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>'God loves me this way... no part of me is a mistak

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>'God loves me this way... no part of me is a mistake': Moment a 12-year-old Mormon girl has her microphone CUT OFF at church as she comes out as gay
>Savannah, a 12-year-old Mormon, came out to churchgoers in Utah last month
>The girl bravely stood up in front of members and told them she was a lesbian
>She said she was proud God made her that way and no part of her was a mistake
>Two church officials then cut off her microphone and told her to sit down
>Savannah wrote several drafts of her speech and was left in tears over the ordeal


is it possible that shes full of shit and just wants attention?
Yeah, all 12 year old girls are "lesbian". Is this supposed to be news?
>Left in tears over the ordeal
I would have paid good money to watch that go down live holy shit that's hilarious.

>Savannah had been asking her parents for months to have the chance to speak in front of her church, but the ordeal on May 7 left her in tears
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Lol, what a little fag
12 year old, barely entered puberty. Seems pretty damn likely actually. At that age children are all over the place and easily influenced. Having a look at her school and such might explain why she feels this way.

>calls herself a lesbian
>isn't even a teenager
It's kinda funny, when they come out as some regressive trash such as lesbian, gay, transsexual one is supposed to accept and support it even though they are still in their early developement phase often younger than she is and only just beginning their sexual developement. One is supposed to wholly ignore how easily impressible they are and have a look at people close to them who might have brought this about.

Poor girl she watched a YouTube video of her favorite eceleb come out and thought it get her the same praise if she did it in her church. Women and girls are especially susceptible to the You-Jew

She's going to be embarrassed by this when she grows up
Im pretty sure that in Russia it would actually be illegal for a 12 year old to speak this way
she doesn't look cute enough, nothing of value is lost if she's gay
can you link me the source?
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The Mormons are a hard people to subvert. Their stance on gay marriage is clear is as crystal.



well that explains it. Utah Mormons be wild

At 12 she knows nothing. She just kissed her friend and thinks she is lesbian. After all popular culture says that it's cool to be LGBTQI+. (And yes, Mormons do get exposed to the rest of the world. They don't live in another planet.) But words have meaning and labels have strength. If she didn't "identify", ie label herself, she would get over this phase after a while. But now that she says she IS THIS, there is a psychological need to prove herself right, so she will keep on. Sad.
>be ugly
>get no attention from boys
>get angry at men
>become lesbian

The idea of attractive lesbians is a myth created by porn
They are all just radical man hating feminists
>Girl who hasn't even gone through puberty yet claims to be gay

You can't be homosexual if you haven't even had a chance to develop a sexuality yet. This is a girl who wants attention, so she lies about something and everyone will praise her for it. In ten years she'll be so deep down the rabbit hole that admitting she lied will be impossible and she'll turn into a typical SJW who becomes "pansexual" to hide the lie.
>Old enough to fully understand her sexual preferences
>Not old enough to understand social settings and not ruining a religious gathering
so this is the power of Gen Z
Agreed, gay propaganda from the internet. They all this theyre lesbian after hopping on tumblr
I've known I was straight from very young. Most people are well aware of their sexuality by that age. You wouldn't question it if a girl was going through a 'boy crazy' phase at 12.
>At 12 she knows nothing. She just kissed her friend and thinks she is lesbian. After all popular culture says that it's cool to be LGBTQI+. (And yes, Mormons do get exposed to the rest of the world. They don't live in another planet.) But words have meaning and labels have strength. If she didn't "identify", ie label herself, she would get over this phase after a while. But now that she says she IS THIS, there is a psychological need to prove herself right, so she will keep on. Sad.

she just needs to find the right older man
I wasnt interested in any girls or boys when i was 12, and anlot of girls asked me to be their boyfriend. I declined because i didnt feel anything for them. I watched gay porn to jerk off because thats the first i found. I thought i was gay. Right until i found straight porn and said to myself i did not want to be gay so i only watched straight and never went back. I would have identified as gay if you asked me at the right time.
Lmao dykes btfo
>be me
>be 12
>playing Runescape and Yugioh and riding my bike around town
>don't know literally anything about anything because I'm 12

>this girl
>already has the capacity to determine she's a homosexual

Nice shitpost
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Lesbians aren't gay...
Quite sad and I do sympathize with this girl as she was clearly hoping for support but ideally they did the right thing. They cant allow degeneracy to seep into their community and if it comes at the expense of a young girls feelings thats just how it is.
>As a lesbian, I know I can marry, have a family, a great job, and kids.

Uhm, no sweetie. Not in a mormon community. Leave them and never return if you wish the best for them
>I must stand up in front of my entire church and tell them how much I like this boy at school
I would question that. I would think 'This 12 year old is full of shit and just wants attention'.
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>12 years old
>absolutely certain she is gay
>certain enough to "come out"

12 year old girl at a Gay Pride Festival is cut off when she is about to tell the crowd that she recently discovered about herself that by having had two gay parents she was deprived of something important.

news: Child victimized by Cis culture reveals how she was brain washed by homophobes into hating her fabulous empowered awesome gay parents.
>girls asked me to be their boyfriend. I declined
>I watched gay porn to jerk off
dude, you're just gay. no need to be ashamed.

most people reach puberty by 12, girls even faster than boys.
>a 12 year old is cemented in sexuality

Why are they doing this to kids
Very good imagine if all churches treated faggots this way. Queers would be at 0.
>12 years old
You don't even know anything at that age.
Lesbian my ass good riddance and BASED Mormons Christians are all cucks these days glad to see you guys standing up for what is right
You were clearly faggots. All of the Chad 12 year olds were already slaying pussy.
>watched gay porn to jerk off
Nigga you gay.
God loves her DESPITE what she is, he can changes her to be perfect.

Frackin heretics..
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How they fuck can you be 12 and a fag? Way to early to know that. Just wait a few years and she will be craving cock just like every other roastie.
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Religions are primarily concerned with the control and distribution of reproductive females. She threatens this on two fronts.

Let her buy her own microphone.
>12yo mormon lesbian...

