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>no freedom of speech >no freedom of movement >no

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>no freedom of speech
>no freedom of movement
>no religious liberty
>no right to bear arms
>no elections
>no right to protest
Wow sounds like an awesome and totally comfortable way to live.
Welcome to 'Merica, jackass
Why would you need to protest, have freedoms of speech, elections etc when you live in the perfect society and everything is how you want it?
There were elections of sort, the population voted 99% in favour of Hitler during his reign
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>no freedom of speech
for marxists and jews
>no freedom of movement
for jews and non-white subhumans
>no religious liberty
no islam or other shitskin religion, no pagan LARPing aswell
Christianity and atheism are allowed
>no right to bear arms
no need to, there are no subhumans out there trying to rob or kill you and the Army will keep you safe from foreign threats
>no elections
democracy is a retarded system
>no right to protest
nothing to protest about since you'll be living in an all white paradise
>non-Marxist, but collectivist economic policies
It was going to fail whether the world crushed them or not.
The US has all of those
Don't trigger the stormfags.
No feminists, so it's all worth it.
And communist russia.
>no degeneracy
>no kikes
>no unemployment
>no niggers
>no feminists
>no weak cucks
>no allahu akbar
>no """""peaceful protests"""""
Yeah, it is an awesome and totally comfortable way to live.
If you don't like it you can always go to a communist country and starve to death or go to an islamic country and get beheaded.
And this was before war?
Christianity is a shitskin religion
>My utopia can kick your utopia's ass!

Most people here aren't Nazi's, they're more like racist libertarians, but there has never been an ideology for that so they just clamp onto Natsoc
The Nazi's here are retarded.
You are EXACTLY as bad as the utopian communist/marxist left.
It's funny but there are cuntries that fit that description today, and I don't mean just North Korea...

Russia, China, some Islamic cuntries like Saudi Arabia...
>>no unemployment
are you a communist?
>t. commie nigger
I value my human rights. I would never ever give up my right to privacy, free speech, religious liberty and right to bear arms and right to protest. never. Why anyone would want to live like that I will never uner stand.
well what is your religion ?
They had the right to bare arms though.
It legitimately does. If they created a NatSoc ethnostate for whites, I would go there.
Kek. Not even close. He lost the first time and only got a few votes when the SocDems and commies refused to align.
>for marxists and jews
Wants to talk about abysmal working conditions
Gets send to jail and shot as being a commie by a venerable "work chieftain of german nation" AKA burgeoisie
>no right to bear arms

This is bullshit though. Look up the Reichs gun laws from 1938, they basically had the same gun right that current Switzerland has, i.e. be a citizen, apply for a permit which takes like a week, buy guns, profit. This "no guns" shit is just propaganda, the Germans could have guns if they wanted, lots of it.

Here is the German version of the laws, fucking newfags


The rest is useless anyway of the government is competent.
>f you don't like it you can always go to a communist country and starve to death or go to an islamic country and get beheaded.

yeah, because that and nazism are the only options that exist you fucking idiot
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Hitler was often called a Utopian, according to himself, but he achieved what he set out to after he was elected and took the country from ruin to a superpower.

aka 2017 Germany ?
You have all of those (if you were a citizen).
Yeah but /pol/ think nazism will help him get a girlfriend
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>no freedom of speech
You were allowed to say anything you like except it was harmful against White people (for example Jewish degeneracy and guilt propaganda). So any decent man would not feel restricted. In contrast, although you are allowed to say anything against Jews or gays in public then you may be harassed, thrown out of your company etc. which is defacto an equal consequence for you as having no freedom of speech.

>no freedom of movement
You were free to move anywhere you wanted, but not everyone was allowed to enter.

>no religious liberty
Actually National Socialists allowed religious liberty for the first time.

>no right to bear arms
Not only were you allowed to bear arms, but also the youth was trained to use it.

>no elections
Hitler was elected democratically, he announced before that he will abolish it afterwards, so it was in alignment with the will of the people.

>no right to protest
You had the right to protest.

>Wow sounds like an awesome and totally comfortable way to live.
It was the best system and country to ever live in for a White person.
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Guns were greatly deregulated under the third Reich.
>took country from ruin to a superpower
>went from country without rationing to a country with it - in addition to being destroyed by neighbours
Your grandmother still got raped by slavics though
Because individualism is for fags.
>no control of your destiny
>welfare state

I don't get it either. And I think most people here don't feel that way. But like I said, there has been no ideology that combines privacy and human rights with racism/nationalism. So they just go to Natsoc instead of figuring out a new ideology.
By caucasians, kazakhs, kyrghyzs, turkmens and such also
Triggering nazi's is my new passtime
>D&C is my new passtime
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>accidentally say something that somebody misconstrues as being negative about the state
>oops off to the gallows you go haha
This shit doesn't work in a country without colonies or quasicolonies. You just can't give those rights if there is no money to support said rights.
That's just nazi germany. National socialism in general could easily have many of those things, so uh, you're wrong.
Why have that stuff in a perfect utopian society? Also Hitler gave Germans the right to bare arms.
Fascism attracts mainly attracts people with autism and OCD. Notice the lack of empathy, the extreme rigidness and conformity, the obsession over order and efficiency, etc.
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So were Slavs by Mongols.

Also, nobody murdered more Slavs than (((Commies))). And now countries which were under their rule are still 2nd world shitholes today, which have never recovered from it.
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That's what every asshurt libtard on twitter says right before they make an ass out of themselves and get more worked up than anybody they're supposed to be triggering.
>What is a court
Right, better live in a degenerate society where every kind of blue haired whale can protest about his fictional gender, let's also allow shitskins to spread their religion of peace.
why does noone fucking include references to sources fml
>checks flag
>sees fag
You won't have to worry about "muh freedoms" when you're thrown off a roof
Because all the alternatives to NatSoc are ones which allow free movement of people.
And yet Nazi Germany was something that happened, it's fucking funny how these commies try to drag us into the abyss when they are the ones who fail and have to claim "NOT TRUE CUMMUNISM" everytime.
Atheism wasnt allowed.
Sounds like the path the west is currently going down tbqh
I will never ever forfeit my right to privacy, free speech, religious liberty and right to protest and bear arms.never. why any man would like to live in a so called utopia where he can't have religious liberty, where he can't bear arms and can't protest against the government is beyond me.
Source, my dude
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working conditions were better than in any other country at the time. Nazis also gave employees payed vacations, replacement income incase they had an accident during work, free school and daycare for your children, very low unemployement rates (so almost a guarantee that you'll find a job),...

>be a jew
>mention some of your (((liberal))) or (((cultural marxist))) opions
>get fucked
that's a good thing anon

>d&c JIDF posting as ancap
what's new?

>I'm bluepilled and I think most people here are too
kys election newfag
> "No National Socialist may suffer any detriment on the ground that he does not profess any particular faith or confession or on the ground that he does not make any religious profession at all."
>which have never recovered from it.
Gazillion slavs were killed by Stalin, wow. You have opened my eyes! I'm sure this "data" is not some propaganda effort to justify going to war with Soviet Union! I mean, that never happened between capitalist countries, right? No german imperialist ever called british degenerates and vice versa, no one said that germans eat children and such, yah?
Meanwhile: Soviet Union had GDP growth while having minimal inequality - meaning that all the GDP went to people - and capitalist countries had GDP growth which directly translated into rich's money. Situation in the west improved only when GDP started to grow with rich's share being reduced - under those ungodly half-commie governments like laborists, democrats and such.
Libertarians Know for a fact we are correct so it doesnt matter what you say to us. Liberals dont know anything so anything you say them is going to hurt their fee fees
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Religious liberty? Why? Are you a mudslime or something? Why would you protest a heaven like a nazi country? Why would you bear arms in a dictatorship? Where security is one of the main priorities? You seem so biased against for the sake of it.
Also forgot that under nazi/ nat soc rule, there's no right to privacy as well. Why anyone would just throw away their human liberties like it means nothing to them is beyond me.
Jews and commies will deny this.
uninstall yourself
Enjoy your multicultural enrichment then.
>non-white subhumans
what does this mean exactly?
t. alberto barbosa
There is an ideology for that.. (though it is an anti-ideology in itself) It should be called Reasonism.
I don't want any of those freedoms. I just want to deport Blacks and Jews.
I'm British.
Yeah but who enforces the NAP?
>no niggers
>no jews
>no feminists
>no liberals
>no crime
>no terrorism
Legit sounds pretty nice to me, senpai
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So your ideology is dogmatic to you, and you refuse to consider any other points of view?

