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>bugs can survive an atomic blast >coke kills them >Indians

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>bugs can survive an atomic blast
>coke kills them
>Indians use cola as a pesticide

How can you drink that poison? How is it legal to sell that shit?
There's so much to learn from India. Time to stop drinking Coke and start drinking cow urine.
>deadly to insects means it's deadly to humans
Are you going to stop eating chocolate because it can kill dogs?
This literally doesn't even make sense. If you spill a coke ants will come from everywhere to come and ingest the sweet sugary spillage. Just go ahead and spray that shit all around your house and see what happens.
>It is clearly not Coke’s legendary “secret” ingredient that is upsetting the bugs. The farmers also swear by Pepsi, Thums Up, and other local soft drinks.

>The main ingredients of all colas are water and sugar but some manufacturers add citric and phosphoric acids to give that extra bite to human taste buds.

>A leading Indian agriculture analyst, Devinder Sharma, said: “I think Coke has found its right use. Farmers have traditionally used sugary solutions to attract red ants to feed on insect larvae.

>“I think the colas are also performing the same role.”

I can see why you're too retarded for a space program if you can't even use google.
Chocolate kills dogs for different reasons. I also refuse to eat chocolate as it has too much callories and not enough magnesium to justify the cost.
Is this some sort of meta troll like when we convinced people to microwave their iPhones?
This. The Indian cola is probably fucking toxic
Then what's the reason coke kills bugs?
It's the Caffeine. They could spray coffee and have the same effect on certain insects.
do they also water there crops with Gatorade?
Fun Fact: I use it as a toilet cleaner.

>Inb4 yes I have 2 loo in my home.
That would be sage advice if I were a bug.
Caffeine is a natural pesticide
And where's your evidence that the phosphorus in the coke is enough to kill a human?
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It's what plants crave...
>implying your loos ever get used and need to be cleaned
IT's capitalism how dare you question it you communist human right worshipping humanist!
Over the years? It will destroy your liver and case diabetes.
Because it is delicious desu
Where's the evidence?
In the army we also used that shit to get rid of rust on weapons and equipment.
It's actually really fucked up what kind of shit we humans can drink without dying.

But we shit ourselves to death when drinking water from the mounains.
Those sweet electrolytes.

The fact humans can survive in India then complain about bugs is more remarkable.
Time to sell all coke in Turkey
Yes Sam Sung, yes! You got it right and yes they're used.

Certain streets are used as Toilets in India, because they are designated and more comfortable than outhouses!

Please Share This With Others.
Maybe they use water from the Ganges river in their cola.
Still waiting for that evidence. I bet you can't even tell me what biological roles phosphorus plays in the body.
I've seen it here as well - janitors at schools using cola to clean toilets and when asked about it, they say it cleans better than any store bought detergent
Does Brawndo make it grow?
kek good job poo
breddy gud bants
That's absolutely retarded. Dark chocolate is great for you.
>phosphorus isnt harmful

think again

Theobromine just a small substance in chocolate.
Germans don't have a sense of h-
how exactly do they use them? do they spray coca cola around the house to have everything inside disgustingly sticky? sauce or i call this bullshit
>How can you drink that poison?
I'm not a bug
>Something is poisonous to other species
>This means it has to be poisonous to us as well
Don't put salt on your skin OP, you'll start melting like a snail.
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Are the polish naturally stupid enough to fall for facebook tier bullshit like this or is it just concern trolling?
>Indians use colas as pesticides
>kill all of their crops as a result of the bugs flocking to them for the sweet cola
>have to resort to eating cow shit and drinking cow piss

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The Coke = Pesticide meme started with contaminated Indian water

Nothing surprising to see here, folks
My dogs eat chocolate all the time, they really like it so this is mostly an urban myth in the most part. Maybe certain types of chocolate are bad, like dark chocolate but not normal chocolate.
>shit on everything
That's okay, I'll still keep drinking that garbage
t. Trump
>wanting to be alive

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plenty of evidence here

A lot of non-dark chocolate isn't really chocolate by now. Cocoa contains theobromine, but I suspect many chocolate manufacturers who doesn't care about their ingredients/reputation might add some color and aroma and less of the more costly cocoa. Cocoa powder or dark chocolate will kill your dog regardless tho.

"Oh no, it's an acidic substance that removes rust."

Apart from being shitty to your teeth, your stomach won't care a bit. Cokes pH is at 2.5ish, your stomach is at around the same level. (1.5 to 3.5)

The most insidious thing about coke is how "acceptable" it is to down that amount of sugar, the contents of the soda is not really harmful in the slightest from a metabolizing standpoint.
You sure it's Coca and not Caca?
Indian cola made with indian water
Chocolate has something deadly to dogs that accumulates over time in their kidneys or something - which is why you don't see them dying right away after eating a candy bar. But when that shit builds up long enough, it's byebye doggo.
>I use it as a toilet cleaner
So you clean the street with coke? That's pretty silly but I guess its a part of Poo culture.
So what you're way in is that OP lied and that coke really is used in this case to attract predators that eat the pests rather than coke actively killing anything.

Give me coke over some stupid fucking energy drink with shit loads of caffeine, sugar and god knows what any day of the week.
>survive an atomic blast
I think what you meant to post was
>insects are able to survive being irradiated to a greater degree than humans
Pretty sure an atomic blast would still fucking blow them to smithereens.

