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I'm noticing a disturbing trend lately... Check out th

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Thread replies: 230
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I'm noticing a disturbing trend lately...
Check out this screencap, this was on the first try, go to pornhub yourself and see what I mean. Apparently it started a couple of years ago, but it's in hyper drive right now.

These links are of people complaining about it in the feedback section. If you can find more like this please post links.




lately? where were you the past 20 years new fag?
Its all the slavs
Same place.
It has not always been like this, give me a fucking break.
Here, use this if you think I'm making this up. Use it and tell me it's always been this bad.

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Here's an example. This is five years ago.
How is it slavs? Serious question.
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You're not wrong. They even drop the "step-sister" meme and go straight incest. Absolutely fucked up.
bruh all step brothers and sisters fuck. Broken families are garbage people.
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Here is 2013, no thumbnails so no need to make black boxes. But I found one at the bottom.
I love sex with my sister, her pussy on fire af dawg
>degenerate porn watcher complains about are slighly more degenrate form of his degeneracy
stop watching porn
They wouldn't put it there if it didn't get clicks. More than likely what is going on is that the average user of the internet is getting younger, and more muslim as other countries and mobilefags are coming online, and these types of people are drawn to incest for various reasons like being inbred or having oedipal complexes.

If you don't like it then quit watching porn you stupid faggot.
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What does younger have to do with it? I had a sister and cousins growing up, a lot of us did. Pretty sure 99% of us didn't have these fantasies.
The mudslime theory makes sense, but are there enough to do this?

And why the fuck is pornhub refusing to filter it? Read those links.
I read somewhere that the spike in Incest porn is on the rise because of Game Of Thrones and other Tv-shows.
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Maybe they are trying to normalize incest
99.8% of incest porn is fake anyways and it's usually more in reference to gaps in age like daughter and dad or similar ages with brother/sister. I think what's more disturbing nowadays is how every girl is obsessed with calling guys daddy.
This shit is seriously annoying. Can't I jerk off without seeing all these annoying ass videos about 'brother and sister fucking'. Who is watching that shit anyway?
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2015, found another. But look at the present day one again for comparison, holy shit.
This cannot just be clicks, do you really buy that?
you now how neocons adopt old progressive "values"? This is what you're doing with porn. It's always going to get worse. You're trying to make gomorrah slightly less degenerate - forgetting that it's still gomorrah and always will be.
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Oh look, what a surprise. Image saved, I'll look into this.
I don't see anything in that stereogram, what am I looking for?
these are porn fads. i don't know why you conspiracy nuts even are making hay from this shit. like, ever heard of winecest? A lot of porn fads, believe it or not, originated from b. Wincest, etc, etc.
Yeah pretty much. My sister and I were abused as kids by our single mother and late at night we would hear her screeching while having sex with random guys.
We started looking at porn out if curiosity and eventually started messing around with each other out of curiosity. We had sex with each other a lot in our late teens (thankfully we knew about protection).
It's weird because my sister became a born again Christian at age 19 and made her husband wait till marriage. The only other person she has had sex with was me. They have three kids together. Her and I are still close but it never comes up...ever. On the other hand though she has this deep respect for me so I don't think she holds it against me, we were both fucked up little kids and I don't hold it against her either.
So yeah, broken families are fucked up man; abusive roastie single mothers are an absolute scourge on society thanks to the direct and indirect shit they cause for their kids.
That's the easiest stereogram in the world, which is the reason it's the first one I actually got to work. Keep trying. Now I am able to use all stereograms.

If you absolutely cannot do it, it's our regular (((friend))) clasping his hands as usual.
The reason it's so popular is probably because it's nearly all white people.

Yeah, this shit is disturbing. It's becoming front-and-center.
>complaining about degneracy issues on a porn site

Please kill yourselves. All of you

Either you are a pathetic porncuck degenerate good goy or not.
There is no kosher porn goyim, either eat it all or gtfo
Porn reflects the urge to do the forbidden. Sadly, incest is the only thing left that's still decently rejected by society. What a sad fucking world we live in.
>watching porn

>30 mins it's of squirt

Why are people attracted to chicks peeing?
I finally got it, took a second. Now my eyes are all fucked up but it was worth it

Subtly prepping your mind for political pedophilia and incest.
wait til they open the kiddies section
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And here is mid June of 2016, just one year ago. Take note of how far I am zoomed out, two suspects in this screencap. Now just one year later, anytime you go there it will look like the original picture.

