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**HAPPENING** Reports of a hit and run with 4 """"Asian""""

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Thread replies: 234
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There is football on and the One show just had a feature on how "Asians" are starting to love watching it. They would not be out causing mischief.
the mongols are coming?
these fucking asians love their machetes
Asians? Like ....Gooks?
That is what the media call muslims in this country
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Nothing to see here. No happening.
wasn't there an article in one of your uk mags that said isis was gonna attack small towns now? that would def fit the bill for a small town.
probably right-wingers
East Asians are Orientals

South East Asians are Ladyboys

Indian sub continent used to be called Paki's but now get called Asians by the media to hide that they are muslims
Let's not jump to any conclusions lads, these 'Asian men' could be Japanese samurai enthusiasts that are just looking to behead evil Nazis!
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Why cast scorn on the term 'Asian'? In this country it has never meant anything besides Paki/Indian, if you think otherwise you're probably extremely young and/or over-exposed to American media
>inb4 arbitrarily deemed not terror i.e. islam related
>inb4 barely reported

Who gives a fuck anymore, this is what we beg for every day
"You gave up in ww2 before us, you must pay"
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First for 3
The fucking muslims are becoming smarter with their attacks doing them in more rural areas so they cant get a as fast police response.
>not a burger
>still doesn't understand geography
You are truly lost
pakis are called asians in the UK to lower the crime statistic and influence the public notions about them
Chinese, Japanese or Koreans?????

Bunch of chavs.

Zero fucks were given that day.
"#Aveley Bypass has now reopened"

Probably nothing then
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If they attacked some village in germany, they could keep going for literally hours because the police response time is literally hours, lmao.
So... they are muslims but the media doesn't want to say that because "muh islamophobia".
Where does one buy a machete in the U.K. ? I would've figured they would have long since been banned.
Exactly this is why its not getting reported because its not in a city where people can rapidly report it so it has not gone mainstream yet
What a terrible accident. I hope those Asians will be compensated for their hardships.
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What is gonna be the slogan for binning machetes?
You can't take Asian as purely a literal term you numpty. In this country, 'Asian' has only referred to brown Southern Asians from the empire - that's just a fact. Obviously it's not the most appropriate term but that's just how it is.


How many times does this need fucking explained?

They've ALWAYS been called Asians over here.
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Pakistan is part of Asia, anon

Das Racist.
No - Asian has basically always been synonymous with paki in this country. It may be a slightly less direct way of naming muzzies, but it leaves absolutely no doubt in the minds of everyone here.
I know, i know.

Says Naga Munchetty
Pakis have always been called "Asians" here ever since they arrived in the '50s.

"Asian invasion of the Paki population.." was a school yard chant in the '70s when I was a wee lad.
Remember, terrorism is just going to be normal now so you have to get used to it.

Just a natural cause of climate change.
How do you address poos and flips then
How can liberals look at these people and want them in their country. They are so damn ugly.
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Fucking Koreans
I saw a post first mentioning a helicopter in aveley from two hours ago, bet it's car thieves or something boring

Not terrorism related. Bunch of young lads, maybe with a weapon, who stole an expensive car, crashed it and ran away sounds right to me


It's a fucking kitchen knife. This shit is as bad as Americans calling every gun an "assault weapon".
They're not Asian though, they're Caucasian, you can tell by facial features.
It was probably gang related

They called the guy who attacked the british parlament a "asian man" too. Turned out he were african. British media: Muslim -> asian, cant have the people knowing how muslim migration actually effects a country.
What happened with the French ultimatum, from Isis??
That ran out on Thurs.
He was lightskin with a beard, very easy for a witness to see as indian/pakistani
Paks/Afghans etc are Asian, the denomination is correct
>That ran out on Thurs.
Well, the time ran out. That's it.
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>Police are at scene of #Aveley incident. This is not terrorism related & there is no immediate danger to public. Updates as soon as possible

Nothing to see here. Go home.
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Fucking hell, I didn't really have to hold my breath for long before the religion of """"""PEACE"""""" strikes again huh?
Thanks for pointing out the British media's laughable usage of the term "Asian". I think you're the first bong I've seen that hasn't vehemently defended using that term.
I guarantee you that any Muslim niggers from Africa would be called "Asian" just the same. The media's just looking for an excuse to use a broad term to describe Pakis, and the cucked citizens of your country eat it right up.
Even Sweden knows better than to call them Asian.

>Police are at scene of #Aveley incident. This is not terrorism related & there is no immediate danger to public. Updates as soon as possible

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Don't be petty bin that machete
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report the god damn country. Who the fuck knows where Aveley is?
Can someone update that "SECONDS SINCE LAST TERROR ATTACK"
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Nigger, the Jew fears the samurai. Why would they be going after Nazis?
What do they call east Asians?
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Poos are thrown in with 'asians' and we had no filipinos until very recently
>American view of whiteness
Not even once.
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Build wall.
Chinese/Japanese/Korean/Whatever never do shit. Sounds like sand niggers
We had none until recently so they never got a proper name. I think most people go with 'east-asian', 'oriental' at a push.

