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Was this /ourmovie/? Literally 300 strong heroic ultra-natio

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Was this /ourmovie/?
Literally 300 strong heroic ultra-nationalistic white alpha males standing together as brothers massacring hordes and hordes of brown middle eastern foreign invaders
It's literally /pol/: The Movie
If a movie like this was made today SJWs and muslims would literally fall into a coma from the mass triggering it would cause
Listening to the soundtracks alone inspires a feeling of extreme pride and nationalism
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>All fucked by 1 Jew

pretty accurate
The spartans werent white, the persians were whiter even if im not mistaken
divide and conquer shill kys gtfo and fuck off
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In all seriousness, the Persians were high functioning people. This was before the retardation of Islam came full force along with tons of inbreeding.
It was pretty much good goy propaganda in between some wars when burger moral was low, because Iraqi Freedom didn't go smoothly. But a good comic book adaptation I suppose.
>Muh nationalist
>muh white males
>mug alphas
Shut the fuck up you fucking alt-right Reddit newfag
>thinks they know what "white" is
They all looked gay to me. I ain't complaining though.
Well buzzfeed recently did a bit on how it was the breaking point of toxic masculinity in Hollywood. So just by that standard I'd say it's good.
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No because most spartans look like (dark) southern europeans. And all nordics know they wuz greeks and shit.
divide and conquer shill gtfo and kys
It's me trying to leech on the achievements of others. It's the indo-shits.
The fuck you on about?
The spaniard is right.
We have hakkapeliittas, we don't need to bee fucking spartans too.
It's NOT me
gtfo & kys
How about you try to educate yourself before you come here and tell other people what their culture is, you stupid sub-human jewish fucktoy.
Classic passive aggressive Turk trying to make fun of its racially superior neighbour
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>All fucked by a nordshit abomination.

Fixed it for you, rabbi.
>calls me a jew
>uses divide and conquer tactics
upside down world
>sandnigger thinks he knows what white is
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OF course I do, retarded faggot. My ancestors raped a lot of white women, hence, we're experts on what's white and what's not.
I rewatched it and the niggers are all very KVETCHING
You're worse than the cockroach for laughing at his joke obviously denigrating your race
You should kys cuck
Athens, full of gay philosophers, did most of the work during that battle.

*looks up photos*
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>my ancestors

pic related
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greeks look pretty brown to me
My race never got raped by sandniggers, but by the looks of it someone else's did
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the movie was shit. all the "enemy" needed to do was roll a barrel of oil at them and set it on fire. absolute shit.
Nah pham dont think so

The Greeks, much like the Italians, are part eggplant
when did Turkmens become Siberian Mongols?
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>those trips

Your people are doing God's work anon. Bring ruin to the deviant blasphemers.
You were so triggered you had me convinced
Not from Laconia
M y s i d e s
stai muto zingaro di merda
>haha I behaved like a pathetic cuck and it made you angry haha I got you good haha
sad faggot you are
>deifying a culture which invented the Man-Boy Love Association
before ottoman occupation and a thousand years of levantine and north african pirates and raiders & they were whiter friendo
Didnt most Nazis flee to Argentina?
No. Spartans prided themselves for having a tan that they got from being out in the field all the time exercising and drilling. There is this scene in Xenophon's Hellenica where the Spartan King Agesilaus II humiliates a bunch of captured Persian soldiers for being so pale underneath their clothes, which the Greeks derive that as proof of their decadence and femininity for not doing toilsome work or activities:

>And again, believing that to feel contempt for one's enemies infuses a certain courage for the fight, Agesilaus gave orders to his heralds that the barbarians who were captured by the Greek raiding parties should be exposed for sale naked. Thus the soldiers, seeing that these men were white-skinned because they never were without their clothing, and soft and unused to toil because they always rode in carriages, came to the conclusion that the war would be in no way different from having to fight with women. [20]

Aren't Greeks basically Turks anyway?
They are swarthy meds
Is this how we should raise children /pol/?

kek right
>the phenotype of greeks has not changed at all in 2300 years of roman occupation, arab raiders/pirates and hundreds of years of ottoman occupation
>Cradle of civilization
>Sandniggers that like banging their dicks on holy roman gates
Kys retard
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To be fair Greece, together with Sicily, are the only two places where the rape babe meme may hold some base.

