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Fug this knife is absolutely terrifying! Why wont someone think

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Fug this knife is absolutely terrifying! Why wont someone think of the children and ban these awful things?
That looks like a Kershaw kitchen slice with added leather to the grip to aid in stabbing.

A literal kitchen knife.


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Is this real?
Is any of this real?

Am I still asleep?
Its ceramic so they can get it through metal detectors and shit. They will probs try to hijack a plane next time.
Were they just raising awareness for breast cancer?
The fuck is a lorry? Sounds like the name you'd give to the local old lady who's still selling her asshole in the street.
would that even work? sounds like the sort of thing airports would think of
>a sharp object
Wow, fucking terrifying.

A truck.
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>police busts down the door
OI there m8 we received a complaint that ye have a WMD
>sees you chopping tomatoes
that's it take him in lads he's to dangerous to be left free
>Muslim with rocket launcher walks down the hall
g'day Mr. Ahmed hope ya having a fine day
/v/ here

what stats does this have now that it has been used to spill the blood of infidels?
+100 to mortality
Then call it a truck, fagboy.
+4 We Told You So

No, we call it a lorry because we're not gay. Now repeat after me
>red lorry yellow lorry red lorry yellow lorry red lorry yellow lorry
Remember to get a life and bin that knife
Together we can stop terrorism
That's a Kershaw Kid Killer.

This weapon does not need to be reloaded, requires no ammunition, very little maintenance except maybe a wipe after every couple of stabs.

It is easily sharpened and just ONE knife could be used to stab and kill every single man, woman and child on earth.

Its time to bin that knife.
Prison shank or 1,000 degree knife cutting human flesh?
don't forget to cork that fork.
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>Brits ban the knife
>Muslims end up using a pointy pink thing that looks like a knife instead
I have a set of ceramics, they're nice.
Yeah it would work. Ceramics are sharp, but not metal.
It needs a site though.
Nowadays there aren't only metal detectors, but also "large hard surface detectors". It would still be possible to smuggle one of these onto a plane, but not that easy.
Bloody hell mate, with a knife like that one could easily stab someone up to thirty yards away. I'm so glad such weaponry is banned here.
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fucking hell is that a heavy assault grade tactical knife?

That’s it. I’m sick of all this “Masterwork Bastard Sword” bullshit that’s going on in the d20 system right now. Katanas deserve much better than that. Much, much better than that.
I should know what I’m talking about. I myself commissioned a genuine katana in Japan for 2,400,000 Yen (that’s about $20,000) and have been practicing with it for almost 2 years now. I can even cut slabs of solid steel with my katana.
Japanese smiths spend years working on a single katana and fold it up to a million times to produce the finest blades known to mankind.
Katanas are thrice as sharp as European swords and thrice as hard for that matter too. Anything a longsword can cut through, a katana can cut through better. I’m pretty sure a katana could easily bisect a knight wearing full plate with a simple vertical slash.
Ever wonder why medieval Europe never bothered conquering Japan? That’s right, they were too scared to fight the disciplined Samurai and their katanas of destruction. Even in World War II, American soldiers targeted the men with the katanas first because their killing power was feared and respected.
So what am I saying? Katanas are simply the best sword that the world has ever seen, and thus, require better stats in the d20 system. Here is the stat block I propose for Katanas:
(One-Handed Exotic Weapon) 1d12 Damage 19-20 x4 Crit +2 to hit and damage Counts as Masterwork
(Two-Handed Exotic Weapon) 2d10 Damage 17-20 x4 Crit +5 to hit and damage Counts as Masterwork
Now that seems a lot more representative of the cutting power of Katanas in real life, don’t you think?
tl;dr = Katanas need to do more damage in d20, see my new stat block.
>i clicked on the jpg
Well, I'll be expecting sirens soon. Please stop posting pictures of such high grade weaponry.
thought they used fuck huge machetes, looks like something I cut my sammiches with
Or maybe your police can start shooting cunts with knifes?
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>Brits are scared of knives
In Texas, I can legally own a tank.

