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Guys, why will he do something so stupid? If he does this, there is no going back. He'll surely be impeached.
how is that even legal
POTUS is Chief Executive he can fire anyone in the executive branch... for any reason or no reason.
Conflict of interest with Comey. He needs to be fired.
Trump could not fire Robert Mueller on his own, but his attorney general does have this authority. If Trump wanted Mueller gone, then, he could simply instruct his attorney general to fire him. However, since Jeff Sessions has recused himself from the Russia investigation, this responsibility of firing Mueller would be passed to Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein.

It would then be up to Rosenstein, the man who hired Mueller in the first place, whether he should comply with the president’s orders and fire the special counsel. While the president could not bypass Rosenstein and fire Mueller himself, he could fire Rosenstein and replace him with a deputy attorney general who will agree to fire Mueller.
Does not mean removal for office
For some reason I thought the congress had appointed him.
He absolutely should

Listen to his sniveling defenses of the illegal Section 702 abuse

Excessively spying on Americans was one of the job requirements to be a high level department head or cabinet member under Obama it seems
Literally Hitler. Have to say, even as a long time supporter and voter, I can see it's over for Drumpf. He's done.
>Trump couldn't fire him on his own

Yes, he can. He has absolute authority over federal investigations. The only reason Nixon couldn't fire the special investigator is because he was appointed by Congress.
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Robert Mueller Stocks Staff with Democrat Donors
Special counsel's team includes former Clinton Foundation lawyer, contributors to Obama, Hillary, more

I'm sure Rosenstein is leaning that way as any AG with integrity would after Comey's self incriminating testimony showed that he scrambled to illegally coordinate Mueller's appointment after he was dismissed from his directorship
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If you recall he was appointed by the deputy acting attorney general Schlomo Hebenstein or something.
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About time.
i dont understand why the senate wouldnt have appointed their own investigator though. what was the sense in sticking it under the aegis of the executive
Fake news
>Judy Woodruff
The oldest battle axe in the MSM tool chest.
Simple. Fire them all. Disband the FBI. Bring charges against the traitors immediately.
this and he's not investigating anything. he's stalemating and letting the investigation go on and on to keep trump/russia collusion in the media

nice flag
this. dumb fucks are dumb. ((muh INPEASHMUNT)). they don't teach anything in school but common core bullshit. we're all fucked over here.
Do you even know what fucking impeachment is you retard?

playing by the rules wont help trump

washington needs to burn
what would be the actual legal basis for impeachment here - 'Hindering an Active Investigation' or similar? Not arguing, it wouldn't be justified, slowly, either BTW, just, mildly interested in the legal technicalities.
Yes it does but he won't be impeached. The left just keeps making up these fake news stories to make themselves feel better.
Clinton was impeached.
wow holy fuck. america really is done for. you all fucked in the head. trumpters in this thread already trotting out the prepared remarks one by one .

yellowstone when
Impeachment is the process by which a legislative body formally levels charges against a high official of government. Impeachment does not necessarily mean removal from office; it is only a formal statement of charges, akin to an indictment in criminal law, and is thus only the first step towards removal. Once an individual is impeached, he or she must then face the possibility of conviction via legislative vote, which then entails the removal of the individual from office. LITERALLY YOU CAN GOOGLE THIS SHIT
the Senate is majority Republican and are only doing the barest minimum so as not to be yelled at by the dems... they have no interest in perusing any investigation because they know it is 100% bullshit.

They have their committee and have had hearings and they have all shown Trump is completely in the clear and these accusations are Trumped up hogwash from the losers.
go jump in the lake, ya limey cunt. you got your own damn problems to sort out. you guys are literally car bowling in the streets of London
how did you get through chinese firewall?
Loading up the investigation with Clinton Foundation Lawyers, and Democrat donors seems like a Legit reason to fire someone over. Its almost like they picked the Crew for max triggering, so the investigation would never happen. Then make Trump into a Nixon Clone. Its not even 2d chess, they keep trying to start a new game before they even finish the one they are already losing...
Yeah we have a fucked up system because Dems and Liberals are the most butt hurt faggots that can't let go but at least we ain't over run by towel heads and are gearing up to become Islamic State 2 the bong edition
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>Special counsel's team includes former Clinton Foundation lawyer, contributors

Why aren't conservatives screeching for recusal?? He's best buds with J Edgar Comey for fuck sake. Why can't they start a campaign like the shithead Dems keep doing??

