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>"Hey Anon, congrats on your 15$ an hour raise."

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Thread replies: 165
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>"Hey Anon, congrats on your 15$ an hour raise."
>"Now meet your replacement."
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Call me when they get a robot that can do foundation repair.
>I was doing this shit for $15 in California, I was pissed when the minimum wage law passed
>when the person who designed that had an IQ over 110 and got paid over 60k
>the person who operates it and makes sure it doesn't fuck up and even reprograms it also had an IQ over 110 and got paid over 60k
>the person being replaced has an IQ under 80 and is getting paid better than an unemployed STEM graduate and becomes more likely to have the money needed to start families
Without this technology idiots will reproduce more. Is that what you want? To pay idiots to do things they don't want to so they're more socially attractive than the probably above average intelligence STEM fags who can't get a job?

Automation is everything you want, besides maybe meritocracy, if you're intelligent. Automation is only a bad thing if you're an idiot earning above the welfare cliff.

No, seriously, are we really of the opinion paying 10 high school drop outs minimum wage and having hordes of unemployed STEM fags is a better idea than just hiring the STEM fags and putting the drop outs on welfare so the STEM fags are more attractive than the drop outs?

Think about what money does to a society and who you'd want to own the money, if your answer isn't "intelligent people" you might be literally degenerate.
you can tell he's japanese because he has the cute little japanese chef bandana
Self-driving trucks.

Intelligence is not a virtue, man. You are disgusting me with your thoughts. There are plenty of wonderful people who are absolutely stupid, dumber than a box of rocks. You are as bad as those university of phoenix commercials, and all those who mindlessly talk of the inevitability of technology.

God please come soon I am getting weary of this shit.
and here's an old man doing exactly that with a chainsaw, carjack, and wheelbarrow

It makes me sick to my stomach. The industrial revolution was a bad enough, but the displacement was slowly managed. Now we are talking of displacements at a speed so fast it will make the world's head spin. Riots and revolutions will come of this. They are destroying the fabric that hold the west together, and the programmers and other faggts will live in their fortified and secure city states and watch the world burn.
>hating on the software developers
you do realize they're also in the process of killing their own jobs right?
they're just utopian futurists who want to kill all jobs so that people can do what they want with their lives. they're the same people pushing for guaranteed basic income.
the globalist elite vampire bankers are still the problem.
>Frycooks and cafe fags think they deserve $15 an hour
Fucking pussies should try working in deliveries for a lumber yard.
So you'd prefer the Keynesian anti intellectual thing? You'd rather people dig with teaspoons rather than excavators because more jobs?

If my pro intellectualism is disgusting it's because you're threatened by intelligence and actually attempted to give me an emotionally appealing argument about virtuous dumb people that deserve shit. This is common anti intellectualism, the intelligent are cold and unemotional, the unintelligent are virtuous, warm and friendly.

In reality unintelligent people are so short sighted and self involved that they're actually not capable of selfless thinking or even enlightened self-interest. They're only involved in themselves and in the moment. Forward thinking is a high intelligence trait, high conscientiousness is a high intelligence trait because most virtues require high intelligence to understand.

If you want God, take a better look at the world. God helps those who helps themselves and giving me shit about how much nicer dumb people are is just an excuse for you to justify why people like you are so anti meritocratic. You don't want the successful to succeed because you are not a successful person, so no one may succeed let alone get ahead of you.

>you do realize they're also in the process of killing their own jobs right?
You realise this is how it's obvious you've never programmed a single line of code in your life?
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I wonder which Truck Driver will lead the Neo-Luddites.

