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https://www.advocate.com/commentary /2017/6/15/if-you-hate-n

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It seems to be ageophobic. Why not add a gray and white stripe?

Also there's no pink, which seems misogynistic.

I'm not seeing any gold or silver, so that's anti-Semitic.
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>I'm not seeing any gold or silver, so that's anti-Semitic.
I'm curious how people would react if I were to carry around the original pride flag. Would I be able to tell them to fuck-off, and if they don't like the flag it's "their" problem?
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Homosexuality seems to be a sort of last stand of implicit white identity

I feel like the brown and black stripes should be double wide to make up for white privilege and promote equality
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Incoming shitstorm
It looks like someone took a diseased shit on a rainbow.
I'm loving the comment section. Normies have valid points for rejecting the new design.
but it's unaesthetic as fuck
ARCHIVED LINK: https://archive.is/E54pk
I think the colors need to be rearranged

Brown should go between green and blue

Black should be placed between yellow and orange

Otherwise it's really hateful
>black and brown strip on top
Remind me of that joke, what is black on top and white at the bottom? Rape
White LGBT people come up with various flags, make additions to and subtract colors from Gilbert Baker’s original flag, and create variations on the original flag’s theme all the time. Yet when one community - the Philadelphia LGBT community to be specific - wants to include black and brown colors in the flag to 1) highlight the presence of black and brown LGBT people in the city, 2) make notice of the trials and tribulations LGBT people of color have gone through as a result of homophobia and racism, 3) draw attention to intracommunity racism, and 4) remind everyone that LGBT people of color’s contributions to the community have been endless, important, and yet sadly discredited (and even appropriated) - suddenly white LGBT people are all about historical purism! Suddenly they cry that “race and sexuality have nothing to do with each other!”. Does that also apply when white LGBT people refuse to let LGBT people of color into clubs and spaces, or refuse to date them, or don’t even befriend them? Please do let me know.
If you see one, tear it down; it's time to make a stand, give no more ground!


There's a ruby stripe. I'm sure Jews like rubies.
> people have to do something like this because they feel they aren’t included.

Or, more accurately, feel they aren't the centre of attention.

And we can't have that.
>double wide
>promote equality
good meme if intentional

Das rite crackaz! We makin da rambo mealonated again jus like when god was like "ayo sorry 4 drownin niggas" n das why water gay af
The problem with your argument is that by including the colors you are drawing attention away from the overall issues that affect all self-identified members of the LGBT community. By doing this you are relocating the attention from all people to a select few.

>1) highlight the presence of black and brown LGBT people in the city
Why is a revision of the flag needed for this? Why should anyone adopt this revision? It clearly shifts the scope of LGBT awareness towards people of color, when it should be focused on all members of the community equally.
>2) make notice of the trials and tribulations LGBT people of color have gone through as a result of homophobia and racism
But what about the trials and tribulations of people who aren't "of color"? Are they suddenly exempt from hardships? Are white-gays not undergoing hardships as a result of homophobia, and in a lot of cases recently, racism?
>3) draw attention to intracommunity racism
It does so in a very racist way. By only adding brown and black, you shift the focus towards their side of the story, when in reality all people face intracommunal racism together.
>4) remind everyone that LGBT people of color’s contributions to the community have been endless, important, and yet sadly discredited (and even appropriated)
What about the contributions of white-lgbt members? What about the cultural appropriation of white-lgbt members, and of the flag which was made by a white man, and of the Greek culture?
>historical purism!
This is false. It isn't about historical purism, but rather denial of the double standards embedded in the arguments presented. The blatant support of racism and racist tenancies, and the blatant support of one-sided sexism.
>“race and sexuality have nothing to do with each other!”
They do not. Sexual orientation know's no race, nor color.
>Does that also apply when white LGBT people refuse to let LGBT people of color into clubs and spaces
That's just racism, and not pertaining to their lgbt-status.
>refuse to date them
Everyone is allowed to exercise and express their freedom of personal choice in regards to their private lives.
>don’t even befriend them
What are you on about?

Got my noggin joggin.
looks like someone wipped his arse with this flag
It's gay as fuck
Why, I never looked up in the sky and saw brown and black above the rainbow.

Are Libs THIS retarded?
>The colours of shite are added to the flag of butt stuff
Like poetry.
Leave out white
Force white to be the problem
Black and yellow Deadly fellow
I love it when the left satirizes themselves
Then where' s the white stripe?
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I didn't know being brown or black is a sexual orientation.
But thinking about it it might be zoophilia.
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>Literally adding colors to the rainbow.

My sides. They don't see how this is ridiculous really? Brown and black are already represented. Because it's a rainbow. That's the point.

They'll basically self-destruct as they compete to see who's more opressed.

It's actually poetic in a way, the liberal complete rejection of reality is bursting apart
>this new nig-fag alliance started in the city where my entire family was born

i honestly hate this country and want to leave
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>It clearly shifts the scope of LGBT awareness towards people of color, when it should be focused on all members of the community equally.

You mean it opens up a new rift of identity warfare in what is already an identity warfare movement?

Oh deary me how very awful for you faggots to have to deal with this. You must feel so put upon to have what you build be shat on and to have them introduce this wedge issue to interject their social agenda into-- hey wait, does this seem at all familiar?

Are the almonds activated in gay white men yet? Do you fucking get it by now?
Why do we need to look at this as a threat? Jesus, just stop it. The flag is for all members of the LGBT community and not just what us white folks are comfortable with. Everyone already knows about the hardships that white LGBT endure. Everyone already knows about their contributions. This new flag is inclusive, important and meaningful. It's not hurtful to whites in any way???

