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I want him back. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mr3 G5neP8Zg

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Thread replies: 308
Thread images: 134

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I want him back.

>I want him back.
When I think of what it would have been like to be alive with him, It just makes me miss him more
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Yeah we need him as an excuse to destroy Germany again.
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goosebumps everytiem

SIEGE HEIL!!! 14/88
I want my tears back
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One day, the victory is truth and the truth is victory. The War is not over, the fighting never stops. It will come again. because you can hide from the truth, but you cannot hide the truth.
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Feels thread?
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Feels thread
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>tfw you'll never be Himmler, Goebbels and Hitler laughing it up on stage
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Obligatory feels vid
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>tfw you and your Hitler youth buddies will never drink on playground equipment
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>tfw you'll never see one of his rallies
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You do not deserve him
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Anyone have the video of the old German man singing Erika superimposed with video of refugees in Germany? I saw it once and haven't found it since.
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>mfw my negative gut reaction to Hitler and Nazism is gone
>mfw I broke the conditioning
goddammit pol stop making me cry.
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We came so close.webm
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Welcome to the hurt locker
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he did a lot of things wrong (not the holomeme) but we forgive him. we need a strong leader like him to guide our world to a better future :^(
>inb4 triggered jidfags
that is adorable got more of it?
You have to download this shit continually you fool, they shoah it from time to time as you know. Use download program extension or just savefrom dot net
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S-stop. Stop this hell now.

>tfw we will never see the rise of such another man are doomed for an eternity of cucking and destruction of our culture and all we have left is resorting to posting pepes on a japanese anime board
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Nah I picked most of these up from a thread dedicated to these a while back. Haven't got much more along the lines of that one sorry.
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too cute
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Years of my youth watching the history channel depict Hitler and the Nazis as megalomaniacs and psychopaths simply washed away after merely a few months on pol.
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Is missing someone you never knew personally strange, brothers?
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You think you're mad now?
Britain's Greatest Generation reflects on the world they built: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1229643/This-isnt-Britain-fought-say-unknown-warriors-WWII.html
>mfw Jews convinced armies of proud nationalistic white men to fight for their extinction
Watch this krautbro
Watch it and weep manly tears if you must
Dude was insane. Sorry. He made war on his neighbors when he didn't need to that.

When Japan bombed the United States. The United States declared War on Japan. Not Germany.

Then Hitler declared War on the United States.

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That's not even the only time the old British soldiers complained. Here's more. It just gets more and more depressing when your eyes are wide open.
Heiled and checked
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I want National Libertarian . Socialism & Communism do not work. Germany 1933-45, Russia 1917-1989, China hybrid system 1950-?, Venezuela just look whats happening. I want Capitalism with the rights to do what you want as long as no one else is hurt by it!
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I miss you uncle Adolf.
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He was a great leader in most ways; but he was too arrogant and a lousy general.
>allies are attacked
>come to aid of allies
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He was still a great leader. He was not lousy, he was ambitious and had passion for what he did, a thing that you lack in your scandinavian countries.
I only just ranted a couple of days ago to my partner about how I wish we had someone as charismatic and strong as Hitler.
He was still a bad general. Not listening to your top tacticians is bad..
Also bump with good ol' days:
too be fair a giant chunk of his tacticians decided they wanted to play game of thrones IRL and kept fucking shit up.
he was kind of up shit creek either way really.
I'm 14 but not 88. I unironically do not like Hitler because of what happened in those camps and the fact authoritarianism is awful.

>inb4 Jew
Yes.. after realising how bad he was at planning war strategies
you probably didn't get the memo but it is being destroyed right now, we're talking about it on this site almost the entire day
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National Socialism is not Socialism.
It's more of a NatCap but with an ethno state.
SEIG HEIL, Lost, missed, but never forgotten. Der Fürher lebt in uns!
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I found it!
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It is replaced by something else, something you see in most media, hear on the radio, listen to from bluepilled friends and family. Their lies trigger and damage, causes rage and despair.
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all these hitler tributes are so emotional

Well well weeeell, come out of the closet, my little Fürher.

