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>Tell the truth. >Do not do things that you hate. >Act

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Thread replies: 261
Thread images: 64

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>Tell the truth.
>Do not do things that you hate.
>Act so that you can tell the truth about how you act.
>Pursue what is meaningful, not what is expedient.
>If you have to choose, be the one who does things, instead of the one who is seen to do things.
>Pay attention.
>Assume that the person you are listening to might know something you need to know. >Listen to them hard enough so that they will share it with you.
>Plan and work diligently to maintain the romance in your relationships.
>Be careful who you share good news with.
>Be careful who you share bad news with.
>Make at least one thing better every single place you go.
>Imagine who you could be, and then aim single-mindedly at that.
>Do not allow yourself to become arrogant or resentful.
>Try to make one room in your house as beautiful as possible.
>Compare yourself to who you were yesterday, not to who someone else is today.
>Work as hard as you possibly can on at least one thing and see what happens.
>If old memories still make you cry, write them down carefully and completely.
>Maintain your connections with people.
>Do not carelessly denigrate social institutions or artistic achievement.
>Treat yourself as if you were someone that you are responsible for helping.
>Ask someone to do you a small favour, so that he or she can ask you to do one in the future.
>Make friends with people who want the best for you.
>Do not try to rescue someone who does not want to be rescued, and be very careful about rescuing someone who does.
>Nothing well done is insignificant.
>Set your house in perfect order before you criticize the world.
>Dress like the person you want to be.
>Be precise in your speech.
>Stand up straight with your shoulders back.
>Don't avoid something frightening if it stands in your way -- and don't do unnecessarily dangerous things.
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>Do not let your children do anything that makes you dislike them.
>Do not transform your wife into a maid.
>Do not hide unwanted things in the fog.
>Notice that opportunity lurks where responsibility has been abdicated.
>Read something written by someone great.
>Pet a cat when you encounter one on the street.
>Do not bother children when they are skateboarding.
>Don't let bullies get away with it.
>Write a letter to the government if you see something that needs fixing -- and propose a solution.
>Remember that what you do not yet know is more important than what you already know.
>Be grateful in spite of your suffering.
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That picture needs a DAMN on it.
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bump for good greentext


I hate pushing the floor down.
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Thank you based Mr Peterson

Still Sorting, one step at a time!
Bump for a good motherfucking greentext
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have a bump
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pick any pill so long as it is iron.
What's the deal with this meme lately?
>disorient your natural testosterone and dopamine

I'm sick of this bullshit. In the real picture the bread and circuses fatass is actually a chad or semi-chad normal guy fucking his gf a lot. what's the difference between that and jacking off? I suppose I can understand not watching porn (kinda) but not jacking off makes zero sense unless you deliberately do it for the sole purpose of willpower training and nothing more.
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You need to sort yourself out
>chad or semi-chad normal guy
>that pathetic defense of masturbation
Back to >>>/r9k/ come back when you can sort yourself out.
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preach it
Great post mountainjew, and praise Kek for Jordan B Peterson
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Can you stop pls?
Holy hell, I am living such a terrible life. Almost every one of these hits right in the feels.
Then change anon. Clean your damn room.
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God I would poo in her loo so hard

9/10 greentext, would read again

Not petting feral cats tho
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>act so you can tell the truth about how you act.
>do it for the sole purpose of willpower training and nothing more
I'm 3 weeks into exactly this anon
It's difficult and I want to fuck every woman I see, but it's an exercise in discipline
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bread of life pill seems pretty good
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most of these things is not possible to do
idealism is a bit too abstract for some if not most people to understand. sad truth.
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The liberal mind cannot comprehend someone finding true happiness through such a seemingly trivial path
They will die in eternal wonder and depression contemplating why their life exists
Many such cases
i dont think you even know what idealism is
Peterson is literally ledit. Any one of you faggots that still has a bit of masculinity in him can smell it.
>tell the truth
because showing your power level is generally a good idea

>don not do the things you hate
and starve in poverty abandoned by everyone

>Act so that you can tell the truth about how you act
a little hard if you live as a total homo duplex

>Pay attention.
would love to, also would love not to have attention disorder

>Assume that the person you are listening to might know something you need to know.
i do it and it didnt bring me any good because in 90% of case it were complete morons

>Plan and work diligently to maintain the romance in your relationships.
if i could have the ability to engage insuch relaitonship it would be good

do i have to go on?
t. Commie scum Spaniard cuck-poster
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>be a good goy
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Jesus you're whiney.

