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This is a new bill that was introduced on the floor of the US Senate entitled,
“Combating Money Laundering, Terrorist Financing, and Counterfeiting Act of 2017.”

It basically says everything is evil..

1. Cash is Evil
2. Bitcoin/Crypto is Evil
3. Prepaid Phones are Evil
4. Gift Cards/Vouchers/Coupons are Evil

These people are certifiably insane. Among the bill’s sweeping provisions, the government aims to greatly extend its authority to seize your assets through “Civil Asset Forfeiture”.

Civil Asset Forfeiture rules allow the government to take whatever they want from you, without a trial or any due process.

This new bill adds a laundry list of offenses for which they can legally seize your assets… all of which pertain to money laundering and other financial crimes.

Here’s the thing, though: they’ve also vastly expanded on the definition of such ‘financial crimes’, including failure to fill out a form if you happen to be transporting more than $10,000 worth of ‘monetary instruments’.

Have too much cash? You’d better tell the government.

If not, they’re authorizing themselves in this bill to seize not just the money you didn’t report, but ALL of your assets and bank accounts.

They even go so far as to specifically name “safety deposit boxes” among the various assets that they can seize if you don’t fill out the form.

This is unbelievable on so many levels.

It’s crazy to begin with that these people are so consumed by the fact that someone has $10,000 in cash.

But it’s even crazier that they’re threatening to take EVERYTHING that you own merely for not filling out a piece of paper, without any due process whatsoever.

Oh, and on top of civil asset forfeiture penalties, there are also criminal penalties.

Right now according to current law they can imprison you for up to FIVE YEARS for not filling out the form. Five years.

But apparently that doesn’t go far enough so this bill aims to double the criminal penalty to TEN years in prison.

Further, their bill wants to pull any business which “issues” cryptocurrency under the anti-money laundering regulatory umbrella.

Here’s where these people demonstrate that they have no idea what they’re talking about.

No one “issues” Bitcoin. There’s no Bitcoin central bank. There’s no Chairman of Bitcoin who decides on a whim to increase the supply.

Bitcoin is created automatically amounts that are predetermined by its code. It’s software.

So the Senate is essentially trying to force the Bitcoin core software to comply with money laundering regulations.

The bill also attempts to drop a major bomb on Bitcoin by including it in the list of monetary instruments that must be reported when entering or leaving the US.
Who gives a fuck?
I do you retard and so should you
The only retards here are you paranoid fucks. Go whine elsewhere.
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Blockchains are worth more than the cryptocurrency.

Shit tells the future and the past.
And so, the great Mwrican experiment comes to a close
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Gee I wonder (((who))) could have written this bill
>Yes, I like it when the government tells me I can't spend my money the way I want to
>I enjoy the government telling me I can't grow tomatoes in my back yard
>I love when the government tells me what I can and cannot eat
Is tomato thing an actual thing?
thank you based shill
probably some ignorant farmer two years from now who gets all of his money taken when he was simply trying to pay for a fancy new ATV in cash.
jesus christ

>using mafia drug/human/ weapon trafficking digital currency betting against the destruction of the darkweb

you fucks have no right to complain about (((them))), you clearly dont even know who they are

crypto-currency is worthless to someone who doesnt use drugs,buys illegal weapons, hitmen, humans, cp unless they are doing business with someone who does

crypto currency is worthless in a SHTF scenerio

money is representative of goods and services

the first and formost good scivilzation produces is food, and unlike minecraft which cryptoautists seem to love so much, farmign requires time , energy and risk, and cant be pulled out of thin air

In a non internet society, what am i getting in return for giving you food again?

unless you want to be a degenerate jew

then you have no right to complain about (((them)))

guess who this legislation is trying to stop

Transnational organized crime and terrorism
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>muh criminals
>muh online drug dealers
>muh larping bitcoin "investors"
>muh blackmailer

fuck them.
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why are you even on pol then?

why didnt you vote for shillary then?
Yeah, but it was local municipalities, from what I understand

Based, now maybe I can get a 570 on the cheap
Bitcoin is an anonymous universal online currency. Legislation passed in the US doesn't mean shit
you're an idiot.

what is gold
Nothing I regret more than not buying into the bitcoin meme when I first heard of it. I just always figured laws like this would have been passed much much earlier than this. I'm surprised it's taken them this long to "crack down" on alternative money.
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this. Lots of shareblue shills on lately. Funny how they think they are being sly by trying to trash this bill.

Bitcoin/Crypto was created by NWO/Globalists to establish a global currency and one world religion.

If you support Trump and draining the swamp, then you should support this bill.

If you support ISIS, (((THEM))), and criminal enterprises, then you will oppose this bill.
you think my flag is a joke?
Gold should be illegal for everyone except banks and bankers, the governments, and other mafia-esque organizations
Glad you fully understand and comprehend the implications of this. Great post mate.
But I want to see bitcoin crash...
Yarr, delete this ye scurvey dog.
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You know in your heart it's the only way.

