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A geography class for racist people https://youtu.be/8WfEkX

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Thread replies: 303
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A geography class for racist people
God I hate indians
As an Indian, I have to say our women are very repulsive creatures.
You can see the soulless brainwash in her eyes. It's scary.
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fug she's scary
Well that was extremely cringeworthy.
Sage this hypocrite
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reminds me of someone
Consider the target audience for a video like this? Who is going to watch this whole obnoxious, narcissistic, condescending rant without closing their browser almost immediately like I did? Videos like this are designed for an exclusively SJW audience, its basically a published confession their movement is all about them. Why else would they pitch their message in a way that completely isolates the people they are supposedly addressing? Their levels of self scrutiny are non-existent.
Stupid self hating liberal white women.
>God I hate indians
Fuck you, Punjabis do not represent all Indians. They SUCK.
I fucking hate arrogant disgusting indians.

I especially hate indians running at the mouth about the USA.
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>Oh bloody basta', that was a spicy samosa!
I'd educate her geography
what's caffei ?Coffey?
Jesus. What a condescending little liberal cunt.
I really resent Indian SJWs over all others for three reasons:

*It's like that Monty Python skit, isn't it? "What did the Romans ever do for us." Indians owe so much to the British.
*They still have a caste system and have the gall to complain about racism in white countries in spite of the fact they are more successful than us, on average.
*You know a bird like this has an unquenchable thirst for white dick.
US is the cancer of the world, they stab more ppl In the back to make ceacer jelly.

We signed the biggest defence deal to share our ports to crush china. Now trump screwed relations so bad we fucking joined SCO the fucking Chinese NATO .

never trust USA
Hopefully this dumb whore pisses off some white people into getting redpilled
id poo in her loo 3bh
>makes fake channel
>creates fake comment on a video
>makes a video about it
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Damn, it's been ages since I've seen someone get so butthurt.

Fortunately if her skin is this thin she won't last long before killing herself or quitting the internet forever.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA we don't give a shit about you mehmet, we'd just as soon sit this one out. We have nothing to gain by supporting you and you're useless on your own.

Have fun getting btfo by China while the rest of the world watches and laughs.
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>blows up bodies from the morgue
>pretents to trigger
>starts killing Muslims for "terrorizing"

>says India is beautiful
>says it smells like curry and it's delicious

meanwhile, there are people shitting in the street.
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Obv troll
I don't think there's any form of comedy that I hate more than perky condescending liberal comedy.
I wish she'd poo on me.
Indian women love white men, its a proven fact. Just go over to India and see what I mean
You realize that defense one is owned by huff po right?
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Of-course these people don't know that to go from US to Europe you have to fly close or through Greenland due to the curvature of the earth.
>A Geography class from a Racist person

>be liberal
>be part of the party that is supposed to stand up for the little man
>mock people for being poor and uneducated

Fucking disgusting. I am an European leftist and the American left and whatever shit it has exported to the middle-class european pumpkin latte drinking privileged shitheads makes me wonder if going full commie just to knock their bourgeois self-centered worldview down a peg is not actually a good idea.
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Racist idiot who don't deserve internet connection here, AMA
What was the point of this video? To tell racists off? Show them how they're wrong? Any racist watching this video isn't going to take her seriously anyway. I'm liberal but I don't get why libs make this shit it serves literally no purpose.
>bantering the 4th most powerful military

Your Shitty military couldn't defeat half dick Afghan after 15 years of invading.

Face it leroy we are best at removing kababs , now enjoy your food stamps while it lasts , chinks already screwed your economy
liberal sjws in a nutshell
>dont have a single logical argument
>need to fight these damned racists xenophobics somehow
>get the best idea one can come up with
>make fun of dem racists trump supporters
>start making cringy jokes
>dem jokes so funny, evrybody will laughs their asses off
>gonna put it on jewtube

fuck it where's the napalm when u need it.
The point is they're right: America, Russia and Europe will stay on the sidelines while China and Paki DP curryland. In fact India might get so colon confounded they have to use nukes in which case everyone will turn on them.

