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Negro drowns trying to save his half breed child. Negro wa

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Negro drowns trying to save his half breed child.

Negro was an "avid" fisherman who could not swim.
Takes his equally water phobic half breed child fishing.
Boy falls in the water starts to drown.
Negro jumps into the river and also drowns.
Family and friends say he is a "hero".
Killed himself and his halfling offspring, perhaps he is a hero.
Can't swim, hang out on a pier by a river, no life jackets.
Big hero.

His (formerly) coal burning fiancee has really nice eyebrows.

I am sure he left ample life insurance for his family.

GoFundMe in 1, 2, 3...

Nothing of value was lost
Damn black guys do anything to get out of being a father.
>cant swim
>but know to avoid deep water without life vest
>just white people things
I say he's a hero, too.

FPBP , and funny how you can always tell the coalburners by their eyebrows

Hate to say this, but this is actually tragic. He wasn't a typical nigger by the sound of this, he literally gave his life to save his son. That's one of the most "white male" things you can do.
learn to swim, its not that hard at all.
but didn't have the responsibility needed to ensure his and his sons' safety. Nigger.
>stayed with his wife and son
>died trying to save his son
What more do you want? He was a decent guy.
Fuck off, if you dont know how to swim, dont g out on the water, and at the very least if you do go out on the water, wear a life jacket.

No sympathy from me. good riddance.
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Blacks can be people too and these cases should be encouraged to stay alive and serve as an example to their less distinguished skinmates.
Real an hero
>Negro was an "avid" fisherman who could not swim.
More proof we're actually evolved from two different places.
Blacks can't swim.

No nigger sacrifices himself to save his son, regardless of efficacy. It's a damn noble act.
>>129319340 (you)
just float negro, what do you think happens to dead bodies do they just sink to the bottom and never come up?
see >>129318997
I dont understand how you drown like that, doesn't everyone know to instinctively doggy paddle? Like did he just sit in the water confused while he sunk?
3 nigger boys drowned in a canal here. one fell in two jumped in after him. the last one ran for help.
say what you will about niggers, they typically have pretty good sibling bonds.
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How the fuck can anyone over 10 not swim? I never understood it and if I couldn't swim I would probably kill myself. Even if you just randomly kick your feet and paddle you can stay afloat even dogs know this shot for fucks sake. People who can't swim who don't take precautions deserve to die. I've been swimming since I was 1 and some grown niggers couldn't?!
>grown man
>unable to swim
>didnt bother for kids to learn to swim
>takes child fishing near open water when neither can swim
>not lifejackets

Should be posthumously charged with neglect ccausing death
too deep to get out I guess?
They don't float. Was a lifeguard. They are rock fish.
corpses become (more) inflated from gas as bacteria digest you
This just doesn't make sense to me. Why can't nigs swim? I have a bad limp from getting his by a car when I was 8 and even I can swim very well.

Should have taught himself and his son how to swim before going near the water.

It takes literally no time and effort to learn how to paddle and wade.
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Is coalburner some kind of trigger word for all you incel khv aspies? The guy died trying to save his son in an accident that occurred while he was spending time with his son
If you don't find this tragic you have probably lost your touch with humanity
it's tragic and funny at the same time
They should be encouraged to stay in their own countries and mix with their own people.

If you can't swim and you take your kid into the water and both die... You aren't a hero. You're dead.
>Ending the life of a niglet before it grew up to rape and murder somebody
>Not a hero
Press S to spit on grave
Invest in interracial fishing!
blacks are like bruce willis in unbreakable

"Oh sheeeeeeiiit Tyreisha gonna drown! Ma ma will smack mah ass and stop mah weed allowence if dat happen! Quick, Lafwando, we gut ta help her".

> Implying they don't all have secret motives
The guy died while committing white genocide. He unironically deserved it.
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>gofundme photo
This is childish racism, it is dumb he might not have been able to seek for lifejacket or such but the guy jumped in risking his life for the child.

Yet he is just a nigger on /pol/, whatever you fucking morons.
omg it's not rocket science. doggy paddle takes like five minutes to learn and you can just go in the shallow end until you get it mastered. god fucking damnit these people truly do belong in fucking banana trees.
two very good posts
well done
With complete disregard for his own safety he jumped in to try and save his son's life.

I don't see the problem, I hate niggers as much as the next lad but this isn't a nigger.

You ignore that he was only on the water to begin with because he disregarded safety.
He tried but just ended up throwing wild haymakers.
Standard behavior for confused nigger.
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Did you guys see the "photo taken just moments before his death"

The shore is 5 fucking feet away. How fucking retarded can you be to drown to death there.
>'He’ll always be remembered as a hero,'

>A Good Samaritan, Von Thang

>A search for the brave father's body

good citizen, hero, brave. I see them repeat this shit in every news story now a days.

shit is probably a big scam for gofundme money
the fact he was actually there and doing fatherly things with his son like a real human makes this shitty
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nigger retarded
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THIS he was so BASED trying to save his SON from DROWNING on a fishing trip where he didn't pack LIFE VESTS!
Hopefully another BASED BLACK MAN fucks his white wife! Praise kek and don't forget to subscribe to Sargon!
Like teaching your kid to ignore basic requirements of all water based hobbies.

Why did he have his kid on a dock if he couldn't swim?
they do actually, I've seen them. they're always willing to be violent if anyone even looks at their spawn. This father was ignorant of the danger and didn't take obvious precautions, typical nigger.
Can I start a fraudulent GoFundMe for the wife and pocket the money? Will it get me into legal trouble?
>one bucket
>no fish
>second rod isn't being used
This is fake. Father was trying to pretend to be white.

Shoulda' learned to tread water first.

Rivers have undercurrents that pull you under. Depending on conditions it might not have mattered at all if he could swim he would've drowned anyways.
oh my god they weren't even on a boat?
>doing fatherly things with his half-breed son
>like neglecting his safety in every way, shape, and form
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There is literally a fucking rope, from the Dock, connecting to the shore that is 5 feet away. This is natural selection doing some serious work here. It's almost a shame his son lived to pass on his retarded genetics.
Maybe he got caught up in a whirlpool?
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the funny thing is you cant even see the guys face in any of the photos. Dad is already dead from some unrelated incident.

take some photos with a fake dad, say he drowns.
why does every fucking coal burn wear so much eye makeup
heavy eye makeup is my number 1 sign a female burns the coal
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>decent guy
>puts son in a deadly environment for fun without protection from said environment (life jacket/swim training)
>helps ocean kill his son and self
Are you a fucking cuck?
I wouldn't be surprised if she was getting stuffed by a new gorilla even before the memorial service
Didn't the son die too?
>posthumously charged
top laugh
Not 5 feet off the shore you stupid fucks. Negligent nig was negligent.
Nigger probably pulled the kid in trying to save himself.
this so much.
i hate this cancer that eats /pol/ from the inside
all nigges and niggerlovers should die
He IS a hero, he removed himself
I dunno mang the water looks pretty choppy in the pictures.
I taught myself to swim.

