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I'm considering switching side. I swear I'm not a shill

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I'm considering switching side. I swear I'm not a shill or a bot or whatever else. Hear me out.

The left, for morons, is comfy. You don't have to think too much about long term consequences, you just do what feels right in the moment. That's not why I'm on the fence.

I'm not sure we can win. Against global forces and agendas, against the fluffy feel good rhetoric, against the rabid masses.

Maybe it's because I'm infertile. I won't leave a legacy behind. I don't have to worry about the world that will be left to my children. But I just want to burn it all.

The Right is about facing hard truths to create a better world. The Left is about deluded childish ideals about a better world.

The Right can't save us any more. But if I fight for the left, if I radicalize it beyond the control of the globalist, at least I can see chaos as everything turns to ash. Isn't that what Kek really wants?
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Fuck off shill cunt.
>Hear me out

No. You're a weak little bitch and you'll be among the first to go on the day of the rope.
What about the world your children have to live in
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kill yourself


Decide you must how to serve us best. If you leave now, help us you could, but... you would destroy all for which we have fought and suffered.
Def weak in the Mind! Not sure how you started on the right side.

I can't have children. That might be part of why I don't care any more.

I almost went to one of the anti-Sharia marches today. Anti-Sharia should be clear cut, right? But instead I heard three times as many people showed up begging for laws which would leave them dead.

Essentially I've lost hope. The only way I think we can win is by rising from the fire.

>The Right is about facing hard truths to create a better world. The Left is about deluded childish ideals about a better world.

In all that nonsense that you typed, this was the one surprisingly coherent thought.

When the civil war kicks off, you're first you little shill faggot.

I'm drunk and in crisis mode. So sorry for the nonsense. All my friends, like every single person I know, is a fucking bleeding heart liberal fuckup. They think I'm one of them.

So do I quietly and meekly keep some semblance of a social, and family, network? Do I come out of the conservative closet and isolate myself? Or do I subvert and hasten the destruction by helping them overstep bounds and become untethered hounds who will bite at the global elite who sought to control them?
I agree, that was pretty astute, but I think both extremes are idealistic, and not just the left.
I have some news for you. You're already a left-winger.
>The left, for morons, is comfy.
>You don't have to think too much about long term consequences
>you just do what feels right in the moment
>at least I can see chaos as everything turns to ash
>if I fight for the left

I think you're just depressed either because you can't have offspring/infertile, or because you want to remain passive.
Why are you infertile if you don't mind me asking?
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I can't tell if you've given up or if you're advocating for accelerationism.
I can't keep up with this shit. Y'all are too cool for me
Read Atlas Shrugged. Rand was kind of a retard, and you don't have to agree with its content in its entirety, but the most important thing you can take out of that book is that ever trying to appease people like that will result in more torture for you until there's nothing. All of that will happen because you willingly decided to accept it; you can keep it from happening by saying no.

Your family and current friends shouldn't mean anything if they're limp-wristed shells of people. Be successful. Make money, do what you want, and don't feel bad for wanting to be happy. Stop trying to ensure that everybody else is happy instead of you.

Actively becoming like them will probably be the worst thing you can do. You notice that in their ideology, you'll never be good enough, and you will be tortured until the day you die for not being dead.
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>The Right can't save us any more
Wrong. It hasn't even begun yet, it will get FAR worse before it starts to turn around.
I still have lefty friends. They don't know I am conservative and I just don't talk about religion or politics in front of them. You don't have to burn all bridges.
12 For our wrestling is not against flesh and blood; but against principalities and power, against the rulers of the world of this darkness, against the spirits of wickedness in the high places.
>Why are you infertile if you don't mind me asking?

Own making, sadly. The results of a feminist wife a decade ago. She was if no way mother material, and neither of us believed at the time the future was a place to bring children.

She still lives in the house we bought together, while I life in cramped squalor.

>I can't tell if you've given up or if you're advocating for accelerationism.

Accelerationism. At this point I believe collapse is eminent. We can't hold it back, so garner our resources, and control the collapse. Then those who can have children might see them inherit a better world reborn from the flames.
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...where do i get this phone charm?

>All my friends, like every single person I know, is a fucking bleeding heart liberal fuckup

You're probably young and in college. That'll change as you grow older and your friends become less idealistic and more realistic.

So do I quietly and meekly keep some semblance of a social, and family, network? Do I come out of the conservative closet and isolate myself....et al

No need for any of those. politics isn't the be all/end all. Just don't have it be your main topic of conversation. I have friends all over the political spectrum and we respect each others differences of opinion regardless of how stupid they might be.

>You don't have to think too much about long term consequences

You mean complete open border policies, White shaming, destruction of the nuclear family, and terrorism?

You're already a lost cause. Fuck off.
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I don't really care if anyone thinks i'm a conservative to be honest.Just don't bring up politics, and if they do just sort of ignore it.And if they don't accept you for being a conservative then they were never your friends anyways.Stand up for yourself if needed though, don't give in because some shithead told you how to think.

