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Are Nazis actually good in your eyes /po/? What did they do

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Are Nazis actually good in your eyes /po/?

What did they do that was good for the world?

Genuine questions.
>good for the world
They did what was best for them. That is why I respect them.
I wanted to see the long term goals of the civil side of national socialism but turbo autismo hitler destroyed everything, sweden probably comes the closest to what that thing was inb4 jews and niggers ruined the world
>>naziboos will actually try to convince people that hitler dindu nuffin
This. They fought for what they thought was best for them, their families and their people, something the world could use a little more of.
They lifted Germany out of poverty and post WW1 debt slavery. Then they removed (((international citizens))) who were preying on Germany's citizens.
Because of the holocaust, I can never respect the Nazis. I admire the dedication they showed to their homeland, their nationalism and pride...but mass murdering civvies is a pretty niggerish thing to do.
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>What did they do that was good for the world?
excellent question, leaf
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>believing the holohoax
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advanced technology
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They took back their banking from jews.
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how many times have the poor jews been holocausted?
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statistics clearly show that NatSoc is the best ideology possible for white males, you'd have to be a complete cuckold to not support it (or atleast sympathise with it)
Those (((civvies))) did more harm than the world's best trained strike force could hope to do.
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the economic wealth created under a NatSoc economy could only be matched by the USA during their "golden" years
Holding onto a dead ideology that will never rise to prominance again, just...
fuck off nufag leaf

Like it or not, /pol/ mistakenly attributes white industriousness to the nazis. In fact, the British were true champions of the white race, and they colonized AND civilized much of the world before the disease of cultural marxism (Karl Marx was, of course, a filthy kraut) got to them.
pic related it's a true white
To be fair, the USA didn't have massive amounts of labour camps into which they threw everyone they remotely suspected of being a jew or gypsie. In fact, you too anon, would probably have been put into a labour camp.
>implies muh 6 gorillion
>Are Communists actually good in your eyes /po/?

What did they do that was good for the world?

Genuine questions.
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>muh labour camps
a few thousand jews aren't going to double your gdp in 5 years anon

>In fact, you too anon, would probably have been put into a labour camp
as a guard I hope :^)
>Are Nazis actually good in your eyes /po/?
>What did they do that was good for the world?
They implemented the world's most effective anti-smoking campaign ever
Save millions of lives by weakening the soviet union in 6 years of war.
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>They implemented the world's most effective anti-smoking campaign ever
This is why they killed him :(
and now post the original letter in hand writing and not that email shit a 12 year old can fake.
The Nazis made great strides in the fields of technology and medicine. Much of what we know about twins comes from Dr. Mengele's experiments.
>it's fake because I don't want it to be true! :(
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>You will never work in an all white Germany with a beautiful blue-eyed wife and a healthy Pagan family
>You will never enlist in the SS and stomp on the Frogs and Poles
>You will never be a Pervitin fueled blitzkrieg machine defending your volk from Soviets and Jewish (((Democratic puppets)))

I really see no fucking point in working my ass off for the rich Chinese invaders and paying absurd taxes so niggers and arabs can live on gibs.

>Canada. Not even once.
I used to be apprehensive to nazi ideology, but as time goes on it seems like the only solution. I'm still skeptical of the "socialist" part, but less so if it was under a nationalist system meaning that both the government carried it out in that way and the people truly believe in nationalism.

I think it's an ideology that didn't get a fair chance because only one nation truly practiced it as compared to the various socialist and communist experiments that were not only left alone for decades, but were supported by other socialist and communist nations.
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Nazis are too much on the flesh side of matters do not get me wrong its important to have a pure nation but we must look to the needs of the soul if the nation is not pure of soul you get Japan
>I'm still skeptical of the "socialist" part
"As a National Socialist, how would you define the difference between a National Socialist and a Communist?"

The Differences Between Socialism and National Socialism

How National Socialism is Different from Marxist Socialism

National Socialism and Communism
>I'm still skeptical of the "socialist" part,
Should've attached this image...
How many natives were slaughtered in the name of monarchy in colonial America and Canada and Austrailia and in the name of a democratic republic here in America? It's got to be way more than 6 million. It was cold blooded genocide of men, women and children.

You can't benefit from a system predicated on genocide and denounce an other system for having committed genocide. Genocide is "part and parcel" (to put it in Sadiq Khan's terms) of nation building. No matter the era, the system, or the situation.
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well done leaf
No, I don't think the Nazis were good, and I think the Nazi brand has done more to hurt nationalism than basically anything else. Socialism is shit and always will be.

HOWEVER: Ol' Uncle Adolf was very smart and was ride about the kikes. I can respect them for correctly identifying the problem, but I can also criticize them for completely screwing the pooch.
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What would you have done better, nigger?