>authoritarianism is awful
Because you haven't lived in authoritarianism, like, AT ALL, we all live in democracy, and the people are tyrannical.
Of course not. Longing for a home you never had is a thing, it´s called Hiraedd or Hireadd.

A home we never experienced, now robbed from us and from the children we barely have the strength to produce. A future burnt by the eternal enemy, only cinders and screaming insane women remain.
Pathetic Nazi scum. I'm glad Britain and America preserved European democracy, and removed this Nazi filth from Europe.
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Even when you're being ironic I hate that fucking political party.
i wish hitler had won the war he was a true hero
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I both love and hate you for giving me this video anon.
He killed himself because he was too cowardly to face justice. How is that being a hero?
>implying that nazis are bad/the hoLOLcaust happened
You are the most misinformed cum guzzling faggots I've ever heard of.
fucking this. there's a little "morale boost" when you find out the truth but that's all.
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Hitler is gone with the legit nazis and we are stuck with this
>Pic related
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he was right
>Killed himself.
Good goy. He bailed out and went to Argentina, later dying of Parkinson's disease. He can literally find the declassified info on the FBI.gov archives.
>He can
You can*
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The only source was an argentine guy who said he aided Hitler. Pro tip: we like to lie a lot.

Eichmann was legit tho
(((Democracy))) European not monarchy the right system for Europe the only one
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You know, a man recently came forward in Argentina saying he's Hitler and he spent the last 70 years in hiding. Probably bullshit, but who knows.
Hello BlowJob 'cuck' Blazkowicz. Here's a (You).
I saw that but the source seemed pretty sketchy. Would be awesome if true, though.
It was a joke site a la The Onion
He got all that from a fucking graffiti article?
Jesus.. well.. I wish him.. luck?
>We lost
Wrong. Our victory's just beginning.
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Why do they have to lie about him?
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They're afraid.
Because they fear his legacy
Let's keep the tears flowing, we cannot forget why we are here.
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>Our victory
what are you on about?
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And Spear didn't plan the German industrial system during WW2. You are an IDIOT. The only reason Spears plans worked is slave labor and gold from teeth.. Those that do not know history are doomed to repeat it. I would have liked to see what would have happened if west (Brits, France,& USA) stayed out of Germanys war. I think the Russians still crush Germany, they already had em on the retreat before invasion of Italy! JUST THE TRUTH!
you must become Hilter yourself, kraut
Mr. Hitler, I wish you were here
things have changed a lot in 72 years
and it's turned out just like the jews planned
aw, Mr. Hitler, we could use a hand...
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>Boo hoo
>Le nazis suck
>They can't evn ideologoy
>lamo stupid nazis
>soviets are stronk
>No step on snek
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Retrostein posted a new video for you goys!
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Shut the fuck up with this prayer stuff you want me to feel all the feels at once? Have a smidgeon of mercy
I just read the headlines in the daily news
and I wish I'd made this up, but Mr. Hitler, I'm afraid it's true
cause now they're saying white folks don't deserve any rights
ain't the law changed a lot since 1945?
Mr. Hitler, I wish you were here...
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Okay,a lot of Hitler sympathizers here,let me slap you back into reality.

Pic related,imagine you're one of these kids.It's April 20th,1945,you're 12.A whole life is ahead of you.On the other side is your Fuhrer.The one who's supposed to look after you,and provide you with a good life.Your Fuhrer knows it's all over.He knows there are about one millions Russians headed for the final push,accompanied with thousands of tanks and tens of thousands of artilery pieces.He knows there is no point in fighting back,he knows a 12 year old boy can't do much.
He doesn't care.He will still send you into certain death,with a pat on your cheek.He doesn't care.
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perhaps some day he will return to our world and will guide us again
thats who we're waiting for
>implying the commies didnt do this
Sorry brother, I'm caught up in this now...to the tune of Hank Williams Jr's "Mr. Lincoln" God I wish someone with musical talent would do this...
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Checked, Satan.