So its Mongols >Slavs > Germans
If your company becomes more successful than the state owned one you have to either sell it to the government or you are sent to death camp. You have no control of your destiny and your future in national socialism.Its a shit system.People rely on the state for everything. Its a welfare-Bernie Sanders-type state just with antisemitism.
Except that Commies kill their own people, actually they do not, rather Jews kill Slavs. Communism can never work in the long-term because it is against human nature. Also, those at the top of the pyramid were wealthy, there was never true equality, but instead most people became poorer and enslaved. As a result communism collapsed from within at a certain point of time.

Anyone who supports communism is nothing else than a useful idiot.

No Its not dogmatic, I have considered almost every ideoleogy and Ancap is the only that appeals and makes sense to me
>bear arms.
you can own a gun in nazi germany you just need a permit , or be a government worker, member of the NSDAP
>working conditions were better than in any other country at the time. Nazis also gave employees payed vacations, replacement income incase they had an accident during work, free school and daycare for your children, very low unemployement rates (so almost a guarantee that you'll find a job),...
Bullshit natsocs keep talking about, jeez. Germans had:
ban on strikes
ban on joining unoficcial unions
women being treated like shit by law - with wages and such being forcefully cut in half of a man's wage
no right to leave your work at all - because we are preparing for war or warring already, yah
has to work with those who don't being sent into labor camps
has to join some nazi activity else you don't get additional payment
severe food rationing
has to be in a nazi party to get better food rationing
Like seriously, under those conditions and having burgeoisie as overlords, how can one sincerely think that working conditions MAY BE good? This is in no way stopping bosses from exploiting workers to the fullest.
I couldn't care less about being more successful than the state, I just want to live a peaceful life with my family, nothing more. I would gladly offer my future to national socialism if it means a safe country that values family unity, traditions and country pride. I bet you're a LARPer but anyway, ancaps are just jews with another name who want to make money out of everything.
However, the regime strongly opposed "Godless Communism"[170][171] and all of Germany's freethinking (freigeist), atheist, and largely left-wing organizations were banned the same year.[172][173]

In a speech made during the negotiations for the Nazi-Vatican Concordant of 1933, Hitler argued against secular schools, stating: "Secular schools can never be tolerated because such schools have no religious instruction, and a general moral instruction without a religious foundation is built on air; consequently, all character training and religion must be derived from faith."[174] One of the groups closed down by the Nazi regime was the German Freethinkers League. Christians appealed to Hitler to end anti-religious and anti-Church propaganda promulgated by Free Thinkers,[175] and within Hitler's Nazi Party some atheists were quite vocal in their anti-Christian views, especially Martin Bormann.[176] Heinrich Himmler, who himself was fascinated with Germanic paganism,[177] was a strong promoter of the gottgläubig movement and he did not allow atheists into the SS, arguing that their "refusal to acknowledge higher powers" would be a "potential source of indiscipline".[23]

That refers to affiliating oneself with any particular Christian denomination or none, not stepping outside Christianity altogether and affiliating oneself with the Jewish construct of gaytheism. A few upper rank Nazis were occultists or neopagans but materialism is anathema to Nazism because it is in all senses the essence of Judaism.
Or the gun you wanted to own was a rifle or shotgun.
>no video games
>no anime
>no premarital sex
>no alcohol
>no TV outside of news
>no 4chan
All these things would likely be deemed degenerate by the state.
>Soviet had GDP growth while having minimal inequality - meaning that all the GDP went to people

I'd rather live a lower middle class life, which is entirely reasonable for any working man in the US knowing that I work for some rich businessman than starve cramped in a flat in a commieblock with another 3 starving families, but hey at least we're all living this way, right?
Germans/vikings also raped Slavs (Rus), this is why you see some blond and blue eyed people in Russia. And Germans fought off Mongols who now have become irrelevant.
Why do I cringe everytime I say someone types it? Fucking communist LARPers.
It's too easy 2bh, and /v/ is somehow even lighter skinned
A price to pay for a better world.
if you're not white you're an inferior lifeform

>I have considered almost every ideoleogy and Ancap is the only that appeals and makes sense to me
that's because you're new and haven't been redpilled yet. We all started out as libertarians or ancap but one day the truth will start hitting you and you'll start moving upwards on the political compass.

>hurr durr I'm not allowed to be a lazy NEET
man up Ivan, everybody has to work. Leeches and parasites will not be tolerated.
Shit, just like america right now.

If I called someone a nasty name, or threw an NS-germany salute in an antifa protest, I'd be bike-locked in the skull in a heartbeat
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>Everything must be propaganda except the (((communist))) one

If it is the more effective way to ensure the survival of a people, i don't see why we should avoid it.
Atheism is not a religion. Why do you need to be a public atheist, when there are no rituals or places of worship for you to attend?

You can be a atheist at home, in private.
He's obviously referring to the eternal burger
>no freedom of speech
We don't have freedom of speech here.

>no freedom of movement
Freedom of movement is only for rich people. I can't afford to move.

>no religious liberty
There's nothing like this here.

>no right to bear arms
Already can't own arms.

>no elections
lol, who cares ?

>no right to protest
To protest what ?

>Wow sounds like an awesome and totally comfortable way to live.
It's not so bad, I can confirm.
>I couldn't care less about being more successful than the state
Competition is what drives human civilization.What creates new technologies and moves us forward. Without it we wouldn't be able to build spaceships. National socialism is a failed idea just like communism.
I started hitting facsism and then went back to libertarianism when i realised how retarded it would to live under a system like that
you forgot
>no wars won
>no roof(thx Bomber Harris)
not really faggot

nobody touches my vidya or cute anime waifus
The same can be said for Communism.
>I'd rather live a lower middle class life, which is entirely reasonable for any working man in the US knowing that I work for some rich businessman
It's almost like anyone in the world has a choice to live like this, lol. Like seriously, out of 7 billion people 3.5 live under a threat of hunger - under capitalism no less - and even more are living in slums with no access to fresh water. Moreso, no one ever tried there anything but capitalism. Every new politician just tries his own brand of true capitalism - or fascism, if commies somehow arise there to stop them from ungodly experiments - and then ends up bringing the same shit his predecessors did.
Also, "lower midlle class" is a psychological defense mechanism that is meant to separate yourself from the poor strata - at least in your mind. Seems like your living conditions are not that great, eh?
Everyone seems to be tipping their bredoras and saying 'relijun is baed'. But god. The one thing this sinking world needs right now is a white Christian Theocracy.

I'd move their in a heartbeat and never look back.
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Nah competition like that will just destroy the human race, it will drive society to be more degenerate. Nazi Germany was a country of workers and researchers.

>man up Ivan, everybody has to work.
Jeez, what a work! Go dig a hole for another man to fill.
Yes, because marxism is true while everything else is not (or partially true - because, you know, not everything has to be completely true or false)
Nazi rule is one of those things that a lot of people think would be awesome but in reality would be he'll even for the citizens themselves. Like eg if th Internet exists ot would be heavily regulated by the government as they don't want people conspiring against them etc. So every website is basically government owned and operated.

No unions or strikes at work. You can't complain about anything at work as the boss is a nazi party affiliate and will have you easily executed for going against his orders or wishes etc.

You have no control about which career you're going to have. You can't say you wanna be a doctor. The regime chosen who is a doctor and how many of you they'll be.

You have no control of where you're going to live. Only top nazi officials and their families choose. Eg if nazis tell you your new home is In some shit hole nazi occupation then that's your new home. Argue and off to the gas chambers with you.