Meant that for OP.

Started reading your post tho... wew lad. Makes me glad I didn't have any siblings. My mom was fucked up in a different way (no sex with random guys) but she was never cut out for motherhood.
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Porn has been shown to damage the brain.

Our (((friends))) are involved in anything and everything that is culturally, physically, and psychologically damaging to us.

Make that your base point, and many things will make more sense.
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That's nothing, the amount of girls who want a "daddy" (i.e.: someone to take all responsibility and let me exist like a child) has quadrupled in the last few years
>Porn reflects the urge to do the forbidden.
no it doesn't, the people who create it want to corrupt soceity. No one thinks of this shit if theyve never seen the porn. Also, the more porn a person watched the more that person wants to see porn that becomes increasingly more distant from normal human sex.
They're already trying to do that irl. I'm sure you've noticed the plethora of "I'm a pedo but I'm not a monster" type articles from the MSM.
they claim to just follow trends and figure out what to "recommend" for people

apparently that disgusting filth is big now

jewish sexual """"""liberation""""""" at its finest
>EU flag
>Not being a degenerate cuck

Been up to some LARPing?
They are the pushers and the pullers
>tfw I missed out on gamergate because I stopped playing video games before it happened
>tfw I missed out on incestgate because I stopped watching porn before it happened

just end me senpai.
Its weird. They definitely try to use the most attractive actresses for the incest and BLACKED porn. Its like an incentive. I just try to not watch it.
I meant at it's base nature. Porn of any kind has always been addictive because it's "morally forbidden" but exacts no consequences. The more recent trends towards things like interracial, gang rape, incest, etc does seem to be an intentional move though. And since incest is "more" forbidden than good ole missionary sex, that's what is drawing the most attention.
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And I thought I am the only one who is disgusted by these. I don't want to read "Mom fucked by son" when I have my dick in my hands with the intention to fap already.
This image isn't bullshit btw, you can easily google that info. Of course you'd have to come to the conclusions yourself, but we know how they operate.
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Welp its better then BBC cuck porn so fine with me.
i do think lots of people are viewing it
taboo subjects are being pushed to forefront by """""progressives"""""

that being said it always leads back to the familial hook nosed big eared beady eyed greedy lying slimebag jew

>She doesn't know what's cumming to her

Yea, I just don't buy that for a second. I am 99% sure they are doing something to push it to the homepage. And if you read those links, you will see they don't give a fuck about any decent person who doesn't want to see it.
mm im gonna go jerk off to incest porn right now and you retards cant stop me
virgins or beta dicklets that can't get girls to cum think that's what actually happens.

Oh good im glad im not the only one that noticed all the weird incest shit.
This does nothing to me since you know 99.9% of them are fake
Makes me wonder if the normalization of incest across the middle east was something that was memed into existence just like this
my reply to your first comment is the same reply to this one. A first time porn user won't go looking for anything more then "boobs" for example.
meh, step family isnt literal incest. I fucked my stepsister. We didn't come together (no pun intended) until our late teens. We fucked in our twenties.
stop watching porn in general
Haha it isn't even real incest, and most of the people that like it don't want to fuck their sisters.
Yep, I've noticed. Still refuse to get near that shit.
Why do people still watch porn?
Traffic, views, and search terms determine the videos that are displayed on the front page.

Are you a retarded person?
flags dont mean shit, ahmed.

Kind of like Youtube pushing an agenda on their Trending page.

Of course it's intentional.

Black Panther trailer has been trending since it was released, and now it's at 24 million views.