Man the heck up, friend. With your mindset, you could argue getting out of bed is impossible.
>because showing your power level is generally a good idea
Implying you don't gradually redpill people first and can show your powerlevel in a way that people won't even realize it

>and starve in poverty abandoned by everyone
Implying I actually hate hard work and being rewarded for my labors

>a little hard if you live as a total homo duplex
Stop being a fucking degenerate

>would love to, also would love not to have attention disorder
Literal meme-diagnosis. Stop being a fucking twat

>i do it and it didnt bring me any good because in 90% of case it were complete morons
Implying you don't mentally sift through people's personas to conclude who is, and isn't, worth listening to

>if i could have the ability to engage insuch relaitonship it would be good
Man the fuck up
Jordan Peterson is just a university professor that doesn't think there are 500 genders and that makes him so unique that he's a revered personality among the far right.

The dude's just giving you tips you can read in self help books. He's not a philosophical genius.
Somebody needs to cap these and etch them into stone. Literally (literally) the wisdom of the old gods.
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>Jordan Peterson is just a university professor that doesn't think there are 500 genders and that makes him so unique that he's a revered personality among the far right.
>The dude's just giving you tips you can read in self help books. He's not a philosophical genius.

Here I'll add a picture so you people will read it.
>would love to, also would love not to have attention disorder

wow, you are a huge fag
what do you know
You'd think most of the things he says is just common sense, but the fact that so many people are clinging on to him means it's obviously a message that bears repeating.
The body can tell the difference, and scientists don't understand why exactly. For instance, the immediate and long term health benefits of regular sex are absent for regular masturbation. The obvious difference is sex isn't simply ejaculation, but an intimate act with another person.

Yeah guys, he's just another self help guru. He's not even that smart. I'm much smarter than he is.

Anyone else getting sleepy? Feeling pretty tired.
>Implying you don't gradually redpill people first and can show your powerlevel in a way that people won't even realize it
Commie in the streets, Nazi in the sheets.
Tbh this is all stuff you can read in Proverbs, so I agree, literally (literally) wisdom of and old God
Is sex with Tinder randoms the same as sex with your wife?
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>t. Insecure faggot who doesn't want to hear the truth and fix himself
Lel, kys, it's not like your path won't lead to pic related
>>tell the truth
>because showing your power level is generally a good idea
Yes goy, keep hiding your power level, don't tell anyone the truth, eventually it will die with you.
>>don not do the things you hate
>and starve in poverty abandoned by everyone
Kek, what a pleb. I have a job I love, sad that you're unattached and love drawing porn, or probably nothing at all.
>>Act so that you can tell the truth about how you act
>a little hard if you live as a total homo duplex
Why are you living a lie? Why are you living in a homo duplex if you don't, like it. Strive to leave that place, get a better job so you can do the things you want to do.
>>Pay attention.
>would love to, also would love not to have attention disorder

>hurr i have ADHD, that means I'm retarded and need a handicapped sticker

>>Assume that the person you are listening to might know something you need to know.
>i do it and it didnt bring me any good because in 90% of case it were complete morons
This one is true. But look at it from the other side, now you know they're fucking morons and don't need to listen to your homo duplex landlord anymore
>>Plan and work diligently to maintain the romance in your relationships.
>if i could have the ability to engage insuch relaitonship it would be good
Delet this
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oy vey shut it down
Is there a proverb in muh bibble about not being an autist and meeting people?
>Jordan Peterson is just a university professor that doesn't think there are 500 genders

And is willing to say it out loud
Whoever isolates himself seeks his own desire; he breaks out against all sound judgment.
Proverbs 18:1
if you want to train discipline start with not drinking 10 gallons of soda each day you fat burger
you're good at making excuses for yourself
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>tfw no Gorgillion mile stare
At least I know I won't shoot up a place.