You can't complain about the government or off to the gas chambers with you.
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That's why we can't have a better society, stupid goy.
fucking kys
jews and commies were not allowed to own guns
It exists
Just kiss some muslim immigrant feet and you're in
We need something like that with a degenerate world like this.
I'd say Libertarian Reasonism should really be tried. It's like the honest-mans capitalism. You know - without the Jew.
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>I'm completely closed minded but it's okay because I skimmed over some Wikipedia articles of some common ideologies and only the most meme tier one makes sense to my superior mind
And whose technologies ultimately won? Which country had better tech in the end? Free-market cap US or state-socialist German? Competition matters.
Teutonic Order revival when?
Maybe because the US stole all the german scientists? the USA were a bunch of jackals who decided to enter the war at the end when everyone was already tired.
>no freedom of speech
>no freedom of movement
>no religious liberty
>no right to bear arms
>no elections
>no right to protest


>no niggers
An awesome and totally comfortable way to live. Yes.
Are you really going to make that argument nigger?
And the funny thing is the usa is credited with making the first atom Bomb with the help of German scientists who had fled nazi rule in Germany.
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>no one pointing out how wrong this dude is
>>>130279848 (OP)
>>no freedom of speech
>for marxists and jews
>>no freedom of movement
>for jews and non-white subhumans
incorrect for the non white part, non whites weren't discriminated against, Hitler never taught his nation to hate other races
>>no religious liberty
>no islam or other shitskin religion, no pagan LARPing aswell
incorrect, there was freedom of religion in Germany
>>no right to bear arms
>no need to, there are no subhumans out there trying to rob or kill you and the Army will keep you safe from foreign threats
incorrect, the Volk was allowed to have weapons(handguns as I remember) with a license but you had to be 18 to get it.
>>no elections
>democracy is a retarded system
>>no right to protest
>nothing to protest about since you'll be living in an all white paradise
something like this but not because its a all white nation but because it was literally a perfect nation
>Libertarians Know for a fact we are correct so it doesn't matter what you say to us.
Well then I guess that settles it
Fucking kek. So you want to oppress your own people just to "save" them? Savior of white people my ass. You don't give a shit about white people, all you care about is the survival of the white race itself. Good luck getting people to willingly give away their most basic freedoms for the sake of the Utopia.

>>no freedom of speech
>forced mobility over regional distances / slavery because the superstrate controls the jobs
>no mobility outside the borders of the superstrate
>no social or economical mobility, education worthless
>no rights for citizens
>no religious liberty
>no right to bear arms
>no elections
>no right to protest

Sounds like the EU.
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>Eg if nazis tell you your new home is In some shit hole nazi occupation then that's your new home. Argue and off to the gas chambers with you.
>You can't complain about anything at work as the boss is a nazi party affiliate and will have you easily executed for going against his orders or wishes etc.
you don't really believe this do you?
ignore the nazi bootlickers who can't go one second without having the government telling them what to believe
With military force you can achieve anything, but who I'm kidding, I'm just a lunatic wishing for a perfect utopia for this devastated world.
Sounds like Saudi Arabia
You get where this is going right?
Lol the scientists tfled they were not stolen haha. If you're a scientific type why on earth would you want to live in a nazi country?

You can't publish anything that not suckin nazi balls or off to the gas chambers with you haha
so what's your point?
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>no right to bear arms

Hitler installed ample liberty in gun ownership (similar to America). AND had eveybody train in paramilitary combat from a young age.

Hey Nazis! Let me tell you a secret: singapore has one of the most effective government systems in the world that doesn't have all the bad after tastes of nazism, why not rally around putting in place such governments? It is
>anti communist
>far right
>very free market
>anti degeneracy
>dominant party state
>no meaningful left wing opposition
It's essentially what you'd want but more competent
>Nazi rule is one of those things that a lot of people think would be awesome but in reality would be he'll even for the citizens themselves.
Nazis imagine nazism to be something like that man in the high castle series. But the thing is, all nazis could do properly is to make good advertisement and propaganda.
>muh true capitalism
Capitalism is flawed in it's very core - accumulation of wealth is individual while creation is communal. People create excess wealth for rich which is paid for by exploiting workers - meaning that rich will move workforce from goods that are needed by populace to a more profitable areas of creating excessive wealth for the rich.
One would argue that it is okay if sciences advance fast to replace workers or to ease their work - but the thing is, capital accumulates faster the faster science advance - because science under capitalism first of all serves capital.
You can't eternally fix capitalism of it's bugs, someday you'll have to ditch it for something better.
Yeah but meanwhile, everyone lives happy, has a job, buying power, free services, the family values are on top of the chain, instead of the individualism.
A nation that work for ITS own citizens instead for everybody else.
Seems a nice trade to me.
Sure, that's why Germany was technologically ahead at the time. Anyway it is obvious that no matter what we say, you're gonna always be against national socialism.
tired ? of what? national socialism perhaps? If Hitler didn't start WWII in 1939 the whole country would've gone bankrupt in few years. Stole? You mean someone kidnapped them? Or did they willingly decide to leave Nazi Germany so that they could take hold of their destiny. Not everyone likes to be sheep.
And this is different to No Nazis in power but the power structure we have now HOW exactly, rainbow man?
>Seems like your living conditions are not that great, eh?
What do you expect from a post-soviet nation?
Everything the communist hand touches turns to shit. Plenty of examples all over the world. Good thing we went the right direction away from becoming like North Korea, Cuba or Belarus.
So they were allowed all guns except for those then can hide ?
Tired of war of course.

>t-the scientists were tired of evil germany goys! believe me!
They lose their individuality is all I'm saying. They are all caricatures of what the nazis want them to be. For every temoray comfort the nazis give you they take away a liberty and a right.

All I'm saying is I find it strange how a man would forfeit his rights and liberties to a government. I would never do that.
Utopian thinking is destructive at its core, as achieving a genuine Utopia is basically impossible. What we need a compromise.
>What do you expect from a post-soviet nation?
25 years after the communism fell communism is still responsible for the capitalist government's failure to provide it's citizens with proper living conditions.
>while creation is communal. People create excess wealth for rich which is paid for by exploiting workers
Creation is not communal. Ever.
Nobody forces anyone to work, that's the n.1 thing that happens in socialism..
>Creation is not communal. Ever.
Orly? Do you seriously think that creating a part of a whole product is an individual creation?
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The only nigger is you. Let me explain why. If you are admitting that you want the state to take care of your life, you are admitting that ypu want an owner of YOU. Therefore you are not better than those niggers who picked cotton.You want to be slave to be safe. Typical Nigger Idea. The Inner Nigger. You've embraced it.
Fair enough. I just value my rights more than you I guess. I value my individuality more than you I guess. That's why I can't live like a nazi.
You just sound like a low-output NEET LARPer that wouldn't even be able to make/provide for/defend a family and that would gladly live as a peasant in squalor as long as you don't have a sense of responsibility. Get some goddamned ambition if you truly consider yourself a white man. I swear that the majority of you just sound like degenerate failures that could never make something of yourselves who think "maybe I could get a job if the state forces me to work" or "maybe a company that isn't utter shit will hire me if the state forces them to hire me" or "maybe I won't be a degenerate failure if the state forces me not to be" or "maybe I will get a family if the state forces one on me." No, you would be better off dead in a natsoc situation because you would be a cancer to the state. If you don't want to act like a nigger and truly consider yourself mentally superior to non-whites, pull yourself up by your own strength. Improve your life with your own action. Have the willpower to not be degenerate by your own force of will. Get yourself a family and have kids by working hard at it. Compete successfully for good jobs and respect in your community by your own skill. If you can't do any of that, I see you as even below even a nigger that can do one of those things and I believe that the national socialists would see you as subhuman as well.
Dude lmao nazi germany was exactly like North Korea where if you fart in public they will gas the fuck out of you. It was like hell on earth dude. I read it from my elementary school history book, they couldn't be lying could they?
Might as well just remove all the people from that society and replace them with robots. Humans are worth much more than just functionality and efficiency.
Since when was Nazi Germany an utopia?
Soviet communism poisoned people into thinking that, as was true during soviet times, the only way to prosper is to steal, which is what politicians continue on doing.
Sounds pretty good to me
I think Estonians have done quite well, desu.
But socialism is lurking and on the raise again..
>reddit spacing
"This loss (of freedom) means the fading from human life of values infinitely precious to it. There only remain ironbound conditions of employment and trivial amusements for leisure."
–A.N. Whitehead
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they left before the war started.
Yes. I know it is.
Pagan larping was allowed. Hitler was a pagan larper.
In reality; Fascism and Communism don't seem that different. in fact they're both pretty shit.
You exaggerate how bad Nazi rule was for the average person, but you are essentially right.

