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How do you feel about hundreds of shitskins burning like a crisp

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How do you feel about hundreds of shitskins burning like a crisp inside a giant commie tower?
quick rundown on the victims?

area of town?

racial make up?
Like 98% muzzies

Where did you get that flag?
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jet fuel?
It's in far west london where the shitskin percentage is very high. But in tower blocks you will only get shitskins, no white people.

When you post, you can change your flag now.

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They got jewed
> muslims burn in a tall tower
oh the irony
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They've become blacked
I'd not heard about this in the (((news))). What was the percentage of whites vs browns in there?
Prevented 7 or 8 terrorist attacks, I'd reckon.
Couldn't care less. No interest at all.

When there are homeless Brits sleeping rough how the fuck can literal refugees get homes?
Can't melt steel beams
You guys have no idea how good this is for the fire safety business

Phone is off the fucking hook. IM THE JEW NOW.
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I have seens some interviews on the news,only niggers and shitskins.

Press f for the bongs
How many really died?
17 confirmed at the moment but I doubt hundreds
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haha really?

only muslim nigger died?
Was this another masonic ritual?

The tallest building there in such an odd area for it.
this there's some huge ass irony there. :)))))
Homemade muzzbomb went off occidentally in a flat, fridge exploding cover story in place.
I feel like the upcoming race war just got a whole lot easier if a single spark can fry hundreds of kebabs.
I hear people say don't use a tragedy to promote politics but radio 5 live is using the whole thing to frantically push multiculturalism. Unbelievable shit.
I bet 10 shekels that it was arson, and a false flag that will get nationalists arrested.
It's a good start
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Are you retarded? It's front page news on CNN, BBC, Dailymail etc.

All the victims are muslims and shitskins. Pic related.

Not something I want to gloat over or anything. Its sad to see people have their lives taken away from them decades early and in such brutal fashion, especially kids. Even when it comes to none whites.

That said, doesnt change the fact that I consider shitskins as a whole to be a total cancer on society, and want them out of Europe, by force if necessary.
So is pretty much a ghetto?
Same as a I felt when Manchester bombing happened. Absolutely nothing. England is a shithole.
It's unfortunate but it's a symbol of what Anglo-Saxon society has become, fill social housing with muslim immigrants from Africa and other 3rd world shitholes and turn it into a ghetto and then have the jews refurbish it at the lowest possible price so that when a fire breaks out everyone inside dies and hence the burning tower is a symbol of the failed policies of globalism.
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Best news I've heard all day. Wish that would happen every day.
Wouldn't people be saying that they heard a large blast or at least some sort of blast?
Jihad fools can't melt British steel beams.
Imagine the smell
I'm running around the house cheering!
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Only hundreds? I'dbe surprised if the kikes don't throw a few extra 0's on.
But not 6 gorillion.No one will ever have 6 gorillion again.
Deus Vult
Fuck all you racisttttt naziiiiii white supremicists /pol/ bastards.

You see a shitskin. You see a dirty nigger.

I see a doctor an engineer, a lawyer, a professor.

May Allah the merciful have mercy on your souls. Inshalom brothers.

Yup, look at this post:
I wish.
a hoax
Is this a new meme?
How will the media blame this on white Brits?
I see a pile of ash.
It's a start.
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Sure thing Abdul

Really? thats ridiculous. I cant even begin to understand how they equate that with "multiculturalism is good"

Multiculturalism is good because it means you get to watch shitskins in low rent housing burn? wut?
Its fucking six million
fucking gassed and incinerated
poof ... up in smoke
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I now see the use for these flags. modest keks were had.
The european governments have been building these massive shitskin towers all over our western european towns to enforce multiculturalism.

I see it everyday, nice little towns that were once 100% white but then the gov builds a giant commie block like OP and then it's suddenly 50% white 50% shitskin. You create a ghetto in the blink of an eye.

>Scummy tower of degeneracy in neo-Islamabad burns to the ground

Burn baby, burn.
based exploding fridge
What a shame.

Multiculturalism is good because it means you get to watch shitskins in low rent housing burn? wut?