Pic related: Principal component analysis where you can see how Greeks and Sicilians drift towards jews and arabs when compared with other europeans, from both modern and ancient times.
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>His only regret is that he has so few to sacrifice.
Holy shit dude, you trigger easy.
It didn't chance as much as you think. See >>130464896
Nice retarded chart, my arabic friend.
Just in case you don't know, there were no arabs in the iberian peninsula. The muslim invaders were north africans. :)
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The Flag a joke?
Spartans Waz White
>Middle Easterners at any point of history were whiter than the Borean/Aryan conqueror seed of an ancient European culture

Why do you faggots even try?
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Okay Ahmad
Tell me, why are Abhkazians are so close to Asians in your retarded chart? Are they Asian?

But SJWs and Muslims DID cry over this movie

>We wuz Persians and sheit
where did you get that implication from my post
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You are just mad that some turks are closer to other europeans than to most turks.

I am sorry Mehmet but this turkish girl and you have nothing in common. She will threat you like a dog, because that's what you are for her.

By the way, learn something if you roach IQ allows you to do so:


They are literally from Asia. The communities they had were mostly in alpine countries and Germany, most were isolated for a long time as well. Most Ashkenazi Jews are upfront about this much.
>Lapdogs>>>>>>>>> bloodthirsty sixpack megawarriors
Why are Iranians so close to Papuans in your retarded chart? Answer my question.
That's not because of rape, Greeks were always like that and Sicilians are mostly Greeks anyway.
Im pretty sure this movie is what converted me to fascism before I even recognized it. I was a Bush hating liberal due to Iraq and Afghanistan. Seriously, this movie is the most Evola tier thing to come out before Hollywood became the complete wasteland it is today. The sequel was shit though.
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Top right ones are projected. It doesn't make sense, I don't know why they put those people there, we obviously aren't related to nigger Onges.

the sequel was an attempt to dilute the visual steroid injection that is 300
Turks should be between Nogay and Kumyk imo
It was a cash cow venture with muh stronk female protagonist. Also in trying to replicate the gory action scenes, lost the (fascistic) spirit of the original.

Because SNP variation is less between Iranians and Papuans than between Iranians and bedouins, for example. This is copy and paste since you are to lazy, or too dumb, or both, to follow a link:

Single nucleotide polymorphisms, frequently called SNPs (pronounced “snips”), are the most common type of genetic variation among people. Each SNP represents a difference in a single DNA building block, called a nucleotide. For example, a SNP may replace the nucleotide cytosine (C) with the nucleotide thymine (T) in a certain stretch of DNA.

SNPs occur normally throughout a person’s DNA. They occur once in every 300 nucleotides on average, which means there are roughly 10 million SNPs in the human genome. Most commonly, these variations are found in the DNA between genes. They can act as biological markers, helping scientists locate genes that are associated with disease. When SNPs occur within a gene or in a regulatory region near a gene, they may play a more direct role in disease by affecting the gene’s function.

Most SNPs have no effect on health or development. Some of these genetic differences, however, have proven to be very important in the study of human health. Researchers have found SNPs that may help predict an individual’s response to certain drugs, susceptibility to environmental factors such as toxins, and risk of developing particular diseases. SNPs can also be used to track the inheritance of disease genes within families. Future studies will work to identify SNPs associated with complex diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, and cancer.
Why? what do you mean should be?
most of you barely have any actual Turk blood, you are mostly native Anatolian.
Between Diptera and Arachnida would be more accurate.
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>you are mostly native Anatolian
We are half Turkmen half something else. Our mongoloid dna varies from 5% to 25%, i myself look like a mongol.
Calling us "native anatolian" is as retarded as calling a georgian white.
tl dr
What does that "projected" mean though? I recognize I don't know that.
God damn I need to watch 300 and its sequel again.