There were mass protests against certain policies. Catholics managed to convince Hitler to soften his approach to Aktion T4, for example. Hitler was concerned with remaining popular even though he already had power. When it was clear to evetyone that the war was lost crowds even began to stop responding to "heil Hitlers." Under a different man the Nazi system could have been much more oppressive for normal people, and such a man could have easily come to power after Hitler's death. If the Axis had won then the Party would have likely begun to suppress certain forms of Christianity.

Another problem is that the Party was not infallible. Like any humans they were prone to errors. For example, one Communist was once plucked off the streets of Berlin by the Gestapo and tortured to death in the basement of a police station. When his widow filed a missing person report the Gestapo was confused because the Communist was unmarried. They quickly realized that they had arrested and killed the wrong man, who was loyal, dedicated Nazi who happened to have the same name as a wanted Communist. They paid his widow several thousand RMs in compensation, but it's a stark reminder why individual rights might be a good idea.
I only want an ethnostate if it's a libertarian one.
>Fascim and Communism are not that different
>being this retarded
Meanwhile you're gonna suggest a libertarian gov like a pathetic cuckservative.
>"ok, so maybe it wasn't explicitly allowed, but if no-one knew you were an atheist you were upset that despite being a self-proclaimed steel type trainer, Steven Stone only has 3 steel type pokémon. In fact, his team has more rock types than steel types. I understand that back in generation 3 there were only 3 steel types that weren't shit, but they had a chance to fix this in the remakes and they didn't. We could've gotten a Steven with a goddamn Aegislash, for fuck's sake. But instead we got the same old "rock counts, right?" weak bullshit. Don't do this to me Steven. You're worth more than this."
Talk about moving the goalposts senpai

Besides, the same could be said for communism and islam. Not such a whites-only paradise after all then, huh?
Then explain to me why the holocaust never happened.
Do you even fucking know what reddit spacing is? Fuck off back to Kekistan or whatever autism you partake in or give me a proper goddamned response, subhuman.
Average retard workers just do what they are told to do, without ever really creating shit.
And that's how it should be, desu.
But they seem to think they are entitled to have more credit, more than was said in the contract they made themselves..
Just in rare occations a worker makes a real oc creation - but most often he stops being a worker on that instant, and starts his own business. If he doesn't.. well, he should shut up, and carry on like the contract is made.
>They are all caricatures of what the nazis want them to be. For every temoray comfort the nazis give you they take away a liberty and a right.

Implying that this governments don't do the same.
Your way of thinking is exactly how ((they)) want you to think.
You can think that your ideas are yours, and you feel that way, but in fact that was something planted in your conscience by the means of propaganda. Therefore your ideas are not yours...
You are just a tool, an useful fool.

Before our individualism lies our Homeland
>Soviet communism poisoned people into thinking that, as was true during soviet times, the only way to prosper is to steal, which is what politicians continue on doing.
Bullshit. Every soviet propaganda was against stealing. Also, it's not like stealing is an integral part of a capitalist regime. Like, stealing (thru legal means ofc) communal land to build a high cost housing, or people's workhours (again legally) or something like that.
What's with capitalism worshippers and blaming communists for the failures of capitalism? This is ridiculous.
I don't even care if it happened or not to be honest.

That's the joke you retard, you sperged like a plebbit, go back to /r/donald
I haven't actually studied the subject of atheism in the 3rd reich, so I'm not really that interested in arguing it. But if you want me to contend this point so much I will. Le ebul nazies opressed fedoras.
>if i tell someone to do something, it is me doing it
Do i need to tell how bullshit this is?
>muh individuality
All people are individuals.
But how is life organized and on what base?
The current neoliberal paradigm aims at creating a "Global Brazil" in which all elements of identity are commodified and no pre-capital identity is allowed to exist (race, religion, gender, family etc.). No social capitals, only "individuals". Believe it or not, but that is what globalism is actually about. All steps towards that goal are sold as "rights", "emancipation", "liberty" and "freedom from oppression".

Once they have you uprooted, they will then hurl you into settlement zones in exchange for digits, to save the environment, you see. Aren't we progressive?
But you should; because it's something you lost over kek.
> no right to bear arms

Wrong, every german citizen of the reich could get a gun to defend himself from subhumans.

Freedom requires a white society not influenced by jews. Natsoc is how you get from here to there.
You're making it out to be like it was one.

Regardless, I don't think you've ever lived under a fascist regime. Ask anyone, and I mean ANYONE, who's ever experienced it and they'll tell you how horrible it was. It may look good on paper, but in practice it's just... ugly. These people will always tell you just how valuable freedom really is and how much they cherish it.
What do you mean? Please be less vague, don't be afraid.
Ik zou jouw definitie van een vrije samenleving eens willen horen
You lost over the holocaust lmao.
Fuck socialism
That's actually communism. People miss Adolf, people miss Benito, but they can't say that in public because they can get arrested for it. After all we live in free countries, right?
How? Do you have down syndrome?

>to save the environment

So it can be better enjoyed by the global elite. Until the jews take their shit and lock them up with the little people.
This. It's just a stepping stone.
No I'm not. I can be whatever religion or lack of religion I want un like nazis lol

I can protest against my government and remove elected officials I'm not happy with unlike nazis lol

I can read whatever book I want and not be censored on what I can read, listen to or watch on tv unlike nazis lol

Thr government can't read my emails here where km from and it would never hold up in court if I was doing something wrong as we have privacy laws here unlike nazis lol

I have freedom of speech I can say whatever I want to whoever I want here without fear of being prosecuted for offending the God hitler unlike nazis lol

Tell me more about that nazi paradise of yours haha. Sounds like a blast.
>to build a high cost housing
Nobody is stopping you to build a low-cost housing.. If someone is.. then it's not capitalism. Hiding in a group just doesn't make retardation go away - it spreads it.
Come up with an argument against what I said instead of deflecting and acting like a kike. Are you LARPers here actually crypto-kikes? You're acting awfully suspicious once called out for being a sub-nigger. I can't even put you on the level of being sub-human because it would be an inaccurately high rating.
>no right to protest
Ummm no sweetie, wanna try again?

>You can bear arms actually, you fucking idiot. Stop believing everything Alex Jones says
>(((freedom of movement)))
>Freedom of speech exists, however communist ideology that wants the destruction of our nation and our people will not be tolerated. In a homogeneous society without international kikes funding mouthpieces you can trust that when there is a debate among these people that they aren't selling out to another race or ideology at the expense of their people
>implying yours was an argument and not just sperging out

Keep going on with that shit, plebbit.
Well, that's the truth in 99 times out of 100, or more. Please tell me how do you do - as a worker - what you are not told to do?
Dude, people who post on 4chan out of all places encourage something like that...what exactly led you to believe they are mentally well persons with whom you can discuss properly?
They don't know what they want. They are frustrated beta males who can't do anything properly so they indulge in escapism and cultism in order not to blow theirs or someone else's brains out.
Paganism was allowed. You must not know a ton about National Socialism if you think that paganism was even frowned upon. Himler literally lived his life around it.
You missed the point. I'll give you an example from Russia - building companies buy legally (well, legally) land that was communal (forests, parks, etc) and build there housing - high cost or not, but preferably first.
Don't tell me it happens only in Russia. I mean, i know that in Russia populace doesn't give a damn anymore about what's happening to them and that in the West such an act would be a country-wide outrage, but still it's the same thing.
>I'd rather live a lower middle class life


>I'd rather be a cuck and prep the (((Bullstein))) rather then hold him responsible for any fuck up because I might get starved after killing all my cattle and stealing grain from collective management, draining the reserves in case of potential hunger.

Holy fuck, I am glad that the location of vaults of food run by government is classified. You mon grels would sell it for quick buck and cry "holodomor" when disaster hit.
>muh individuality
All people are individuals.
But how is life organized and on what base?
The current neoliberal paradigm aims at creating a "Global Brazil" in which all elements of identity are commodified and no pre-capital identity is allowed to exist (race, religion, gender, family etc.). No social capitals, only "individuals". Believe it or not, but that is what globalism is actually about. All steps towards that goal are sold as "rights", "emancipation", "liberty" and "freedom from oppression".