I can already imagine thousands of truckers converging on that San Francisco start up that's the head of automated trucking
>You realise this is how it's obvious you've never programmed a single line of code in your life?
im a game developer.
and i dont have to code half the shit that had to be coded to make a game just 5 years ago thanks to other programmers killing jobs.
Just cleaning the fan next to my kitchen is a bitch enjoy building another robot to scrub the grease off that thing every other day if you're cooking any meat.
Why the hell is he saying about me, little fucker? I know I graduated from my class in the Navy Seals and participate in attacks are very private with al-Qaeda and had more than 300 confirmed deaths. I learned gorilla important and I shooter shooter greatest of all US troops. They have something for me, but other goals. I cleaned up quickly and not seen in this world, mark my word damn. Do you think you can find on the internet to get me out of this shit? Also think Ficker. As we speak, I am in contact with my network spies secretly tracked US and now you are IP, to be better prepared for the storm, the larva. The storm, the pathetic call your life. Dead, kid. I can anywhere, at any time, and I can kill you with more than seven hundred ways, and not just my own hands. I was properly taught many times in battle unarmed, but I have access to the weapons of the groups US Marine and I fully lost its continental disaster ass, you little piece of shit . You can only know what compensation, the less wise to bring you fall, keep your tongue damn. But it can not, and now paying the price of a foolish man. I shit rage for you and it will sink in. Dead, boy.
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what can I say, he just wanted it more
You still had to program it to the clients specifications, if I'm to believe you then I'm expecting you to understand how ridiculous it is to expect a computer to talk to clients, gather specs and then sweet talk to them about deadlines.

Oh wait it's much more likely you're full of shit because video game development is horrible, yet a common juvenile fantasy, and most programmers actual work in finance handling automated orders.
You better hope that robot can defend itself once it enters widespread because people will be coming to smash it
hydrophobic technology already exists, someone just did the calculation and decided it was cheaper to tell you to clean it then to coat the fan in it.
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*shoots you*
>on /pol/
>working for clients
wage slave please. im an independent game developer going their own way.
i'll be fine, your wagie job is fucked.
Shut the fuck up australia.

Dude I know some extremely dumb people that are wonderful and selfless. Did I ever mention Keynesian economics? Fuck I have never even read anything the fucker wrote, and only know the very bare bones basics of the guy.

Virtues do not require high intelligence. What kind of world are you living in, dude? What is your concept of virtue, anyways?

I am not talking about you or anybody else giving people a free ride. I am talking about helping your neighbor, though, and realizing that not everybody can be a damn computer programmer. There are some people that will live their lives only being capable of doing simple tasks. What about them? What is your answer for them? If you say some creepy bullshit I am going to be really irritated. Damnit /pol why so many trolls, lately? Just give it a rest for just a little bit. I love feeding trolls like anybody else, but lately that is all it has been it seems.
>What is self learning algorithms?
Why would automation stop at $15? If it's economical at $15, it'll be economical at lower price-points, too, probably rather soon.

So the minimum wage level is almost beside the point - that's more a debate about automation in general and the role of workers in an economy that keeps seeing productivity gains with lower levels of participation.
Can't wait for the Luddite resistance.
>No gold standard
>They raise minimum wage
>Market adjusts
>Quality of life for min wage ends up the same
>Quality of life for everyone else drops because they're earning less and don't get wage increases this dramatic

Everyone will just charge more, they're not going to pay a couple mil a robot to do base jobs. It's the rest of us that get fucked.
that doesnt match lived experience of the past 100 years of minimum wage increases.
market doesnt simply adjust over one night, it takes years and in that process it ALWAYS results in non-minimum wage jobs getting wage increases.
robots don't have to be the best at everything to rape the economy. no retail or driving jobs is enough to cause a real employment crisis
Seven deadly sins and heavily virtues is a nice start, now explain why only intelligent people understand chaste. That's right, because only intelligent people understand "if I only fuck once a week, it'll feel better." That's called forward thinking and is about the basis of all virtues, be charitable because they might repay you, do not be envious because it just makes you look like a tool, but then why are dumb people always jealous when intelligent people make a lot of money?

