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American here. Just came from Brazil. Loved the country. So

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Thread replies: 255
Thread images: 76

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American here.

Just came from Brazil. Loved the country.

So many hot women. American women are balls of ugly fat, feminism and lard.

So many buildings and football. It makes me feel ashamed of 400 pounds neighbors around me who can't even stand up. Brazil's economy is actually booming and they work much harder and smarter than americans. It is the country of the future.

They did invent the airplane. I went to Brazil's aeronautics museum and it is all true. They made the airplane and the Brothers Wright actually copied it. Santos Dumont died of depression alone in his house in Petropolis after killing himself for seeing his invention used in war while the Brothers Wright made money and got filthy rich.

Brazil is not even dangerous. I did not even get murdered. All that happened to me was getting my shoes and phone stolen at the beach while I was surfing. But I was a dumbass and I don't judge the local minors for stealing my stuff. They are poor and I am very rich gringo. It is fair that they take my stuff.

So, when did you realize Brazil is actually a great country? I now know why so many people called it the superpower of the future.
>i did not even get murdered

good job you faggot
I wish we still had mandatory country flags. Now any huehue can pull this shit.
I'm an american, english teacher.

I welcome our brazilian overlords. Their country is actually awesome and prosperous. Much greater than the decrepit Japan that I have visited last year.

Japan is pathetic and full of virgins. When I read a japan poster, I just remember you are all autistic virgins while the brazilian men are having sex since they are 10 years old. lol

You are pathetic.
As an american, I struggle everyday to do not get shot by guns.

Brazilians have it easy because their government took their weapons so now only dangerous criminals and the police are armed.

It's much safer there.
>I wish we still had mandatory country flags
>Weeb with a proxy
>i did not even get murdered
Oh wow good job anon, Glad to know while you were down there that was a priority that you accomplished and are now proud of that.
(Don't get murder, Check)
>All that happened to me was getting my shoes and phone stolen at the beach while I was surfing. But I was a dumbass and I don't judge the local minors for stealing my stuff. They are poor and I am very rich gringo. It is fair that they take my stuff.

This is where i begin to think this is bait.
>hey guys i got robbed but its okay man hehe getting robbed is okay anon

>American women are balls of ugly fat, feminism and lard.
Yeah i agree with you. This why im not sure if this shit is bait or you serious

>They made the airplane and the Brothers Wright actually copied it.
Yea.... We Wuz Kangs and Sheit
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If you grew up in the US you'd know the answer to this question: what is the Burger King's middle name.
show real flag or get out
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I fap to Brazilian models on Instagram daily.
I am not stupid.

There is Google.

Even in America even though we are so poor that can barely afford healthcare while brazilians have universal healthcare.
Santos Dumont died in poverty alone in his house while Wright Brothers became rich.

It is not fair.
Gabriella Lenzi is my fav
followed by kamimeira
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San Paolo makes NY look like a village
how do we choose our flag?
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Choose location with post
>I did not even get murdered.

That shouldn't be an achievement
nice try, brasilian third world nigger
OP is clearly a brazilian larping.
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>hot women

i donno what do you think?
>English teacher
>talks like a fag

yea, nah
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Switch your flag and prove it.
Only if you bump the thread

Any regional discussion without regional flag chosen should be saged and hidden.
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But most BR women are also ugly as fuck. OP must be one of those YTs with shit taste who love to stick their dicks into subhuman brown wimmin.
lmao nice try monkey
>10 inches of makeup
>still ugly
Agreed. Now all the poos and kikes are in hiding.
Looks like soviet Russia or any random communist/socialist bloc aka a shithole
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Nice try Brazil! You're a garbage country and no one likes you. You're basically the India of the west, go find a street to shit in.
Monkey please
People keep reposting this pic but she's not even hot. Looks good in thumbnail but when you click on it you see she has egregious monkeyface.
I recognize you from the same pic you posted in another thread. You are brazilian
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>Brazil is not even dangerous. I did not even get murdered

That's a awfully low bar.
>only dangerous criminals and the police are armed
>dangerous criminals

