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Why doesn't /pol/ go for a land grab here? We could kill

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Why doesn't /pol/ go for a land grab here? We could kill some Al Qaeda affiliates and maybe establish a proto state in the process. Why not give it a go?

>sharing a continent with niggers and mudslimes

If I wanted that, I would just move to Europe.
>a bunch of kekistani basement dwellers beating al-qaeda

this amerilard watched too many marine movies
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Somalis are weird. Closer to Arabs than true niggers

Any improvement of Africa will be turned back by the UN and international sanctions for violating human rights. They want it a shithole. Ian Smith literally didn't even do anything questionable.
Well we have Google maps and a shit ton of spergs willing to do the strategic research.
How hard could it be especially if we raised some cash?
why the fuck would you want that shit hole? everyone there is a pirate killer and thief.
It seems to be one of the few places in the world where we could even pull such a thing off without violating international law
We don't even have to do that shit. It could be something as simple as a trading post with no population of natives
That would have worked in 2013 but Somalia has a new government that has allied itself with Turkey.
Turkey is already building a base there.
Grabbing land in Israel is way better
We'd get Shoah'd in like 5 seconds
Well shit man. Do you have any suggestions as to where we could create a state?
Space. That won't happen for years yet.
I think that'd be pretty expensive
Namibia is a much better idea. However, we can eventually expand to Somalia, as long as we kill off a majority of their population.

Still, this could be a feasible idea.
They'd eat you for dinner
Exactly. For quite somme time, there will be no viable place on Earth for us to form a state, as it will simply be blown to smitherines by the globalists, so the best way to avoid that is to go to Space. However, as it is currently far too expensive to go there right atm, we must work on lowering the costs of space travel first. This starts with space tourism, then you start mining asteroids, the you make a few colonies on the moon, and from there, you have an active base from which to colonize the solar system. This will take 50-100 yrs at the least, baring any catastrophic world conflicts, so in the meantime, we must work on improving where we live, and/or making cities on the sea and/or small islands.
But there's no civil war there and they have a larger military than we could create
Maybe. I did find this island that I can't figure out who owns it. 14.285497, -80.363922 punch that into google maps
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Thinking white people are going to make it to 2100.
Can't unsee a huge pink dragon cock
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Needs a coastline.
I'd avoid East Africa for a long time because they're so geographically situated that you would immediately go up on the news because both the Arabs/Chinese and Turkish want it.
Well, then, do you have any solutions?
Sure, let's go OP. Email your phone number and we can set up a meeting to work out the details. Thanks for the suggestion.
60% fat boy remember this number when you bring up how non white the eu is
I think you had a good idea with Africa.
There are plenty of ethnic rivalries to exploit there.
Why the fuck would any decent decendent of a white man want any part of a fucking nigger continent, fuck off. Purge all darkie filth from all white nations, white nations are by far the most beautiful on the planet and we should be fucking defending them rather than swapping them out for some fucking darkie desert.
Yeah move to Poland. Have lots of white babies. Wait for race wars throughout western countries. Vote Hitler. Profit.
>still trying to spread the kekistan meme
go back leddit
We could make a small part of this nation white
Where in Africa, though? Since you are adverse to East Africa, what would be a place that would A. have a coastline, B. have a weak enough military that we could conquer them and/or is devoid enough of people, and C. is in a place that none of the big shots will care too much about to mess around with for long enough for us to get established?
Nah I wouldn't call it that. I just like the idea of any international entity run by our ideas
Namibia has a coastline though?

Dumping ground for industrial/manufacturing/obsolete waste.
your average /pol/ user are fucking weak and pathetic. they couldn't manage a ham sandwich much less a country.
>implying Afghanistan is any better
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Lets just take back Rhodesia and South Africa, the reason they failed so hard is the lack of international support and the meddling of Marxist jews.
I would but the military there is too strong compared to what we could muster. Also do you have that in a better res
Sorry wish I did
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here u go mate
Thanks LGBT man
But seriously does anybody know who owns this island? 14.285497, -80.363922
Somalis are black, their admixture is fully ethiopian based apart from some arab mongrels
Namibia is a pretty small country, way smaller than you may imagine. The goal is to import a ton of alt-righters and eventually start out as peaceful farming communities.