Why leave it all up to Trump to get rid of him??

We don't fucking need the FBI, it was sold to us with bullshit in the first place.

State police could handle shit on their own, better yet divide up the FBI's budget in bloc grants to them. We have fucking internet now so the whole, "OH NOZ! What if the bad guise flee state lines!?" shit is irrelevant.

Federal police is UNCONSTITUTIONAL.
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>do you ever get tired of saying this.

This isn't a major happening

Trump will not be impeached. Give up already.
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who is this guy, exactly?
close up the CIA while we're at it too
Thats an aussie flag dude those faggots have nothing better to do between the abo petrol raids and their blacked threads
Agree we don't need FBI but it's not unconstitutional. Stop being retarded.

b-b-b-but I read it on HuffPost
The Dems and media won't drop the Russia fake scandal under any circumstances, no matter what info is revealed. They'll simply spin it in another direction, they can't give it up as a distraction. They know they have nothing to bring to the table in 2018 since they abandoned the working class, and if they start trying to pander to them now they'll get called out by the far-left 'progressives'. They're fucked and they know it.
Literally a cunt faggot. Learn vocabulary you fucking trained ape.
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This is what I believe as well.
Pretty fucking much kek
I heard some kike commie cunt tonight on PBS radio show 'On Point' talking about Muslim Interment camps .. her new book? No is not enough oy vey goy when are you buying her great book?

"Mueller, along with deputy attorney general James Comey, threatened to resign from office, in March 2004, if the White House overruled a Department of Justice finding that domestic wiretapping without a court warrant was unconstitutional."
>What is the 9th and 10th Amendments

They NEVER intended to have federal police agencies. A national police force was a crazy scheme that not even Hamilton would have suggested.

But of course, those amendments don't mean shit anymore 'cuz reasons....
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Honestly, the more chaos the better. When would there have ever been a up rooting of the deep state if not for Trump. Clearly, Hillary would have cemented the deep state so securely nothing short of total destruction of the country would break it loose.
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>be liberal pussy faggot
>throw out some speculative bullshit (completely fabricated with liberal pussy faggot friends)
>report as news
>rinse and repeat
If he doesn't fire him he will get impeached
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Congress has no say in it

Trump can literally command Rosenstein to do it, or fire Rosenstein and find someone who will. Look it up.
Kisslyak is coming.
Its the end of the old two party system as we know it Dems have committed political suicide by trying to push a false scandal all that will be come 2018 will be the alt-right and libe cucks then the race wars can start in honest.
It's not a legal thing, it's a political thing. Nothing Trump's done is even close to legally being "obstruction of justice", but congress can impeach him for jaywalking if they want to. Impeaching frivolously and without actually convicting and throwing him out would be political suicide and only strengthen Trump, so the media is currently running a PR offensive to blow up the literal-nothing they have into Watergate times a million to try to build public support and give anti-Trump republicans cover to vote to kick him out.
He should fire rosenstein too, comey had rosenstein pick Mueller for a reason
Yes drain the swamp means firing people
they can hire Mueller to investigate after Trump fires him.
Unlikely, conflict of interest at that point. Mueller would have a reason to be bias.

Why did Rosenstein hire Mueller?

Also, Comey said he engineered this. So, Trump has no choice.
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Mueller is Comey's friend of 15 years, his mentor and got him the job at FBI. They both covered up evidence of crimes for Bush, Clinton, Obama including 9/11. I would say that is a conflict of interest wouldn't anybody?

I don't think he should but at the same time Comey and Mueller go way back. Comey has proven to be untrustworthy and gets one of his friends from the Bureau to head the investigation into Russian tampering. The investigation has been tainted by Comey. If it really is going to be "independent" they need to get somebody completely unattached to any of this and with no conflict of interest.
If that's the case, then he should burn, along with anybody else involved. The swamp can't drain fast enough.
that's a very good deal for a house like that
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Mueller has a conflict of interest by being close, REALLY CLOSE personal relationship with Comey.
Trump can gire him and replace him, and if i was trump id have him fired and replaced
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Covfefe = I can do what I want.
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>tells Comey to "lift the cloud" of Russia investigation
>"nothing he's done is even close to """obstruction of justice"""""
sorry m8, Trump University legal degrees aren't worth much these days
The Flynn investigation isn't related to the Russian investigation. Comey said that himself. If Trump were concerned about Flynn flipping on Trump, he could just give Flynn a pardon.
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Because if Trump goes down, they're rid of the usurper who committed a hostile takeover of their party, and the chances of another outsider getting the nomination go from slim to none.

