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The refugee invasion

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Why is Europe just giving their land to the muslim invaders without so much as a thought? Is pretending to be "refugees" really so compelling that you can invade anywhere you want that's cucked enough and they'll invite you and give you the land they fought 1000's of years for overnight just to avoid looking racist?

Are muslims...dare I say it...playing 4d chess?
This shit would not be happening if the Germans won. America should have fought with not against Germany. The white race suffers now
Europe needs to learn to live with multiculturalism
Colonial white guilt worked. Better not complain or call it for what it is lest you be outcast as a bigot.

Go on 56%er, tell us how cucked we are.
Don't laugh at Europe too much. Wasn't there talk of California seceding? We would just let people have the awesome coastline instead of marching the assholes into Mexico.
because it's the right thing to do.
Look in the mirror before you criticize other countries. Why is Minnesota and Michigan giving so much land to Muslims. Why did we give up Detroit and Baltimore? Do you understand that is happening here as you point and shake your head at other people. Correct your own problems.
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Because people have no ethnic or racial identity. We were memed into being individuals
You forced Europe "not to be racist" with your gay liberal values in 1940-2016 ... Also killed our best leader with literal communists... fuck you,its your fault
Let us know when we start covering up the roving rape gangs, Rotherham.
It might be population migration before WWIII, shuffling all the populations around.
Fucking zero females. Did they sell them ?

Because some countries, like germany have absurd asylum laws. It is infact possible for a taliban fighter to get a refugee status in germany ( because he would suffer death by govermenttroops for being part of the tailban.)

So it is posible that a german solider has to live nextdoor to the person that killed his komrads.
Why? Because fuck the german people.
ask angela merkel
Its called the kalergi plan
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>another episode of Americans unironically berating Europeans for letting shitskins in
So if I declare I´m in danger of being killed by the government I get asylum? Is it possible even if the appliant is white?
>only 9 states have supermajority of whites
>some of them still vote democratic

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It´s a bit more complicated.
If your country is on the list of unsafe countries and you are in danger of being killed/harmed because of your sexualorientation or religious/poltical views you can apply asylum in germany and have a pretty high chance of being approved. Race doesnt matter, although i dont know it there is an unsafe country with mainly white population.
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This. They're here to stay.

At the best we can make them feel comfortable in their new surroundings.

There is going to be alot more coming too, in fact there is likely going to hundreds of millions coming to Europe.

Then again, we did bomb their countries and extracted alot of their wealth and gave it to us - so its no wonder they are angry. It's time we stopped resisting and just accept our fate.
Holy shit, this is insane.

How can you call it a democratic system when it´s played by racial and sex divisions? It´s ridiculous.
Democrats have flooded the country with so many hispanics, Asians, and Africans, that they completely ignore the white male voter. Soon they'll be able to ignore white females. At that point it will be political entities founded completely on race.
>yes, good goys... accept your fate!
>Why is Europe just giving their land to the muslim invaders without so much as a thought?

Woman's political power.
Woman's mind sees society differently because evolution programmed woman's mind for child rearing.
Women do not understand society's resources are limited.
Women do not understand what happens when society's resources run out in multicultural society (ethnic-religious civil wars break out).
No matter how badly these foreigners behave among us, white women will think these foreigners are children (less privileged) on their way growing up to become white folks. Children can not be held accountable for their actions and children can pose no threat.
I love how some people damage control by saying that regular people dont even want muslims here in Yurop. Most people think they it's a little sad that terrorism is now an every day happening but then again so is "racism, facism, nazism, evil internet speeches and islamophobia"

You've pretty much covered up what happened to that little girl.

Roving rape gangs are the next step. Instead of laughing and mocking, use those guns to nip it in the bud before it gets worse.
Why has the USA given their land to spic invaders? Why haven't white babies been a majority in USA since the 00s? Why is USA going to be majority spic in 2 decades?
Our trash get prison for rape. Yours get gibs
The ultimate redpill is this - this is all a plan, all these refugees are being dumped into europe and america to give israel the chance to expand whilst destroying europe and the US from the inside out just in time for Israel to become the worlds next great empire whilst the rest of us become south america.

Getting asylum in your country is difficult Hans. Only Syrians, Eritreans, Somalis get total asylum. Afghans and Iraqis are kicked out of the country. Even Iraqis are usually denied asylum
Donald Trump is just another part of this big plan, why is it an almost perfect candidate for a right conservative president and a literal nightmare for the left came from nowhere? His campaign was too good to be true but all he's done is divide the US more than its ever been whilst continuing to do israels dirty work.

Face it, we're all fucked.
You mean the UK surely, if we had sided with the Germans so would have the Americans, it really could have went either way, but pic related ruined it.
I still don't get how you allow non citizens to vote.
This shit makes no sense

> Why is Europe just giving their land to the muslim invaders without so much as a thought?

Cause "people" have no power. The elites do whatever they want. End of story. That's more or less everywhere in the world, and at any historical time. We are slaves.
South America isn't that bad. Maybe Venezuela, but most of the countries are doing pretty well

Ok did you realize your nation is under constant attack by Muslims and did you notice that your police are investigating where muslimes got FUCKING KNIVES FROM.
No man you are pretty much cucked.
What you posted was a judges choice. It will be appealed - but thats the vicitms lawyer team.

We are all pretty sure you guys have been cucked. and you had better uncuck fast if you want to LIVE.
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Perhaps it serves a purpose to foment hatred where there is tolerance.
We can't have perpetual war with all these tolerant fucks in the way.
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Is there a source on that?
They're playing the long game. All the illegal immigrants they let in over the last 30 years either got amnesty from Reagan or they've had children who are citizens.
Germans killed the European dream not once but twice.
Not everyone. Poland, Czech, Slovakia and most of all Hungary (doing huge sacrifice and keeping thier borders guarded) are against rapefuges.

Czech mofa said they wont take single "refuge" even if it means problems with EU. Poland is the same. Hungary.. well they beat the shit regulary of "tresspasers" so some "human rights" idiots want to sue them.

Its only france/germany and co run by leftist degenrates that fucks up whole continent.
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Muslims cant even play checkers
(((Do you really have to ask?)))
I want to kill em all.
America is a continent. But I take it you were talking about the jew esé government in which case kys
I had hoped people would rise up and say "No more!"
But I realised they will never do this.
Even when it comes to destroying ancient woodlands to build homes for foreigners, they would rather do that than be outed as 'racist'


Europeans mostly hate it, it's the leaders, NGOs, charities, churches, mosques, synagogues, the media, they all combine to push the narratives from all angles, it's extremely hard to fight back, and then you have the brainwashed/paid off plebs among the population. This is why people love Donald Trump, we need strong clear leaders to use the power of all our voices and fight back.
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the same people who cry about climate change don't even want to preserve their environment
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Are there as many coming by sea as there were in 2015/16?

Media dont write about it anymore, answer is probably worse than I can imagine. Strange thing is we have been seeing less immigrants this year.

>MG403 We will allow the victims of past errors in immigration decisions to come to the UK where these decisions have resulted in continuing serious deprivation.

>MG404 Migrants illegally in the UK for over five years will be allowed to remain unless they pose a serious danger to public safety.

From the UK green party manifesto, just turn up & within 5 years you too can have permanency..
these people are supposed to care for our ecology.?
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stupidity is harmless in small numbers, but the ones to protect these idiots from their own idiocracy are in the minority.

join a movement, start becoming important
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