> and realizing that not everybody can be a damn computer programmer. There are some people that will live their lives only being capable of doing simple tasks. What about them? What is your answer for them?
Honestly not much because they've got so much access to wellfare and free education in my country caring seems pointless because it is. Everyone is thinking of them. Everyone is helping them exclusively. No one sees how inegalitarian that is considering how meritocratic university entrance is in my country.

Sure not everyone can be computer programmers, but why be complicit in Marxists and feminists completely ass raping the standards in STEM and finding their way to HR departments to deliberately not hire skilled people? These luddites right here, which is what they are because they have no motivation beyond "but not everyone can get a computer job if standards are high", are stifling development and completely blocking and making impossible the pursuit of happiness for white men who graduated with STEM degrees.

Tell me, you crypto-bigoted resentful piece of Marxist shit, who is thinking about the guys who spent years working their ass off to become useful to society only to be told that they're the wrong "culture" or that the role is diversity only? Who is thinking about them? Engineers actually are incredibly nice, friendly people, whereas your shit about idiots all being nice is some shit.

So who is thinking about the men left behind? Or is your empathy too limited?
deep learning AI technology will take all your jobs.
CRISPR technology will allow you to live healthy and possibly forever.

these should be good things unless you're super into being a wagie and dying.
Robots will never make okonomiyaki as good as the 12 year old working in a dirty yakisoba restaraunt in kyoto
These things need to be trained, you need to hire a programmer to organise the data and give the algorithm callbacks to determine correctness of the data. Computers are still mindless tools without any will of their own. Fear mongering about technology is some truly evil shit.

The future is like this.

Wagies are intelligent, get paid lots, more, are allowed to be "successful" and are more likely to get married and have kids. NEETs can be those types that can't be a damn computer programmer and live long happy, quiet lives with EBT cards and free housing, but they do not get married and do not have kids.

Both sides are happier, but it's a good thing if there's more "wagies" than NEETs. If humanity is to improve, intelligence must become a highly important and highly selective characteristics. Otherwise, humanity will actually descend into ever lowering intelligences.
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>hey anon, congrats on your [wage amount]
>now meet your replacement
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damn it, now i'm craving delicious pancakes
Truck driver jobs won't completely go away because there will most likely be conveys of self-driving trucks headed up by one or more human driven trucks to supervise them and deter thieves. Taxis driven by poos and Pakis on the other hand...
>NEETs can be those types that can't be a damn computer programmer and live long happy, quiet lives with EBT cards and free housing, but they do not get married and do not have kids.
eugenicist pls. your wagie power fantasy dystopia is never going to happen, just neck yourself already.
This, everyone seems to ignore that when they talk about raising minimum wage destroying jobs. Its just making those jobs go away 5 years earlier maybe. Automation is only going to get cheaper.
this is the reason most businesses hate minimum wage, exploiting cheap labor markets is stability.
by that logic, taxis will need people to deter thieves too.
self-driving trucks are already happening and yeah they need people right now just in case something goes wrong and to take over when theyre not on the motorway anymore because theyre using early tech but that will all be phased out eventually.
also! if youre making the job easier you are also increasing the laborbase that is qualified/willing to do it which in turn lowers the labor price.
truck driving is currently the biggest hiring middle-class tier job in america, even with it still around, it can become yet another part-time minimum wage job.
>idiots reproduce more because they have jobs
explain Africa and literally any ghetto worldwide of economic migrants living on welfare

if anything, smart people do NOT reproduce because they have something they like to call a career.
How do you pick stuff up with spatchula hands
R selected don't, only K selected cultures absolutely need money before children. Yes, R selected cultures will have children thoughtlessly.
>starving dog
>feed it
>no longer starving
>has children
>more mouths to feed
>stop feeding it
>more starving dogs

replace dogs with niggers

People will laugh at the truck drivers and retail workers, but that is the most common job by far.