Its one of the few upsides
I am milk
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It's funny seeing all the threads of outrage on /pol/ about people tweeting that Republicans deserve to be shot at and how sick/violent the left is, meanwhile we have posts laughing about innocent people being burned alive.
Bunch of hypocrites
Because "oh wow look at all these different colours and people's and religions helping each other in a time of need! People may have reservations about multiculturalism but look how wonderfully it's working here!"
Literally what was said
They're building one smack bang in the middle of town centre here. Literally 99% white working class town. They're in for a ride awakening lad. Some of us here are waiting to burn the place down, after the cunts move in.
You have poor judgement. More than half of muzzies worldwide can't even read.
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More fuel for Molech's fires.
The media has been going on about muslim heroes and shit from day 1. News media kikes' agenda will never fail to take advantage.
not me
I actively taunt them (lefties)
I hope they do attack more
I want more violence, not less.

The violence is good, we need to bring it back.
Im not kidding either. I could write a whole essay on why its neccessary, and why the sooner the better.
>be an immigrant in korea
>hate immigrants in western countries

You realize how retarded you are, right?

Ah the "free Muslim taxi rides" type approach.
>Implying I read anything except the Guardian.

No mention of it there yet. I'm sure Ramadan Islam is writing an opinion piece this instant with closed comments section about how Muslims are the primary victims of skyscraper mass death incidents.
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I love you, neighbour.
Here, have a babby dinosaur.
I'm on rotation here

>Closed comments section

Kek. So true.
Oh muzzies can read
Many are literate in multiple languages

they just pretending to be stupid
they got better things to do then have to find a job .... like build bombs, fuck goats, rape kids
I think for their own safety immigrants should no longer be accepted into the country. It is just too dangerous for them.
>4 white people pictured

How can /pol/ even make it past the CAPTCHA tests?
1. put all your undesirables in commie tower
2. update the facade of your commie tower so it will burn better
3. wait
4. profit

Urban intellectuals win again.
Local media promised me a video of a burning child jumping from level 22
Could anyone share it?
>We need some animation gifs of a refrigerator flying into that building.
oh, military huh.
OK i guess.
Go back to hiding behind a commie flag, leaf.

None of these shit skins added anything to society, even if the politicians ante a bunch of corrupt pedos, they are a symbol of our government institution.
One that the shitskins want to destroy I might add
>white people

You know there are shitskin races who look kinda white but aren't, right?
I don't see a single whitey, and whiteys who live among shitskins are shitskins anyway.
We are just mimicking what the left does.
They want nazis? They get nazis!
a few old white people only, replacement migration in full force, I doubt many would have been in the country more that 15/20 years
How do you feel about this Interview?
You guys need to shut the fuck up about these innocent people being "shitskins" and how they "deserved" this. You guys are nothing but edgy 13 year olds who hide behind a keyboard.
There is an upside to this. Thats why I encourage the violence.

You say they want to destroy the government.
Yes yes .... let your anger flow.

it all has to burn now brother .. it is the only way forward ... the sooner the better ... while we still have the numbers
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Wonder if it smelled like kebab/gyro meat?
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That was just Superkebab, trying to rescue some people
It feels liberal and progressive
"deserve" has got nothin to do with it
Communism works!
Kensington and Chelsea is one of the richest boroughs, but it's like India where you have the extreme rich and extreme poor that are nearby.

It's weird.
that old guy on the top right with a yellow shirt doesn't look like a shitskin at all
more like an alcoholic
"Hundreds" as a quote, I see. Where did they get that number from, a random Twitter account? It's a fucking far cry to get from 17 to at least 200.

That said, the muddies should've stayed in their own countries, maybe they'd still be alive. Checkmate, globalists.
Who knows. Maybe they were distracted by fire
Is it terrorism or just Islam when they do it to themselves?
I feel good.

Why is hundreds in quotation marks? Did the British forget how to write English or was this written by some brown person?
london is beyond finished
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>How do you feel about hundreds of shitskins burning like a crisp inside a giant commie tower?
Where was "Allah"?... A test of faith?

hahahaha faggot
A terrible accident which can only be remedied by paying for the families of any dead refugees to come live in the UK
Because it's a claim that cannot be substantiated yet.

Saying Hundreds Dead without the quotes implies it's a fact that has been proven. It hasn't yet, the tabloid is covering themselves from any complaints.

Please don't lecture us on our language.
it wouldnt have burned down if it wasnt built by capitalist scum who leach on people for money,
arabs burning not the workers of the nation? i see no problem here.
I felt sorry for them, but then turned on the TV and see most of the victims and their families struggle to speak English are all muslims or blacks and i get reminded that brits are going extict and replaced in their own country. I hope the rest of the UK is seeing their future and start to wake the fuck up.
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dead Niggers or dead Jews?