Face it, India can either spend the next few decades kissing ass to China and Paki or get more wrecked than any country ever has.
Do you think it should be government policy that only people who politically align with the author of this video should have access to the internet?
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Did she forget mulisms and Hindus in india killed each other after the British left and split the country in two? And now they have nukes pointed at each other.
She should shut up about racism.
>Racists are not triggered by videos

I think author of this video shoud be gangraped by 60 niggers and then hanged in public for being retard.
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Not sure if this is liberal """humour""" or female """humour""".
> Says she's Canadian
> Her parents, Malwinder and Sukhwinder Singh, are originally from Punjab, India
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>Being a sexist racist bigot
I'd say both. It's like combining shit with more shit.
she has 11 million subscribers. i'm willing to bet many of them are very young kids who think this is edgy or cool and just don't know any better. obviously the writers she hires (people with that many subs usually have people write their shit) are super fucking sjw faggots with a bad sense of humor.
i really hate people who speak in a overly dramatic manner like this poo does, i especially hate people who do it in jewtube videos

nah, pajeet, just nah...
My favourite part was:
>There are two billion muslims in the world if they were all terrorists you wouldn't stand a chance!

Haha, yeah! Muslim power! If those other countries that we go to to flee the ones that have turned to shit don't cater to us we will radicalize and they will not stand a chance! Better watch out, crusader scum!

Fascist ideologies need to be destroyed ASAP.
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>implying it wasn't intentionally planned
>implying britfucks didn't create east Pakistan to put its military base there
>implying brits did anything other than stealing from other coworker
>best at removing kebabs
>is shitskin

That's like getting rid of the wasp nest by filling your house with spiders.

>b-but spiders don't sting so it would be better
the video is obviously targeted towards sand niggers and little kids with no sense of humor.
>Trump imposed massive tariffs on poo exports crippling our economy
Boo hoo go cry somewhere else.
Why would you watch this shit in the first place?
just poo in loot pajeet.
Well according to Trudeau she's 100% leaf so you can't really blame that on her.
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>invaders pretending they ethnicity own land
I'm not so surprised by the nakedly antagonistic vitriol, but I am (always) surprised that she thinks it's an appropriate and constructive addition to the world's dialogue on this matter.
Please explain why.
>poos and pakis chimp out after being let off the leash
>It's Britain's fault

Just nuke other
>google punjab
>first thing that pops up
such a vibrant culture
Please explain. I've been plenty of Indians from Punjab, and they're all nice, hard-working folk.
Horse teeth.
You know that annoying girl in school who acted even more annoying after some caffeine and you just wanted to punch her in the face and tell her shes not funny ? This is her.
Allow me to attempt to explain all these to you as someone who has studied the epistemology of this movement.

>whites are oppressors vs race doesnt exist
Race does not exist on a biological level since haplogroups and genetic diversity has made pure races nonexistent. However, this does not mean that people do not attempt to divide themselves by race based on any characteristics they can detect. Since in history white people have managed to enslave and colonize much of the world, the remnants of their power lingers globally and their "race" is not seen as unattractive, stupid, useless, or inferior almost anywhere. More to the point, they do not believe that race doesnt exist whatsoever, but that the arbitrary races we use most commonly to identify ourselves with are useless. There are hundreds of thousands of possible racial identities depending on genetic makeup, but we elect to stick to an oldfashioned system that is outdated considering modern scientific knowledge.

Racial diversity is necessary for the normalization of race identities across the board and boosting the voice of those that are considered oppressed by the virtue of Standpoint Theory (Sandra Harding, basically the more layers of oppression you are under, the more clearly you can see the world for what it is and the more worth your opinions have, but the harder it is to express them).

>But only in white countries
Depends on the radical constructivist you ask, many are against any nation being homogeneous at all. Many are even against the existence of nations altogether.

Basically - race doesnt exist but since people think it exists we need to help members of specific perceived racial identities to rise above the others who oppress them. This is necessary in the current imperfect world, but in a perfect one everyone would be aware of the fact race as we know is a social construct.
The top comments look extremely canned. Lily singh is one of those channels that youtube incessantly promotes and tries to shove down peoples throats.
> thinks he can sanction the 5th largest economy
> thinks the can block trade of the founding father of NAM
> thinks USA hasn't sanctioned India

You clearly have no clue about india do you?

