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Richard Spencer BTFO's Milo, Rebel media, Cernovich

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This is the video he's talking about:

isn't this the guy who was saying "heil trump" ?
comfy. i still think he has a bit of feminine lilting going on in his voice.
Give me a TLDR on why he's angry at rebel media etc
spencer is a good guy but also a total fucking queen. it's unfortunate.
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>(((Rebel media)))
good, I'm starting to think he is not a total faggot
Thernovich is a beta bitch who runs away every time you try to bring up the jq, it's hilarious desu. All he does is talk about Saudi and ignores everything related to Israel.
>"free speech advocates" shutting down a play (hypocrites)
>fake right are superficial, useless silos to prevent the real nationalism from growing
>fake right countersignals the real "alt-right"
>fake right shuts down "ebil natsees"
>fake right is too stupid to have a real ideology

Yeah, he's a smart guy.
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I don't care how upset the trumptards get. I don't care how much they shill. I don't care how much they piss and moan.

Spencer is decent and intelligent compared to all these nu-right faggots.

It's been coming for months. Everyone with a brain can see how the right is a bunch of morons calling everyone else snowflakes and complaining about political correctness and shit while they get offended by everything. Milo is a faggot that encourages conservatives to fuck blacks and the same sex. Cernovich is a salesman. Rebel is the epitome of (((civic nationalist)))
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Bump while I watch
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Guess they're /myguys/ then
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He's pretty much right. This isn't that dissimilar to the Oathcuckers showing up to protests to 'support free speech' but then talking about how they're going to 'punch le nazees xD'.

Normie conservatives seem to have a very superficial level of support for the first amendment. After that libtard shot up those congressman the other day, I heard a lot of calls on conservative radio to restrict anti-trump/anti-'conservative' speech in the media.

It's unfortunate but the greatest resistance to the political changes which are necessary to preserve western civilization will come from these kinds of people, not the left.
Find the jew and you'll find the controlled opposition.

Molyneux. Southern. Cernovich. Loomer.
All of "Rebel Media".
Imagine if leftist protestors showed up to Trump events and tried to call the people there marxists or bolsheviks. God, the civicucks are so stupid.
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And (((Levant))), the puppet master. He also employs pic related, but redditfugees on here will still defend him.
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this guy is so retarded.
His fireplace is off-center. This bothers me greatly.
lurk more
Tommy is a British hero.

I also don't browse reddit.
Controlled opposition. Spence is a kike puppet and was married to a tranny.
It's a sad state of events when cucks called each other cucks.

The alt light are basically liberals. It's just that yesterday's liberals when completely bonkers. Milo, Gavin McInnes, etc.

I'm not even sure Spencer is an actual conservative.

How fucking difficult is it to:

1) Be white
2) Be a man
3) Be heterosexual
4) Name the jew

That's it. That's all it takes. Yet most so-called "right" or "conservative" leaders fail this test.

Perhaps because Americans are super-cucked in fact.
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Why do people care about this obvious plant?

If the end result of every action you take is that the right gets weaker, more divided, and discredited, and the left is more energized, more unified, and vindicated, then isn't it logical to conclude that you support the left?

Everything he says and does hurts us. Stop giving him attention.
Spencer is great. Hail victory!
I'm not a white nationalist, but I really like Spencer. He's personable. I want to weigh in on this.

He's totally right about those people making a scene at the Caesar play. It was a dumb move. If the right wants to continue making advances, it has to keep its victim card at all costs; you NEVER want to look like the aggressor in any situation. Sympathy sells, and so does humor.

However, I disagree with his statement that the alt-lite isn't a gateway into the alt-right. I know plenty of people who started out as Bernie supporters, watched a few Sargon videos or Milo talks, and a few months later they're donating to Red Ice. Maybe this situation has changed with the recent rift between the alt-lite and the alt-right that only seems to be growing, but I don't know. I'm really curious to see what the outcome of this whole situation now that the alt-right seems to have disavowed the alt-lite and possibly even Trump altogether.