You're laughing at the majority of the work force, and acting like the economy won't blow the fuck up if they all lost their jobs.
>/pol/ is full of construction workers
what in the fuck in the history of industrialization and capitalization makes you think they wouldn't replace a worker at 7 dollars an hour with a robot either? the moment it's financially viable and will make them more profit, your ass is grass no matter what your paycheck is. jump headfirst into a woodchipper you leaf piece of shit
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>tfw universal income and automatisation soon
>starving dog
>has children
>more starving dogs
trimmed the fat
I'm irreplaceable, I said this last time sweetie
what do you do?
Or based on what he's cooking.
oilfield equipment operator here.
literally 15 an hour
ask for a raise, baka
how do you wagies even feed yourselves?
Foundation repair will be meaningless when we are inside the matrix.
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>being replaceable
your own fault

t. law student
>implying you could compete with someone or something who got nicknamed "motoman"
RIP http://www.legalfutures.co.uk/latest-news/report-ai-will-transform-legal-world
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>tfw already make $14/hr

Don't know what happens if I got replaced by a robot one day as I have no where else to go since i have zero qualifications to do anything else.
To the ppl who keep crying that the economy will blow up, you're wrong.
The economy will only become stronger with automation because now productivity will reach new heights. Jobs will be created to maintain the production lines and the tasks that cannot yet be achieved by robots. Human services will not dissapear because a big chunk of society will still prefer them to robots.
you do both of those jobs?
so not actually high skilled in either?
bad news....
>relying on the old humans want human interaction meme
yeah no they dont, that's retarded. you couldve at least said new industries which require human skills would be created but i doubt you even believe that would make up for all the lost jobs (it wont) thus never solving the labor market saturation crisis we are currently in (we're currently in this crisis just from globalism, not new automation).
I'm looking at that robot and I wonder
>that fucking thing is going to need thorough cleaning every day
Before I went navy i worked as a burger flipper to help me get through college and university. Everything that's used to cook has to be throughly cleaned on a daily basis because grease "steam" gets everywhere and can cause mold to grow. That robots design is shit because so many nooks and crannies.
>thank man work that job anymore
>how will you solve grease steam?! CHECK MATE
hydrophobic materials and a hose.
robotics will create jobs

>robotic engineers
>robot maintainers
>untermensh exterminators
>untermensh executioners
what's highly skilled?
we're already in a high saturation labor market.
it has to create more jobs than it kills.
which is objectively not what the intention of automation is.

>truck drivers

One thing I've always wondered is why don't we use trains more to ship? We have the infrastructure for it. I realize you will still need trucks to go to and from the train station, and to places where there are no train stops, but it still feels like we could really be using trains more for transport.
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america has a shit train network in both reach and safety. the road network is objectively better except in a few very specific cases where everything lines up in favor of toppling collapsing exploding trains.
Actually programming is predicted to be taken by AI.

But other than that you're pretty correct.

Well, that is until they make robot fixing robots. And execution bots.

Then all that will be left is robot designers and owners.
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i am ok with that. why should humans do a job a a stupid machine can also do?
so tax that machine and give the money to the human that gets replaced
that machine is more productiver then a human anyway so there will be still enough shekels left.
how many fucking schools are in florida??
A.I. will replace doctors too
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>Actually programming is predicted to be taken by AI.

And who's going to program the AI?
Literally one asshole to clean
Also some kitchens now are designed to be sealed up and steam cleaned by outside companies
My last job had this and it meant we never had to deal with getting every nook and cranny
meh the automation meme is a meme. just like how scientists are gonna cure cancer, reaclimate the heavens, and discover life on mars. more science infatuated with outcomes it could possibly achieve, but only in 500+ years (with just a bit more money)
Once you've finished the initial AI, you're done.
I prefer robot, at least he doesn't spits in my food or has sweaty hands.
I was reading about how our train tracks are all monopolized and jewy and that's why we don't have popular train transportation
It's not cheap because the shipping companies own all the tracks and the transportation companies just have to bend over and take it
Which means they are slow and expensive and about to disappear for good
I'm good at what I do and you know it.