That's the one group of people you don't want to be armed.
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All that happened to me was getting my shoes and phone stolen at the beach while I was surfing.

youre trying too hard.
one of the most murders per capita in the whole world.
>check wikipdia article
>portugal is 0.96
>still in the 1-2 range map

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forgot to greentext either way heres some more statistics and citations about brazils murder rate.

seems like taking guns away did not help atol huh? now only criminals have them.
Low level b8
did you not see? it says the statistics where taken from 2009 but the brazilian murder rate is still abhorently high.

naw m8, I saw the updated map as well
Nippon has a point
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Reveal thy flag oh great LARPing monkey, no one will believe your bullshit here.
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I know these feels anon. Everything you have said is true... I miss south Brazil!
Wish these other anons understood, but alas, they are faggots.

>I'm an american, english teacher.
>I welcome our brazilian overlords. Their country is actually awesome and prosperous
Aussie English teacher to be reporting in. Que foi cara! How incredible was your taste of the good life anon? Mine was better than any experience the West ever gave me, that's for sure. See you over there amigo.

>All that happened to me was getting my shoes and phone stolen at the beach
>This is where i begin to think this is bait.
>hey guys i got robbed but its okay man hehe getting robbed is okay anon
He's right though. So much butthurt on here about muh Brazil niggerland crime. Fucking idiots. Nearly 100M Whites in Brazil, south is majority White and rad as hell, the vast majority of crime in Brazil is petty crime, especially for a tourist. It is not a big deal. Get pickpocketed? Get some balls and get over it and go have the time of your life. You know, go and actually enjoy some awesome weather and freedom and women that are actually sexy yet not utterly fucked in the head.
>Prove me wrong
>protip, you can't

>most BR women are also ugly as fuck.
Dumbest shit I've read all day. The south of Brazil is a fucking haven for hot women, they're awesome. Pussy gringos too scared to visit Brazil have NO IDEA what they're missing... OP is 100% right, Brasileiras shit all over western feminist whore-pigs in every way.

He's right, you're wrong. Brazil is probably the country with the most potential on the planet. West is an overrated, overpriced, shitty and boring insane asylum compared, and it's on a highway to hell. South America is rising.

t. Ausfag who travelled to Brazil and still wishes he never left (except for the north, that's a ghetto. South is legendary. Go!)
Google top cities by murder rate, you'll find most of that shit happens in the north... where it is definitely a shithole.

But south Brazil is very, very different mate. Well worth checking out. Don't let the stats scare you away.
The crime that occurs in Rio's favelas... occurs in Rio's favelas. It's drug related for the most part.
Stay out of that shit, and bad areas in general (like the north), and you'll be fine. You might never leave. I wish I didn't!

>there are only 2 types of men
>those who've never been to Brazil
>those who are trying to go back
Thank you for talking sense into these bigots, anon.
samefag with proxy
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American here.

Just came from India. Loved the country.

So many hot women. American women are balls of ugly fat, feminism and lard.

So many buildings and cricket. It makes me feel ashamed of 400 pounds neighbors around me who can't even stand up. India's economy is actually booming and they work much harder and smarter than americans. It is the country of the future superpower you sons of bitches.

We did invent the airplane. I went to India's aeronautics museum and it is all true. We made the airplane and the Brothers Right actually copied it. Shivkar Bapuji Talpade died of depression alone in his house in Bombay after killing himself for seeing his invention used in war while the Brothers Wright made money and got filthy rich.

India is not even dirty. I did not even get to shit on the street. All that happened to me was getting my shoes and phone stolen at the beach while I was in a loo. But I was a dumbass and I don't judge the local minors for stealing my stuff. They are poor and I am very rich white man. It is fair that they take my stuff.

So, when did you realize India is actually a great country? I now know why so many people called it the superpower of thefuture.
Post with your true flag, faggot.

>Brazil is not even dangerous. I did not even get murdered.

i love /pol/
kek true

thanks for the pasta OP

now fuck off back to Brazil.
>brazilian overlords

They're not even overlords of their own country.
Americans don't call soccer football. Nice try Brazil fag
>Brazil is probably the country with the most potential on the planet
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>Brothers Wright
Confirmed for dumb huehuehue
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The country is being used as Social Engineering Petri Dish.