>Asian men
>Driving around stabbing people
>During Ramadan

>Not terrorism

Truly does make me consider
something spaghetti
its britain

Pakis are considered Asian there.
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Stop you fucking islamophobes.
just no the typical asian thing to do.
The media is starting to call muslims asians now?
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Can someone post the most recent edit of this.
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they were flips or chinks

when will the japs clean up this genetic inferiority

its getting out of hand honestly
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the japs want revenge
its brtain you uneducated retard.
They also use machetes, that's cultural appropiation.
In Europe they try to quiet down muslims terrorism by calling them:
Middle-eastern, Asians, of x appearance, or even flat out stating they are nationals of the attacked nation. lately the media how often just referred to them as men, though, leaving out race all-together. You can be cock-sure they won't leave out race as soon as a white guy does something wrong though.
So as long as you hear "asian, foreign appearance or just, men," read muslim.
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Official denial ' not terrorism ' usually means it's confirmed but we dont want them get publicity
the ride never ends
Even Akagi translation hasn't ended yet, washizu just now got revived and calls Akagi back
What does their nationality have to do with it? Why not just say "four men"?
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my man
It's the politically correct word the British press uses for Pakistanis and Arabs.
Translate as "shitskin".
don't go out alone, take four refugee friends along.
technically they are in england... why not just say 4 english gentlemen?
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>30 min after attack
>2 hrs later
>Asian males loose ties to terror cells
>isis claims responsibility


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japs n koreans are integrated into society though

only the chinese need their secluded safe spaces ie chinatown in every state

we have roof koreans and the jews fear the samurai
>English view of whiteness
>The Irish
yeah okay

Thats pretty normal daily occurrence if you ask me.
Exactly. People are labeling them as Asian because their skin is brown, but if they were born in England then they are English.
Im a gook. I wont chant islam and kill you though. Im a former Marine too. Man fuck MSM..

Bahahaha beta
Umm , it's 2 days since that FSA industrial hose pic Tweet. Pattern continuing ?


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>you are a country fucking your wife
what did chang mean by this?
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>import savage third worlders who don't share your history, beliefs, or views of social and civic structure
>elect ducks to office that pass laws to prevent citizens from protecting themselves or even speaking out against savages
>boom crash stab aaaaiiiieeeeeeee
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white fucking truck of peace coming through REEEEEEEEEEEEEE
Europeans like to downplay mudshit Semiteniggers by calling them Asian, it conjures a picture of a nice chinese laundrymat owner not Abdullah the bearded shitskin with a machete in his hand
Drumpfsters already jumped to conclusions and sperged out "muh muslim terrorists" and 30 min later the police established the fact that it's not terror related crime.

Truly pathetic.
> it conjures a picture of a nice chinese laundrymat owner not Abdullah

maybe for you but in the UK Pakis and other South Asians are commonly referred to Asians.
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its subconscious brainwashing

sorry bud
Muslim brotherhood again?
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Well the day is still young. So the odds of another real happening are good.

Praise Allahu
not surprising if this is the case

willing to bet it honestly
>pedestrian hit by car
>driver and passengers get out
>unsheathes katanas
learn some history of the country that has created your country...
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come to think of it, if you consider how much the west has oppressed muslims, why not just say 4 Noble freedom fighters who defended themselves against secular aggression?
Keep guns like america and you can pull a cop out of your fucking pocket.
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id rather watch it burn
Do Indians there too commit a lot of crime? Or is it strictly muslims?
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Aveley and south ockendon are shitholes anyway
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Poos don't do nearly as much dodgy shit as pakis. They don't half fucking stink though.
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What is asian in uk? Like paki are considered asians?
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Im asian and i take strong offense to these pieces of shits putting us in the same catagory as those filthy fucking sand niggers. Im fucking triggered right now. What a fucking joke of a "news" station. Its so pathetic. I take Onion news more seriously.
Wait a minute, if Indians and Pakis are called Asians by britbongs then what term do they use for East Asians?
Gooks need to start their own terrorism campaigns to live up to the hype about Asian terror.

Kill in the name of Naruto or something.
KMT were garbage and lost shitloads of people throughout WW2 and the civil war, your picture means nothing
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What history am I ignorant of exactly?
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a britbong explained this to me before
muslim terrorists are called "asians" much like how niggers are called "youths" over here
This. I remember other British crime reports where Pakis would be called Asian
If plane crashes had been illegal, 9/11 wouldn't have happened.


God how I hate those russian shills.

