cigarettes and then deal them to my fellow nigs.
Big if true
So you're Ethiopian and you're saying shit like this unironically?
Its a shame they changed the seal
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Am I white?
Just read your other posts, I think it's time for you to drink some chocolate milk and take a nap little boy
I'm half spic
My dad is about 30 percent Injun
I'm like, 85 percent aryan (English/ French/ Spanish/ German/ N. Italian), then, with a tint of olive skin
Yes, I want to die. I'm a NIGGER. That's all I'll ever be.
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How white do you need to be? I'm mostly Anglo, with a little bit of German, Polish, Dutch, and Cherokee.
No, you need to get redpilled on the world. How can you be on /pol/ and not have been convinced already about the redpill. Literal geniuses are posting here 24/7 yet you turn away.
mixed with gooks and kebab people. 50 % white
I'm a turkish rapebaby
Ok not a neo-nazi but a nationalist. Took a DNA test that showed I'm 4 % finnish and 96 % Swedish.

Despite those 4 % I easily pass as a Swede.
That's fucked up man. Don't be a self hating black guy, be proud of who you are, even if you hate your race, your people or whatever. Unless this is a troll in which case you got me.
100% European DNA. You're going to have to be specific about "mixed/nonwhite" for me to give you a percentage of my European nonwhite DNA.
Hey Elliot Rodger
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>can't i get a quick rundown on your identities goys?
definitely not me
100% bavarian phenotype here
On mobile, what even is this flag?
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Lot of my white friends in and around Chicago ended up marrying Indian women, and a lot of the Indian girls I knew ended up marrying White men. Have you noticed this as well?
Bolivia but kys fucking phoneposter leaf, faggot
Depends on if you're a one drop autistic or not. If you are then my 0.2% Ashkenazi qualifies me for the ovens, Nuremburg Laws be damned.
I'm the one baiting yet you post like a cuck on pol expect not to be ridiculed for it? Do you know where you are? We hate NIGGERS here.
>this much wmaf
why are dutch such ricecookers?
Was it that your mom was born in Malaysia, and then encouraged to come to the Netherlands?
Or was there a second round of chink pounding from holiday Harry in MuhTightYellowShit?
would call him a honorary if true and efficient
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How does one even detect .2% Jew in a person? I'm no geneticist but do genes work that way?
>Lot of my white friends in and around Chicago ended up marrying Indian women, and a lot of the Indian girls I knew ended up marrying White men

You said the same thing twice - white men and Indian women.
I'm actually not sure - I live in NY and most Indians I know(men and women) date each other. I do see some mixed couples, but the indian in that case was born in america
He was half Asian. I am a quarter, fuckface. And I pass for full white
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Some purebreds might look down on you but they're such a staggering minority it doesn't really matter what they think.

In my book if you're 60% white, well bred, and look and act like a white person you're a net positive to our race.

It depends on what the non-white portion is. Its all cumulative. But as a matter of conservation only purebreds should breed with purebreds (at least once) I think that's ethical.
Apparently I am 2% greek.

That is as unwhite as I get.
3/4 romanian
1/4 everything from poland to austria and from hungary to greece (thanks to the madness that was the first part of the 20th century) so I won't bother to break it down.
Former colony in Indonesia.

Go home kid, you bore me
They do according to 23andme. It means I had an Ashkenazi ancestor about 300 years ago. Because of the intense inbreeding of the Ashkenazi their genetic material is very easy to pick out because it is relatively pure as opposed to all of my "broadly eastern european" DNA that doesn't meet the confidence level to be quantified as British/Irish, French/German, etc.
you're repeated rapebabies of poles and slavs taking turns on killing yoir men and breeding your women, neither of them are white and you especially are not
literally pale niggers
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I love being white.jpg
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100% white.
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i am half nord and half polish jew

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mfw 10% merchant

Im ok with nazis but im not one, bc I have german and amerindian ancestry.

Genes equate to millions of lines of code many sequences unique to particular races. (Haplogroups)

A lot of DNA tests are simply doing a macro scale assessment.
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Pretty much all amerimutts here are shitskins.
I'm 100% black. Like darker than dark.
I've never noticed this. Tell me more.

t. white Chicagoan with no interest in Indian women.