Good News!
probably for the first hour, while they were shitting their pants.
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Could be legit.
No innocent person earns their death. That said; the deaths of these economic migrants are favourable. Nothing to enjoy, but favourable. Like in war, killing your opposition is not something to enjoy but it is of course favourable to victory.
He's another low IQ retarded nutcase nigger but he's right about people wanting their awful ugly commie blocks gone. Now if only we could burn them all down, preferably with the shitskins still inside so we can improve the gene pool.
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Like them, I feel nothing.
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kek willed, kek delivered
You're one of the good ones maplebro. Fly that flag!
mudslums dont the intellect to pull that kind off attack they use crude methods like knives and trucks.
I bet a leaf.
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Pretty good
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People (by which I mean regulating gouvernment authorities) don't learn.
There have been dozens of cases where a small fire spread to an entire block of flats because they had been insulated with styroform pads. Once a fire gets to the fassade, the whole building is doomed.
Yet the gouvernment still offers large tax incentives for this kind of insulation. My whole neighbourhood has been "renovated" this way. (Fortunately not my 1954 house of flats.)

I bet not even the Grenfell Inferno will change that. Authorities just don't care.
>have the jews refurbish it
Jews in contruction? I doubt that you'd find any jews involved on any level. From the people who decide building regs to the contractors it's going to be 95% white. The exception will be the actual builders themselves who are going to be 95% poles and shitskins
I'm happy that muslims are dead, but I'm sad that a building was ruined.
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It is not prescribed in Islam to burn or cremate the dead, rather this is an act of disrespect and dishonour.

>australian fire safety
>step 1: move the fuck out of australia


Couldn't give a fiddlers fuck about them
>Just leafposter things
who are you quoting?

>Jews in charge of ovening shitskins and din dus

You give us way too much credit.
I don't care but I kekd the OP
>but I'm sad that a building was ruined.
All commie blocs should be pulled down, they are horrid to look at. Disgusting things.
>look at all these different colours
aye mate
red, orange, black
feels good man

i mean it's sad, it's all over the news, plastered on every paper

and then you see they're all pakis and it's like

Is this how Britain reduces its budget deficit?
Some us don't come here anymore and don't keep up with the newest trends. Kekistani......really?

Enabling the nupol cancer. Yep I'm leaving again
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>user was interviewed* by MI6 for this post

*"interviewed" = zapped through the brain stem by a laser beam hidden in a wristwatch of an agent hang-gliding past his window using a hang glider disguised as a parasol from an outdoor cafe that was in reality a SPECTRE uranium refining operation disguised as a cafe with an extremely intricate espresso machine
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>How do you feel
I felt like making memes
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98%? So this was actually a good thing.
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Get em while they're hot
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Fresh memes barely days old
top kekk https://youtu.be/69xB7t2QWBs
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At some point this will definitely be blamed on racism once the body count is in and it's 95% enrichment there'll also be massive payouts all round.
No one is going to say that as white brits still make up 40% of London and that's not reflected in the racial make up of the tower actually points to anti white housing policy
You need glasses. No doctors, engineers or lawyers would live in that ghetto in England, even muslims.
True commie blocks are (a) twenty years older and (b) not insulated at all. They were also only designed to last 20 - 30 years .... by which time it was thought Socialism would have turned to Communism and with the new found wealth it would be possible to build more luxurious flat buildings.

True story. I read about it because right now, over a million Moscovites are facing a mass resettling because the mayor of Moscow will tear down all commie flats. (Beacuse they are crumbling and it's cheaper to build new ones outside of town.)
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I like em crispy
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Giving them away for nothing
I care as much as they would if I was burned alive.
Is this Keks gift to us for returning to him? Would more praise grant more happenings?


Seriously I know plenty of Muslim doctors, lawyers, and engineers and none of them live in a fucking ghetto scum-tower they have bigger homes than my family.
If only it happened a few hundred times per week, mybe Britain would still have a chance.
if this is true please tell me they were mudslims because that would be the ultimate karma
We've had commie blocks since the 60's lad, they are awful, I want them all pulled down and replaced with housing. High rise is not the way to go, cutting the amount of people coming into the country and a Chinese style breeding regulation is needed (for non whites).
Yes there's a picture ITT from one of the headlines, take a look at it.
No essay needed, you'll die sooner and that's enough of a reason.
They were all the fashion in the 1970s. My parents told me they almost moved into one but then it was a bit cheaper to finance a terraced house in the suburbs.

