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Why did people dress like this in the 90's?

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Why did people dress like this in the 90's?
The Great Jnco War...you had to live it to believe it OP.
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The Clinton budget surplus was so big, we had to make our pants bigger

That was early 2000's

It happened

It was rather gay, the hipsters of their time.
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>you will never relive the age of Jnco
Let me educate you, friend.
I was really into the rave scene in the late 90's. I wore those pants.

Funny think is a couple years ago I tried to dress up as a raver for Halloween. I still had some of those pants in storage and I could still fit in them. I couldn't even go out in public on Halloween wearing them without feeling like a total douchebag, but I thought they were so fucking cool in the 90's.
Because raver kids. To be honest I kind of miss it, outdoor raves on LSD were the shit and the women were still feminine. Also pretty easy, but that's nothing new.
Maybe in Leaftopia. They peaked in 98-99in NY.
So you could spot the faggots easier.
Good old JNCO.

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tfw not hammer pants
Oh god I can't believe I ever wore those...
Thank god there weren't camera phones back then or else there'd be picture of me wearing those abomination.
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>craigsteiner blog

there it is

next up


then Infotards

then we've completed the right wing retard trifecta
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Clinton was the shittiest President since Hardin. Fact.
as a "skater punk" high schooler of the 90's I and all my friends wore big pants, but never seen anything like these. We even wore Jnco's but still never saw ones this huge. It was a faggotry trend, and almost everyone had switched to tight sagged jeans after a couple years of big stupid fucking pants. Not that sagging is much better but yea ....
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You are correct. That is the 90's despite the children in this thread stating the 2000's.
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Whats more suprising is the attempted edgy reboot they got around 2005 when hot topic convinced all the emos trip pants were cool.
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You right wing retards only hate Based Bill Clinton because you hate a strong economy and a budget surplus. That's why u retards worship Bush, because he pissed the Clinton surplus away as soon as he could.
rave pants were awesome
i would still wear them if i could

Wrote my thesis on how this was not a true surplus, merely Jewish tricks to deceive the public into thinking ot was a budget surplus.
in the Bay Area, California this look was for urban rapper black pride kids and a few years later for ravers. it was over by '92 though.
Ok having a flashback right now.
hot topic was the poo poo for so long there. so much "muh emo edgy look". so much time soent in there looking at clothes.
Are you autistic or just "special"? Are you in the right thread?

Didn't the guy from this thread >>130448675 already make you look like an idiot behind your political ignorance?
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lol no u didn't. Nice larp tho.

Let me debunk your right wing retard memes in 2.2 seconds.

1. No Bill Clinton did not raid the SSTF. A president cannot do this. Right wing retards can't deal with reality so they make up fantasy stories. This is also what retarded children do. Coincidence?

2. A budget surplus is when revenues exceed expenditures. Right wing retards don't know this. >>130451109
We do not discuss it with outsiders.
Why does it cut off before Obama?
>hard style
>Gothic/Marilyn Manson crap
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he got btfo >>>130449012

nice try tho kid
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Why is that relevant to the Bill Clinton surplus?
>Clinton was left handed
Did this not come out in the campaign? I mean how the fuck did he get elected?
Really? I remember those starting to decline in 1997 and never saw anyone in them after 1999.
God I wish these would come back
>obamaleaffuck ruins another thread
I like bill. always have. hes not a bad guy. hes chill, likes the grateful dead and smoking and snorting a few lines. Id hang with him. Its his cunt wife that no one likes.
OMG Im bluepilled now!! Lets elect Hillary in 2020 and create another Real Estate Bubble + dcotcom bubble!!
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tbqh i didn't even realize it myself until someone pointed that out when i posted these pics

surprised Republican lunatics didn't make it an issue but they were too busy being SJWs about Clinton getting a blowjob in the Oval Office like a boss
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JNCO actually had a guerilla marketing campaign where they hired grafitti taggers to start tagging JNCO everywhere.
The only people that dressed like that were the gay ass mall goth/raver Frankenstein

the fuck does any of this have to do with the president?
Baggy pants are more comfortable. I never went as extreme as your pic but Relaxed Fit is still where it's at.
Why do (((people))) dress like this in the 2010s?
>American ravers wore these to raves
>If I even considered wearing those to a rave here I would have been knocked out

And I'm talking about when they were in (((fashion))). What kind of fucking ravers were skateboard trash? Get your fucking act together Amerifats.
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>right wing retards dinduing again

George Bush: we want everybody in America to own their own home. That's what we want.
Jesus Christ stop posting this shit. I can't believe we let this man have the nuclear codes.
Is that how the infamous S started?
It was '98 and the stupid fad didn't even last a whole year.
It was a republican controlled congress that voted those policies into effect, retard.

