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American schools have stopped crowning valedictorians so that

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Jesus fucking Christ USA. What the fuck are you doing?
Seriously. What in heaven's and hell's name are you fucking doing?
Full article.

The only award allowed in the nu-American educational system is participation awards.
oh dear god...this country just gets gayer and gayer everyday doesn't it?
Kek, we can only see how USA falls.
Feels like they are setting up their people for an effortless invasion.
Using the latin cum laude style seems fine, but why not use that and name a valedictorian.
I don't see how this is going to become a thing. Every kid in school already knows who the kid is with the highest GPA. I suppose a positive is that it's one less 18 year old's Meme-filled speech they copypastad online
>rankings are obsolete in the era of high expectations
You can tell that a women is behind this
They realize kids keep score even if teachers don't right?
They should only because the only ones getting crowned are jews and minorities.
Should do away with grades on test and homework too. Everyone just gets a "good job" now

Im srry, but sacrificing your youth with way above average studying does deserve a prize.

Fuck! I was the top of my class several years in a row and now Im a bum.

>yay! there goes the best years of my life to shit
While I think that's asinine, it won't hurt the top of the class even if they don't formally get the title. Their transcripts will still show their standing with the rest of the class, and admissions offices will notice.

It's still wrong, denying somebody something to be proud of because it might hurt somebody's feelings.
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>this is the public school system that liberals not only cheer for, but continually say we need to pump more money into
Homework shouldn't have a grade attached. It should be entirely optional. There are people who don't need to sit down and waste hours everyday to learn something and homework is just a waste of time for them.

Let it be optional, and let the ones that are smart or take it upon themselves to study to pass, and let the lazy and dumb fail.
That is still unfair to black students.
t highschooler
I doubt the army is like that though, they just want docile citizens that never demand being better than the average, a good way of managing the wagecucks.
>based on grades

so valedictorian is based on who can suck up their teachers most, basically, rather than as a actual measure of ability

just take the summa cum laude group and have them vote internally for the honorary positions. who gives a shit.
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Can we stop the Prom Queens next? They are literally killing our young men
keep those public school goyim dumb. meanwhile, most of the top 10 private institutions are in the US. monopoly on knowledge = complete control of middle class cattle
I was sent to the principle's office in high school because I wrote "busy work" at the top of one of my homework assignments.

I got in a heated debate that looking up the definitions of words in the glossary of the text book and then copying them by hand onto a peace of paper wasn't education. Ended up getting detention for it.

I also was questioned by police because I drew a little doodle of a jet fighter blowing up a tank on one of my homework assignments. They took it as a threat to the school.

Fuck I hated my school.
This is simply to hide the mass of idiot niggers and idiot nigger half breeds who simply can't compete, period, so they don't even try.

>inb4 racist cracker
>inb4 private school

I spent 8 years of schooling surrounded by liberal teachers who were trying to teach dumber than dirt apes the basics while everyone else was finishing the class or had finished it already.

They fail because they refuse to do any work and show up late as fuck, then want to act violent and talk shit when teachers try to take their little bitch asses to task for being ungrateful ape shitskins.
I did all the homework and it was a waste of time. I taught myself everything by reading the textbook and learned at my own pace. Sorry you're such a brainlet that you needed a teacher to tell you how to learn.
>affirmative action: THE AWARD
>somehow losing this is a bad thing
I kinda support this.

In my school it went to the most boring nerds who never contributed anything to the discussion. Just homework and test whores. And there is no transparency just the admin announcing who won. I would support a vote of the students on who contributed most to learning maybe but even that is cringy.
To be honest I don't care either way, I just hated when the awards ceremony took up precious home period time back in high school.

Nah, they get passed through so they'll get them too.

American public education is social conditioning. Our teachers consistently tried teaching us that the Second Amendment is for hunting and home defense. Second one's only partially true.
It depends what the homework is.
If its literally just doing practice problems from the textbook then i agree

Graded homework should be problems that are out of the scope of the Test that the professor feels you should be proficient with.
For example a HW assignment to plot some function in matlab. You cant really Test that in a classroom so HW's a great way
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Just women making decisions and having zero sense of cause/action or accountability
Please yes, remove prom and school dances all together
I graduated HS about 6 years ago so no idea what Mathlab is. The majority of HW was just busy work that ate up hours of time doing practice problems even if we understood it 100%. I would do that and would take it upon myself to look at questions that weren't assigned that threw me for a loop and doing them until I understood them. The latter was much more helpful while the former was just pointless.
The origin of prom was back in the 50s they wanted to make sure guys didn't turn gay so they made prom where the forced men and women to interract.