Will they ever make a third one? I'm worried though it will be SJW'd to hell and back if they do.
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>Why? what do you mean should be?
pic related
As far as I know the western part of Turkey looks nowhere near the eastern part.
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Even on your pic, you don't have that much of it. here you have more south Asian than you have East Asian.

Also what a moronic pic, why does it label west genes European?

Kumyk look mongoloid too, they are still not that distant.
What more is to cover? They already showed the battle of Thermopylae, Plataea, Marathon, and Salamis. There is no other major battle to make a movie about.
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>Even on your pic, you don't have that much of it. here you have more south Asian than you have East Asian.
that's because that chart is based on my ass and dienekes is a massive greek shitposter

also south asian dna came from Central Asia/Iran, where Turks came from
>Also what a moronic pic, why does it label west genes European?
if you don't like it check >>130467557
nope, keep wishing, i believe they were betrayed by a greek, how about that kike ?

you know what greeks say?
jew, jew, eternal #2
That movie was a cringefest. I never managed to sit through it. Your taste is abhorrent. Please tell me you're only pretending to be white because sharing a race with you isn't exactly a pleasant thought.
greeks are brown
Greece is the roots of western civilization, ligth of white Europe.

The movie is good, those 300 gave their lifes for their country but also for all Europe.
Western Turkey is as Turk as other parts of Turkey. Eastern Turks are half armenian half turk whereas western turks are half greek half turk, what makes western turks whiter is mediterranean genes which eastern turks lack, but they're still close.

The spartan dude even says "if we don't fight them there we'll have to fight them here".
yeah, get out of the closet already , so your neighborhood kills you and a roach is a roach less
>imblying the first wasn't mostly shit with some redeeming features (mostly for not being cucked)
>imblying for a single fucking second that the second film wasn't a castrated, watered down, SJW piece of shit
>imblying that another shitty dynamic lighting sequel wouldn't be about strong POC fighting oppressive iron age patriarchy and that they wouldn't team up with Spartans who would be (((written))) as crypto #resistance all along
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Like I said, it's not that much. like I said, overall you are not that mongoloid. yeah, from certain regions Turkish have more Turk dna and they are close to Kumyks, not Nogays. also you can't be nogay, you are bunch of gays.
>a fantasy tale full of gayness

yep, def it was a movie for stormgaggers then
um no they didnt because they were Christian and God knows what a slave tuirks are for Christians within, you probably asked to drink their piss , I mean you did suck dick for janissaries ,did you not ? and they were all Christian boys
ha ha turks with ambitions
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I think you misunderstood me
Kumyks are, genetically, our closest relatives after Azeris. They're as mongoloid as an average Turk, however, I didn't say we're so close to nogays, i said we should be between Nogays and Kumyks.
>uyghurs mostly european

I don't believe this chart
hahaha mizrahi
Turkey is multicultural, some parts are more gook than others. Most of it is Kurdish though and will be annexed by Kurdistan inshallah.

Everyone hates you. .
The Spartans didn't even achieve a strategic victory. The Persians they killed were hardly a dent in Xerxes' army. The naval battles were far more important.
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European=Caucasian dna