An AI would definitely assist and already assists, an AI will never diagnose and perform surgery all on its own without any human involved besides the patient. If something goes wrong, that patient is never going to want to hear a mechanical voice explaining why they must die.

People who think this actually think anything is possible in programming, either they've never programmed before or they've never created a large project.

To program something to program a program you'll need to understand how to program in such a way it's so clear and verbatim you could tell a program to program a program.

Basically it'll require perfect self knowledge and enlightenment, you must both be a brilliant programmer and have perfect self awareness of how you program.

It's impossible.

Now shush and see how much corporation tax the entire world can collectively squeeze so we can implement eugenics with wages and NEETbux, you'll still have VR waifu!
But who will do the foundation repair for the matrix
doesnt ask for a tip, doesnt make fun of your wine choice, doesnt fuck you rwife

well AU has a big trucking industry too, like USA trains are really only used to transport mining/oil. the reason being that stuff is going straight to the end of the line to get on a boat.
trains only make sense in that single destination context, you cant be stopping and unpacking a train all the time and they dont have good reach.
Stop fucking doommongering. If humans are worth a goddamn fucking shit they'll survive this and much more to come. If we can't fucking survive evolving to a higher state then we are a shit pathetic species that needs to die in a fire.
wagies are dumb as fuck.
>the intelligent are cold and unemotional, the unintelligent are virtuous, warm and friendly.
ahahah fucking tip fedora harder retard
I am not looking forward to the future in jobs
>Get inevitably purged in a war or a virus since the elites no longer need workers
>Die or starve to death when mass riots and starvation break out
>live as some eternal third rate citizen living in the slums fighting over rats

I aint no Commie but even I can recognize with automation kicking in we're gonna need some means of productions being seized otherwise you can expect Russian civil war x10 across the whole planet

weren't all those track laid out to get gold miners across country in 1830. state to state you still need trucks.
You have no idea how much this kills me when I realize it
Like we are just as silly as the people in the past who thought by know we would have air conditioned clothing and mini zeppelin hover cars
But there's something different about now
These impossible technologies get massive R&D funds
Best example being the solar roads and whatever Elon musk is making CGI ads for
I just can't put my finger on how to fix it
I mine, buy and sell crypto-currencies

$300/day cca

In 2017 only people without imagination, creativity and courage have to work

If you're intelligent and willing to try new things, you never have to work
I'm talking about personal transportation
That was my bad senpai I should have specified
All i see here is lots of people working to provide for the software developers and their island restaurant. As a software dev i am fine with this kek.
Are they such smart people if their choices are driving their race to extinction and overtaken by literal mouth breathing retards?
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>Proud Walmart Associate
This pastizzi speaks the truth!
Malta, shut the fuck up you dumb cunt, dumb shits have been stomping around since the 90s going
>I'm a retard and there's nothing you can do about it because equality and democracy and my opinions mean something too!
This is what simply needs to stop because it's making YOU dumb.

Piece of shit thinking the fedora meme is an argument, anti intellectual swine.
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You are generalizing "intelligent" people as cold and distant which is just wrong.

And I asked a simple question.
If the decision you make drive your entire race to extinction, are you such smart people.
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No wonder I hide this message with something a little more positive.
yes. in fact youd have thought the groundbreaking discoveries of the last 400 years wouldve made us into a utopia by now. instead all these groundbreaking discoveries only served to help us destroy eachother more efficiencity.
theres an odd bit of humor about the whole ordeal, that man decided to fling off the concept of God in its earthly activities, and wound up the most murderous, inhumane bunch of mongols that have ever possessed the earth in the entirety of its existence

Yeah sure is gonna be fun living on welfare 2.0 for the rest of our lives
Hardly, I was satirising the pinko I was responding to. Of course dumb people can be kind, but it doesn't change the fact most virtues require realisations a smart person is more likely to get. That's the only generalisation I made, I actually believe populations with higher IQs have lower crime. I know. I'm horrible. I'll cry myself to sleep.