Hitler gave jobs to kids to prosper early in life, Stalin and other commie fucks sent them all to die.
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A leader will rise up
Wrong. Use our brain (((EU))) man. He knew the battle was over, but not the war. He knew that only by imprinting a legacy so overwhelmingly impressive that people would talk so much about him and his times they finally would reach parts of the truth did the future West stand a chance.

They painted a "horrifying" legacy of him but even that can be inspiring when you learn more and more truth. How can you not sympathize with those who stood up against the Communist world order? Which literally was what Soviet was an attempt at. You are obviously one of them, a globalist treasonous cunt.
Did you even read what I wrote?
National Socialism is third position, it's opposed to both communism and capitalism.
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No worries brotherman. Maybe we will get one last chance to hold back the night.
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>Implying the Russians werent gonna kill every kraut in sight
>Sympathyzing with communists
>Le ebel hitler
Shit, it checks out, goys.
I did, did (((YOU))) read mine? You're basically saying Hitler sent kids to fight during war, and yeah while he did, he didn't send them all to fight, he gave them jobs locally in Germany, pretty sure you'd know this if you lurked more. Making kids work at a young age makes them more prosper for the life ahead of them, he DID care, and would've still cared if he was still alive/didn't flee Germany.
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The mental gymnastics are amazing!
You have only non-argumens because your side represents the purest form of evil ever to walk the earth. "He used young soldiers" yes, congratulations, as every single warchief has since the beginning of time, we ended it JUST NOW and your lovable 3rd world countries have not ended it still. EU & UN wants nothing but the complete destruction of the West so they can usher in the NWO. The "conspiracy theories" are real. Learn more and maybe you can become a truthful man.
I can't believe I'm tearing up to a thread about Hitler rn. If you told me this would happen 3 years ago I wouldn't believe it.
>die in combat
>surrender and get raped by commies
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I Know! It takes a lot to support an organization lobbying for the destruction of European societies.
It is ok. Feel it. Every day, more people feel the same for the first time.
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>implying he isn't doing them mental gymnastics at defending commies
Nice try, Shlomo.
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I thought it was supposed to have a free market?
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>I wish I could turn back time and try again
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This low energy shitposting in a honourable feels thread. This is who you are, the most disgusting form of life on earth. Nothing but scum and filth, no value or soul at all. Thank you for proving your core identity and values.

Mystery Babylon will fall and be forever eradicated from the soul of mankind.
Wish we could turn back time
To the g-g-good old d-d-days...

>Rolls over, weeps quietly
>Twenty One Pilots
Nigger, what's this gay shit?

... Ah yeah... Adolf. :'(
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I've fallen in and out with fascism several times because I'm an indecisive fuck, and have flirted with many ideologies in my life but I've never been able to resist my magnetic admiration for hitler. Even as a lolbertarian, a filthy commie, etc. I found his story so impossible to believe that I still to this day can't believe someone pushed so low achieved so much.
I think Savitri Devi and the esoteric nazis were partially right. Hitler feels almost "inhuman" in his charisma and leadership, like he truly is an avatar of vishnu or perhaps some kind of "other" being sent to Earth for some unknown reason. No other Human being, at least in the last 200 years has left such a mark from history from such humble roots.
where do you see me defending communists,you fucking imbecile?
Of course he cares. The war was for something bigger than any of them and he knew that. Hence tried to do everything he could to fight the criminals back.
Do some thinking shitstain.
what was the name of the book with most of his quotes and sayings? It was on Pol before but I lost the file. Had his statements on everything and was outlawed at one point....

any idea?
They have been in the prophet murdering business a long time anon. Their cult is Mystery Babylon, look up William Cooper for some introductory stuff.
>that pic
Where is that from?
from a quick jewgle search it's from some yid website
If you have a problem with it being gay then why are you sporting that flag? I am genuinely confused.

