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>EU MIGRANT FALLOUT: Slovakia passes law to BAN Islam from being registered as a religion
>SLOVAKIA has passed a law which will effectively ban Islam from gaining official status as a religion, in the latest signs of a growing anti-Muslim sentiment across Europe.

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>mfw estonia will never be this based
americans will hate this lack of freedom
I love my ancestry
Kek, those comments...
islam must be banned from Evropa
>05:15, Fri, Dec 2, 2016
Old news.
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It's ok, Esti-chan.

Oh, and on of my office mates from Kansas State University was in Esti for work last month. I'm pretty sure that means Kansas now accounts for about 5% of 2017's tourist revenue.
You forget how much we despise sand niggers, also it's not our country so it's not our problem
Fuck Trump. Fuck Putin.
The Visegrad 4 are the true savior of the West.
>also it's not our country so it's not our problem

that’s so unamerican
>>130287160 been looking for aCountry to vacation Slovakia it is
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That's nice, ameri-kun. S-Say hi to that Eesti for me!
Nah I am totally cool with it. Unprincipled exception. Fuck Islam.
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.. me shrinks from cold, brrrrr ..
it was from February this year, it's pretty warm by now
confirmed last place in europe top cuck contest
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time to move to Slovakia
That is so awesome and exactly what everyone country needs to do. amazing if true.
Islam is a criminal organization.
are slovakians white?
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Bosnian Muslims.png
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>islam must be banned from Evropa

I hate this Islam=not Europe thing. Even Poland has mosques. native Muslims that fought for Poland.


And The Middle East has Christians, even Greek Orthodox ones from the Roman Era, being slaughtered and taken by slaves.

Keep it racial, cultural, whatever. But never claim that Christianity is more European than Islam.
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Slovaks! Slovaks! Ooo-ha-hah!
>America will never be this based
Can we please gas the leftists in this country
go back,muhammad you are not european
Go away Ahmed. Your Taqiyya doesn't work here, we're aware you can lie.
Slovakia, this time we're proud of you.
Based slovakia fuck muslim and the nigger Act as fuck so there is no such thing as fuck off CNN
fuck off cuck

What about Zlatan ibrahimovic? Is he not European cause he is Muslim?

Is a Christian Arab less Christian cause he isn't European?
Slovakia is officially country of the month then

>Islam is banned
>Christianity is a-ok though
No fuck off ban all Semitic kikes, christians are just as anti European as any Muslim
>calling for religious nationalism
>in an ethno-nationalist board
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Also return to your pagan routes, Lech, Czech and Rus NOT Abraham Moses and Jesus fuck off
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>in an ethno-nationalist board

Fuck of Tyrone.
Get back to me when a government run by Pagans bans Islam. Oh that's right, you're a tiny bunch of LARPers who have no effect on the world.
First you take away their religion, then you take away their rights, then you take them away.

Progressive done right.
You all so cute.

Based Slovakia. One of my friends was born there, and he's redpilled as fuck.
Christians doesn't blow up your ass tho
No one really gave a fuck about European Muslims for the last several hundred years but now we are at war with Islam... It's not that European Muslims are on their side, I understand most of them hate Arabs and don't want anything to do with them but most people will see them as in bed with the enemy. European Islam's days are numbered.
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>we Jew on stick worship xd so redpoll FUCK EUROPEAN CULTURE
cucks like you are the problem
>le based Christian crusader dad DEUS VULT xDddddd
The more Christina you are the more kikified you are, you fight against Muslims but not against all the Christian shitskins, Christianity is an internationalist Semite religion
The country we need but don't deserve.
What prevents this countries from becoming rich and prosperous? I am not really anti-slav racist, I want to hear a flaw in their culture.
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is it time to move to Slovakia fellow bongs?
Go burn a church and stab random person xddddddddd
I'm hoping that all these Eastern European countries spread the good word and we all learn something from them. Like it shows that its acceptable to be like this.
YES solvakia
please be trolling
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You t-too, finbro
history disagree
>b-but muh freedom of religion

Friendly reminder that this was originally thought up as a way to unify different christian denominations, ie stopping infighting between people of the same ethnicity. No white people are muslims, it's arabic imperialism. Tolerating it is the same as succumbing to it.
When will EU sanction Slovakia?
there is nothing to be,i am from slovakia,and 1 mil slovaks would more like to live in usa than here.-
Agreed. A strong Eastern Europe can only be good for sane Westerners even if it means a lowered standard of living for us.
i hear you man but the old religions were completely bastardized by christianity.
anyone that claims to know anything about the slavic religion is just a charlatan.
its not hard to come across some cringe-worthy neopagan shit on youtube
Of course he is trolling, nobody who visits /pol/ can be on this level of cuckery sincerely.