Also, a destabilization plan exists that would pave the way for the SAU(South American Union).

This anon knows what is up.

I also had a great time having sex with beautiful feminine brazilian women while foreign women will only give you sex if you trade meth with them.

All thin women in the United States are heroin-addicts and this has been widely reported beyond doubt.

America is over. It is Brazil's time now.
oh fuck I'm laughing so hard, i love you /pol/

looks prettier than russia desu :/
Nice flags, faggot. Too bad you didn't change your id.
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São Paulo is a rich wealthy city with beautiful modern art.

All murder goes in the Triângulo da Morte, the specified murder district.

It's actually very safe if you avoid the area.
What the fuck are you talking about? I've been to Brazil. It's a shithole with some of the most rampant crime, poverty, and overall problems in the world. The women aren't hotter than in America, they just act more like sluts. Which is amazing because too many American women already act like all out whores.
It looks 100 times better than Russia and 1000 times better than America, you son of bitch.
Shut up leaf.
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Yes pretty much.

My country walked into this "South American Union" bullshit blindly, now Bolivians, Paraguayans and Venezuelans can enter my country visa-free. (They enter but they never leave)

Meanwhile we have gained nothing from the supposed ((economic benefits)), South America is protectionist as fuck and aside from Brazil buying us cars (we also buy from them), there is very little they are willing to buy from us since most of these countries are poor or not interested in buying beef, wheat, software, pharmaceuticals, chemicals, etc.

Most of our value-added products still go to Europe and North America, while most of the agricultural products go to China.

The globalists want the whole world to resemble a giant Brazil.
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It must be like the PvP area in RuneScape..
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You ain't fooling anyone pajeet.
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No problemo, can't blame anons for loving their memes... but bloody hell, they see 'huehueland = bad' and never look any deeper.

If only they knew...

Yeah nah m8

You might think you're pretty funny (and effort post was actually pretty gud), but the jokes on you anon. India =/= Brazil.

Nothing does. Go there and see for yourself.

Obrigado, e verdade! It sucks that such a great place has a bad rep. I will never forget my time in Brazil (yep, the women deserve their reputation), and I'm looking forward to much more in the future. I hope I live to see the south secede, instantly best country in the world.

>+1 for South Brazilian Paradise!
this is all true I live in a palace and i have servants I watch soccer and drink the best of beers my brother punched me once when his team lost the game but after we laughed so it's fine
It's adorable how he thought he was fooling anybody
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stop resisting whiteboys, you belong to us!
looks like a nightmare
Brazillians also beat muslims on sight. Not a bad place to live.
requesting the one with her eyes crossed and tongue sticking out, for science
from what I heard it's a noisy nightmare of a stuck in traffic maze with chinese mist and people speak obnoxiously.
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ahhh yaaaaa

>the Triangulo is the real world analogy to the Wilderness
You might think you're pretty funny (and effort post was actually pretty gud), but the jokes on you, gringo. Russia =/= USA.

Nothing does. Go there and see for yourself.
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thx bb
fuuuug I love this picture
>Argentina White
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>Le 56% face
>Let me tell you which countries are white
is there not a roll version of this
brazil is just fill of shemales
>buys ticket
>bleaches indio babes
feels good man

Kek, it just keeps getting better!

But wait... some neet virgin on the internets said huehueland is scary... I'd better just stay in the west with my tendies, trap porn, and miserable serfdom; fapping my life away and shitposting on pol about places I've never been. Right faggots? lel

Damn. Got trolled by the funny man. How will I ever recover?
Someone give nobel a prize.

Best poster.

Australians are Brazil's eternal allies.
Brazil is full of niggers and spics. Who would ever want to live there? Fucking jungle rats that will shake you down just like the old-days mafia.

This OP goes, is a fucking tourist, and then thinks he's got it all figured out. What a fuck tard. Stray a little off the beaten path in Sao Paulo and you'll be beaten.
Hahaha, thanks mate. Just give me permanent visa (or hot waifu).