That's no accident.
Stop this
addiction and degenerates who actually like it
no they're just 80iq subhumans unfortunately
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Yeah that's why pic related hits home even harder for me. Being beaten and constantly mind raped by a crazy woman really fucks with your head.
I don't struggle to meet women, but I definitely have deep trust issues and am probably a borderline sociopath (possibly why I do well with chicks, God women are fucked up).
They are now.
Fucking prudes on this board. What happened to you 4chan? You guys think you're special? You're just like every other generation. Edgy when young, and conservative when old.
How is cuck and blacked so popular but people are disgusted at incest?
Had to show how this is not something that's always existed, existed to nearly the degree it does right now anyway. This has exploded within the year.
"Virgin Brother Fucked By Slutty Sister"
Are you sure this isn't your recommended OP?
>implying people haven't been writing erotica about the most degenerate shit well before porn was invented
>implying corny shitty acting brazzers videos of an actor pretending to fuck his step-mother is going to make someone actually fuck their mum
just like how cnn is popular
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(((David Marmorstein Tassillo))).png
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I love poland
What is it ? How do I look at it to see it ?
Dude, this is incest porn, this is the first time it's being pushed on society this hard.

spoilers for your life: you attract shitty r-selected women because they remind you of your mother and you remind them of their absentee/abusive fathers and repel k-selected women who can tell you're fucked in the head
>>implying corny shitty acting brazzers videos of an actor pretending to fuck his step-mother is going to make someone actually fuck their mum
I never said anythign close to this

>>implying people haven't been writing erotica about the most degenerate shit well before porn was invented
yes, degenerates make themselves more degenerate as time passes. Thanks for saying what I already said.
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Hey rabbi.
frankly i'm sick of seeing interracial cuck porn in the featured videos
You look through your monitor while not deviating your eyes. If it starts looking trippy, you're probably getting close.
So stop watching porn. It was always going to lead down the path.
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I have 5 tbs of incest porn.

You guys have it all wrong; it's the patrician porn niche.

Think about it. What's the easiest job in the entire world for a woman? The one job that technically, any woman can get at any time? It's starring in a porn of course.

All they have to do is open their legs. They don't have to do anything, the male performer does it all. He has to get hard. He has to stay hard in front of all these lights and cameras. He has to not bust until the right moment. He has to do multiple takes in multiple shoots in multiple days. Women don't have to do anything.

So how do we make sure these women are completely degraded and dehumanizing during this sad, pathetic, and ultimately humiliating event? You make her do crazy shit.

If you want to see someone violated in porn nowadays, you have options like bdsm, even BBC or cuck porn. But I always hated that shit because again, anyone can do that shit. Any dumb porn whore can take some BBC, you don't have to be special to do it.

But the one sign that a woman has completely given up, the sign that she's now completely ostracized from normal life, is if she does incest porn. Particularly, hard core, non-step, clips4sale style incest porn.

This is the most degrading kind of porn for the actors and actresses because they have to violate the last barrier in their minds. If you're doing incest porn, you aren't getting spanked or fucking a nigger; that's mainstream shit at this point. You're being broken in the final way; you're telling the world by fucking your "father" or "brother" on camera, that you're a TRUE piece of shit.
Damn it they have taken over every number and geometrical shape with their occult shit
Kek 777 > Hebrew 7777
i rarely watch hardcore porn, generally it's just women masturbating or hanging around on webcam
You can cross your eyes and move your head or the monitor until both of the images come together in the middle at which point things should start looking 'wavy' and '3d'. Then in the middle of the image something should pop out or sink away depending on how it was made.
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Okay, maybe you're right.
But the humiliation is what gets you off?
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666 5th Avenue.png
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Kusher did it too. 666 5th Avenue is owned by Kushner and a company owned by a Jew.

what's up with them and repeating numbers?

This is the non cross eyed type.
Men tend to need new stimulation to turn tyem on, which is why porn has slowly gotten more and more edgy/extreme/violent. Its a slippery slope. We aren't meant to have that much stimulation.

This is what women have always wanted anon.

So many girls I've fucked have called me daddy that I don't even notice anymore. According to these women I'm everybody's daddy.
>theyve tied themselves directly to these numbers
>control or be controlled
Muslims love the incest porn.
Big market.
what, you think porn is more stimulating than having sex?
If you cross your eyes it shows up in reverse
I've been looking at it for 13 years and I still just prefer regular run of the mill hetero porn. Anecdotal I know, but I'd wager it's the norm because the vast majority of porn out there is run of the mill hetero.
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MindGeek 3.png
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You really should investigate MindGeek. They seem to have a monopoly on porn and they are owned by a Jew.
Yea, you don't cross your eyes on parallel stereograms.
What's up with us and repeating numbers?
Truth is that magic is real and it works.
They knew about it for a very long time, maybe christians did too, a long time ago, but we are just starting to rediscover it now. I knew about 666th on 5th. Jews really like that number because it is the numerical representation of the star of david. Just like we like 777 because 7 is the most magically powerful number.

