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Italian Mayor: We don't want Niggers, Gypsies nor Refugees

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Thread replies: 322
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The Mayor of Albettone(Italy), a small Northern Italian town that borders with Austria, told a journalist that his people are Racist and will use Violence If necessari:

>"Migrants? If they send them here we will fill houses with manure and wall them up, we are proudly racists. We don't want nor negros nor gipsies, they risk their lives In here, they less intelligent than us, they are inferior. They have a lower lQ: history demonstrate it."

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Nice. When pleading and negotiating doesn't work, you might as warn them to fuck off or else
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Joe Formaggio for Emperor of /pol/!
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>when you have no other recourse
I really hope they get the last peaceful request
By the One this man is amazing, listen to the interview if you know Italian, it's pure gold.
This one in particular, after he said that niggers are inferior:

>Do you like the Ku Klux Klan? The ones with the white hoods?
>Nah, not much. I do it face to face.

Italy will save Europe
he should be forced to resign desu
there's no backpedalling from that, may as well go full 1488
this is something we can all learn from
he's so out there, they can't even deal with him
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italians are the only ones with a set of nuts in this world that arent cucked.

God bless them, Proudly racist.
Leave our beautiful country alone, you niggers do not belong and never will.

Ave Italia!

The fuck is going on in Italy? If we get a new pope there seems to be a legitimate chance we'll get anorher Crusade.
>Leave our beautiful country alone, you niggers do not belong and never will.
That's what runs through an American's mind every time Pelosi opens her mouth. Catho nigger.

lmao. SPQR when
Italy's government is literally a bunch of unelected EU appointed functionaries. Autocracy, not even once.
Damn, this guy fucking gets it. Based

>Ask muslim imam what he thinks about the population opinion of opening a new mosque
>He decides to say in Italian that he will give his answer in arabic

Gotta admire a man who upholds his community standards.
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If you can't be racist in your own country
Where can you you be racist?
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Absolute madman
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Makes me proud of my shitty italian heirtege
Doesn't Italy have hate speech laws?
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why do you force me to chuckle
i did not consent to do so
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Based. Also he looks like an fbi agent in that pic.
Good for the Ities. They're rising in my estimation all the time
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AHHAAHAH based Italians

good job Mario
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This is the most uplifting thing I have seen in years. I almost cried. God bless you based Italy. Get a new pope and make the call. A legion will answer.
Italians are NOT white.
that translation sucks

I meant that video. Just wanted to give a shout out to my italian bros.
wtf I love dagos and wops now
Pax Roma! Roman Empire 2.0, make Europe White Again!
translate it or us then you lazy pastanigger wtf
they are NOT african either
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Holy fuck I'm going to Italy and snatching up one of these madwomen. I don't even care that she sorta looks like a heroin addict.
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Thats it man, electrd for 20 years wen
Italian speaking to an italian and half the conversation can't even be translated because nobody can tell what the fuck someone is saying.

I do like the kid who's gone full fascist and says it outright.


Try to find another European country that speaks like this.


>PROtip you can't
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Never mind, I'm going gay for this guy
Funny. He looks like Richard Spencer.
Holy shit someone elect this guy Il Duce already
translate it for us then giorno
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Fucking based!
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Nigger, if i see you ill force you out
it doesnt matter cause veneto people are ultra hardcore liberal cucks and theyll fuck up
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it's clearly understandable, did they use some kind of automatic translator?

My girlfriend is from southern italy. I have been to southern italy. Everything he said is true
This is the attitude everyone should have towards muzrats and nignogs.

My fucking sides left this galaxy at lightspeed when the fat guy at the end was talking and it only said [unintelligible]
Racism is not the answer to multiculturalism. Only balanced catholicism

Kudos to dat nigga mayor *-* :)

ok guys, I wil translate (only for UNINTELLIGIBLE/ errors). Give me a few minutes
from what ive seen russian /pol/ posters are western-tier liberal navalny shills
your women are no different than western ones

based traditional russia is very far from st. petersburg and moscow city kids
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Spaghetti does NOT go with KEBAB.
wake up, Sons of Rome

wake up
V4 and Southern Europeans must become allies and purge Europe.

Mulims do not assimilate in other Nations, they want to assimilate other Countries.