Help us help you.
dumb ass republicans will vote for this too...

more bitcoin is created by mining bitcoin
Crazyass motherfuckers trying to start a war with China.
never forget that the Republicans are the biggest jews and unironically stand with Israel
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...You're kidding, right?
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I'll start with you.
>Mr. Grassley (for himself, Mrs. Feinstein, Mr. Cornyn, and Mr. Whitehouse) introduced the following bill; which was read twice and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary
All of whom deserve to be delivered on a platter to the Syrian government to do with as they will.
Also, watch the government eventually try to label Patreon as a money-laundering technique.
>and for other purposes
should be cause for summary execution right on the floor of Congress.


Yes, support Mrs. Feinstein's bill, goy.
You still have no power here fbi.Please go on,entertain me.Thats your only purpose here.
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I can't wait to get some discounted GPUs to be used for real development vs. supporting some modern day Pyramid scheme. As I have said before, they'll take crypto currencies down when they're good and ready. If you think there are no attack vectors or ways to systematically take down crypto currencies, you're delusional af.
Well there are problems with bitcoin because it is so open ended. The shit is a haven for perverts, thieves, creeps, and other weird shit.

It is also one of the few lights that the average person has to protect themselves from the increasingly powerful globalists of the world.

It is a conundrum. I see why something like this should be regulated, but in our day and age I do not trust the governments regulating it for good or noble purposes. I feel that it should be protected, but it definitely is a haven for horrible shit. I am stumped.
Having money gives you freedom. Money on your bank can be controlled by the government, but Bitcoins, prepaid stuff and cash are all currencies that the government has no sway over. It makes you pretty much independant of them and that is something they literally do not want.

In the future, they will press hard to get completely rid of cash and introduce a virtual form of payment. Something that can always be traced and can be confiscated with no trouble at all.
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Maybe try investing in tangible goods and services instead of fucking TF2 hats.
>Globalists pushing a currency they can't control.

Kill yourself shill
Are kekistani flags the new leafs ?
>Not later than 18 months after the date of enactment of this Act, the Secretary of Homeland Security, in consultation with the Commissioner of U.S. Customs and Border Protection, shall submit to Congress a report—

>(1) detailing a strategy to interdict and detect prepaid access devices, digital currencies, or other similar instruments, at border crossings and other ports of entry for the United States
>(2) that includes an assessment of infrastructure needed to carry out the strategy detailed in paragraph (1).

>"Sir do you have any bitcoins in your vehicle?"
>"This man isn't complying, I'm going to have to get out my bitcoin scanner wand."

This is why there should be an age limit to congressmen, these old farts are fucking retarded.
Money never gives you freedom.Money ensures you are a slave.Its irrelevant that you call that money dollar,bitcoin,or peso.
Q: Cash is good way to teach kids to deal with money, to help visualize a budget, and for those who can't deal with abstract account numbers. Why do they want to stop cash?

A: When you click Like or say you sympathise, the IC tracks your opinion. But what you spend your money on is the ultimate way to track your true passions and not just what you claim you endorse.
Cash is impossible to track. Removing cash will make every little coin you donate to something trackable, and show your true opinions, and if you're a friend or an enemy of the (deep) State.

The same goes for Bitcoin and crypto currencies. Takes too much CPU to trace it all.
Banks can create money using fractional reserve banking and other weird methods by just pressing a button.
They can't create bitcoins as the electricity would cost more than the money they make.

But what about phones?
People used to be tracked by their date of birth. With so many 3rd world countries not having a good registry and with so many people faking birth dates, the IC moved to phone numbers instead.

That's why all web-services wants to you to authenticate with your phone.
That's why banks are being forced to identify what people own what phone numbers.
If you want your phone to work you better keep your phone company aware of your name, address, etc.
Phone numbers is our days social security number, and every phone number you ever used is stored together with timeline in the identification databases.
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(((They))) will eventually come for your precious metals and other valuables and land property, this is just step 1.

How much tighter can the shackles get before we revolt against our (((overlords)))?

Once you have nothing left to trade, you are 100% dependent, essentially becoming a prostitute.
fugg they're defining it as a financial institution.
More regulations incoming.
buy silver! it is criminally undervalued right now
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Go on

>CRYPTO currency in a SHTF no electricity scenario with some farmer in Kansas

What part of Article 1, Section 8, Clause 5 do you think you're too good for?
>congressmen, fucking retarded.
Well, if you start by criminalizing it, you can then use it as you see fit.
Don't think they care about logic, many just do what they are told by the people who got them into power.