I'd do the same for you. Eternal allies!
If you're not stupid, why were you unable to answer the question?
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But the poverty...
Heres what they acualy look like
Not mexican larpers
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Gotcha senpai

brazil is a murder shithole, but the women are hot. suprised you couldn't find any better than this one but i guess since this is pol you didn't want to choose one with a nice fat ass
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what about zika virus and slums
Rolling at the speed of noise
>American here.
>no burger flag
Yes, I totally believe you OP.
we wuz rolling n' shiet
If /pol/ didn't have these retarded flags, you wouldn't have to start by saying "American here".

Or we could tell that you're actually a huemonkey LARPing as an American.

Regular flags need to come back.
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>beautiful feminine brazilian women
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Post more Kuruminha
> ...he said, while using a VPN.
>attacks america, praises brazil
>non geographic flag
>expects us to believe he is from america
>Brazil is full of niggers and spics.
>full of niggers and spics.
>niggers and spics.
Are you implying that makes a country a shithole? Those demographics seem familiar somehow, burger... Kek.

You just insulted your own country you fucking retard.

>This OP goes, is a fucking tourist, and then thinks he's got it all figured out.
You've never been there yet think you've got it all figured out. As you said, "What a fuck tard."

>Stray a little off the beaten path in Sao Paulo and you'll be beaten.
Yeah, that'd never happen in New York, or LA, or Detroit, or Chicago...

ITT - Americans reveal they are just as obnoxious, opinionated and retarded on the internet as they are when they travel.
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post more brazilian native girls
Someone already has exposed him as a macaco.
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>beautiful feminine brazilian women

Pic related.

Good enough for Tom Brady. A man far superiour to you.

>You just insulted your own country you fucking retard.

I never defended US you fucking kiwi faggot.

>You've never been there yet think you've got it all figured out. As you said, "What a fuck tard."

Been several times. It's a shithole. You've obviously never been there.

>Yeah, that'd never happen in New York, or LA, or Detroit, or Chicago.

Ever try to formulate a real argument mouth-breather?
>American here
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brown women>white women>asian women>black "women"
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That's perfect haha
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Give it a rest Aussiefag, no ones interested in your halfwit banter. However much this Brazilian dumbass is paying you to shill for him, we'll double it
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Upper Class Brazilian.webm
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>Brazil is not even dangerous. I did not even get murdered.

Literally laughed out loud. Top shitpost my """"american"""""friend.
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lol they invented the plane hahaha dumbass
Fatality... I mean...what the fuck.
why do you even save shit like this?

Yep, it's probably a safe bet to just assume anyone posting with a flag that's not their national banner is from Canada, Sweden, India, etc. Countries with a reason to hide.
>It is fair that they take my stuff.
You are not an American. The new flags are cancer.

Summer is here.

I forgot to change the flag...
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You think this is only bait?

Go to the POLANDBALL page in Facebook, and search for a post on Brazil or Argentina. They flod the comment section with images of
>"when we raped all of southamerica with our empire"

They actually tell that pic related was a "Brazilian invasion of Buenos Aires, and you beg us to leave"

These people still can not stand the fact that they had the chance to actually become a super power, and fucked it.
>claims to be American
>doesn't post with American flag to prove
Ya, sure whatever you hue monkey
Brasil's traps don't have beards like here in burgerland. Thanks for the bundas
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LARPing monkey
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>The other side was literally whites.

wtf I love Uruguay now.
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oh no
WTF is that?
thanks eurofagfam rollan
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Average Brazilian.jpg
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It's your average Brazilian specimen. Don't be racist senpai.
Has science gone too far?
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Brazilian Shore.jpg
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Rollan for any med cutie.
>they don't save gore for raids and countershariablue psyops

newfags GTFO
It's truth.

If I went to Britain, the building would collapse on me.
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Trips mayne.jpg
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nice attempt to hide your flag you retard fuck, reveal your location now you LARPing ass
looks like a shithole of a city

If you love shitskinistan so much, why don't you move their you smelly fucking taco?
>economy is booming
what the fuck? you only saw the good parts.... brazil is a shithole full of poor niggers.
any respectable brazillian would agree
I'm american as I've said many times before.