Once they have you uprooted, they will then hurl you into settlement zones in exchange for digits, to save the environment, you see. Aren't we progressive?

You are in a transition camp, dumbo. Deliberately created to appear unthreatening.
Yes, in fact, Hitler wanted to replace christianity with a sort of german version of state shinto focussed around worshipping germanic heroes and the fuhrer, pretty Juche-esque
>Makes a retarded simpleton statement
>checks flag
yeah it checks out
>>muh individuality
>All people are individuals.
>But how is life organized and on what base?
>The current neoliberal paradigm aims at creating a "Global Brazil" in which all elements of identity are commodified and no pre-capital identity is allowed to exist (race, religion, gender, family etc.). No social capitals, only "individuals". Believe it or not, but that is what globalism is actually about. All steps towards that goal are sold as "rights", "emancipation", "liberty" and "freedom from oppression".
>Once they have you uprooted, they will then hurl you into settlement zones in exchange for digits, to save the environment, you see. Aren't we progressive?
>You are in a transition camp, dumbo. Deliberately created to appear unthreatening.
Lol, look at you. People creating the same wealth item while working separately are individually creating wealth, but a boss telling a worker to do something is actually him doing the work. It's bullshit. You either treat everything as individual or communal. Your middle ground is just an intellectual dishonesty.
When has an authoritarian super state ever willingly given up power instead of grabbing more power at the expense of the freedom of the populace, unless the government is betraying the people for an outside population due to foreign subversion? A modern natsoc state would just keep a death grip on as much power as it could even if all the kikes and shitskins were exterminated. You would never get a transition towards liberty without a violent revolution.
>freedom of speech exists however everything that offends our feelings is Jewish/degenerate/communism
Yeah, what a paradise.
Says the man who lost two wars lmao.
You need to go back.
You need to go back lmao.
There's a whole lotta stuff between extreme collectivism and extreme individualism you tool. It's no A or B.
You don't have to be a fucking Nazi LARPer to oppose globalism.
>complain about working conditions at work
Off to the gas chambers you go lol
>complain that you wanna go to uni instead of working in a factory
Off to the gas chambers you go lol
>say something bad about the party or something you don't quite agree with
Off to the gas chambers you go lol
>have a different opinion
Off to the gas chambers you go lol
>sense of humor is degenerate and punishable by death
>video games are degenerate and punishable by death
>tv is degenerate and punishable by death
Wew what a wonderful awesome place to live and grow up in.
Almost completely wrong on every account.
I got your point alright, but if Libertarian - You could go and by some piece of land too, and build the cheap housing. But no, not in Socialist or other ultimate-government country, where things are not based on reason, but on feelings.
I love it when people haven't even read one book on Hitler's Nat Soc and then come to pol as if they are an educated voice on the topic. I would call you a fag but that would be redundant.

Are you fucking retarded and pull all of this out of your ass? Of course you are.

>like eg if th Internet exists ot would be heavily regulated by the government as they don't want people conspiring against them
Don't think this is bad at all when you have a government with the right goals in mind.

>No unions or strikes at work. You can't complain about anything at work as the boss is a nazi party affiliate and will have you easily executed for going against his orders or wishes etc.
Complete bullshit, wtf. Your boss is not automatically a party affiliate. The NatSoc program even gives less power to the boss/owner and more to the worker. The company owner had to implement cafeterias and form some kind of community within the company between the people to make everything more humane for the workers. And you certainly weren't executed if you don't do what the boss wants, wtf.

>You have no control about which career you're going to have. You can't say you wanna be a doctor. The regime chosen who is a doctor and how many of you they'll be.
Also bullshit. They deliberately removed the aristocracy system and focused on the accomplishments and capabilities of the individuals. For the first time, it was possible to work yourself up from the bottom to the very top if you were capable. The prussian aristocracy hated that because their "birthright" was no longer valid, hence they formed the resistance movement during the war (which consisted to 70-80% of prussian aristocracy).

The is also complete bullshit of course. Just remove yourself you fucking pest.

A free society is a society in which almost all people chose an ideology which supports freedom. This can only exist in a white society free of jewish influence.

France and the US are probably the best examples of societies which worshipped freedom for a while, while they were overwhelmingly white and uncucked by jews. But look where jewish post WW2 propaganda and influence brought them. Chaos caused by foreigners who hate freedom and sheep brainwashed by jewish lies, limitations on freedom of speech to control those foreigners and traitors, anti-discrimination laws destroying freedom of association etc etc.

Unfortunately freedom in and of itself can not create the necessary prerequisites for a free society.
Wow nice comeback. So informative.
Only a not see can make good come backs.
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This ideology is superior to fascism an nazism in every way prove me wrong
You can't
also this as a flag when
It is because of this that the west wanted the country destroyed as early as 1936. Just imagine how threatened Britain, France etc felt having a nation like Germany on their doorstep, where everyone was so focused on their future. A nation working as one - the antithesis of chaotic, exploitative capitalism - advancing in leaps and bounds.
It would have been an amazing time and place to be alive
You can have liberty without having full-on anarchy. Not everything is black and white, Hans. Neoliberalism is also a cancer.
You didn't even try to be informative. No sources, no quotes, literally pulled it all clean out of your arse.
>government with right goals
And zero accountability. What makes you think they would be totally honest and noble?
You're a fucking retard.
Human rights don't exist. Not everyone is equal. Everyone should not be treated equally. Why do you think you have "human rights"?
Fuck off feelsfaggot. You're just saying that it's sperging out because it probably hits too close to home. You're absolutely desperately trying to avoid taking responsibility for your own actions. Just like a nigger. If you're a white man, take responsibility for your own actions and your own future.
Have fun getting raped by niggers as your wife watches in your ancap society. All ancaps are sixteen years old or younger, that is an objective fact.

People genuinely think some faggot at party would care about them because "muh white race".

Also, the "muh utopia" LARPing is cute.
And this society today is the result of your liberty, a slow descent into degeneracy.
You just sidestepped my question, 'society where people chose freedom' doesn't say anything about governance, laws, principles or whatever
That's just your opinion. History has demonstrated that societies that embrace these values are happiest societies.
Meanwhile North Korea is what you cretins have in mind.
t. tumblrina who never picked up a book
Good at least the Serb has it right.
>implying you haven't already.
>baiting this hard
Do me a favor, kill yourself painfully.
Nah. Contract to do what is told is what it is.
If I hire you to build me a house - it is me building it, you didn't have the idea, you didn't pay it, you didn't make the decition, you just do what I have told you. No creation there.
There are small exception however, but even then the rule applies in a way.
Oh, and saying that both are true at the same time is rather dialectical, but you'll have to truly admit that they are true at the same time.
>where things are not based on reason, but on feelings.
Caring for people's well-being is not "feelings". Translated into "reason": it's a well known fact that productivity derives heavily from a worker's mental condition. Or: it's cheaper to check for diseases and treat them preventively than to cure them (or not cure them at all - diseases get worse with time)
Feelings ARE reason, okay. It's not like the society, government and such are created to be for someone else rather than humans inhabiting it. If they are, why the hell do you want a society that is created for upholding society's laws - and not the people's well-being?

>I will never ever forfeit my right to privacy, free speech, religious liberty and right to protest and bear arms.never. why any man would like to live in a so called utopia where he can't have religious liberty, where he can't bear arms and can't protest against the government is beyond me.

Well, then I sure hope you're not a citizen of any country in Europe or of the US, Canada, Australia, etc. where privacy, free speech, religious liberty and the right to bear arms are being restricted until non existence.
Funny how most of these apply to the EU.
Where are you from exactly?
>It was the best system and country to ever live in for a White person.
For all people. Remember, Hitler wanted Germany to succeed but also wanted all other races to do the same, albeit within their own areas of the globe.
>What makes you think they would be totally honest and noble?

Muh white race comradery.
>inb4 leaf
We've allotted people too much liberty, which has led to reckless individualism. There needs to be a healthy balance. I highly suggest you listen to Jordan Peterson.