The more you criminalize, (hate speech, sex, currency) - the more paragraphs you can use to lock up opponents, and portray them as a dangerous criminal in media.
I'll tell my Congressman to vote for it
>“(C) A restraining order may be issued under subparagraph (A) if a person is arrested or charged with any offense for which forfeiture is authorized under—
>“(i) this title;
>“(ii) title 31; or
>“(iii) the Controlled Substances Act (21 U.S.C. 801 et seq.).
§801 is about controlled substances, which also includes pharmaceuticals. So basically if you drive to Canada or boat over to Cuba or anywhere else in the world to get cheaper medication and come back into the US and they find out, they'll but a freeze on your assets and take everything.
This! Every single "smart" device or appliance you own is acting as a data collector. Some of you might not care about that right now, but understand that (((they))) now have a comprehensive data sheet and complete psychological profile on you. How much energy you consume, where you go, how often you go to the refrigerator, how many hours you sleep at night, who you visit. The list goes on and on.
>SHTF no electricity scenario
brown person detected
Piszkálj az anyukámtól
How are you going to have a network verifying transactions without basically continuous power, and plenty of it?

Less Whites = Less Rights
> Money never gives you freedom
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Good one,fbi.But you shouldnt rely on google translate,hungarian is not something you can translate correctly.You just wrote me "bug me from my mother".Well,at least you fulfill your purpose,and entertain me.
Well if you didn't think they would take away all of your rights under the guise of terrorism 15 years ago...
I buy games from playasia using bitcoins
could someone explain to me what mining bitcoins means exactly?
>Cash is Evil
That's where things get really fucked up. If that happens only the wealthy will be able to hide their money.
Switzerland is one big fucking fortification put on top on fortifications built on fortified mountains.There is no place more safe for your stuff than Switzerland.
You're on the wrong board.
Try write a coherent OP with your claims and beliefs, provide links, and post it in >>>/biz/
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yes goyim, there is no reason to hold your wealth outside of our services. in fact, why don't you come down to goldberg&goldblatt investment bank, think of all the interest we could be earning you on that wealth (for a small fee of course)
Shut the fuck up you drooling mongoloid.

im sorry I dont bank with (((HSBC))) money laundering institutions

Banks serve the various (((Mafia))) families
He has more points than you are ready to admit.
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>if you have nothing to hide you have nothing to fear
Sounds like AMERICAN FREEDUMB to me! If you can't stand living in the best country in the world, then GET OUT!
Basically, you work your way through a huge number field, trying out inputs to a non-invertible function and looking for an input that gives a result less than some limit, which is adjusted downward every few months.
Go play outside, brainlet.
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My mother is Slovak and her mother Hungarian, unfortunately I never learned anything other than english. My mother escaped Czechloslovakia in 68 when the Soviets rolled in with their tanks.

I might be a Canadian and only speak english, but I respect the shit out of your country and culture, little people ~ big fight.

I'm not a 3 letter agency employee, and I Google translated 'piss off mother fucker'.
1776 when?
>It’s crazy to begin with that these people are so consumed by the fact that someone has $10,000 in cash.

They are going after Millennials who haven't brought into the debt system and save their money rather then going to a bank of finance company.

The system wants debt slaves, not people that stand on their own feet and have their own money.
Yeah, it's funny how foundations can be used to hide every asset and even ownership for a global company.
(Wikipedia IKEA for a neutral example instead of Soros/Clinton).

Strange the people in power doesn't crack down on that, and instead focus on whatever meager resources I have in my wallet.

One foundation (and owners) with 10 billion is protected by privacy laws.
10 million workers with $1000 each is to be tracked down to every single penny.

where did I say that?

do you not understand who actually controls the planet

Jews are among them

but legitimacy in enforced through the barrel of a gun and being able to get away with it

only a number of jews are able to do that, and they are not the only ones who can do that, and they ALL are as diverse as pol is, rightward leaning
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They really can't hide it, can they?
>piss off
Heh, slang is a bit ambiguous to a machine like Google Translate that doesn't really understand what it's translating. Try "fuck off" and you may get better Hungarian.
Not indebting yourself to the system is terrorism.
Whenever you can bring it, senpai.
Lol I found the downy kid.
Well, what do you know. When the bitcoin meme started. I said that exactly this would happen eventually. Didn't think I'd be actually right.
You see,with so much energy spent on trying to convince me you are not here to set up people by radicalizing them,i would maybe consider that you are not on a payroll.Shills are getting lower quality every day.
if you dont like it get teh FUCK OUT

trump 2016 ftw
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Who else laughing at bitfags right now?
>he doesn't understand that this will increase the value even more
Can these people gtfo /pol/ now, it's not funny anymore


die in a fire you filthy fucking nose piece of rat shit
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No problems. I got onecoins for you. Totally safe. Just give me your email and sell as much you want.
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Only fools rush in where angels fear to tread.
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LOL and here I was worried for like 2 milliseconds

sage and move along anons. We're posting in a troll thread.
you fucking communists will get the rope faggot.
Back in the oldchan days they'd used to say "lurk moar faggot"
>3. Prepaid Phones are Evil
Will this hinder my ability to use Walmart phones when I hire escorts?
are her bills unsuccessful or something?
Yes and I never even met you
sec 4 #2 is separate by #1, and basically means, in combination with 18 us code section 1957 that they could just take your money if you spend $10,000 within what they deem as "close"

no requirement for criminal activity, so this shit, put together could make it so you could interpret it as the government being able to take all your money away if you spend 10k
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Insiders have been cashing out of bitcoin for a few weeks now due to rumors of a clamp down in India and China. Governments hate bitcoin, they want to move to a cashless society that they control, they can't control bitcoin.
separated by a semicolon
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Absolutely D I S G U S T I N G