Still European people: more than okay.
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That img made me lol hard
Massacre niggers wen
No, but the Democratic Party (PD) wants to implement them.
He said balanced, not (((ordo novus))).

Molti nemici, molto onore! (sono all'estero, ma tornerò in Patria in qualche anno)
Yes we have.
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>We don't want Niggers

I blame that mayor. I blame him so much.

Who wouldn't want a community full of nigger crime and diversity?

Diversity is worth it, isn't it?

Also, niggers BUILT Italy after evil old Luigi went over to the Congo and captured all of those peaceful technologically-advanced -
I want to kill everyone in this video except the hotel owner and his daughter. This would send me over the edge.
>most racist western European country
>also has the highest IQ at roughly 104
really makes you think
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hypothetically speaking, how many country are ready today to start a crusade? how many will join the coalition against islam?
Well, you know, individual nigs are OK. They're only bad in masses
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I'm in
lmao Poland talking like an American redditor
off yourself
>They're only bad in masses

I think their real selves only come out in masses.

Niggers hate white people all day. The only issue is when they feel emboldened enough to express it (and in what form).
Fuck off nigger
i would and some bunch of spaniards will too, but not spain we have to change our countries before we start dealing with islamist problem
That's like saying 0.1 ml of cyanide doesn't hurt you but 1 does
That right there is reason enough to hate Christianity. They are collaborating with the Jews to genocide White people.
The real problem is muzzies. They are awful even when alone. Everybody here in Italy, except maybe (((Bologna))) hate them. We also hate leftist (buonista) propaganda and we are immune to white guilt.

Rare flag.

>inb4 butthurt about the rarity of his flag, for some fucking reason
Leave it to an alban to be retarded
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Was feeling down today until this thread...

Thanks OP for sharing, and God bless this man.
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I don't think it's THAT rare anon, but I wish there were more tho
I would die for this man. Has any other political leader anywhere publicly spoken out to this degree before or will he bring on a new wave?
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mamma mia
ROME II WHEN ? Us Europeans really need to take back the Mediterranean
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*laughs in Pagan*
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From a year ago, though it is still an issue.

3 negresses drowned in a stolen car that one of them was driving,

Fleeing from police in a stolen car, in the dead of night, they drive right into a murky, alligator-infested St Petersburg, FL pond.

Gravity does not give the 3 teens extra privileges for being Black, so the car sinks down into the inky vegetation-choked waters..

Black protesters are blaming the police for not rescuing the 3 teens from a water wreck in the alligator infested Florida waters in the night.


>3 teenage female dindus steal car
>run red light
>chased by cops
>drive into pond
>car sinks to bottom
>cop expected to dive in after them despite it being pitch-black.

Blacks Upset As Hell, Irrationally Blame Police even though the cops stripped off and tried to save them at first.

>Us Europeans really need to take back the Mediterranean

Mediterranean really need to take back the Europe
ah minchia, deve essere una sofferenza lassù
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you haven't seen anything yet
Yeah I agree. Being old like him, I'd just tell my daughter to leave and then open up with my guns on these fuckers. Fuck that shit.

Only thing guys, if you're ever forced to do violence in defense of your property you need to share. Give us videos or something. Outline your story and how they fucked you. You all know the media would cover it up and make you into literally Hitler.
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Italy is surrounded by water on 3 sides and hillbillies on the other.

Maybe the mayor is simply doing the dindus a favor?
Living under Jews, man. The morality gets so fake.
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i don't see the problem there, monkey loves bananas

dude at 0:35
>they stand "a culo pizzo" to pray (+ minor errors)
"a culo pizzo": 90° degrees, ready to get fucked doggystyle

woman on 0:56
>we think they should stay at their home, because they took everyone else's job and we are here with our arms folded

woman on 1:25
>no no enough. The ones we have are more than enough.

old man at 1:28
>Absolutely not, they should fuck off all of them

blonde girl 2:31
[unintelligible] Tor Pignattara (the neighborhood) now is disgusting too. Yes I'm a bit racist

dude on 3:28
>not "I talk fascist" but "as a fascist..."
>not grab them by the balls but something like "show our balls"
>not "are you a separatist" but "are you a bit racist?"