We would have to build complicated agriculture systems since the area is so arid but we're ingenious when we use our weaponised autism. Once we are settled we can challenge the Namibian (and likely South African government).

Ever wanted to reenact the Rhodesian Bush war? Well that's what this shit will be like, except this time the whites will win. We will retake the South African area and then ally with Russia to counter the obvious EU/Jew shill butthurt.
Nah nigga they're caucasoids
Nigga Caucasoid doesn't mean that they're white; it denotes their skull structure. You wouldn't say a Sri Lankan person is white; rather he has a Caucasoid structure. There are many types of black people you know.
Are we talking about the same Namibia? It's 318,772 sq mi.
Never said they were white.
Fuck me. Never said they were white

I honestly think we could take Somalia, Sudan, and some other shitty countries if it weren't for faggot U.S. libs protecting them and preventing us from doing so. Whatever, China or Russia can have them.
I don't think you realize how litlle we could offer militarily
Italian Somaliland used to be beautiful back when we administered it, niggers where few and they were kept in check. If I can find my grandfather's album maybe I'll make a thread one day
no amount of larping 17 year olds could attack and win land against a sovereign nation

also countries in civil war tend to unite when attacked
This map makes no sense at all
Well that's why I chose an insurgent group and not a sovereign nation to attack. It's not really a good plan though. Is there even a way to get territory?
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Why not? Also I didn't make it. Here's a more detailed one
I tend to agree: it would have to be subversion; we all move there and take over the government of a small country from the inside.
This is a politics board, why not use politics knowledge to get our candidates elected, then use official policy to form a haven for Pol ideals
Just like South Africa
Nigger and spic populations are concentrated in smaller areas. Whites can still secure their majority in most of the country
I don't know man. Seems pretty flawed. We'd be aliens to them and we'd have to invest ourselves with the internal politics of the country
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aay that be our land, no larping virgins will dare step on our pirate land and try to take it without a fight. Unless of course we can settle it with a drinking contest and raid some of those passenger boats for booty, both shiny and soft.
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Would this be kekistanv2?
>and then american military shows up and "liberates" us.

Something close hopefully without the faggot infestation
>wanting to rule over blacks
Even blacks don't want to rule over blacks. That's why Africa has so much anarchy.
I don't want the whole thing. We could just set up a port on the coast
>whitey removing browns
>not violating international law
>not getting dogpiled on because muh raycism
We there's a pocket of territory on the Somali coast controlled by Al Shabaab. If we remove Islamic Insurgents from the area while in the process asking for a small uninhabited piece on the coast for ourselves. Maybe a deal can be worked out with the Somali government to thank us for our efforts
thing is, they international community won't let you grab any land because muh colonization
unless the only ones going there are chinks, I guess
I'm not sure if the international community would react that way and even if they did it's up to the Somali government not them.
What's with Somalia? It's the closest thing to true ancap on Earth. Why can't USA or EU or even China colonize it? Are the UN nations that weak in reality?

Landmines everywhere
There's no empire stuff post WW2. It'd basically be treated the same way as Crimea.
Isn't it better to use the army to clean up some nogger suburbs?
Remove all the criminals, so the rest can get a job and start paying taxes?

Why waste time and effort on some sandnigger trench, just to have some Globalist make money?
its skeleton shape.
ethiopians dont have the same skull as congos
some guy named Coon tried to map out the distribution of the races
blue - mongoloid
green - caucasoid
yellow - congaloid
purple - capoid
red - australoid
Neck beards trying to invade a nation. Fucken faggot kekistan flags won't help.
I don't know what you're talking about man. I just want a little port city for us to live in and govern
If anything we can use those who want to call it kekistan as fodder.
Strategically Somalia is the gateway to the Suez controlling it is critical to shipping lanes and trade. Similar to the Panama Canal. Taking Somalia will give you significant influence over the major trading route.
Lol 400 pound Guy Fawkes mask wearing fags running across a field.
The areas legally up for grabs are in black
We need to establish a base. We could start a GoFundMe then meet up.
Sounds like a plan. I'd donate.
Start with maybe California first then work your way up to something of this scale.

