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Why is it that attractive men make the worst leaders?

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Why is it that attractive men make the worst leaders?
because they dont know the cruel reality of life, of how it is to be ugly and unwanted / a midget who is looked down on constantly
They never had to face hardship.

President "Just B Urself" was treated to a lifetime of effortless love and acceptance and was never told no for anything he wanted. How can he possibly know what struggle is?
Because women vote them into office.

You know, there was a great Austrian-born leader who once wrote a book about struggle.
When 50% of the population votes for them based on looks and not on policy, they can be retarded and get away with it
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was pic related a bad leader?
The got into their position using that as help.
consider him a hero
They never had to work to achieve 99% of things
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not as such what came after
How the fuck does Trudeau look both feminine and masculine at the same time? Is this what being attractive is like? Is this the power of Cuban-white racemixing?
I think the fact that he has a very low IQ and is dim witted contributes more to his lack of leadership skills than his looks do.
Oh, and never having to struggle for anything in your life also factors in.
Yes, but the current government in Russia considers him a good leader like Gorbachev.
Because he's a fucking woman.
gorbachev sold russia to the west as a colony
i guess trump is an outlier
What are you talking about, Obama was handsome as fuck.
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That's a rare picture of my son.

>said pic related
Damn, lestat looks like THAT?!
half Cuban
β€œIn politics we presume that everyone who knows how to get votes knows how to administer a city or a state. When we are ill... we do not ask for the handsomest physician, or the most eloquent one.”
― Plato
Because their lives were easy. Easy times make weak men, weak men make terrible leaders.
people with poor facial symmetry make better leaders. Physiognomy is real.
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>Why is it that attractive men make the worst leaders?

Is that you, Prince William??
Not all ugly guys are good leaders but all good leaders are ugly guys.
too self absorbed to think about what their people need, it takes sacrifice to lead men
Its this
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>good leader
I voted for him but its been six months he hasn't even started the fucking wall.
How exactly does cruelty make someone a better leader?
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he is a born leader, literally gorgous

he was a tommy hilfiger model, hes an amazing person:
>tommy hilfiger
>air diving instructor
>champion fisherman
>chess grandmaster ELO 2473
>scuba diver
>mensa chair member (IQ 149)
>board certified electrician
>bachelors in electrical engineering
>brown belt 3rd cord in krav maga
>bachelors in physics
>masters in law

literally just try and fuck with him, mentally or physically
hes ugly though.
the correction is "why do rich kids make the worst leaders?"
It makes their followers more dedicated and obedient. In an instrumental sense, that's a better leader.
Surely you didn't think leadership was a reward for moral rectitude?

This. Ann Coulter was right, women never should have been given the right to vote.
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Tom Brady is a pretty good leader

t. Pats hater
um, try again sweetie
>T.bitter ponyfags
lol he was a tommy hilfiger model

project more faggot
>Is this what being attractive is like?

For men, yes. It has to do with a woman's menstrual cycle, and which traits in man indicate the ability to simultaneously provide protection while also being nurturing to the mother's young.
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hes a literal god
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God's like to fuck kids in exchange for power do they?
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>My dick is very tolerant of your pussy, for I am a rockin' hard feminist
>I stand up for diversity of technique in the bedroom
>In my opinion, all men should be feminists. They must respect their wives' decision to have sex with me instead of them.
>I treat women with equality and respect. I always ask them if they want me to come inside or outside.
>Why do women want my cock? Because it's 2017.
>I am ashamed of my white privilege. I continually oppress women of all races with my cock.
>If you let your wife have sex with me, you win.
The ancients were pretty hot
Because they don't think for themselves. They do as they're told.
>How exactly does cruelty make someone a better leader?
Check out The Prince by Machiavelli to get a detailed answer to that question.

>rich trustfund baby did a lot of sports and got a bunch of degrees, held a bunch of useless jobs
>ergo ubermensch

He's mentally a 12 year old from what I picked up from his interviews. You could probably make him wet himself when interrogated by police or w/e. Nothing indicates real character in that dope.
How is that even considered attractive? Everything about him is odd looking.
Oh it's not only men. Beautiful women are stupid too. Handsome men are feminine alot of the time
>Why is it that attractive men make the worst leaders?
Is that a man? I thought it was a chick.
>t. ugly poo in loo

joke for ya-what do you call a handsome indian man?