I'm not driving myself to extinction, really dumb people that look like us are driving us to extinction because they don't like how "work" is becoming more intellectually demanding. You can't blame me just because I have the same skin colour as the lardball with the bowl cut and 8 inch boyfriend. There are no other similarities.
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even the oldest job on Earth isn't safe anymore.
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Why not simply get some education and a more fulfilling job?
the irony is that you robot freaks dont see the replacement of humanity as a problem either from a moral standpoint or a practical one. I've said this in every one of these shitpost threads that some leaf/autist has posted before; you will never reach your automated society before the forgotten masses tear you apart under their weight. If even conservative estimates of how many people are replaced by robots over the next 20-30 years you will have hundreds of millions of unemployable people with no way to survive, they will do something about it. If anyone thought niggers and spics were bad now, wait til 99% of them are completely unemployable.
>"Thank you manager-san, but now you have to pay me 5 times more as maintenance tech"
You could stop reposting images from the archive you cunt.

HIDE Breakroom !!1sGRVCL7Exa Threads
IGNORE Breakroom !!1sGRVCL7Exa Posts
DO NOT REPLY TO Breakroom !!1sGRVCL7Exa Posters
I wouldn't trust that thing to make my food
it would probably make the food better than the average fast food worker, but the problem is that this is only going to escalate and diversify into other fields.
ai is evolving, the future in not only ai that crates more ai, but also that repairs itself
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you're not the one who's going to be losing your job. you are talking exactly like the elites that trump defeated
>implying this is a bad thing
why not submit to communist state and instate millions of boondoggle jobs to keep unemployment at 0 comrade? it is better for economy to have inefficient human instead of robot.
yeah except it isn't, at all.
>more money for kike-owned multi-nationals
>this is a good thing
This is so stupid the two degree change in temperature will fuck over the animals/plants/crops and fresh water supplies with the chance of totally fucking over humans.

Mars is a small group of people with billions of dollars worth of funds in a controlled environment all living in some biosphere thing
I used we because I referred to the entire species.
>removes plug
low skill jobs should be eliminated by robots. automation is how humans have progressed since the star of civilization. we no longer have bucket and pail boys because we have a sewage and pipe system now. cant hear people crying over how they lost their jobs though.
Why pay for useless goyim when you can put a bullet in them all and keep the money for yourself?
At least it won't spit in your burger, and won't stomp on your salad.

Reminds me of this
I dunno if there's english translation or how original was called.
At least it won't spit in your food or contaminate with afro hair
Oh man is this your lucky day...

I happen to be a Principal Engineer for a large automation company. I've worked directly with the teams that design robotics from simple SCARA to 6/7 axis, multi-arms, etc.

$60k? Hahaha. Try $120k, and I live in an area with extremely low cost of living.

And the maintenance technicians that tend to the systems I design easily make $80k.

Operators make $10-$15/hr depending on the work.

Now, get this... Not a single system I have ever designed replaced a human. Whoa, crazy, right? They hired more people, ranging from operators to high-level programmers/maintenance techs.

That's right. Strong industry creates jobs. Machines don't design themselves, and most do not run themselves.

Stop believing the media bullshit that robots are gonna take yer jerbs, faggots
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Community college is $10k a year in my state. I don't have a GED and being in my 30s, far, far too old to start from the absolute bottom without being a joke applicant in HR departments. The best and somewhat demoralizing piece of advice I got was "If you would only learn something because of a guaranteed job after, you're pursuing the wrong thing". I'll just simply have to wait until next time as I don't have a dream, and just want a job. Hopefully the out-of-control tuition prices will also be solved by then.