We were sanctioned by USA in the 90s for arms race , it did shit.
Pretty fucking based of them desu
If muslims live in harmony in India why is Pakistan and india two separated country?
>God I hate indians
She's a paki
>literally who e-celebs provoke /pol/ for views and controversy
Sage these threads
>race is a social construct
I almost considered that more than a wall of text for a moment, my mistake.
Why is she trying to separate Indo-European people? We are brothers.
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Why does she assume that post was from a white male???
if it did shit then why the fuck are you being a crybaby about it?
Indians shit in the street and wipe with their hands

I hold no concern for their words
>Fascist ideologies need to be destroyed ASAP.
kill yourself pede
>lets split the most diverse sub continent into a Muslim only state
>lest migrate 100 million people over 1000 km
>lets not settle are give any border
>lets make non existing princly states independent kingdom's that can join either India or Pakistan

what can go wrong
She makes 2.5 million a year from this shit. Life is cruel.

Sage af
Better yet, send her to India
Because i hate the chinks , the only reason SCO is tolerable is because it has Russia in it , who are indias closest allies.
Her distant Sikh ancestors probably killed entire towns of Caliphate invaders, I dunno why she thinks she's got the moral high ground.
Doesn't she have a street to shit on or something?
Is every thread either about her or Varg
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she has 11M subscribers. her "launch" wasn't organic of course. she has a team of writers and producers. i doubt that much of this is orginal content from her.
>ausi bantering about other ancestors
>ignores his ancestors were literally cut throat murdering goons
It's a good thing, Sanjay. There's literally nothing wrong with militaristic religions.
...is this a real country? why does your flag look like 2 shit stains on a paper ?
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Opinion discarded lol
Race in the categories asian/black/white is since it is just an arbitrary cutoff between where one race starts and another begins. it is mostly based on physical characteristics rather than a complex understanding of genetic diversity.

You usually don't, that's why you are on /pol/
If you don't like it you should have stopped them. You outnumbered them 100:1 and had access to all the same weapons.

The strong do what they will and the weak suffer what they must.
Most convicts were sent to Australia for shit posting
uh, racist and sexist much?
im going with this one
These fucking videos make me sympathetic to nazis i swear
>I have no control over my actions so I need to kill people

Not taking responsibility is nigger tier behaviour
>nothing wrong with militaristic religions.
What is Islam

Sikhs are the offspring of Hinduism & Islam.
Oh nice flag anon
Such a beautiful place full of culturally diverse people
Stop posting your shitty video, no one cares.
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>What is Islam
I didn't say paedophile Christianity-offshoots run by expansionist empire-builders, anon. Sikhs are the best that India has to offer. You're not an obese brahmin degenerate or a childfucking Muslim, are you?
British wanted it was a strategically placed nations controlled by brits, gave too much power to the "Pakistani party ." United Muslims for a murder spree

It was impossible to stop , when Ghandi was against it , Kolkata went to flames .mass riots , millions killed .

Muslims all over earlier wanted to be part of India , over fucking "independence" song at 1943 was written by a Muslim in Bangladesh.

Back then Hindustan ment land of the indus people , nor land of hindu religion.
Same as indian males honestly.
And you people wonder why brits are the jews of the 20th century
Why are Canadian Indians one of the worst fucking things to exist? I've met some and the women are stuck up cunts who think they are 10/10's when they are barely a 3/10, and the guts are either complete cucks or complete try hards who think growing up in fucking Canada makes them tough.

Also why is this cunt so fucking popular?
Sikhism is a meme religion based on the two , both Islam & Sikhism are militant in nature .

That's a fact , either you haven't met a sikh or you are a sikh.
>impossible to stop

Right, the forces of nature are gravity, weak and strong nuclear forces, electromagnetism and the British.