Non whites can be National Socialists. Even mutts can.

The Aryan was a racial ideal for Germanics. It can potentially be an ideal to strive to for all Europeans.

With eugenics and spiritual/oral guidance perhaps the other races can form their own ideals to strive towards.
Not a nazi, just generally reactionary. And no, as far as I know. French noble families on both sides, so some marriage with foreign nobles is entirely possible, though. One of my great grandma was an American woman that might have come from a family of converted Jews, but that's probably just a rumor my grandma started, she liked to shittalk her mother in law because she was American, Protestant, and from a family of industrials. She hated my mother's family because they were from "de robe" nobility, so you can imagine what she thought of an American.

I'm engaged to a Maronite Lebanese girl, though, so I guess my children will be mixed.
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50% German 50% northern Spanish, no arabs no Indio.
Not a nazi but fascist.
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>literally raising another tribe's seed
uh, have you learned nothing?
fucking cuck
I'm a mulatto, father is half black along with some other random bullshit, I really need a 23andme.

Anyways, I'm not a Nazi, I just hate black culture. Hate the attitude, glorification of degeneracy, all of it. I want the white race to continue existing because it's pretty obvious that 1. The white race has brought the most benefits and improvement for mankind, and 2. White women are on average objectively more attractive by huge amounts.

It's pretty obvious I'm mixed from looking at me, but id say I came out decently or being a quarter black + some other mutt-tier shit. I look less like a nig than most other quarteroons, I have a steady job, despise welfare, acknowledge that blacks need to get their shit together, and I'm not trapped on the Democratic plantation.
Northern Europeans had blonde hair, central and southern Europeans had darker hair typically.
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i smell a jew behide this

You can be anything you want, there's really no nazi authority to tell you otherwise. If you want to fight for the existence of whites nobody can stop you.
I think the .1%'s are just random error in that.
I'm mixed: Italian, Portuguese, Irish, Jew, a little French, maybe some Amerindian blood even (I can't confirm this last one, but I can't rule out the possibility).

I look like a Southern Italian, a Spaniard or a Jew. I have Jewish lips, my skin is yellowish, my hair is very black and thick. Nevertheless, I am moderately attractive by most people's standards. I'm 173cm, though my genetics wanted me to be taller: my sister is tall (for a woman), all of my cousins are tall etc.

I am mostly white, the only non-white in me is Jewish (honorary whites, in my view) and I would certainly pass German nazi laws, since those would let you be 1/4 Jewish as long as you abandoned your religion. I consider myself white, and I don't really care about what pale Americans have to say about 'spics'. The average white spic is smarter than the average white American, but we are a very small minority here, and the average non-white spic is a lot worse than the average white American, so they keep voting left and destroying our expectations of economic and cultural success.

In terms of nationality, I have right to Italian citizenship, intend to exercise this right in the near future, and will, after the documents are all ready, consider myself a foreign-born Italian of mixed European background. I wish to do something for Italy before I consider myself truly Italian, however, such as translating Italian authors into other languages and helping to disseminate Italian culture into the world.

I am not a nazi, though. I think nazism is a joke. I am a very conservative person. Just that.
Judging from what I know:

15% pure french
15% spanish (low-tan)
15% arabic
15% berber

Tbqh I look 100% french because I'm pale af and hair isn't freezy. I hate arabs and negroes with a passion.
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hey pal, ya mind not being so rude to one of my buddies like that, eh?

You one of the good ones. Keeps me from hating all black people
Silly sausage Eskimo
Eating raw penguins and thinking you are better than Africans
>still replies to me
Just give me your white genes. You don't deserve them.
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I'm pretty much 100% BEADY EYED
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I'm a true grease ball.
Indian women tend to make good wives, they want children, are loyal, and dont really partake in drugs or even alcohol that much. You have to compromise on religion though and do some of the zindian holiday stuff.
Only if you don't count Yids as being White
Half Polish, descended from a long line of farmers.
Other half is Mexican.
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I will accept this as confirmation of being Serbian.
It means having a connection to European ancestral history.
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It's still his DNA you fucking BR mongrel, kin selection is analogous to reproduction. His sibling's DNA is basically his give or take a neglible amount of recombinant mutations.
I'm 1/3 Irish, but the rest of my genes are white. Maybe part jew due to my nose. I'd take the 23&me but don't want guberment having my dna
Literally the equivalent of Uncle Toms
Fuck you faggot, I'm in dispatch with no wifi for >3 weeks straight, I'm phonefagging to my hearts content.
Thanks man, like a bunch of weak sticks we must stick together to form a mighty faggot!
Well, I suppose the desire for children and loyalty would be nice, but I've heard that a lot of them have princess complexes and that their families or Indian guys will be weirdly passive aggressive to you.
i'm cuban
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Half Spanish and half Anglo