I think they are seeking loobying money from rich bitcoiners so they lessen the regulations.
it goes in waves, but lately it seems like they just don't have their hearts in it. They're numerous but more bot-like... hmmm
>Lately I've been wanting to buy gold with all the money in my savings account
>bitcoins as well, and putting some into a dedicated buttcoin mining machine

Didn't go through with any of this is it a good thing I waited? How fucked would I be if I bought ~5 ounces of gold?
They know you're keeping it in the internet tube all you kids are talking about these days.
The government would never take your gold. No, that's never ever happened before.
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Why the crying? you have always said that it's government free and no banks needed. Now when they ban your "currency of future" shouldn't you just rejoice? Two mantras that I heave learned:

>Everything is good for bitcoin
>1btc =1btc

Now go and learn about real investments. Like slavery.
Why do you even come to this POLITICS board if you don't give a fuck? You fucking retard
Going to post this video for any nocoiners that don't understand blockchain or who have never heard of Smart Contracts before. @3:00 he gives some real world examples of how it can be used.

These changes are inevitable. Submit to your true government.
>TFW no UNATCO flag
Stop the Globalists from getting total control
youre an idiot
This. Declare war against them.
>implying any of these jewish laws would work in other countries
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Adding on to how blockchain is being used by (((them))):

>The UN will be helping refugees in Jordan get access to food rations using the Ethereum Blockchain and biometric technology involving scanning the human iris.

Read up on why (((they))) want a cashless society then get back to us.

I hate them so fucking much.
Look what they're doing to the KANGZ

>Our London correspondent Nick Ayton caught up with Humaniq founder Alex Fork, who has an ambition to help eliminate poverty by delivering new banking options to emerging markets in Africa, Latin America and parts of Asia so that everyone who needs can get access to financial services.

>Using a new reputation concept based on proof of face for identity management, Humaniq has a very different take on next generation banking for the unbanked, with an ambition to help bring communities together to pool their resources and talent and in the end to improve their lives.

No, Eurocuck. We think that what your flag represents is a joke.

So when does this take effect? Immediately when they pass it?
As soon as Puerto Rico becomes a state.
fat chance thats ever happening... I dont care if they have a referendum going...
>Legislation passed in the US doesn't mean shit
Until EU will follow US lead. Laws of US has huge impact as example and US foreign polices demands has huge impact on the other countries.
>inb4 EU likes freedom and are not control freaks
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good idea
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Wonder if price on gold will soar after the government stomps out competing currencies?

The people of India has been hoarding gold for a long time, since they trust it more than cash.
Will this behaviour will spread over the world as the Western Globalists takes more and more action against "money laundering"?

Will privately made silver/gold coins (for investment purposes - since investors laws extremely well protected compared to citizens) be the new savings account?
Could they be used for trade after gov locks down everything else?
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Stop using decentralized currencies.
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>(((hoarding))) gold is banned
>Stop using decentralized currencies.
Says a representative of the 5-eyes network.
>that subtle India superpower by 2020 reference
Good job, pajeet.
well if the American monetary system is centered outside of government wouldn't it makes sense for those currently in control of it (the federal reserve, private banks and lobbyists) to devalue any global capital for the sake of keeping the status quo?
Thats why Globalist who already control all the money, and now want to control every aspect of how it is exchanged, need to be stopped by first preventing this law from taking effect:

Or Poo in Loo will gain a big advantage during the next generation.
Bump, this is a big fucking deal.
expanding on that adding any sort of bureaucratic process to any existing regulations is kinda the go to strategy to keep leverage on those who are not in the know on policy since only those institutions with deep knowledge of policy actually stand a chance in proper execution. Its not exactly good for the normal person at all but how is it surprising given the current trend in financial policy.
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I don't know how resources are going to work, but a resource based economy is their goal once they have control over them of course. I thought it was interesting last year when people like the Rothschilds and Soros started to drop their fiat in trade for gold and "other currencies."



This is obviously speculation, but if I had to point to any of the "other currencies" they would be investing in, it would be one of the coins that further globalist agendas, like the 2 in articles I linked earlier. Pic related is how something like Ethereum Smart Contracts are going to be spread to the masses. There's another 200 companies waiting to get on that list, too. Something is definitely up.
>Bump, this is a big fucking deal.
entire market is down. Is it because of this fucking shit law?
try starting a new thread without hiding your national flag. we don't respond well to cucks.
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I figured it was because adoption in Korea and Japan led to a spike in value, in turn leading to a hype and speculation driven bull cycle elsewhere that has really run its course.