What I don't get: Our cities built high rises with shops in the lower floor like mad in the 1970s when looking at yours would have shown at that time that it's not the best of ideas. (Failing shops, lower income families, high crime rates, vandalism, etc. etc.)
>headline says "the first" "to save lives"
>smaller print says "among the first" "to notify others"
By the time we get to the body text it's going to be a report that somebody heard a voice shout "BY THE PROPHET NOT THAT WIRE YOU FOOL" followed by a series of explosions and then the fire started
they are doing their 6 gorillion in segments.
Frigerators don't explode
The type of housing doesn't matter as much as who's living in them.
Our newer ones have shops in them, the older ones don't, they are literally built for the poor. North Korea/USSR tier. Newer ones have wind power fans and solar panels on them, at least one near me does.
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g8b8m8 i r8 1/8
Yeah fuck me all the attacks on Muslims in the UK, really dangerous, anyone would have thought they'd be to blame for these terrorist attacks in the UK..... oh wait fuck me they are! They attack people in their ghettos all the time it isnt safe for British people in some places you don't get NatSoc ghettos buddy
They have been in this country because of some coolant being used in them. Google : Beko Fridge Explosions.

You'll see.
The cause is said to have been an exploding fridge.

What are the chances this was caused by some shitskin ape planning an attack on white people?

How can this get more fucking glorious?
sounds like the lords work anon. I think I can hear the squealing from here.
kek, it would be funny if it wasn't the truth
>Beko Fridge Explosions
Cover story for all the retarded mudslimes blowing themselves up while trying to culturally enrich you.
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>How do you feel about hundreds of shitskins burning like a crisp inside a giant commie tower?
Feels pretty good, but If you're implying I should like communism because of that you're wrong.
Need to find the point of origin of the fire to determine it. But it is funny that the guy who banged on doors on his floor saying "his fridge exploded" has not given an interview yet and that the claim of this guy was only by one Muslim on the telly yesterday. No one else has come forward saying this.

It's just weird, the whole thing is weird.
The media is going to drop this story the second it's discovered that the cause of the fire was a muzzbomb going off prematurely.
I'm not ruling anything out but fridges and other appliances (washing machines, dishwashers) etc have been blowing up constantly and many recalls have been going on.
never got the chance to put some bacon on a stick and cook it up
get out of 4chan

Only whites are people who were to old to flee London and ad to remain behind to live in diversity
I need to read that comic book
1)There were 'bangs' heard.
2) explain why you think setting a fire requires a 'large blast'.
>a modernist tower that had some non-english inside burned down

I don't feel a thing
The Great Fire of London was a major conflagration that swept through the central parts of the English city of London from Sunday, 2 September to Wednesday, 5 September 1666.

The death toll is unknown but traditionally thought to have been small, as only six verified deaths were recorded.
>6 deaths recorded

"great" britain is literally a third-world country now

i'm not surprised all you faggot britcucks are whiteflighting over to aus atm

there's new britbongs here arriving here everyday but you cunts don't deserve having a place to live after selling out your own towns, cities and decrepit and miserable homes to Ahmed
Now they get to live in China instead of Pakistan.
Go huff some petrol you nigger.
>innocent people being burned alive.
That's pretty edgy
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You are thinking of something different. They are just highrise flats.

Last year two got demolished in my home town.
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how does it feel that Australia resembles a proper British civilisation far more than your shitty capital London?
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Highrise flats/commie blocs they are the same Soviet tier trash that need to be pulled down.
What does tower block mean? Is this subsidized housing? It is near Notting Hill which I think of as a good neighborhood.
Fucking tory bastards. The landlord AKA KENSINGTON & CHELSEA had been warned for YEARS about fire safety issues within the towers and did NOTHING.
This is what happens when you cram the poorest and most vulnerable in our society in appalling overcrowded conditions. Rich people don't die in fires, it is always the poor who suffer the most.
Cities are a deathtrap. You feel intelligent now living in a box complied with hundreds of other boxes which together form 1 giant box of death? They got whats coming to them for their arrogance.
That's nothing compared to a building collapse in Bangladesh that killed more than a thousand. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2013_Savar_building_collapse
Couldn't be more thrilled. We need more like this.
bump this pls
whos throwing tater tots out the fucking window

