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Hitler Youth speeches. Just look at how good looking everyon

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Hitler Youth speeches. Just look at how good looking everyone looks 100% aryan genes. Why do u not want white kids?


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Why aren't you aspiring to look like this?

viriculture, not genetics, saged
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because i'm a poor faggot and girls at my uni are whores. Finding a conservative gf is mission impossible
How does this stop you from improving yourself and working out?
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I try my best, but I lost my hope a long time ago
Germans are the best people in the world. Professional and hardworking people. No matter how hard they fall they come back strong.
If Hitler loved German's young men then why did he send 75% of them off to die?
Except this time
He was emulating God
Hitler jugend
>everybody looks so good on these propaganda films, how come?
gee, I really wonder.
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what a sad turn of events, compare these great times to the faggotry of the west now.
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>Why do u not want white kids?
I'm not white myself (italian) and I hate when white people threat me as a nigger.
Honestly whites deserve to disappear for the following reason
1.Hitler was a victim of muslim propaganda
2.Hitler wasn't even white and sent 20 million white germans to die
3.he escaped while his allies were dying
4.everything was invented by italians, indians and chinks. Whites did nothing
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>this is what niggers actually believe
>hitler is responsible for killing more white people than almost anybody

really makes you think
>when the Ruski dick hits just the right spot
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and now the non-propaganda reality of the German mutt "race"
no better than Stalin's "proud worker" propaganda. fuck that totalitarian bullshit
name one (1) white thing
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Hitler is responsible for the death of millions white males. Sad.
The car. Now you.

On a side note, I actually like Italians and consider you honorary whites, so your view on whites makes me kinda sad ;^(
He looks like the ideal Jew to me
they are all ridiculously attractive with varying degrees of tan you dope.
as if you could find a crowd of people anywhere in 2017 that looks remotely as good as this
oh the damage control
>that one almost dead center with the fucked eye
how did he even pass the tests?
his last name was giving the hint
>The car
technically it was a french, and I wouldn't be sure he can be technically considered white
>so your view on whites makes me kinda sad ;^(
I'm sorry, but each time I see one of you on vacation I can't stop thinking how savage the barbaryan's blood is. This said I don't hate anybody really.
You don't need any when you make the shit up as you go.

Even asian-looking germans were Aryans, but blonde-haired and blue-eyed Poles not. Autism demands no explanation.
You mean the guys specifically chosen for the propaganda videos, right?


Say that to the fucking ally jew controlled countries
Ok jersey shore wtf are you on?
Blame the ally countries kid
The autism on this guy lmao.
You're 1/64 German, right?
source ?
mexican intellectuals
He is the avatar of god Kalki. Get on with times goyim.
>propaganda video's

And what propaganda exactly? By your definition everything that's political is propaganda probably. They showed people's faces. Stop being gay

Nice try shill.

You are the same conservatives to probablydefend Israel if you lived in the states. Why not do some research next when and actually look up speeches by hitler advocating for peace you retard
im italian and im probably whiter than you faggot
I still get shivers watching these..
>7 posts by this ID
why are you so butthurt?
Is this what Jordan Peterson wants when he seems young white men need to start taking responsibility again? Is he our new Fuhrer?
because he's polish
"Molecular Biology of the Cell", available freely @ PubMed. We bear at least 90.000 genes; many of them affect our looks, and using the rule of permutation:
"factorial of a number" = "the number of all possible configurations"
it's clear that finding two "pure Aryans" is virtually impossible. Sorry.
>polish british toilets
Whats with the ears Hans?
You use them to hang your coats from there?
i'm in my own country, dumb gypsy

just shut the fuck up, you're really not helping any cause you are supposed to represent.
It's in their nature.
It's in your nature to destroy the continent whenever you get the chance too but we still haven't gassed you.
At least the Soviet cock cucked you so much that I haven't seen a German male with testosterone since the invention of colored photographs.
im talking about ur relatives, subhuman
You still have debts to pay tho, crypto roach
Lol Bulgaria why don't you stab in everyone you know in the back another time.
This time we might not even kill in the millions for it.
Pay debts.
>aryan genes

Fuck you, primitive 1940s Germany had no concept of the actual Human genome.

They only had a centuries old, deep seated hatred of Jews, which was more tribal than anything.

Go ahead, be a Nazi. May as well get a forehead tattoo that says, HEY EVERYONE LOOK AT ME I'M RETROGRADE

Like a Swastika, or something

Greece with the bants, who would've...ÃœAY DEBTS, YOU FUCKFACES.
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>why don't you stab in everyone you know in the back another time
Oh look parroting the serbian meme. It's pretty funny considering we were the ones to always get backstabbed especially in Macedonia.
We wont pay but you sure pay Israel to this day Hans.
Maybe give them some more submarines and then come here and LARP as a Nazi.
Oh look the forest monkey is trying to communicate!
Keep trying honey you might get it eventually!
>We wont pay

Then enjoy that austerity, my turkish friend.