I did it the cross eyed way , maybe that's why it took me a while to get it to work. I never learned how to do it the other way.

1,463,892 added together = 33
I don't get off anymore. I don't even masturbate. I just keep and maintain this collection for autistic reasons at this point.

I haven't even watched porn in months despite keeping up with all the latest incest scenes, downloading high quality rips of everything that comes out.

I think maintaining the collection is what's getting me off and keeping me going at this point. If I didn't keep a huge library, I'd just be playing Vidya on something
All pornography is disturbing, stop watching that degenerate jewish filth and sort yourself out.
Thanks . I dont know what its supposed to be , I just saw a 3d hole and now my eyes hurt
I'm glad this was brought to my attention.
When will normies be ready to see what (((they))) are up to?

Hmm. Thats pretty dark stuff

I do hate women....

Bukkake has the same effect. I mean once your willing to let 50 guys you've never met take turns jacking off in your mouth its completely over too. You are a true piece of shit.
Try it. It's the easiest way for people to see them when they're incapable of doing it the standard way.
It's porn, it's supposed to be disturbing. Got a problem with that? Then go get yourself a real girl (if you can) otherwise quit your bitching
Wow, that is indeed autistic as fuck dude. I don't have to tell you that though.

The 3d hole meant you were right there dude, you almost had it, that's what happened to me then it suddenly happened. Now I can use other stereograms.
I'm totally incapable of doing cross eyed stereograms but can do parallel. Meh.
it does actually happen you virgin retard
Thanks - Bookmarked for later
Man you have no clue, nice assumption.
So would you say it would like kek and dub post or something a bit different?
When they are forced to
Itd be pretty easy to hit a 2 for 1 with this actually via pointing out trannies and traps being used in womens lead roles then once the hollyjew is slithering around in the light quick shift the focus onto the porn industry too, im sure they both have some major studios in cali
Save the image too because it's the easiest one I've encountered for some reason. Try this one next.
>Take offense at slavposters looking up incest porn
>Not at the number of cuck and blacked videos uploaded that no one fucking watches
Why is it always late 20's guy that looks like little boy raping late 40's thick woman in stockings? I love Russian molds but the incessant little boy angle, or maybe they just look like that, is getting old.

I exclusively date older women and amateur mom pov is my main search. This isn't new. Stop being a triggered autist.
Yeah it works on the exact same principles. It's their version of meme magic.
>This isn't new. Stop being a triggered autist.

Get the fuck out of here, I already posted images from wayback machine. Try it yourself. This blew up within the year.
This, most of all. It's a money pit that some slimy Jew pushes to create social change. Shit like this is why they were run out of literally every society they'd inhabited in all of history.
I don't even believe in a cabal, or at least in a cabal most of them are part of, I just find it astonishing they manage to have such specific predispositions.
Is it outside of pornhub, because motherless was nothing but amateur teen incest play and xvideos was straight normiecore when I went on it. Each place has its own culture.
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So for instance, they tend to be predictions like in pic related.

When (((they))) buy property that is repeating numbers what are they predicting? What is so special about 5th avenue? What is so special about Boulevard Decarie in Quebec Canada?
Right. I don't even think they're "evil". It's just what they are. They think they're crusaders, if you ever talk to them about communism or immigration or any such thing that directly harms your people. They turn into /pol/2.0 the moment the conversation switched to Israel.
Motherless has always been more niche, a place like pornhub should generally represent larger sample of the population making it more average. But I don't think it is now, because I don't believe clicks alone are what pushed that much of this shit to the homepage.
Of course, but does it stem from a company or not. We all know the Blacked Jew buys his way onto the front page, why not the company making all the step sister porn?