Source for the video..?
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2 girls = twice as straight
That sounds pretty gay my man. You're probably more fluid in your preferences than you'd like to admit. I've had feelings for girls since about 4-5 years old. If you listen to people's coming out stories, most will say that they known from an early age too. Not all cases, but most.
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Lesbians arent real. Unlike gay men, gay women is just a phase. I dont see gay men fucking plastic pussies but you sure as fuck see lesbians fucking plastic dicks.

thats one way to look at it
>12 yo
Onto the stake she goes.
not because they are 12 but publicly encouraging homosexuality is illegal
This is a good point. The whole creation of labels is a very powerful tool and it absolutely influences minds. Just 100 odd years ago the concepts of sexuality (hetero and homo) did not even exist and this has no doubt turned more people gay (suprise: a jew invented them.
In before "Orgazmo"
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My favorite pop star loves gay people.
I want an identity. Gay is an identity.

Homosexuality is the new teenage atheism.
Well she's not getting her own planet now
Little ho doesn't know if she's gay, she just got some cuck loving adult feeding her head full of sjw disease. Yet another reason women need to stfu and eat cock.
Where is the fucking order in that church?

>Parents bring their obnoxious little shit children so they can scream when someone is speaking
What does she expect to happen? Change people's minds? Give me a break. She knows the precepts of the church. If she's a lesbian, just leave it.

If she were to quit the church and her parents and community keep trying to force her back in, I would be more supportive of her.
Where is her father?
Seems like a good policy to me, otherwise you end up with gay 12 year olds.
lets say I was born a kleptomaniac. Surely it is God's will for me to give in to every antisocial impulse that crosses my mind, throw a klepto pride parade and demonstrate for klepto rights, right?
Fingered at a sleep over and now she can't keep her mouth shut. WTF is wrong with girls.
In the past, you just fingered away and then talked about boys to assure each other you were not dykes.
Fair point, but this argument that 12 is too young to know is still bullshit. Blatant double standard.
She doesn't know shit.
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you nailed it

god damn it you nailed it
Don't bother, the New Family Structures Study is a pile of garbage. It's been thoroughly trashed.

You can always count on it to turn up in these threads though.
>mormon un-christian cult
>12 year old thinks she lesbian
They promote lesbian couples for several decades now, everywhere. They first broke the taboo and then nurtured and skewed their craving for things a male/female relationship can't provide.

It worked perfectly. Now it's time to do it with males.

Is it desirable to have a society of gay couples? Yes, because childbearing is now a tradeable commodity.

Be gay all you want but understand that the promotion of gay families is a direct way into slavedom. We should not put a price tag on childbearing like we already do with surrogate mothers and tube babies
This! /pol/ is just of homophobes. Homosexuals definitely aren't mentally ill or deranged in any way, and a child raised by two lesbian mothers will be perfectly healthy, probably even healthier than one raised with a disgusting cis white male father in the picture.
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kike fags should be able to defend their weed crops with 50.cal turrets. That is the reason for america
No God hates fags.

Roman 1 :21-28
21Because that, when they knew God, they glorifiedhimnot as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened.

22Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools,

23And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things.

24Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves:

25Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.

26For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:

27And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.

28And even as they did not like to retain God intheirknowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;
When I was 5 years old. I knew I was trans.

I became an enforcer for a group. I've been stabbed, shot at, grazed. Out of probably 100+ fights. I've only had the better gotten out of me 4 times.
I've pimped women, had sex with 9 different girls.
I can hit a target with irons at 500 yards.

It never went away. Why do you people hate what you don't understand?

Was much happier when I transitioned. Now im a suicidal wreck now that I was forcibly detransitioned.

My life was taken by people with your opinions and unless any of you have a PhD? Your opinion can go fuck itself.
Leftism plague working nicely.
> I am who I am, I'm perfect this way! I don't need to improve or change everything is perfect on me, you are haters, bigots and racists.
Children behave like this.

In the meantime of their whimperings, the society that protects and feeds them and that they now hate, built by straight people, is collapsing.

the thing that goes wrong in your development that causes you to be gay can occur by the time you're 12 Ill grant you that, that doesn't sound like too much of a leap. In fact its probably the norm if you think about it. If a kid makes it to 16 with a normal up bringing there is no way they're going to be gay. Whatever abuse, or neglect or accident that causes it, Its got to happen earlier.
>I know I'm not a horrible sinner for being who I am

We were not ready to live in a society free of moral demands.
What an attention whore, even though Mormons are degenerates church isn't the right place to announce your sexual orientation, it's just asking for trouble.
Considering the age for sex is 18 she has quite a few more years to know if she is a lesbian.
That's right anon. Anyone who disagrees with anything at all that could even vaguely be considered "on your side" is the ENEMY. Ascribe as many hateful things as you can to the ENEMY and that way you can justify turning off your brain when is his presence.
"I dont like it so I shall claim it has been trashed. Not by actually debunking any of it but by nitpicking things and usually criticizing minor stuff that cant even be disproven but is seen as "well if I claim X, then that means Y, which means we cant be certain!".

Similar to how the bell curve and other things have been "debunked". Not with actual scientific findings and facts but with opinions and feelings.
Who cares about a carpet-muching Mormon fuckface?
LMAO. They can't reattach your member my dude. You never transition. You're just mentally ill.

I'd say seek help, but at this point do you think you're worth saving?
Good on you church, with that response she learned being "gay" is a poor way to get attention
Nigga, have you even read the criticism of the study?

It's fucking trashed from the ground up.
You do realize the bible is a made up book?
I mean Star Trek is made up too and you can derive a philosophy out of it, but I have yet to see a trekkie who wants to dictate how I should live my life.
>Makes vague claim about stuff they dont like having been debunked
>No actual proof or links
>No proper argument beyond said claim
>Is called out on it
>No guys I'm totes one of you and on your side
>Help Help I'm being discriminated against!

It feels as if you aren't even trying. You are effectively contributing nothing. You are trying to act as divisive and lodge as much criticism as possible while keeping it as vague as possibly so you don't have to back up anything. When called out on it you pretend you are CONCERNED and JUST TRYING TO HELP which pushes you right into concern trolling amongst other things.
You're talking out your ass mate.

>You have to have sex to know your sexual orientation

I am surrounded by retards.
>unless any of you have a PhD? Your opinion can go fuck itself.
That's not how opinions work. If you want to be a princess, do so. Just don't expect me to applaud you.
What the fuck? she fucking looks 7 and she thinks she is a lesbian? It's all the fucking kike bullshit on the media influencing them.
They are after our children. The devil worshiping satanist elite is indoctrinating our children. 12 years old and she already knows what she is? TURN OFF TV & ALL MEDIA away from your kids. The satanist sodomites are targeting the most vulnerable.
Literally google "Regenerus study criticism."