>since we have become a country of stupids, I can't stand with this anymore. Why do you say a country of stupids? Because they all came here and the all want to do they dirty business

man on 5:07
>they broke our balls. We cannot stand them anymore [the rest is correct] - You can't live with these people [rest is correct] - [5:36] It should have to be told to those 4 sons of bitches in the government, that they put us into a pile of shit, and like they put us in they should find a way to -at least- make us breathe a little, because here, it's almost if we can't even breathe at our home.

where they stand, if you get close, you might vomit

>African migrant drowns in Venice Grand Canal as onlookers film him, laugh and make racist comments

To be fair, the nigger should have stayed in Gambia.
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i always had Italians in high regard, they don't take shit and they're not afraid to tell it like it is.

based Italians!
Hope so. The Church needs to run that collaborator/Jesuit/Liberation Theologist the fuck out of Rome.
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This is why I love /pol/

Even with the shills on the loose, this place is unaffected.

I'm black and I fucking hate the niggers who are so quick to lick cuck semen off the ground while demanding everything and doing nothing. I'm pulling my weight.
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These fucking nog names
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holy shit
this; I'm Catholic, and we're in need of a good purge from within. There's a gangrene which is killing us.

how do you feel about /pol/'s view of black people?
Hopefully you guys can force the muslims out to make an example. I hung out with some out of curiosity and those people are fucking insane through and through. Good luck.
give this based black guy a coat! shadilay my fellow pede xDDDDDD
Apologize for Columbus, white man.
we're doing our best, we're completely shameless and we don't give a damn about what other nations "demand" of us, if shit hits the fan muslims will be the first to go
Is this it lads?

Is this the point where it's okay to just say you're racist and will kill niggers on sight?

God fucking damn this is the best timeline.
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columbus did nothing wrong
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Mostly true. I live in a neighborhood full of the niggers you guys hate specifically, and I can't blame you at all. I'd say I'm sorry for my plans to 'sully' the white gene pool, but I'm not. Don't have much of a choice looking at the modern black woman.
white women are often trash too, at least in 'murica
Don't do this. Either find a smart Negress or don't have kids. Your future mixed kids will most likely resent themselves for lacking an identity.
>Kid talking about doing a massacre

WTF guys?
Every time I see a picture of a black dude with a white chick I feel bad for the black dude. 90% of the time You know those bitches are scandalist, loud as fuck, and will probably have atleast 1 std. literally the bottom of the fucking barrel in terms of a mate. but you know. taking muh wominz.
I understand...you seem like a good person, I wish you the best in life.

depends...I've been to the States, there are many good folks there. I met good and trashy women.
I'm a mutt as is, so it wouldn't be too much of a change. Part Swede, Cherokee, Creek, British.
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see this


Strive to find a worthy negress.
You better call your family back to Mexico, you spics are the invaders here.
Northen League will save us
Ay atleast they're not blowing themslves up in the name of sharia. Check up on Keith he was going to shoot up another school.
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>This is a decent town and a local shop; there's nothing for you here!!!
Who cares, if southern italiens have like 5 percent african and Berber genes and scilians ca. 10 historicaly they are European and even genetically they are overhelmingly european.

He should be forced to be mayor of the EU

Italy is literally the one nation that has smugglers working around the clock importing all those countless niggers you retarded faggot
Finally a west eurocuck with some sense in him.
Joseph Gribble, is that you?

I met a good black chick once: 19, good looking, virgin, conservative, loved to wear long skirts and had both parents caring for her even if she lived by her own. And we dated for a few months; but, you know, it's difficult to go back to the USA every 6 months with a basic wage whilst living in London.
Still feel a bit sorry for when I broke up with her...
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You're fine by me, Reconquista when?
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I've tried my man, believe me. I've come to the decision that smart black females have more faces than Hindu gods. They've mastered the art of the power divorce, and I want nothing to do with it.
>minister of integration
is that actually a thing or is it some me-too (((diversity))) thing
>intro music

Theyre no arabs and no niggnoggs and no roached. That's all that matters.
It's a bullshit title that existed between 2011 and 2014 because of the cucked government at that time
n i c e

still sad reading those comments, though, seems like most people are bluepilled as fuck (unless the other comments got deleted).
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not anymore
No idea if that's a reference, but no.
Nemaš pojma janez, hajde pređi granicu u italiju i pitaj ljude šta misle.
Il fatto quotidiano is a left wing """newspaper""", it's like going on the huffington post and expecting reasonable comments
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>They've mastered the art of the power divorce