>fake tan
>baggy clothes
>no one can tell whether it's gang related or not.
In fact why don't we get a permanent meet up place funded by the internet. Buy some place in a mall for cheap just to own
>Implying the US wouldn't have us droned or put in jail for life
>not giving them food and education to build a loyal personal army
Remember when we colonized Namibia
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because its rightful Italian clay
In fucking SOMALIA? are you serious? i don't want to enstablish anything in that cockroach infested shithole, i love my land, i will die here
MADAGASCAR! No one gives a niggershit about Madagascar.
outer heaven and shit, i like that, but delete somalia from the options.
actually here the mafia tried that with sicily, to create an "outer heaven" indipendent island controlled by cosa nostra, but the government shut that down
Besides the military of Madagascar. We'd get our shit wrecked if we declared sovereignty
This is a very good place for natural selection to act. Just stop with the foreign aid.
Do we even have any other options?
Aid? Dude I don't care about tose already living there
I just want a little piece for us
Somaliland wants independence from Somalia. Maybe that could be the way. We could set up a pol Illuminati to control Somaliland secretly.
I would prefer as Mother Base
some Mediterranean Island or something, near Greece maybe.
Following this logic, we can choose any "weak" state, and infiltrate it.
Please /pol/, not Somalia.
Well how many countries would take kindly for us to declare independence?
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The people of Corsica are basically Italians, Corsica is part of Italy, they hate the French Central government, their nationality was stealed by the french j3w puppet government, they have an Indipendentist moovement very violent and very based, they kill muslim and french officials on daily base.
They want an indipendent nation.
Picture very fucking related.
wow what a cool & original post
Interesting. So why can't they wage a guerrilla war until the French fuck off?

Look: >>130385417
idiots saying deus vult wont deus vult nice
They do, since 40 years my friend. so many corsicans patriots were killed by the french-rat government, in the total world media silence.
Corsica is our best option.
>Edgy LARPing
Why are Drumpfcucks so pathetic?
The most realistic way to go about things is as follows:

Locate a peice of land yearning for independence / not cared about / with a lack of cohesive identity

Form a shadow group which, with adequate funding, moves to said location and become like natives to the culture / language

Use said shadow council of superior intelligence to trigger events and create systems which push dominos over via meticulous planning, blackmail, propaganda, etc

Change the culture of said land to one more desirable

Propose new constitution and distribute it to all residents via underground networks

Raise local militias and hold politicians by the balls

When the time is right, pull the trigger that will lead to a bloodless coup
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Let's do this along with Corsican FLNC.
I don't think they'll take kindly to foreigners, but we could manipulate them with proper funding and cash.

Anyone on board for Corsitopia?
they became pirates cuz chinese overused their waters with fishing
also north is pretty stable
south is a shithole tho
They're kindly to their fellow italians, we can mediate for /pol/.
and how are you going to get rid of 10 million "people" without destroying the land?
taking over somaliland is actually not bad idea
just think about it. its defacto independet state that no one knows about
with right amount of founding you could do anything you want
>no one knows about.
Lmao,Everyone knows about Somaliland.
That's why the Saudis use it as a pawn so that whenever the Somali Government doesn't swing their way they invite them over and give them gifts.
Turkey wouldn't support weakening one of it's most important allies in the Middle East so they won't let Somaliland separate and Saudi Arabia and the UAE only use it as a pawn as mentioned above.
If you truly think the major powers would stand by and let the shipping in the Red Sea and the oil fields there fall into hands that are not loyal to the Saudi/UAE caucus or the Turkish caucus then you've got another thing coming.
they're definitely not Fr*nch, but they're not Italian either
let them be independent and away from the EU-dicksucking jews, they don't deserve it
My idea is that we don't we just take one of the black pockets because they're controlled by Al Qaeda affiliates.
You don't get rid of the people.