First I doggy paddled, then I learned breast stroke, now I just overhand it all over the water. I don't understand how people can't learn to swim just by watching people. Shit is easy as fuck, doggy paddling is literally instinct for every mammal.
first picture has two sons, unfortunately.
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Shame the woman was not there to drown too
but I had a pool growing up
oh no one of our white princesses was defi-

>Heather Holmez

false alarm
my dad threw me in the public pool (in the middle area) and told me to kick my legs
Good to know that a well-dug moat is still an effective deterrent when under threat of a nigger-siege.
Yeah I can agree that was dumb, but the principle still stands
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How non-intuitive is swimming for an adult? It should take about two seconds to realize that flailing doesn't work, then hopefully you figure out that pushing down on the water makes you go up.
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I think my fake dad fishing photos theory is the best answer
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Its the nature, nature dictates that all blacks have to be fatherless, if a black kid has a father beyond age 5, nature will rewrite itself like the matrix to make the father go away, its the system that makes the planet spin around, don't question it
Yes. A decent guy
Anyone who tries to snake out of admitting that needs to piss off and think about what they are
>drowns literally 6 feet from shore
niggers are truly the stupidest animals on the planet
That's how my siblings and I learned too. This method must look horrific to kangz.
>for an adult
we are talking negros here, not humans
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that's kind of sad.

also he looks like a pretty nice person on that picture, i bet you US fags are just sick of getting cucked by your women and not having the balls to put niggers in their place.
You hate niggers because they act like niggers, but you are the bitch bois that allow them to behave that way, remember it's always the owner and not the dog.
If you don't have the courage to say racist things to a nigger in real life then you should just shut up and stop acting like you have huge iron balls on the internet, lmao where are your guns you always talk about?
they must have just sunk like rocks considering the shore is like 4 strokes away
many nigs do not have the right body-fat-to-muscle ratio to be naturally buoyant. I am white and had the same affliction when I was a teen, all skin and bones. I just waded at the beach.
That's sad
Gave his life to try and help his kid
>nothing funny
need to send them a link to this article
I suspect it's kykes on /pol/
race stirring as usual
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check out the fake dad fishing photo theory that every is talking about lately. Big news if true
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He was a father like majority of american /pol/turds probably didn't have.
You're just fucking jealous admit it.
that method is probably what kills a bunch of kangz to be honest
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>With complete disregard for his own safety he jumped in to try and save his son's life.
and drowned 5 feet from shore
Point !
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You're good people /pol/
he looks to be a decent fellow and not a nigger
still dumb as a rock - sunk like one

poor child tho

Check the names
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>he literally gave his life to save his son.

unless he threw him in as bait in the first place but remembered junior had a fiver in his pocket
I can tread water for at least 20 minutes without letting my hands or head go under the surface. Its not hard. Also riptides don't happen within 10 metres of shore
Kid probably grabbed at his leg trying to save itself, and dragged him in before he could flee the scene.
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top kek
I don't know, if you've ever watched other people swim you should instantly know how to do it, just wave your legs and hands a little and you should stay afloat, or just lay on your back and take deep breaths, how hard is that?
But of course if he jumped into the current with big clothes on it can be difficult.
do you not understand currents OP?
I hate nogs but he was trying to save his son even though he's a fucking dipshit.
RIP brave but stupid negro.
Funny how the 16 year old taking the photo thought to dial 911 instead of jumping in to save them. How are there so many people who don't know how to swim, who LIVE NEAR A FUCKING LAKE.

I mean fuck, I spend most of my time indoors, but I at least swim a few times a year.
they especially don't happen on a calm placid lake / pond. Lmao.

Shit is crazy, I asked my gf how she learned to swim, and she taught herself too. I don't understand why niggers can't just copy people they see at a pool.
Your body is 60% water, you're buoyancy depends more on technique than physiology.
what the fuck, the amount of negroloving shills itt is astounding
also, i don't get why /pol/ is making fun of a black guy that was obviously there for his children and was trying to raise them right. a nigger wouldn't take his kids fishing.

storm front has made /pol/ pretty morally inconsistent and honestly pretty low IQ.
Wash waah look at yourself in the mirror and feel bad for a stupid nig that put himself in this situation....waaah
The Mississippi river is no joke...
I can swim out hundreds of yards into the ocean & back back some of Americas river are fucking nasty.
They have undercurrents that can pull people down & kill them in a instant.

& the feeling of being sucked down by an undercurrent is an absolute nightmare. When I was a kid I almost died in a river in PA because of one near a waterfall.

Your heart races & then you panic. This would be such a terrible way to die especially knowing you failed so save your son.
A man jumped in to save his son
No thought for his own safety
His son needed him and the father instinctively reacted
Recently a seal pulled a little Asian girl off a wharf. Within two seconds, her grandfather was in the water, grabbed her, tossed her back onto the dock. Seals can dive for ten minutes. Maybe the grandfather knew that or maybe he didn't think and just reacted instinctively
The man in pic related did the same thing for the same reasons but in his case it ended in tragedy
Both men were heroes trying to save young children
it's not easy to swim with your clothes on, most people here wouldn't be able to do it
couldn't he have hold on to the fucking deck?
Explain to me what the kid learned from this?
>all negroes are shit even when it's obvious that they're not
you sound like you have brain problems.
I don't get how people cannot swim especially in calm water. The only ways to drown are literally standing completely still or panic and struggle like an idiot.
Any "decency" is outweighed by his stupidity that killed him and his son. If he survived he probably would've gotten manslaughter charges. He is a terrible person just by the end results alone.
>6 drowned because nobody could swim
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We can talk the usual shit about haha black people can't swim but atleast this one black dude gave a fuck about his kid
>negro stuck around after knocking up his hoe
>negro gave his life in a retarded attempt to save his son
Come on man. That's pretty exceptional for a groid. He deserves some recognition for acting white even if he didn't have the intelligence to do it the right way.
>"I don't know how to use my lungs"
kek like I said, look at this prime example of an argument from a clearly very intelligent individual.

stormfags OUT.
There was no waterfall. Stop. They even said he couldn't swim

Nobody is arguing it's easy to swim in a hurricane inside a tsunami. This is about a man that couldn't swim at all and placed himself in danger.
explain to me how you think accidents don't happen?
it's easy as fuck, especially 6 feet from shore where you can just hold your breath and walk to shallow water along the bottom. Lmao niggers are fucking retarded. I used to do that all the time when I was a kid, grab a rock, walk out of the water along the bottom.