Okay that has got to be the most nasty ass thing I've ever laid eyes upon, fuck you faggot.
Re-read your comment again >>130353558
>He knows there is no point in fighting back
And a plus is, never in your comment did you mention the communists sending their kids to die in wars, you just basically did it because "EBUL NATSIS OH FUGG :DDDDDD"

Is that fat dumb bitch in your "pic related" you? Get out of here, Amy Schumer.

He'll come back, one way or another. Have faith Anon
All you fags would be a disappointment to Hitler.
>Defeatism is a disease
Especially you modern day germans. Go blow something up in protest go make an attempt on merkels life
Browsing through this thread gives me a really heavy feeling in my chest. Nothing depresses me more than the fact that over the pass 200 years millions of us have died at each other's hands over Jewish interests, land disputes, and various other seemingly petty reason when you look at the cost. We lost the best men we had on all sides only to be repaid with multiculturalism, white guilt propaganda, and a continually eroding moral system.

It depresses me but also fills me with untold rage.
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Fuck off, CIA.
White people aren't going to be around long enough for the next Hitler, sorry fags.
>Kid fights a hero's death defending the Reich

You just envy the courage they had.
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We can make a better Reich and a better Fuhrer.
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Its like the entirety of the western world has learned nothing from the jew. Go "convert" to islam and fucking instigate a terrorist attack on german political figures or better yet EU officials.
>Hey, brother Mohammed
>Yes brother
> The EU president is a filthy jew we should bring Jihad to them in their home
FFS, you wanna beat the jew, then out jew the jew
>Hurr durr hurr cia neger
Gas yourself kike
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>it's literally illegal to praise hitler in germany

expecting a knock-knock at the door there hans?
'Tis called humor, hunny, plus I don't like that music.

>since there's no pink triangle from the hoLOLcaust, my only option is fag flag
There was so much potential.
>Suggest germcucks should defend their country, culture, and people
>Hurr es cia
Hitler didn't believe the war was over until the Russians entered Berlin. When that picture was taken Berlin was still safe.
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He's not alone in History.
There have been men in his mould.
Caesar. Napoleon. Hell, even Trump could have been if the time was right.

Democracy will consume itself, things will fall apart, we'll have our Hitler.
>Behind 7 proxies. Gif
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Yes goy, convert to islam
Yes goy, cause violence in the streets
What, I a not a jew goy you can trust me.
>Go blow something up in protest
nice try cia faggot. just wait for the coup that is going to happen in france. after that maybe germany will fall 2.
I honestly don't think so.
Hitler knew what was at stake and he knew that the normal person couldn't do shit to change anything if he lost.
If he somehow poofed back to life, he would just start trying to bring us together again without blaming us for it. Especially since we are a few generations after WW2.
Hitler was a queer. Get over it.
The French occupied a lot of German territory after WW1 and they were not very kind to the Germans.
I'm guessing that is an example.
Hope a mod is reading this thread thou, sounds like a good concept flag, a lot better than the shitty fascist flag. I can barely make that shit out.
>gold from teeth allowed Germany to become an industrial powerhouse