Or do you only believe things that are posted on /pol/?
>criticism of the study
anyway, let's not pretend that all types of parents produce the same kids, that just goes against basic common sense and life experience.

Lol at the fucking attention seeking and sense of entitlement.

"I'm gonna tell a bunch of Christians that i'm mocking their religion and then they'll all love me for it and think i'm so brave"
What the fuck is this autism? Am I missing the joke?
How are you taking any of that seriously?
god made her that way as a test and she failed

Select quotes:
>Regnerus does not check for, or apparently even consider the possibility of, inconsistent, uncertain, and unreliable cases in his data—even though some other items in the NFSS offer some limited means to assess this possibility. For example, Regnerus (2012c) acknowledges that, according to the aforementioned calendar data, over half of the respondents never lived with a parent’s same-sex partner, but fails to mention that many respondents—approximately one-third—also never lived with their same-sex parents or lived with them very briefly.
>The most blatant example of highly suspicious responses is the case of a 25 year-old man who reports that his father had a romantic relationship with another man, but also reports that he (the respondent) was 7-feet 8-inches tall, weighed 88 pounds, was married 8 times and had 8 children. Other examples include a respondent who claims to have been arrested at age 1 and another who spent an implausibly short amount of time (less than 10 minutes) to complete the survey.
>Of the 236 respondents identified by Regnerus (2012a) as living in a LM [lesbian mother] or GF [gay father] household, we identify only 51 that can plausibly be coded as being raised for at least a year in a same-sex couple household.”
>Here we find only four significant differences, although the differences either are not indicative of any LM/GF disadvantage (i.e., sexual self-identification and having a same-sex romantic relationship) or do not gauge adult experiences (i.e., receiving public assistance in childhood and sense of safety and security while growing up). These patterns also are highly fragile and based in part on a couple of influential cases or outliers. ... the results are either inconclusive or suggestive that adult children raised by same-sex two-parent families show a comparable adult profile to their peers raised by two-biological-parent families.
Kids are always used to further political agendas
>12 yo lesbian
And we all know what nose did this.
Jesus. Why is there so much denial on /pol/?
Why come out? I never got this notion. I don't come out as straight, its just something I am. Nobody cares or needs to know that you're gay, just live with it.
you're right t b h, there could be biological imbalances that dont crop up until 16 or later.
The internet was a mistake.

The worst part is instead of realizing her foolishness, she will just double down and retreat to her internet forums where others will reassure she is in the right, that she is brave. Truly sad.
That's my view as well . The only reason these little fags feel like its a big deal is because other gays make it a big deal.
Nigger. I was detransed in jail against my will. Its a fact that people with your opinions FUCKED my kidneys to the point where they can't handle it.
Stupid fuck. Least I can comprehend what I read. Where as your dumbass hasn't a clue what you speak on.

I was HAPPY until my life was taken.
Yeaaah.. Well, when I have a PhD in Philosophy and a BS in Chemical Engineering? Your opinions are rather lack luster.

See like the candian above. I was living my life. Up until a fucking state trooper flirted with me on a traffic stop. Got my ID. Turned hostile when he saw the M on my license. Planted heroin on me and used the needles I had to take hormones with as evidence to support the case.

You people just think we get what ever the fuck we want.

If this happened to you? I doubt you'd be acting like the supreme know it all of every thing.

Especially when your country is killing your race. You should KNOW that feds don't care about what is right.
After a while you get sick of people going "ehh? you're gay? I didn't know that!"

I never got a choice because I got into an argument with a friend who decided to just out me right there to basically everyone, but having to keep a mental checklist of who knows and who doesn't is tiring bullshit.
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I'm very much pro-freedom and anti-shitty repressive semitic desert cults, but dumb overdramatic actions like this are just pathetic attention whoring and should be made fun of and bullied.
fair enough, it seems sloppy. but i wouldn't discard it completely.

it's fundamentally a political statement, just like telling the world you're an atheist.
she was brainwashed into thinking that coming out is brave and will get you attention (this is true) and that you're fighting a good fight...
90% of it is unproven allegiation and soft sciences such as "American psychologist Associations" most of whom are to the far left. Basically nitpicking minor details. Ranging from "supposed misconduct" all the way to "not taking THE KIDS GAY FAMILY".
>the Regnerus study sheds no light on the parenting of stable, committed same-sex couples
"If you do a study, you need to find STABLE GAY COUPLES and only those. Even if they are exceedingly rare, deviate from the norm etc!".

It's ideologically driven criticism coming from the far left and soft sciences. The same people who happily published a study about how "the penis is a social construct" and had it printed aswell as distributed before the author came out and showed that you could get any junk published as long as you abided by the rules these people have set.
religion is the most evil thing in the world Jews Muslims are killing now Christians did it back in the days ....Religion this is why the world is such a Shithole
How gays "procreate":

They get sexually abused as children, and go on to sexually abuse other children.

Pls watch the video. It's eye opening.
well some people would be uncomfortable being in the same room as you because of the pathogens gays tend to carry
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you sure?
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>but i wouldn't discard it completely.
When you consider it was privately funded by the Witherspoon Institute, which is a conservative think-tank that lobbied against gay marriage, the pieces fall into place.

It's up to you how much you decide to trust it. The actual data collected is fine but when you look at how blatant some of the errors have to be, and how perfectly the results line up with the "party line" of the people funding the study, I think you'll probably come to the same conclusion I did.

>The most blatant example of highly suspicious responses is the case of a 25 year-old man who reports that his father had a romantic relationship with another man, but also reports that he (the respondent) was 7-feet 8-inches tall, weighed 88 pounds, was married 8 times and had 8 children. Other examples include a respondent who claims to have been arrested at age 1 and another who spent an implausibly short amount of time (less than 10 minutes) to complete the survey.
Yes, this is truly an invalid criticism of research methodology motivated purely by ideology. Regenerus was absolutely correct to include these responses in his analysis.
Not all queers grew up going to church. If all churches condemned it, the trendiness would be less but there would also be more doing it as a form of rebellion.

Double-double checked.
Here's the thing, the LGBTWHATEVER soup is an incredible broad field in terms of definitions and will happily shift and exclude anyone and anything they don't like or looks bad at a moments notice. The entire thing is from the get go soft and malleable to an extreme degree. It's one of the things they alongside the soft sciences are taking advantage of, that they lack anything you can actually nail them down with.