Also when POC bring up the “white people refusing to date us” issue, we’re not saying we need white validation. What we are saying is those behaviors are dehumanizing the same way they are when someone fetishizes black/brown skin. In other words, whiteness is not the standard, nor a prize to be won. Equality and justice is what we are here for.
In West Philadelphia,
born and raised
when the niggers started
to fight with the gays
tits or gtfo
As a gay man I am offended by all the bullshit spewed by so called "gay-rights activists" and "social justice warriors". I don't even care about the flag really. It irks me in a new dimension when people try to raise awareness in all the wrong ways.
A majority of the "lgbt-community" just wants to be normal, and not have all these spotlights on them. It segregates what are otherwise normal people and demonizes normalcy.
I wouldn't expect a Swede, who has no culture, to understand the overall implications of any movement.
The brown is for homosexuals and represents fecal matter.
>Why do we need to look at this as a threat?
>The flag is for all members of the LGBT community and not just what us white folks
>Everyone already knows about the hardships that white LGBT endure
>POC bring up the “white people refusing to date us” issue, we’re not saying we need white validation

Where are you getting your deluded convictions from? I'm merely pointing out the hypocrisy in the addition of colors to "the rainbow".

>Equality and justice is what we are here for.
This is clearly not the case.
Good bait though. Would eat again.
>not wanting to fuck black people is rayciss
>wanting to fuck black people is rayciss
Jesus Christ, what do you vultures want from us?
not shiny enough
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>A majority of the "lgbt-community" just wants to be normal, and not have all these spotlights on them.

And you always could. History has a shit ton of weird fags who lived their lives in relative peace because they were also contributing to society and didn't go overboard with flamboyancy or hedonism.
It's the "endless bachelor" implication back when everyone was married.

>A majority

Nobody knows what the stats really are, but it's definitely the case that you have a substantial number who revel in the fact that they are hedonistic aberrants. They look down on any gays who want to be "normal" as not being "really" gay.

This is the bulk of the movement. These are the gay bar cruisers. These are the gays responsible for skyrocketing AIDS statistics because they fuck ~200 people a year. They'll always be there waving flags and their asses in people's faces because it's part of why they're gay.

> It segregates what are otherwise normal people and demonizes normalcy.

And this is why the movement is a mistake and doomed to unravel society further. Some smart gay people saw the writing on the wall when GLB turned into LGB. Now that it's LGBT you're a fucking fool for not seeing it for what it is. Hell, it's LGBTQIAP+ now and you still have gay men in denial over what the movement is.

It's a fucking wedge designed to destroy exactly that normalcy you seem to value.
Too many isms.

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>literally LGBTBBQ
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lol brown and black skin is homosexual now AND there's no white stripe? Or light brown? Or yellow? Or red? Wtf racists.
I just wish /pol/ would stop for a minute to reflect on all of the HIV-positive POC railing each other up the hoo-hoo at this moment. I bet all of you racist homophobes never even bother to do that. Is it too much to ask for some inclusivity in the public conscientiousness?
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God is taking back the rainbow symbol to hearken people back to the original meaning. God is warning of impending judgment in order to call back the sinners and wake up the saints. To remind people of why God brought upon The Flood upon the Earth -- The Days of Noah.

The rainbow was a covenant made between God and all His creation that never again would the world be flooded as it was when He destroyed the world during Noah's time. It's a constant reminder that no matter how corrupt this world becomes, He will never leave us or forsake us.

Love won over 2,000 years ago when the greatest sacrifice of all time was made for ALL mankind. This is True Love.

Heaven and Earth shall pass away, but God's Word shall never pass away. Folks, it's time to get in the Spirit and start seeking God. Read your Bible and repent of your sins. Time is running out.

As were the days of Noah, so will be the coming of the Son of Man. (Matthew 24:37)
Not everyone wants to join your cult of feelings. Please accept that.
Wow. I can't argue with you here. I actually agree with you on almost all points of your post.

>This is the bulk of the movement. These are the gay bar cruisers. These are the gays responsible for skyrocketing AIDS statistics because they fuck ~200 people a year.
My point being that they aren't my representative. I'm subject to discrimination on the basis of the actions of those few people. I do not like it at all.

>Hell, it's LGBTQIAP+
Isn't it something like LGBTQQAA or something like that?
>commies appropriate blm which was a male movement
>commie niggers appropriate lgbtq
I can't wait for the left to blow apart
No one represents you except for yourself or someone that you have specifically empowered to do so.
They will claim to represent you, though, since the whole thing is a front for international socialists. Hence the acronym spiral, and flag shitting. They need to build solidarity with everything that isn't a white male capitalist.
It's futile though since they always end up fighting with each other for priority, since they are identity focused.
straight cis white male capitalist to be specific
They should all be GASSED.
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This new flag is all about supporting transracialism
Lol it's a BBC smeared with poo
You are right, but an unfortunate amount of people believe otherwise. It isn't hard to tell since it's all over every media outlet(news, social media, and is even being anchored to culture).
I guess I'm tired of all the irrational opinions being shoved down everyone's throats.
forget the politics, its just aesthetically unappealing. I don't care how much they try and make brown beautiful, its not and never will be.
Yeah it looks ridiculous. So obviously ad hoc
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I guess we need to update our propaganda, bois

I love watching the left eat itself.
TIL nig nogs and faggots are the same thing...
I'd like if they stopped trying to gatekeep people's identities at least. It really aggravates my liberalism.
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>Add a white line and a darkish red and a beige/yellow, and hit the twitter that the new flag is RACIST because it hates whites , american indians and asians ,
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