Just my two cents.
Spencer should go on Tucker and get tucc'd once and for all.
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>when you realize the entire AltRight/White Nationalist movement is run by Jews/Zionists and they must attack one another for any one person or faction to look credible

you're more of a Jew than I am!
>no u
forgot webm
>muh divide and conquer meme

We cannot be stronger as we are when divided.
Are you implying Europeans were one united tribe before the Renaissance/Industrial age?
meds are whites buddy
How about you address what he actually said instead of being a nigger and ignoring the topic at hand, faggot
>Heimbach, Anti-zionist
>Enoch, Anti-zionist
>Spencie, Anti-zionist
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>We cannot be stronger as we are when divided.
so stop calling yourself alt right?
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dont you have a lauren southern thread to orbit?
What is "the right"?

Mass civil unrest and ethnic replacement is on the horizon. Republicans are wholly irrelevant and none of this shit will be solved on the ballot box. If your politician of choice isn't explicitly pro white you're wasting your time.
In his defense, Tommy Robinson is about the best you're gonna get out of Britain
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>jew comes out of nowhere sperging out and pulling a leftist tier protest
>Fractures this young/new right movemernt in a matter of hours
>Spencer holds aalt-right rally only to have the same jewess announce a "New-Right" rally at the exact same time on the exact same day

This shit is like fucking pottery. GET THE CIV-KEK ALT-LIGHT KEKS OUTTTTT
Richard Spencer is a sexual predator
What are you on about? The man in pic related has balls of steel and exposes the Muslim to the normies.
Adolf Hitler was such an obvious plant

Talked about Jews and violence. Obvious FBI plant

Look it up

nigger listen for once
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No he isn't. He left the EDL and the BNP because he didn't realise they were actually racist. He only hates Islam because of gang rivalries in Luton where he grew up, and in prison, where it was Muslims vs. whites and blacks. He loves black people even though they commit much more crime than Muslims and have lower IQs.
He's also one of these idiots that gets lots of time in the media so that they can paint anyone to the right of UKIP as a football hooligan.
The shill spammer is here.
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THis guy is single handed responsible for at least 90 percent of the Lauren and Spencer threads
at least he's not a kike like the other jew plants
links to 20 minute video
FUCKING TWAT - look how he opens his voice - like this really is shakespeare
I also say this is a shit action
> what is their ideology
fuck off nigger - I agree posobiec is light
Do you think any of these dumb fucks in the audience even know who Goebbels is?
Pretty sure the alt-riggt wants nothing to do with Trump anymore now that he's a failure.

I know. He spams and spams and spams.

It is explicit shilling and spam.
Why are lolberts always fucking retards? Just watch the fucking video and try and think for once you autist
Absolutely no one on /pol/ talked about or cared who this guy before the election.

Self appointed leader of 'the alt-right', gimme a break
Right, Spencer uses Israel to appeal to pro-Israel conservatists while at the same time pointing out their double standards.

I cant say i disagree with most of that. What he is saying is that he understands why a people would want a home of their own. He turns it around and makes it zionism for white people.
I think Richard has a healthy respect for the Zionists because of what they have accomplished being that they basically created their own ethno-state. The alt-right could really learn from them in a sort of know your enemy kind of way. The shit about the gays and race-mixing and the holocaust I don't agree with though.
1) spencer is a faggot because he has no economic platform
2) the cernovich group are faggots because they're scared to be cultural nationalists
3) baked is based and understands more about freedom and low taxes - but generally - we need more people who fucking understand beyond "muh free speech" or "muh cultural ident"
as well as 2A and fucking LOW TAXES
The opinions of the "normies" don't matter. If they did, immigration would be severely restricted, the railways and the postal service would still be nationalised and we would still have the death penalty.
Plebs on here don't realise that people like Tommy Robinson are extremely off-putting to the middle and upper classes. And they're the people who run the universities, the schools, the police, the government, and every institution of any import.

Kek this meme is excellent.