This has to be an old fag trolling, you can't be this retarded.
Or think what it would have been like if USSR had collapsed right after WWII and both socialism and communism got btfo all at once
Hence the quotations
No i said targeting cuckpol fogures in the form of false flags to motivate the people and the politicians
Its like you cant read
No milfs on stage so automatically not as good as trump rallies
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Where has Socialism or Communism ever worked? I want National Libertarianism. Stupid people will always fall for the stupid propaganda they are shown. When you have your dictator you will just be sucking his dick. Oh wait you will like that LOL
A free market that benefits the nation and its people, not the Jews and multinational corporations.
He expressed Defeatism was a disease especially during ww1, and constantly was humble. His point was a race with that mindset will not crumble
Based Hitler puppers
>Poor little lolibertarian
Do you even understand how a government works?
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You clearly have not learned anything about history. Only when the populus is untied do great accomplishments happen. Inciting violence for:
>le ebel goverernment
>Join grorious revolution oh fugg
is what sand-skippers ad communists do and all it does is make the populous hate them.
If your only retort is
>Heh cia mem
You seriously should kys
It's already being destroyed, buckaroo. The kikes are (yet again) to thank for that.
Germany needs to be dealt a swift death, and be rebuilt from the ground up by the Germans, and the Germans alone. No more interference from the compromised Western countries.
Socialism in the nazi sense does not mean socialism in the economic sense, it's a free market.
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Yes, so it's Nat-Cap.
>Using teh socialism argument against NatSoc
>Current timeframe
Same in your homosexual paki infected country. That guy who taught his dog to heil was sentenced right?
Sir i think you lacl reading comprehension
I stated to beat the jews you gotta use jew play against them. By causing a terrorist attack on already cuck politicians from the shadows you would unite the people. I never said join teh groius goy revolution
>national socialism's economic policy was socialist
read a book
Gregor Strasser even said that Hitler was a personality that comes along once every thousand years.
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>By causing a terrorist attack on already cuck politicians from the shadows you would unite the people
No, you ned the people behind you or the change won't happen. Terrorism does not unite people, it scares them.
>Sir i think you lacl reading comprehension
>"Join grorious revolution oh fugg"
>communists do and all it does is make the populous hate them.
I know you never said, I was mocking communists. Please, read my replies.
Yeah, but I don't think that would be relevant if he came back to life nowadays. Since he basically knew what was going to happen if he lost the war.
I miss you, Hitler.
Nigger i didn't mean do it openly i meant on a secretive individual level to spur things along by inciting terrorist attacks by mudslimes from out of site. Removes ShekelGruber von kikenstein type politicians from power, and makes people see what islam really is.
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OK, but, why do we have to do terror attacks when the niggers and mudslimes do it for us? All we have to do is wait.
>that jacket at 3:30
damn the Nazis were so aesthetic

the best one of these videos is the "Total War" one.
I'm not even full nazi but that one made me tear up.
>I dont think
Stopped there
So you're telling me that if a mindset of death before defeat was instilled into even a small amount of the population, that with thay kind of determination and will power, things wouldn't change
You wouldnt be doing them, you wpuld be causing them to target unfavorable politicians who happen to be kikes
Think about it
>Mudslimes target jew politicians
Nobody would look twice at the motives
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>destroy germany
he tried
he sacrificed his people, his heritage...
he sacrificed EVERYTHING...to show a point, he could just have cold blooded killed all jews in germany, just end it...but no.he wanted them GONE of europe.
Hitler SPARED his worst enemy.
and for the holocaust official story believers...israel was formed AFTER WWII with the jews in the camps...think about it.
here is a clue of what happened:
>Israel formed after ww2.
Nope try again
Why Hitler said "Amen"?

Was he christian?

I thought he was anti-christian.
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>Falling for the hitler wasnt Christian meme
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Yea, we don't even have to get involved. These people do it for us already. That's why keep getting more people interested in right-wing politics in Europe, because of all the terrorism caused by the migrants, which the politicians support and by proxy lose public appeal.
I have heard contradictory things. That he used christianity to use their power but that he wasn't a christian and he wante to remove christianity with his own religion.
He was Lutheran.
All it would be is directing them to (((certain politicians))) before they can do more damage. And possibly anonymously bankrolling them.
This is literally a play right from their Kikebook
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Yes, but we don't have to even tell them to do it. THEY ALREADY DO IT.
It wasnt THAT free. The state could still approve what kind of business you opened up. If the state deemed they didnt need your widget shop they wouldnt approve it. If you were a farmer and the state said they didnt carrots but DID need cabbage they would tell you to change it.

