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>Today’s fight against racism is not as much a large-sc

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>Today’s fight against racism is not as much a large-scale fight against overt and symbolic foes like Nazis or the KKK as it is an every-day fight against people’s ingrown bigotry and ignorance – against the every-day “micro-aggressions” through which people express their bigotry. This point is illustrated perfectly by young U.S. photographer Kiyun, who created a series of images of Fordham University students holding up placards with micro-aggressions that they’ve heard.

Ching chong ming tao I eat dog
i feel like thats a fair question to ask
Well can she?
Nobody said that to her.
Considering rates of myopia in Asian countries it's a fair question
This Asian Brawd is a hypocite, her man is most likely white but she knows it is safe to attack white society because the (((media))) and government elites will be on her side.
better than smelling like shit
I doubt much of these things people said at ALL. I think they just made this shit up.

These things absolutely occurred. I swear.
What if, you know, maybe she actually did smell like rice?
like i believe anyone would ask that question
Stupid chinks never understand english
I have seen the asian webms going around,, that is a legitimate fucking question
dumb asses getting run over because they cant see shit.
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Can Asians see as much as white people?

Probably not judging from their art.
Then go back to Asia, swamp rat
this is fake asian women love white men even more then asian men.
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true dat. the majority of low speed collisions, fender benders, moving violations, and general bad driving come from an overwhelming percentage of asian drivers.

the irony is that they can build a car more efficient than any other on the planet, but can't fucking drive.
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So sick of these whiny little bitches
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Pic #1 is a legit question
She's really not though.
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Asian americand are the worst. This is coming from a central/East Asian hybrid.

No culture, entitled, and assimilated into the SJW/BLM. Any woman (or man) born in America I have immediate caution towards. Asians are efficient, fast, and have hard work ethics. But the American Asian was not brought up with these skills, so they are lazy, unmotivated, and resistant to work hard. This is also the negative of Asians in general, we lack decent emotion and empathy, thus when given this freedom of feeling, it is mostly wasted on personal endevors.
well if they cast a white girl she'd be screaming racism. they were clearly trying to be canonically accurate. these dumb whores get offended by everything.

i would be shocked to learn she doesn't know spanish either, considering american students are literally forced to learn spanish as a second language in schools all the way through college in some areas.
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How do you smell like rice ? All I smell is bullshit .
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>people arent being racist enough so I have to make shit up or repeat shit I heard when I was in middleschool.
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I know he's a fag from just a still image. Its almost like picking out the down syndrome kid. There's just something off about gay people
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Thats a face worth saving
>implying that single eyelid hmong nigger tier asian is japanese

wow these guys will go to any length to make up bullshit, won't they?
At least the 'aggressions' are micro and only from random retards.

As a lover of my country and culture and white, male, and not sexually confused/psychologically damaged, I'm consistently macro aggressed by
>the media
>entertainment industry
>the outspoken portion of the student body
>popular culture in the west
>the GLBTetc community
>talk show hosts (and most of their guests)
>our political elites
>the celebrity class
>Islam and it's followers
>religious nutters of all stripes
>social media
>slate/vice/salon/buzzfeed/Huffington post/jacobin/youtube(front page) and almost all click bait generating media outlets and their owners/writers/editors/staff/etc
>my own government
>the government's of every major western nation
>the current sociopolitical climate and all those that claim to be oppressed while being on the overwhelming majority side of approval in said sociopolitical climate
Im on my phone, can someone pretty please shop a "your mother will die in her sleep" placard?

I had a mandarin teacher that came to class everyday smelling like the most rancid seafood. Some stereotypes are true.. Maybe if I went to China they would not like me for smelling like soap.
Why do niggers think whites care about their shitty nappy hair?
Me neither , shes clearly a brown girl .
Do you think they also cast a black guy as Boots?
>>Today’s fight against racism is not as much a large-scale fight against overt and symbolic foes like Nazis or the KKK as it is an every-day fight against people’s (white people) ingrown bigotry and ignorance – against the every-day “micro-aggressions” through which people express their bigotry. This point is illustrated perfectly by young U.S. photographer Kiyun, who created a series of images of Fordham University students holding up placards with micro-aggressions that they’ve heard.
Why is it only white people are racist?
And why are you so stupid?

Libshits put on a false fascination because they feel pity. Their hair is so god awful only a white liberal could love it.. That says something.
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It is weird because its weird that ANYONE listens to carrie underwood .
If she says so.
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if your eyes are less open, you will see less.

if a window curtain is closed, is less light let in? YES.
wtf, they need to get over themselves

I have never felt the need to touch someone's hair unless I was fucking her already.
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fuk u mutherfucker
Shouldn't she be glad for all that White privilege?
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i hear you, man.
i hear you...