>when you flip a coin and get tails four times in a row, so by the time you finally get heads you're sick of gambling
Truedo is not attractive, are you on acid?
>those eyebrows
>that adams apple

kek burgers are dumb. if your girlfriends been looking like him i have bad news for you...
Listen closely.
It teaches them the value of mercy.
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You seem very confused and jealous, Trudeau-ruled anon.
People tend to fawn over attractive people, allowing them to receive more than they give. Popularity vs Problem Solving.
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maria romanov is such a cute.
I am a little jealous. How does he have the balls to doom an entire nation to cuckoldry? Even I wouldn't have the guts to personally knell the bells of Canada's downfall.
hes pretty cute desu

pity hes in another country.
There are two kinds of attractive men (sometimes a combo of the two):

1. Pretty boys (like Trudeau) who are used to women fawning over them like men lust over women. These men often had daddy issues, oedipal problems. They don't have to develop competitive natures and favor feminism nominally because they get better treatment from women and love hogging female attention.

2. Masculine men (Putin is a manlet but fairly attractive man's man) who compete for women and socialize with men, resolved their oedipal complex correctly (if we are to believe that jew trick is real), and do not need to display their own 'beauty' for feminine approval. Instead Putin displays his muscles or manliness, which has fallen out of favor these days to the point it is mocked. I don't see too many people mocking Trudeau for his boxing match publicity because he's eye candy.
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Take a moment to look at the picture you posted I would shoot that thing on sight and send tanks in to get it it ain't fucking human.
IIRC ronald reagan had a majority of the womens votes just because he was attractive
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Excuse me?
Women will always vote for who they find attractive. Reagan also won men substantially because he was a good governor
Not all attractive men
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Can this man even come close to out-alpha-ing True Cock?
putin is a bad example

biden is a better one
he seriously looks like tom cruise in interview with the vampire in this pic
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You realize that his primary targets are not Canadian? He is dooming the whole world to cuckoldry. We have no choice other than to bow down to his superior penis.
That little girly faggot boy isnt "handsome"

Jesus christ the numbers never lie
maybe in america, not over here tho.
the ancients may have been absolutely hideous for all we know. there was no photography and few saw them up close. they were into adorning themselves and changing their appearance. depictions of them that considerably glorified their looks and flattered them were the norm. if you created a stone bust of trump and gave it decent hair you'd never know how ugly he looks in the flesh.
It's only because Im not 35 yet. Just another 15 years
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Caesar famously fucked all of the senators wives and a foreign queen, I highly doubt he was ugly.
Rasputin was an ugly fuck too but he slept with the entire royal family because of his perversions.
all the tzars senpai n shit theres many cases your appearance ain't whats important in darkness.
The problem wasn't the leader, but the system. It raised him to rule the country so horribly that communism seemed ok. He was actually kind of based otherwise.
What? I wasn't arguing about his appearance I was saying beauty is in the eye of the beholder and that I am not attracted to him.
it wouldn't matter if he was ugly though. the power was the appeal.

bill clinton isn't great looking, trudeau's dad was gross, but they both scored a lot and are considered ladies' men ... or well, in clinton's case a lot of it was rape. justin trudeau is objectively good looking but very likely stays faithful to his wife, that is if he isn't off fucking other men
>sexy Hitler
Confirmed Hitler to be greatest and most attractive leader
The only thing I was arguing was this

But he fucked all the senators wives when he was just a military officer
denial much?
Guys got the mentality of pre-teen when you watch him speak instead of the dumb ,thirsty bitches fawning over how smart and handsome he is.
Let's not forget his upbringing, especially with his mom being a huge whore and party girl.
rasputin is hot to women. tall, dark, mystical, creepy. big nose = big dick (jews excepted). dark triad appeal
>trudeau's dad was gross
Fidel Castro wasn't ugly.

castro jr
this suddently reminded me of what will happen after trump's impeachment
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He stated that "Canada is the first first post national nation in the world"

He says "Uhhh" every 2 seconds

He praises feminism and claims Quebec is the true heart of Canada, going so far as to state that the other provinces need to "get with it".