Just a fun fact.
So the suggestion is to replace valedictorian with summa cum laude, what the fuck is the difference?
No they don't. Only like the top 20 students even care at all.
That was then, this is now. People getting drunk or having pre martial sex for spending hundreds of dollars for some outfit.
Nigga you dont even know what homework is then
College assignments can take 10 hours to do
I think public High School might be the single most depressing thing I've experienced in life.

How do I prevent any possible future children of mine from feeling this?
I can confirm this. Even in my school, Long Beach, no one was named Valedictorian in the engineering field. I find it odd.
Maybe if your batch only has 20 students. If no one actually cared there wouldn't be bruised egos that need mending by a system change.
Kids will do that anyways if there wasn't a prom, y'know.
t. Guy that got drunk and laid before my senior prom
Homeschooling or private school of course
Preferably not homeschool, because they turn into "those wired kids". Remember how you could always tell when a kid had been homeschooled?
Yet in the end they break up and someone will end up pregnant with another person's child despite getting fucked by 20 boys.
uh private school
Or.... you could just get your homeschooled kids involved in the community. You don't need to send your kids to the multicultural liberal indoctrination centers in order to have social interaction.
Just being alive will get you a medal.
But I guess that would also be unfair to all the blacks killed by other blacks.
Send your kid to HS and tell him not to be a faggot like yourself.
You've obviously never taken a useful class before.
Please tell me what an instructor, who is using the book as a study guide, can teach you that you cannot learn just by skipping the middle man and reading from the source itself.

God damn you fucking idiots, literally can't even learn by yourself. I bet you never even opened your text books other than when the state imposed mommy figure told you to.
The discussion being "who has the nicest tits in class"? Or was it a legitimate "sit your asses down and we're gonna discuss with each other every possible viewpoint on todays subject matter"? Because the latter is extremely rare and almost unbelivable in today's education system.
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The communists are in control of your education, from top to bottom. And this is just the beginning.

Next, they will cripple your math, because the math is racist against Blacks and Hispanics.
Don't know who you're talking to. I graduated high school in 2013 and as far as I could tell, no one gave two fucks about the valedictorians. We were just annoyed at having to listen to their cliched drivel at graduation.
You try that in college engineering courses and see how long you last before you have to drop out.
At my school we had a special 'night school' for the bad kids or knocked up girls. Basically it was where you were sat in a room they gave you the required material to graduate and you worked at your own pace.
I got thrown in there my senior year for various reasons.
Doing JUST what the state required to get my diploma, I finished my senior in all of 3 days.
I spoke with the teacher afterward and they said that almost none of the kids in there finish and most just eventually stop showing up.

The public school system is a waste of time if your IQ is not double digits.
Good. Competition and celebrating people based on merit is a fascist concept and has no place in modern day society. GPA is also a fascist concept and they should do away with that too.

"Valedictorian" is a term of hate.
Reminds me of a class I had last year in university

>teacher gives pop quizzes in class sometimes for extra credit
>niggers complain that they didn't know about the extra credit and didn't come to class so they missed out
>administration says teacher can't do any more extra credit
Oh so people can only learn when they have a teacher spewing truncated pieces of texts? Guess everybody was completely lost before teachers became a thing then. It's okay, I'm sure you'll always have someone there to wipe your ass and tell you how to do everything in life.
If you never did any homework in your life, you won't be able to "reading the source" when the time comes.

Doing homework and reading the textbooks in elementary school isn't to make you smarter, it's primarily a training so you will be able to eventually dig deep into those big fat university books.
What happens if there are two students with perfect GPA? Who gets the spot?
>I never learned how to read a text book and misses teacher lady had to hold my hand
They're all ethnics anyways. We only had one non-white in our school and they gave it to him. No awards for non-whites!
No awards for (((them)))!
This happened in my school. They had to recalculate their entire GPAs and went back 10 decimal places to find the true victor.
The one with a larger muscle mass.
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I'm pretty sure you kids can't read books anymore. You lack any form of attention span when you stumble on something that has 0 visual stimulus.
I once saw an autistic kid have a meltdown for not being able to attend the banquets meant for students who participate and perform well. I felt bad for him so I let him in on the school activities by letting him be school mascot; it was a huge honor that would have been filled with friends, lots of pictures, and a spot at one or two banquets. Lots of kids tried out, would have done well, but I just handed him the spot. Thing is, he never showed up. not to one practice, not to one game, ever. and the entire school was deprived of having a mascot that year. 5 years post graduating: kid has never had a job, has never went to school.