Thank goodness we have Trump.

So we are never getting rid of this shit unless we ---- ---- ---?
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Spot on
Man it's amazing how much your racist retards deflect and deny.
>They never said that!
>They're lying!
>It's probably true!
>There's nothing racist about that they're just a stupid fag/bitch!
Do you stupid fucks even listen to yourselves?

That being said, the shoops are giving me a good laff
>kill them all.
Yes that's the only solution.
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Breddy gud anon.

The goal is to get white people so preoccupied with policing their own language that they don't notice they are becoming a minority in their own countries.
Having been around East Asians, I can confirm that they have weird smells.
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There is no such thing as micro aggression and there was no fight.

We were all minding our business when these faggots came in and screamed that we were racist for groups being majority white in a country that's majority white.
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Girl you are white. Welcome to the club.
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>holding up placards with micro-aggressions that they’ve heard.

Wow they got those racists shaking in their boots! Keep up the good fight queens! Slayy!
Maybe in Israel where you know they claim people were made into soap......
But the entire point of the project that only whites can be bigoted and intolerant. It's exclusively stated. Even in mid June, every week we get a new insane headline like, "White professor almost lynched at Evergreen," and, "Whites not allowed at new cafe at American University." Every single week.

Every action has an equal and opposite reaction. So what do you expect? What do you expect to find when you choose to visit this Kazakh Turdsculpting Website's most notorious subforum? Do you really think everyone here regularly says this kind of shit to coloured people as often as they say this kind of shit about us? Apply some critical thought.
Pretty much this, and you don't see us running, or whining for our safe space either.
These are great.
Are they supposed to be hilarious?
you only cry when you want someone else to do something about it. Otherwise you get mad and change it yourself.
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So let's see society as a whole has become so integrated that now we have to make up new forms of oppression to complain about. What this tells me is that society has degraded to the point that it is doomed, because Darwinism says this weaker species will die off.
>“micro-aggressions” through which people express their bigotry.
>microscopic expressions of bigotry

So people saying stupid and ignorant things is just as "bigoted" as the KKK? Maybe if what you perceive to be racism is expressed to a degree that you yourself admit is "micro", maybe the problem is you and not everybody else.

t. black guy.
>But the entire point of the project that only whites can be bigoted and intolerant. It's exclusively stated.
It doesn't say that at all
>every week we get a new insane headline like, "White professor almost lynched at Evergreen," and, "Whites not allowed at new cafe at American University."
Ten bucks says you're following sources lile brietbart or stormfront
>Do you really think everyone here regularly says this kind of shit to coloured people
Of course not, 4channers are a bunch of pussies. But I work in the oilfield and the good ol boys in the white boy club sure have no problem saying shit like this on a regular basic about their black and chinese coworkers. When they're not within earshot of course.
>as often as they say this kind of shit about us?
>Waaah I'm not racist but I say racist things because they say racist things about me so it's ok that i say racist things but I don't cause I'm not racist they are!!
Lmao fucking crybaby
I bet they also call you a total pussy when you're not within earshot either lmao
swarthy "people" BTFO disgusting monsters the lot of ´em no wonder white man conquered this planet so easily we should do it again some time

no they. I dont associate with them. I think they are out of their minds.
this is just a pussy ass bitch being a pussy ass bitch nothing new. Someone pulled off my hat in middle school doing the exact same thing and I slammed his head into a desk. Fucking weak people
isn't this from 4 years ago or something? I remember I was in college.

It's so obnoxious when Asians in America act like they're oppressed. They're on-average wealthier than whites and FREE TO GO BACK TO WHERE THEY CAME FROM
Ban it
Wow people said petty, mean spirited things to non whites. How awful.

Oh wait, people say horrible, awful, dehumanizing shit to me because I'm white all day, everyday on this website.
I will find you you fucker
I want to cum in her hair

fuuuuck off
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who the fuck says that to an asian

someone did, but that someone was black
Lmao they probably do. But these are the type of guys who bitch about everyone amd everything. They call the new generation a bunch of wimps and they call all the minorities lazy and stupid, and then every single night they complain about the hours they work and the cold that hurts and hoe the job sucks and how the temperature is too warm or cold.
They are the biggest manchildren wimps I've ever had the displeasure of dealing with, so I really don't give a fuck what they think about me. And I sure as hell don't care about what your retarded ass thinks of me either.
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