Wtf, I love the Bible now.
Kek, what does "he breaks out against all sound judgment means"? What's breaking out? Also, never thought the Bible would have something like that.
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Wew, don't hurt yourself projecting that hard, you fucking cheese.
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tfw cleaned up my room
>compensates for the lack of personal accomplishments by identifying with the success of his race

/pol/ summed up
In plain language? "He does not listen to good advice and believes his own way to be best"
>>Do not allow yourself to become arrogant or resentful

Be a good goy, goy.
is that what you took away from it?
haha,you sound like you're too smart to vote.
Same dude, feels good. Expecting a guest tomorrow and for the first time I'm not in a rush to clean my apartment.
>Be grateful in spite of your suffering.

Reeeeeeeeeeee. What kind of pacifying nonsense is this.
Sex with tinder randoms is different than fapping, on a biological level.
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So true. I need friends to use as a barometer for what to say and what to do. I have issues doing this sometimes.

>rush to clean
Kek. One time I cleaned my room so "good" that the girl that came over literally said "wow, your room is so clean and empty. Makes me sad"
Never realized how devoid of culture my room was.

Risking an std is 20x more degenerate, I can assure you that.
It's the polar opposite of pacifism. Life is suffering, and through suffering we are presented the opportunity for growth and to overcome obstacles. If anything, rather than be grateful in spite of suffering, we should be grateful for our suffering.
As a westerner you never have any reason to be ungrateful. Unless you're a dead westerner. That does not mean you have to accept every suffering, just deal with it and be happy you have a better life than most of us humans.

gratitude makes you happier. being bitter about perceived injustices does nothing to improve your life. recognize that you have a lot more than the majority of people in the world.
Not pacifying if you realize your suffering happens for a reason and your suffering can be used as leverage/sacrifice towards your future and betterment (like a shitty constitution job that gets your foot into a company or a job that gets you through college.
"Breaking out" indicates "leaving" or "abandoning". "Sound judgment" means just that, making decisions that are "wise" or "sound."
So, to paraphrase, "Isolation makes you engage in poor choices and bad judgments."
You think westerners are (((privileged))), right?
>dont fight for your right, goy
You both fell for the anti-revolutionary propaganda of Peterson. Sad!
>among the far right
you're cancer
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>Reach out to the truth.
Exactly. Not being bitter or resentful about injustices (just so you feel happy) is nothing else than escapism. A superior person is not going to fool himself with bread and circusses but stands up and gets mad as hell when needed.
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>>Imagine who you could be, and then aim single-mindedly at that.

>Kek. One time I cleaned my room so "good" that the girl that came over literally said "wow, your room is so clean and empty. Makes me sad"

Fuck you, now I'm anxious about tomorrow. There aren't any decorations in my room either. It just looks neat and tidy.
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What do you guys think of Davis Aurini?
Very small scale thinking, typical of the Peterson philosophy. Don't mind that your country is flooded by kebab, just get a shitty job and be happy inside your own small head.
1. step: clean your room
2. step: make your room beautiful
When you live in the Netherlands you're privileged by definition, I'm not saying there's anything wrong with that, we just have a higher concentration of better people on this land. Even if you're a fucking welfare nigger or mudslime, your life is much better than being a african or indian nigger. What I'm saying is that our living conditions are the best you can get on this planet, and that helps a great amount when dealing with solving suffering. If you manage to whine in these conditions you are far beyond any help.
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>Says the toothpaste sitting on an image board for neets shit posting.
What the fuck have you done with your life and who have you helped?
Young people are starving for a leader.
Stand up if you are one and don't criticize unless you are offering better solutions.
Because your brain releases different chemicals when you are interacting with real people rather than isolating yourself. And because in real sex your turned-on dick juices are mixing with turned-on pussy juices, which brings more balance and health to the body's hormonal flow
Find one odd or interesting thing and place it

She/they will gravitate towards it and comment on it instead of your dexter kill room
pol isnt centrists even if sargon adopted the le kekistan flag with the 4chan leafs on it
how is peterson a leader

he's just giving you life tips

he's basically fucking apolitical if he's not being an anti-SJW centrist
>being this off

Peterson has more testosterone in his brain than you have in your whole body
Privilege is earned. If pic related was a complete loner pleb that hated anyone he could not reach his potential Chad status and becoming GOAT in high school, for example, he'd be in the edge Lord/metalfag table, resenting life and having a dark cloud above his head.