IMO, this isnt a horrible loss of liberty.
when the state of germany atm makes me unironically want him. I'm not even a racist person and believe in the holocaust. Is it wrong I want him back?
And what book would give a detailed, informative and unbiased account of the economic policies and history of NatSoc Germany, nigger?
You are missing the point, this way would enable specifically targeting (((certain people))) without unnecessary terrorist attacks on citizens
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>No Pornography bussiness
>Implying it would be in the governments best interest to control farms
>What is Early 1800's USA
>What caused the Dust Bowl
Yea, I can see why a little government jurisdiction is business is cool, but I don't think they would control everything.
Oof this is a tought one, perhaps
>The economic plan of the nsdap
Written by
>the nsdap
FBI archives have over 300 documented reports or Hitler and his Nazi leaders in Argentina.

>Over 300
@22 secs soldier just kicks this random guy and pushed his hat off.

Glad I don't live in this type of shitty totalitarian society. Grow up LARPers.
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Why did he have to leave us, /pol/?

>yfw in hundreds of years Europeans will see Hitler as a Christ-like figure

Even Jesus was persecuted in his time. Hitler needs his Constantine.
No porn is fine you degenerate.

>ariable land in America = ariable land in Germany
What was the point of bringing up the dustbowl?? They're different continents you jackass, with different climates.

The govt monitoring markets of different agriculture products and telling citizens what they need is a positive asset to farmers, not a negative. You really think Germans in the 1930s had NEVER known about the farmability of their own land? FFS
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No, the terrorist attacks on citizenry are why people join us. The only reason sand-skippers have failed to assassinate (((them))) is because they can't with all the intelligence agencies. However, if the Muslims make people hate (((politicians))) then we can remove them.
Muslims does a boom>people hate Muslims now and want security>politicans says diversity is our strength>another boom>rinse repeat until populous hates politician and removes them.
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Yes, porn is bad. That's what is good about National Socialism.
humans like you or I
who simply had the will
thanks thats all you had to say, as most of us dont have an index of knowledge on available NatSoc literature. Any more of the same vein?
This wouldn't stop terrorist attacks on the public it would just be creating ones on kikes in power
>it took about 70s years after Jesus's death for people to understand and follow him

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The intervention of the government into the farm industry is what caused the dust bowl and then caused mass starvatio during the great depression AND is partially responsible for the stock market crash. I am saying the same process applies anywhere if the government tries to control farmers too much, which is why in National Socialism it would not be in the government's best interests if the government knew anything about history.
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Holy fuck, it's kind of scary how coincidental this is.
people were willing to die for him though and faced tremendous persecution.

if Hitler is to have the same path, his Constantine needs to be a world leader who persecuted him and his followers before.
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You're right, because (((they))) will just put in a new puppet that makes empty promises to get elected
>I am still not going to blow shit up fuck off cia
I'm back. Stand strong! 2 more years my good man. The dredges will be emptied. I am in America, so stay faithful my friend. We will need the strength of your heart to manifest itself unto all of your actions, all of your drive and shield to shield with one another when I come. Get fit, train your mind and prepare the body. For the mind is but the weakest of man's build. Yet the strongest should his will drive him.
>Of course Germany deserved the war, they attacked Poland. The allies defend each other!
>wtf why'd you declare war on us, we just attacked your ally!
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thats a thought we all had



I like these threads.
Everyday I have to see the degeneracy and the decay and i just want to drink it all away.
Then I see these threads and am reminded it's not over yet, there are still so many that think the same.
I love you guys, 1488.
At least they didn't have to go far too follow him. Not like he was moving
"Be the change you want to see in the world." - Adolf Hitler
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jerrycucks btfo
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Let's keep those speeches coming, goys!
Is it bad I never had this negative gut feeling reaction. Always had chills, even in grade school