What could any one nation possibly do to oppose international jewery better than National Socialist Germany did? If I had to place the blame for Germany's defeat on anyone but the kikes, I'd put it on Hitler for his poor strategic decisions
well, they were ally with the japs and they invented origami... so, thats that.
Maybe not immediately start grabbing up land like a fucking pioneer? Maybe not going to war with every single person around you? Maybe not sperging the fuck out?

Regardless of how you feel about Hitler, Germany, or Nazis, it is irrefutable that Hitler started the war and ended up losing it. No one in Europe wanted to go to war (which is what accounted for Hitler's initial massive successes), no one was about to declare war on him, no one was breathing down his neck. He had gone as far as to straight up invade multiple countries without facing any international backlash and kept going at it like a dog in heat. I am sure you would agree that a Nazi germany that lasted more than ~10 years would have done more to fight (((them))) than some horribly failed attempt to annex the whole of Europe.
Takes a sensible Canadian to talk sense.
blame the victim for the murder
fucking retard
Hitler should've listened to his generals.
>killing people who want to destory you is wrong
hitler WAS an asshole, yes

but the holocaust DIDN'T happen

Hitler was an asshole BECAUSE the holocaust didn't happen
>that Hitler started the war

nice try, mr. finkelstein.
and as stated before: he didnt want to conquer...he answered aggression with aggression
so edgy, so moe...
gtfo, untermensch. people like you would have been arrested in the last real german reich
if hitler waited more URSS would have become to strong to beat
bad intelligence they never knew how many tanks russia had also how do you go against some one who marches its own troops in mine fields to clear them?
What aggression was he answering?

>Ignore the Paris treaty, don't pay back debnts, and start building up your army
>No one does shit
>Invade a fucking country
>No one does shit
>Invade a fucking country
>They make it fucking LEGAL that he did
>Finally team up with the USSR after years of military build up that no one gave a fuck about to attack Poland
>Finally people care

Hitler was 100% the cause of the war. Everyone else was a gigantic pussy. The British were more interested in appeasement than aggression, and the French were content to sit in their bunkers. What aggression was he answering?
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nah, they actually thought that blonde beta males, and estrogen filled facial features are actually superior to anything.
meds are the ones that created math, philosophy, science, astronomy etc.
you had the luck that you never participated in any major wars throughout your whole history, unlike the norther part of europe.
if it wasn't for the norther europe you would've already been turkey 3.0(actual turkey being 2.0 since they are a mix of europeans and sandniggers).
your history is the one that is letting them walk in your country freely while you dare to call anyone else a subhuman.
This is the only sensible response, even though it comes from a flag LARPer. His original aim was to unite all the German speaking peoples that had been divided from Germany because of the various treaties after WW1 and as the flag LARPer has pointed out, this was achieved without any resistance from the west because they did not want to repeat the horrors of WW1. However, he overreached when it came to Poland, the Poles backed down at the last minute and were willing fo hand over Danzig and the land corridor so as it could be connected to Germany and East Prussia, but Hitler gave the order to invade anyway and that kicked off WW2. I'm not sure if this has been posted on here before but Hitler was heavily influenced by Karl Haushofer and hos geopolitical theory based in Munich. Haushofer met Lord Kitchener whilst travelling to Japan to Germany's ambassador in 1905 met Lord Kitchener in India. Kitchener stated that if there was ever a war b/w Germany and Great Britain both countries would be ruined and the only country to profit from such a war would be the US. Anyway, Haushofer wanted the land powers of Eurasia to unite against the naval powrs of the UK & US and Germany achieved this with Ribbentrop pact and there's evidence that Germany and the Soviet Union were going to divide up the whole Eurasian continent together, only for Hitler to invade the Soviet Union and lose the war.


i meant southern part of europe.
really weird since in my language it's the complete opposite, my bad.
am I here
Nothing good. They're guilty for the death of dozens of millions, were esentially anti-European, brought their own country to ruin and tried taking the rest of the world with them. Anyone who knows the first clue about history knows this, but Hitlerboos insist on remaining uneducated and claiming nonsense about Nazi's supposed noble patriotism or the economic revival of Germany (didn't really happen).

The whole thing was a giant pile of turd and an embarrassment of Europe by a party of frustrated autists.
So you respect Islamists and Zionists as well?
the aggression of the polish people/gov against volksdeutsche in "now polish territory". after WW1 parts of germanreich were anexed by the sovjets and given to poland, while parts of poland became sovjet
desu if nazis succeeded at least id be dead
way better than what the ((((allies)))) cooked up for us
>What did they do that was good for the world?
Spread awareness of the greatest global threat in human history and made a huge sacrifice in resisting it, when few others would. Also provided inspiration for future generations that want to free themselves (like us, now).
>a few thousand
There were only a few thousand degenerates in what was previously WEIMAR's Germany that needed to be put away? I didn't realize nazi wannabes couldn't count.
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