Kek. You'll be fine m8, my room was completely bare of human interaction at that time. Never had a grill over so I just wiped everything with baby wipes and put all my clothes inside a chest I had in my room. No pictures on Wall, no figurines or other gay shit I like anywhere. Just a room, a bed, some gun/pepper magazines on my night stand and my rifle tucked away in my closet (we were going shooting that weekend). Now that I think about it, it did look weird, but males don't notice the "feels" of rooms. And to be honest I have (and still do) feel that emptyneess of not being able to have "culture", as in I don't talk to anyone other than /pol/ and /k/, my phone and pc is all customized and cool, but my room is completely bare. Like Paterson says, the room is a protection of your mind. Mine was a mess and empty at the same time.
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>dexter killroom
Overcoming and defeating people who infringe on our rights is one of those obstacles he mentions.

Also, he does not tolerate escapism and abdication of responsibility and views nihilism as a terribly destructive state to be in for the individual.

He's saying: If something is wrong or if wrong is done to you, don't just brood over it or stand there and take it, do something to fix it.
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>Avoid nigger gestures.
Who the fuck is talking about kebabs and culture as a whole, you nigger. We're talking interpersonal life. Now, if you want muh kebab dealings read the part where it says speak and act the truth.
Simulating friendship on /pol/ is better than friendships with (((marcists))) and (((individualists))). It also doesn't exclude your family; specifically you parents (if you had good parents that is)

Seek the truth long enough and you will find many friends along the way; as have I
>"I agree that that the stuff about ‘wastage of vital fluids’ is rubbish. For me the real evil of masturbation would be that it takes an appetite which, in lawful use, leads the individual out of himself to complete (and correct) his own personality in that of another (and finally in children and even grandchildren) and turns it back: sending the man back into the prison of himself, there to keep a harem of imaginary brides.
>And this harem, once admitted, works against his ever getting out and really uniting with a real woman. For the harem is always accessible, always subservient, calls for no sacrifice or adjustments, and can be endowed with erotic and psychological attractions which no real woman can rival.
>Among these shadowy brides he is always adored, always the perfect lover: no demand is made on his unselfishness, no mortification is ever imposed on his vanity. In the end, they become merely the medium through which he increasingly adores himself."
Ik hou er niet van als Nederlanders hun domheid verspreiden, alstublieft houd uw domme smoel.
>I need friends to use as a barometer for what to say and what to do.
If you know where you want to go, and keep it clearly in mind, the voice in your head will at least be able to say when you're going the wrong way with great accuracy. And if you're earnest about it you're bound to naturally attract some friends and followers.
>seek the truth
>act the truth
>Tfw only been talking truth in /pol/
I need to get off my ass and do something, anything. Look up some libertarian group and turn them NatSoc/Anarcofascist. Kek.
I just did like 5 minutes of stretching
2 sets of 10 push ups regular, 2 sets inclined
3 sets of 20 sit ups
3 sets of 12 30lb "compound" curls where I squat on the down curl on the up and full extension above head
along with 3 sets of 10 standing squats
with stretches in between everything...

I want to fap even more now.
Taking a healthier dump now too,better than the one I took when I first woke up.

Lol fucking brainlets
Impossibility of accomplishing an ideal =/= comprehending said ideal


>Centrist Liberal leaning professor who tells the world basic tips is akin to sharing 'the wisdom of the gods'
Did you have no parents, or something? Did you grow up in a ditch, or have nobody to actually teach you anything remotely intelligent in your whole life?
This is literally just a collection of self-help tips. Sure it's apparent that the Canadian cucks up north need to hear this sort of shit since it's clear that the guy is the only actual person willing to speak out about this shit, but then again that doesn't make him a saint. If anything it just makes him a college teacher with a set of balls
Basically the "beautiful ones" in the rat population experiment.
Ignore the muh overpopulation meme, it's a very interesting study though.
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Just stop.
Bro science at it's best.