Which means they will expect to set the parameters, including excluding anyone they want to or doing the opposite. Thus they can both decry any research, study or findings they dislike. While doing whatever the hell they want with their own. A short look at the people criticizing it, looking at the points they're raising then looking at their political alignment is rather telling.

It's the same way they achieve the whole "almost all female archaeologist have been sexually harassed during field work" junk. Which is widely lauded and supported and that got someone to actively get a paper published and peer reviewed that claimed the penis was a social construct.
Yes, and?
>12 year old girl
>loves other girl
And what is the problem? Girls who love other girls are normal. They are technically virgins until they find a husband and change from "lesbian" to normal.

There is not one cute lesbian who doesn't change her sexual orientation after she is above 20. To be fair who doesn't want to fuck women? If a women wants to fuck a women then no harm has been done.
>People give bogus answers
>This is completely unheard of
>This is not countered by having a certain sample group to cut down on the margin of error
Thanks Australian proxxy. I can now sabotage any feminist study or any study whatsoever by partaking and giving bogus answers. Then later pointing towards these! Sure they are statistically insignificant as they are countered by the numbers of responses. And this entire thing is way less severe than a lot of feminist research and their issues, all of which is happily supported by the very same people and institutions!
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>/pol/ thinks 12y old girls aren't completely aware of their sexuality
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t. reddit

Nice meme
Oh god, you're a fag. "HEY GUYS, I'M TOTES ON YOUR SIDE YOU'RE JUST SEEING THINGS!". In short order argues pro far left, anti right, takes unproven criticism the left has at face value, zealously defends the LGBTsoup, etc.

Yes, people are totaly seeing things!
yeah sure keep arguing like an antifa idiot you sound pretty smart .....
so i want to know if a homo is in the room so I can leave. you guys have diseases. also being without inhibition when it comes to sex could bleed over into being with inhibition when it comes to violence, imo, and so Id want to be on guard.
She had visions in her of a climatic scene in a movie where the brave young girl takes on the church patriarchy and wins over the congregation who gives her a standing ovation while the credits roll.
Lesbians don't exist. They fuck men consistently. At best they date women most of the time
Bogus answers should get culled from the data you retard.

>i know nothing about research methodology
>i will launch an intractable feels-based defence of a study i have never even read for hours upon hours simply because it belongs to "my camp" regardless of the merits of the study

Not to mention the improper coding of legit answers.

Anyway, I think I'm done here. The NFSS study is a pile of garbage and anyone with a brain and eyes can read the study I linked here >>130281635 and the selected quotes to find out why. I have shown you the path. It is up to you to walk it.
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>so i want to know if a homo is in the room so I can leave.
So wouldn't you be in favour of homosexuals "coming out" then?

I don't see the relevance of your posts to the Austrian anon's post that I replied to.

I get that you're just trying to slip in pithy insults wherever you can but I've been on /pol/ a long time, friend. You're going to have to try harder if you want to hurt my feelings.
>When you consider it was privately funded by the Witherspoon Institute, which is a conservative think-tank that lobbied against gay marriage, the pieces fall into place.

Not really. As long as the research is legit, I don't care who founds it. Every institution has some political agenda, whether it's pro or against gay marriage or whatever.
Obviously now that being pro gay marriage is mainstream in the US, the big universities probably won't do research that goes against it.
You're just like an SJW. EXACTLY like it.

I've been on /pol/ since it was Libertarian. You people slowly became the thing you hate.
Homos would NOT be voluntarily coming out if I was in charge of the world, I can tell you that
Dumb girl is "lesbian" only because of what the current trends in media tell her what is in. She has barely hit puberty and is letting the rest of the world tell her what to be.
Lesbianism is nothing that a good old beating can't solve.
Who cares what that bitch thinks she is, she's gonna do as her man says.
>"After a while you get sick of people going "ehh? you're gay? I didn't know that!"

So you prefer to come out over and over again whenever you meet new people? For me its useless information, I don't need to know that.
you autists wished you could have as much balls as this little girl does it probably makes your micropenis twitch just thinking how much life wouldve gone right for yourselves if you did
>As long as the research is legit
The research isn't legit, and it's specifically not legit in very obvious ways that a person like Regenerus should have seen that just happen to make it line up with the results Regenerus was being paid to deliver.

Like I said, it's up to you.
>What does she expect to happen? Change people's minds? Give me a break. She knows the precepts of the church.

Pretty much. She thought they would be awed by her wisdom?:

The most interesting thing in the last few years is that people never doubt their desires.
"If I want to do X and society tells me not to do it, society is wrong" is more or less the new ideology of liberalism. No matter how capable the person is to make decisions, if it gets in the way of desire, it is a bad thing.
> In 2015, men accounted for
over 90% of all cases of P&S syphilis. Of those male
cases for whom sex of sex partner was known, 81.7%
were MSM. Reported cases of P&S syphilis continued
to be characterized by a high rate of HIV co-infection,
particularly among MSM.

>With syphilis rates in that population increasing dramatically, a study has found that, if left untreated, the sexually transmitted disease leads to mental confusion, blurred vision, difficulty walking or other serious neurological complications in about 1 in 50 HIV-positive men.

Gay men, especially when already HIV+, are highly susceptible to nuerosyphilis. "When you're already pos, why check for STDs"?
The most promiscuous of the gay community suffering from this debilitation are permanently altered mentally. Leading to, among other things: higher rates of violence, drug use, and sexual abuse.

If homosexuality is to be celebrated in our society let it be for its appreciation towards individual rights. Society loses more than it gains otherwise.
>tranny degenerate
>mentally ill schizo, pathological liar
checks out. kill yourself. you will eventually.
>Evervody clapped, the end. And that little girls name? Albert Einstein.
Same thing happens to me at work when I mention that my wife and I fucked the babysitter. "ehh? you'r into threesomes with teens? I didn't know that." Very tiresome.
>So you prefer to come out over and over again whenever you meet new people?
No, which is why I don't, but I can see why someone who is gay would like to just let everyone in their immediate circle know all at once rather than piecemeal spread out over a few months/years as it was contextually relevant. Not to mention that there's a cathartic element to it as well from what I hear - it's as much about self-acceptance as it is about notifying others. Which is a little selfish, I suppose.