im glad those sandniggers burned now
architecture thread?
Thank God nothing of value was lost.
Less shitskins to worry about.
Ive seen reports of only 10 fatalities
I was at work but thought I was on /pol/ when I said a burning socialism tower of Corbyn voting third world scum was a good thing.
>be pisslamic invader
>be used to desert heat
>bitch and moan about being cold in accomodation given to you and your 4 underage child brides
>council meets your demands and insulates the building
>still feel entitled and angry for no reason
>youngest bride still cries during sex
>decide to die for allan
>make bomb from youtube instruction video
>components of the bomb goes off in the kitchen because 84 IQ
>roast hundreds of fellow moslimes past crispy to the bitter

Boy do I feel bad.

12 confirmed deaths but dozens more missing
So he was claiming the fire was intentional but was he also implying that somehow the renovations in 2016 had caused the fire or that he simply doesn't think they spent the full 10 million if it could still burn up so easily? That part confused me.
a fucking leaf
>by which time it was thought Socialism would have turned to Communism and with the new found wealth it would be possible to build more luxurious flat buildings.
jeebus nobody actually believed that did they?
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12 that jumped out and were confirmed dead immediately, there's a lot missing and firefighters have to go into every single flat to count those that are dead. They haven't done this yet.
They were stupid. First thing I would buy if I lived above the 5th floor of a building would be enough sheets to make a parachute with. Or a fucking rope.
they haven't even gone into the building to identify the bodies properly yet, it's too unstable
>Please don't lecture US on OUR language

its not arabic?
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First of all.
They were not "shitskins" they were British people you fuckshoot.

Second of all.
This is terrible.
Probably an alt-right attack.
Wouldn't be surprised if Farage had something to do with it.

Anyway the British people can no longer complain about immigration for awhile after all these deaths.
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Holy shit, the flag option
Two young italians lived there too, unfortunately they are probably dead.
wtf i love multiculturalism now
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>Where did you get that flag?
Part and parcel of living in a tower block.
How many more buildings must burn to save you from the invasion
Last I checked the news only 7 were dead. Now I checked and it said hundreds are missing presumed dead. This is wonderful news. A whole tower of muslim invaders destroyed by cleansing fire.
No English names.
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Kensington has been Conservative for 47 years of prosperity.

Flips to Labour 7 days ago by a 20 vote majority and the county literally fucking burns.

The death toll could be 20-50 Labour voters.
Man, I really hope some white guy done this on purpose, an accident can't surely be this enjoyable?
There hasn't been an investigation yet, and everyone is blaming the fridges?

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The harvest will be good this year, praise the Old Gods.
Feels good.
>Fire tears through residential tower in London, leaving 12 dead

Im disappoint.
christopher bollyn
Those concentration camps in the background are almost as nice as auschwitz.
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I'm actually pretty happy. Muslims are vermin and their eradication will prevent another onset of the Dark Ages.
these shitskins literally deserved this
stay in your own fucking shitholes and die in your own fucking shitholes
or else i will play the tower card on you
dont make me pull out my tarot deck
Bad, i dont care what you edgy fucks say. No one deserves to get burned alive.
Are Del and Rodney okay though?

Nah. Won't break two dozen.
Watch Kensington crime rates going forward...
I don't care about dead hajis just like I don't care about the projects
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Ho ho I see what you did there,

No it isn't.
The owner of that building should be given a parade. He has done more for the crime rates, terrorist attacks than your government and increased the property value of that city block.

Can't melt Alladeen
False flag by Isis. There will be suspicion it was set by disgruntled white.

Someone posted something about the time of it being calculated to only get those who were sleeping in violation of Ramadan ( so the Isis false flagger can sleep easy )

This gets more of the Muslims in the area pissed off and pulling hyjinx.

Just a hypothesis.
Sometimes an old fashioned sacrifice is needed.
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Yeah but what if they only report on fried shitskins to paint them as victims (whites can never be victims according to the narrative)?
Bonus points if the reports cause racist comments so the media can perpetuate the narration of racist whitey.

Underrated broast

Tower Block Ghetton in Londistan.

Watch this to know the residential make up.