He sucks the globalist cock and reads from the globalist songsheet.
that's because all british men are fucking ugly
He has absolutely no idea how society works because he's gone his entire life living a life where everyone, especially women, treat him kindly and lovingly.

No wonder he's a hardcore feminist when the average girl would jump into a fire to pull him out. No wonder he's a globalist when the average stranger is receptive to him because he's universally considered above average to attractive.

He can't represent the average man because he's not the average man.
i cant wait to kill communists
>women get the right to vote
>world leaders change over night from older, successful men to young pretty boys

a cursory look over the portraits of previous presidents demonstrably proves this.
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I do genuinely wonder if his looks are an asset given the vanity of the international media.

He approved a bunch of pipelines (clearly not all of them), did pic related, and last I checked we are still clubbing baby seals, but the international media has been nowhere near as harsh with him, and in-turn Canada, as they were with Harper.

Fuck, we are literally one of the world's top arms exporters and the international media doesn't say shit about that because he has a cool tattoo.
This shouldn't even be a question. It's been proven times and times again that the benefits of being gl'ing are endless. Attractive people are always assumed to be kinder, more intelligent, morally superior, etc... The opposite applies too. Even here where people claim to be redpilled a big, hooked nose is automatically associated with a slew of terrible character traits.
My mom's story
probably because hes doing zog's legwork?
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Is Trudeau a werewolf?
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Anon, I...
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What is it with people who have that black line through their eye.
u r bitter tho.
not a black line its iris color, looks like brown. few, if any have only 1 colour in their iris.
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>Why is it that attractive men make the worst leaders?
Solid theory. Ralph Nader would make an awesome president/primeminister.
Sorry but we talk politics here not about playing with balls.
>Retard Kangaroo Face

Vatican-Roman "Catholics" are ugly inside and out.
He was also a corporate shill and a terrible leader.

Beavis: Butt-head, the jews really dropped the ball while we were gone, it's like, they made the entire world go stupid or something---

Butt-head: Uuuh--huhuh.. uh. What uh... is that

Beavis: Don't press that it's for the---

>It has to do with a woman's menstrual cycle
Now I'm wondering if there's ever been a study that looks at how women vote during their menstrual cycles. Someone should get Gad Saad on this!
He looks like my grandma
Julius Caesar was pretty attractive I think (fucked a lot of sloots) and he was a good leader.

This worthless fucker had great hair. I blame the women of Canada for electing the son of a Cuban dictator and a French whore.
do you even know history?
Because these people are already brainwashed. Case in point - Emma (the Jewess) Watson
this x10000 times.

Bastard son of Castro
This particular one never had to work a single day in his life. No real life experience. Had everything given to him on a silver platter. They are completely disconnected from the population they govern. This means they never have to live with the consequences of the legislation they pass (e.g. mass muslim immigration).
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shitskin detected
Trudeau is too effeminate to be considered attractive.

His problem is twofold:
One: too much estrogen. Two: He's Canadian.
>have a beta cuck personality

How did this happen? Or is it just pandering?
Is he secretly an alpha but just playing the feminist sjw retard to get ahead?
Is pretending to be a cuck to achieve your power alpha or beta?
Literally all bullshit
Attractive men have no respect for pain.
>attractive men
posts picture of ugly leaf woman. How else could it sit like that comfortably?!
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He's not even ""attractive".

He looks average has fuck.

Weird eyebrows, retarded hair, penis nose, tiny upper lip, weak philtrum, and even though he has a visible "chiseled" jaw, it's shaped awkwardly as fuck.
>2/10 would not bear children
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I've always thought Trudeau was effeminate and weird looking
Those facial features... he's the spitting image of Fidel.
>anthony blair
>gordon brown
the last handome candidate for PM britain had was thatcher
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>ywn save tatiana from the bolsheviks
>implying kindness is a virtue for leaders
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More than just a little.
>tfw i own that shirt
Is this why Putin is president of Russia?
Since when are purple lips handsome?
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>do you feel in charge?
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because they are fags
But Trump is ugly.
>attractive men
He looks like a woman, and not a good looking woman.
Same reason women do.
what are the new flags, god this looks stupid
Thank you.

that's not stalin fucktard

his mom was a commie whore

women are so fucking stupid. they shouldn't allowed to vote.
wow for once i agree with a commie
good job pinko
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