I want to see a nigger try scuba diving.
it was a river... rivers by nature are not still.
poster above said "just lie on you back and breath deep". Hard to do when you are sinking towards the black bottom.

He would have taught him to swim if that were the case.
Well said
The race stirrers have to be kykes. Kykes of all the people on the planet lack the moderation-gene. They never know when to stop which is why their lives and actions are lunatic
In pushing their nigger-hate to extreme limits, all they've achieved is to motivate normal people to switch them off. We think for ourselves. We don't seek nor require kykes to tell us how to think or feel.
The man was a hero. Nothing rancid kykes say will change that or change normally intelligent people's opinion
You pushed your poison too far kykes. You always do. It's why you're life's losers
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You really think people would just come to a board titled 'politically incorrect' and tone police?
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Doggy Paddle is raciss cracka.
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>calls niggers negroes

that's racist anon.
if he had done the responsible thing and brought a life vest for his son he wouldnt have had to sacrifice his life for nothing.
you're looking at it from the perspective of 1) a loser 2) a self absorbed loser and 3) a self absorbed loser with no kids.

if your kid is DROWNING in front of your eyes, you're not going to stop and think "huh sorry kid i can't swim", you're going to jump in yourself.
If he gave a fuck about his kid he would have learned him how to swim before going fishing at a river

Like every normal human being teaches their kids how to swim for their own safety, at a young age.

/pol/ is too dichotomous with their moral judgements, there's always an exception to the rule, and this is a perfect example.

The dude just wanted to take his kid fishing, bring him outdoors, teach him to tie a line, its what any decent father would do, but his kid happened to fall in the water, and he happened to not know how to swim, knowing that, but jumping anyways.

The fathers intentions were all in the right place, the turn of events was just tragic, and if there's a single person who can't see that, they need to neck themselves immediately, our society has no place for moral retards.
>i don't understand what drowning is, the post

"Cry me a river"

Stupid Greek with collapsed economy thinks he has high IQ because he bleeds for stupid nigger that drowned himself.
Or maybe if he didn't have sub-80 iq he would have taught himself to swim when he was 5 like the rest of us.
jesus fucking christ you are retarded
are you perchance a roastie?
Good point, you kind of have to start doing something before you're crawling on the riverbed.
This 'accident' wouldn't have happend if he took his kid to swimming classes before taking him to a fucking river.
not really, negroid is their classification.

get an argument and pay your debnts.
So according to these articles it appears that WATER and/or BODIES OF WATER are the real racists.
Black kids drown at a rate 5 x greater than whites. PROOF ACCORDING TO CNN that water is racist.
Holy fucking shit his son drowned and he died trying to save him.

What are we criticising here? Some of you go on about how blacks should be more like whites and then you react like this.

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remember this?


pic related, is one of the "mothers"
You jokes are really scraping the barrel's bottom. You're all pushing the same song. Monotonous. The guy was a hero and you can't handle it
You lose
I still feel bad for him though, even if he was a moron.
It's weird how many blacks straight up can't swim

A self absorbed loser?

Let's analyze that :)

We have a stupid nigger that threw caution to the wind and rather than teaching his kid about safety, taught him that you should indulge yourself in the moment without taking precautions. Like a stupid nigger, this attitude caught up with him, and now his stupid halfniglet has only its coal burning mother to support it now. Not that you were going to get much from a father that goes on a fishing excursion without the ability to swim.

Then we have you. You are so selfless that you get on 4chan to convince everybody that you have a high IQ and are so selfless, because you ignore all the stupid/selfish decisions that the original topic of conversation made.

You are a case study in why your country has fallen apart. You are basically German slaves now, so maybe that is why you are so sympathetic to blacks. You realize you are basically the niggers of Europe.
This is like dying because you never learned how to ride a bike and fell over and hit your head. Dumbest way to die ever. You can literally float in water just by laying on your back lmao.
Yeah your being a hero by being a irresponsible parent nowadays? haha based black guy amirite?
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Are you dumb? He endangered his own son and got both of them killed. He is a dumbass. There are PLENTY of other things to do other than fish when NO ONE IN YOUR FAMILY CAN SWIM.

Okay, how fucking retarded are you people.
River currents are NOT 5 feet out by the fucking pier. River currents are around 1/5th to 1/3rd the way out, not fucking ON THE SHORE.

Now, this is a sad tragedy, sure. But as some said... nothing of value was lost. This was only sad because life was lost.

They didn't bring a life jacket probably because they thought they were not going to fall in.

They didn't teach the kid how to swim because they are fucking retarded. Most of the earth is covered in water. Why not teach the kid how to swim.

I am going to assume that the water here is, and this is generous to the story, 7 feet deep at most. The conservative estimate is that the idiot drowned in water barely higher than his height.

The issue is as follows... why don't these people learn how to fucking swim.

/pol/ is right here. The nigger was dumb.
This. Genetic failure has successfully weeded itself out of the gene pool. Even I, an avid swimmer, bring one life jacket for every person when I go fishing, even though my lake is small enough to swim the entire span. It's a basic fucking safety precaution.
This thread backfired for (((them)))
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I always find it bizar t see how quickly blacks drown. I mean just relax and lean back a little bit and youll float?

