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I'm a leftist, and Jesus Christ, I have developed a seething

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I'm a leftist, and Jesus Christ, I have developed a seething hatred for other leftists.

>Hurr mah russians
>Hurr unironically supported Hillary fucking Clinton
>Hurr orange drumpf haha xd
>Hurr religion of peace
>Hurr I get my news and opinions from comedians
>Hurr right wing fake news, huffington fucking post and slate warned me about this
>Hurr pride in one's community is evil

I can count the amount of intelligent left wing statements I have heard the past year on one hand. They're fucking biased, narrow minded, and elitist as fuck. I may not agree with you right wingers about everything, but at least your head is on fucking planet earth and you know what the constitution is and you love your country. I literally see red when I hear most people on the left wing speak now. They're just honestly so fucking dumb. They take intelligent ideas and turn them into drivel.
I voted Republican down ballot last election just to spite the dumbshits in my party last election and I will continue to do so until the left gets its shit together, which I estimate will probably take like twenty years, if it is to happen at all.

I had to vent, I've never been this angry about anything in my life. I'm so sorry for what my ideology has become, /pol/
>I estimate will probably take like twenty years
theyve been wrong for at least 170 years now, don't hold your breath
let the hate flow child
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It's good to see someone in that camp sees its problems.
Stay sane, anon. Debate and discuss with those you disagree with - keep their minds sharp!
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Because it's not genuine, natural leftism/liberalism.

Theres an artificial push behind the scenes to force everyone to the radical left
>I voted Republican down ballot last election just to spite the dumbshits in my party last election and I will continue to do so until the left gets its shit together, which I estimate will probably take like twenty years,
You might as well register as republican at this point. You are most of the way there.
Careful, you are sounding like a filthy right winger with all that talk of loving your country and voting Re-thug-lican.

They've been wrong, along with the right, for the last 300 years. The Enlightenment was a mistake and democracy is a disease. You are like a little babby in your awakening.
I feel ya.
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>I'm a leftist
Opinion discarded, gtfo
They've been wrong ever since slavery was repealed.

If you are a leftist, you are promoting things which will result in the extermination of whites, after their demographic replacement in their own countries - by force. You are forcefully exterminating whites. You are the enemy. You are guilty of genocide crimes, as far as anyone who matters is concerned - and execution is within the spectrum of punishments.

Stop saying youre a leftist. At least try to say youre center, which might get you a pass on rope day. Your loyalty will be tested after that, too.
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the hate has flowed like a raging river since the first days of the US election.

I definitely agree with this, and their methods are frighteningly effective.

It's actually depressing as fuck how many leftists assume I'm a right winger just because I dare challenge their beliefs, or god forbid, criticize their god Bernie Sanders.
Probably a Buzzfeed reporter larping to bait some newfags,

hide and sage
Democracy works, it's the voters that need to be kept limited. Letting women and non-English speakers vote was a mistake.
socialism is r-mensch stealing from K-mensch, because they are weak worthless beta scum that can only achieve anything if they gang up and outnumber K's 1000 to 1 but they still usually lose

kys you fucking commie faggot
I hated buzzfeed before it was cool
>centrist getting a pass on rope days
Maybe in communist Cuckada. Not here
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>tfw Swedish leftist
>tfw all Swedish leftists are retards

Workers rights, women's rights, social welfare and rights for homosexuals are things that made this country great.

Proceed to import hordes of people who oppose everything we stand for.
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At this point they're not much different from European peasants from the burning times.

God = diversity
Devil = racism
TV = church

Welcome to Salem :^)
What makes you a left winger? What ideas do you hold that put you on the left?
>workers right
Hahahaha, not since 1945
Germany learn to read before judging.
>I am a leftist
Nope. You're a liberal who got left behind. You might be a filthy degenerate moral relativist, but you value facts and logic, so you have no choice but to join us now.
universal healthcare, programs for the poor, some aspects of rehabilitative criminal justice, approach to social issues, some aspects of drug issues,support of environmental programs, increased taxation on (the overhwelmingly) rich, off the top of my head.
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Yeah, read this.
I felt the same a few months back. Bernie Sanders was the last hope but instead we still have to endure this shit until Clinton decides to make the MSM shut the fuck up which is when the orange guy dies.