>YouTube suggested videos 2.0
Just LOL at anyone who wouldn't bang their hot cousin. A few of my cousins are hotties and I can honestly say I would fuck all of them without hesitation, particularly one who grew up in a different country who I don't really associate as being a cousin.
Well owning 666 on 5th is a huge deal because the number 666 represents the star of david and Judaism as a whole, owning that building would be kind of like owning the mona lisa, huge bragging rights etc.
As far as the other one off stuff like 7777 building etc they just buy it or do business there with the idea being that associating with that number will bring them more success. Plus once you are aware of numbers why would you choose to be at some bumblefuck number like 4819 if you can help it?
OP here, I'm gone, it's been a good thread. I'll keep it pinned and read it tomorrow.
I hate this trend, it makes finding authentic stuff impossible.
Though nothing's really authentic.
It's annoying because the kind of porn I like the most (PoV with natural looking, younger girls) gets the stupid incest label all the time.

It's either Czech porn or incest porn, the rest are shit.
I think some anon phrased it best as if not being a sooper sekret society throughout the ages to subvert the goyim but just that Jews do not have that voice in their head telling them "if I do _____ these people will eventually get pissed off enough to shoah me". The talmud is like a view into the mind and predilection of the Jew.

For all we know blacked.com could turn an honest profit from niggers and the whole "upload it fucking everywhere" thing could be a dmca lawsuit scam the enternal kike is trying to play on pornhub.

There is a reason why kikes control the pornography industry and it making a shitload of money is a easier leap than a master plan to lower the goys testosterone. Jews are the most passable traps; doesn't play in to the master plan angle.

Still inadvertent kikery should be met with it's historical response throughout all of history.
Okay, I'll quickly respond to this one.
I have a drop dead gorgeous cousin, top tier model material. In no way do I see her in a sexual way though. Other female cousins are all attractive, and my sister is as well. Again, they have no effect on me in that way, I say that as an absolute fact. I am only able to recognize they are attractive people and it ends there.
you mind if i masturbate to this post ?
>trying to keep off porn and masturbating for /x/-related reasons
>gf is terrible, been sexually frustrated from the get-go
>regret not going back to milfs
>see this thread
This is the real porn shilling.
I get the whole 666 thing. But why 5th avenue? You can get a 666 property anywhere with that money.

Why Boulevard Decarie? It's just awfully specific. Seems like there's a reason for it but I can't put my finger on it.

Do we know of any other Jews doing this?
Look at the coords specifically and height, floors, etc
Gotta go full national treasure status and its a lot easier to read...
Why 5th avenue? It's probably the most famous street in the world. The 'glittering spine of manhattan'.
As far as boulevard decarie i don't know anything about it

They print and control money. There's more to it than just a 1 dimensional money angle Goy.
Porn gets more and more degenerate as time goes by.

Chicks taking 3 cocks up their ass at once, licking ass holes and incest seem to be all the craze now.
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I guess I'll have to bust out a calculator.

These were pretty interesting by the way:
Everyone's different I guess. For me, I see them not necessarily as cousins, but hot girls who I'd have sex with. Obviously I'd never act on it, it's just how I feel, especially toward the one I've had little contact with.
Oh and remember what tesla said about 3, 6, and 9
Each major religion of today is based on the star of said corresponding sides
>sandniggers obsessed with green color, 9 sided star is bau ti writings, sandniggerabia building with 99 floors or some bullshit, theyre obvious
>edgelord jews obsessed with number 6 and six sided star, color red because weird trying to kill saturn obsession
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The fact that we're looking down the barrel of a global recession when the default US reserve currency collapses speaks more for my stance that kikes as individuals fuck over everyone and everything with no filter or higher plan than "muh internationalist cabal of dedicated nation wreckers!"

Not that prominent kikes like the rothechilds, Soros, etc. Don't take kike fuckery to a reducto an adsurdym, just that the local synagogues ursurous moneylenders and businessmen aren't privy to the master plan; just exercising the same talmudist outlook on a much smaller scale.
Gee trinity, how come your mom lets you get TWO dicks?
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I just break everything down to game mechanics that interact with one another to make the game engine of our world or timeline. Then you just look for what feels like exploits or things that are off and weird shit pops up in the strangest places.
Damn these are some good caps, I need to hop on my other rig and save these plus I have some I can dump gimme 10-15
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You don't seem to grasp the full extent of this. There is a method to their madness.

Does an individual Jew need be told what to do? No they are autonomous to a large extent, but they always do what's best for the Jews, and they look out for, and defend the bigger Jews at the top of the pyramid.