Like this vid of a whole boat of them sinking in 2 minutes


no it's not , if the water is 3-4 m deep , and you are wearing thick clothes which soak themselves and pull you down you will literally drown even if you are a good swimmer

tried it out many times, and i can swim against currents without problems, but trying to swim with a thicker pull over is really fucking difficult, add to that some child clinging on to you + panic over trying to save your child and
you're assuming too much. he should've learnt to swim, yes, but you're also assuming that knowing how to swim could've helped much in this situation. we don't know what happened, if he got hit in the head, if there were strong currents, if his kid was panicking and caused them both to drown, etc.

you're just being a dick for the sake of being a dick and going about it in a way that makes you look pretty dumb to be honest with you.

the guy tried to save his boy, and they both lost their lives. the nigger thing to have done would be to just let his boy drown. you know it, i know it, every body knows it.
those interviews were gold
>it doesn't matter how many cars they stole! it matters how many they didn't steal!
>showing up to a press event with a showercap
>talking like a complete crackhead
dutchies know what's up. Whater is the white man's second best friend
>he thinks I'm Greek
American education.
A-are those names for real?

If its so dangerous, and you've "tried it out so many times"... how are you alive? How do this keep happening to you if you think it is so dangerous?

This is just sad
not an argument.

try growing a brain then try again.
So what? I used to swim in the goddamn Rhône when I was 12 after they opened the dam valves like 3km upstream. Current pushes you further, it doesn't grab you underwater.
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I live on the coast and swam in a couple of tropical storms with clothes on. I am typing this. Guess what buckaroo? He was just an idiot.
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this. seeing a black father who is there for his kid is rare enough, but this guy risked his life and ultimately paid it to save his son


nobody said he wasn't a retard. if it were 100% nigger behavior he wouldn't have bothered trying to save him, or would have just never done anything with him in the first place. Not only that but it's not like they were out on a boat, I don't think everyone would consider wearing a life jacket to fish standing on a dock. Obviously if you can't swim you should but I bet it would be easy for someone to risk their lives this way and not even know it.

i'd rather the roastie drowned in his place desu
look at those drawn eyebrows, it's a shame a young boy is going to be raised by her alone. He'll end up a criminal or an SJW for sure
Excuse me sir, I used to swim with clothes on sometimes when I was a kid. I used to swim in a river next to my house with shoes and clothes on because there was sharp rocks at the bottom.

You are full of shit and retarded.

Mind you, this river had a fast as fuck current too and I never had a problem, would just float down it all the time.

Clothes actually trap air inside making you float even better.
Her face:
>It is ok right?! They told me it is ok!
> "man"

>batman t-shirt
>playground cap

he dresses like a 5 year old boy. How is he a man?
That's why you wear a life jacket you dumb nignog
>, but you're also assuming that knowing how to swim could've helped much in this situation

Yeah. I think that's the assumption anybody with a brain makes.
You're right this place is too racist sometimes. Letting your kid drown and then drowning yourself is the definition of a hero. Not all fathers are capable of that.
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exactly. all these people saying this shit are clearly new.


Your argument amounts to
"swimming doesn't prevent drowning"

There's really not much to argue after that.
true, niggers are like yamcha if life was dbz
Swimming does prevent drowning, infact that is the whole reason to swim.

No. Those are the tentacles of white privilege that do that.
warms my heart
>not reading the thread

Even the black people here know to learn your kid how to fucking swim before letting him near water, especially a fucking river.
thank you for sanity
Why are people trying to treat him like a hero when the dumbass put his son's life in danger to begin with? What? Since when did "Fathers" not have responsibility over the safety of their children.

He neglected to bring the correct safety equipment, which in this case wouldn't be anything too bad if they knew how to swim. But they are near water with no knowledge how to swim. Jesus.

So double neglect here. Why is he a hero? Why? Because his fucking retarded nigger ass put his child in danger and his child payed the price? What is wrong with you people.

He is a fucking adult. He should be shamed for not being a good parent. He should not be applauded for being negligent.

i removed the clothes while under water , its much easier to swim without them on and holding them in your hand


ye if yo uare wearing thin clothes it doesn't matter, but if you are wearing a lot of shit + shit that soaks itself and restricts your movement you are done for


why don't you make a video of it then, wear 2-3 thick layers of cotton and jump inside a river

i'm sure that will work out great for you buddy
h-he's right! all niggers stay away from beaches for your own safety!
That's already way better than most black fathers

Something about their bone and muscle density makes it harder for them to float than Whites.

From what I've heard, they just sink.
go sperg somewhere nigger

Wow. Too bad a nigger can't take their clothes off when drowning.
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why can't niggers into swimming?

they should stick to chucking spears, those fucking pavement apes
you think I'm Greece because you are literally fucking retarded.

he was negligent, yes, but it doesn't remove the fact that he tried to save his son and what he did was ultimately noble. I can guarantee you'd not have this sentiment if he wasn't black, but because you're a brainlet your feefees control your decisions instead of your brain.

take your feefees and get the fuck off my board you utter cockwomble.
Why don't you just try it for yourself retard. Why would I lie about it? Have you never swam in a river with big swim trunks and a shirt / shoes before? Like I said it's common here because some rivers have sharp rocks. Infact they make shoes just for walking in the river.
did you actually see the fucking photo of where he drowned? There was no current, there was no chop, and the water was fucking 2 meters deep max. Go search the thread.
yeah lol its like negro trying to fuel the fire with oil and then lighting his niglet on fire and getting lit on fire by trying to rescue the niglet
tru hero
Wait, I thought (((crossbreeding))) was supposed to be a great did. Did the niglet get all the smarts and ability to swim from his black father?
>2 niggers gone
>scarred for life coalburner

Yeah man hes a hero in my book
We could start talking about the white guy who was pissed off about having to pay child support and the fact his wife got the 'good' car in the divorce
He told his mate he was going to kill his own three sons on mother's day. He chose that day so his ex wife would never forget
Night time. Three little sons with him. They'd spent the day with their Dad. They trusted their white dad. There they were, strapped into their safety belts. Going home with Dad
Dad swerved off the road as planned. Careened down the grass. Drove his car into a lake
Father was found pretending to be distraught.
His kids were still drowning in the car
The ex wife's new husband heard the shouting, ran to investigate. Saw the kids' father standing there crying pity for himself
The kids' father bummed a cigarette off his ex wife's new husband
The new husband had dived into the lake, dove deep to get the kids out. He kept doing it until ambulance men had to hold him down to stop him going back into the lake
All the while, the white father was standing there spinning his lie about how the car ended up under metres of freezing water. He had a blanket around him, people were patting his back in sympathy
His ex wife's new husband was exhausted on the banks, struggling with all comers to get back into the water. The guy would not give up and still thought he could save another man's three sons
Deadshit white father went to court. Claimed the reason the car went in the lake was because he coughed. Cops retaliated by presenting tyre marks on the grass which proved the car had been steered into the water.
Eventually the murderous father's mate gave evidence and said the kids' father had planned it all at least a month in advance
The three kids mother and her mother collapsed in court. They could not believe the little shit had murdered his three little boys for such petty reasons
The shit white father appealed, thought he'd get off. No. He's still inside.
He is white

never said he did everything properly, but it's not easy to swim with thick clothes , even in still waters
I live near a rive, unsless you are really deep into it you dont feel anything, idiot
now (((they))) will know who truly controls the world

there isn't just one "current", and there are different kinds that do different things. some pull you under water, depending on the conditions of where the water is, weather, etc.

just because the place in the river you swam in was safe doesn't mean all rivers everywhere are the same.

