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OP is a pedophile.
Why is this slimey yank cunt appropriating our culture?
Barron is a gunner?

Doesn't look good for Trump
>Wenger In
>Two more years

Praise kek
Arsene Wenger on Trump: I almost voted him
Any Melania feet pics?
Phone posting American here.

What the fuck are you guys talking about?
She has big feet
>autistic beta losers who still wear baggy jeans and cargo shorts don't realise a 10 year old is forging future fashion trends
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Barron is wearing an Arsenal kit
one of the Jihadis who killed people on London bridge recently was wearing an Arsenal kit as well

Barron Trump confimed radical muslim
What a bell end
Why do you fags call it that?
poor barron. what a fucking life.
Is Arsenal a German soccer team? I thought it was his soccer team's uniform. Like he was on his way to play a game.
Both of my daughters play soccer, I thought they would like that Barron plays too.
nah Arsenal is based in London

they never play to win the league though, their annual goal is to get 4th place and get crushed by Bayern München in the Champions League
>Is Arsenal a German soccer team?
no a muslim soccer team
Nah it's the second most popular British football team behind Manchester United.
nigger/paki tier

Typical Supporter:
>Second most

Dream on pleb
both of which are nigger and muslim teams
Because it's a football kit, you dense fuck.
OBL was a known Arsenal supporter lol
Is Chelsea /ourclub/?
Bongs have to come up with faggiest most childish nickname for everything like lappy for laptop
It starts with one thing
this is an arsenal board now lads
at least baron plays foodtball a real sport not that rugby for tards with protective gear.
So adorable. Wonderful First Family.
>"the expert"
>fidget spinner
this kid is a serial killer in the making
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>AFTV posting in /pol/

haha I love it.
>Not Stoke

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>barron is already 5'10

>im 18 and barely 5'11

guess he got tired of winning
Arsenal is royal club, right? He's signaling something.
They already had a Crouch.
People who use fucking weird words
This. Brits are such pussies.
good to see that barron isnt into all the faggy yank 'sports'
It's a fucking kid, fuck off.
Thats extremely faggy

The thing about Arsenal is they always try to walk it in.

Why don't you just call it a soccer uniform? Since that's what it is.
I thank Jesus Christ for being born in the US rather than the UK.
American Football/Gridiron is a superior sport to play and watch.
soccer is about on par with hockey. Above basketball, baseball, cricket.
>Above basketball
fuck right off, NASCAR maybe
>Rugby for Pussies
nobody fucking calls a laptop a lappy you autistic burger
It's a kit because of the socks and shoes

Like when Brits go to a formal event they wear a full suit kit, complete with tie and cufflinks

Pajamas are a nighty night kit, 2 parts

It's about the whole picture
>wearing armour

Fucking pussies
I think it's cute how Anglophile Trump is :3
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That kid must still be sucking on Melania's tit,he is growing so fast!
>soccer """"kit""""
>doesn't include a soccer ball

you people are retarded.
desu that's my biggest gripe with football. I see more action in middle school games and it has no ads to boot.
>second most popular
Did you forget Liverpool my dude?
This. Barron is a 6'1" son of a president who has a fashion model helping dressing him. What he does will almost surely start trends.

Lmao, rugby is the faggiest sport ive ever watched. Al they do is grab each others asses
I lol'd
Wtf I hate Barron now!
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Remember when they were a French team?
fucking gas yourselves
The average rugby player isn't a 290 pound nigger though
And I found another stupid fuck before noon...
yeah fuck, dont reminds me

why is barron exposing his kneepussy like that?
I would need to explain the difference of the two sports to a britbong.
Do I need to explain the rules of the game and the difference in force generated between a pathetic britbong player and an american genetic monster.
Barron is Slovenian
>Is Arsenal a German soccer team?
>Both of my daughters play soccer

Why the fuck is everybody falling for this blindingly obvious bait

You are all fucking idiots


1. GOLF (Polo, full kit)
2. YACHTING (boat shoes, shorts, designer polo)
3. TENNIS (Wilson, full kit)
4. SOCCER (Man U, full kit)


1. BASKETBALL (NBA official, full kit)


>suit kit
how can you trust your entire country to someone who chose that? Obviously there's something wrong with him.
>arguing over who gets more brain damage
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You're just poor :)
It's not bait, that's the honest truth. Both of my daughters play soccer, I think it's a wonderful sport for young ladies. The constant running it's great cardio, it obviously encourages teamwork and since most games end in a tie nobody gets their feelings hurt.
hes eleven!
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For reference
Daily reminder that watching sportsball is for good goy cattle.
> 290 lbs
No, the average rugby player 120kg 6'5 UNPADDED white man who can both give and take a hit.

Fucking yankee pussies.
I love these memes

>Tfw the most effeminate homo in the US is still twice as masculine as the common limey bro

As if Barron won't wank to pics of his mom.
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confirmed autist
>above baseball
What the actual fuck

>congratulations, you're an honorary britcuck
Just call it a uniform you dense fucks
>goyimball is fun to watch
They play for like ten seconds tops and stop the clock. Not to mention if I wanted to watch niggers chimp about, I'll watch the news. Hockey is the true white man's sport. Try to keep up.
>Fucking yankee pussies.

Tfw a fucking leaf calls anyone else a pussy
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>The average rugby player isn't a 290 pound nigger though
They're more expendable then, cause fuck niggers right.
>arse n all
>not QPR


>average 6'5''

fake news
football is fucking gay too
the only people i've ever seen watch that is manchildren
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Yeah senpai u kno BLUD senpai ye blud senpai yknow senpai BLUDCLAT senpai yknow SANCHEEEEEEZZZZZ senpai blud yea m8 but senpai innit senpai ye blud
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>the only people i've ever seen watch that is manchildren
Says the guy living in holland, the country that colours absolutely everything imaginable in orange whenever their national team plays.
>No rugby

Confirmed for peasant.

Oh look, buttblasted eurofags on /pol/ how original.

Yeah make the NHL really big that way even more jews can own some teams
Dad why are you such chromosome hoarders?
>Comey is 6'8"
>arsenal fan
Fucking typical

FLOTUS is wearing a classic cotton summer dress *with* a belt. Classic = classy. *AND* she is showing proper restraint by *not* wearing white shoes. I've been waiting for anybody to notice this, but nobody notices these kinds of things anymore.
Jesus christ. Throw holy water into my eyes right now, someone please.
He's only wearing half a kit though
I think we can all agree that Gaelic is the manliest sport there is combining raw balls with technique.
That kid gonna have a big strong nose.
Yea like "iron powder pusher" for gun, dumb britcucks
B b but it isnt a full kit

>full kit
>not even wearing the jersey

Can Americans do anything right?
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