I never got the choice so it's not really up to me to say. You'll want to talk to people who've done it to understand.
>there is no point in time where your sexuality would ever be even contextually relevant
are you slow?
If you use logic. I'll kick your ass back to your cave mudshit. Of course you wont though.
>No, which is why I don't, but I can see why someone who is gay would like to just let everyone in their immediate circle know all at once rather than piecemeal spread out over a few months/years as it was contextually relevant. Not to mention that there's a cathartic element to it as well from what I hear - it's as much about self-acceptance as it is about notifying others. Which is a little selfish, I suppose.
>I never got the choice so it's not really up to me to say. You'll want to talk to people who've done it to understand.
Have you tried speaking with a lisp? That sets of the gaydar for most of us.
>be 12 year old girl
>hit puberty last week
>have 6 hairs on puss
>i is a woamun
>already know I prefer pussy over dick

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I wore a rainbow bangle in uni. It was great.

Of course the modern male is such a faggot at present that even straight guys would do that now.
Dude, you're gay. Just admit it.
dumb bitch doesnt even know about holocaust yet knows shes gay


can anyone just this bitch already?
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>Little girl decides boys are icky
>"I must be LESBIAN! Give me validation tumblr!"
>Teenagers NEVER have sex
Maybe you didn't. Are you still a kissless virgin?
First Google result for the lazy or mobile among us
Why do fags have to pull stunts like this? I never came out as straight.
>proud of being a woman AND being defective
Wtf I love Mormons now
Reminder that Mormonism is a jewish cult
True, but:
Kill yourself
damn. demons are getting bold. I thought they could not breach God's threshold. the church. Oh yeah, that's right I'm not sure if Mormonism is God's word...and fuck her, stupid gay fag.
Sorry I grew up in a community that had morals and values.
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You have to go back
because of gay fags or because they shut her down?
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There's only one God.
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assuming atheists are larpers

The end times, lads.
This. It will be one of those deep personal embarrassing things where you think of it 15 years later and feel like a complete fool still.
>I have zero in the way of proper arguments
>I fall back on simply taking my camps views at face value
>When pointed towards how bogus answers are usually unimportant as long as the sample size at large is big enough I will ignore this
>Bogus answers in other studies dont matter at all
>I by now forget that initially I claimed to be totes part of this camp
>Later admitted to being a fag
>Talk about camp as outsider

You were done quite a while ago.
Dealing with fags is one of the few things muslims ever got right. I used to not care about you guys but the more gay people I meet the more I think you and moreso lesbians are a blight upon humanity.

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Why has being gay become a political stance?

C'mon Ainsley, let's solve this problem together.
God doesn't make anyone gay. It's a choice.


That's how much God hates fags.
4chaners come out as racists in SJW age. So who has balls now, cunt?
>white supremacy ends with me

Eesh, she has no fucking idea how true that is. She ain't superior to shit.
You are the one that is in the wrong
mormons are by far the weirdest christ cult by far
>There's only one God.
Deus Lo Vult
Mormons fuck off and die
>>I fall back on simply taking my camps views at face value
Amusing, considering you're the one championing a study that literally included a dude who claimed to be sent to jail at 1 years old as "evidence" that gays can't raise kids.

I would say ironic but /pol/tards acting like retards isn't really subverting expectations anymore.

This little skank just watched too much gay agenda television
you actually believe God wrote the bible?
you need to grow up
Girls start puberty as early as 9, she's had a good portion of time to work it out. I don't think she's faking it, since Mormons are very repressive of this sort of thing.
>12 years old

god i hate the brainwashing they do to kids these days.
She was hoping to raise a stink.
>Savannah had been asking her parents for months to have the chance to speak in front of her church
There is a testimony meeting the first Sunday of every month. Don't know why she would need her parents permission to go up and speak since it is open mic. Most people adore when their kids go up there to bare their testimony.
You are just gay bro
I was into girls since 5 years old
>Literally using leftypol subversive tactics and slogans now.
Man you aren't even trying anymore. Your first posts were a clusterfuck already but you went down harder than the hindenburg since. You are completely ignoring the fact that if the sample size is big enough, a few bogus answers DO NOT MATTER as their impact on the overall outcome is overall neglibel. Which is one of the reasons the more answers one gets for a study the better. You apparently have never heard of the various factors involved here even as you try to label things "unscientific".

And no I couldn't give a fuck about this study. My issue lies solely with you. You did a complete 180 on your initially claimed allegiance back when you were mocking people for going after you with them supposedly "seeing the enemy everywhere" despite you since coming out as such. You are expecting people to dismiss think tanks, studies etc not on merit but on where they fall on the political spectrum, which would already make you a gargantuan hypocrite. Just to top it off, you were simultaneously expecting people to take nitpicking and minor criticism coming from the left at face value and gospel. You sir, are a clown.
were you sure about being straight at 12 hanz?
have any crushes on girls?
>You are completely ignoring the fact that if the sample size is big enough, a few bogus answers DO NOT MATTER
"Invalid responses being included as valid does not affect the quality of my research" - you.
Because they shut her down, mate.
Of course he did.
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I wonder how long it will take to find her body
>"she must have ran away"
>parental sweatbeads.avi
how can a 12yo be a fag already?
her parents shouldn't have let her watch the TV jew
>I'm the reddtor
>using a name like "TrumpReich"
Pick one
>Be 12 years old
>"Mommy, Daddy, I'm gay!"
>"That's OK honey"
>That's not enough
>Go to church that dislikes homosexuals
>Prepare an entire speech of coming out to complete strangers who have no interest in who you fuck
>Get upset that they dont want to listen to your gay shit

Why the fuck did she do that? Church aside, do you run out on the street and shout "I AM GAY"? No, that's retarded.

At this point it feels like the concept of coming out was designed by gay haters in order to reveal the homos and damage their lives.
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maybe she's tired of wearing that funny looking underwear?

I feel sick reading the youtube comment section. Everybody has drank the lgbt koolaide.

Homosexuality is a death cult and normalizing it has literally destroyed this nation.