It was a time when people worked across the isle and actually wanted to improve the nation instead of just playing partisan games.
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are right wing retards actually this fucking dumb? >>130451460
Nobody in this country did.
Google psycho cowboy
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lol why u hate lefties?
I remember laughing at all the faggots wearing those pants. They would say stupid shit like "da bomb, tight, based"

Bunch of nigger lovers
They weren't really a thing here, I never noticed anyone wearing them at least.
better than fucking skinny jeans
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middle leafistan they can still be found .
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>It was a republican controlled congress that voted those policies into effect, retard.

Lol no they didn't. Republicans had nothing to do with the CLinton surplus. >>130451998

They opposed it. Republicans pissed away the Clinton surplus as soon as they could. >>130451000

Why is that all right wing retards can do is try to take credit for CLINTON AND OBAMA GREATNESS but yet u will completely dindu an entire 8 year GOP Presidency?

You're the biggest fucking degenerates on the planet.
>dat skull

Well for goodness sake I hope you didn't call it a Jewish trick

Otherwise I doubt you would have graduated
Im right wing =¿
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I know that feel anon. Only there are pictures of me.
Electronics were bigger back then, you could fit a whole Compaq Presario in the front pocket of most JNCO's.
>Didn't the guy from this thread >>130448675 → already make you look like an idiot behind your political ignorance?
Looks like he specifically addressed that in the post I put in the last part you child. It's also true. Presidents submit budgets but they get changed and accepted by Leg branch who then does their own fiscal policy. Presidential budgets are more of the Pres way of showing he understands the economy.

Hes also correct in that the executive branch has zero control over the economy and fiscal policy. Sorry Obamaleaf, you looked ignorant next to him.
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>being this pissed off in a JNCO thread

enjoy your early heart attack
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>shitpost thread about baggy pants turned into a rant fest by obamaleaf
Only raver fags and ICP types wore that shit. My school called them "candy kids". Everyone else was preppy as fuck. Pac Sun and Abercrombie were the backbone of everyone's attire.
>thread about JNCO
>Obamaleaf cannot help himself but to make it not about JNCO
I had one pair of jnco jeans when I was in elementary school, I hated wearing them because I was uncomfortable about having a logo on my ass.
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No matter how good an economy Democrats leave Republicans, you fucking retards will crash everything and then chimp out WE DINDU NUFFIN

every fucking time guaranteed

George Bush: we want everybody in America to own their own home. That's what we want.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GkAtUq0OJ68&nohtml5=False [Embed]

Funny how we hit both extremes. Baggy pants again soon?
I had 2 pairs of Jencos. I loved Jencos...and Boss jeans
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They stopped making them in denim and they were all like this. Juggalos cant into music or fashion. Didn't even have to scroll down to find this.
>Lol no they didn't. Republicans had nothing to do with the CLinton surplus

Do you even understand how the government works? Oh wait, you're a canadian, so of course you don't. The President doesn't control the budget, congress does. It's a fucking fact that a Republican controlled congress legislated the budget that gave us a surplus. Deal with it you fucking idiot.

The President literally cannot mandate the budget, it isn't within his powers.
It lacks self-awareness, as most leaves do.
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The top alphas in my school did from 6th to 9th grade. After that it sorta died out around 1998ish.

This was the north east 30 mins from NY NY.
I had a "lolz taco spork so randomz!" Type GF who I used to go to the mall with every week so she could buy invader zim stuff. She liked being tied up and savagely buttfucked so I let her dye my hair black after I grew it out a foot or so.

I too wore the trip pants for a season. My parents keep around a polaroid of me in my slipknot tshirt and trip pants with black hair halfway to my ass and a sulky "im too cool for this shit" look on my face to blackmail me with.

Not to brag but I believe I hold the world record as the only male to ever get laid whilst wearing trip pants.

Then the girl left me and I suddenly realized in a moment of clarity that everyone wasnt just calling me a faggot because they were jealous of my "free spirited indivuality" and grew out of it.
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>Hes also correct in that the executive branch has zero control over the economy and fiscal policy.

That's just straight up wrong.


You retards need to read and educate yourselves.

Fuck even the Republicans called it the OBAMA ECONOMY.

Lol this is how pathetic you retards are. You shit on the Obama economy for 8 years, now you suddenly try to take credit for it? You're fucking degenerates!
But it was the Republican congress that fixed the economy after the Dem Congress chimped out after Obama took office. All you have to do is look at the time GOP took over. The Dems held congress up until the housing recession.
>My parents keep around a polaroid of me in my slipknot tshirt and trip pants with black hair halfway to my ass and a sulky "im too cool for this shit" look on my face to blackmail me
lol fag
lol im not even mad

I'm actually laughing at right wing retards who splerged out for 8 years against the OBama economy now want to take credit for it

I honestly can't wait to see how hard these retards dindu the trump economy when he crashes it
The strength was related to interest rates being too low, resulting in the .com crash. That being said Bush didn't help, TARP and the other BS was total BS. Think of the economy and interest rates like a Heroin addict. Man things were so good after that first shot, this detox sucks, give me another shot man.... then he dies.
Obama went in with a demcrate controlled congress, you autistic faggot. It was just a pre canned democratic budget.
the smaller not-quite ridiculous versions were the shit. Cool in the summer, warm in the winter, plenty of ball room, could fit ANYTHING in the pockets. Took a 2liter and a full bag of chips into the theater. Which when you're a poorfag in highschool, is a selling point.
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Next comes no pants at all :3
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Lol it was Based Bill Clinton's economic plan you moron.