But I'm posting from the airport so my IP is always registered as brazilian.
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doesn't that qualify as cannibalism?
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Me too.
How do we manage to be worse than muslims? goddammit.
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>Mexico begins building mestizo cyborgs as a response to Trumps wall.

Truly the greatest timeline.
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I only want brazilian women.

These girls, I bet, all taste like shit and they are addicted to drugs and alcohol. Brazilian women o nthe other hand are pure and will marry youy 9if you are a hot Chad and have money. They still want to be mothers and have family unlike europeans who only want abortion, heroin and Ahmed's cock.

American women themselves only want abortion, heroin, Mc'Donalds and Tyrone's cock. In that order.
We aren't.
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Hahaha man maybe you'd be better at trolling OP if you didn't use the same image of this shitskin manly woman pic that you use in all your pro brazil threads that you make five times a day.

If she's considered hot to you then by all means keep it. I don't like my women to have a color of skin that seems like it would smell. I can practically smell her from this image and she stinks.
Is Brazil like Mexico? Where the darker you are the further from the city center you dwell?
This is pretty good larping. This an anon pretending to be a Brazilian, pretending to be an Anerican who went to Brazil and is praising it. This is Shakespearean level shitposting. It is like a play within a play.
You're not worse than the muslim.

You are beautiful country and people who work hard and only commit crimes and murder and rape because of american colonialism who stole your airplane, copied your industries and did not allow your country to develop.

We are sorry.
>It is fair that they take my stuff.
That's fault of Eurofags.
They were the ones spreading niggers all over the world.

Indians were already stoping to die of flu in the 17th century, they could have been good worked if their old work traditions had been respected.

But no! Spaniards, Portuguese and British fags wanted all the monie fast. They work them to death and had to bring blacks.
Fuck you gookmoot.
Romania get
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>much smarter than Americans.
Sounds pretty shit in Hueland, were you trying to make it actually sound good?
China is so smart
You fuck up
OP is a Brazilian, shitposting on his dead brother's behalf who got shot today leaving his house.
what's some good brazilian porn
You are probably some rich Scandinavian faggot who fantasizes about brown women all day.

But you've never been around brown people except when they are carrying your bags or cleaning your hotel room.

Die in a fire.
>American here.
> I'm an american, english teacher.

HAHAHAHA! Bullshit. Thanks anyways.
We got none mate.

>Muh niggers, muh evil empires.

Fuck right off m8. You reap what you sow. This is the result of 50 years of Marxist Socialism at work. When you retards kick out all foreign investment or in the case of Argentina steal investors money. Then you nationalize all the industry and keep voting in President who only promise gibs while destroying your countries. Don't blame anyone else but yourselves for this.

In the case of Brazil they have the infrastructure and resources to be an economy as large as China and a huge powerhouse. Problem is they are too corrupt and centralized. All their politicians are bought and payed for by special interests.
why do they have tire tracks? is that how much men hate them?
My country is shit!
Brazil is corrupt because the United States forces Brazil to shield its companies with the government due to predatory globalization and competition.

Becuase of that, Brazil has to finance its companies through the government and the business people keep financing the government for projects and then corruption happens.

It is all because of foreign pressure. If left alone, Brazil could become greater than any country. A true superpower.
Congratulations for surviving. Now stop sucking dick and tell us how truly terrible this place is, gringo.
He fucked up lol.

It's not terrible.

The problem is people like you who don't love your country and try to make it work.


Brazil is corrupt because it's full of non-whites.
I've said already I am at the airport yes

So I'm still under Brazilian IP.
It's corrupt because white people force us to do so. It's the only way.

Also, corrupt people are all white.

Check brazilian news once in a while.