I read it on my phone with my icon off. It doesn't matter either way, you let the niggers rape your kids in the public pools right?

Then how come he Didn't know how to swim?

Even dead people can float.
Shut up you fucking moron, he isn't wearing "Thick" clothes, he is wearing shorts and a t-shirt you fucking drooling mongoloid.
That child's face looks like a vagina.
Fucking based. Underrated comment my magapedes.
except for the fact that people who do know how to swim also drown.

if you think knowing how to swim automatically makes you impervious to drowning you're even more retarded than i thought.

do you still think I'm Greece? kek
It's the CIRCLE


Ok. So can you at least admit that it was irresponsible of him to be there?
Wow yuropes are the biggest fucking retards, I feel like I'm being trolled here, fuck that stupid fucking nigger. Niggers are too dumb to swim, case closed. Next thread, bye.
Just lean back and spread your limbs while looking straight up.
If you can't swim you aren't white. Or so severely retarded that we don't want you shitting up our gene-pool anyway.

> he literally can't afford more than one set of clothing

eternal leaf striking again, what are the chances you are just a triggered chink
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no, my argument is that swimming can prevent drowning, but in certain conditions it does not.

because you're an actual idiot though, you don't understand such a simple concept. my Greek pals say hello.
christ you are retarded, did you even read the thread?
his pre-death photos show nigger wearing shorts and a t-shirt
No. I said I couldn't make out the icon on my smartphone.

Being Finnish doesn't help your case. I created a special alert on my computer so I can laugh every time someone in your country gets raped by a refugee.

It rings a little bell.
Disgusting fucking cuck. kys
>hello I'm new
>what is a pepe
I was, but I also believe that the fact that the conditions for swimming being so extreme makes up for that quite a bit. I am truthfully baffled on how you can drown so close to shore.

k so since there are pieces of shit everywhere, we can't look down on this one, eh? Fuck off with your complete lack of an argument. Just because some other people are shitty doesn't mean this guy can be.

That is for oceans you dumbass.
They do, but not 5 feet from shore, when holding your breath can get you there while walking underwater.

BTFO Fintard, some poor child lost his life and you're defending the piece of shit who neglected to think about his safety. Quit the apologetic attitude. He is no hero.
So we could talk about the white 'father' who drowned his own three sons deliberately
What a shit
Why didn't he teach his toddlers how to undo a seatbelt to begin with
If he'd taught them how to undo a seatbelt they would have been able to escape when he tried to kill them
And why didn't that deadshit white father teach his kids how to swim?
If he'd taught them how to swim, they would have been able to save themselves when he tried to drown them
Bloody irresponsible white dick
He killed his kids because he didn't bother teaching them how to undo seatbelts and swim
If he had, they would have been standing on the bank with him as the car drowned

he's bullshitting you and you keep falling for it, newfriend

welcome to /pol/
remember, there's no going back

Yeah. I've been a lifeguard and swam in literal tropical storms.

This man had no swimming skills. That is beyond irresponsible around the water.

I hope his idiot son learned to think about safety.

Of course, Fins throw safety out the window when dealing with niggers.
there's literally no reason why you would think I'm Greek without looking at my flag.

don't try and pretend, i know you're just an idiot already.

>public pools
lol no.

I just noticed that. The names are funnier than the story itself.

Yes they're real.
We get this sort of shit constantly in the Netherlands. People (including white Brits) come to a country that's literally below sea level, and expect there to NOT be water everywhere.

Some of my friends moved recently, and they have a young child. First day in the house they're already talking about how to make sure their kid can't wander into open water. Foreigners do not have this conception.

But recently a Syrian "refugee" child drowned during school swimming, and the parents are trying to sue the school and proscecute the teachers. I say we tell them it's their own fucking responsibility to teach their kid to not be retarded, because that's expected of every child in the Netherlands.

Completely sick of sandniggers coming here and expecting us to change the laws of physics for them. You're desert people, but come to the wettest country on Earth. Not our fault. If you live in the Netherlands, but can't swim and don't teach your children to swim, you fucking deserve to drown. It's like going into the desert without a hat.
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God starts a global warming event that humans scramble to try and figure out.
Humans blame it on pollution.
God starts to increase yearly flood amounts in areas where lots of niggers live.
Lots of niggers die from their life of sin and squalor.
Thank you Based God for creating natural disasters.
It should be no surprise that white people are the best adapted to natural disasters.
He saved them.

Look around.
Ultimate Darwin award. Remove yourself and your tainted offspring from the gene pool.

Dude, if your entire argument hangs on the fact that I misread your flag, then go ahead and plant and be proud.

You won :)

I'll be thinking of you when I visit the state river and SWIM down it next week.
Again, shitty ass argument. No one cares. People died in this instance, this is the topic. Because something is worse, or someone else did something bad doesn't mean shit.
He suicided
no, you said you had the icons turned off. now you're saying that you couldn't make it out, of course you couldn't with the amount of piss in your head in place of brains.

we don't like refugees here, and they don't like the cold so they usually fuck off. we're not Sweden, or Greece, so... try again, amerifat.

you arej ust talking out of your ass, it's not impossible to swim with thicker layers, but it's 10000x harder than without clothes and even normally trained people wouldn't be able to last long, even if it's relatively shallow and


lolll , swimming in tropical storms is nothing , try swimming without movement because your clothes are keeping you from doing so , you fucking nigger

as i said, still waitign for some proof or video from you that you can actually do it, just make sure not to bring your child with you
great argument. try again when you're not retarded.
Low energy response
You can't even convince yourself
What kind of adult doesn't know how to fucking swim?
>cant swim
>jumps in anyway

kys you fag. Go outside, yell " im a worthless faggot!" really loud and swan dive in front of the first car you see from an overpass.
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>Be me
>Be toddler
>Being watched by my grandmother
>Uncle leaves pool gate open
>fall in pool
>somehow I don't drown
>grandmother can't find me
>see's me in the pool kicking my legs back
>Jumps in the freezing water
>wasted efforts
he's not, read what he's saying. i can assure you I've been here a lot longer than all you election fall out retards.
"I can't swim so I'll try to save my drowning family member."