Their boy Pence gets in. They take a hammering in public opinion by association with Trump. But the Dem's lose their #resist momentum, and they can always pull the trigger on Podesta, Lynch, Wasserman or any other mid to high level dem rat right before the midterm elections.

Even if the gop gets hammered by the dems in the midterms and lose the presidency, it doesnt matter to them all that much. The ones that dont get booted from office can go back to bitching but never doing anything. With Dems in control, the burden of fixing shit is off their shoulders.
Is it considered blasphemy if you put a dual turbo 7L LSX in that? Asking for a friend
>considering perhaps terminating
So now they are giving their sources, but using as many limp-wristed words as they can fit?
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Former Trump supporter here, seriously you goys we shouldn't let Trump get his hands on the nuclear codes.
unless Hitler is running id vote for Trump again
how is it legal to allow idiots like you to not understand basic civics?
Why didn't they leak that Trump was not under investigation?
Careful, John
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yeah, exactly, Trump has actually tried interfering with two separate investigations: one into Flynn's shady shit, and another into the counter-intelligence operation against a foreign nation that interfered in our election (inb4 we do it too!!!)

If Hillary had done even half of what Trump has done you guys would be dropping tendies everywhere. I realize you can't see the hypocrisy cuz your head is too far up Daddy's ass, but it's pretty funny to watch from the outside.
>President interfering with a federal investigation

Sorry, sweetie, but the president is in charge of federal investigations, he can't obstruct an investigation he controls.
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those quads.
>I've been told he's considering perhaps

fake news
It's amazing to me that the retarded faggots on the left still defend the public school system.. With the way things are now, I wouldn't be surprised if the less someone is in school the more that person knows. Hell just mandatory internet time would be more effective at this point.
No, Republicans will never impeach him.

Just like he said on the campaign trail, he could shoot somebody and not lose support
>inb4 we do it too!!!
every nation on earth interfered in our election
Since Trump has been cleared, the job isn't real, unless Mueller widens the scope to stay relevant.
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>implying you'd be okay if Hillz did it
it's okay, cognitive dissonance is a hell of a drug.
I'm not here to convince any of you of anything, that's impossible to do online. I'm just here for the lulz, and trumpcucks are good at providing those
>firing the guy who's buttbuddies with the guy you just fired

You sure are bad at shilling, Brock.

Also, for anyone not smart enough to read the Constitution, Trump is the head prosecutor of the federal government.

He can stop any investigation he wants.

I'll wait for you to find the parts of the Constitution where it says "FBI" or "special counsel" or even "Department of Justice".
we all have our hobbies
Unironically will get Trump impeached, is there a reason why Trump is doing everything possible to JUST himself? I'm convinced he has to be a Democratic Manchurian Candidate, no one can be this utterly suicidal
and there's where your argument goes to die. The same republicans who were openly prepping for a landslide loss and Madame President? The same Republicans that were almost all either fence sitters of outright anti-Trump? Don't kid yourself, Republican congressional members are a self preserving bunch of back stabbers and the only reason they haven't ditched Trump is because they think they'll finally, after 8 fucking years get "Conservative" legislation passed (it's a meme of course, but they've gotta cling onto something), along with the fact the Republican party base is still pro-Trump. If they start seeing signs of a wave election, or if Trump does something impeachable tier like firing Mueller they'll start fleeing the sinking ship like rats.
His job is done, Trump vindicated. Congress critters, however, don't want the farce to end.
Trump isn't going anywhere. Calm down.
>b-but Hillary

Oddly enough, Comey's testimony was more damming of Hillary than Trump. He admitted the email investigation was guided by politics.