Things are probably just correcting now. I'm predicting that the 2-2.5k (USD) range will be where things will settle.
>tfw just bought 2k BTC, 1.5k ETH, and 1k LSK
fuck me
>3 replies

not bad, not bad

>buying BTC

Doing it so fucking wrong, senpai.
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> farmign

Stupid phone poster.
>fuck me
I'm doing a simulation with 10k of spending.
Right now I'm down $300. Expecting to make 50% growth in a week.
>Rothschilds and Soros started to drop their fiat in trade for gold
Those people don't buy and cross their thumbs. They buy and then manipulate the market.
We should have seen moves towards devaluing various currencies during the last 6 months presuming they were all done moving capital by then.

Perhaps "other currencies" can mean commodities like uranium or silver?
I find it hard to believe they would ever invest in a cryptocurrency, unless to suddenly do massive sales in order to burst it.
Cryptocurrencies is becoming a strong competitor, not only to the big banks monopoly on money, but also to all banks investment products.
Cryptocurrency is pretty much their #1 enemy.

Saw the clip with smart contracts, but a lot of people don't trust what they can't physically hold, so a receipt or paper contract will always be important.
Especially since DRM (and the laws protecting it) proved that what you paid for one day can be gone the next day.
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Honestly I wanted a phoneposter ban above any flag changes, but whatever.
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Anyone with half a brain would know this would just cause massive black markets to form.
Agreed. Context of this gay OP is all about bitcoin. Bitcoin is unspendable currency and strictly for the retarded, unless of course, you're a criminal.
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> No one “issues” Bitcoin. There’s no Bitcoin central bank. There’s no Chairman of Bitcoin who decides on a whim to increase the supply.

It's mined. It's possible to create and mine other cryptos. Apparently it's also becoming a way for startups to raise funding.

They're all affected by this bill.

Bitcoin FAGS BTFO!!!!!

How can imaginary money retards ever recover?
Pleb with mi assets detected
>Perhaps "other currencies" can mean commodities like uranium or silver?
That's another possibility but personally I'm not ruling out them putting investment into a coin that helps to develop new banking solutions to people who aren't on the system yet. I'm sure the biometrics aspect will be sold to us as a security feature since they've been testing it on refugees and KANGZ.

>I find it hard to believe they would ever invest in a cryptocurrency, unless to suddenly do massive sales in order to burst it.
ETH isn't a currency the way Bitcoin is. Some people use the analogy that if Bitcoin were gold ETH would be gas or oil. It's something to use, if that makes sense.

>a lot of people don't trust what they can't physically hold, so a receipt or paper contract will always be important.
We trust debit cards though, don't we? We don't physically carry around cash with us already (sans a few exceptions and emergencies). When you go to a broker you don't bring in a sack of cash and plop it on his desk. Everything is done electronically already. Paper is just for archiving these days. It just like your bank statements now. When you want to look at it you bring it up online or print a copy out.
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You faggots just don't get it yet. All monetary instruments are controlled by their parent nation.

Just because some autist created crypto does not make it a valid monetary instrument that is free of the rules and regulations of nation states.

Just because you're silly enough to think that a blockchain is safe despite total information awareness having been a thing since before the dawn of crypto does not make it safe.

All major crypto has been broken, infiltrated, and monitored and has been allowed to exist through the simple grace of wanting to observe whats going on in this particular petri dish.

At any given time crypto can and will face the wrath of the nations whose laws and regulations it is an affront to and there is nothing any of you can do about it.

You cannot and should not be able to hide your desire to make secretive and illicit purchases. You cannot and should not be allowed to senselessly gamble and endlessly speculate on the inherently worthless.

I have been saying the same thing for years and it's coming home to roost.

It's only simple reasoning, something people that support crypto are in desperate need for.
>, so a receipt or paper contract will always be important.
>Especially since DRM (and the laws protecting it) proved that what you paid for one day can be gone the next day.
What is written on paper can be re-written
To be fair, BTC exchanges have been cracked but not BTC itself.

> You cannot and should not be allowed to senselessly gamble and endlessly speculate on the inherently worthless.

I mean, that applies to all forms of currency. The rest just have centralized entities that can manipulate them.
>The rest just have centralized entities that can manipulate them.

Which is why crypto will never be allowed to be what anyone wants it to be.
Law enforcements wet dream.
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This won't go anywhere. This is the same chicken little bullshit that has been circulating for YEARS about encryption of all flavors being made illegal. It's not going to happen in the remotely near future.

My guess is that (((they))) are trying to scare as many crypto holders as possible into selling so they can buy cheap before it becomes a fully entrenched new paradign. They WANT crypto, you idiots, what don't you get about this.

The UN just tested refugee benefits for 10,000 people in Jordan using a private version of the Ethereum blockchain where recipients has to do an IRIS SCAN to verify their identity and collect their allocation of resources on the chain.


> Which is why crypto will never be allowed to be what anyone wants it to be.