Fuck the Russians

Bin that machete for Mom's spaghetti
Every gun IS an assault weapon.
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>Pakistan isn't part of the Asian continent
>American education
Because Brits are too stupid to name them correctly in the first place.
You guys should make a distinction then.
A)Pakis=predominantly Muslim
B)Indians=multicultural shithole
The population that commits more crimes is the intersection of both the above sets A and B, namely Muslims.
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One love! Peace, my brothers!
The state of proto-yank education.
This is all a crock of shit

Two separate incidents of police arresting people on buses with machetes in their rucksacks in east london

Then again in Pettswood on the same day

Now this?

Also the lol it was only a firework situation with the bomb squad in Paisely last night.
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>This captcha
>Select car squares
>Choose the knife
>it works

Salaam allaekum brother, inshallah, inshallah. May Allah bless us all
Anyone from Asia. Obviously there are subgroups:
Asian is usually a PC term for paki ie:
>I just went to the cornershop and had a pleasant talk about beheading infidels with the Asian chap behing the counter
Obviously it is just a little bit disingenuous to call them Asian when you could be more specific and call them something more closely relevant to what they really are. Like Pakistani. The giveaway is that you are using the word Asian in the context of trying to physically identify someone when a huge group of people who are Asian are nowhere near the same in their looks comma in color, in the way they act. Total giveaway
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>two buses were harmed
the real casualties of war here lads

can we continue to allow these trucks to be in our countries?
It's compelling you to train machine learning algos for free. If you can tell which is the control image and which is the test, it's your duty to fuck up the test.

Technically Turkey and eastward is Asia. Pakis are from Asia but Asia is the most diverse continent so the least deserving of lumping all together like this. East Asians have low crime rates and high work ethic so it's convenient they can even out the crime and unemployment of Southwest "Asians". The only way to fight back is to never ever use PC media terms, at least just say "South Asian" or "Pakistani"

It's like gypsies wanting to be called "Roma/Romani", which soils the reputation of Rome as that's the city's name in Italian/Latin. When I hear historical Roman terms like "Romanus" I still feel a little stink off of it, that faint association with """Romani""" that makes me think of little brown thieves in the back of my mind
The rottherdam rape gangs were described by the police and media as 'asian', but what it really meant was muslim. They did that to try to avoid coming across as rayciss. Liberal logic.
amen brother
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They are getting tooled up for something. Be vigilant, and be ready to defend your home
>pic related
There still are "Asian" gangs in Bongland, anon. Really doesn't have to be terrorism related.
i never seen a gypsies who wannted to be call roma
This. They use the word Asian for the same PC reason the American media uses the term "Urban youths" to describe criminal black men. It's clearly not in the lexicon of mainstream media to call anything exactly what it is when there's the risk of looking Politically Incorrect.
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this shit literally mirrors rwanda. you need to wake the fuck up and be prepare yourself for what might be coming. you cannot rely on your government for protection anymore. bad juju is all over this.
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steam punk mace?

I'm more worried about when i'm out and about. I've got zero chance in any tear up . my only advantage is im really fucking racist and a fucking paranoid, so im vigilant of nonsense
we use the term asian because pakistan and inida are in asia
>I'm more worried about when i'm out and about.

Just be careful using assault chairs, Nigel.
>get a peper sp...
>get a batto...
>looks at flag

well you always could get one of those rape alarm pants.
Its a weight pole with the end fasteners on the one side. Not very well balanced, but it is a one hit kill weapon.
(For defence only GCHQ)
Leftists, academics and non-/pol/ people I've met online constantly and smugly say "Use Romani, that's their real name, gypsy is a slur!"
why not just buy a shotgun for home defense?
Check my flag mate. Was thinking I should get some kind of sword.
so what's the term for cninese, viet etc., if asian means indian muslim?
Fatal home invasions are negligable outside the US in developed countries, robbers don't have guns, crime rates are low outside a few gypsy/immigrant. Getting a gun can be expensive, time consuming for licenses, and gross out peers/dates all to prevent a 1 in 4,000,000 thing from happening
cant you own a shotgun in no gun land if you jump through enough govt hoops?
>and gross out peers/dates
If you mention home defence on a shotgun license application you will be refused, they are for "field sports "
Not many east asians in England. Mostly South Asians. Hence calling them asians.
It was orientals or Chinamen for your asians but that was perceived as colonialist and stopped.
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So tell them it's for field sports and use it for self defense.
so a home invasion is ok if no one dies then?
You could. I'd need to keep it in a gun safe so melee weapons are more practical.
>four men in a car run people over then get out with machetes

classic white christian crime
You can't even use your fists in home defence thanks to the conservatives.