None of Comey's investigations were against Trump. For all his "I don't feel comfortable around Trump" bullshit, he continued to stay on for months afterwards.
>if you kill your enemies, they win
Jewey McJewface
This needs to happen.
The Russia Investigation cleared Trump. JOB OVER, unless Mueller widens his search for the elusive impeach mintz.
>finally at least have something to point to about not doing anything wrong
>immediately destroy that by terminating the probe investigating you and look like you have something to hide
Would you rather go through a years long retarded probe but get vindicated at every turn, or try to stop the probe only to cause such a backlash it gets revived anyway only with your image further fucked?
Is your supply of commas about to expire? Is that why you needlessly tossed so many into one sentence?
He's a partisan hack.
You jews have been trying hard to peel off Republican support from Trump to leave him isolated. Don't believe for a second you're fooling anyone, even normies are noticing your dirty rat tricks now.
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Yes it's all in (((Rosenstein's))) hands as planned
You'd think the media would have picked up on that when he cleared Bill in the Marc Rich investigation. Or when he brokered the deal for HSBC that let them off the hook when they got caught laundering billions of dollars for drug lords.
>Would you rather go through a years long retarded probe but get vindicated at every turn
This would obviously be preferable, but I think the chances of that happening are 0% because this is a conspiratorial jewish attempt to manufacture something for criminal charges and/or impeachment.
Think of it this way... these special counsel investigations always take several months and even years, and cost millions of dollars. They are pretty much obligated to come up with something that justifies their existence. They won't wrap things up after spending 1-2 years and $50 million dollars by saying, "Welp, everyone looks clean to me, thanks for the coin suckers."
I heard if Trump fires Mueller then Congress can basically appoint him again.
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Until I get absolute evidence that he IS terminating him I don't care. I'm tired of seeing shit like "There is a chance that Trump might possibly consider doing x,y or z".
he should just fire everyone except bannon . then hire Alex Jones , bill bye and David duke as the chiefs of staff for all departments
As usual, the most eloquent and incisive observation gets the fewest (you)s.
>literally who tweets that literally who told them something
The investigation is about his campaign associates' possible collusion as well.

Last I checked there wasn't a 15 minute news conference where the FBI Director laid out multiple felonies that Trump committed, but he couldn't think of any reasonable prosecutor that would take it to court. On the other hand in Hillary's case......
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y r we even talking about impeachment--this isn't Salon. trump is not getting impeached u stupid fucks.
Also pardon any fuckin one he wants.
Liberals are stoopid as shit
That's a good way to make large freakout a gigantic one.
It's the ultimate test of Trump's support in the Republican party. If he orders Mueller be fired, or more likely has to fire people in the AG's office until he finds someone willing to do it, we'll see if the Establishment Republicans go along with him.

If they do, it may be Trump's way out of impeachment. Some current or former people in his administration might go down, but Ryan and McConnell clearly don't have the balls to stand up to him and impeach, much less convict.

Politically, it seems like suicide, but really it would just be Trump doubling down on firing Comey and daring the Republican party to stop him. If nothing else, it will be interesting to see what happens next. Where do Ryan and McConnell really stand?
Nope. LS7s are keeping the RX7/RX8 market alive.
trump did nothing wrong. >60million people voted for him. anyone who is saying he will be impeached is either a fucking brain dead liberal or a faggut shill
I hope he does just to trigger people even more
It's going to be over run 3 months

why do morons who know nothing about the american government post before doing research for themselves?

Lurk moar or just fuck off totally

The president has the authority to DISMISS ANY case under investigation by the FBI. The idea that the president can obstruct justice, when by law he has the authority to say

1.) stop the investigation


2.) I pardon 'X" close the investiogn

This is a total media farce, a disgraceful exercise in the lefts ability to mobilize people who get their only information from them.

Everyone who believes Trump did anything wrong is not only a Regressive Left muppet, theyre also illiterate morons.
> Twitter

It's not happening.

so hes gonna fire mueller hours before sessions trial tomorrow?
>Contemporary US education is failing our youth.

Read a book. This is 7th grade type of information. Please go educate yourself.

Impeachment has nothing to do with removal from office of president, though it is associated.

Quit making America look bad.
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>eally it would just be Trump doubling down on firing Comey and daring the Republican party to stop him. If nothing else, it will be interesting to see what happens next. Where do Ryan and McConnell really stand?

The base will still back Trump and Ryan won't want to upset the base under ANY circumstances.