I was rooting for the fucking aliens.
Yeah don't they have a short circuit fuse to prevent any hazards, I'm pretty sure they have to have them to pass safety checks for sale.
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They're getting chinked.
>BLM flag
>Fire code requires 2 hour fire doors
>carpets shouldn't burn, they melt
>ceilings are completely flame retardant
>insulation is nonflammable
>walls are made out of cement blocks

Real talk.

How does this happen with modern fire code building standards?

the only way it could be better is if they were gypsies
This needs to be repeated until England is all white.
That news even reached here.
>if it wasn't for those heroic muslims who eat late this month, more people would have died :(((((((((
Use steel cable instead along with a proper harness. Rope burns and melts easily.
They will NEVER be British you delusional cuck! You think anyone except the west is accepting migrants on mass? China? Japan? No, because they know that will annihilate all culture and their countries. Do us all a favor and jump off a cliff.
I was worried that any actual people died. This was just a giant roast kebab.
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> Implying they're the same people
Makes me wonder why we are paying for subsidised council housing for immigrants in one of the most expensive neighbourhoods in the world
Is this whole thread just people trying to be edgy, or are you really a bunch of monsters? How the hell can you seriously celebrate the deaths of hundreds of people? They're still human beings for g-d's sake.
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>how do you feel?
so many dead subhumans
I am happy af
Obvious troll
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Someone spoonfeed me about his please, are all the victim sandniggers?
Learned there are no sprinklers in 70s era towers.

Still this didn't happen in the 70s either
As far as sacrifices go, animals are fine, but their acceptability is limited. A little child is even better, but not *nearly* as effective as the right kind of adult.
Edgy monsters.
would breed
idk about that, a lot of poor old retired white people tend to live in tower blocks.
what time was the fire?
why weren't they at work?

I think it's a combination of both. Edgy misadjusted teenagers celebrating kids burning to death for the crime of being of different ethnic origin.
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We worship the Old Gods and we need to sacrifice to ensure that the harvest will be bountiful.
None of those people would have cared in the slightest if whitey got burned.
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>How do you feel about hundreds of shitskins burning like a crisp inside a giant commie tower?

feels good man.

the icing to my 2 scoop sundae would be it started because a mussie was building a bomb and got shoah`d.

not that the media would ever tell us that.
It is at this point in your life that I would like to remind you: You're here forever. Look at you, YOU'RE the /pol/tard now. How does it feel to be all-/pol/merican?
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Council flats

Government housing for poor people and welfare leeches.

The tower blocks are situated in areas that can abut really expensive areas. The idea is to not create banlieues like in France, but to """""""integrate""""" them.

All it means is that a filthy, rubbish strewn, vandalized, cracked out skyscraper full of non-white crime (all the white poverty stricken people move out to regional public housing rather than deal with their new neighbors) is dumped right in the middle of your neighborhood.

ALTHOUGH - and this is probably more true than what I just stated - a fuck ton of these buildings existed PRIOR to surrounding areas becoming gentrified/expensive, and the tower blocks are a way of condensing all the poor cunts into a box and away from the rest of the new normies who moved in.
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Thank you based fridge
imagine importing third worlders just to live off welfare
It wasn't up to standard. The council had been saying that for years, apparently.

Literally the first reported victim was a Syrian """"""refugee"""""""
It's awful and if it was a terrorist attack it shows nobody is spared.
Niggers replace the fire doors with steel or PVC ones, the fire fighting equipment is stripped out and damaged, they fill the rooms with gas bottles and counterfeit electronics, the staircases are full of flammable rubbish, mattresses and materials are not fire safe etc etc.
Fellow innocent humans died a horrific death

What sort of fucko takes pleasure in that?
How bad would /pol/ lose its shit if a giant stockpile of munitions detonated halfway through the inferno?
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They were a necessary sacrifice.
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it was at night, bong
Fucking heathens what the fuck is wrong with you sickfucks?
What a beautiful phrase that is Op
>reads closed comment Guardian op-eds
lmao so hard, almost crying
The fridge was most likely hacked by Russia.

>implying /pol/ doesn't want war
>implying /pol/ isn't a board of chaos

Nigga, it's a council estate.

The closest U.S. equivalent would be Cabrini Green.

Nothing is up to code because no one wants to go there to fix shit that will get destroyed an hour later. Filth and rubbish always blocks up the stiars. Fire doors are always damaged from drug users fucking them up. Fire inspects and the like just tick and flick and don't weant to deal with anything on site.