This is why you clean toilets for a living...
>god knows what
You're describing coke.
they could just buy industrial grade phosphoric acid in bulk it'd be 10000x cheaper than coke

this pic is bullshit
I don't drink that shit, all sodas are super unhealthy. Have you ever seen experiments where people put some sort of food or coins in soda for a couple of days? It eats away at the finish on the coins and dissolves chicken bones.
Don't drink either.
will this work on bedbugs
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>yep, best thing to clean corroded battery terminals and other grotted up engine parts
>put a penny in a bottle of coke overnight and see what it does
>tfw Mexican friends call coke the "black water of capitalism
>implying acid is a bad thing

But brondo has electrolytes
how many uses do you get before you drink it?
>Spraying sugar everywhere to stop bugs
>shitting in the street

these indians are on to something
>India brand Indian water, now made with %100 real bloated Indian cadavers!
wrong, it accumulated in every living being, humans metabolize it just faster.

>sugar water
>killing bugs

If anything it'll attract more of them. Pajeet deserves to starve for being this retarded.
>what is phosphorus?
Funny, I've never sprayed cola on my neighbourhood dalit.

I will try it soon.
same is for caffeine tho it kills bugs but its "good" for human consumption so why should i care if its the same story
Re meat is also bad for you and any and everything is bad for you so stop doing that too goys
Nah.. I just poured a bottle on myself, nothing happened.
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Coca cola is great in the laundry for getting out grease stains, good for cleaning engine parts and stone walkways too. Only good for drinking if you're severely hungover. It helps to metabolize the formaldehyde that last night's booze has become.
Maybe if they didn't shit everywhere their wouldn't be so many nats around
I heard if you get your phone wet, put your phone in bowl of rice and a bunch of Chinese will run from nowhere eat the rice and fix your phone.
I believe it was India that stopped using insecticide because they thought it was a great idea to cook food in school cafeterias in the aluminum drums it came in............
Just saying
>spill coke, even amerifat corn syrup coke
>get ants
Some pesticide
>India is absolutely fucking covered in ants
Fake shit. No one here buys sugar merchant's products unless you are a degenerate gamer, football fag or (((movie)))goer.

it has nothing to do with being poison

it attracts ants that don't feed on crops but do feed on unwanted insects larvae
Not this shit again. It's legal to use on non-designated combatants, ie. insurgents.

>country with the worlds largest film industry
>insulting movies

proxy poo detected

Well it's been said that it can be used to clean the sink. Did ESL-kun make this not knowing the difference between pesticide and antibacterial?
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>tfw reading this while drinking coke

>cokes addictive like heroin

then why do I drink it at work where I get it free yet never buy it at home even all weekend
The only fags who buy pepsi or any other drinks are guys who want to impress girls while taking them out to english movies. Shows they are worth some shekels and are willing to spend it
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Sounds like thirsty work

you poos are so contradictory

you can afford internet but you can't afford coke or toilets
do they POO in the empty bottles?
You know that you have phosphorus all over your body? How do you think energy is stored in your body? What whas it called again? Adenosine triPHOSPHATE?
Cola is bad because it is highly acidic + high sugar levels not your because your delusions based on primary school chemistry knowledge.
Jesus fucking Christ you sound like such a whiny bitch.
>Cocoa powder or dark chocolate will kill your dog regardless tho.
Try this on ur doggy n make a thread on results.
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>cokes addictive like heroin
Nice false equivalence. This is probably bullshit.
>Indian cola made with indian water
This explains everything
This is utter bullshit.
Wanna know why?
Go outside, spill a little coke. Bugs will be all over it, happy as ever, not the least bit affected.
>what happens after literally every meal with carbohydrates which should be ~65% of your daily ~2.5k kalories per day anyways
so scary
The thing about coke that is unhealthy is the unhealthy lifestyle and too big consumption. If you drink some once in a while and you take care of yourself, brush your teeth nothing bad will happen. But if you are a nigger that drinks that shit everyday and consumes 999999 calories of it per day and you don't brush your teeth then you will be sick. Who would've guessed. It's like everytime, try to understand that everything in too big amounts will be bad for you. And everything in right amount will have no effect on you except maybe you feel pleasure for doing it.
You just need to maintain certain proportions of substances you put into your body and be moderate with them. Why the fuck do you care about something as petty as choice in beverages? Yeah anon you are better than everybody else because you don't drink/drink something. Hope that it'll help your insecurities.
It would be better if they harvested the bugs, way more protein than some plants.
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No, cleaning your room is the only thing that works.
>from that flag
juicy b8 m8
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>How is it legal to sell that shit?

Statists out
I've heard of using a mixture of soda & vinegar or dish-soap to kill flies.
But poison 4 flies wasn't from the soda.
Yeah, but maybe they die later.

Top tier macro, reminds me of the old /b/ Lifehack threads.

Spray a bunch of sugar syrup around your house! It won't get sticky or attract insects!

Top kek, I want to believe some retards get rekt by this.
Do you want ants? Cuz this is how you get ants.
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Yeah indians also throw corpses into the same water where they bathe and drink from, We should all follow their example.
Indian water has to be turned into coke to not kill the plants.
Chocolate will kill you too fatty
Then show me a death caused by chocolate.
Walkways are cheaper to shit on than toilets, and yet we do not follow that bit of Indian wisdom either.
Poo in the loos have had it right all along. Everyone needs to start shitting in the streets, rivers and lakes, asap.
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