If you are looking to white women to be very much different (in that respect), got some bad news for ya....
I'm aware, but at least they won't also frequently disgust me by lapsing into nigspeech when talking to other blacks.
No, they're just sucking up welfare and committing violent crime at the same rate as niggers.
Why are they flooding his hotel? What's the story behind this?
So when is the cleansing wave coming to EU? It seems we need just a spark in the right place.
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Not sure I see the Jewish angle there, anon.
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>tfw I've made that image
any chance you got it from a bread earlier today?
glad you tequilabro enjoyed it
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jew metisos and proxy hohols
good job
based chef boyartie
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Mayor has a point.


you are a nigger you dense shitskin
First generation blacks there were educated but racist as hell, likely in revenge. Cocaine ruined the black community, I think.

Pick one.
There's a difference between blacks and niggers in connotation now. Wouldn't expect an Aussie to be with the times, though.

there isn't and literally never will be a difference, negroid.
>Cocaine ruined the black community

Low IQ.

Low morality.

Inability for abstract thinking leading to an inability for empathy.

So many reasons for black failure in the land of opportunity.
Why are European politicians so fucking evil? Why don't they care about their culture, history, traditions, and well being of the natives? It honestly disgusts me to the core
Alright, prison child, you have fun with that.
I'm black and have a solid 125. Guess I got lucky because of my mixed ancestry.
OR you could just not not do cocaine.
I had an Italian house mate once, very charismatic, very friendly, he drank wine and cooked great food all the time, he loved women and would date/fuck at least 2 different ones a week, he bought me a crate of beer to drink with him when trump was elected, he did the same when we left the EU and he openly hated all brown people.
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is your country free?
could a newspaper with this title on the first page be published?

better to be a 'prison child' than outdated farming equipment
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98 percent of blacks are niggers.

But not all. Not all.

They are corrupt they only do what brings them more money into their pockets.
Aussies were debters in Britain before being sent to your shithole poisonous desert island. At least we worked for a couple hundred years.
I wouldn't associate SAT scores with high intelligence, anyways. Colleges are cucked shitholes.
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Hi Jamal
Not even close.
Is it to late to abandon my Atheist ways and pick Christianity up again? I only dropped it because of the ludicrous church tax.

Good for them
Based spaghett, why can't our country do this?
Why are italians so funny


Yes niggers will work but only on the end of a whip. Yours is a race of violence and stupidity, you claim Australia is a poisonous desert island and yet 200 years later it is on par or better than Europe and North America.

Want to know why that happened? European blood.

Kill yourself you violent monkey.
>Is it to late to abandon my Atheist ways and pick Christianity up again?
>the comments on the video
>facts is trolling
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>Is it to late to abandon my Atheist ways and pick Christianity up again?

Say and Believe John 3:16.

All will be well.

All will be well.
he's right, whites are better off by themselves
hell even browns are better off with themselves , as long as they don't want for the white life they can't create for themselves.
>mountains jew is stingy

I think The Lord will understand, it is only part of your culture.
>>facts is trolling

American niggers cannot deal with anything resembling facts or logical operations on facts.

Which is why they make terrible scientists and engineers, most of them.
What can I say? Being prison children in a poisonous cesspool means you have to industrialize quickly. Africa was full of things to trade and eat, so we got lazy. Also, you're part of hte reason there should be an age requirement for the internet, Little Jimmy. It was nice talking to you, though. We won't be so different when we're both dead and forgotten.

Also why niggers fly off the handle and destroy children and store windows when they hear words they do not like.
Joe Formaggio you real man
Not even death will release you from being a nigger.
>mfw some /pol/ack became mayor of italy
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MFW Ashkenazi Jews have an average IQ of 112
Yes it will. I'll be dirt and carbon. You will, too.
Jews are smart as fuck, but almost all of them are mentally unstable in some way. Also they tend to wreck nations.
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Wtf? I love Italy now