There is literally no chance of impeachment for this reason, because Trump has the base in his back pocket (unlike Nixon).
Good, not only does he need to do this, he needs to go hard against all these liberal faggot politicians that keep wasting his time.
Burn the fuckers.
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>Thinks Republicans actually have the balls to stand up to Trump
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Trump should fire Mueller. Mueller is a friend of Comey, is a Clinton contact, is paid off by Soros, and isn't being fair towards Trump.

Trump should fire Mueller and appoint someone who is partisan like Sessions.
Mueller filled his task force with Clinton shills. Fire him, have Sessions go after the deep state and nobody will care because not mentioned very much today was Trump's new apprentice program modelled after Germany's, in order to train 6 million ppl to fill jobs instead of immigrants.

Trump should also ban all immigration if the courts don't let him ban Somalia and other shitholes.
Bongs absolutely BTFO. Will they ever recover? Highly unlikely at this juncture.
>Guys, why will he do something so stupid?
Stop drinking the koolaid. Trump is not going to fire Mueller.

By the way, if he did, he is within his rights as president to do so.
Well, Mueller isn't really integral to the investigation. It could be someone truly impartial with no history in the FBI. The other option is just appointing another special counsel to investigate the special counsel for conflicts of interest.
Chris ruddy said Trump's lawyers tv interview gave him the impression that trump might fire him.
That's fake news

can't be too hasty. Some of the strongest Trump supporters are former Clinton donors, like Dershowitz and Kushner's entire family.

Mueller should only be fired if Trump can prove this independent counsel was the product of coercion and political retaliation by Comey.

Independent Counsel should be dismissed because of what Comey admitted to but the Democrats could find someone worse to investigate Trump... like an ambitious POC. Imagine the political theater if they hired a full blown "We Wuz Kangz" Maxine Waters type.

There is a reason to distrust Mueller, can't be totally naive. He did voluntarily serve under Obama for over 4 years. He didn't leave the FBI until 2013.
which is majority Republican

Do you honestly expect they would do this?

I don't This whole phony episode is coming to a conclusion .. the dems and fake news will have to find another bogus charade to pimp.
highly underrated post
ty for educating
Who that? He a fag?
Fire Mueller, appoint Ron Paul
quads confirm

if hillary even fucking farted a fart that sounded like half of the fucking shit trump has said about this investigation you'd be fucking passing hybrid frog-fart memes for years

For any reason provided it doesn't break the law.

Thing of it like this. Your boss has the exclusive authority to fire you for any reason... BUT if he asks you for a blowjob and you get fired for refusing, that is illegal.

You're taking the phrase "Absolute authority" to mean that he can break the law, when in reality what it actually means is that ONLY HE may fire or hire people for those positions, NOT that he can do anything he wants for any reason he wants with regard to their employment.
Why can't Trump end the Muller investigation after Comey's testimony putting an end the Russia fiction? He said there was no collusion, no obstruction of justice or anything like that. Can the media keep pushing this lie even after the anti-trump crowd witness comey sink their last ship?
>calling people hypocrites over how you imagine they would behave in a hypothetical situation
ummmm that's not how it works snookums
Are you high?
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Trump may not be impeached or have done anything wrong, but boy is he just dumb
>hey, the FBI & the NSA & CIA are against me & are dragging their feet on leaks
>I know! I'll hire the FBI Director's good friend whom he's known for years & have him clean up this mess!
He hired Flynn to spite Obama and it bit him in the ass. He hired Manafort to appease the GOP establishment & it bit him in the ass. Remind me why I should have any confidence that anything Trump does will end up fine and not another colossal fuck up. So much of this could've been avoided & it wasn't because Trump is kinda stupid. And the funny thing is, he's still better than every last Congressman or governor. I just wish he was smarter, holy shit.
well within his rights. and he should. this thing needs to just end. it's not like the faggots still clinging onto the russia fake are going to stop. sure, they'll bitch about how authoritarian this looks. and then they'll bitch about whatever else comes up in a week after they forget all about it.

maybe they'll go back to those dozen rape accusers who just magically disappeared. you know, back when they were all screaming about how we elected a rapist. it'll always be something. but this investigation is more nefarious because it is costing A LOT of our money and everyone knows it's just designed to keep people hating the president for no reason, and to make his job harder.