At their furthest extremes, yeah, you're right. I always thought the right was a little more pragmatic though overall, maybe I'm a bit biased.
Out. I can see why you're desperate to find direction.
Don't join the left please. You'll most likely be helping people not unlike your feminist wife of a decade ago.
Adopt someone into your life.
>I'm not sure we can win. Against global forces and agendas, against the fluffy feel good rhetoric, against the rabid masses.

Difference between OP and red blooded patriot is the patriot will fight and toil for what's right regardless of what "winning" looks like.
Ouch, I meant.
>read Atlas shrugged
No, fuck off to your libertardian kiddy corner and be silent.
who the fuck doesn't expect to keep winning. fucking faggots. probably short cryotrinic chain flock and ess and pee.. low energy. not any moare plebs. ~ sage.
dumb frogposter
>The left, for morons, is comfy. You don't have to think too much about long term consequences, you just do what feels right in the moment. That's not why I'm on the fence.

If you can even entertain that notion, you're already a leftist.

Oh would you shut the fuck up, i'm trying to help him.
>You know, I know this steak doesn't exist. I know that when I put it in my mouth, the Matrix is telling my brain that it is juicy

Enjoy your juicy steak OP
>I'm not sure we can win.
If humans never fought back against adversity because of this, we'd all be extinct thousands of years ago.
why are you idiots even responding to this leftist shill without putting sage in the options field?
stop bumping this garbage
Take your medication and read the rest of the post. I outright said Rand was a retard and that you don't have to agree with the entire book; the key point is that you don't need to feel bad about not being a fuckup just because other people have told you that you should.

The fact that you won't entertain even a single idea because of the surrounding content just makes you come off as an idiot.
You're basically the steward of Gondor

If youd rather sleep then fight then that's how you get to remember yourself and be remembered
>I won't leave a legacy behind.

Performing a bodily function is not a legacy. There's a reason kids are referred to as little shits.
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>Accelerationism. At this point I believe collapse is eminent

Then better yourself. If you believe in right wing ideals then stick to it. Joining the left and pretending to be something you are not will lead you to more suffering. At this point i would say just sit back and wait. Endure the storm because this is just the beginning.

There will come a time when shit will really hit the fan and you will have to be as far away from these types of people as you can get.( Most of them are probably leeches btw)

So the idea is that there is a storm on the horizon and its unavoidable. so what do you do?

Prepare for it, do everything you can now to better yourself in every way you can so you can at least enjoy your life and brave the storm that is soon to come.

I would say that you should start surrounding yourself with like minded and supporting people that are going out and doing good things with their lives.
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You spineless little rodent. Put yourself out of our misery.
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>The Right is about facing hard truths to create a better world.
>The Left is about deluded childish ideals about a better world.
The Left in America.
Your Left is the shitty Left of Europe.
That's why you feel like it's comfy.
In Europe, we fight for the Left.
Care to explain?
Kill yourself faggot.

Wish I could remember. Tracked down the page once. I think it was a UFO Catcher thing in Japan. They had a wide variety with several series.


I wish I could ignore it. But whenever my friends talk all I hear is how much they want to destroy themselves. They can't see the big picture. They can't think beyond the next paycheck. And you can't talk to them.

So, no, they're not my real friends, because they would abandon me, but fuck, right now, they're all I've got.

Hell, even my boss talks openly about Trump being the worst thing to ever happen in the history of man. If people knew my political slant I'd probably lose my livelihood.


If I can ever financially extricate myself from said ex I might have the means.


So you say rather than help it along to get it over with, remove myself and just let it happen? Isn't ripping off the bandaid better than slowly letting it get peeled?

We can be stalemated forever.

And I guess the biggest fear isn't the Left winning, but the globalists winning by maintaining control of the left. I want to make them uncontrollable. Be an agent provocateur, then leave them starving like the people if Zimbabwe.
>fuck off to Reddit faggot...you don't have what it takes.
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The thing is people on the left will eventually eat themselves and each other. this has happened time and time again with these types of people.

Take the Spanish civil war for instance, the left during that time fractured while they were still fighting the right and eventually died out. They cant even put their silly ideologies aside for one moment to win a damn war and just kill themselves.

What i am afraid of is the enemy will mask themselves as those among us eventually, or they are probably already doing this, and try to subvert the weaker masses that we are trying to win towards our side and message. This will inevitably calm those on the right and we will most likely be back where we started.
Nothing would get done, none of the problems will be solved, the masses will be dulled once again.

I say this because this is how the elites win. They switch sides and calm the movement. If they can trick people into thinking that everything is alright and that they are winning then people will not get better.