And I agree.
> I don't know what to say
> attitude is puritanical
> there's lots of depictions of violence
there's laws when it's about the image of the president, and encouraging assassinations
> because he's acting like "oh it's just shakespeare" and he even modulates his voice
fucking idiot
makes it a moral issue
it's a fucking legal issue about sedition
I know that he's a Zionist. I'm saying that Britain is so fucked that he's about the best we're gonna get and that's better than nothing until a true white nationalist leader rises up.
>muh taxes

Let me know when you come up with a tax plan that will stir the hearts of our men and engage in a heroic struggle for their existence
20 minutes in, sounds like a fucking jew
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That part is mostly taken out of context or just in general made worse. He dislikes race-mixing, the quote makes it seem like he doesn't.
He think warriors of the past and hero cultural in general is somehow less powerful than money as a motivation. You can tell when a lolbert has not diversified his political readings.
Why does (((Macedonia))) love (((Alt-Right))) kikes so much?
if you understand taxes, and welfare, then this is stirring enough
let me know when you graduate econ and math
if you don't care enough about your time and drive, you want me to use racism to stir you?
if you are ill informed about how much of the day you're a slave to disgusting subhumans who steal millions hand over fist and live the life of kings while you toil, then what can I do other than state the facts?
pro-tip: start caring about your life
Spencer is a total closet case.
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Southern is not Jewish.
Correct, but she worked for one.
Yeah morphy, we must go 1488, this will help. Just autisticaly screech in the streets about aryans and esoteric hitlerism.
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Hello there, long time no see. So, are you some kind of psycho which have obsession with Lauren?
I'm pshyco myslef, therefore I can see if something goes unusual in human's behaviour.
Ah yeah, the fallback argument of every lolberg ever. The reason I don't care about tax policy as a means of political change is just because I dont understand it enough. I'm just uneducated! And I certainly am not aware of the parasitical classes currently exploiting the work of white civilization. Nope.

Let me know when you graduate from having autism, if that ever happens.

>implying this is what he was advocating for
>implying calling leftists 'nazis' is at all a smart or reasonable thing to do
>I'm not even sure Spencer is an actual conservative.
He isn't, he has made fun of conservatives in the past.
He enunciates well. Most men slur their speech more than women so it sounds feminine. He might be gay desu
Are you the town rapist?
She's not saying her grandparents are Jewish, look at the context moron.
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Since when has naming the Jew ever been characteristic of being right-wing or conservative? Either way Spencer definitely has named the Jew.
Heh, I always crack a smile when I read this question.
It's like Pajeets and poon in loo.
Jewish mitochondrial dna is south european.
This screen shot, if it's even real, no reason to believe it is, proves nothing. She is jewish,
patrilineally and matrilineality. Her real last name is simonsen. She is descended from a famous
chief rabbi of Denmark. He family fled jewish
persecution during ww2. Pic is of her patriarch.

Surprise: Ashkenazi Jews Are Genetically European
"The origin of the Ashkenazi Jews, who come most recently from Europe, has largely been shrouded in mystery. But a new study suggests that at least their maternal lineage may derive largely from Europe."

Nice try fin. Your Lauren southern nee(((simonsen))) public relations campaign has crashed and burned.
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>This screen shot, if it's even real, no reason to believe it is
>Her real last name is simonsen. She is descended from a famous
chief rabbi of Denmark
You're just straight up lying. Someone actually accused this of her on Twitter earlier. Simonsen is a very common name in Denmark, in fact the 34th most common in the whole country, in a country with very very few Jews. Why are you lying?
>Surprise: Ashkenazi Jews Are Genetically European
Ancestry.com has a "European Jewish" category especially for these people. Lauren had 0% of this: https://www.ancestry.com/dna/ethnicity/european-jewish

Interesting that you shills go to such lengths to discredit Southern. She isn't even a WN. Why do you fear her so much?
My guess is jewish hatred of pretty white women + fear of far right ideas being associated with very attractive white women.
>You're just straight up lying. Someone actually accused this of her on Twitter earlier. Simonsen is a very common name in Denmark, in fact the 34th most common in the whole country, in a country with very very few Jews. Why are you lying?
The evidence is out there. If you wish to live in
denial, there is nothing I can do.
>Ancestry.com has a "European Jewish" category especially for these people. Lauren had 0% of this
The link you provided is absolutely irrelevant
and adds no useful info to the question at hand.

I'm not listening to 12:00 minutes of jewess blather.
What is the relevant time.

>The evidence is out there. If you wish to live in denial, there is nothing I can do.