FUCK you stupid faggots. you don't realize the damage you're trying to do.
sorry but you are wrong

this special prosecutor was hired by the attorney generals office which is a cabinet office under the president.. the president can shut this down any time he desires.. he has the power to close any investigation initiated by anyone under the executive branch PERIOD. Congress will not open their own because R Majority and the dems can only gnash their damned teeth and it will be glorious.
Comey said he wasn't the one to decide if it was obstruction of justice, and that it was Mueller's job.
ummm sorry sweetie! that's not how it works!!
Can you imagine the fucking SALT if he does this?
Post of the night
are you in denial?

this presidency is gonna end with macaulay culkin tricking trump into falling into some molasses. he's a fake president reality tv show guy with fake hair and you support him out of boredom.
trump can fire anyone he wants to and there's literally nothing butthurt communists can do about it desu
This jew Rosenstein is the only Trump "ally" that has any weight here, everyone else is Clinton affiliated. I hope this guy has trump's back.
>reality TV show guy

Yeah, because that's why he's famous...
>Trump is being impeached.

once again, I ask, for what?
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Rosenstein is probably corrupt.

There is no substantial evidence of any Russia conspiracy, and therefore no need to appoint a special counsel, especially when Congress was already well into the process of investigating the matter.

Pic related is alleged private chat between IC conspirators seeking to get rid of Trump. "RR" in the first line is Rosenstein.
that's why you know him
You already used that joke.
The republicans are fucking idiots. Sessions should have never recused himself in the first place. This would be like if Clinton was elected and let a bunch of Trump afiliated people take over her foundation probe.
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I won't lie /pol/ former trump voter here. Over the past few months, it has been hilarious watching him crash and burn! But in all seriousness, we can't let this guy get his hands on ANOTHER extra scoop!

Firing Mueller is the best strategic move. It's definitely NOT suicide - it's the opposite.
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It's like the douchebag neighbor kid who used to hit the reset button on the Atari has grown up into a King Nigger shill.
Leave it to classless, leftist scum to try to turn the President into a Nixon clone for no legal or moral reason other than the fact their feelings are hurt. The really sad part is they think it will save their leaders from indictment related to unmasking, sedition, and Seth Rich.
Can the republicans who control the oversight committees set up an investigation of the investigation?
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>He should fire rosenstein too

It was such a terrible move.

>hurr durr the dems will love me if I put A FUCKING REGISTERED DEM in as dept. AG

>proceeds to stab him in the back and appoint special council at first opportunity

wtf was Trump thinking???
Holy shit man I'm not reading all that, can I get a basic gestalt?
>Yes it does
That's where you're wrong
literally shaking right now.
Nah. He won't be impeached. He can wrap up this whole cherade becuase there's nothing there. Where as the other side is dirty and can be brought down. Best defence is offence. A lot of people need to go to jail for their crimes to make the world a better place.

Given that the "base" is only 30% of the voters and firing Mueller will likely piss off any fence-sitters, it may result in a large FUCK TRUMP vote in '18. If the republicans lose the house then impeachment will be a foregone conclusion in the next congress.
Give me a quick rundown of who what when where and why
HK doesn't have it
Stupid Nixon shit. Won't happen.
Trump should just eliminate the FBI completely.
After Comey testimony it's obvious the whole "muh notes" thing was meant to trigger special council. The house of cards is falling appart.

And yes, council can be removed.
The difference between today's media and the media of forty, fifty years ago is the fact that very few of today's shills are actual journalists. Their incompetence won't hang them, but their intentional attempts to make their own news will.
How many faggots are going to scream Nixon when he fires Mueller? These days I have to watch my salt intake because the winning never stops.

He can, yes. But depending on the circumstance, doing so could be a criminal offense. This is literally exactly what got Nixon in trouble. He attempted to shut down an investigation by firing people who were appointees to executive agencies. Sure, he had the authority to fire them, but it also turned out that in doing so, for the reasons he did, he broke the law.

Precedent and the law in general say you're wrong.
this, Trump is a 6/10 for me right now, but everyone else is a 1-2, maybe 3 if I'm generous.

Wrong. Trump can't directly fire Mueller without Rosenstien unless he repeals a bunch of special council regulations.
>special counsel regulations
>regulations put in place by a federal agency he controls

Two years from watergate break-in to impeachment proceedings. The wheels of justice....