We need Shariah law.
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>'God loves me this way... no part of me is a mistake'. Moment a 12-year-old National Socialist girl has her microphone CUT OFF at synagogue as she comes out as hating Jews
>Gisela, a 12-year-old National Socialist, came out to synagoguegoers in New York last month
>The girl bravely stood up in front of members and told them she was an anti-semitic
>She said she was proud God made her that way and no part of her was a mistake
>Two rabbis then cut off her microphone and told her to sit down
>Gisela wrote several drafts of her speech and was left in tears over the ordeal
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The presiding members of the priesthood in that church meeting did the right thing. I did not see them turn off a microphone that was a plane lie. And I am actually surprised that they let her go on as long as she did. The guy who spoke after her affirmed our uniqueness in the eyes of Heavenly Father but the reason her speech was stopped is exactly that it was a speech not a testimony. She worded her speech very cleverly to seem like a spiritual testimony but was really a political speech. Family church meetings 12 years old or whatever her age is - are not a platform for a political agenda.
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tell her she can't produce warriors of christ in her sinfull way if she don't understand beat the shit out of her

When the civil war comes, we need to make exterminating the faggots a priority. They are ALL - and I meant that, 99.9% - degenerates actively working to spread society-destroying values

Luckily every fag posts their degeneracy on social media now so identifying them should be easy
She's totally fucked her dad's chances at being ordained to the high priest's quorum and whatever job he has is going to be much more bleak now that she attacked the community. Good job you little cunt.
The easiest way to fix her attitude is to bring 5 of he biggest blackest men with the biggest cocks they can find to gangbang her and teach her how to love dick. Lesbians are just attention whores or man haters.

A fitting name since it wil be the last
most young girls experiment with each other.

had a coworker who talked about messing around with her 13 year old and they were eating each other out whenever they had sleep overs.

apparently it was a common thing at school and it would be weird if a girl DIDN'T fooled around with another girl at least once.
women deep down cannot actually be gay. Their biological clock does not allow it.
Stupid attention seeking behavior. Every 12 year old is bi or pan sexual because every celebrity it's telling them it's cool.
she looks like she was assembled in a mr. potato head factory
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There's a lot of verification of its truth from other historical sources. See pic related
>A small quantity of invalid responses do not matter as long as the sample size at large was big enough because the error margin they introduce is neglibel. It is specifically WHY in statistics and similar things a larger group is always better and desirable. I am to dumb to understand this or simply want to ignore it where science I disagree with is concerned and my argument would debunk basically every survey ever done as bogus answers and people lying cannot be prevented.
You, a fag.
What kind of sick freak are you, she's 12!
Now now, the others are being big ol' meanies to this lord of the trips.

He doesn't have to be gay, he could be bi as well, which makes him an indecisive faggot.
ill fuck the straight back into her. 8 inch cock and heavy cum loads. ill have her on her knees beggin for my cock to penetrate her for hours a day
>be 12
>I am lesbian now!

No you are not.
I mean, that's demonstrably false, because clearly there are gay women. You can't actually believe that's true.
Guess pol is a Mormon board now
>tfw libs are gonna spin this as the Church hating on gays
>tfw libs will never understand that institutions have rules

I'd love to see her try this at a Mosque

Not only the media, in the schools as well. Now they literally teach young children things like "some boys love other boys and that's OK!".

Public schools is where degeneracy began. Liberals realized teaching was easier than a real job and they seized it early. The end of compulsory education is a necessity to avoid societal groupthink
>full of shit and just wants attention

Looks like it, Tim.
This wouldn't have anything to do with fag-enabler Glenn Beck's influence in the Mormon church.
Nope, not a bit.
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what're you going to do about it, /pol/?

once it was outlawed
now it's voluntary
to arms! before it's mandatory!
She's homely and not even an oppai loli. Yuck.

EVERY study like this gets bogus answers by its very nature. It would be unscientific to throw out responses because you dislike what they are. Studies let the data determine the facts.

You can show one or two things like that for every study. What matters is the overall methodology.
She probably watches (((Stephen Universe))) or some other propaganda cartoon. And she did a good job coming out, because now the whole fucking world knows she's gay. I'm sure they'll find her hanged in her closet, unfortunately/unironically
She can't just say she's gay she has to say it over and over again until everyone gets annoyed by the redundancy. Pretty typical.
Attention whore, throw off a building.
They are either making up, taking advantage, or exaggerating these stories in order to actually cause this type of thing within very religious and closely-knit societies like the Mormons.

The Mormons, in my opinion, are respectable. The Mormons are devout in worship, and although they may be worshiping idols, they have the right sort of dedication they should be showing to the true lord.

But because of their piety and devotion to Religion and Order, the Jews do not want any remnant of Religious Traditions and Devotion, so they fabricate or exaggerate, or take advantage, of these situations in order to destroy people as devout as Mormons.
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>Being made up
Just like every other girl her age. Dkes she even know what a actually dick is?
If they would allow her to just figure it out and not be so judgmental and be a support for her I would bet she wouldn't be gay.
I fucking hate that, they want to claim everyone is freaking wrong because they don't want to hear their faggot bullshit
K man
That's some major bullshit right there.
>12 year old
>sexual identity

Her piece of shit parents have her brainwashed. She doesn't even know what she is saying. They were right to cut her off and I hope they sit her down and show her the other side of things but its already too late. Really, the parents need to be held responsible for this sort of shit.

More manufactured controversy in a dying empire that's on its last legs. We're going down the same way Rome did.
lol she'll be taking multiple cocks at once before she turns 18.

Lesbian 12 year old girl, come on.
Who knows Mormons can be screwy
She doesn't even have developed breasts yet. If she hit puberty already then she's better off munchin carpet.
>kids in the background, talking and making noise.

Always. Always. I don't even want to go tot church anymore because I can barely hear the priest over all the damn undisciplined kids. Fucking modern parents.
We are all born with original sin; just because we have an urge to commit evil does not mean that we were born evil, or “born that way.”

Of course God loves you, where is it said or written that God does not love gays?

Of course we should be kind, or nice, to gays, where is it written that we should not be kind to gays?

"A horrible sinner for being who I am," why do you identify yourself with a sin? If I enjoy stealing, and have an urge to steal, shall I tell God that he must accept me the way he made me, and that I am not a horrible sinner for being who I am?

"I believe God would tell me I am wrong" – he is, by having your elders tell you to sit down and shut up. You are twelve.
you mean coward!
she can get guys so she licks clam with other losers
Burn her by the stake how dare she do this in a church.
Religion is a bulwark for society.
what is that comic?
just give her a good dicking
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Someone in America is gay? Holy shit!
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So if a guy goes to church and says I want to fuck chickens. OOOO he's so brave, Na I don't think so. This shit needs to be stopped. What you want to fuck is not a handicap it is just backward. We know a retard is a retard an octogenarian is an octagenarian, a weebo is a weebo. Fuck everyone wants a god damn badge for bullshit. Fuck I hate what this country has become a bunch of god damn whiny faggots that didn't get spanked enough growing up.
label, divide, and conquer.