Face it, you primitive 3rd world people were too cowardly, petty and tribal to stand up to them.
>Indian acting like a niggress

oh boy someone please honor rape her
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Checking in
So are you saying if the jews controlled USA and its military
Then offered 40% of the country to the democrats 30% to the republicans and 30% to the blacks .USA still wouldn't split?
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Some of your women can be quite attractive. More attractive than SEA gooks at least. And way above any nigger.
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Fuck off

I watched a few of her videos, when it wasn't so obviously political, and boy do I not understand her fame on youtube.
Sure, there was some jokes here and there but for the most part her videos have absolutely no rythm.
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I ain't clicking that shit Kumar
If the Jews tried to make an obvious power grab and split up the country we would resist them to our last.

Why do you think the Jews work in secrecy? Because the white man is not so easily conquered as smelly shitskins.
>we would resist them

You fucks can't even handle a shitty black lives matter riot , you think a piss broke America , can take on a country wide riot , your puppet government will go rogue after the first million casualties.
It's trending at #18 on YouTube
Shut it off the moment I saw that false flag comment.

This has become a standard leftist tactic. They are probably dismayed at right wing people making so much sense, so they constantly come up with fake hate and give it away by trying way too hard. The only way you can believe that comment is real, is if you are a lefty, because even the biggest Christian Nazi knows that the people on his side don't talk like that.

So this is going to be a response to the fake stupidity of a fake "Nazi" who left a fake comment, and it's probably going to explain that Afghanistan, India, and Pakistan aren't the same country (and opinions are still out about India and Pakistan, let's be honest).

This is leftist humour. Literally telling imaginary people how stupid they are, for the benefit of people who actually think those people exist, so they can go "yeah, she said things I agree with, how awesome!"

The fact that lefties consider this to be entertainment almost tells you more about why they are loathsome people. Almost, because their political system still killed millions upon millions of innocent people.
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Wasn't youtube pushing her videos, though?
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Because clips about racism, hitler, and lgbt popularest in the western segment of youtube.
When it's a woman, certainty, that she does it for attention, doubles.
Fucking Poojeets
So, what does it say?
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the edomite termite jews
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We win again, one-sidedly and without difficulty. Continue normalizing our hateful language and using your own kike terms as insults.

shes a 10/10 fuck off u poltards.

i would impregnate her within a heartbeat. shes way too hot
>Face it, you primitive 3rd world people were too cowardly, petty and tribal to stand up to them.

100% this, there was no problems when our White British Raj was in charge, shitskins are just useless cowards when left to their own devices.
I'd break all of your fingers in front of your mother, and then strangle you to death with a bootlace just for wanting to fuck the enemy.
>1 sentence
>middle school insult
>1 sentence
>middle school insult
>1 sentence
>middle school insult
>1 sentence
>middle school insult
>1 sentence
>middle school insult
>1 sentence
>middle school insult
dumbass muslim paki afghan india slut
Racially inferior animal.
>thinking the colour of shit is attractive

Indians are some of the most racist people that exist. They literally define success by whiteness
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irony has killed itself
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Why do you fags even watch this eceleb normie bullshit? She's just a liberal retard in Canada(big surprise), what the fuck were you expecting?
Being a women, she has crippled herself harshly as she cannot think without emotions. And how the hell can you take someone who speaks in Nigger language seriously?
That youtube comment did touch a sensitive nerv on her, didn't it?
Except there has never been a Muslim terrorist attack that was a falseflag, Pajeet.
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>All the way back to.. Canada
>smells like curry
More like shit.

It's just circlejerking. Kind of like /pol/, but also devoid of any actual knowledge.
but, does she poo in the loo tho?
>In england
Yes typically how immigration is supposed to work is only the smart are allowed in first world nations. Even still India is known for riding the waves and pretending they're all master level programmers as silicon valley is starting to complain about the shit tier work the Indians are putting out.