Did I blow your mind?
They did shoot them...
In England I can legally own a tank too.
>Brits are terrified by children's toys
>airport security using only metal detectors
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Yep. Looks like Dungeons and Dragons has finally cemented its place as a containment RPG.
It's not like this wasn't already a thing. Ever since third edition came out the trend was already starting. Fourth edition came with the popularity surge of The Big Bang Theory which resulted in a spike in sales, which was not enough to save 4e's badly-written mechanics.
Fifth edition was specifically watered down to be palatable both to grognards (who do not rely on the active D&D community nor do they need a new ruleset, thus this pandering was stupid) and to normies, who flocked to the game in great masses thanks to the game's appearance on two terrible TV shows (Stranger Things and Big Bang Theory). Also, the prevalence of Critical Role podcast created quite a lot of love for D&D, which found itself inundated by waves of new players. Wizards of the Coast saw sales skyrocketing, giving them the false message that dumbing down the game represented an improvement in game design (though they did streamline many of the mechanics, which *was* a good thing). As a result, Wizards is very happy with this diluting of the Dungeons and Dragons fanbase. /tg/ has also deluded itself into thinking this influx of players is a good thing. This lack of foresight is to be expected.
D&D is now the containment RPG. It keeps the dumb-ass Skyrim addicts and the brain-dead hipster roasties who can't even figure out which die to roll, out of the good RPGs. Which is sad, because D&D, despite being shit in many small ways, was overall a very fun and enjoyable roleplaying game. It was structured that way. However, the fanbase it is now attracting is making it intolerable, and the way said fanbase is guiding the mechanics is a direction that would make a game like Dungeon World seem sophisticated.
So, in short, D&D is dead, but thank god for its existence.
how about you bin that knife tho
He's not talking about fish tanks.



Oh wait they already did
How about you pay denbts?
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8 inch knives? That's 8 inches over regulation length m8
No, a real tank. We can own actual tanks in Britain. They're just vehicles aren't they, just requires a different license and insurance type. As well as private lands to drive it on.
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>Uk already banned knives
>people still get stabbed

How is this even possible? All knives have been binned right?
>One knife could kill everyone on earth
Could it though?

Something as simple as cutting fruit or paper is enough to slightly dull a blade. Cut enough of it and the blade gets less effective. How many bodies could you stab the knife into before it became blut/worn enough to be ineffective?
I don't know if this is the case in Cali or New York or whatever, but pretty much every kid I knew carried a knife in school. Not actually allowed, but nobody raised a fuss and nobody got stabbed. It's deadly, yeah, but it's something that you use to whittle shit and open packages and shit. It fucking blows me away that they're illegal for adults to own in England. And come on. Kitchen knives? Really?
I can legally own a tank as well lad
Probably similar to here, then. You just take the turret off. Pretty sure you can drive them off private lands here in the US, though.
Can you own an 88mm flak gun and fire live rounds?

Imagine if somebody brought one of those in their backpack to school, though!
I wanted to make a joke about banning knives (similar to those libfags, who want to ban all guns after some shootngs with an illegally owned gun)
>opens the link
The weapons are the mudslimes, being used by socialists against the ree West.
>Internet tough guys ITT pretending they wouldn't shit themselves if they were unarmed and an islamist lunged at them with that
Many ceramic kitchen knives now have metal added so they CAN show up on certain metal detectors.
>if they were unarmed
Where do you think I live?

And yeah, a Muslim trying to slash you to death would be scary as shit. We're mocking British knife laws.
Is this a fucking joke?

Britain, are you a fucking joke?
>Is this a fucking joke?

>Britain, are you a fucking joke?
>tfw American
>tfw British
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At least you guys have Tommy Robinson. I watched the whole video 2 weeks ago, and i have to say: this man got HUGE balls
We shouldn't have to have him desu, we should just be bloody free.