If this narrative that the president can fire anyone who is a member of any executive agency for any reason (That it is effectively impossible for the president to break the law by firing someone), then please explain to me how Richard Nixon was subjected to obstruction of justice charges by firing appointees to executive agencies.

People seem to be missing this point. It is in fact entirely possible for the president to break the law in the use of his legitimate authority to hire and fire employees of the executive branch.

if the narrative is true***
>FBI director leaks to press knowing it will fuel political controversy and scandal admitting quote: "i wanted to get a special council appointed"

>prestigious newspaper outright fabricates allegation against the president

>special council was result of coordinated partisan hatchet job

how DARE he end this circus based on lies and media jewry that no democrat would ever have to deal with

the twats are fucking brain dead... not worth wasting time with... Trump is Mueller GOD and can send him to Hell for eternity whenever it pleaseth him.. I hope he does this so we can see liberals heads literally exploding

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It was just revealed BY COMEY that Trump wasn't under investigation and that there is no proof of Trump campaign collusion

>Richard Nixon was subjected to obstruction of justice charges by firing appointees to executive agencies

People are missing that point because you're fabricating it. He faced the threat of obstruction charges because he wouldn't turn over his tapes.
She's not reliable though.

This is just an attempt to generate more negative news against Trump.
No that's fucking retarded numb nuts
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>i'm not under investigation. see, i just fired two of the guys who were looking into the matter, so that means the investigation is over
>this faggot things congresses' opinion means anything

Trump doing this would be the single most retarded thing done to date.
Breitbart is reporting this too. Mueller and Comey are long time pals. It might be rewritten as Mueller needs to be rejected due to conflict of interest since the case involves a close friend.
umm, no sweetie "the matter" involved hillary. Try again
Finally muh Russian investment paid off. Best trump b-day ever. A Cnn day of celebration! Say it Lemmon say it.....>>129653822
The only investigation that needs to take place is the collusion between the Hillary Rodham Clinton, The DNC, and the major corporate networks during the campaign.
Oversight should investigate the investigation. Just create so many investigations that no one knows where one ends and another begins. While quietly passing Trumps agenda.
>he was appointed by Congress
also wrong
>President Nixon's nominee for attorney general, called him to ask if he would consider taking the position of Special Prosecutor in the Watergate affair

>Trump doing this would be the single most retarded thing done to date.
hahaha you're going to be so mad
I will collect your salt like every other time.
How much of this Mueller stuff is fake news

I mean we've seen "TRUMP IS GOING TO FIRE X" like 3,000 times already...
Not sure. But I really hope he does.
Trump's having a presser tomorrow at 2:30 PM, that's when the rubber hits the road.

I'm sure the news will go wild with all kinds of prepared torpedoes in the next 16 hours. Let's wait and see what Trump says.

That was one of three charges, friend. That one was called failure to comply with a subpoena. The other two were obstruction.

This is Trumps excuse right now: all these investigations are PREVENTING the passing of campaign promises.
He wasn't charged with obstruction for firing the special prosecutor.
Why do they say everything they hope Trump doesn't do to them is "retarded?"

It's just the most transparent elementary-school grade reverse psychology.
Mental disorder.
hmmm i feel some failure to disclose info by mueller and his team to combat the russian sessions meme. Sir we have a conflict of interest here with the fake prosecutor investigating mu feelings.
>He'll surely be impeached.
Probably not tho

He'll be impeached if and when he fucks up someone important from making their money
This if Trump fires Mueller he's gonna look even worse. I don't want him to be gone there's Europe that must be retaken.
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O-oh shit anons!
My god man... Get ahold of urself
He actually obstructed justice by lying under oath. Kind of a different ballpark, game, ball, bat and players
Is impeachment a normal thing in other countries?
You guys keep saying it, but this isn't Canada.
You'd have to diddle a child or rape a woman to get impeached.
Look at Clinton, literally took him raping a woman and he fucked the economy up more than a black dick fucked up your moms anus.
Its all just part of the show... We need trump to keep the eyes drawn while congress rolls back some of the Bs put into effect.
You mean Flint?
Small local village officials get impeached all the time.
Sounds eerily similar to the Birther movement. Trump is receiving karmic justice
I knew it... Trump was born in Russia. He is Putins long lost brother.
Lol yeah right. The Birther movement didn't stop the Republican party, and that was an even more ridiculous farce.
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>Hurr durr the President is above the law
>Hurr durr the President cannot break the law
>Hurr durr the President cannot be punished for breaking the law