C'mon polan, after all the good you've done lately you have to go and post that. I'm disappointed
>Rare flag
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America has Mr. Freeze
Italy has Mr. Cheese
Does this day mark the day Italians are finally considered white instead of borderline
old news sage
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iiiiiiiiiis he-e-e wwww--hhite though? (((m-m-ike ennnoc--h))) says teh iiiitaly isn't w--wwhhite??
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Fuck you assholes. Every other time I say I'm Italian you assholes say I'm not white. I said it before and I'll say it again, we are white and we are more willing to stand for that than any other demographic.
spoken like a true american shitskin! yaaaa!
italy bros named joe don't fuck around
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we're not borderline white, we are Med master race
you are the ones who are at best borderline Med
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>...except for one small village in Vicenza
i hope he wont surrender

>I'm a nigger

Stopped reading here. You're gonna have to find a new country when we Balkanize. Sorry
>I'm black

What did he mean by this?
This is due to insecurity. Italians haven't been conisdered white by anyone so this guy is trying to ""join""" the white club
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I love my people. Italians were always based.
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not sure how to put this, but nobody here gives a shit about "whiteness", which is a new world codeword for being a rootless Euromongrel
stop getting triggered by memes.
Considering you country has no history or culture (no, Romans are not Italians) you really shouldn't call anyone mongrel. Now agian I don't use that as an insult, being mixed race is ok and is actually a good thing according to genetic studies, but please stop.
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>Considering you country has no history or culture
stopped reading right there, step up your shitposting game leaf
I know your trolling but if you don't want to get banned after your third post you really should stop.
enjoy ban troll

It's literally been a years since the first time you recognized me
>A 50% Mudslime country
kek, sometimes you give yourself away too easily

It's only matter of time. The Jews are pushing it to a point they will never survive. Hitler was a cakewalk for what is coming if they keep this up.
What do i need to conceal? I am my own person.
well stop telling everyone they are trolls and they are going to get banned, that's almost your signature at this point
>by the One
Are you a neophyte?
Nigger carbon
I thought my new signature was admiration of Biff Tannen? That was my past threads for the past little while. Also your really the only one who recognizes me right?
Yeah i'm ready, not sure about the rest of the country though
the other day I'm pretty sure someone else recognized you in some thread
I really got to stop posting for a while.
Please help America too.. I want to move to Italy and be racist with this mayor. I love him
cool, but don't you guys still have tens of thousands "rescued" refugees in the south?
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Traveled Europe - Can confirm Italians are the way forward. Other Western European countries probably have just as many guys with views like this guy however they are not as cohesive. All roads still lead to Rome.
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Niggers always nig.
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Most of those boats are German and French. Italian Govt is actually trying to prosecute them or so i have heard.
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Is YOUR country free?
Could your Prime Minister get away with burning muslims alive?

>pic related
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Whites have spent trillions of dollars on niggers in tax dollars and in charity.

But the nigger remains eternally ungrateful.
We need to keep an eye on this guy and town and make sure he isn't taken down. Much meme magic needs to be sent their way
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a shekel for the good goy
If Italians aren't Romans then who are?
Three K's a day keeps those fucking niggers away.

If you hate niggers, jews, spics, arabs, faggots, commie scum as much as we do and you want to raid some tranny server once in a while, you should join the official Moon Central Discord! White people only. Introduce yourself in #introductions


1, 2, 3, 4 I declare a race war!
Join us and lynch a nigger tonight!

The Triple K Mafia

P.S Fuck Niggers
well then, they better get fucking. The only way they can sustain this unreasonable position is with hoards of angry young men.
Isn't formaggio Italian for cheese?
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>The trigger of the interviewers
Nordic people were Romans
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Jeb NO!
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First you have to define rules of engagement.
If you remove
>muh feels
>muh geneva convention
>muh childrun
>you can't do that, that's not "fair"

Probably even a baltic alliance with their professional armies and sound strategy could rape one or two goatfucker countries. Haji's are just that bad.
>pastaniggers calling others inferior


But good on them.
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Joey Cheese calling it like it is.
How, Ahmed?
whites don't have negroid shaped skulls

guess im moving to italy after i learn their language

i mean their food alone is reason enough,i teared up eating italian made lasagna
Except that picture is unironically true.

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nigga what.webm
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>purposefully ruins his genepool by first importing millions of roaches and then sprinkling on top shitload of somali's and sandniggers.

it looks like you wanna become italians.
This shit is great because every time other politicians and media figures attacks a guy like this, it makes a few more white people realize that the Left and the media do not have white people's backs.
This does not mean that Romans were secretly Nordics retard.
context pl0x
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Ok guys, I'll post it.