Also, first thing I noticed is she talks like a negress, same head movements too.
She must have ended up in their group and ate eveything they fed her.
Very likely, they talked about her behind her back, as she was proto-aryan, not negroid.
Women aren't funny, she lacks the intelligence to even emulate humour.
Pretty face, but should be gagged.
>Can still see her vagina
Nice object censorship
Seems it is self advertising.
If she posted her tits, she'd have more hits.
Chinks often do it on american tv.
They mouth the words, and perform artificial facial expressions.
They are trying to act like Europeans, but don't know how to use facial expressions or tone of voice correctly - it is like watching androids try to slip through a Voight-Kampf test.
This from an India cunt who comes from a country that venerates you if your skin is pale. The darker the Indian, the more discrimination they face. There is an entire industry in India to lighten skin....they are insane about skin color in India.
True, the most embarrassing thing about her video is that it isn't even funny...another failed attempt at comedy by a woman.
Note, she is one generation away from this.
Raised by parents from that place.

India is 4,000 years behind.
Their gods live in a two-storey house!!!
Would still prefer India's poo in the loos to any amount of muslims.
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Stop posting this crap, she's attacking redditors' non-arguments and strawmen.
>ad hominem
You must be one of those edgy kids she was talking about
Almost all indians abroad are stuck up cunts, because they were the top of the caste system in india, so they think that applies when they suddenly become near the bottom in european founded countries.
>silicon valley is starting to complain about the shit tier work the Indians are putting out.
Silicon Valley IS Indians. That would be Indians complaining about other Indians. I realize you pigskins don't have money to travel, but the Bay Area is dominated by white-collar Indian techies. Whites are just lackeys or shit-tier marketing consultants who do nothing of value.
>if the jews controlled america
Which timeline are you living in?
repeating autistically that the cutoffs are "arbitrary" doesn't make that statement true, even if you do it ten thousand times.
probably correct
This is the problem that I see often on /pol/.

You guys dont understand that hating whites and saying "white racism" is what gets money right now.

By making this video she earned money by

>stirring up angry white beta males

>causing controversy with people who were "offended"

as long as the jews rule media sorry but this is what it is and she doesnt even mean what she says in this video, i lost the picture but her boyfriend is white
Or because Indians are clearly smarter, more capable, with a richer, deeper history than the quickly forgotten barbarians of Europe who were civilized by Roman, Egyptian, Indian and Middle Eastern ideas? :)
What the fuck.
I want out.

It is more blatant every time.
Had this been around 20 years ago, there would be fury.
This is disgusting.
If there was a button to push that would wipe out every last shitskin, including jews, in Europe - I would press it.
The other degenerates can go too.

the good thing about modern lingo is that you can call her a savage in the comments and it's considered a compliment :,)
They marked negros as being equal to English.
World IQ stats say otherwise.
65 iq versus 100, on average.
Bro, you are part Moroccan and your best architecture comes from North Africa. Please relax.
everyone understands that dummy. it doesnt make it any less irritating
Are there any videos of her being coated in honey and cleaned off by half a dozen female servants' tongues - from lower castes of course.

Global IQs have been rising since the turn of the 20th century. IQs in Africa, Latin America, and developing parts of Asia are rising much faster. Those shitty, made-up stats by Richard Lynn don't mean anything anyway.
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Holy fuck this video is so full of this cunt's narcissism and egomania that it started dripping from my screen.
>"Ohh, look at me Anon. I'm so much better than you. I'm so mauc more morally higher than you. I'm not white, I'm not racis. Look how good I am! NOTICE MEEEEE"
I just hope that when she will marry her streershittting Pajeet he will beat her up every evening.

That's so good
Quiet, shitskin.
Go shit on a street and fuck your cousin while worshipping rats and fiddling with your microdick.
The only reason your military has any edge pajeet is because you never have to spend valuable time digging latrines.
Damn got to agree I just look at them in the streets on the subway and think why would any other indian guy that can do better settle down with an indian girl. Luckily I'm a light skin indian guy I got good luck with other girls a brown skin girl just will never happen with me.
I would f-
>notices tatto

Use hooktube!!
loud, smelly, rude, max out at a 6/10 on looks with extreme bitchness, huge sluts that will cover up their past.
The worst part of the video is the fake like/dislike ratio. Jewtube has it fixed.