It's simpler : with a partner, you generally fell less lonely, do more social activities and this way stay happier.
my room is clean and nicely decorated but I can't for the life of me form or maintain new friendships or romantic relationships (lmao)
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>pls give me more self help tips great leader

>my room is messy please help what do i do
no it doesn't
It's clear being bitter does nothing for you, since it's apparent that you and your whole country of cucks tend to cry and roll around on the floor screaming more than you do actually use it to make action. But then again, I'd just be acting 'resentful,' and that be baaaaaaaad, huh.
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>do you have no parents or something
Yes, for today's standards, other than "don't put your elbows in the table" and "sit up straight." I didn't learn anything other than to bicker and bitch about things, from my mom, and to cuck at things and live life's momentum, not drive it, from my dad. They're good people, love them, but not good parents at all, same with the other 70%+ of the population. Nobody teaches how to raise kids, raising kids is supposed to be an innate talent that everyone has, everyone is the best parent and everyone has the smartest kid.

Kek, btfo.
Do stuff. If you read books, go to the library to read them. It's what I do (mostly so that I stay reading and don't get distracted with some other gay shit.
Planning on joining a book club, it's probably utterly lefty and I'll get myself banned off the club, but who cares.
I agree with most things he says but his desperate attempts to justify his religious beliefs are terrible.
i stopped doing that a year and a half ago but i still don't have any discipline
>being a normal human is impossible
Libtard detected
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What a sad life you must have if you feel the need to try to ruin the positive ideas of others.

Keep at it kid, enjoy your depression.

it's not pacifism, it's the tale of caim and abel

life is made of suffering and sacrifice, so those who manage to embrace suffering and sacrifice fully will live a fuller life, that is what is called enlightenment
It's a start, as humble as it is
When you are ready, you will know what needs to be done
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I go to work and then I come home and browse 4chan, smoke weed and dink. Sometimes I ride my bike around the neighborhood
>Why should I live in reality when I can live in a fantasy?
Because one path leads nowhere, it is a spiritual dead end. The other path uses hormones to guide you towards greater and greater goals. Now it might be "being a chad and fucking your gf," then it will be marriage, a career, children, building a dynasty.
>stating that ideals are impossible to attain =/= being a normal human

Nigger detected
Yeah. Since this list is clearly possible to achieve all at once all the time, lets see you accomplish all of these tips perfectly from today on out, you autistic fucking snowflake
sound like normie bluepill ispirational detox life guru theworldisagoodplace you are special4whuyouare advice
just be yourself bro
just go and wageslave and work hard bro
just man up and get a fat gf bro
just endure the sufering bro because in the end it makes you strong bro
just delude yourself into religion to fit in even if you dont actually believe it bro
just be content at what a good world we live in bro
just be nice bro
just clean your room bro
judge people by how their room is but i thought i said just be nice bro
just dont be arrogant and resentfull except for people who dont agree with the above bro
just poke you chest out bro
dress like the person you want to be ...(tips fedora)
just pet a cat bro (KEK kent make dis up)
just beat up bullies and go to jail bro
just notice oportunity(to shitpost on 4chan) bro
just write a nice romantic letter to the gov bro
And what do you believe?
This is a mixed bag of faggoted shit.
If you want to be a man, ignore three quarters of it.

It would serve a woman more than a man.

>put fresh flowers on your breakfast table every morning
>wear something pink to catch a gentleman's eye
>don't contradict your mother as she has had more dick than you
>keep at least seven pairs of shoes clean at any one time, you never know how many functions you might bump into the same people on the same day
>alternate between right and left hands while serving your master's penis
>keep incense burning in your bathroom for a consistent smell of burning incense for no fucking reason at all
>never raise your voice or be physically or verbally confrontational in any circumstance
>be submissive

The list was made by a faggot, and has a few things interspersed so you think you should agree with it.
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>smoke weed and dink
stop dinking.
Stop drinking alone. At least for me, it's depressing as shit.
>implying my life isn't an embodiment of the list
Start running you fat fuck; you have a lot to learn
If you need someone to tell you how to live and whats is right or wrong, you are a blue pilled sheep.
A True red pilled person figure it out by his own judgement, using his own logic and intuition, not based on what some person or institution told.
This makes jerking off sound way cooler than it actually is. You just sit around tugging your penis for fifteen minutes, and you look disgusting doing it. You want to quit jerking off, video tape yourself doing it and watch the video whenever you get the urge.
>fifteen minutes
who are you trying to fool senpai
Stop drinking in general. Get rid of the reason you drink alone and even when you know that be reluctant to drink with others.