Truly they are the most despicable subverters in recorded history.
>>Savannah wrote several drafts of her speech and was left in tears over the ordeal

Are we really supposed to care. Bishop should have suplexed her
Very few girls are actually lesbian. I can guarantee in the next few years she's going to get dicked and have another existential crisis.

Lesbians do hookups with men all the time and make up the excuse that they aren't actually attracted to men. "They're just lonely" or "they're only attracted to women emotionally".
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Mormon here.
I'm glad that she got her mic cut off.
This disease is infecting the church like it has the Catholic Church. It starts with feminism and female empowerment and all goes downhill. I originally only saw the video and it was all like, wow such brave, much amazing and I contracted cancer and shut off the video. Now I'm disappointed I didn't watch more. Worst part is, a Mormon friend in utah posted this junk.
Reason this was such a big deal is because this hasn't happened before.
But I still have faith.
Another thing, this is kike nonsense I'm the media at its finest. We were lampooned for proposition 8 in CA, and now (((they))) will attempt to use this as leverage.

I think you have a point. The bible, though maybe inspired by god, was written by and for man. Maybe there is nothing wrong with taking another look at it and deciding maybe some parts could be reconsidered.
In the media*
REEEEEEEE phoneposting
Stakes are too high these days. Fight, fight for your life.
All lesbians need corrective rape.

Being gay with your bros while wrestling sometimes is alright, though.

I accept you.
you sound straight to me desu. never watch homoporn again or you will be summarily executed.
Pro tip for the good people who are left, Mormons are easy to redpill, it's a belief of ours that there's already a concentrated effort to bring down western civilisation and religion, all you need to do is just point out to your mormon friends the source and how to fight it.
We know though that even some of the best of the best people will even stray from the path.
Many kids being born nowadays are soulless chattle, don't let them fool you. Narcissist epidemic and reprobates.
lesbians dont exist, women are either bisexual or bisexuals that have had bad experiences with men and use it as an excuse not to date men, they are childlike blobs or estrogen that act on urges and will fuck anything and anyone and it's the job of a man to insure they dont end up like dumb bitch youtubers that try to convince people to fuck dogs.
You ever wonder why a lot of ancient civilizations came to the conclusion that sexuality needs to be controlled. Maybe there is something to that? A good portion of civilizations falling went along with sexual awakenings.

Mongolia fell after they started doing weird sex performance art.
Rome and greece after they got into gay orgies
Iberian Spain when all the spanish men got tired of geting cucked by muslims and started killing shit.
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That's right goy, children are so terrible aren't they! Don't have any. Ideology is more important than race anyway! Uhehehehe
i want off this ride
As I understand it, Mormons seem to have a pretty good thing going.

Why jeopardize it?
Mormons have always kept their hate of communism and has a lot of ties to the FBI so i can appreciate them.
The Mormon church is perfect for her. She will be the perfect Sister Wife
We do.
The Jews are doing their damndest to subvert the rising generation
Mate, we hate communism with a burning passion. And the Three letter agencies like us because we try to not be retarded and a decent few are bilingual
good post

>falling for the fag propaganda this hard

Why are homosexuals hell-bent on sexualizing children?

now lets see her go be brave in iran or londonistan
why don't you faggots let trannies in
I literally dindu nuffin :^(
If you are one of ten wives, you better be gay or your pussybox will rot.
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>Leviticus 18:22(KJV) - Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination.
>Leviticus 20:13(KJV) - If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them
I'm too nice to say you'll burn in hell etc.
But God has some pretty strong things to say.
Simple goy, rising or next generation. Take out and confuse the youth who are the strongest force we have in fighting degeneracy and you have subverted multiple generations.
hmmmm i wonder why

there couldnt possibly be a correlation between homosexuality and pedophilia could there?
just hit puberty, brainwashed since birth.
12 year olds will say they are gay the way 5 year olds say they are a truck. their weak minded parents allowed them to be (((programmed)))
next they'll pharmaceutically stop her puberty completely and start hormones to transition her into a man and cut her up to make blood filled skin rolls on her leg to craft a she-dick in 17 months. and she'll be 14.
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Are Mormons the last non-cucked Christian denomination?

If her family really want to virtue signal let them take in some muslim men made homeless from the Grenfell Tower fire in London. She'll soon be pregnant and forget about the whole lesbian thing.
Or the astronomical rates of homosexuals reporting being abus-
We try but Satan is working hard...
No prohibition for women to fuck. Men had many wives. If you think the guy was not bringing them all to his bed at the same time you are a Newfag.
Mormon here. Simple answer: not the place.

Mics get cut off for all kinds of reasons. I saw a mic get cut off in Virginia when someone started talking about how blacks are inherently evil for what their spirits did before coming to this earth. A Korean elderly lady got hers cut off in my ward for saying she was scared that Obama was leading the usa down the same path she saw in Korea when she was young.

Bottom line: a 12 year old girl looking for attention is nothing new
Says nothing about lesbians, only faggots.
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I'm starting to think we call it Marxism but I think it's far worse than we can imagine. This is like have you read Suter Kain shit from the movie the Mouth of Madness.

>following old Jewish law
Who gives a shit what some old book of fairy tales says you cucked faggot pos
she'll get Mormoned and have 12 kids, which is her natural duty.
4chan is and always has been counter culture. You just gotta follow the boards because each one slowly falls to literally faggotry.
He, yeah. If only they cut the mic more often at testimony meeting.
There's always that one guy.
He gets up, welp, here we go...
Then again, Mormons aren't Christians, so who cares.
It's hard to hate a 12 year old girl even if she is a christcuck
progessive as fuck. thank you jews for destroying the sanctity of american childhood in a new way. The whole secret pedophile rings thing is so played out. getting people to deny it is always easier and (((cheaper))) though.
Her parents shouldn't have took her to those movie theaters or let her watch television.

When the Prophet once again allows polygamy are you going to take a second wife.
>implying that 4chan or /pol/ has gone through multiple ideologies
>implying it's not just going through a natural progression to the best and most right ideology as /pol learns more
who gives a shit? why is this using pixels and computer resources? OP's a Faggot and loves faggots
Mormon as well.
Polygamy 2: Electric Boogaloo will never happen. I sure as hell hope it doesn't.