Last night, the video was full of upvoted negative comments, and they've all been deleted.

YouTube has it just as fixed as Twitter. It's all garbage. That's why you only see leftist channels go trending, while real alternative media content is buried regardless of the view count.

What's happened with the internet is the same with what's happened with the rest of the media. A few corporations bought everything up, and they all support the anti-West, anti-white globalist system.

Jews have been a big part of it, but rich white people have been fundamental in this, selling us out, cheap labor, open markets, a more easily controllable population with less identity and unity.
Yeah, I can see how africa is a powerhouse of geniuses.
I can tell by the flies crawling on their eyeballs while they sit not even wafting them off.
By the incredible advancements in india, allowing for free flowing sewage in the public streets, rather than under them.

As for IQ levels, thanks to shitskin immigration, national IQ levels drop significantly on average.
Check the stats in america, England, Germany and find a better source than wikipedia you fucking peabrain.
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is there a worse group of people than ""canadian" indians?
>This is India
>Very easy to spot, it is the only country in the world where the bubonic plague is still prevalent
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It's easy to breed the poo out of Indians, takes two generations tops.
Look at this baby, for example.
Don't be ashamed because of the filthy, deformed, obese neckbeards on /pol/, Muhammad Rodriguez. Alhambra is beautiful.

Can confirm. White guy with punjabi qt gf

Are you of a sufficient caste to be using the computer? Someone higher on the karmic cycle might have to touch the keys after you...
It is worthless in comparison to the northern cathedrals.
It remains only as a curiosity. The repetiition and lack of imagination in the architecture is primitive and boring.
French soldiers were going to blow it up for fun not long ago.
You find it pleasing to the eye as shitskins really have no taste at all.
Bright, glaringly ugly and malcontrasted colours, excess detail everywhere, no sense of aesthetics.
You are embarrassing yourself.
Only the fat, ugly slut ones
Yes this is a Havely manufactured channel. She has a producer and a team of SJW writers. She also has staff to delete any negative comments etc.
Fucking hell, one look at her face and I know exactly that obnoxious Judaized tone she's going to take when she speaks. No way in fuck I'm clicking on that
Click it, it is pleasantly not what you expect at all.
She has quite a sweet and natural voice and most of what she says makes sense to some extent.
Plus, she flashes her ankles somewhere near the middle - what an auntie!
this is why internet in the 90s/early 2000s was the best

shitskins like her didn"t have access to internet
The point isn't to convince anyone of anything, the message is pitched to people who already agree with her so they can feel like they're superior to other people.
another butthurt faggot beta indian living in the west hating on his women because they all they want is alpha white cock.

Source white dude with punjabi qt girlfriend with impeccable hygiene and conservative values.
In the early 90s was even better, pre-commercialisation - no jews either.
- and a hairy back.
She has though, hasn't she.

I admit, high caste indian women can be pretty, with good bone structure which separates them.
They do look dirty though, it is inherent.
Someone give me a quick rundown on this video, I don't want to give this bitch more views.
Fidonet was the best -net
Beautiful and charmingly humble Canadian enchantress wittily throws off some unbiased and succinct information about the various parts of western asia.
Guaranteed to enthrall and delight all viewers of sufficient intellectual capacity.
Checked and kek'd
Is this what average swedes look like?

>my country is...
>(dramatic tone)
>but over here's pakistan, india...
>and whites suck
Not yet
She is more hairy than your average white women sure but i can'y say i ever notice because she keeps herself impeccably groomed.

She's one of the pale ones from the north, The ones from the south are the dirty looking ones.

They just make better gf's in general though because they are raised with conservative values, submissive and can cook tasty as fuck food.

The white women where i live are garbage.
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You really are our greatest ally, aren't you, Jewfriend?
Nice catch sweden we should meme the shit out of this
Another Englishman has fallen to personal wants over those of his ancestors.
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>tfw westernised betapajeet is too beta to ask out your father if he can marry and instead whines about whitewashed indianesses in canada not noticing him
>being this salty after hundreds of years
I'm glad she knows where she ought to fuck off back to.
Is she pretty? I'm not sure. Was she pretty before you heard her speak?
My ancestors go back to asia and mother europe so technically that's not true.