>insulation is nonflammable

Apparently that's something being investigated at the moment.

That's a fucking mornic thing to say given that 1) not everyone with brown skin is totally devoid of empathy, unlike the autistic virgins on pol, and 2) a fair number of the people in the block were white.

Even if those two things weren't the case, cheerleading people dying in extreme agony is pathetic behaviour.
>Like 98% muzzies

christmas came early NIGGERS
I don't think any humans died - just muslims
except anyone who points out the problems with your literal meme ideology for overgrown children and opposes it

Why would you move to Britain if you have an issue with British culture?
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underrated, high quality poast.
Tru dat.
>in your council home, they burned all your bones
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The glorious trips of a true story.
>reddit spacing
Freedom of religion, you insensitive bigot!
Never been on reddit, have always spaced like that.
>they were British people you fuckshoot.

Actually, even by your shitty civic nationalism yardstick, they weren't. Most didn't possess that magic piece of paper called a passport, that makes them "British".

>Anyway the British people can no longer complain about immigration for awhile after all these deaths.

Yes we fucking-well-can! Our opinions aren't predicated on disasters or fucking feelings. These people were here under no mandate from the British people, ergo, they were invaders. We real-British are in a demographic war with these people - therefore the more these people die, the better!

RIP to the three white cockneys that were in that tower. The rest? Fuck 'em!
>Why would you move to Britain
It is still absolutely paganic though, burning man for harvest.
Kek I see a doctor getting raped, an engineer getting raped, a lawyer getting raped and a professor getting raped. You must be the faggot making threads with a picture captioned with the same fuckery and 7 shitskins darker than Detroit
>fellow innocent humans
so easy to tell a genuine shitliberashkike
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>lgbt flag

hi sharia blue and or the dongald

ive been spacing like this since 2007 on 4chan

eat my shit kike

The ramblings of a man who has never woken up in bed next to a woman who loves him.
Pretty much
>crisis happens
>people involved and nearby help out their community
>this community happens to be 80% Muslim
>look look, the benefits of multiculturalism
I hate how disingenuous the media is.
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Better inspect them buildings.
The whole commieblock tower was a muzzbomb. The way it caught fire so fast, it was as good as a bomb vest. And the insides were like 90% muz, 5% curry, 1% chav, and 4% mixed shitskin.
>the time of it being calculated to only get those who were sleeping in violation of Ramadan
interesting. my theory was that the fire would burn the fake identities of mossad agents, but if what you say is true then there wouldn't have been any muslims in the building anyway.
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You say that as if it's a bad thing.
It's like the best way to avoid white flight, put them all in one tower so they're not "next door" to anybody except each other. Like a big mud termite nest in the middle of Africa, suddenly they're wandering all over the place before anyone has a chance to move away.
It was serviced and maintained by a left wing council.
Muslims blow up or run over whites every week in Europe. There are thousands of muslims right now plotting to kill whites. And muslims dont give a shit about white lives. So yes I celebrate the deaths of all fucking muslim roaches.
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>as if it's a bad thing.
Muslims died, not people. Deus Vult.
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The fire rises
If they weren't all shitskins, one of the top floor residents could have been a base jumper. That would have been awesome to see somone jump, then LOL CHUTE.

Once I stayed at a hotel that had something similar to pic related installed at every floor

There are 40 conservative councillors and 7 Labour on Kensington and Chelsea council. Bit of a stretch to call that left wing.
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>hundreds of shitskins burning like a crisp inside a giant commie tower
You'll have to excuse him, we here in MURRICA don't have any commie blocks, so he didn't know just how awful they are. We also don't understand the concept of "council", it sounds like "government owning and renting out flats", which seems like an incredibly stupid idea, because government is shit at being in charge of almost anything.
>No one is going to say that as white brits still make up 40% of London and that's not reflected in the racial make up of the tower actually points to anti white housing policy
They're going to point out that not enough whites were living in firetrap commieblocks, so they should exchange where they are living now with the shitskins.
Just look at the vomit of photos on the Daily Fail articles, it was literally flat-istan.
>had been insulated with styroform pads
what the fuck is UK a 3rd world country?
not even cheap gypsies do that shit in eastern europe
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>being this edgy

you faggots know literally nothing about these people's lives
>it sounds like "government owning and renting out flats"
isn't that what it is?
>by which time it was thought Socialism would have turned to Communism
what's the difference?
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