It's precisely what people want it to be.
Bitcoin is far from anonymous any more. It was, but that's gone.
>They WANT crypto
They want crypto CONTROLLED by THEM.
Digits confirm.
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Want to get into crypto, only have 21 ounces of silver right now
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it means you'll never be able to convert to fiat without either paying a shitload of capital gains (somehow, no idea how to prove what value you obught at) or going to jail. unless you plan on living completely off shitcoins for the entirety, its fucked.

cant wait for it to go into effect. leave china to trade around their "coins"
This is your chance, buy the fucking dip. Buy some Bitcoin now, buy some more at $2000 if it makes, and buy even more at $1300 if it makes it. Take out a second mortage and go all in if it makes it below $1000.
But what if the internet goes down and electricity gets fucked? What then?
so......starting tomorrow then, eh?

"bring your gun to work day"?

except by work I actually mean all the city and town halls in the entire country

99% vs. 1%


who's gonna win?
we sit on streetcorners shitposting irl
You know they are going to do that right?
why not just buy 100 shares of $F and collect $.15/share for the rest of your life?
Sound advice, i sell robot attack insurance if you are interested
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I can't fucking believe that I'm seeing this shit in my own lifetime.
Good goy :^)
>Jews attempting to Jew the US by making them panic sell then buy all the shares so they make massive profit and thus controlling the currency at random.
>Pissing off the 99%
>also preventing people from buying houses and thus allowing no one but the rich to buy the houses.
>literaly killing off the very wage slaves that give you power and as such killing yourself money wise and causing a crash making the majority of the world economy's because the fact is most countries are tied to the US
Nigga this will never pass. This would be suicide for most of the rich. How you going to control the population and gain power if literaly no one is buying big expensive purchases? And even if you throw them in loans your money would become so worthless that the US dollar would become African meme tier where you will need barrels of money just to buy bread.
I haven't even checked yet, and I'll bet the authors and supporters are mostly libtards and (((chosen))).
>/pol/ promotes fascism
>/pol/ gets textbook fascism
>/pol/ cries like little pussies
>How you going to control the population and gain power if literaly no one is buying big expensive purchases?
Society gets to run on an algorithm and (((they))) get to control the resources.
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What part of Revelations are we in?
Just fired off letters to my senators to vote against the bill.

It's a quick thing to do, /pol/ and it will safeguard your freedoms. Fucking do it now. Not tomorrow, not after dinner or whatever, RIGHT NOW.
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Anyways, can we fucking 1776 now?

the gubmint has gone too far now, they need to learn their lesson.

Just have a hoard of armed citizens walk through DC

Or we could all coordinate a day where we stop paying taxes and the government falls apart.
But no I think if anything this is the .01 % attempting to screw over the 1% so this will not pass. The moment the 1% becomes the target for the .01% is when they stop becoming allies. Remember that the Jew will always jew other Jews to get power. This is no exception. When they get target the .01% no longer has a shield. And as such they are vulnerable. The 1% would rather die rich then live poor. They would be willing to lead the charge if they even get a whiff of betrayal. So ban bitcoin in the US means that the 1% can't get drugs, diddle kiddies and do illegal shit or sabatoge without being tracked. And if the .01% decided they were a threat then all they have to do is snap thier fingers and all the assets is gone in thier possession giveing the .01 more power. Literally this could be the shit that makes the 1% bite the hand that feeds them.

The USA is now official distopian dictatorship. oh you have guns americans. you can stop them kek
believe it or not they aren't going to blackbag you with that info, its all for marketing firms to control people and create trends and fads from nothing

however it does serve as blackmail material if you ever become a person of interest
>First person MKUltra dialogue
>No greentext
The fact that we have guns is the number one reason why they haven't done more more quickly. [[[They]]] understand that they have to warm the pot slowly, over decades, in order to avert outright rebellion.
Very early, if at all. I would say things are going to pick up in the next ten or twenty years. If your local friendly Christians suddenly stop answering your calls, it's time to run.
Of course, nobody can predict the end, as not even Jesus knew. Only God the Father.

So don't take my word for anything. Use your own judgement.
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Exciting, isn't it?

The next few decades are going to be even more exciting.
if that happens even if I have nonething I bug the fuck out and live in nature for as long as I can with nonething more then my faith and wits. I rather die free then live as a slave. But if a world ending event such as a nuke were to come then I would embrace destiny.
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These fuckers are funding terrorism and then use it as a pretext to control our lives.
>moon speak
>its all for marketing firms to control people and create trends and fads from nothing
That's exactly what I was implying. It goes beyond just advertising a product though. You can advertise anything you want to the masses because you have a huge log of data to plug into an algorithm and work what you want to happen in your favor. They've even sold us technology to increase the amount of data that they can collect on, like smart microwaves. Sometimes, it's forced in the case of smart meters to monitor your power consumption. I only see it as a beginning to the future programming of humans.
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Gee I wonder who could be behind this bill?
poorfag detected
This Exactly
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>I respectfully disagree tho.

Some taxation is most definitely theft.