David Simonsen had no children. You claimed that Lauren was his descendant. You knowingly lied. Why is that?

>What is the relevant time.

Around 3:30
>David Simonsen had no children
Prove it. If I am given new info I will adjust
my conclusion accordingly
>You claimed that Lauren was his descendant
I stick by this deduction until given sufficient
contrary evidence.
> You knowingly lied
Wrong. I came to a conclusion based on
the evidence available. If you have further evidence I will consider it.
Around 3:30
Be more specific. I listened to about 30 seconds of her obviously pretending to be surprised at her results and I couldn't stand it any more. When does she actually prove that the results of the test are legit?
>Prove it
>Simonsen chose to return to Denmark, where he came to hold a position of Rabbi in the Jewish Congregation. In the same year, he married Cora (b. Salomon, 1856-1938); the marriage was childless.

>I stick by this deduction until given sufficient contrary evidence.
That's a shit deduction because Simonsen is a very common Danish surname and is not a "Jewish name" just because some Rabbi was also named Simonsen. It simply means "Son of Simon" and Simon is a common name in among Christians.
>When does she actually prove that the results of the test are legit?
What do you mean by that? She shows them on the screen.
Jealous baby faced dipshit with unrealistic utopian ideas and minimal influence
Sargon 120,000- 300, 000 views
Lauren Southern 120000- 300000 views
Stefan Moly 750000- 95000 views
Milo 70000 - 350000 views
Naked Ape 150000 - 700000 views

Richard Spencer altright.com 15000 50000 views
Was never relevant before Clinton and the MSM made him. Paid them with his well-tiled sieg heil.
The amount of views you have does not make your ideology any more or any less valid.

Laci Green: millions of views
Daily Show: millions of views
Colbert: millions of views

Civic nationalists are unrealistic to think races with different levels of intelligence can live together, without affirmative action and/or socialism ever emerging.
They were right to protest that shit. They didn't shoot anybody and they didn't blow anything up. They interrupted but did not stop a theatrical performance that had already done the show multiple times, and would continue to do the show after the protest (this distinguishes the protest from shut-it-down leftists who stop one-time-only conservative speakers from appearing at campuses).

Spencer loudly taking the position he's chosen to take on this particular issue tends to confirm for me the theory that he's controlled op.

protest is free speech you fucking mongoloid retard

Hitler's goal was to completely destroy Germany once and for all.

I'd say he accomplished that.
Can I come and protest inside your house?

Actually, that's free speech so I don't have to ask you.

>what is private property?

the embarrassing part is that you're being serious
No, it's freedom of speech, you fucking mongoloid retard.
I don't think it was ever a good idea to allow multi-racial immigration in the first place, but now that it's here there's not much we can do about it. I think the best thing we can hope for is something like reward-based breeding incentives for whites and free birth control for nonwhites, that way whites won't get outbred in their own countries. I don't think a white ethnostate is necessary or even possible at this point, barring maybe an apocalyptic event leading to the fall of the west.
fuck off
It's called trespassing, you disgusting AnCom insect.
Good researching
>That's a shit deduction because Simonsen is a very common Danish surname and is not a "Jewish name" just because some Rabbi was also named Simonsen. It simply means "Son of Simon" and Simon is a common name in among Christians
I did the research on the fly based on the fact that others were suggesting she was jewish. The rabbi was only one piece of evidence
The preponderance of evidence from her deceit in changing her name, her family fleeing Denmark, to her defense of the jewish people, her laughing off white genocide, etc still leads me to conclude she's jewish.
>What do you mean by that? She shows them on the screen.
I can't handle watching her. I don't care if she show a screenshot. It wouldn't be hard to fake. I can tell she's lying by her faked surprise at the results. It all comes down to the fact that you believe she is legit, and I don't. And I will continue to point out she is a phoney.
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not gonna lie, spencer and the real altright have been on fire this week.