Tommy Robinson became a homosexual while in prison and now he's out supporting fags

No joke
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Well, that's a bit awkward, because he has a family
The fags are the only ones defending the white race

What are you doing about it pussy? Tommy and the gay guy in Rebel media almost got murdered by Muslims the other day, ran off the road by them
What's terrifying is the condition of that knife. Damn muzzies can't even keep a knife in good shape.
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When I get angry I clench my hands real tight. I had my penis in my hand and now I hurt.
The game is what you make of it, faggot. It always has been. You play however you want and have fun with your friends. You are just as bad as the hipster shitters you are feebly attempting to criticize. "Hurr dnd used to be cool b4 it got all mainstream durr". You know what nigger? Shut the the fuck up and get some friends that aren't faggots and stop blaming rulebooks for your shitbox imagination.
Literally looks like an orc dagger.
My god, what are we doing?
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Friendly Reminder that British Police does not carry Guns.
That is fucking sad.
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I own a assault knife, would I go to jail in UK for this. ?
Oh that's just Stabbin Achmed, he does stuff like that every other week.
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that's not a knife, this is a knife
Maybe airport security in Russia is good, but here in the US, the TSA is nigger central. And I'm not talking about the bix nood Migs, I'm talking Haitians and other assorted island niggers. These people don't do shit. Pretty sure federal watchdog groups have smuggled an alarming amount of guns and knives through TSA checkpoints.
It's even edgier than you are
Wait is that adamantium? I haven't played Runescape in a while
wut, you've never seen Crocodile Dundee ?

fucking DDS noob
Yeah, I watched it with you're mum the other week
>security THEATER
No green on the tip.
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Post your best British national cuckoldry.
Fun fact.

You can legally drive a tank on the road over here, not the case in America.
You just have to replace the turret with a spoon.
>I have a set of ceramics, they're nice.
If you like knives that are almost impossible to sharpen at home and chip relatively easy.
>send your kid to a paki school
>surprised they hate him

I know brum is rife with shitskins but there's almost always seperate schools for pakis and british people
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For some Lord of the Rings Orcposting, it was a terrifying Morgul blade used by the attackers in the Weathertop atrocity
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>tfw we live in the demolition man timeline
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>replace turret with a spoon

wouldn't that make it a deadly weapon in Bongistan?
BIN THAT KNIFE! none of this would have happened if brits werent such bigots and had private halal bins in designated muslim street corners
Just don't ever let them convince you that they have gun rights.

Semi-automatic center-fire is outright prohibited in cuckistan.
This is embarrassing to watch.
At least they picked purple, hands up for
>not recognizing copypasta

Top stuff m8
Nah but you couldn't carry it without justification though. Providing you were stopped. Depending on age and character (and the police themselves) they might confiscate it, arrest you, or tell you to fuck off home.
We should call this British Net Neutrality just to piss off reddit.

Hate speech isnt net neutral guys! Kek
I was disappointed they didn't use HE shells. Nobody is impressed by flying chunks of metal.
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>in may's uk
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that little toothpaste wont even enough to cut tree branches over here
step up your game and use pic related
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I'm happy with yesterdays result. I voted for a caliphate and got deathsquads.
Ban assault knives now!
How do i wipe ass.
That's the fucking odd thing. In Britain they have a massive yard full of ex army vehicles you can buy, including helicopters, mine-clearers, APC's, and goddamn tanks. You can buy a vehicle that essentially makes you immune to the police, a Eason on treads that would require the army to deal with, a machine with which you could infect millions of pound soft property damage... but a pistol of any calibre higher than .22 is just too much.
You use two of the shells like chopsticks to grab and pull the logs of shit from your arse, and then you use the third to scrape any remaining shit away.
ceramic knives have added metal in the mix so they do set off metal detectors
If it was made of metal it could be sharpened again and again, but this one can't since it's a keramic knife
It depends on how sensitive the metal detector is. Usually they are set up so that they won't go off from belt clasps and metal staples in your shoes but sometimes they do.
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It's actually a Jamie Oliver "Chop" knife. It's quintessentially British.
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>Brits can't into proper kitchen knife
Lel I have this exact kitchen knife. It's part of a shitty 10$ set
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wha-why is it pink?
Causes 10 points of bleeding damage. Extra effective against Bongs.
glass shards can cut, make them out of tempered glass and they wont break when you twist the blade
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I'll stick with my tactical bat, thankyouverymuch
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