Although i see your point, have seen the women in england pedro?

they're not like the aryan qt's that are posted on this board, most of them look in their mid 30's and they are only in their early 20's. They are all whores and would make terrible wives who wouldn't even be able to cook nice food for the family.

I'd rather my children have a good mother thanks.
Underrated comment
It really was how i miss those days
"Consider a hypothetical garden in which two crops of corn, crop A and crop B, were planted in poor soil. Let’s suppose that corn stocks from crop A were, on average, 5 inches taller than corn stocks from crop B. Now, imagine that the bad soil of the garden was replaced with good soil and, as a result, the height of both crops increased by an average of 6 inches. Because both crop’s height increased by the same amount, the 5-inch gap between crop A and crop B remains."
Environmentability is separate from heritability.
Anyone else notice in the video she says you take a plane to India, then follows the shipping routes instead.
Not gonna lie I'd fuck her brains out. Indian women are god tier.

>ignorant, stupid, murderer, rapist
Salty indeed.
Ignorance let a man travel around the globe, diverting the winds to give him speed, watching the stars to give him eyes, and surviving it in order to report it back to the country he was working with.
Funny how all those faggots were speaking English, wearing European clothes and not murdering one another because of tribalism.
While talking on a video, instead of in a tent.
Every day in america should be Christopher Columbus day.
Every day in india should be Queen's day,
Yeah because shes a pseudo intellectual the left are filled to the brim with them
Man this is almost embarrassing. This bitch is practically begging for a big veiny white cock to pound her little pajeet pussy.
All this video is is a projection of her insecurity for being a poo in loo
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I'd say that's more of Liza Koshy than her though
This. And not just ugly ones, 9/10's too. Fuck I love being blonde haired and blue eyed.
You do have some of the same roots as her,
in that the European reached the north of india and for a long time was the ruling class.
English women have degraded in recent years, with the promotion of rampant alcoholism and degeneracy.
There are still plenty of good females there, they are just harder to find, as you'll never find them at a bar or a club on Saturday night.

One thing though, you are cursing your children to have to grow up as half-castes. It will affect them for their whole life, and never really belong to either place.
It is a shame, what has been done to the western world. The future had such promise, and instead it was all subverted.
he won bitch, you lost, deal with it

kek, though it's worrying that you noticed

what brains.
NRIs are fucking shit.
The 9/10 ones are still ugly as fuck lol.

I think you mean Iranians.
She won't marry Pajeet. She'll marry some white Chad while simultaneously making videos about how racist and problematic white people are, like that black cunt on MTV.
why do nonwhites all look like animals to me now? I genuinely can't see her as human any more. have the memes destroyed me?

>Every day in america should be Christopher Columbus day.

check your colony spreading privilege
Indians in general are pretty shit.

say what

you're not a canadian from central asia, are you now anon?
oh it's this thread again

Reminder that this girl, Lily Singh, lives in Scarborough and within 30 minutes of half of the Canadians on /pol/
>- and a hairy back.
I think it's because their hair is darker and thicker where our white skin has fair and light hair.
Nah, I was born here.
I actually have a thing for indian girls.... but this one in particular, well I don't like her at all.
Don't start with them. There are a queer amount of Iranians over here. They've dropped their conservative values and are now mainstreaming slags.
>indiepakieafghan land
>places where you steal oil from
pfft whaat?!No sweetheart,that's what the middle east is for
no. we aren't uptight here, NRIs consider themselves above everyone
I couldn't make it more than the 30 seconds in. The obviously fake post from the Nazi Trump supporter and holier-than-thou libshit condescension was too much.
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A Poo with makeup. Wonder how long she would last in a non western democracy.
Agreed but i've honestly never met a english women i would want to date my whole life living here.