All this has already been laughably claimed and proven false under Nixon

Also, you're a traitor for supporting manchurian GRU operative Donald Drumpf
It's a witch hunt

If nothing exists, they will make it exist.
Wow, great video. How has this only been viewed 250 times? I used to be neutral about this guy but he obviously gives no shits about privacy, probably wants Trump under because of muh tax reforms

but a doctor no thanks. We need a gowdy
Why do you do this? It's quite tiresome.
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>that one pissed off English teacher that posts in every thread
>can start in honest
>in honest

Jesus Christ, kid. Read a book or two sometime why don't you?
>firing the guy who's supposed to investigate you

if Trump wants this to get more media attention he's doing a good job
I wonder if Trump had accounted for this ahead of time? Who knows what voodoo that man has working for him.

You're a fucking moron.
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>Ad hominem
>On an anonymous image board
>in defense of epic orange man of literally treason
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You're a retarded faggot.

The brother movement was barely a blip on the radar, but EVERY SHITTY MAJOR MEDIA OUTLET rams the now-dying MUH RUSSIANS narrative down our throats every moment of every day,moor fuck's sake.

You must be blind and deaf in addition to retarded.
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Trump is --DONE-- if he fires mueller before Sessions trial tomorrow
You have got to be the dumbest fucking nigger to ever rape a white woman. It does NOT mean removed from office. FUCK you are stupid.
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If she has committed so many egregious felonies, why hasn't she been prosecuted? Whatever happened to LOCK HER UP?
It's better if you actually know what the fuck, before you correct someone.
Impeachment was the penalty for Clinton. He was NOT removed from office. You stupid fucking nigger.
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No he's going to terminate him
>20% of Americans voted for him, that means he's infallible
Learn math, physics, and grammar
What Trump can do is get another special counsel to investigate Mueller for conflicts of interests.
Sounds a lot like the Birther movement from 8 years ago.

he said after he won (like a few weeks after) that he is not going to investigate her.
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>"Major Happening"
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People tend to forget this like they forget that Alana Thompson was already an accomplished beauty queen before she became a celebrity on national tv
Who is Loretta Lynch?
That's two BIG SCOOPS
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he pretty much has to, he's guilty as fuck so has few options
What is it like teaching English to people that are smarter than you?
At least my race is far more accomplished than theirs ;-)
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haha needs orange tan and glowing eyesocket makeup
Mueller and Comey are personal friends and have a long history.

That's like you being falsely accused of rape and the plaintiff and the judge are brothers. You're not going to get a fair shake.
That's part of (((their))) games.
Do it President Trump do it man do it.
Trump pushed the Birther bullshit himself for 6 fucking years, you need to shut the fuck up and get some perspective, nigger.
Why the FUCK not??

wtf i hate trump now
Airplane reference?
>trump should fire mueller
>trump should fire rosenstein
Do you people have brain damage ? You are legitimately retarded if you think that the general populace would like that.
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>all these checkmark shitlibs
>surprised Trump is firing people
>Why the FUCK not??

Because it's a waste of time and money? The head of the fucking FBI said no reasonable prosecutor would bring charges against her. There's literally nothing there and even Trump understands that.
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We have wanted these people gone since long before Trump, faggot
Trump or Sessions(due to recusing) cannot directly fire him, they must make Rosenjew do it, if that kike refuses Trump can fire him and appoint another deputy AG, rinse and repeat.

This would run the risk of looking a lot like the Nixxon firings.
>people actually think this
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this is confirmed fake news at this point
>ie the media would make noise
let's not pretend the media reflects the sentiment on the ground
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fuck off Muhammad
Oh no surely this is the end of Drumpf now

I guess Hillary is president
im glad trump is turning off the gibs faucet
$3 million for that piece of shit?
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Mike Cernovich - Was Guccifer 2 0 a smoke screen to hide the real source of the DNC leaks?
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Poli sci prof here.. Can confirm..

I've been battling sjw scum in discussion boards for months over this shit..

You're doing god's work anon
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