An Englishman's home is his castle is sadly no longer true.
I can't wake up any harder m8
Ive been all over this since I was 17 and got redpilled. Im nearly fucking 40 now

I believe them when they said theyre going to do small towns, and I know the police and government are working hard to cover it all up to avoid civil disturbances.
>You can't
You physically can't? What's stopping you?
>I know the police and government are working hard to cover it all up to avoid civil disturbances.
Don't blame them for trying to keep the peace as long as we are afforded the right to defend ourselves and they stop pussyfooting around terrorists.
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You can get black powder rifles and pistols as long as they're "just for display"

Get one with a bayonet, love murica
Legally he means. Doesn't mean we won't.
so the o in wog stands for something else or indians pretending to be civilised ain't wogs?
Good. I've seen too many of you who think that if the law says you can't defend your own life, then you're obligated to die.
there are so few east asians other than chinese here that we don't really have a word for them collectively
I do blame them. The police actively make it known pakis can do what they like but we'll get a knock on the door for wrong think. The Met's own slogan is Protecting Diversity

How are the government keeping the peace if theyre importing niggers and pakis and turning it slowly into belfast 2.0? Is that the islamic definition of peace?
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The plan seems to be for these "incidents" to continue for the rest of time.
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Machetes are common in UK now, never used to be, same with acid attacks. Cultural enrichment.



>LATEST: Serious incident: #Aveley: 3 arrested: Police have confirmed it's not Terrorism related #Thurrock #Essex

> I've seen too many of you who think That if the law says you can't defend your own life, then you're obligated to die.
Sadly true. Luckily, working class Brits largely ignore the law.

Can you own a chainsaw?
Bullshit if you feel like your life is in danger you're allowed to use "reasonable force"
These are legal in the UK


Ignore the FAL i didn't realise the FAL was deactivated
>reasonable force
That is the problem; define reasonable. You'll be in for a nightmare trying to prove that it was necessary killing someone to defend your life. Not saying impossible though.
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Crossbows are legal, shooting them at people isn't but there might be a time when exceptions arise. Might not quite be a gun but 80lbs is bretty solid
Obviously mate. Not much use for anything other than scaring someone away.
Not a bad idea.
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dunno if this is most recent, but it's my favourite
muhh dick. Got more?
What has this country come too that I feel I need medieval weaponry to defend myself?
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so it's not a newspeak maneuver, then?
I think if people realised just how much of the young demographic is violent blacks theyd be horrified. Theyre spilling out of their containment areas left and right.

Any bus stop I go past is 99% black even in supposed white areas. And they need police to supervise their behaviour in a lot of cases. Were a bit fucked
It's not newspeak, they have been referred to that way for years. It has more to do with British politeness
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>Not much use for anything other than scaring someone away.

That's a large part of the purpose a gun serves.

Here in the states over 90% of the time when a gun owner pulls their gun they don't have to use it as the criminal tends to surrender or run away.

If I were a bong, and I couldn't have a gun that's easily accessible in my house then, I'd seriously consider a home defense chainsaw. Regardless of if its really more deadly than a well wielded teeball bat a chainsaw is going to scare the living shit out of an intruder and that's important.

And if it came down to it you'd get to be the guy who chainsawed a home invader in half. I'm sure the Guardian would love you.

PS: That said I'd look into gun safes to see how quickly I could get into one. It might still be the best option, despite your laws.
it's not

India and Pakistan are in Asia. Most people from or descended from people from Asia in the UK come from that region
once any level of violent force is in play, any level of violent force is acceptable to protect yourself
I've seen a lot of 'asian' men in cars driving on to pavements at high speed along a busy street in the past week. They almost hit a family yesterday. Is this some sort of training process.
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In america that means alot, but in UK that dont mean shit...no guns or knives .....
When I lived away at college, we had a house axe for this purpose. We thought if we were blocking the stairs with an axe the intruder would really have to give a fuck about messing with us to risk it
>Not terror related

lol ok
It is defined reasonable force. So if I get attack and go into full rage-mode and kill someone, when I could have subdued them, I don't think that would apply.
An Evil Dead stye chainsaw hand would be pretty intimidating desu
Just like Chicago is part of America
I think it's very good they call them Asians.

As if Europeans starting to really hate them isn't enough, now all the Asians will as well for the false association.

Surely it means that you didn't rely on excessive force, meaning that you continued your attack after the threat was neutralized.

If you go full on rage-mode and keep beating someone even after they're knocked out or too weak to stand, yeah. You'll get in some shit. But if you kick someone in the nuts once and stop with that, even if they die you'd be in the clear. At least over here.
you ought to know the law here lad

if it's premeditated as a weapon, it's illegal

if it's genuinely improvised it's a legal defence if you felt your life were in danger

baseball bat next to your bed even though you never play baseball = illegal

knife you were using to eat pate that you left on a plate = legal
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pic related
So have a meat cleaver and plate of pate at my bedside? Good to know
Another one?
Shills of peace.

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