I have given this much thought, i will ensure they have a strong cultural identity grounded in western European values regardless of how they look. They are going to have strong european genes, anglo, Scandinavian and iberian and top tier indian genes so i'm not too worried, they'll probably be pretty pale too.
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>Since beginning her channel in October 2010, her videos have received over 1.8 billion views, and her channel has accumulated over 11 million subscribers.[3] In 2016, she was ranked 3rd on the Forbes list of the world's highest paid YouTube stars (behind Roman Atwood and PewDiePie), earning a reported $7.5 million in 2016.
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Refutation of her video:

So you're saying race doesn't exist, but because people believe it does, we should promote certain groups over others? But only those who feel disenfranchised by virtue of their race which doesn't exist?
I dunno mang, I do have a yearning to fuck this dumb cunt in the video in half
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Quick rundown? I don't want to give this cunt my time or increase her view count
Madrid isn't Spain, London isn't England, and Paris isn't France.

Here, there are statues to the conquistadors, and numerous places named after good old Christopher.
paki "canadian" calls white men racists in the most condescending voice I've heard for years
Wow finally someone came up with a response. Why did it take so long?
Seeing as they grew up and we're educated outside India and can still claim your culture, they kind of are.
You could solve the problem with a vasectomy.
Where are you from originally.

PJ Watson, Molymeme and Sargon are all asleep.
is that richard spencer
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>Races are not Platonic ideals in practice
>Therefore they don't exist
>It also must be true that dog breeds don't exist
>Pit Bulls are abused and misunderstood

TFW the left unironically believes this
TFW we're surprised they've broken with reality with "muh Russia"
>all racist people are white, Trump voters and live in trailer parks
Wow bigot. Way to stereotype an entire race.
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>11m Subs
>21k dislikes
No. Fucking. Way.
>*proceeds to make a video based on one poorly written YouTube comment, which may or may not be real, to stereotype anyone concerned with the state of the modern world as a dumb, racist hick
desu he might as well.
>indian woman has poor reading comprehension
> Of-course
kys please
I wonder if she knows where Armenia is
I've met plenty of Sikhs in the UK and all of the older ones are the nicest people in the world.
Found the poo.

I mean it's unfair when India has more 140+ IQ people than most European countries have people.
>never watched a video of this poo
>already subscribed to her

the fuck
Better check via proportion of population.
Japan wins, I expect.
Trinidadian Indians
Obviously you know nothing about India-China Relations thanks to your limited american education.

In the last 50 years there were a number of conflicts between India and Pakistan and China never joined Pakistan in any of them. In fact in the Kargil war of 1999 they advised Pakistan to withdraw. Every retard is able to understand that the Sino-Indian economic relations are way to crucial to both countries to risk them over a third world shithole like Pakistan.
666. Jews really are devils huh.
I make 7.5 million a year by being a whiney self obsessed talentless cunt too.
You should try it.
Oh yeah, average IQ in india is 82.
Not far off the average iq in Israel.
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>These fucking videos make me sympathetic to nazis i swear
>Israeli poster
OY VEY!!!!!
Intersting how they all choose to go to pre-made countries to work, instead of improving their own loo.

Was reading a paper talking about the top ten percent of the population being of high intelligence being far more important for a country's success than the average of the population.

So all those missing Indians are dooming their original country by leaving.
This vid has over 400% dislikes compared to her other vids.
Damn that cunt pissed me off and I'm not even racist.
She pissed me off and I'm Indian
>arbitrary cutoff
You autismo fuck its a lot easier to just say Asian or african rather than specify very specific genes.
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that H1B not expired yet?
Why it's she femmesplaining us?
This video popped up on trending and I was hoping someone made a post about this. Read the comment section for a good laugh.
i feel like i deserve some money for sitting through the whole thing
I'm a citizen
just because the jews told you that you were doesnt make it true
I have a US passport you dumb nigger
>pajeet thinks hes not a nigger
your fake jewish issued papers dont count for shit
How do we get our revenge for what she has done? Something must be done.
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Whites are a sub Human race.
>pretending to be white /pol/
Is it bad that I would fug her?
>desperate enough to turn on a proxy
pajeet, pls
T. Nigger who relies on whites
What is the like/dislike ration?

Don't want to give her one more view
> like/dislike ratio
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