> Hitler wanted Germany to succeed but also wanted all other races to do the same

>This is stormfags actually believe.
Your flag represents a meme and nothing else
Its exile time for you
WTF you think I am your fucking slave teacher? You want me to write a 10 page paper on a basket weaving forum just so you don't sound like a retard? I'll pass, you don't even ask genuine questions. You have it all figured out so why would you.
Newfag here with a quick question: What does it mean to "Name the Jew"?
I tell you it's bullshit. It's clear as day that the man doing the work is actually the one doing it, not the one yelling at him. Delving into economics doesn't mean you have to treat the common logic the other way, you know, economics are only an extension of a common logic.
Hitler was a racial Darwinist you fucking moron.
Why are you repeating stuff you heard on 4chan without checking?
You didn't even read Mein Kampf you absolute dingus. You just parrot bullshit and lies like a Jew. Disgusting.
>Caring for people's well-being
Then why they suffer the most under socialism?
Are you twelve years old?
Have fun in today's Germany.
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>>no freedom of speech
no freedom to speak against the interests of your race
>>no freedom of movement
don't even know what you mean with this, how wasn't there
>>no religious liberty
religious freedom was guaranteed as long as it didnt call the states power into question like the pope did
>>no right to bear arms
there was
>>no elections
wow no democracy which has brought us so much good!!
>>no right to protest
yeah, lefties' skulls were smashed, p good stuff
Something something tells me you're a scandicuck.
>And zero accountability. What makes you think they would be totally honest and noble?

So just like every other government, especially that of the US? If they have the right goal, i.e. creating a future for your people, then I don't care about "honest and noble". They need to get shit done, not be honest and noble. This isn't comic book, honest and noble does not exist within government, never has.

>You're a fucking retard.
Says the guy with the "republican" flag blaming other for being allegedly gullible. I mean, the US government, no matter if Democrat or Republican, sure is honest and noble with great amounts of accountability, right? Neck youself.
I oppose nazism because it is unefficient in creating wealth and wellbeing for the people. With so damn high debt due the economic interventionist policies of the governement, the bubble would've exploted in decades. Giving the government so much power entails the risk of having a lunatic in that position that fucks everything for good and becomes a Kim Jong tier dictator. We can not depend solely on the morals of a single person.
I'm not a natz....
But fuck freedom of anything for the forces that want to destroy my country.
Give them the freedom of the excercise yard one hour per day.
Sincerely, any perfect political system should have the possibility of autocorrect itself. And nazism don't have it.
Something Something tells me you're from reddit.
On the contrary, I should live on because I have ambition and the ability to succeed. Which is a core tenant of national socialist ideology. You on the other hand are untermensch that should be removed from the gene pool for the sake of the white race. Thankfully almost all of you LARPing genetic failures are removing yourselves from the gene pool rather than niggerizing it.
You fucking cunt.
You know nothing. Whilst he openly stated that the aryan race was the supreme race, he also stated that other races should strive to reach their full potential, as long as they didnt mix with his.
Go fuck yourself, you uneducated American bastard.
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You first anon.
Nazism was super efficient at providing wealth for Germany which is why it was the marvel of the world.
You're thinking of communism.
Shut up and put your wig swedencuck, Ahmed is waiting for you on his bed.
>not the one yelling at him
Why would one yell at him? Or not care about him? You have this peculiar preset image of the relationship of the worker and a boss.
More capitalism-more wealth, better conditions, and freedom to do or not do - these are non-existent when socialism takes over. You should know.
>Why do you need

Do you vote democrat? They seem to believe in a bill of needs as well.
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I persoanlly would vote for it just to get rid of the lazy protestor scum.
US government is at least theoretically accountable for it's actions.
>get shit done
Are you retarded? What makes you think they'll do shit the way you imagine it?
It's just a dumb flag you cretin.
What kind of loaded question is that?
There is no dividing line between feeling and reason. It's all just right wing moaning and yelling at something that they don't like - same stuff as feelings they hate so much.
Mises, Rothbard, whatever austrian shitheads there are, even they justify their imaginary systems by saying that in the end it benefits the whole of society. It's not yours "hurrdurr boss produces what his workers are producing therefore it's his", it's much more complicated than this.
> muh rights

are made up, fake and gay.

> muh rights

Are limiting human progression by stunting research and allowing üntermensch to exist and be protected. Why do libtards want to protect üntermensch who are literally nothing more than a drain on all of us?
You first leaf.
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>still trying to bait this hard
Fucking autists deserve a shower.
Hitler was a Germanic nationalist. He didn't wish for other races to be strong and whatever bullshit you connocted. He saw the world as a struggle of races for domination and he obviously wanted Germanic domination.
Did it not?
Would have thought it could correct easily.
Problems only arise when the leader is a tool or takes on political dogma - you end up on North Korea. That's the real danger.
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>atheism is allowed
>implying hitler didnt hate atheists
>Remember, Hitler wanted Germany to succeed but also wanted all other races to do the same, albeit within their own areas of the globe.

Such as?
>((((((((((Supreme race)))))))))))))
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>changing flags in an attempt at confusing me
Truly pathetic, we need to gas Sweden.

Freedom of speech, freedom of association, equality before the law, limited welfare state paid for by LVT based on the reasonable conclusion that natural resources are communal property and exclusive rights to them thus only a temporary privilege granted by the community.

Basic geo-libertarian white common sense which was sweeping the white world before jewish influence came in and fucked it all up.
>Sucks penis
>Gets aids
>Molests children

Go crawl in an oven faggot.
Go ahead; that would be great.
Europe would be cured from disease.
Exactly, freedoms are worthless in this world we live in now. Not that there are any freedoms but if there were they would not bring the happiness and liberty they are supposed to bring because of the degenerate shitskin climate.
>y-yeah fuck human rights only party gets to say who lives and who dies and they are totally infallible so it's fine
You're a slave, mentally. You want big daddy to tell you what to do.
A National Socialist society within a larger Libertarian framework would just be a restrictive covenant but with exile instead of gassing.
More complicated yes. But adding freedom adds freedom.
Adding socialism leads to hunger and death.
Benefiting the whole is done by giving individual freedom in every possible aspect.
I would vote for hitler now.
Exactly. A leader who boosts his people, who lives for his people's happiness is exactly what we need.
But the system gets in danger of getting a tool taking the place of leader who starts reading little red books or similar mad shit.
Those are the main pros and cons
>Why do libtards want to protect üntermensch who are literally nothing more than a drain on all of us?
I believe you're missing the point of human nature? Are you a Christian by any chance? Do you believe in the concept of the soul? Humans, even "üntermensch" are much more than the pests or rodents you might imagine them to be
>What kind of loaded question is that?
The kind you can't answer, it seems.
>no freedom of speech
You'd have more than now.
>no freedom of movement
You could move, you'd just require permission. You could still move or go on holiday.
>no religious liberty
Not true. Just don't be a shitty cunt religion like Judaism or Islam.
>no right to bear arms
No nogs, no slimes, no reason to need it, could still own small firearms.
>no elections
So? We have elections now and what? We have nothing but cancer and corrupt idiots. Better to have a wonderful dictator.
>no right to protest
nothing to protest.
Fucking queer

Tell me about the debt. Government is always stupid when it owns industrial actives. It's intervention always slows down competition and provokes low efficiency of the public spending. It literally makes to throw money to the fire.
Someone should tie you in a tree and burn you with it.
>Thinks changing his flag will hide his faggotry. You reddit fags aren't hard to find. It's funny, it's almost as if you think you blend in.
Can you refrain from using skin as an argument you shitstain roach
Those are pretty big faults given how almost every system like that in history had a fair share of idiots in places of power.
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>>no right to bear arms
pic related, pleb
>>no religious liberty
Not true, everyone was free to practice their religion of choice.
>>no freedom of movement
Everyone was free to come and go, encouraged to trek and drive around Germany, and guaranteed regular vacations in order to facilitate this. Many took vacations under national socialism for the first time in generations.
>>no right to protest
>>no freedom of speech
Hitler ended euthanasia of schizophrenics and the mentally disabled after a year as a result of popular protests, makes you think.