The Jews at the top are orchestrating and planning things. Bank on it.
Is it narrowed down to 5th avenue that quickly? There's literally 0 other streets they could buy a 666 property on that could be of more prestige or symbolic?
why do slavs do this?
People are becoming sicker and degenerate.
STOP WATCHING PORN, or you will end up being one of them.
Happy Father's Day, daddy!
I drawled you a picture
>Self aggrandizing Uber kikes have Messiah complexes
Who would have thought

Being a poisonous micronation wherever they go is the default, but the higher plan beyond the specific cabal is difficult to connect. Your local rabbi faking a backwards swastika on his doorstep or a pawnbroker being closed the last day of every month isn't part of the king kikes master plan, it's just talmudists talmuding.
Russian porn's good once you get over the awful haircuts on the guys.
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Why are you guys so worried about faux-incest fantasies? This shit's been around in anime for years now. The west is just catching up.
that's cause you've been watching all that fucked up videos so it shows you the same categories you're into
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Incest is a fetish of convenience. Too lazy/unmotivated/unconfident to pick up a woman? No worries just go down the hall to your relative. Disgusting.
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Yeah but the only people that it works on as far as the Japanese are concerned are losers who were never going to get chicks anyway. And any of them that actually have sisters know how gross they are and don't want anything to do with them.

You're probably going to call me a a degenerate or a jew or whatever, but is there anything really wrong with wanting to fuck a step-sibling? They aren't blood related, and you probably know them better than any other woman because you've lived with them. As long as you stay together and are the same race is it a big deal?
Oyyy veyyyyy
All that incest stuff is fake. They're just actors.
Genetically it isn't a big deal but ethically it is and it should absolutely be avoided if you want to live a life worth being proud of and want to live in a way that you won't feel ashamed all the time

part of the deal with this degeneracy stuff is they want people to feel too ashamed to speak up and act out for social change. if you've got incest porn faps in the back of your mind you probably won't be confident enough to be the next fuhrer
>ethically it is and it should absolutely be avoided if you want to live a life worth being proud of and want to live in a way that you won't feel ashamed all the time

I don't understand why it's such a problem ethically. You're literally siblings in name only. Falling in love with a step sibling seems just like it'd be falling in love with a childhood friend or a neighbor that you happen to live with.
Just went to Pornhub right now, right at the top under most viewed there are 2 mom and sister videos. The degeneracy is real.
Have noticed it too.

Most definetly mass brain washing
I can only get off to softcore striptease now. This degeneracy is sickening. The only way to not see this is if you are paralyzed by ignorance.
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What's wrong with this image? Have you never heard of roleplaying? They aren't actually babysitters/daughter/mommy underage faggot
Pro tip RETARD: Pornhub serves you the category you visit the most by cookies

If you open blacked your home page will be filled with interracial

You are a sick fuck who wants to fuck his sister and you beat it to that keyword
The secret reason (that no one will ever admit) is that this genre is targeting 15-year-olds.

When you are a teen, you want to fuck so badly, and often sex is not available. You would fuck any warm living creature, including your own family, if the opportunity arose.

When you get older, you don't live with your family (esp siblings) anymore. You get sex via your social circles. The idea of incest becomes weird and repulsive.

Incest porn targets teens.
I fucked my mom once https://youtu.be/rFC4qsjpfEs
>believing this dribble

I hope you don't.

5 years ago this incestplay stuff wasn't nearly so prevalent. You might find some on ML, but back then that place also had some jailbait shit. Now it's on PornHub.

Excellent point. Their brains also still happen to be developing. Great point.
This is completely true, but a part of me also thinks it has something to do with Indians getting more access to the internet. Indians fucking love incest and apparently call MILFs/cougars "aunties" as a weird cultural thing.
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>watching porn

No wounder west is so weak nowadays.
On 4chan, Anons gradually escalate to Dickgirls and Traps.

IRL, Normies gradually escalate to the most approachable signaled taboos now that Lesbians are stale: Cuckoldry and Incest.

God help us all when Pedoshit apologism kicks into full gear a few years from now.
You're right in a sense.

This is merely a reflexive feedback loop.

>Make taboo porn
>notice trend in clicks towards new videos
>people must be into this!
>make more taboo porn

Until finally the bubble pops and people have either moved onto more decadent ways to get off, or have gotten over their porn fetish and move onto being productive people who may occasionally get tempted into spanking it to the tame stuff.
Since Mindgeek monopolized the industry, they have been pushing their agenda.