When you've quit drinking for a while and you get in a situation where people are drinking, just watch. Observe the effect of alcohol on people and realize the effect it has/had on yourself.

No sooner than when you realize that you should consider drinking again.
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My interpunction sucks ass
It means
>Don't be a whiny entitled cunt.
>Interpunction sucks
Sure does. Kek

I wouldn't be this autistic, it's not like you're drinking bleach, but yes, alcohol is bad. I drink around people only and never to the point of black out. Haven't drank in a good 3 weeks I think.
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true brother
What I said was meant for those who have no limits when they're drinking, those who drink to the point of black out every time.
>like me, before I quit years ago
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bucko just hit the patreon goal of 45000 shekels/ month
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I like Peterson and all but I wonder how different his life would be if he was 20cm shorter.
>muh rights
It's like god how many damn rights do you need?
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>suffering as opportunity for growth having remotely anything to do with revolutionary or anti revolutionary sentiment
Is this a real tweet? The whole idea of persona 4 was based off of Jungian psychology, so it's not surprising Peterson would give it a shout out.
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>no spokefrog
The sad part is Peterson is the hero todays youth needs.Guess we have to deal with what we get and be thankful that atleast there is someone.
I mean how low is society if there is a person needed to tell people to clean their room.
Jordan "Based" Peterson
It can be done anon. Even if you don't become the next Hitler, you can still be the next Himmler or Goebbels.

>Fallow Your Leader.
>Do Yourself And Us A Favour

>He He, Ho Ho, Jordan Peterson got to go !!
>He He, Ho Ho, Jordan Peterson got to go !!
lol seriously, why the fuck does /pol/ latch onto people and start worshiping them so much? It's like you didn't have a father growing up.
Suck black dick as much as possible..........fuck off
>It's like you didn't have a father growing up.

Yeah so what you fat yank fuck
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>tfw to smart too improve your own life
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>muh height
Sort yourself out.
Look i get it, shit isnt ideal, and it sucks, but you may have just made the most self-righteous post in this thread
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I'm just saying, he'd be in a very different situation now.
sort yourself up
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No he wouldn't.
short yourself out
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>my house got robbed the other day
jokes on the thieves now my room is clean
If he was shorter he would also have a smaller head and less brain mass. Without his brain mass he wouldn't be the man he is. Just remember if you're ever confused about something just ask someone taller.
>>Do not carelessly denigrate social institutions or artistic achievement.

can someone explain this one? what is he talking about?
Thanks for the advice
The IQ difference between someone who is 5'6 and 6'0 is around 2.40. The IQ difference between the average white person and an Ashkenazi is 15, for comparison. Not to derail the thread but height has a lot more implications than just that.
>>Pet a cat when you encounter one on the street.

Why? lol
don't forget

-just walk right in and give a firm handshake bro lmao
No robbers are that detail oriented, you are moving.
Why 5'6 in particular? Are you 5'6?
>mfw I just realized SHAQ is fucking genius
I said 20cm shorter, Peterson is 6'1(185cm) , 20cm shorter would be 165cm(which is 5'5 or 5'6 I think).
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Good sermon, OP. Tyrone likes this.
Why do Petershit shills get so personally offended when someone insults their cult leader?
Stop focusing so much on what you don't have and focus on the things you do have. Look for ways to make up for your height as well. Most people are out of shape or just about in shape. Most aren't athletic. Get fit, as an example. If you're insecure, work on fixing that. Improve your self-esteem and your confidence. Wear appropriate footwear that adds 1' to your height, stand up tall with shoulders back, good posture and appropriate clothing goes a long way.
Who do you think you're helping trying to dispense advice on an anime imageboard? Try helping yourself first you fucking 4chan-addicted maniac.
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Trying to help a friend in need, which is what Humanity needs more of. What we need less of is people like you, and your attitude. Perhaps you should sort yourself out.
It's not just IQ even though you need a decent one, In BBC Horizon - battle of the brains, the highest IQ guy actually had a small brain even though he was tallest, he had focused so much on specific types of problems for his whole life that his brain had become streamlined to solve them fast and didn't do well in the real world tests. The slightly shorter guy was a physicist with a bigger brain, he worked slower and scored less on the IQ test but had many more tools available to him in the real world and did the best in those tests.
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>Trying to help a friend in need, which is what Humanity needs more of.

lmao you wish you had anything to give to humanity besides your 1 TB hard drive full of Peterson pictures you regularly masturbate to you daddy-issues-having 19-year-old.
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Memerson also says that you shouldn't try to help people unless you're 100% sure about it because you can always make things worse.