What's it like to be this bluepilled?

nice tumbnail
Replace the system with cannibal cyborgs.
Too fucking bad you delusional cunt. You don't have any rights now.
Muh rights are necessary for independent citizens not coercable by the government to exist who can vote bad governance out of power. All governments make mistakes, the Nazis made a huge one.
Nazism doesn't have such a system
You are a muppet mate. You need to go and read more than wikipedia.
>obviously wanted Germanic domination.
Yeah, and I guess that this is why he presented the UK with all of those peace demands in 1939-40.
>He didnt want to dominate. He wanted peace, but his adversaries were never interested.

>bullshit you connocted
You are the only one bullshitting here. Are you a bagel eater from NYC perhaps?
>Basic geo-libertarian white common sense which was sweeping the white world before jewish influence came in and fucked it all up.

That's pretty much what I would call Reasonist-Libertarian.
What's the matter cuck, your arguments got BTFO so now you just screech like an idiot?
>the scandicuck got triggered
>US government is at least theoretically accountable for it's actions.
Great argument, this is relevant why? Same could be done in a dictatorship, people can always kill the leaders... That is literally not an argument.

>What makes you think they'll do shit the way you imagine it?
You severely lack reading comprehension it seems. I don't really care "how" they do it (which should be obvious from my posts), I care about what they do, i.e. having the right goals. How they gonna achieve these goals is of lesser relevance.

Getting a highly controlled one party dictatorship is imperative to be safe from foreign subversion. If you don't have that, you will drift towards apathy, nihilism and liberalism until your people are no more, just like it already happened numerous times in the last 3000 years.
Actually there were Muslims in the SS
Handschar Division
You didn't BTFO of anything, you're just scared of the day nazis will rise again and execute degenerates like you in the streets.
Gas yourself, crypto-kike.
You need to read more than Mien Kraft.
Plato said (correctly) that tyranny comes from democracy and the most aggravated form of tyranny and slavery out of the most excessive liberty.
How right can a person be..! Look at the state of Europe.
So you mean the first phase constitutional rights without the second socialist phase?
Explain this nazi cucks
Even Adam Smith wrote in the Wealth of Nations that there should be market regulations and the market should never be completely free. Not that I suspect you have read it, more likely larping.
>The south will rise again
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>No religious freedom
Article 24 of the 1920 Nazi Party Platform:
>"We demand the freedom of all religious confessions in the state, insofar as they do not jeopardize the state's existence or conflict with the manners and moral sentiments of the Germanic race. The Party as such upholds the point of view of a positive Christianity without tying itself confessionally to any one confession. It combats the Jewish-materialistic spirit at home and abroad and is convinced that a permanent recovery of our people can only be achieved from within on the basis of the common good before individual good."

Another day, another pack of lies. When will it end?
I wasn't defending Nazis or NatSocs. I was attacking human rights. I'm intelligent enough to be allowed to do what I want and so in that sense liberty is great but I don't see why the majority of degenerates who make up a democracy have "rights", especially freedom of degeneracy. And actually people who like democracy just want "big daddy" to tell them what to do, except they somehow think it's different because they ticked a name on a piece of paper.

Retard. Prove rights exist without a god. You can't.
Didn't he also say that after his master got killed?
It was embarrassing for the NAZIs though. They didn't like having to do that.
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Your ideology, pic very related.
>You are EXACTLY as bad as the utopian communist/marxist left

Nah, the difference is the things *I* like are free to do and *I* am free to go about my business and *I* and not the one targeted for extinction. Since the world the leftists want is the opposite of that, the Nazis are better.
Hitler chooses his successor. He proposes it to the chamber of representatives and is appointed.

It turns out that this leader does not do as well as expected, and this ensures a struggle of violent factions within the NSDAP, the progressive wing, the conservative wing, the eugenicists, the nordicist-esoteric wing, the infiltrated capitalists etc

In short, I think that after 5 or 6 iterations the system would devour itself. Unless someone can prove why I'm wrong.
Who cares? It's just a word.
>More capitalism-more wealth, better conditions, and freedom to do or not do
Yeah, but not really since the distribution of wealth favors bosses greatly. No point giving the workers freedom if it's lowering the production efficiency. Japan is the prime example of it. Corporations find their future workers in schools even and make them their slaves. And if those people can't become slaves they try to remain in studies (take a second year for an example) until they find a slave position for themselves.
Honestly I don't know.
>stupid goy, nothing will rise, let's just be glad that we are full of niggers and shitskins

Plebbit tier, I'm done with you.
The soviet constitution guaranteed
>freedom of speech
>freedom of press
>free and fair elections
>freedom of assembly
>freedom of movement
and more
WTF I love communism now
Thanks for taking the bait.

Of course there have to be market regulations but only to enforce fair competition for everyone. Including high taxes on imports.
The problem comes when the regulations get so ridicoulous high that don't allow people the chance of growing.
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That's your problem right there Shlomo
I guess you could say they felt KEKED? The Eternal Kraut never changes.
It doesn't matter, all that matters is what is actually done in practise

George is white libertarianism, Rothbard is kike libertarianism. You've made your choice, people like you is why we first need Natsoc.
He forgot free gulag trips.
>favors bosses greatly
Then be your own boss. Not every business has to be in billions of revenue, mate.
Who/what would stop you? what is stopping you now? Go and do your own creation!
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>comparing Soviets to natsocs
>cat fish are actually cats because they have "cat" in the name
What's it like to be so pleb-tier that you can't distinguish economic socialism and anti-economic socialism?
Never expect to come to hear anything else but lies from uneducated and fat cuckservatives. I actually don't think they are lying, I think they just aren't very intelligent or ignorant. Lying would presume that they know what they are talking about and are purposefully deceiving to advance there position. I have seen no evidence to grant to them that kind of respect.
Muh liberty 1766!
>In short, I think that after 5 or 6 iterations the system would devour itself. Unless someone can prove why I'm wrong.

Idk, China managed to figure out how to do it. They do still have power struggles and purges, but it doesn't have any real effect on the average person, just the party factions.
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So did our dear friend Amin.
>But adding freedom adds freedom.
One's freedom is other's duty. Giving a boss freedom to do whatever he wants with his workers removes freedom from them, and vice versa. Guess what right wingers will protect first? Correct, the boss' freedom. And rightwingers will say something like "hurrdurr they are the blessed jobgivers of our nation, true americans" and such.
>Adding socialism leads to hunger and death.
All it added was the freedom for workers. And you kind of enjoying it right now in your western communist-ridden societies. But you know what? Since the Soviet Union's collapse capitalists ceased to listen to workers - England's wage is the same as 1990s wage if we count in inflation, but the bosses' profits rose tenfold.

>Pride in one's own race – and that does not imply contempt for other races – is also a normal and healthy sentiment. I have never regarded the Chinese or the Japanese as being inferior to ourselves. They belong to ancient civilizations, and I admit freely that their past history is superior to our own. They have the right to be proud of their past, just as we have the right to be proud of the civilization to which we belong. Indeed, I believe the more steadfast the Chinese and the Japanese remain in their pride of race, the easier I shall find it to get on with them.
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The kikes are always lying, they know the diference. Pied pipers for the dumb goyim that follow behind their lies.
we need a world war to cull the weak
Natsoc wasn't a centrally planned economic model. It had a semblance of national free trade, it just also had government subsidized companies that worked for the reich.
Individualism makes people sad, lonely faggots. The biggest appeal of naziism to me is the community element. I actually LIKE the idea of having to go to little community events and whatnot
>whatever he wants with his workers removes freedom from them
Get this in your skull - Nobody forces you to work for him then!
>missing the point
none of those rights were practised, all pure theory no reality
My point is much talk no action, don't show talk show action
It's extreamly easy to be your own boss. A barber or tradesmen or even a handyman can get every cent of value from his labor. You may find you don't like doing all the non-productive parts of business that have to be done, and you might not like that you have to buy your own tools, but you can absolutely do it.
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>Hitler was a Germanic nationalist. He didn't wish for other races to be strong
What did he mean by this?