I have blue eyes and pale skin so i consider myself white.
I'm mixed: Italian, Portuguese, Irish, Jew, a little French, maybe some Amerindian blood even (I can't confirm this last one, but I can't rule out the possibility).

I look like a Southern Italian, a Spaniard or a Jew. I have Jewish lips, my skin is yellowish, my hair is very black and thick. Nevertheless, I am moderately attractive by most people's standards. I'm 173cm, though my genetics wanted me to be taller: my sister is tall (for a woman), all of my cousins are tall etc.

I am mostly white, the only non-white in me is Jewish (honorary whites, in my view) and I would certainly pass German nazi laws, since those would let you be 1/4 Jewish as long as you abandoned your religion. I consider myself white, and I don't really care about what pale Americans have to say about 'spics'. The average white spic is smarter than the average white American, but we are a very small minority here, and the average non-white spic is a lot worse than the average white American, so they keep voting left and destroying our expectations of economic and cultural success.

In terms of nationality, I have right to Italian citizenship, intend to exercise this right in the near future, and will, after the documents are all ready, consider myself a foreign-born Italian of mixed European background. I wish to do something for Italy before I consider myself truly Italian, however, such as translating Italian authors into other languages and helping to disseminate Italian culture into the world.

I am not a nazi, though. I think nazism is a joke. I am a very conservative person. Just that.
Same, otherwise I'm of completely German heritage. I asked on the natsoc general and they told me that I'd get to live.
>I hate being black so much because Im a rational person and I have no choice but to act like a stupid ape just to appear normal to my own fucking race.
that does sound like hell
Not raising her, but will use my influence to help her grow into a decent person (hopefully)
if you catch them young, you can help develop them into a human and not a nigger. Plus with being 1/2 white and 1/2 my brothers DNA (aka mine) I'm hoping she does okay genetically
she's 3, so maybe in 15 years if she turns to a lost cause I'll agree. But at the moment, she's potty trained, can do the ABCs, can count to 20 and is pretty damn smart for a 3 year old. I've seen no signs of nigger in her, And she's only 1/4 anyways, with her mom being mixed from a black dad and white mom, and my brother being white
Sorry for the double posting.

iPad is shit. It told me I had mistaken the captcha.

Most Spaniards are white with a peppering of berbers or arab DNA from a 1000 years ago.

Latin Americans on the other hand are much more of a mixed bag.
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>using an ipad
no nazis here, only larpers.
Bavarian mixed with Bavarian and part Bavarian. Also like a percent Norwegian, not entirely sure what happened there. I have a guess.
Brazilian. Mediterranean color. Not exactly a nazi, but a fascist.
Yup, guilty. Start up the rotors. I need a Pinochet.
Prove that in average they're smarter
If I had a White mom who smoked crack, would I love the crack or hate it? Probably hate crack.
Similarly, if my White mom (or Dad) got Blacked, or Spic'd, Chinked or poo'd, I would hate blacks, et al., and that more than average White, experiencing as a primary source the relative toxicity of non-Whites, the false God of equality, and the unnatural comparisons forced upon people through multi-culturalism.

So I imagine there are plenty of Jew hating POC on /pol/ - since Jews force race mixing, and since Muh holohoax, it is hard to criticize the criminal Jew
Like most true Americans, I have a bit of native American in me. Its no big deal.
funny how the kikes never for one a day i their lives considered this possibility
talk about hubris, will literally be their undoing
Urugay here, aren't we like honorary whites or something?
that depends on what you mean by white. Im Irish and slavic with random akounts of various northern european enthicities.
Jews are not White
National Socialism brings out the best in all races
What do you look like?