Exactly, go to a Japanese image site if you want better filters. Sakaku Complex for one.

Pichunter puts blacks into fucking everything. You see a nice thumbnail? click it, Just kidding it's a white girl getting gangbanged by niggers.

Then they started mixing bi and trans among results on everything. Xhampster, and sex.com
xxxbunker is another good one, they have a "gay" filter that sorts out trans and bi videos.
Have you seen the girls in porn lately, Anon? The days of big breasted bimbos are over. Men want 4'10" teens with weird faces and braces being fucked by the biggest dicks possible now.
Can you think of a more iconic street?
Can you even think of another iconic street?
xhamster is like biggest jewish shill out there. even more then blacked. blacked atleast doesnt pretend to be something its not, its clearly bestiality but xhamster is forcing interracial in every cathegory especialy into "female choice" to top places even without views and is obviously altering ratings which is kinda surreal how bold kikes are now.
Jews have been doing this shit since they've been a people.

>live by set of disciplined values
>can't step outside of those
>know the gentiles aren't disciplined
>instead of teaching them and leading them, profit off of them

They see an opportunity to do right by all, but make it right by them every single fucking time.

They're selfish demons put on this Earth to tempt us into sin. Ignore them and look past their temptations! Just ignore these Jews and their ways, don't fall for their tricks and temptations, and continue to live a good righteous life knowing that they'll forever burn in hell.
Kikes took their own black pill.
The propaganda feeds off itself
They now want to fuck their sister/daughter so they preach fucking their sister/daughter so they want to fuck their sister/daughter so they preach fucking their sister/daughter so they want to fuck their sister/daughter.

The seed of it comes from the base human desire to fuck and have a virgin.
Yet because the kikesses are the hardest hit from slut degenerate feminism the only virgins kike men have ever known is their sister or daughter.

They are destroying themselves faster than anyone else with their own narrative.
Most don't know this.
i've noticed that too. every fucking time.
>The fact that we're looking down the barrel of a global recession when the default US reserve currency collapses


You never speak in absolutes. The US reserve currency is going to collapse? Give me a fucking break. Do you know what gives it so much strength? The fact it's the defacto currency for trading in both oil, and currency speculation.

Every currency pairing in the forex markets is traded through the US dollar. Forex is one of the biggest, if not the biggest global market out there. Some of the biggest banks make billions per year in forex trading. Could there be a recession? Possibly. Would the US dollar lose its place as the reserve currency for a shitton of trading? Fuck no. The US is #1 in two things, economy, and military strength. That gives them the leverage to prop up the USD.

Also, whomever wrote part 9 of that pic is a fucking retard and a half. Domestically issued bonds are not a bad thing. Considering the high interest rates provided to governments from banking cartels, low-interest bonds purchased by its citizens is far more preferable. Now given that the interest rates some governments offer these days don't even maintain your purchasing power, by offering an interest rate that runs parallel to controlled inflation, it's a safe place for citizens to put their money. Because if your government defaults on the bonds you purchased, you're fucked no matter where you put your money in your country.
visually and perhaps even audibly in most cases, yes
>Jewish capitalists get people hooked on porn
>The more porn people watch the more degenerate it has to get for people to achieve orgasm
>Jewish capitalists see this and start promoting it more/pandering to increased degeneracy because they know it will be an easy way to make a buck
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they show a lot of incest porn because that's what most guys are into.

you and your opinion are a minority
>Now given that the interest rates some governments offer these days don't even maintain your purchasing power, by offering an interest rate that runs parallel to controlled inflation, it's still* a safe place for citizens to put their money. Because if your government defaults on the bonds you purchased, you're fucked no matter where you put your money in your country.
What is wrong with incest porn videos? They seem fine. I don't do it cause it's weird just watch it.
these stats are shit desu. you got to be rly trash to have porn site acc
>what is wrong with incest?
>it seems fine
Checks out. If it makes you feel better though, ancomms will be second in line for gulag/gas chamber right after ancaps.
>tfw no 4' 10" cutie
>tfw no big dick
why even live
The fucking jews don't let you filter out anything because they are the ones who choose what you get to see.
This isn't just a problem with porn. It also happens with youtube.
You can't simply go on youtube and select to not see anything Buzzfeed related, nothing anti-DROOMPF, no pop music videos etc. You simply can't filter that shit out. You get recommended it no matter what.
When you search for specific videos, you get a load of shit in your face and there is nothing you can do about it.
You can't even filter what kind of language you want. Half the videos on youtube are German and you can't simply select an option to not see videos where they speak some gibberish. The only German videos I want to see are NatSoc propaganda.