As far as I understand, you western europeans consider eastern europeans a lower form of life, so I think you can't possibly learn from us, because your people will go "those slavshits are bigots because they are low IQ trash" and everything goes as it's supposed to go. Only solution is to redpill your peoples yourself in one way or the other, I am sorry but we can't help you with this.
>clueless anons will believe this

Meanwhile our pm Fico is licking hard whatever can one lick on fuhrerin adolfina merkel, raving about eu core and voluntarily accepting unspecified number of terroristan shithole migrant scum. One political analyst, mainstream guy, not some alternate weirdo, said its 7000, with 1200 coming before september, so actually more than 4th reich mandatory rapefugee quotas. But it isnt quotas, so it is ok... Msm including state broadcasting channel is completely silent about it and reporting only about fascists, extremists and russian threat. There are literal quotes from some soros paid activists that terrorist attacks are proof that multicultural society works and that terrorists arent problem, it is extremists that cause all issues in eu. And on top of that general prosecutor put into office by Ficos party only prosecutes people with different than mainstream opinion, while neobolshevik scum insulting christianity, traditional values, outright calling white people trash or destroying historical monuments are left alone.

Anyway, just ask yourself, why 4th reich started legal action against Poland, Hungary and Czech republic, but not against Slovakia. It is because "based" Slovakia is DEEP INSIDE 4th reich anus. There is no v4 anymore.
>Fri, Dec 2, 2016

this is pretty old news bruh.
slovakia has commie government
fuck off they're full.
like 95% should be
I don't see why people are so triggered about these black people. They're clearly not niggers and they don't mix with white women. As long as segregation is enforced, non-whites shouldn't be an issue.
No one actually cares. If Islam was deemed illegal no one in the US cares. Liberals have never liked religion and even Christcucks hate Islam.

Time to move.
>islam isn't officially recognized
>EU can force feed them refugees because muslim refugees doesn't exist
>now you have nigger christians and shitskin "arreligious"
>can't complaign about refugees turning europe muslim because your law doesn't recognize islam

really cheeki the breeki
Looks like Slovakia is my next holiday destination
Sounds like Slovakia needs some Democracy (tm).
dont go here,nothing to see.budapest is better place
LMAO, good thing the opinions of Pagans literally do not matter.
Forgot my flag.
Gj Slovakia. Im jelly ;_;
Why would you want one to begin with?
I wish Islam was banned everywhere in Europe. Muslims only deserve the grave.
>What about Zlatan ibrahimovic? Is he not European cause he is Muslim?

yes, a muslim can never be European, no matter how "white" he looks
Back to your cuckshed, Sven.
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I haven't seen any Christians, Hindus, or Buddhists blow themselves up, or running over dozens of people with a truck in a major European city
SJW's care about religions they can treat as a minority to try to brainwash them.
And if the US did ban Islam, there would be a shitstorm
>Congress shall make NO LAW
t. bosnjo from bosnia
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>But never claim that Christianity is more European than Islam.

Yeah yeah you are a Bosnian refugee living in Sweden. Do you think your ancestors converted happily? Nah. Some invading Turk/Arab pushed your crying great great grandma's face into the mud as he fucked her doggy style and cum in her. You are just the product of rape codified by 'Allah' - a demon or something as close to it gets to my atheist mind. Islam is evil. Read more history you idiot.
Really? Here in western Europe the Christcucks are actually shilling for Islam.
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>all those qts
Hnnnnngg. Wish I'd be more fond of snow.
Fascists! When will their reign of terror end??

Damm pretty based slovaks
Slovaks got some balls. Good job!
Most Americans hate Muslims. 9/11 and what not. Millennial fags gonna millennial though.

Haha wow. This is what Swedes actually believe.

It must be tough for Denmark, Norway and to a lesser extent Finland to be fellow Scandinavians with sure pure cuckoldry.
It is..
I'm not sure why so many anons here call the law "based". All it does is to make it more diffcult for religions to be supported by the government.
You can still practice every religion, including Islam.
People can still build mosques if they want to.
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Holy shit
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Hopefully this meme spreads! It's high time for liberalism/islam to suffer finally.
Good. Religion is not a human right, it is privilege.
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ahhahah holy shit. I like you Slovakia
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