You see what I mean? You're proving my point. All you right wing retards can do is try to take credit for CLINTON AND OBAMA GREATNESS but you will completely dindu an entire 8 year GOP presidency.

Holy shit u right wing retards are the biggest degenerates on the planet.
micmac bronx yo man chigaco :DDDDFF
You are embarrassing yourself, please stop.
Leaf confirmed for left wing lunatic

Not sure why people still argue with him; he was ousted as an idiot months ago
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>lol im not even mad
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Republicans called it the OBama economy. You right wing retards don't get to try to take credit for the booming Obama economy after u splerged out against it for 8 years. What are you fucking degenerates?
>"boomed" into a tech bubble
>which burst by 97 and caused a recession
The same reason they march for BLM today... they're pussies with no sense of purpose or moral grounding..
Because people are still dumb enough to reply to someone who is clearly mentally ill.
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Interest rates were like 5% under Clinton. Wtf are you talking about?

The strength was because Based Bill created 23 million jobs
ummm no, a liberal MSM headline called it Obama economy. That was in your own example you provided. Nice try though. When will you learn Executive branch has zero control over the fiscal economy. Also, it was Yellen who dropped interest to zero and hit the economy with 3 QE injections. Obama was a nigger from Chicago who had shit experience as a community organizer. How you think this disbarred fag had some 6th sense on the economy makes you look like an ignorant moron.
>being this retarded.
Not American, Not Republican, shows you can only defend yourself hiding behind Bush, when both Bush and Clinton policies created the bubble, FED Chair remained the same and admitted he "made a mistake"

You are a Democrat zombie follower and cannot accept this.
You could steal 40's in the back pockets.
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>*moodily blows hair out of his eyes*
>pfft. Like I'd expect YOU to get it.
>*stares broodingly into the horizon with a steely resolve and wisdom far beyond his years*
>* whispers to self* "not all of us can live like the sheep"
>flicks chinese knockoff zippo as slipknots psychosocial begins playing from somewhere
>"but some day they'll see... I'll just have to LIGHT the way for them....."
Fuck the left, marry the middle, kill the right.

Just like politics. :)
ya good point. Dudes is an ignorant fucking clown. no pint arguing with delusional lefttards.
Friendly reminder that he calls people globalist cocksuckers while he happily licks hillary/obama's asses. It's a visible form of autism.
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Do nothing Republicans tried to impeach Clinton, promised his economic plan would fail, pretty much the same under OBama, they were obstructionist and promised me OBamacare would be a job killer. Then Obama creates 16 million jobs and right wing retards who opposed him every step of the way try to take credit for it.

You right wing retards are the biggest fucking degenerates on the planet.

When all u can do is try to take credit for CLINTON AND OBAMA GREATNESS, then guess what I already won.

You're already admitting that Democratic presidents are so great, that all u can do is try to take credit for them.
I don't think I ever remember them actually being a big thing.

Like, I was vaguely cognizant that they existed, but never something that caught on. Might have just been where I lived maybe.
Around 1996-1997 here. I thought it was stupid, partially because wearing jeans in Florida during any of the 10 months of Summer is stupid.
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Is this guy a right wing retard ?
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>which burst by 97 and caused a recession

how fucking retarded are you people?

You should be locked up in a mental institution.
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I'm honestlyt laughing at how triggered these right wing retards are by me

All they can do is admit that Clinton and Obama were amazing presidents and their right wing retard hero Bush was shit AHAHAHAHA
>Trump never talks about the economy or doesn't have economic policies

Is this what u retards believe?

It wasn't Bill Clinton. It was the internet you moron.
go tell your gay stories to reddit
Slim fitting stretch pants are the most comfortable, and best looking.
rave culture basically.

Jnco were pleb tier anyway. Pretty basic. If you were really in the scene you had Kikwear or UFO. Poorfags wore Pipes.
>be grade 5
>go to see band of friend's older brother "jam" in their garage
>all band members wearing those pants
>realize they're fags and none of this would be cool by the time I was their age
Go away Obama Leaf
Those were strange times. After that came a year in middle school when Hawaiian shirts were cool.
It was a different time.
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You right wing retards know you're getting btfo hard when u have to dindu that you didn't about the Obama economy for 8 years

holy shit u right wing retards have no shame, you're total and complete degenerates

I have videos of Trump bitching about the Obama economy u complete fucking moron.

"Tried to impeach" you really know your Clinton history.

Youre saying Democrats are now behaving like Republicans did then. and Trump will balance the budget
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