Pretty much explains the intelligence level.
again, do not mistake a negro for a human.

Blacks. Most even when they do go "swimming" just stay in the shallow end.
>nigger killing nigger child
He truly is a hero
Clicked wrong person . Fucking mobile is fucking up on me.

> rather die yourself than let your son die

sounds pretty honorable to me , ofc still retarded to be defeated by simple water but still
How do people not learn how to swim? or even float?

Or was the water raysis to the colored folk
We need a global scale flood.
If only someone could do that.
Stormfags losing big time here but don't know how to back out with tail between their legs
So they keep on repeating the same things
So do I
The guy was a hero, a loving father, god rest their souls

You mean falling in the water with your clothes on? Its called floating. Done that too.

It's like you've never been around water before.

Honestly I think you might be autistic and have never actually swam before.
>Can't swim
>Go fishing
>Get yourself and your kid drowned
Darwin award 2017?
According to all his apologists on here... anybody who wears clothes cannot swim.

You should know how to swim. It's deeply shameful for an adult male not to know how to do a basic life necessity. It's like being illiterate. It's deeply deeply shameful and you should do everything in your power to fix it.

The real tragedy here is blacks have no concept of shame.
this, you guys are racist just to be racist
Yes I agree, more blacks should jump into the river.
Calling them heroes for doing it will convince more to do it.
You don't even need to paddle. Just move your legs a bit and you will float. Hell, if you just take a deep breath you can easily float on your back
sure you've been a lifeguard, sure you have. >swimming in tropical storms
oh wow, truly a badass.

like i said a few times now but it's somehow managed to bounce off your stone-like rather dense head, whilst he was negligent, he still tried to save his son.

that is redemption enough.

I'm not even from Finland but it's pretty funny to know you got BTFO so bad you want any bad news about Finland to feel better about being an actual retard.
A brave parent does not need to apologise
Nor do those who recognize him as a loving, brave, selfless dad
Wew, how much of an absolute loser do you have to be to write a post like this? Embarrassing.
A nigger died because he didn't plan correctly, and we are supposed to say he is un-niggly?
Their end game is to make us racist
They're losing

> he swims in tropical storms (with swimming shorts and naked otherwise) and somehow is an expert on what happens when you are an untrained person and required to swim/float with heavy/thick clothing

why do you keep repeating your dumb lies? just go and make a video, wear 2-3 pull overs made of cotton which soak themselves for good measure and then see how long you last or float

i'm so done with yo ufucking retarded burgers that think you are good at anything because you are good at the basic and simple stuff
it doesn't rest on that though does it you untermensch, it's just hilarious to see you lose the argument and do the literary equivalent of drown every time I remind you Finland is not Greece.
As someone else pointed out... what thick layers? Dumbass. He was in shorts and a tshirt. No thick layers.

Swimming in a tropical storm is nothing?
A rip current in a tropical storm can completely break your ankles and drag you out to sea in an instant. It can kill you so quickly you won't be able to fucking understand what is happening before you're a couple hundred feet out in the ocean. I guess you wouldn't know... would you.

Here is a little bit of a hint for you. If you are leg deep in the water during a tropical storm, you're life is in danger instantly. One bad wave. Dead. You have to be a great swimmer to swim in a tropical storm. You also have to disregard your life for a thrill. It is retarded but it is fun.

A hurricane is even worse.

You don't know shit about swimming, or probably never been in water below your knees.

See above. You wouldn't know how one of these suckers are. The currents themselves can wipe out entire islands. You guys are fucking retarded if you think swimming in one of these is considered anything close to being normal/easy.

I hate to break it to you... but almost anybody in the state I live in has swam in a tropical storm and or been a lifeguard. It's kind of like a rite of passage.
Just take swimming lessons.
Jesus fuck.
When you go parachuting do you just jump out of the plane without any training and go "Parachute, what's that?"
Hey... Nigger, if you just lay on your back, you wont sink.
Boo hoo. If you don't want God to burn it all down yet you should lurk more.
>Hell, if you just take a deep breath you can easily float on your back

None of the great apes can swim, it's a matter of bone denesity and too high center of mass. They sink like fucking rocks without great effort to stay afloat. Talk to anybody who has been through basic training in the Navy.
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come on dude. It's one thing to say shitty things about a living person, it's another to say shitty things about a dead person, and yet another to say shitty things about a dead kid. Fuck off with that shit. /pol/ or no /pol/ that crosses the line.

Every. Fucking. Liberal.

We have to accept everybody else's narrative, story, personal dialogue or crap, but when it's somebody I disagree with suddenly personal experience is meaningless and its all lies.

You people have the fucking intelligence of prairie dogs.
You're the nigger here OP
and I'm certain he decided to go swimming in a storm whilst it was wiping out an island.

come the fuck on.

yes I'm sure you did, in the baby's side of the pool whilst it stormed outside.
Another nigger detected

swimming adn floaitng in any kind of water or current is very easy , what kills people most of the time is being in clothes that either pull them down or/and restrict their movement so much that they drown

untrained people could easily survive falling a river if naked, if they are in clothes not so much, even most white people die in this case, especially childrens happens all the time every 10-15 years around here


cause knowing that swimming in clothes is extremely much harder than swimming without them or tight ones makes me a liberal , alright

kill yourself you nigger
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>white people are the best adapted to natural disasters
Not anymore
>just move your hands and legs and you will stay above water
You guys are stupid. People who can't swim start panicking when their feet can't touch the bottom so it's obvious why would someone drown when they can't swim.
They teach you to swim with clothes on in my country.
Don't understand why they can't do the same in the USA.
You don't even have to swim with clothes on. Just float long enough to take them off.
You don't even need to know how to swim to have survived falling in that close to a dock, and the shore.

You just sink, hit bottom, push off to surface, take a breath, repeat, while aiming for the shore or dock depending on which is closer.

Of course when you're a panicking Nog, flailing in water, you're never going to think of that.

What did I lose again?