Don't get your info from TV shows anon.
those monitors are such "boomer professional" monitors. swear every doctors office in the U.S uses them
atheism is degenerate and you have nothing that is in favor of claiming otherwise. let the man be.
is he this century's Confucius?
that's such an inspiring message.












>Memerson also says that you shouldn't try to help people unless you're 100% sure about it because you can always make things worse.

The philosophy isn't important, what's important is getting as much Patreonbux from word-of-mouth.

I wonder why Molyneux hasn't gotten on the Patreon gravy train, but I heard they get a cut of the donations so he probably wants it all to himself on his own website.
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na biste mett, maddin
This thread is dildos
And him saying it is getting him under pressure by his own job and otherkin and leftists screaming at him to try and shut him down
People "clinging" to him are shills and are mostly IQ. We're talking about the same board that defends everything Trump does. /pol/tards are mostly losers so when they see a con man they can look up to they cling to him in hopes they can be him and give them whatever petty savings they have to make them richer.
Don't get your info from malaysian ladyboy forums and don't dismiss all pop media narratives just because they are simplified. They are made to be simple and accessible so they usually provide the best reference point to a concept when discussing them with said ladyboys. Brain size really does matter, it should be obvious. We evolved bigger brains because it's beneficial, ape brain size is correlated with troop size, the folds in our frontal cortex are to fit more of it in a tighter space.

shaq is a genius millionaire only handicapped by being a nigger, how many millions have you made throwing a ball around and selling shoes?

>Do not pass go.
>Do not collect $2000.
I actually had to look up "denigrate" because it's an english term that doesn't show up so often.

I have no idea what exactly he means but I give you some ideas. it might be a critic on fedora cucks praising their shitty STEM degree to hell and back while looking down on the humanities. like we see on /pol/ sometimes. they are assholes for doing that. people are different. plus, every good cause that inspires mercy and benevolence such as fundraising for charity should not be looked down upon or discouraged from if it helps people in need who don't even have basic necessities.

the "artistic achievement" one is important too. we need to have a flourishing art and culture scene so that we as nations can be proud of our cultural practices that encourage striving for knowledge and beauty in life and make us create something amazing in terms of arts as well. maybe it's also a message to right-wingers not to look down on leftist artists as long as their work of art isn't bullshit propaganda. art doesn't have to be political anyway. Peterson wants us to understand the essence of somebody's art before attempting to fucking trash it for no good reason and looking like an idiot otherwise.
I'd like to meet him. seems like a decent dude.
Peterson offers a way to becoming an ignorant but happy cuck. To be really successful you have to get dirty - lie, cheat and stab people in the back. It's funny because he acknowledges this with him saying he should draw from chaos.

Such a based pic

Based Dr Peterson with his posse of wise minorities

truly /ourguy/
Obviously it does but I think ethnicity and gender matters more. Shaq is an athlete, the only reason you could call him smart is because he didn't piss away his money like other black NBA guys.


Holy.......I love everything about that image
>defeating your dragon
>instead of chaining it, and bending him to do your bidding
bulgaria is right
> becoming focused, driven towards your goals and strong enough to deal with life's unfairness is ignorance
Someone is unsorted.
small things in life senpai
>>Do not let your children do anything that makes you dislike them.

Only applies until the age of reason, and only applies if you are following Peterson's other advice.
Altruistic tit for tat is the proven best strategy. Exploiting chaos is not the same as causing it.
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Well where the hell else are we supposed to find the energy required to right wrongs?
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You hear that from every single motivation speaker. The problem with them and with Peterson is they don't give you the correct advice to achieve your goals.

There's nothing wrong with leaving your comfort zone and putting your life together, but those are just small steps and they can only get you so far.
Of course they are small steps, the whole point is of getting up to higher steps.
You will never be strong enough to deal with the hardest issues from the beginning, nor are you supposed to stop at the "clean your room" stage.
First, sort out your environment; next, maybe you can try to help someone in your family. After your family is sorted, only then you can maybe try to impact society.