>inb4 try hard werhaboo
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What could of been. It hurts to much to think of.
As Americans, are...are we that Constantine?
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The next Hitler is probably browsing this board rn
If you guy haven't read it yet you need to read the the new Hitler biography by RHS Stolfi, "Hitler: Beyond Evil and Tyranny". It's excellent and completely un-pozzed.
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We could be.
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stay strong brother, we still have a shot at this
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Nigga stop... my heart can only take so much.
they look pretty happy


fucking hell what went wrong
Oh sweet merciful heaven above.
>gold teeth were the only thing that made german industry possible
I know you're just having a laff mate, germany would have ran over russia with trivial ease had the allies not been involved.
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Stop using American slang
What you are is a loser and manifest yourself into a person or a dream that is not realistic. You are a pussy!. Stop being a bitch and fight the threat that is now!Stop living in the past!
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>when you realize that your people are the reason for the downfall of Europe
I'm sure my forefathers would not have done what they did if they knew what it would eventually lead to.

Anglos will atone for what we've done.
Fuck off. Are you telling me that if the USA was invaded by Russia or China and the last battles were being fought around DC brfore final defeat that the president of the USA wouldn't be outside the capital building shaking the hands of the last able bodied kids able to shoot a rifle...
You absolute Gary Barlow.
God did not abandon us... we abandon him... he gave us a chance to redeem ourselves and we fucked up.... now it's up to us to get humanity working again... or die trying. That's the sad part. Literal autistic posters on a Japanese website has more understanding and knowledge of what's happening in the world and what needs to be done then responsible adults. If we are humanity last hope at saving itself from its own self destruction then humanity as a whole has fucked up to almost irreparable levels where even if we cleanse the world of faggotry, it might not be enough. What a mad time to be in.
Same. Might partly have to do with the fact History is just Rick Harrison and Aliens now
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We all do.
what if im the next hitler? it could be you, or even you.
I wish I had found this place a few years ago. Was studying in London and fucking feminazi, commiefornia, expatriot started going on about how the shitskins were only 10% of British the population and I was like "oh, I guess the reactionaries are wrong, let em all in". Having this board as a resource would have been nice
this statement is literally true, dickheads (>>130349006 >>130357207 >>130358770 ). If Hitler miraculously gained power (perhaps he came back as a mega-cuck and pro-open borders socialist/commie) in the current state of Germany, that would be reason enough for the United States to declare war on them and eventually implement marshal law in Germany, turning them into citizens with Trump as president.

Given that we actually need anything to save Germany (seeing as how it will not foreseeable un-cuck itself and will in fact be a thoroughly muslim nation in the next century), it is logically true that we need Hitler (for his causing of the above-described scenario) to destroy Germany.

>merkelcucks BTFO
Nope. Fuck off beta nazi.

Hitler was a bigest mistake of white world.
Adolf was a war vet and displayed courage on the battlefield in WW1. You aren't the next Hitler.
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>uses nazi flag
retard. Catholics were holocaust'd---AND THEY DESERVED TO BE. Christianity is a Hebrew derivative--but even more universalist and communistic.
We can only hope. I have potential although my gifts are in the Jewish arts so I'm probably just going to keep my head down
never hurts to try
uh... yeah, it does.
shut up libertarian
I recommend this yt channel highly informative https://www.youtube.com/user/WorldWarPropaganda/videos
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I'd rather make billions of Shekels and use it to quietly support someone else honestly. I don't want to end up like the original
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Trump will complete the system of German idealism.

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>Gadsen flag
It checks out.
You fool it's not the Anglo's but the politicians and kikes, Mosley was a inspiration to the movement. Those British and French soldiers wouldn't fire one bullet if they knew what would happen to their countries and the truth
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>blaming both victims
(((They))) used the anglos
>Tfw Bolsheviks probably mutilated that dog and then ate it alive like every German Shepard in Berlin.
Aye, even the allies have atoned for their sins, even the Russians. The only thing we can hope to do collectively is to invoke that spirit of nationalism, pride and fraternity that has so deserted this earth in this time.
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You'd like to think that, wouldn't you?
Good goy. Hitler didn't attend Mosley's wedding for nothing
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Hitler still loves you and all whites.
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Yeah dude, because I certainly hate Mosley.