Basically, autists just want you to rub their ego and they'll go their own way. All in the meanwhile, tearing down events that are meant to honor those who spend hours upon hours studying, learning, and participating in events, sports, academics; just so they can sleep at night.
Except I did while you stated that you needed someone to teach you how to with homework
online school, however they wont get connections of a social kind.
This. Burn it all down.
Thats horseshit
Believe it or not, it happened.
>My fellow students here's my speech that you have to listen to before you can get your diploma and be done with school
Honest question other Americans, how many of you actually cared who was valedictorian in your class? How many of you remember who it was? Its only been a couple years since I graduated and I don't remember or care. I was irritated I had to listen to their (multiple valedictorians) speeches
I went to a small private baptist Christian school jr high - high school and some of the church attendees that were homeschooled would come to our school for chapel and extracurricular activities. they could be really fucking weird.
I thought Trump was going to stop this decline. I guess the cultural brainwashing is too strong.

Better start learning Mandarin.
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>I never did any homework, but I wear I read the whole text book
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Who can't think of this classic?
I remember because they were friends of mine. One quoted memes from 2010 in their speech while the other opened with a magic trick and quoted nerdhumor like star trek. It was painful and took to long
>teacher spewing truncated pieces of texts

Lol... that might be how your shit tier degree classes are like, but engineering is different.

There is a lot of stuff you have to be on campus for, eg. experiments with wind turbines and shit.
I remember pulling all nighters in the computer lab working with engineering software, having to build shit for projects that require special equipment on campus, etc etc

There is a reason the STEM meme exists, cuz its the only degrees you actually have to go to college for.
You're describing your average adolescence.
And how many all nighters were strictly homework only and how much did you do just because you wanted to?
I don't remember any of them being one of my friends.
We didn't get memes, the speeches were exactly what you'd expect and I zoned out waiting for it to be over.
And I'll expand on my question.
Theoretically, if there was no homework, would you still have gone out of your way and done all of that on your own free will and volition just because you wanted to learn? Or did you SOLELY only did the bare minimum that was assigned to you then called it a night?

Because if it's the former, then HOLY SHIT, you took it upon yourself to learn! And if that's the case you proved my point.
Oh I remember this award worst waste of time during the graduation.

The winner was some annoying Russian girl that managed to graduate early by taking ever class as the lowest possible level and would then Audi any class she didn't get a 4.0 in.

She cried during her speech and everyone was annoyed waiting in the hot sun. In the end she ended up getting a PhD in English.

Biggest waste of time.
>implying you have time to do stuff you want in 4th year engineering

Also 'homework' to me implies stuff like pic related. Obviously that kind of stuff you can just read the textbook and learn.

I'm talking about projects where you design something on software like autocad, matlab, etc, build a prototype (we had 3d printers at my uni), and test it. Shit takes weeks

You know, the stuff you can show to employers. It's usually the first things they ask to see in interviews if you're trying to get a job straight out of college.
I rephrased and cleared up my question

Well what you mean by "homework" depends what course you're taking.

I minored in Economics, and yea, a lot of the homework was bullshit waste of time, that you had to do because they counted for grades. I never went to class, except to hand in homework and do my exams.

But again, STEM degrees are different.
But for your major did you go above and beyond the bare minimum because you actually enjoyed learning it?
Obviously I "enjoy" engineering. But if I was doing my degree out of enjoyment, I would've finished it in 8 years instead of 4.

For the first year sure, it was enjoyable somewhat. But by 3rd year you don't have the leisure of 'enjoying' it. Obviously I liked what I was doing, but the deadlines become too short and workload too high to be doing it "just for fun". Especially if you're balancing work school and trying to get an internship.

Even if you're passionate about something, once you're serious about doing it for a living, its becomes work.
When the fuck did I ever say that you autist? You were talking about homework before. There are subjects that you need to practice on paper in order to learn.
Is prom an american thing?
>Fake news, not archived, shitpost.

Bullshit. As someone who just attended both highschool and college graduations for various friends and family, I can tell you that this post and news story are completely fabricated.
Nobody is special if everybody is special.
>at many american highschools
You mean a tiny minority?
I think so.
Never heard of it anywhere else.

The tradition here is to have a "prom trip" on your last year - a class vacation trip to ski resorts in Patagonia or the Brazilian beach to celebrate that school is over.
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The slippery slope was real.
Now it's too late to stem the tide.
At this point it'll honestly be a relief when the barbarian hordes finally wash over us.
It's so easy to get Jewed by subjective subjects like AP English where female teachers downgrade men for their writing styles that the concept of valedictorian means absolutely nothing.

It's even worse nowadays thanks to grade inflation. If one teacher doesn't like you because urawhitecismale you're done.
See Harrison Bergeron.

THE YEAR WAS 2081, and everybody was finally equal. They weren't only equal
before God and the law. They were equal every which way. Nobody was smarter
than anybody else. Nobody was better looking than anybody else. Nobody was
stronger or quicker than anybody else. All this equality was due to the
211th, 212th, and 213 th Amendments to the Constitution, and to the unceasing
vigilance of agents of the United States Handicapper General.
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