>But consider the social contract
>Citizens give up certain individual rights in service of the state
>That includes giving up a portion of one's finances

tl;dr: Society impels us to support each other, but not to the point of our own detriment.
California kikes

the worst kind
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Low IQ retard detected
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>crypto currency is worthless in a SHTF scenerio
Nice try Schlomo Ben Homo! But in fact, this is exactly the reason many of us buy and hold.
>You faggots just don't get it yet. All monetary instruments are controlled by their parent nation.
And here's the part you don't get faggot. The US has no jurisdiction outside of it's own borders just as any other nation. If you own crypto and you don'tr like your countries laws, you can leave to any other country on earth and they will be just as valid in your new host nation. I wish you retards would just STFU already, you're just embarrassing.

Until you have your bank account frozen. I had a business ran it into the ground. I had 50K in debt. Turned into a judgment and bankruptcy is a bitch.
I believe physical commodities (like cash or gold) will receive some boost in the future. Perhaps it will be negligible?

Like some old people of today still cling to their vinyl records, people of the future may cling to some piece of gold or other easily tradeable commodity.
Just because it feels safe to have something of value the government (or random hacker who controls your computer) can't easily steal.
(Women for ages have used their jewelry as some sort of reserve.)

If government with laws and actions gets the people to doubt their freedom, this hording behaviour will probably escalate a lot.

Unless this nightmare bill is stopped I guess it will sway some more people to distrust the government.
Similar laws pops up in EU, and all the nations with close ties to the US whose bankers I presume are behind it.
>I don't like you thinking freely, stop thinking freely. OR ELSE
Scum like you will be the first to go
They're going to do everything in their power to try to centralize or regulate decentralized cryptocurrencies, but I don't think it's possible because taking control of entire ledger or block chain is neigh impossible.

Fucking US dollars are used by all of the groups you listed. That's the point of a currency, it can be used by ANYONE.
>Lol who cares if the government controls how you spend your own money
>your own money
its funny you think you own money
So let me get this correct
- The terrorists create demand for open borders
- The terrorists create demand for internet censorship/ Centralized info
- The terrorists create demand for destroying anything but central bank
hmmm. All of these things also have Jews at the helm...
>ywn hold Gianna in your arms
fuck bitcoin niggers, it should never have been a commodity to begin with
Uhm, Trump is one of ((them)), you fucking idiot.

Most wars in the last decade were started by the ((central banks)). ((They)) fund both sides and manipulate the conflict for ((their)) own benefit.

Trump has been sucking their dicks so much.

Cryptocurrency is one way to fight against them. Watching them go crazy is hilarious because they off ((their)) mask to reveal that festering ((nose)) of hell. Only liberal or r_Donald retards are too scared to name ((them)) now.
I have thought about this a lot too, but there are other decentralized cryptocurrencies like decred, which evolves based off community consensus through a democratic governance system, that can help solve these conundrums. Bitcoin is only one out of many coins.

Regardless, unregulated cryptocurrency is the lesser evil for the simple fact it's the central bank kikes who have been starting large-scale wars and manipulating them for their benefits. I know the growth of black market is bad, but we got to be realistic here: we have to take down the Jew at all costs.

Anyways, watch the kikes squirm as they lose their hold. They're exposing themselves too, only blue-pilled faggots can't see.
Lol you're right friend, I dropped my tinfoil hat! Let's just give up all our worthless cash! You start first, give me all your money and I'll get rid of it for you.
What? Can someone explain this like I'm an autistic child?

Perhaps with a picture
I read "going full 1488" for a second and got excited

whelp guess all that talk about the bubble bursting is coming true. cant have anyone having too much money when it all goes down.

of course (((rich))) people will be allowed to carry and have as much cash and online currency as possible without question.

start prepping water and food.
Can you put the chip in your nutsack so you can pull em out every time you want to pay for groceries
Ammunition will be the final currency, better fucking stock up.
get out pic related
Person that actually read the proposed changes here - I am not a lawyer, but I am a regulatory consultant fwiw so this is just opinion.

This is expanding current AML laws to help capture criminals that use crypto illicitly. This is a good thing for investors because it begets legitimately from the government. Crypto market is reacting unfavorably to this, but most of the investors are absolute autists so they probably get their market tips from /biz/
The elites need this in place before they can unleash the rate hikes they are accumulating behind a dam of bankers propping up stocks for them.

Once they do so they will easily be able to nationalise everything after they deliberatly crash the markets on Trump and Nationalism.

I personally think they will wait another year or two but who fucking knows at this point.
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It's debt that makes you a slave
i know so many people like this and I'm about to become one of them

god bless ameridubs
You must be over 18 before posting here
>If not, they’re authorizing themselves in this bill to seize not just the money you didn’t report, but ALL of your assets and bank accounts.
Sounds like they are trying to keep the currency inside the borders, to create a greater foreign demand for it.
that's enough /pol/ for me tonight.
Yeah right this bill is probably nothing. This isn't the first time /pol/ has freaked out over a piece of legislation they couldn't understand because it was written in legal speak.
That's why a lot of people invest in crypto, anon. It's one of the very few places left that (((they))) can't touch (for now). It's also a great place to get capital without going through traditional methods. If you have a good idea, people will support it by purchasing your coin instead of going through the other route of investors and banks. There's pros and cons to both, but it allows technology innovation to grow without the interference of middlemen. The middlemen are now directly you.