You are fucking disgusting
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Pure Southern European genotype repoting
That was written mostly out of spite.

Nevertheless, white Latinos have certainly made tremendous contributions to the world in science, philosophy, and the arts. If white Americans are in average above that, then this difference should not be considered particularly large. In literature, for instance, Latin America is probably above the US. There was never something like the Latin American boom in American literature. We have also made inventions, won Nobel prizes, and managed to put a pope in the Vatican.
Race mixed poo here Bengal-Brit, born and raised in Jew York City
Pol really is satire.
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Because there's a lot of grey area, but generally white people have no difficulty separating whos white from who isn't.

The closer someone looks like to pic related the whiter they are
>only 98.8% European
Not so fast.
prove it rice nigger
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Aren't Jomon basically Ainu?
South East Asian cunt here
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That was bait and you took it achmed. Fuck off cutfag, if you haven't had ramen then neck yourself.>>130675727

Still disgusting...
So Is aquafresh toothpaste on the national flag.
I'm 1/4 Spaniard 1/4 Black 1/4 Asian (probably Indian don't know) 1/4 indigenous American and I don't really care about that stuff.

I look like a white skinned Turk with shitty nigger hair if you were wondering
I'm half white half mestizo. I used to associate myself with natsoc, but now I absolutely despise it. I can't stand the white ethnofags preaching their rahowa and the day of the rope.
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Fully European heritage here.
irl RWDS
Glorious poo in loo/Irish masterrace reporting in. Gas the kikes, race war now.
I am of Danish and Italian ancestry. I'm a mongrel.
What clan are you?
Spic here
67% white
24% black
8% redskin
I hope to gas all the kikes
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Pure white west mongolian blood here.
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I am 100% Congolese blood. First of my tribe, the Gwuhatswhani. I am as black as a moonless night and quantum computers have more cracks than me. My people walk 18 miles a day to get water, not the 7 that the weaker tribes do. We eat bat and long pork and spit Ebola. We were once Kings of the Jews until we got sick of their shit and kicked them out of Egypt. I have gold in my veins from a thousand millennia of royalty. My mix tape makes the Yellowstone caldera look like the Boomerang Nebula.
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I swear someone needs to make a fucking collage of all these posts and post it any time anyone says /pol/ is a white nationalist board, jesus fucking christ
Because the dutch are tall as fuck and nothing gets an asian woman wetter than a tall white man.
My dad is 100% italian master race and my mom is white but octoroon :/

Mostly white 7/8ths with a slice of Nip. Fit into white culture best.
1 drop
I'm German and Italian with some Elizabeth Warren levels of Cherokee.
>white but octoroon

sieg heil
I mean that she have white/pale skin lel
Some of my family comes from Spain but the rest is German or Polish so I'll let you decide how white I am.
Same, but only waffen ss
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Mighty white of you to ask...
White as fresh snow.
Free as an American.
Pic related.
> dat bleaching

sure must suck being a manlet tiny dicked ricenigger

> inb4 muh BWC
100% Northern European by extensive genealogical research and genetic testing. Blonde hair, blue eyes.
>All these Americans with 5+ different ethnicities within recent memory

Truly a mongoloid people.

On my mum's side I am 100% Irish for as long as Ireland has existed, on my dad's side I am Irish for 400 years, before which the family lived in Scotland for several hundred years after crossing over from somewhere in Scandinavia.
>I persistently slip a chemical that causes sterilization into weed and cigarettes and then deal them to my fellow nigs
Dude if that works and you aren't bullshitting then you deserve a fucking iron cross for this.
I genuinely wish I was pure. Instead I'm part Scottish, German, Romanian, Swedish, Lithuanian, and Nigerian.
>tfw Amerimutt
youll be fine; all frogs are swarthy as fuck, they wont notice you. plus, muh civic nationalism
Find a nice white/asian/native american wife and breed out the nigger buddy. Research your flag, my people originally are Catalan/Basque. The red is the blood of muslim invaders smeared across a proud shield.
One of those is not like the others.
lol the amount of burger Mexican abominations
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I know. I don't know where the Nigerian came from.
That's just statistical noise ya dingus.
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>12.4% Baltic
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