Some Uyghurs really do look nothing like a mongol like pic related
No one cares.
This, in my opinion, is the most /pol/ related film in existence. Thoughts?
right because you as spain are not an emetic mix of celt stupidity and moore arabianess, try again faggot
The eternal roach, always with inferiority complexes about greece and always anti-white
This movie was a steaming pile of shit.
Why do you think the Persians were depicted as these evil monsters?
(((Who))) could be interested in depicting Persians as monsters?
Around the time the movie came out there was a lot of hysteria surrounding Iran and it seemed like the US was about to start a war with Iran.
The depiction of persians in this movie was meant to prepare the american people for a war in Iran its that simple. How often is it the case that hollywood kikes allow a film to be made that praises heroism,patriotism and general martial virtues without some kind of agenda behind it?
Just like attacking Iraq and Syria a war with Iran would have advanced the interest of Israel paid for with american blood and treasure.
The only reason why we got his movie was to psychologically prepare us for another war in the middle east for our greatest ally.
>(((Who))) could be interested in depicting Persians as monsters?
European subhumans who worship Alexander the huge fag
not the jews eh ?
? I'm a white russian you black nigger
No, you shouldn't be. like I said there are few Turkish who test between Kumyks and Nogais, but overall you are not between them.
She looks mongoloid as fuck you blind faggot
No, he means that it was basically financed by Warner bros. under the premise of being propaganda against Iran.

And being a fucking roach, you have no room to lecture anyone about faggotry.
your a (PIC), long hair makeup and all
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>No, you shouldn't be. like I said there are few Turkish who test between Kumyks and Nogais, but overall you are not between them.
what do you mean by overall? Turks from Western Turkey and Central Anatolia are between Kumyks and Nogais as i mentioned. Only Turks from Thrace and Trabzon/Rize/Artvin have no mongol dna. Turks from Trabzon/Rize are Pontic Greeks anyway.

>She looks mongoloid as fuck you blind faggot

By that logic i'm korean

This is what a mongoloid looks like, she's from Western Turkey
oh you missed my post,
>(((Who))) could be interested in depicting Persians as monsters?
European subhumans who worship Alexander the huge fag (you said)
>not the jews eh ? what a turkish faggot . Your greex complex will never go away
Post more Anatolian grills pls.
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In last one you posted, they were closer to Greeks and Sicilians than to Nogays, so no, you should not be between them retard. you are just a fake Turk, a rape baby. I'm not saying that you don't have mongol DNA, so irrelevant.

>By that logic i'm korean
If you look more mongoloid than her then you probably are, but most likely you are just blind, look close at her at her shape of face and head, her eyes nose everything, she looks central asian, if she had bigger cheekbones she would pass in Mongolia.
Lena headey was super duper qt in 300 with 33 years old (hot milf)
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that map is wrong and based on my ass like every eupedia map
this one is better, although it's incompleted and based on not more than 100 samples on Turks

>In last one you posted, they were closer to Greeks and Sicilians than to Nogays
you're supposed to look at 2 population mix thingy. 50% nogay and 50% southern italian tells a lot.
Also, I look as mongol as her but i have caucasoid skull and a monobrow
>a bunch of literal fags in capes getting rekt by black """""Persians"""""
Pick uno
Is that same as East Asian, or does Eurasian also include poo in the loos and other Asians?

2 population doesn't show the distance, you can mix a nigger and a siberian, you are going to end up between those two on PCA and not close to either one of those.
East Eurasian=/=South Asian.
South Asian is usually included in West Eurasian

>2 population doesn't show the distance
it shows you where should you put them

Also what's your opinion on 'Turks' from Trabzon/Rize/Artvin? I heard they go to Georgia for gambling and fucking
dumb americans should be banned from taking any stances on european history
I am just stating facts. No reason to be mad.

As I said, there were no arabs in Spain, zero. They were north africans (berbers).
>based on my ass like every eupedia map
>this one is better
>Based on dodecad
>Exactly the same source eupedia always uses

btw where does it say nogay and south Italian? it says Jewish Italian and Cyprian, which would put you where you already are.

I don't have any opinion, never met one. they are disgusting mix of us and roaches and Greeks, we'll get rid of them after we reconquer our rightful clay.
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>brown middle eastern foreign invaders



meant for >>130474718
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>every single thread even indirectly mentioning anything close to southern europe invariably turns into purity spiraling and racebaiting
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Nah that's an /r9k/ film

This one would be better for /pol/
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