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As an American, Poland is the European country I respect the

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As an American, Poland is the European country I respect the most, along with the Polish people. No other European country stands as strong as Poland, or has anywhere near as great a history as they do. And although Europeans bitch about Polish immigration, I am happy that they chose to come to my country when they did.

>Polish immigrants in the US integrated so well into white American strata that you can find a -ski as a coastal academic, or a -ski as a total fucking redneck
>Contributed volumes of intellectual criticisms against Communism during Soviet occupation
>Polish romanticism stresses heroic and nationalistic ideals
>Created incredible film and literature
>Bros to America in the second world war, legitimately despises both commies and Nazis
>Only Slavic peoples to embrace Greco-Roman ideals
>Only white country with a high birth rate, and that unlike other Slavic nations, isn't a shithole of AIDS
>Unlike the Germans, when the Jews tried to accuse them as collaborators of the Holocaust, Poles immediately took charge of the narrative to control the future of their country

Keep all this in mind when the D&C kikes and shitskins try to say Poles aren't white.
If this place ever collapses Im moving there (I have Polish citizenship)

Love everything about Poland except the cucked gun laws
Oy before we get started.

8 inches. Dutch-Celtic. Pure white, pure Euro, DICK.

Any Slavs interested?
Your opinion doesn't matter anglo. We Aryans are superior to you. Poles deserved to get Partitioned
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Your flag isn't fooling anyone.

From your tone, I can tell you're a smelly Kraut.

Fuck off. No one wants you, Ahmed.
Thanks m8 we love u too. I wish we could become another state.


>Cucked out faggots who willingly house and give handouts to muslim niggers


>country wont let any sandcoons in and has a history of fucking their shit up

Germany doesnt deserve to be a country. Third fucking attempt to ruin europe.

Germany should be handed over to Poland. They dont know how to manage their land, they just use it to house sand niggers
>Only white country with a high birth rate

That's wrong, the birth rate is declining.

That's a shit data, it's projected to rise this year to 1.5 I believe. And in the UK it's 2.1 of Pols
According to the article second down, it's been up since 2016. I guess that's still not technically high, but so long as they're protecting their borders, or having enough ethnic consciousness to see it as problematic then it's whatever.
They also make delicious sausages
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I seem to remember the "master race" getting their ass kicked in both world wars.
My grandfather has a birth certificate from Poland, can I get citizenship somehow?

I don't know about Poland specifically, but I was able to get a citizenship from the Netherlands because my Grandparents left shortly after ww2 .

I could also potentinally get Irish and Scottish citizenships for the same reason. It costs $$$ tho.

Go to the Polish Embassy, they'll help you out.
>this is such a shit board and all you cunts proved me right

Probably from all the damn Ukrainians coming in but it's OK they mostly blend in and are white at least.
Poland should have fucking died in ww2. Should be a part of germania and all the leftover mongols in Poland ( and yes, there are plenty) should have been expelled back to Asia.
you forgot your NatSoc flag
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