Finally, some good news!
Don't bother, 0,02 $ have been deposited in your account.

Sources: https://pastebin.com/aiTLKLJc
Hell no. I can't even handle the one I got.
You go girl - mormons are a do-gooder cuck cult
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after last years election this is everyone's facebook reddit style homepage they've attached their ego's and identities to.
I keep seeing all these niggers addicted to coming here everyday just to feel some validation for basing their whole identity on the idea of being an oppressed victim, hatefully held back from potential they are SO sure they have.
Why would she care what those people think? She isnt muslim, she is mormon coming out to her fellow mormoms. Luckily they have enough restraint to just tell her to sit down and not throw her off a 10 story building or burn her to death because of it.
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>implying your use of pixels is any better
At least OP is pointing out a pretty big issue. If I didn't know better... shlomo...
That's the point, they can drive each other crazy and you can play them off each other to an extent. Islam has this shit right I concede.
Mormonism is such a batshit insane religion, I have absolutely no respect for its adherents.

>Mormon Jesus
>muh (sekret) tablets
>magic undies
>Jews colonized America!!!!

I mean, come the fuck on.
You did not answer. Will you respect the Prophets decision.
One more thing: why are they recording sacrament meeting? That's a no no. I tried to audio record my third kids baby blessing as i gave it and felt like a Russian spy sneaking into the an important meeting in the white house the whole time. Recording ended up sucking anyway
religion still exists?
in 2017?
I am polytheist
all great gods
Sad as shit isn't it. When you need to go to a 2003 chat board to feel oppressed. Bring back spankings before it's too late. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iRscbQQVRTY
Except in most polygamous mormon relationships the wives had separate dwellings, sometimes in different towns completely
Its also funny to see the lurking normies burst out constantly with their programming
"racist fuck" and anti trump, anti white, anti USA garbage. they don't come here to say these things. they come here because they are starving. unfortunately its more for attention and truth...
Sold. I'm fucking Mormon now.
You make a fair point. I think what /pol is unfortunately like you said the pile of vomit that people throw up on when they feel the need to vent. White men who are coming to grips with how crappy life can be for them in a lot of ways. They're coming to grips with it. I felt a similar anger and if a place is empathetic to the anger you naturally come back
Then you finally grow a pair and do some thing about it.
Be patient with those who aren't there yet.
I'll respect him as the prophet but I sure as hell won't get multiple wives. I think the majority of the church would freak out. Masses of people will leave for sure. But it won't happen.
But they aren't really Mormons
They get booted out hardcore from the proper faith and they go form their rapey little communities. Where paedophilia is rampant. But sure, go ahead.
Why she has to bring her gayness to the church? Go crave for attention somewhere else
It was only REQUIRED of certain men the first time, namely prophets and apostles. The lay members didn't have to practice it if they didn't want to. But, yes, I would support the church's right to make that decision to again instate plural marriage
Because of Uncle Sam, what does that tell you?
if you arent pure you're trash
Well when the Prophet changes his mind the will be proper Mormons.

By the way, let me be the first to tell you that you are going to Hell for rejecting the teachings of the Book of Mormon on polygamy.
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not even surprised, they're not even saved
Oh I'm a dumb faggot!
Really not going to have this argument because it is pointless. The teachings on polygamy are clear. You have hardened your heart and will never know the Celestial Kingdom

My question remains, when the Prophet allows polygamy are you going to submit to his will.
You will never ever be a real girl.
>tips fedora
Anon when you grow up you'll realize that the mythology of a religion is secondary to the moral and social organization that it facilitates.
Yes mormonism seems silly if you look at TBoM, but it seems a lot less silly if you look at the culture they've built that is like a factory for productive, nice, well-adjusted people with big white families.
Nah my man, God said so, that's why.
But I'm sure that Uncle Sam provided a lot of encouragement to do so.
You mean where it says its not lawful and bad? Geeze, if I'm going to hell for following that teaching of the book of Mormon, a lot more people are in trouble then...
Can't the Jews stop. Do you know how painful it is to live Jesus, go to church and hear about how the Jews are still the chosen people? How we eventually will have to side with them when the big old end of the world comes? But you knkw they will just see you as a product or a tool to manipulate but people still close their eyes to that? Feelsbadman.bat
I just want people to see...
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>subhuman ape

Go away Shlomo. It's your fault this happened.
Use the New Testament, faggot.
>Romans 1:26–27
>1 Corinthians 6:9–10
>1 Timothy 1:9–1
>Jude 1:7
>Matthew 19:4-6
>Mark 10:6-9
Forcibly, that the key word there isn't it. You can't consent to sex until 18 but you can consent to change your gender? Life is miserable & unfair & that what worries me that far worse will happen to a greater majority once the floodgates are opened. With your pain that you need help for imagine the ocean of anguish that we may unleash by dogmatic gender enthusiasts. Shit, I would pity fuck you just to get you buy.
You mam I am commanded to take a second, third or thirteenth wife? Yes. Given the option? No
>12 year old once again falling for the jewish subversion
We really need to step up our brainwashing game or else the jews will just keep winning. How to brainwash 12 year olds to announce how they're proudly nazis instead?
Men are prohibited from homosexuality. It was allowed for women. Language to the contrary was added after the

Is there some kind of purging that happens each year to fix this?
Shes a fucking 12 year old how can she be a lesbian? how is she any sexuality? she probably hasnt even had a period yet why does she know so much about this shit and why does she care. so much degenerate shit all around us no wonder the kids turn out wierd
Thank you for your honest reply
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shoo shoo cuckaloo
Don't bother. He's a cheeky jewish shill. Don't let the Jews cause any more harm then they're doing in church already...
See, this interests me a lot. I said before, you want someone easy to redpill, it's a Mormon, all the pieces are there, they'll accept it. But also for the normies I always want to find SOMETHING I can do. Redpill turns to blackpill with no direction
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_f5ojDWMpV8 I think there is some promise on the horizon on that front.
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Winner winner chicken dinner
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Yesssss, that's right go- er, girl, that means you're a lesbian! Forever! Sexuality and preferences never change! Accept the way you were born! Never mind doing those hormones coursing through your body doing crazy things to your mind and thought process, you're a lesbian!!
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