Just ream your room brochacho

>we should be grateful for our suffering.

peterson should right a modern day meditations desu
>making your house beautiful means you're a fag
>not letting negative emotions guide your life means you are a woman

fucking kill yourself

The truth is illegal

A literal redrum
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They will fuck you up m8.
Black mamba is actually a sassy bomb expert.
Wiz can hack any terminal in under a minute.
Eastern Rose specializes in seduction using oriental hand fans.

Did you draw that?

t. human forklift

sort yourself out
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>Write a letter to the government if you see something that needs fixing -- and propose a solution.

top kek what a fucking shill. into the trash it goes
I fell asleep after about the fourth bullet point. Try to make your posts less boring.
another child left behind
agreed. Total nothingburger.

I'll clean my room in the morning.... but for now i must sleep.
Fortune cookie philosopher.

it's real
>among the far right
but all the stormnigger's are triggered that he dosn't like nazism
lol, you are pathetic, full of resentment, all of your posts here are full of cynical spite and bile puke, go back to /r9k/
If you don't admire heroes, you admire villains, anon.
Lol maybe not in roachland cos they see it as an invite to make it worse. In civilized countries that works
What's the exact source on this?
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So begins /pol/'s slow descent to Tumblr 2.0
Why should I (((sort myself out))) and get a job? Half my money will just go to paying for white genocide and free birth control for women.

Staying NEET is the real red pill. Prove me wrong.
Think I remember reading this on his blog or website
the fuckin' weis killer
Because the meme cult leader is their surrogate father. Single motherhood leaves many victims. Sad!
How do you clean your country if you can't even clean your fucking room? You'll find out bucko
>Reeeeeeeeeeee. What kind of pacifying nonsense is this.

Protestant work ethic
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Does anyone have the original image of Asuka used here?
You can always identify leftists by the way they write
>literal Hallmark card level philosophy
>this is /pol/ now
Fuck this place.
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l3ddit is down the hall, friendo
one word: survival
always wear sunscreen.
that's a very good idea if you value your skin
>Peterson posters aren't nu/pol/
Very convincing. Neck yourself, faggot.

Why does /pol glorify this guy?

Like, he's a decent fellow and he does have quite a few interesting insights but an awful lot of his stuff is just regurgitating pointless philobabble... or pseudo-scientific horse shit like how quantum mechanics describes an actually non-deterministic physics.

>in before fedora's jump at my last point
The difference being actual human contact
>>Do not transform your wife into a maid.

I had to uncuck my own father from doing this sexist shit. My mom has an 8 hour job and she cooks his meals. Fucking wake up call dad, you're not a kid.

I never let the monster within me shine, but when it does it destroys everything in its path.

You hear that cia niggers?

>>Do not transform your wife into a maid.

The fuck is this bullshit?!? My wife is my maid / cook and its awesome. I do nothing around the house and get anything I want for dinner at exactly 6:00 sharp. Why would i change this?

the obvious stuff must also be said and cherished

the point of him is not that he is a philosophy genius, but that he strikes a nerve on stuff that is necessary to be told on our age: He is relevant because a group of society has a real necessity of his teachings
why are all post with an us flag so retarded?
What the fuck are you even talking about?! "Uncucking" your dad?! You're doing the exact opposite of that. Fuck off to reddit with your "sexist" shit and come back when you understand how life works. Having a wife cook your meals doesn't make you a child.

He's a big picture guy, I couldn't tell you in a few words why

Listen to his videos in the background for a week there's a lot of waffle but something clicks and then you know his world view and where he's coming from, the slaying the dragon bit did it for me

>Every culture has serpents and dragons
>Neither exist irl
>They represent chaos
>St. George slaying the dragon
>The snake tempting eve
>All are fables or chaos vs order
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>y-you're toxic! GET OUT OF MY SAFE SPACE

can you at least admit you're tumblrinas at this point?
Don't you have a "refugee" bull to prep? I'm sure theres some dishes in the sink for you to work on as well. Chop Chop hans...

Ideas and values that used to be universally held are now actively being undermined or challenged. These concepts are so foundational to Western Civilization that no truthlessly championing and reasserting them will bring about a societal collapse.
Excellent summary, anon. Thank you.
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