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W-wait, but... aren't jews meant to want Socialism?

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W-wait, but... aren't jews meant to want Socialism?
Corbyn supports palestine
Corbyn doesn't like jews. Plus, English conservatives are basically like American Democrats in all factors except economics, including them supporting hate speech laws. So UK jews are drawn to mushy UK conservatives, but not parties like ukip
>implying current year "conservatives" aren't socialists
>Although nobody in the Labour Party wants to admit it, this election will be the first firm reminder that Britain’s Jewish voters may be about to desert the party that, on the whole, has been their traditional home since before the Second World War.


inb4 Norwegian Archive

So wait... does that mean Corbyn is our guy?
our guy is Nigel

always has been

always will be
Nigel is a dumb fag. Corbyn is the leader we can trust.
we can definitely trust him to make sure our borders stay open
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>Unironically supporting a Marxist

My numbers support me.
UK conservatives are also socialists
Either way if the Jew at the top needs defending they are thereand constantly using the holocaust to guilt people into doing their will. All they had to do was fuck off when they were asked to or intergrate... I can't belive this bullshit has gone on this long and turned out like this.
I wish the stormfags would take a sane look at jews.

A small minority of corporatist jews who run most of the worlds' banking apparatus want mass immigration; they live in mansions and associate only with the creme de la creme of society. They have private security forces and siphon wealth like fleas from any society they are present in- in this sense the jewish oligarchs of Russia and the jewish elite of western banks are basically the same thing, screwing different societies.

The average secular jew in the west is deeply concerned by islam and probably would rather live in a dedicated white ethnostate than a multicultural hellhole. The average orthodox jew wants to be left alone to consume matzoh balls and visit Jerusalem once in a while.

"Jew" as used in a derogatory sense by even Hitler himself refers to bankers, corporate oligarchs, and socialist figures, not to the average merchant- indeed, there were jews in the SS.
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no. He's pro niggers and faggots

die in a hole and make sure you do it yourself
It's a lot easier to turn a marxist into a nazi than it is to turn a normal person into a nazi.
He's right about the Jews for the wrong reasons. He's not our guy.
Tories are easily the most Jew-like party but most Brit pollacks are tremendous faggots who love the Tory kikes.

It's a funny old world.
>A new deal for ordinary working people giving them a decent living wage and new rights and protections in the workplace
>We will strengthen the enforcement of equalities law - so that private landlords and businesses who deny people a service on the basis of ethnicity, religion or gender are properly investigated and prosecuted
>We will take measures to close the gender pay gap

The West has no right-wing parties. We're doomed.
Mummy literally wants to go full 1984 making sure no one denies the holocaust or says something anti-semitic.
Capitalism and Marxian Socialism are two different sides of the same Jewish coin
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Nah they support who ever getting stronger to avoid anoda shoa. and to keep the money flowing
what does he think of jews?
communism is the secular jewish movement

religious jews are just whiney merchants and they hate commies and state intervention generally.
American education
Thank you for aiding the Jewish Internet Defence Force in the fight against online Anti-Semetism and Anti-Zionism!

0.12 USD has been deposited into your account.
One election represents a tend...
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>everything is jews
>everything is petriarchy
>everything is class conflict
>everything is singel moms
>everything is aliens
>everything is ect.

wow ideologies making unfalsifiable claims and thinking that because they can make excuses for something it is more sceintifically viable? The oppsite is true.

Don't go for overly general and simplistic "everything is x"
and don't think that its smart to make claims that can't be proven wrong, thats essentialy religion and not science
If communism is a jewish movement, then does that make Stalin and Mao, who were geniuses, jewish puppets?

Also marx was an anti-semite
A lot of leftists dislike Israel simply because they associate it with "Imperialistic America" and jews vote against anyone who they perceive is against Israel (whether it's true or not)


Still, even the average Jew is a worshiper of Satan

You have two kinds of Jew.

The normal conservative Jew and the Synagogue of Satan.
Normal conservative Jews are high IQ, conservative Zionists who have their own communities and don't bother anyone else.
They're often rich because they're smart and industrious.
The Synagogue of Satan Jews are like the conservative Jews but also include the useful idiot post-modernist, cultural Marxist Jews that try to destroy White people to reduce competition with the conservative Jews.
Don't trust either of them, though.
Jews want capitalism. The whole cold war was a Jewish experiment to see whether capitalism or communism was a better system. They chose capitalism.
This just means that "con"s are actually liberal globalists.

Pure autistic schizophrenia.
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Jews support the Tories overwhelmingly, most Tories are part of a group called the "Friends of Israel", which is a Zionist lobbying group. Jews played a key role in lobbying the Tories to push through same-sex marriage.

They won't support Labour because Corbyn is pro-Palestine and won't be cowed by Zionists. He's still a third worldist though, so you should be wary of him. Corbyn would invite hundreds of thousands of foreign relatives to settle in Britain if we let him.

TL:DR - Both parties are anti-British.
Yeah the jews want their wealth confiscated in a revolution guys!
wtf i love jews now
and yet while being concerned about islam he is still a dedicated "anti-racist" and advocates fervently against whites acting in their own interests
>the mental gymnastics in this thread

You guys are pathetic.
The Jews and stormfront were shilling Corbyn's antisemitism pretty hard.
Corbyn denies the holocaust but wants it to happen again
It wasn't Jews promoting Corbyn, it was Socialist cucks that hate the Tories. Stormfront promoted Corbyn because the Tories are Zionists. Look into the Friends of Israel, they're supported by Tories, the DUP and some of UKIP. Zionists also managed to infiltrate and ruin the BNP. We're fucked.
>W-wait, but... aren't jews meant to want Socialism?
Corbyn is a Jew so no.
Potato chan pls ;3333
Marx has rabbis on both sides of his ancestory going back to ancient times you fucking mong.
The "conservatives" are both socialists and pro-Israel.
seems legit.
the level of paranoid schizophrenia on this board is reaching new heights. Used to be Jews are leftist fags fucking with whitey. Now they apparently ran the entire Cold War as an experiment...
They want globalism. Globalism is neither left or right.

>Jews voting for an open Hezbollah and Palestinian sympathizer

Surprised that he got any votes at all from them, desu
Ever heard of the stereotype of self-hating jew? Left is filled with them.
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They use capitalism to create a state where jews hold all capital. Doesn't matter to them wether they use socialism or capitalism to collect all the wealth.

Most marxist jews are to be exterminated in the socialist state and only the richest jews would survive. Jews you meet in the streets are not a threat to us.
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