I still do not like the Republican party but at least there is a chance to change them, Democrats are too far gone right now.
Fuck ideology and welcome home white man. Your kind help keep us from falling off the deep end.
I'm like you. I'm a leftist but I cringe really really hard at SJW videos.
Wow OP this leaf actually nailed it. It's not often a leaf is right.. >>129467787
i used to consider myself as somebody on the left but being a liberal/leftist has become something entirly different and alien to me now. people who call themselves progressives have ruined it and they piss me off to no end.

now ive been migling with the right so much that i have come to agree with some right wong beleifs and i no longer where i fall on the left/right spectrum. but i would actually rather align myself with the right than the left right now. especially with the recent cultish persuit of "diversity" and multiculturalism, it's being pushed absolutley everywhere and its fucking scary.

i am against racism and discrimination of individuals based on heir ethnicity of course but i also want europe to remain european
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Go to Denmark or France; the health care system isn't what it's cracked up to be by our fake media. Long waiting lines, rationing, and people pay 40% tax on just their income. Gas is expensive, electricity is expensive, everything is hyper expensive. Europeans don't live like we do.

Increasing taxes on the rich isn't going to do anything. We're twenty trillion in debt. How many trillionaires exist on planet earth? You could seize half of the assets of every big corporation and every rich guy in the country, and still not come up with twenty trillion.

You would also be collapsing the economy of course by doing that.

What we redpilled conservative realists understand that the only way forward is cutting spending, massively reforming government.

As for gibs programs for the poor, Alabama just instituted work requirements for its food stamp programs, and thirteen counties saw an 85% drop in participation.

Clinton worked with Republicans to add work requirements for welfare in the nineties, and the poverty levels dropped, because it got people the fuck off the coach! Then King Nigger nixed work requirements via executive order, and no peep from the media. And no judge did anything of course, unlike with Trump and his refugee freeze from all these failed, terrorism-exporting states. The judges only get to work when conservatives actually advance their agenda.

You're on a glorious path to becoming enlightened. I'm a former Obama voter in 2008 who became right wing around 2011 by simply reading more conservative/alternative media, and getting the other side of the story, and coming to the honest conclusion that I had been completely brainwashed in public school and by cable news.
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You must be dealing with absolutely degenerate commie fuckwads, because in my mind you're a filthier commie than an average CPSU member in 1960s
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Also mate..

You realise the right aren't evil yeah? Like where you say shit like 'environmental programs' or whatever it's not that we hate the environment..it's that things like carbon taxation are watermelon taxes.. green on the outside and red/communist on the inside.. all this shit is fine if it's funded correctly and sanely.. don't buy the 'evil' right' thing. Literally think about why 50 percent of people would want to fuck themselves over and then realise that..we're just better at looking at facts and figures rather than immediately jumping to emotional, close range solutions
>Stop saying youre a leftist. At least try to say youre center

Centrists are worse than leftists. At least some leftists are critical of Zionism.
Centrists won't get a rope. They'll get acid baths, fucking fencesitting full of themselves fuckwits.
Oh, no I definitely don't think the right are evil. It's just a matter of which ideas typically align where.

You're not wrong, I definitely think left wing ideas need to be approached with care and nuance. The problem is most leftists think that some of the things mentioned can be solved by just throwing infinite amounts of money at things. Oh, and I definitely support work requirements for food stamps for anyone able bodied. I believe in helping the poor, but that doesn't mean unconditionally.

I'm reading this now and I love it. Bookmarked and will share with anyone who will listen.
Yeah I hate the whole, "LEL I'm a moderate. I'm too smart to be an idealogue, I'm SOO unique by being in the middle!"
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Congratulations. You've taken a first step into a much larger world.
It has zero relevance how retarded some of the people who share leftists ideologies are. You can be a leftist and not be like them. If you've got a brain, your arguments for leftism will far surpass theirs anyway. The people you see in SJW cringe videos don't fully understand social processes. If they get something right, it was by chance and not because they understand the underlying reasoning.
>I'm a leftist I swear
>I parrot the strawmen that the right-wing invents about the left