You do what the Jews did, except not as Jewy. Here's another version:

> move in undercover
> integrate, understand, and appreciate the common man
> design a new thought movement which when the time is right will take the island by storm (I run a digital marketing company this is easier than you think)
> start assembling a team of operatives to collect blackmail on French politicians / Jews
> arrange meeting with heads of independence groups
> tell them they can have their positions and govt funded villas, their families will never have to work again
> their members will have the opportunity to live in what will become the most prosperous island nation on earth
> create and arm shadow malitias to train and work underground, every young male should be a minuteman
> ally / promise preferential trade to someone with a navy
> using blackmail have commanders withdraw all french troops, declare independence through the facade of gorilla groups, line coast with malitia
> draft constitution, make the independence groups the face of it all, make English the second language "for business purposes", invite /pol/ and pay for their flight
neat this place is almost as fucked up as syria with the multiple factions and infighting.
This is pretty genius and I've come up with similar ideas.
Why don't we try to pull something like this in the far north of Europe
Sami independence from Swedish oppressors. They'd probably give up the land in a heartbeat.

/pol/ has a lot of potential to do some pretty cool shit, but most people are afraid to take the next step and take action in the real world.

Let's make a discord group for the purpose of training ourselves to be political manipulators and power brokers. We'll need some practice if we ever want to really go big league. AKA play the fox, work in the shadows.

Someone post a discord link if they're serious
I doubt the French would ever give the place up man
The black pockets are just supposed al-shabab strongholds.
Anywhere around there generally has fierce fighting and the Somali National Army has set up checkpoints all around it.
You also shouldn't forget that AMISOM (a coalition of around 5-6 neighboring countries) has around 22,000 troops fighting al-shabab.
I'll try creating a general for it sorta like /sg/
Especially now that the fighting there has heated up.
Somalia is muslim, you would need to implement christianity to make any progress and gain control.

Was referring to Corsica. I wouldn't touch anything Muslim, it's fighting an uphill battle.
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So invite a co-op with /k/ and we're good to go.
During my freshman year of high school some friends and I planned out an invasion of Somalia. My job was to plan out the societal aspects of the new empire. I began work on a new language the white colonists would speak but all the work I had was done in my friends notebook and he still has it. I don't know how he ended up.
Oh so there's no way we could put a dent in them?
That sucks really bad. Know any alternatives?
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How about make a false propaganda that there are traitors on their group if you want them to get rid of themselves, poison their supply of water, bomb their food supply, and the make false propaganda that will trick them.
its not a new and original tactics (I mean for some reason in turning into a jew) but its effective on genocide against idiots.
There'd be a NATO coalition on our asses if we did any genocide. We have to have small ambitions man

Like I said, I'm happy to hone my skills and do something for fun on the small scale, in the real world. I don't know, take some random city and see how we can screw with it- I mean improve it.

Seriously though, if you want to get anything done you need to play the fox. The lion is useful from time to time, but the fox gets shit done without anyone even realizing.

If /pol/ will ever bear long-term fruit aside from propaganda, it would need to be on a more private and secure platform.
Okay why don't you start a discord mate
Welp, looks like restriction is needed, sadly.
Nah it's whatever
>Sharing a continent with a nigger and Muslim minority in Europe.

>Sharing a continent with a nigger and spic majority in north America.

Fuck me burgers are stupid. The USA is not a continent so your 60% means nearly nothing in the face of the pest problem you have in Mexico, which far outweighs any white advantage Canada might give you.
make a discord m8

Power Brokers - for those who want to hone their manipulative political, propaganda, strategy, and people skills.

discord: Wp4HDR
Welp I just wanted to see you guys home your skills, and me to learn how manipulate. I have low self esteem and confidence tho.

Chemical weapons?
Nah nigga fuck that
I don't need a NATO coalition to wreck my shit then execute me
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