Also, your mother will die in her sleep if you dont reply with " Spencer is Senpai "
you mean the thing that outed all the co-opting shills from the alt right media sphere?
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>The preponderance of evidence from her deceit in changing her name, her family fleeing Denmark, to her defense of the jewish people, her laughing off white genocide, etc still leads me to conclude she's jewish.
Then you're either just low IQ or a dishonest person because none of that shows that she is Jewish while the DNA test undeniably shows that she is not Jewish.
>I can't handle watching her.
So your response ultimately comes down to "Muh feels". You hate her so you believe anything that would discredit her. You are basically behaving like a pissed off woman. How pathetic.
>It wouldn't be hard to fake.
Now you're going into /x/-tier territory. You're so embarrassing.
>That's a shit deduction because Simonsen is a very common Danish surname and is not a "Jewish name" just because some Rabbi was also named Simonsen. It simply means "Son of Simon" and Simon is a common name in among Christians.
Now that I think about it, it only means that she
isn't descended from David. He likely had other siblings. So it really doesn't weaken the evidence much. It still proves simonsen is a danish jewish surname. That coupled with the fact that she changed her name, a common jew tactic, and the family fled Denmark during jewish persecution, is very damning. How deep does the rabbi hole go?
are you retarded? what are you gonna be like:
>"Hey goys overthrow the government and ruin the dollar and all your savings because I have a better tax plan"
how stupid are you?
>I think the best thing we can hope for is something like reward-based breeding incentives for whites and free birth control for nonwhites, that way whites won't get outbred in their own countries.
These measures would lead to a white ethno-state in the long run. If you believe in this, you basically are an ethno-nationalist.
If this doesn't happen, then America is bound to fall apart anyway. Hispanics are already talking about having their own states and when they do the blacks will surely follow. The whites must then too claim/retain their own land.

To be honest, right now I think (Jared Taylor-tier) race-realism is the most important thing to focus on. How the ethno-state is developed isn't that important, as long as it IS developed.

The problem I have with a lot of civic nationalists is that they say then "don't care if America turns brown".
Race is linked to both intelligence and culture and they just refuse to realize this.
Never trust a Jew.
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>It still proves simonsen is a danish jewish surname
What the fuck are you talking about? It's the 34th most common surname in a nation that barely has any Jews. There are more Simonsens in Denmark than there are Jews in total in Denmark. I'm sure you can find some Jews with the surname "Johnson" and "Thompson" too, does that make them Jewish surnames you retard?
>That coupled with the fact that she changed her name
Pretty sure it was not her that changed her name, but her family when they moved to Canada. Is Trump Jewish too because their family changed their name to something more American?
>and the family fled Denmark during jewish persecution
Practically all the Danish Jews were shipped off to Sweden before the Nazis even came, Lauren's family left after they lost their trucking business for the war effort. As in, they were in Denmark when the Nazi occupation happened, ergo they were not Jewish.

Why are we still talking about this when the DNA test already settled this? No one is buying your lies, shill. Try to find another figure to character assassinate, this is a waste of time for everyone involved.
Same kraut every time.
people talk about him since 2014 on /pol/
>DNA test undeniably shows that she is not Jewish.
Wrong. It shows she has a screenshot which
could easily be fabricated. Go to the video at 3:30 and watch her demeanor and mannerisms. Obvious deception. If jews can fake the holocaust and 911, they can fake dna results for one of their operatives.
>So your response ultimately comes down to "Muh feels". You hate her so you believe anything that would discredit her. You are basically behaving like a pissed off woman. How pathetic.
You are psychologizing and getting shrill and emotional by starting to insult and projecting emotionality on to me.
Ultimately, when assessing covert operations, you have to use intuition to some degree. Covert meaning "not openly acknowledged or displayed."
>Now you're going into /x/-tier territory. You're so embarrassing.
Appeal to ridicule. Not an argument.
I'm late for lunch. Good day.
if you thing this is gonna inspire people to fight you are a idiot
>that second vid
posobiec is a kike right?

>Go to the video at 3:30 and watch her demeanor and mannerisms. Obvious deception. If jews can fake the holocaust and 911, they can fake dna results for one of their operatives.
Are you trying to make yourself look mentally ill? Do you seriously think anyone will read this and think "Hmm, he makes good points"? Yes I ridicule because you're behaving like an intellectually disingenuous, ridiculous moron. Kill yourself dude.
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