Come on now, kiddo. None of that shit has anything to do with the left.
My "friend" told me the other day that he doesn't really care about the free speech battle because "free speech doesn't matter, we've had it for centuries and it hasn't stopped humanity. It makes no difference in whether tyrants rise to power or not"
Lmao this is a rabid atheist who shits on religion every chance he gets by the way. I didn't carry on the discussion out of disgust, but I know he wouldn't say that if confronted with the aspect of speech against religion being imposed like it is in Russia
I graduated university not all that long ago, and this shit wasn't a strawman, but was in fact very fucking real. I don't know what to tell you.
I was you 18 months ago.
Now I'm a Independent Fundamental Baptists.
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What you call leftists are just the noisy fuckwits who want to tell people about everything and what to do.
They are clashing noisily with the same shitheads but from the right.
Knowledgeable, intelligent people exist on both sides, and don't waste a lot of time trying to win arguments on the internet.
Try admitting that you're full of shit. You're just pulling out the nonsense strawmen you've read on /pol/.
>the left are college students
Kids are kids. They don't vote and they aren't the left.
>I believe in helping the poor but not unconditionally
>everything can't be solved by throwing money at it
I wonder why commies think you're a right winger.
These people weren't my only exposure to leftists, just some of many. I've been in the workforce and real world for a decent while now, they are here too. More voted than you give them credit for, I don't think you quite realize how many college kids got amped up when someone who had even the slightest chance of winning an election told them he'd try to implement free tuition.
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Senpai, why do you still call yourself a leftist at this point?

Clinton was only forced to work with Republicans because they controlled Congress for 80% of his presidency. His feet were held to the first, a quote from him was "the era of big government is over," and he balanced the budget, and added work requirements for welfare.

Democrats don't want work requirements. They thrive on having large voting blocs of government dependents. Why do you think single mothers overwhelmingly vote Democrat, and married women vote Republican? It's two different evolutionary models. It's the nuclear family, versus government being the daddy.

If you're socially liberal, that's fine. Go be a libertarian and read reason.com. But what you'll find is that the social and economic matters are not independent of one another, quite the contrary in fact, the whole single mothers on welfare vs. the nuclear family as an independent economic unit being an example of this.

There are a lot of Nazi LARPers and whatnot on here, but many of us are just basic conservatives who act more extreme on here and get giggles out of trolling and participating in Hitler/gas the Jews memes. Being an anti-war, pro-borders paleoconservative is the final red pill in my opinion.
I think you're cherry picking the extreme edge of what you've seen on the internet and calling that "the left." Which is a pretty clear indication that you're neither on the left nor thoughtful in any way. You're just more /pol/ trash.
You know reactions are when you pull your hand away from a hot burner and bang your elbow on the wall behind you.

Centrists just want to take a moment to be aware of their surroundings and do something more intelligent with their arm that will still get their hand off the burner.
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there is no light in leftist darkness. Join us, and together we shall rule this universe. We've got all the scoops you ll ever need.
I can't make you see the things I've seen and know the people I know. I disagree with why you view me to the way you do but I can at least understand why you think that way.
it begins.
Your first taste of the redpill is the most bitter.
>n-not true leftists!
>I'm far too intelligent to simply take my hand off this burning hot stove top, I must keep my hand on the stove while carefully assessing my surroundings and deciding the most optimal way to react, ignoring the more imminent threat of my cooking hand
Found the communist. OP isn't a leftist, he's a liberal, who values factual truth and intellectual honesty. That's why you don't like him. Cause he doesn't believe retarded shit to reinforce his egalitarian faggot world view, he tries to build his view around reality, while being a fair person who gives people the benefit of the doubt. If you weren't such a dumb retard you would have noticed the same thing by now too. It's the legitimate reason people stopped voting left in swarms recently. Cause you people are fucking brain dead zombies.
Your idea of "thoughtful" is actually just sticking to your bias and making excuses for everything and ignoring inconvenient facts that contradict your nigger tier philosophies.
Moral relativism is one thing, but being mentally incapable of challenging your own paradigms of reality is another.
In this timeline nationwide most people are shift further a d further right and soon we will have a woke country.
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>things leftists do en masse have nothing to do with the left
>Islamic terrorism has nothing to do with Islam
>college age people don't vote
God no wonder you're a leftist, your IQ is like, 15
sorry but if your not in lockstep with the fascist anti-fascist that means you are now a nazi. there is no middle ground anymore in their world view.
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