Your argument has included

such observations as

1) i must be lying because I can swim
2) swimming never saved anbody from drowning
3) clothes make you go limp in the water
4) black people can't think when their kids are drowning
5) its absurd to think about safety before going into a situation you can't handle

and a bunch of comments because I only saw the color and not the shape of your flag.

did I miss anything?

like the number of black cocks in your ass?
that's not what people do when they drown.

burgers truly are the dumbest posters.
He wasn't a flailing nog
He was a man trying to save his son's life
You weren't there, so maybe you should volunteer your abundant spare time to the lifeguards or something
Spotted the race mixing kike.

Retard confirmed.

I live near the beach and have lived through hurricanes for three decades.

Go kill yourself. Please?

I mean it was Gulf side, which we all collectively refer to as the pool, but still.
People who know how to swim usually drown from extreme currents, exhaustion, hitting their head, trying to rescue drowning people.
Not from sinking to the bottom like a brick with almost no current.
For both of you. You don't know shit about swimming, storms, or anything of the nature when it comes to water. The only thing that a river has is a uni directional current that only goes close to shore when the river takes a natural bend, and even then the current is not even that close. There was no current. You have no experience with anything of the sorts. You are talking out of your ass.


Small islands regularly get raped by these. The one that formed outside of my

It is a tragedy, it is horrible. But shit the guy was an ass.

Okay. So how about this. The guy was dumb for going near the water when he can't swim and he should have done something else as a father. Maybe fucking mini-golf. Maybe went to see a movie. Maybe ANYTHING besides going near the water when he can't swim with no life jackets.

I live on an island. It is a little worse than me. And yes, a barrier island.
*my barrier island did
lol lol lol lol

thats not even five feet

Dumb fucking leaf. I use to run across stone driveways when I was young but can't do it now it hurts like fuck. Water soaked shoes alone would drown the reggin. Once someone is flapping arms around panicking grabbing on to you it's a crap shoot at best if you live
Wut r u?
only none of those have been my argument and now after thinking I'm Greece, you think I'm also Switzerland.

top fucking kek.

what I actually said was:
1) nothing remotely like that at all actually, what are you even talking about you retard?
2) knowing how to swim doesn't make you impervious to drowning, because it doesn't, you fucking idiot
3) that was the Swiss, not me, you fucking pisshead
4) NOBODY stops to think when their kid is drowning, you moralless untermensch
5) i said nothing of the sort

you are right though, you are a liar and keep repeatedly BTFOing yourself. keep going! kek

You know what else kills people in water?


also several of you have admitted your using vpns.

what do you have to hide? gotta hide them shill checks?
spotted buttmad burger who doesn't give a shit if someone who is trying to be a good father drowns with his child because he can't look at the situation logically and instead with his stormfag brainlet feefees.

i bet you are scared of black people.

I'm with you on this one. Seemed like an ok guy. Stayed around to have a second child for a start. Taking his boy fishing. It doesn't point to a worthless thug.
and you know none of these things happened in this situation how?
>implying she's white
Stupid stormfags
They start a thread about a man who's being called a hero for dying while trying valiantly to save his son
The man drowned, the child drowned
Stormfags were joking about that
Anons don't think it's a laughing matter
Stormfags called out
In desperation they've now posted over a 100 times about water safety from their expert position
They don't know how to bow their heads and walk away
So now we're having arguments about water density, body density, currents or not, tide surges
It's turned into the weather bureau aligned with a government 'swim safely' commercial
Just walk away stormfags. You misjudged people's basic humanity. Take it as a sign

So you're saying it wouldn't work you idiot? You literally don't even need to know how to swim to perform the maneuver. Look how close he was to the shore. One or two pushes from the bottom would have probably taken him to shallow water.

You can't be a good father and take your kid to a lake if neither of you can swim.

Go die Eurotrash.

Yeah of course I'm scared of blacks. They commit more violence than all other races in America. They are by every fucking measure and standard, violent subhumans. Even other blacks are scared of blacks.

I despise them.
>brown eyed faggot who can't swim
>thick clothes which soak themselves and pull you down you will literally drown even if you are a good swimmer

>this is what people who can't swim actually believe

Don't worry honey, Eurotrash can't hurt my 'feefees'... Its like listening to a retard insult you. Why would I care?
I couldn't find a video, but this is how kids here learn to swim:
>In desperation

Of what? What am I desperate of?

To prove I can swim?

To prove I have sympathy?

I have none for him.

Do you think you are winning or something by pointing this out? Its not something I tried to hide...
Yeah, I would never imagine /pol/ would become racist....another race mixing kike detected.
You realize that this channel is politically incorrect right.
The nigger was stupid. Good riddance.
Not here to win
Here to watch you lose
You're sinking like stones
>untrained person
This is the point.
Why was an untrained person in a boat with his son with no life vests?
If someone blows their head off because they looked in the barrel of a gun at the gun range, is that heroic?
What if he does it because he wants to confirm there's no bullet in there before he hands it to his son?
Is that heroic?
No. Fuck off.
one instance of negligence doesn't erase the fact he stayed to raise his two children, it shouldn't have ended that way but it did.

again, at least he TRIED to rectify his mistake. the nigger thing to have done would be to not give a shit and let his son drown. you celebrated the fact they both drowned because like you just admitted, you're afraid of black people.

which reveals why you, like a coward, feel the need to be so vicious about the death of a man and his son. cowardice makes you cruel, it's a very well documented phenomena. cowardice is also a side effect of being dumb.

an intelligent person isn't afraid of black people who are clearly not niggers.
TIL Half-assed parenting will get you and your son killed.


Why am I upset? A bad father died?
no no, I'm not talking about hurting your feefees brainlet, even though it's clear i have because you now have a vendetta against a country I'm not even from kek

I'm talking about you arguing with your feefees, and your cowardice and viciousness when it comes to things you're afraid of. like an animal.

"Avid fisherman" who can't swim =/= one instnace of negligence

that is a history of negligence.

that is playing the dice repeatedly, and then finally losing.

he didn't try to correct his mistake. he was taken off guard by it.

and yeah I'm afraid of black people. and crocodiles. shit is scary.

we have people die every other day in my town because of blacks. anger, domestic shit, road rage, gibs me issues. ...

blacks and latinos run through our malls and break everything fighting, and the cops won't even come to take them away.

blacks are violent apes that belong in africa.

live in a 30% + black city for any length of time and tell me you aren't afraid of blacks.
Look at that picture?
It's extremely unlikely that there is any significant current there.
It's a relatively wide river.
It's near the shore.
The kid could have hit is head, but the dad jumped in voluntarily.
If he hit his head doing that, he is just retarded.
Maybe he dove in and broke his neck when he hit the bottom?
How heroic.