I'm on a NEET simulation for the next seven days. Your ass getting an archive.
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Why were you wearing a plug at work?
Fucking Brits man, gross.

fuck off with your reddit spacing
Hundred thousand $ robot to make you pancakes. Woman is cheaper

>its just progress goy, don't worry
>oy vey my profit margins

becareful what you wish for, you might very well find yourself obsolete too
God never would have given us the brain if there wasn't a destiny to fulfill. Face it, the Second Coming will not happen for millions of years, not until we've completely exhausted the potential of the human brain
>tfw human development stagnates and social justice movement becomes the new witch hunt in the second dark age
Once unemployment reaches 40% what stops people from voting for a party banning automation and declaring IT developers enemy of the people?
>They hired more people, ranging from operators to high-level programmers/maintenance techs.

you are retarded if you think everyone is an engineer or IT
No such option would be made available. Just like how we've never been given an option to halt mass immigration.
>you will never reach your automated society before the forgotten masses tear you apart under their weight. If even conservative estimates of how many people are replaced by robots over the next 20-30 years you will have hundreds of millions of unemployable people with no way to survive, they will do something about it.

THIS.Not even a revolution, just 40% unemployment will make parties appear that will promise ban on automation and prison for coders. People will vote them into power.
how do you get items from the train station to store?
*Hello Moto*
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>NEETS who think this will finally lead to UBI

No anon, automation will not give you an excuse to sit at home and eat chicken tendies all day on 4chan for the rest of your life. I work in the business, we're not going to be paying out extra money in order to use robots. No one is going to pay. There may be debates about it, but nothing will ever be accomplished by it.
People should choose jobs that cannot be replaced by machines. Jobs like: Psychologists, economists, programmers, business. You simply cannot replace those jobs whatever you do because they are exclusively based on human interaction. The idiots can go fuck themselves for what I care. They are a waste from the very beginning, living off of welfare just like you said. I like you my dude. No one thinks about the people that keep the world in place because they assume that they are "OK" because they are smart. Get the fuck out of here.
You develop the skills needed to suit the job market, not demand the job market adjust to your skillset.
>Just like how we've never been given an option to halt mass immigration.
Speak for yourself

So will all those computers and VR equipment just be laying around outside in the rain and snow?
Man up and rob some drug dealers or a bank. If you have no balls for that figure out some white collar crime.
Get rich or die trying gaylord.
Lol you don't think robots will replace your coworkers? You're right, this won't lead to UBI, it'll lead to starvation.
>You develop the skills needed to suit the job market, not demand the job market adjust to your skillset.

Spoken like a good slave. The reality is masses will bend capitalists to their will once unemployment levels reach 40-50%
It's a meme science. Might as well study how to read tea-leafs.
I'd recommend you do something artistic instead. It's been a straight march into hedonism for a century now, if this society doesn't collapse it'll only go further down that route.
>one insignificant country raises "prospect" of a referendum
>white people are being given a choice on immigration
Might be a meme science but it keeps the market in place. There has to be some people that study imports/exports/tarriffs. I know for a fact we wouldn't be where we are without economists. It's a relatively old science and it will probably never go away since it's indispensable.
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Those are not burgers.
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you can still live on a farm, buy a piece of land and work on it

Right, just like the did in Africa and poor Asian countries? Please get real. The people with all the money will also be the people with all the means of enforcing their will.
which robot gets it off the griddle and into a bag?
You know what amazes me, why doesn't Trump ban automated driving systems? Just say it's on safety grounds of whatever.

They will cause such insane amounts of unemployment and poverty if those things actually start being used.

Vast millions will be out of work the day after self driving trucks become a thing, yet rich libs think it's wonderful. What are all these drivers going to do when their jobs are replaced?
>What are all these drivers going to do when their jobs are replaced?
Vote for fascism. Also there will be ton of related jobs going away.
Self-piloting vehicles are inevitable because they will hand over enormous control to the state, and further subjugate us.
>>tfw automated all my fallout 4 settlements with robotic slaves and shoot every meatbag wanderer on sight
>buy a piece of land and work on it
>implying you'll be able to afford the arable land that megafarms want
sorry to destroy that delusion but maybe you can hydroponic in your closet
>give people free money and they won't reproduce

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