> I believe physical commodities (like cash or gold) will receive some boost in the future
It's possible. It's all speculation right now. Even the damned Rothschild himself said we're in "uncharted territory" and talked about their own current banking system failing. Your guess is as good as mine.

This shit has to be stopped. What kind of commie retard wrote this bill?

>Rothschild himself said we're in "uncharted territory" and talked about their own current banking system failing.
For some reason I find it extremely hard to believe what that man says or his intentions when saying something.
For a family that always tries to stick behind the scene, I find it strange he would come out and say somehting just to "be helpful and informative".
So when I read it, I took it with a grain of salt-mine.

There are some people who cling to every word that such an esteemed banker says.
I guess his words are more to influence and manipulate them, than me.

>Cryptocurrency is one way to fight against them. Watching them go crazy is hilarious because they off ((their)) mask to reveal that festering ((nose)) of hell. Only liberal or r_Donald retards are too scared to name ((them)) now.

Don't forget ((BALDING)). The true Israelites had full heads of hair and didn't need that stupid lid.
It will be satisfying to see cyrptocoiners lose all their money because I'm jealous I didn't buy bitcoins years ago.
Why not just hide your money?
It becomes less valuable the longer it sits.
>reddit spacing
so your potcoins aren't any good against the guys with guns and tanks, no wai!
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Will paypal be affected in any way, shape or form?
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So many shills in overdrive now hahahahahahaha.
Seriously though guys if they passthis bill we are done for, all of us.
They will have enough power to sieze even our family heirlooms!
Fucking jews response because more and more people aren't trusting banks or the jewmarket anymore. Now they see people make tons with crypto currency, and see bitcoin as a virtual bank. Then they say why not hit goyim too, oh vey i say if they make over 10k we take all their stuff muahahahhahaha. Fucking jews they deserve worse then death.
Retarded shillcoiners
Of fucking course that cunt is involved.
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When something seems too good to be true, it probably is.
BitCoin is gonna vanish with through 0days eventually.
Bitcoin and all other crypto currencies are a meme.
Thats the reason they write bills like that, you know.
You wanna know what I hear?
Cut your hair, get a job and stop acting like a manchild
Fucking genetic trash.
Take a gun and pull the trigger in your mouth you fucking waste of oxygen ! Do it !
Will not go to zero, will take a deep hit when institutional investors and hedge funds rush to gold and silver the bubble will deflate. And sooner or later everybody rushes back to bitcoin as soon as the financial institutions start collapsing.
Fucking reddit shills with their reddit spacing.
Kys shareblue.
>how dare people make their posts legible and easier to read
Jumping a line every line isno easier to read you dip.
>Oy vey goyim, you don't need cash. Buy now, pay later.
Why are Republicans the best goys?
I was with you until then end. Calling your congressperson wrong do shit. They don't give a fuck about you.

no. paypal is basically a bank. Years back they almost refused to do the transaction reporting stuff required by the federal government because they said they were not a bank because they did not pay interest.

That got shut down real fucking quick, the Feds were going to close them down if they did not comply with the Fed's interpretation of the law..

The entire system is a perversion at this point. Accept it slaves.
They just legalized thievery in the Land of the Free.
*clap clap clap*
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It's pretty fucked up if you think about it for a sec. Every dollar you spend essentially has to go thru some 3rd party IRS tagged company that essentially escrows that money between parties based on credit risk; all the while making a guaranteed transactional profit.

So I can't just give someone even $1 electronically for a good or service. The system is setup so that I have to give it to Visa/Paypal/Bank who then "handles" it to the other guy... fuck that.
how the fuck were terrorists getting money in the first place? regular people just donating to a jihadi fund?
>how does an organized crime group make money
1. Cash is Evil
2. Bitcoin/Crypto is Evil
3. Prepaid Phones are Evil
4. Gift Cards/Vouchers/Coupons are Evil

OK they're not wrong
wrong, u can send cash bank to bank nigger
Why do you think so?
Everyone who posts a non-national flag is a commie shill. Or worse, dare I say it, a leaf.
>Bitcoin/Crypto was created by NWO/Globalists
This is probably the highest level of stupid I ever read.

They don't create a currency they have no control over, that competes with the currency they have perfect control over.
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This is nothing new.
Why are the Republicans doing this to us?
>why is the government doing things that ensure the government retains its power, when faced with new technology that threatens it?
Truly a mystery.

>Be bitcoin autist

>Think you're going to do whatever you want with money you only think is yours

>Decide that you're going to try to leave after laws turn to controlling and regulating bitcoin

>Put all your money into bitcoin

>Your financial institution reports all transactions made into bitcoin to the government

>Your assets get frozen

>You can only go to nations without an extradition treaty

>Spend the rest of your days selling your body for food

Just because you think you can do whatever you want with your money does not make it true. If the First world wants to it can make it's laws apply wherever they want.
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