Look at him, as dense as wolfram!
>The anglo will attone
>But I like Mosley

Good goy it's the anglo and not the kikes. Fuck off jew trying to D&C the European peoples against eachother
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Too late. Kikes won.
Mosley was essentially a fringe figure in Britain.

The Anglos WILL atone for ignoring him.
No, never capitulate, never surrender as long as you still draw breath. The ideals of that bygone era can be made manifest withing yourself. By your own work, by you own strength by your own will. And we can show to the masses like our forefathers once before that there exists an alternative to suicide. We can show to the world again that the west lives on!
Nice quads
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>surrender and get killed by commies in sight

>some emotional inspirational music
>scenes of silly ceremonially
>manipulative maniac yelling out phrases that appeal to the idiotic masses
>guys, bring the degenerate war criminal back
You're weak, OP. Fascism appears mainly to insecure men who lack self-esteem and are easily swayed by emotional appeals and displayed as opposed to reason.
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And that's the media's fault dumb jew. Take your shit jew arguments and gas yourself. If they knew what the future was they wouldn't of fought.

>Everybody gets redpilled out of nowhere
>Your average Brit only knew of Mosley as a street fighting agitator dressing in uniforms and advocating for "scary" fascism because the media was painting him that way despite his best efforts to prove otherwise
>Anglos fall for kike trickery
>this isn't our fault

If you don't want to take on the burden then I will do it myself.
You tell them sweetie
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You forgot to change your flag.
comfy af
>Entire western world falls for kike propaganda especially Germany which is now populated by a nation of cucks
>welp all white people suck now and it isn't the media or brought out goverments fault at all >These people should know the holocaust was faked,fascism isn't actually bad and niggers race realism is real and all of communism is actually a Jewish plot to initiate a one world government Illuminati style for the sole purpose of the elimination of the white race despite the media and your entire upbringing and culture and government saying the opposite.

Hurr why isn't everyone red pilled. Fuck off Jew
>waah waah i'm powerless
you sound like a kike yourself

probably projecting
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Pic related actually has the capacity to come back and promised to btfo of the new world order and Jewish cabal along with Satan whom they serve.

Honestly, I think the Nazis would have won if they applied Christian zeal and attacked the Jew through Christian apologetics. The way angels and demons do war is by converting followers, by ignoring the spiritual realm, the demons took over Christian nations and set them upon Christian nations. Satan never fights through his own strength, it is by subterfuge and seduction that he kills.

The spiritual realm was where they needed to do most of the fighting, they ignored it, and the entire world was set upon them. You can see that fact in the way that they praised Hitler, as if he's some kind of deity, Christ was the one they should have been praising. It was a bold stand, but it goes to show just how short men's aims are without God, we fail to the demon every time.
Arguing against your average lemming person who just wants to live nice.
>If people took Hitlers teachings so well and it's not the media's fault then why is modern day Germany even more cucked then Briton.
>Surely these Germans should all be redpilled despite the media and government wanting otherwise. Why did the nazi party drop in membership when conditions improved in Germany for a few years pre Hitler taking power.
>It's almost like people go to the extreme to fix problems and if things are okay which they are now they'll sit on their arse and do nothing
>German looking Jesus
We wuz jesus n shiet
I would rather face certain death fighting the most noble cause than living a the normie wagecuck life in 2017, rotting from womb to tomb.
Nazis were the biggest wewuzers. They claimed that Germanics originated from ancient Greeks. The whole regime was profoundly antiintellectual.
You know what an Aryan actually is right?
Stop larping, it makes me sad

That gif gets me every time.
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If man transcends religion, consumerism, and decadence, in a pursuit to become a god among men, a god among his people, the system used to control the man, will no longer dictate his behavior.
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