Southern Italy doesn't have borders with Austria.

You Canadian imbeciles are impressive stock.
No but it debunks your picture, it's 100% true that Nords descend from Romans.
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>my girlfriend is from italy
>everything he
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same. I don't really agree with what he's saying, but the fact that he's got the balls to say it...
>it's 100% true that Nords descend from Romans
No it doesn't. It just means that the various European populations are closely related. Romans are not some kind of ancestor.
"anyone alive 1000 years ago who left any descendants will be the ancestor of every living European today"

That's literally from the study.
The mayor is a man
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Rome Crooked Nose.jpg
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Make this man Emperor of the restored Roman Empire
Maybe if you stop the boats and make Joe new Duce.
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wrong he is a pod person false flagging
>Italians being violent fascists
What a surprise.
Looks like they didn't learn their lesson from WWII
According to Madison Grant that is the Nordic Nose
It's a fucking obvious bait to say ''italians are not white'' and you keep falling for it ffs.
>Northern Italian
you're obviously being trolling
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Always the leaf
He needs to die the death of a heresiarch.

Restrained in a chair, a pipe placed in his mouth, and the ashes from his burning writings poured down his throat until he is dead.

He is then placed on a Damnatio ab Existensia list, which means even acknowledging his existence is a heresy, and his body is torn apart by wild animals and thrown in a sewer.
Don't you dare take OfMiceandMen and turn it into that.
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This is what i'm fucking talking about.
A crooked nose does not imply judaism or that one is a kike.
idk muslims here usually self combust before you can even try
Why don't Italians grow some balls and refuse to dock the refugee ships in the first place? Tell Merkel and the EU to fuck off like Poland and Hungary.
Holy shit, I didn't think it was possible for anyone in Europe to be this openly based, let alone a civil servant. This guy needs to become Il Duce.
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But it does
grow some balls and welcome refugees
Julius Ceasar was an athletic wrestler/boxer early in life (nearly all boys were encouraged to be athletic), his crooked nose probably resulted from being punched a lot. They practiced an unarmed fighting style which combined some aspects of modern boxing and some aspects of wwf wrestling, usually doing so on a stone dias that was 15 by 15 feet and made of strong hard flat stone.

On the other hand he may have been a jew, jews certainly existed in roman empire and in rome the city.

I'm just pointing out that his Jewishness is not 100% definitely ascertained at this moment.
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Isn't that the one we won?

oh wait, we won both
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Tony Soprano Black.webm
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Fucking niggers.
don't lump all Christianity with that catholic faggotry, we orthodox people don't go around washing nigger's feet and shilling for multiculti and lgbt faggotry
what game is that? looks fun
/pol needs to send a letter to this guy. he needs our support.

via Piazza Umberto I° n. 3
36020 - Albettone (VI)
tel. 0444-790001
fax 0444-790073
Orthadox christianity is not christianity, it's hate. Even the SPLC agrees. Orthadox Christians don't respect refugees, don't support gay rights.
Agreed, he needs to understand that he has friends all over the world who agree with him, but especially he needs to know that Italians support him.


try welfare and forced integration. drugs were just a natural side effect of scum living on gibs.
Study the writings of St. John Chrysostom. Give up this heathishness and attend Orthodox Church. Your world of darkness and depravity is not the only world, a better, brighter world, full of hope and freedom, can be yours, you have nothing to lose but the chains satan has tricked you into placing on yourself with your beliefs and perversions, I implore you, read the writings of the patriarchs and sages, really study the orthodoxy, at least try it, before you deny it.

Our world doesn't have to be a dismal post apocalyptic hellhole. We can make a better, brighter, future, by just living as we were intended to life, family, nation, tradition and belief, you don't HAVE to throw it away, leaf.

.t Brother Nathaniel

Look me up, I can tell your soul is imperiled and I can tell you need spiritual medicine. I have much to say to you, to much to say in one post.
All these niggers look like debo from Friday
>his daughter
She is just making fun of his misery, fuck that ho.
kill yourself you leaf faggot
Italian non-white blood comes not from arabs, but from ancient civilized north africans and Greeks.
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