Greater bone density due to selective breeding during the period of slavery.

i didn't realize that my internet posts were so vicious.

do you think maybe I could learn to hone my internet posting skills to be able to fight back on the streets?
>he tried
You don't give awards for "you tried".

I agree that he went further than people expected and may have been an okay dad, but to peg him a HERO like people wanted to is bullshit.

He fucked up, HARD. You don't raise that up as a shining example, you tell people to learn from it.

Then why does Africa rule just about every sport except swimming? (and anything requiring gracefulness like diving, gymnastics, or figure skating)
So black people not being able to swim is literally the result of white people keeping them down?
Literally holding their heads underwater.
White people should pay reparations for every black who drowns.
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>an intelligent person isn't afraid of black people who are clearly not niggers.

Finn Cuck, what percentage of your country is even Black, that makes you think you can tell an American how to deal with them?

Learn something about crime and demographics before you speak on it, and until then, have a Coke and a smile, and shut the fuck up.

We've already determined a long list of countries he's not from. Guessing by the level of beta-waves displayed... I'm afraid to admit it might be north east American.
Fuck kikes and their race hating trends.
Nigger. I'm glad the two of them are dead and I hope more niggers do the same.

No, I'm not afraid of nig nogs, I usually just beat them down if there is not to many of them. Niggers typically don't have good fighting skills.
So suck some nigger dick, you faggot.

fuck off crypto jew.
He sounds like a genuine Einstein
How about some fricken water wings?
Swimming is one of the most natural things a person can do, I don't understand people who say they can't swim, just doesn't compute.

You might see a drowning nigger that never learned to swim, but I see a sailor, a diver, and a lifeguard.
I mean you literally just have to move your legs and arms in a non-retarded fashion, and your swimming.
Because Africa is damn close to being a pure social Darwinistic society.

Weak children do not survive early childhood in Africa. And then they spend their lives performing physical activity. That's also why they don't dominate "every" sport. There are no niggers in speed cycling, for instance. Why? Because Africa has neither the wealth nor the infrastructure to support cycling as a sport. Same reason there are no black mountaineers, despite there being loads of mountains in Africa and niggers being porters on said mountains.

It's literally that fucking simple.
drowning does not mean your a good father, it means your a bad one you knuckle knob

We suck at non government-endorsed crime.

NRA needs to step their game up.

Or... because we have different leg musculature?

Bicycles are actually one of the chief forms of transportation in some parts of the continent.





(I even linked to Jew-pedia :) )
nowhere does it say he was an avid fisherman. OP said that to bolster his bullshit giddiness over a man trying to do the right thing dying in the process.

did this black man personally have anything to do with your town and its crime? no? then why are you celebrating his death you nonce.

he didn't know how to swim but tried to save his boy anyway. i don't know how anyone other than dregs and morons without kids could see that as anything other than being brave.

i think you could learn to have some humanity and be a human rather than a terrified whelp that's scared of black people who live nowhere near you and celebrate when they died trying to save their son.

I'm not saying he deserves an award, I'm saying it's pretty pathetic to celebrate his death. because it is. he did fuck up, but he was a man about it and did what he could.

I'm not Finnish, and I've lived in places with black majorities. I'm not telling you how to deal with anybody, I'm pointing out how damn pathetic it is to celebrate the death of a man who tried to save his boy.

sure you do tough guy. lol

>American reading comprehension
A search for the brave father's body has been suspended???

In 5 ft of water??????

somethings fishy, I bet this is a stunt to get free gibs from the internet
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This comment is actually fascinating. You admit recent evolution to blacks, but not ancestral.

WOW. Mind blown.
my sides
>someone who is trying to be a good father

he did the dumbest thing a non-swimmer could do, how is that a good father move? a real fine example he was
so you'd just stand there and watch your boy drown then?

of course you would, you're probably afraid of your own shadow in case it's a nigger.

I wasn't celebrating anything, but I agree that he should have been better prepared.

Just like I wouldn't stand over a crocodile farm wearing a chum belt, he shouldn't have been near the water without a life jacket. Minimum.

>Fishing enthusiast Malik Williams, 25, was relaxing at Ben Butterworth Park on a dock overhanging the Mississippi River in Moline, Illinois on Tuesday with his six-year-old son, Jaden, when tragedy suddenly struck.

Well, see in America, the emergency services, actually do cost all of us. Not to mention his son will now have a host of single parent issues that will cost the country a shit ton, and his mom will probably go on welfare now.

>i think you could learn to have some humanity and be a human rather than a terrified whelp that's scared of black people who live nowhere near you and celebrate when they died trying to save their son.

and I think you could learn to hold people socially accountable for bad/stupid/poor behavior rather than making up excuses in the name of your virtue signaling cult.

>I'm not saying he deserves an award, I'm saying it's pretty pathetic to celebrate his death. because it is. he did fuck up, but he was a man about it and did what he could.

Nobody is throwing a parade. IF a few funny comments make you think this about people I feel sorry for you. You seem like an idiot.

> I'm not telling you how to deal with anybody,

>I'm pointing out how damn pathetic it is to celebrate the death of a man who tried to save his boy.

No self awareness.
He was half way there desu, fishing with his son, that's being a good father, saving your kid with your own life that's a great father, not all good fathers are smart, we lost a good one here
Incidentally, does anybody want to start a nigger drowning parade?

Like in celebration of... not actually promoting it or anything. Just sort of like. "wow, look at this amazing phenomena that happens sometimes."

I mean, if I'm going to be accused of celebrating it, why not go all out?

why not make it like a total fag parade.
Surely not. Go for it!

I wouldn't take my kid to the water in the first place if I couldn't swim.

See that extra step there? That's called the rate-limiting step.

LOL. Captcha wants me to identify a river. Glad I'm white.
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yeah lets do this, with party hats and anime girls
Hey you know what changes your mind about black people?

Watching your friend get raped by one. (Or like five of your friends, over many years at various stages of their lives. and then watch the slow moral decay they sink into as their lives and sanity are slowly shattered by reliving it over and over again.)

Have fun Eurowhores!

Ahh Poland. I had my grandparents cancel a vacay trip to Spain and rebook for Poland. I told them they weren't safe anywhere else.
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