I see what you are saying though. It seems like an interesting idea but you should think it over more before you decided to do this.
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if you care to you should read this post when you get a chance and then decided.
Leave a legacy of greatness, go out and do something if you still have time in your life, which I assume you do if you're posting this. I'm not saying take over the country, I'm just saying do something that'll be remembered by the people who saw it and maybe'll he noted as something like tank man in China, not the most impactful, but will be remembered.

I'm basically saying that instead of getting off your ass and burning the world, get off your ass and poke the world in the right direction.
So, is this: "Become a leftist and we'll stop tourturing you"

The thread?
>I won't leave a legacy behind.
>I just want to burn it all.
So you think you have the right to destroy what you have no steaks in, and ruin a chance for those who actually have the stomach to rage against the dying of the light?

The intention is destroy myself subverting the leftist from within to bring chaos upon the world.


Is short, yes. I long, I believe the light is going to die and cannot shine until it's been extinguished and reborn. So if I can't use my life to keep its dwindling flame lit isn't it better to make sure it's snuffed out in such a way that it can burn anew and brighter than before?
Good luck. There's no going back after you take the red pill. You can pretend you don't care anymore. You can pretend you don't know the facts and figures. You can tell yourself you will ignore evidence and reason. It won't work. You'll still know about racial disparities in IQ. You'll still know the hypocrisies of the left. You'll still care.
Hang a traitor before the enemy.
>bring chaos upon the world
Fucking autismal.

I do care. That's the problem. And by caring I want to make the left eat itself faster if I can. Use the fact that they think I'm on their side to poison their ideals.

But I still think they'll win before the lose. So better to reach that win faster, then accelerate the decline so that we can rebuild than to fight it now and waste all energy delaying the rising tide.
>I'm considering switching side. I swear I'm not a shill
>I can't have children. That might be part of why I don't care any more.
That's a selfish way to look at the world, which makes me wonder if you were really right wing at all. The right stands for spiritual (And natural) ideals and our values are non-negotiable. We don't do away with what is RIGHT just because it's convenient to us. That's what leftists do, abortion for example.
defeatist vermin
"Degeneracy" is precisely the prioritisation of personal convenience or personal enjoyment over pursuit of the moral good. Doing the wrong thing because it feels good or because you'll be better off, it the definition of degeneracy, degenerate.
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Your subversive thread has been shit, I am out.
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>accelerate the decline so that we can rebuild

It's the most (((You)))'s I've gotten in a while. So at least that's something.
>You don't have to think too much about long term consequences,
No you wouldn't want to do that, seeing as the long term consequences for leftism is absolutely horrendous.

Go ahead, switch sides

But that's what I want. To surround myself in their ideology, strike a match, and watch it all burn all around me.

I'm not sure if I was clear in the OP. By switching side I don't mean to change my ideology. Rather use their ideology to further my own.

No we aren't, we are between good times and hard times.

Life is still fucking great right now if you don't depress yourself by going onto /pol/ and believing conspiracy shit.

Go get a gf, play some old video games, go on a holiday, enjoy your hobby, save your money and buy something neat. Actually live life instead of worrying for once.
>yfw you switch sides a day before DOTR so you try to show your Pepe folder to the RWDS but you deleted it and replaced it with pony porn
At first I thought you might be backing out, which I can understand. Taking the redpill isn't supposed to make you feel better; quite the opposite actually. Only the strong can stomach the redpill and shoulder the burden of an ascended existence.

Then you went full pussy-ass shill, and I'm just going to call you a spineless little bitch.
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reddit spacing, sage this shit
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if you cant into thumbnail properly, you are likely from reddit, sorry but nice try, sage and report

Dude, I was on 4chan before Reddit existed. Sorry you don't like the way I space things.


Image is from the Japanese site that sells the charms, anon, not a saved thumbnail.


As for you, I may be a little bitch, but I don't use faggy, self important terms like "ascended existence."
>But if I fight for the left, if I radicalize it beyond the control of the globalist

You're an ass. We need a functioning right and left. They both have a place in the world as long as neither is taken to ridiculous extremes. Right now, both are being taken to ridiculous extremes, and you're part of the problem.
and like that, the true shill comes out. Nice try though, you had me going for a second.

Glad you're infertile, we don't need your genes going around

Here's an honorary (you)

Where's the shill component? I've been on this site since November 2013, a month after launch. Does the fact that I'm an old man experiencing his mid-life crisis in a new digital era after a failed marriage to a militant feminist make you queasy, anon?

What do you want from me?

Or is everyone who has a different view, set of experiences, or idea of how to move forward automatically a shill?
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the right vs left dichotomy is a meme. all the supposed far right country in reality support the globalist EU the most
> November 2013, a month after launch
Ghengis, is that you?
>But if I fight for the left, if I radicalize it beyond the control of the globalist,
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sure, just make sure you commit domestic terrorism in the name of anti-fa
So you want to be the next Clinton?

Exactly at the time people are beginning to see through the mass media bullshit?

Well fuck, go right ahead.
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