>All it added was the freedom for workers
Freedom in Gulags, eh? To choose shovel or an axe?
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>Hitler was a Germanic nationalist. He didn't wish for other races to be strong
What did he mean by this?
China is also a dystopian shithole filled with soulless chinks that act like insects even when given a lifetime of freedom.
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>Hitler was a Germanic nationalist. He didn't wish for other races to be strong...
What did he mean by this?

This I feel is a big part of where people think National Socialism falls short. What happens when Hitler dies and won't the system just devolve into a power struggle. I feel people say this because they aren't really aware of the internal workings of Germany at the time. Hitler had it all worked out.

First of all Hess was deputy Fuhrer so his successor was clear from the get go although Goering may have been given this privilege later.

Second, there were actually institutions called the Adolf Hitler schools established across Germany where exceptional students who passed a special academic test were liable to apply. There they would be taught the ways of National Socialism, grooming them to be the next leaders of the party and ultimately one of them would end up as Fuhrer of Germany. The best part was that these schools were not just for the children of party members. No matter if you were the son of a farm boy from East Prussia, the son of an industrialist in Silesia or a shopkeepers son from the Rhineland if you had the talent you were accepted and the state payed for your education. The Adolf Hitler schools were a meritocracy.

Although from what I've heard Hitler planned to retire the position of Fuhrer altogether upon his death and turn Germany into a Republic, not like the American republic but more like China where although different leaders can be chosen they must all come from the same party, so a one party state but this I believe came from Table Talks and the status of that book being reliable is questionable at best but take it as you will.
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>Hitler was a Germanic nationalist. He didn't wish for other races to be strong....
What did he mean by this?
>Then be your own boss
And if you fail, it's okay, since everyone can try!
And what about your family? Or, you know, the society as a whole? If everyone is pursuing the "dream" who's gonna make babies for the society's future? With the "dream" everyone is just gonna try to make a career and start a family in their what, 30-40s? But everyone can't be a boss, there have to be workers! You can't just be a boss, your neighbour be a boss, and everyone around you to be a boss. It's literally impossible.
Well, you can, but that was in times of agrarian societies. Everyone was a boss and worked for himself. But you know what, this kind of mode of production can't create jets, trains, tall buildings and iphones.
>No I'm not. I can be whatever religion or lack of religion I want un like nazis lol

If your religion is a prejudice for the nation I don't see anything bad in banning it, for the well being of everyone, you want another religion get the fuck out to a place where that religion is accepted.

>I can protest against my government and remove elected officials I'm not happy with unlike nazis lol

Implying that protest do something. You have just the right to protest, because in the end of the day nothing will change. At least national socialism is more honest in that sense.

>I can read whatever book I want and not be censored on what I can read, listen to or watch on tv unlike nazis lol

Yes you can, with the majority of book editorials be jewish and cherry picking info for your retarded brain, to keep you hipnotized so you can be a good goy.
Again, if a book is dangerous for the nation I dont see anything bad in ban it.
You always can read it online, is no biggie.

>Thr government can't read my emails here where km from and it would never hold up in court if I was doing something wrong as we have privacy laws here unlike nazis lol

Implying that the NSA and other government organizations don't do that. Don't be naive bruder.

>I have freedom of speech I can say whatever I want to whoever I want here without fear of being prosecuted for offending the God hitler unlike nazis lol

You have freedom of speech in NatSoc, since your speech don't go against the nation.
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>Hitler was a Germanic nationalist. He didn't wish for other races to be strong......
What did he mean by this?
>>130279848you are wrong on all these points

treasonous talk is not allowed

traveling was encouraged

No need for other religions

democracy is shit

there was no need to protest anything either

give n ownership was lowered to 26 YO
This. In fact here's a quote from hitler
''The Slavs have defeated us. They have smashed our land, our nation, our ideology...
This signifies them are an aryan race and they will force this world in the knees..."
I would agree on the culling the weak part, but not to the world war part. A world war would only cull the strong while the weak would remain at home. The two world wars only acted to cull the strong from the white race over two generations and destroy their infrastructure. They, being Europe. Thankfully at least America retained it's infrastructure to fight off the evils in the East.
>sounding like a 13 year old

Checks out
Man i love all these (you's) over my shitposts.
Himmler on Poles: "All Polish specialists will be exploited in our military-industrial complex. Later, all Poles will disappear from this world. It is imperative that the great German nation considers the elimination of all Polish people as its chief task."

What did he mean by this?
> Nobody forces you to work for him then!
And everyone will magically "democratically elect" a new boss. Sure. That's how it works.
>A barber or tradesmen or even a handyman can get every cent of value from his labor.
Yeah, everyone can be his own boss when all he does is serving the true wealth creators. You know, the people with jobs that actually produce something and not just clip nails, cut hair or doing random stuff on youtube.
But that's beside the point. Society comprised entirely of haircutters or youtubers can't exist.
Thus profits made by those spheres of economy can be disregarded to a large extent.
You don't need government intervention to have community or a family life. America had that up until the past few decades. Using natsoc as an excuse as to why you are lonely and don't have a community just illustrates personal failings rather than the failings of the system. By all means, most of you NEETs would be just as lonely in a natsoc society. Possibly even moreso if they saw you as inferior due to a lack of social skills.

What kind of fuckface mentions "where they're from" without either saying your country, or showing your true flag
And you call yourself non-plebbit over my shitposts :^)
>Implying I'm a nazi or a NatSoc
I'm not a Nazi or a NatSoc. I'm just here to attack this notion of "human rights"
>more than pests or rodents
you're the one who claimed it, the burden of proof is on you.
We're all just animals and the way humans act actually probably means that "rodent" is a fairly good categorisation of us
>And everyone will magically "democratically elect" a new boss.
well kinda. I mean think of it this way, if youre a skilled worker then you can refuse to work for that boss and seek employment somewhere else and that boss will have to either a) be more reasonable or b) settle for less skilled workers that dont have as many options. b) obviously being the less desirable choice.
You (you)d me but this is page ten so I won't be able to reply more
Forgot to actually reply to this.
>Also implying I'm a Nazi or a NatSoc
I'm not. I don't think the Nazi regime was good for anyone except the white ethnic Germans living there, and even then only until Hitler dragged them into a war they couldn't win. I'm only here to attack this unfounded notion that
>muh rights
actually exist.
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hey kike stop promoting the kike version of nazi you dim fuck. Hitler was 42% homosexual, how else would he have such a love and passion for his people? Stupid fucking wannabe neo nazi wierd redneck hybrid of jewish lies. next thing u kno u will blame niggers becuz u fucked ur sister
what are you doing
> says the man who lost two wars

Wow you really are a retarded little baby child. Lose the flag, kiddo
what made it that way?

So what you are saying is: you want every dime of value and no risk. You want to be part of a massive organization of hundreds or thousand of people and somehow get out every last penny of value you put in.

How do you calculate the value added by cost centers? the janitors? The secretaries? The accountants? The managers? Things don't just "get done" on massive projects like that. Software, hardware, design, procrument, sales and marketing, legal. It takes massive amounts of capital to start a project like that, and you just want to show up 40 hours a week and own it.

Why not just make an agreement: they offer you X amount, and you show up and do Y work. If you don't like it, you go to a different company to do the same.

Or, you could buy your own supplies and tools and start a small buildings doing whatever you want.

Himmler is not Hitler. Himmler got away with a lot of stuff while Hitler was preoccupied during the war and even Hitler found Himmler's Germanic Occultism a bit exasperating
It isn't an opinion, it's a fact that not everyone is equal or ((((the same)))) and that human rights don't exist.
>also implying I'm a Nazi or a NatSoc
why does everyone think I'm a Nazi or a NatSoc. I'm just attacking human rights. I don't think that the Nazi regime was a utopia, it had advantages and flaws just like all societies.

Also why do I care whether (((society))) is happy, if the government helps me be happy then that's all I need. This liberal faux-altruism that's rampant these days sort of makes me cringe.
>Replies to my shitpost.
>Implying he's not from reddit.
This be a shitposting board fella's.
Ok let's stop playing Jewish word games. Tell me who you consider the "true wealth creators" and why can't you be one?
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ye be making the sounds of kikes me ladi not thatta o pirate
h-yarrr matie i be findin me a stow away captain

ts yer booty that be walkin thee plank ye pesky little wench
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