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So excited to see this movie. What about you /pol/? are you

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So excited to see this movie. What about you /pol/? are you excited?

uga buga
Given that his society doesn't allow other blacks in, is he even a black super hero? Like other blacks wouldn't be closely related to him at all.
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more anti-white jewish hollywood propaganda. how shocking.
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"Sir, the city needs your help, the throne risks the threat of forceful abdication!"

>smacks lips
>oh furreal?
>dam b
>smacks lips some more
>u you be sayin dat... o my gawd....
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this dude is african ok.
let's see how many media derps see it african-american masterpiece and forgets there was blade "not taxplaying "wesley snipery
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Black anon here.
Feels bad man....

When i first saw this character in Captain America Civil war, it was a different time. Black panther felt fresh. He felt serious. It felt like, (Ah', When they spin into his story, it is going to be deep and dark and Wolverine like). I watch the trailer.. the music, the backdrop, the scenes... and it just feels like sjw tier shit man.. It looks too playful. Looks like a liberal action flick (hey black people, buy into Marvel).

I get that it's in Africa .. but fuck man.. Soo many black people. I don't like that. Feels weird man. I didn't grow up like that. I don't like the whole segregation thing. I dont like it when its all white people and I dont like it when its all black people. Maybe it will touch some black people. Younger black people. I dunno...

Looks like shit kino. Maybe I'm getting old.
It's just Hollywood kikes caricaturing black culture with rap music and some spears/loin-cloths and shit and expecting brownie points for doing so
Feels condescending
I was starting to feel bad for black anon until Portugal had to ruin it haha
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fuck off nigger
Gotta get them diversity buck$
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Hollywood is shit.
>"Conquered" *black man appears*
>"Conquerors" *White dood with a gun*

Ĵebani SJW

Not even niggers like niggers.
This will be lucky if it makes back what they spent, further proof that even though loads of people virtue signal, nobody cares.
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Das rite white boy
Instead of chanting "Oonga COONga" like the rest I'm decently excited over it the little i seen of him in civil war made me like his character design and the little lore i seen a little bit.
Its just like the comic.

The land is a high tech with low tech culture. He becomes the black panther by defeating a fucking black panther in the spirit realm.

Like you guys can blame the kikes all you want but they are writing it based from the source material.

>i know the story from collecting comics.
holy shit it's we wuz kangs the movie
Iam actually more or less ok with Black Panther. Let them have their black superheros.

Casting a literal Ape as Valkyrie in Thor 3 is the far greater sin.
pretty interesting world building in terms of design (less so the concept), but it will still be a stereotypical marvel flick

what, did you think i was gonna meme? i actually watched the trailer unlike half the people in this thread
No. I don't watch movies anymore. Fuck (((Hollywood)))
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Reminder that Africa is not for Africans
This is good for us.
Showing an high-tech self-developed Africa (I'm curious to see it, really feels african) will make normies ask why IRL they live in shit or copy eurasian cultures.
also millions and millions of african ''refugee'' will ask themselves why they escaped to be starving unemployed bums in western countries
looks idiotic.
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another superhero film? When will this shit stop....
Sorry I grew out of capeshit years ago
blade was actually pretty red pilled. After killing some random vampire he then proceeds to loot him for valuables with the quote "how do you thing we found this operation?"
Blade really put the black element into vampire hunting.
It's just the times man. I think some years ago and this would have been good Kino. Faggots have tainted anything ethnic w/ agendas now though.. So, shit feels bad and artificial now.
kys nigger
Holy shit saaaaaauce
kys poltard
>WE WUZ:The movie

Go back to /tv/.
Exactly. Feels corny af. I'm not into a lot of 'black television' shows for this very reason. I grew up around a diverse group of friends. I listen to alt-j, nin, radiohead, nas, curren$y, war on drugs, Freedie Gibbs, the xx, Still parade...

I'm an eclectic mix of a lot of things. Then hollywood creates some whack ass TV show or Movie based on all sorts of stereotypes and says : here black man.. This is you. This is your culture. You get the stereotypical mulatto light skinned soul brother or the skrong dark skinned brother. Super dad bullshit ... Or like some black community leader/ceo/football coach/... The fuck is that supposed to cater to? Feels silly as shit.

Pretty much. I'm not buying it. Never have. I don't watch any of the cornball black TV shows. I actually cancelled my netflix due to : dear white people. I hate race baiting bullshit. Everything has become so infected with some underlying SJW theme now-a-days. Movies have been shit tier this year. Not even blade runner looks good... Have smug ass looking Ryan Gosling .. shit just feels so artificial now-a-days like everything's a fake.