The politicians and companies are all white bs

Go study.
They're summer flags anon.
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Sad times when untouchable streetshitters can mingle and post here.
You're retarded, brazilian girls are the biggest sluts around, trust me, theres alot of them here.
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t. achmed

(Pic related is my gf (female) btw)
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Most Brazillian women here are literally gold diggers and welfare queens without ofense.
>forehead freckles

Confirmed to use cocain and choke on the BBC while high.
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I love me some brazilian women

>it is fair that they take my stuff bc they're poor

Maybe, with that obviously Socialist thought in mind, you can cruise on over to venezuela and see how great things are going.

Sensing a whipped apologetic white libtard here.
My gf is a virgin and we're waiting until marriage to have sex.

Enjoy your right hand tho, Achmed.
>women: "we gonna marry virgins, anon"
>meaning: i want to be pregnant of Jamal's baby when we marry so i get more shit on divorce
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>American here
>Brothers Wright
>Someone give nobel a prize.
>brazilian educ-
>burger english teacher education
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he sure took the bait.gif
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I inspected her hymen already. Unused.

Keep digging, dune coon.
Venezuela is about to come crashing down. There's going to be crimelords and socialists fleeing into your country. Stay safe, man.
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Forgot your flag, bud.
>This is the result of 50 years of Marxist Socialism at work

>Argentina=50 years of marxism

Must be American education...

Yeah, the Kirchners were real socialists. That is why the purchase of public land by foreign individuals exploded during his rule.

And companies like Barrick Gold exploited our mining resources and polluted several towns, poisoning their water source.

Or the fact that agricultural monopolies and groups like George Soros' AdecoAgro received benefits and subsidies, making it impossible for small national companies to survive.


>to do not get shot by guns

Guns don't shoot at people dumbass. If you had a real American education, you'd know how to grammar fuccboi.

Post location shillfag.
Porn is for degenerates, but I agree with op (even though OP is an obvious fag troll with his "i didn't even get murdered but robbed" bait), Brazil is an amazing country and way more enjoyable than any other country I've been to. After having spent some time in Brazil, any other place depresses you.
>So many people call it the superpower of the future.
Are these the same people that say Pajeetistan will also be the superpower of the future while they shit in the street?
>I inspected her hyman already
>I inspected her hyman already
>I inspected her hyman already
>I inspected her hyman already

Muslim confirmed.

Carry on, brother. Show the europeans who is boss of their women.
Is that man even alive
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We created the plane, but nowadays we are a big favela.
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100% white Aryan here and so is my gf. We took 23 and me tests a little over a year ago.

Imagine being this must of a virgin fajjit. Cry more.
>So many buildings and football.
> It makes me feel ashamed of 400 pounds neighbors around me who can't even stand up.
>the Brothers Wright actually copied it.
>the Brothers Wright made money and got filthy rich.
>All that happened to me was getting my shoes and phone stolen
>I am very rich gringo. It is fair that they take my stuff.
When you try to LARP but you're betrayed by your poor grammar
>brothers wright
nice LARPing huemonkey
>American here.
It's just "Burger", right?
not even brazilians like Brazil, lmao
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brazil got rekt by GERMANY.webm
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you must be more retarded than all huehuheuehuehuehes to give your data to those jews like that
seriously, you are dumb as fuck
Had to confirm our DNA. At least my kids will be 110% Bavarian phenotype.
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>imagine being this insecure

keep larping faggot with your fake gf pic.

This is fake news.
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good job you moron
keep patting your own back for asinine reasons like that
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>baby we need to test your dna
>ok honey, hope the children will be 100% white luv ya

in your fucking dreams you beta fag
This is why we need flags.
Arrgh! Somalia be the best country, ye scalawag.
She has dick in her name kek
ew. THICC is code for FAT
it is
please give me delicia
why would we do that? its not like all of us are "come to brazil" faggs
OP fucked up and has Brazilian Flag
seems legit
>American here.
Yeah, south american.
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white pride 1488.jpg
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There is actually a mostly White territory in Brazil that is tired of financially supporting all those non-Whites and wants to separate.
testing hippie
>I'm american
Can someone give me an answer that isn't full of memes or bullshit? Is it worth travelling to South Brazil, and should I be fine as long as I don't carry valuables and keep a low profile?
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