It's very hard to ignore some type of spiritual connection when you take a critical look at all the information, and then the bigger picture.
Their process and ways of viewing the world, "I know this is wrong and I'd never do it or allow my family too, but I know the gentiles love it so I'll push it on them regardless of the values they hold sacred because I know they're weak of heart and discipline and I'll profit like a motherfucker!" is what pushes them towards dominating the world.. Once they are getting the gentile to do all the work in the world while they just issue more money they're done.

In the meantime it's just a matter of getting as much currency out of the goys pocket as possible, then giving it back to them in exchange for land, stock, bonds, and other assets.

They are making you trade your values and giving into your temptations in exchange for your base desires to be pleasured, and other superfluous shit such as a fancier car or remodeled kitchen. Meanwhile they're buying up all of your property and companies, while you give them your soul.
>Dude, this is incest porn, this is the first time it's being pushed on society this hard.

It's definitely more popular now. But this shit has been around since the 70s when video porn first emerged. Just much less rare, with hairy guys in their 40s posing as "sons" to women their own age.

That said "friend's mom" and "sister's friend" and "babysitter" whatever has also been around forever. The age gap is a fetish. Labeling it incest makes it more taboo but the porn is the same, the title is judt different. It's stupid. Incest and rape belong in the same category. Some people have fetishes for that, but I doubt they're turned on by it irl. You'll probably find more people irl who get their rocks off on kids than those who are really into family or actual rape.

And there's not some grand kike conspiracy. Kikes just want money, and they lack the decency, civility and self respect to put anything ahead of that. So they will gladly supply society degeneracy if there's money in it. Drug dealers aren't concocting conspiracies to ruin society either. They simply don't give a shit because of money. It's classic kikism on display.

Yep. It has become rampant. I'll admit to even using such search terms now because a lot of good vids are titled that way. Not because im actually into that shit.
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Once again, it's not just about the Money.

Jews despise Western Civilization and White people. They're the only things that have ever stood in the way for their plans for world domination.

You're thinking small.
All part of the (((attack))) on the family and men, the promotion of degeneracy = destruction of family
>Look up home videos of porn
>Sleeping is one of my fetishes
>Click a video
>Almost all the recommended videos are some niggers fucking white girls while they sleep

Really makes me fucking think
It's from google analytics mate
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Dumping. Day 4 of no fap at the moment. Stop watching porn lads. (((They))) want you too.
It's the pooinloos, they're all heavily into the incest shit for some reason.
doubt. just look at ´most views at videos, classic porn with simple fucking without incest, without bbcs etc have 40 mil + views and there is plenty of these, blacked has 8 mil at one video and others are like 2-3 mils at best and other interracial have barely milion
also google analytics? how do they differentiate males and females?
Porn is filth. Just filth. After and when you watch it you feel or must feel fucking dirty and corrupted
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just checked the frontpage of pornhub. doesnt seem that bad, pretty normal
I am quite sure google can figure out your gender as well as a bunch of other shit
kill yourself
nice recommended videos lol
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That's right goys, keep you child under single mother care
Except it hasn't you fucking lazy pleb
thank god i stopped watching porn. It fcks up your dopamine, makes u docile. as a good goy should be
Hang those who watch porn!

If you're 100% European descent aka white and you hate filthy niggers, dirty spics, ugly kikes, arabs, furfags, gayfags, commiefags and all other scum on the earth as much as we do, you should join the Moon Central Discord Server. Introduce yourself in #nsfw-introductions to get un-kiked!

https://discordapp.com/ - invite/ - JfW5mn6 (Remove the - )

1, 2, 3, 4 We declare a race war!
Join us and hang a nigger today.

Sieg Heil
>jew kushner from MindGeek owns all the porn
Wew lad
good thing I get off to anime
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