I'd like it if it felt real. Shit looks like corny lies + a normie action film. If anything, they could have made it more gritty ffs. Shit looks like some disney CGI fantasy land. I guess this is meant for young people who don't know any better. Time to hang up capeshit films.
Yeah, blade was red-pilled. It felt real. It was gritty. It was edgy. This shit now-a-days looks like PG-13 lets hold hands bullshit.
So did aliens seed that tech?
what the fuck.
>defending a negro
are you for real you fucking idiot?
action scenes look alright otherwise it's just black iron man that can't fly

>This shit now-a-days looks like PG-13 lets hold hands bullshit.
times change I guess. Just look at the new Alien movie and how it did as in the box office. There is no cash in gritty R rated films anymore.
and Blade was good.
American teens are excited. No one worships the negro more then them.
ten, or even five years ago I would have enjoyed this. I only look for eye candy in movies.
now I cannot enjoy it anymore. I see SJW agenda.

fuck SJWs or fuck /pol/. I cannot decide which one.
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What's his dialog going to be like?
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>"mmf mhhmmf mf mfmfmf!!"
>"We have a Hulk."
africans are racist against other africans and especially african americans.
Nah. the new Alien was just shit. People are fed up with shit.

The Logan Movie was actually more gritty and brutal and did quite good cause it was a decent movie.
I'm excited to not watch it

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>the new Alien was just shit.
why? I quite enjoyed it for what alien really was; a gloried B movie.
Good action, good pace, good sets and quite intense.
What more do you want from a body horror monster flick?
If I want to see a deep and meaningful movie ill go see that and not an alien movie.
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nice to see that /pol/ has gone the feminist route of "culture critc"
You didnt watched the first 2 ? They were Masterpieces. The new one is just stereotypical garbage filled with stupidity and completly dumb/incompetent characters no one cares about. Plus it destroys the Xenomorph lore.

Just watch the first 2 (again) and see the difference.
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we could make this into a giant redpill like look people of Europe this is your future and how there are no white people there are they racist ;) ?

where is the diversity
we wuz kangz and heroz!
>You didnt watched the first 2 ?
ofc I did. Im an old fag. An James Camerons Aliens was NOT a masterpiece but merely a very actiony monster film. It is an entire different beast than Alien by Scott.
>The new one is just stereotypical garbage filled with stupidity and completly dumb/incompetent characters no one cares about.
So just like Aliens with the Colonial Marines? Those are some rose tinted glasses you are wearing Tysker.
>Plus it destroys the Xenomorph lore.
What lore? The Lore made by fans and other directors? The only reason I do not like the new explanation of the Xeno is that it takes away the mystery. Just like I hated the old lore with the Xeno planet and all that shit. Its supposed to be ALIEN.
>Just watch the first 2 (again) and see the difference.
I have and Alien is a better movie than both Aliens and Alien: Covenant. And whether or not Aliens is better that Covenant is down to taste.
So Covenant is the either the second or third best Alien film to date (ignoring the directors cuts of Alien 3 which turned that into a decent film).
Fuck off this looks entertaining, i'm not autistic enough to not watch a film just because it has a nigger in it
Faggot manchild.
I think I'll just watch Zulu again.
>Not watching master and commander the far side of the world
At least Zulu is a top notch film
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blacks killing blacks and whites killing blacks
and blacks going back to africa
its the dream
this movis is a literal dream
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>When Jewish tricks starts affecting the Jews
Not really into cape shit, but I saw the last Captain America movie and I thought it was funny the Panther's conflict in the film was not to succumb to becoming a stereotypical violent nigger and become a hero instead.

>are you excited?

Alien Covenant had franchise issues that simultaneously scared off old fans and new blood. The whole thing was practically designed to ensure nobody was happy.
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Who's jewing who anymore?
That's not the point. Zulu is a movie about the classes uniting to fight hordes of niggers and the wickedness of pacifist Swedish missionaries. Master and Commander has nothing to do with niggers.
They should just call it "batman origin". Bats are living in africa, not in urban region, like jews tried to mock us all this years.

This video is final redpill
Literally nothing wrong with Black Panther.
very good taste danskejævel
I think this image just made me realise I'm gay.
You need to go back.

Yep, Scott was jealous that Blomkamp or however you spell it had a good idea that was getting traction from actors and the public. So he just fucked it all up. Old fans were put off by that, and everyone had good reason to be skeptical after the disjointed mediocrity that was Prometheus.
>here black man.. This is you. This is your culture.

See what happened to rap and hiphop. Sad stuff.

>that city

I try not to watch anything with black people in as they physically make me sick - even more than Indians.

I don't know what it is about niggers that makes me sick; maybe it's their gorilla-like features or their crude, arrogant manner - or possibly even their revolting attitude. I just hate them and am sickened by them. Disgusting creatures.
If you're interested in cape faggot movies, you have a serious fucking problem anyways...
The sjw propaganda isn't the worse part
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