You are dead, keep on pretending you aren't
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kys Nazi faggot
Serbia is and always will be one million times better than you turk seeds and sympathizers.
Fuck off.
>calls us turk seeds
>literally a turk
activates the almonds
And you're alive. Wait until we send the next batch of shitskins your way Hans!
I hear these ones smell even worse than the last ones!

Pissbudenlui, verpiss Dich.
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>Be in WW2 Germany
>Have jewish (((Friend)))
>Last name (((Goldberg)))
>Tell him hey, why don't you try for the 'aryan' poster gig see what they do?
>He actually did it the ABSOLUTE MADMAN
>Gets the gig even though he gave his actual fucking last name
Shut up balkaniggers, your countries are all shit
>Serbia is and always will be one million times better
Classical case of schizophrenia.
You know you don't have to be an edgy faggot and rave on about the Hitler Youth? You can promote youth health and unity without putting off 95% the population


see below
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Is that Jean Paul Sartre in the middle?
Dude we killed as many as we could and expelled the rest.
You never did that.
Go read some history since your schools obviously never taught any.
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Oh the hypocrisy. I've been to Paris and I'm not coming back unless I have a bioloigcal weapon.
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Would've been better if he was in pic related.
Go prep the bull and lease to our squabbles.
At least when we see a nigger we recoil from the horror
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This is you, ya fucking faggot
>I've been to Paris
Is that some sort of accomplishment ?!
there is no aryan race
hitler threw them all into the eastern front meat grinder, then said they all deserved to die for losing, before killing himself like a coward.
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get off the computer and tell allah baka allaijia mohammed amed to stop fucking your wife.
I know that france is shit and i don't give a fuck, i'm not french. Now you and the greek faggot should stop arguing about who has taken more turkish dick and realise that your countries are shitty
What are you on about you dumbass. Stop trying to compare natsoc to your gay ass confaggot hillbilly flag retards That are KKK and skinheads
No he meant that its so shit that he need to bring a biological weapon to kill the shitskins
whats so fucking difficult to comprehend?
Capitalism you fucking retard.

Here, I'll one up it. Western civilization. Go fucking kys. Sage faggot.
Cause poles have a history of getting their asses kicked. All they do is die in cross fires between other countries fighting
You tell me, Balkan -Broseph
No they share genes with us since they where outnumbered 10 to 1 by the locals when they invaded in the coastal regions of Asia minor.
The turks and anybody who affiliated with them in Greece turned muslim.
Go read what we did to the muslims when independence was declared.
You just kept them. That's why you look like gremlins today.
Oh yes
and they saved whole Europe from islamitization
Nope that's us.
>You kept them
Wrong. We expelled them after the Balkan wars. Read history roach rapebaby
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He is actually right. Turks are roleplaying as steppe savages but they are assimilated anatolian people.
The perverse |<ikes want to destroy this with neqroid genes.
Sadisitc swines.
You mean you let anybody that wanted to leave your shithole go.
You call that expulsion.
I actually wouldn't mind turks if they were christian and actually civilized
Every white (European) person looks like that if you aren't obese

Just look at jobs where people have to be fit and how there are no uggos there
I have brown eyes :((((
but im very white
Yeah to this day whenever I go to their west coast there are people that still speak Greek. they are muslim and call themselves Turks because if they don't they might get butchered for the millionth time.
For all the shit i give, I like you eastern europeans somewhat
There were numerous pogroms you dumb turk, they were the reason they left. You on the meanwhile are the biggest mongrels on the continent along with the albanians LARPing as white
reinforces the argument they're not european
You should give a lot of shits Hans because you're at the helm of the Zionist ship called the EU.
If you fall you take the continent with you.
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same, we would have much more problems without the guard dogs of europe.
so much for master race, half of them have jew ears and a quarter have central asian cheek bones
Oh we're not European m8.
We're Proto-Indoeuropean.
You're Slavs so you're not European either.
All languages spoken in Europe today are Indoeuropean.
We took over culturally and linguistically a long time ago and then 2000 years later you invaded the continent.
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Can this be aryan
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Why would he want to be Persian m8?
He looks perfectly European to me why would he want to be middle eastern?
My brother , you have to understand that we are not honorary Aryans, it's the Aryans thag are the honorary meds
Yeap and even in it's highest concentration it reaches 75%.
Think about that for a second.
Also nordics creep me out because I find them to be dead-eyed lifeless zombies.
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what about this portuguese muslim posing as nazi
>"You're slavs"
Wrong. Thracian
kek they even have half arabs in this crowd, also check the kid with "i came" face in the top middle of the crowd, must have the same vision angle as a camelon
Since when is Mario Machado muslim?
And that's somewhere in ex-Yugoslavia and Sardinia.
Nordics go up to 50% the rest of their genome is Khaned.
shitskin like them
Its not even a tan, its BROWN
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Some of you yeas but you sure speak a Slavic language and are culturally Slavs.
You invaded Thrace.
It is known.
lmao they only show the pretty boys so you would think that. you're a fucking tool.

What did he meant by this?
the 75% is in the Croatian part of Bosnia
As a guy who as a skin colour almost the same has him i have to say..
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Its not tanned. You're brown biologically.
Brown =/= white
t. Salvatore Esposito
So w8 you wanna tell me that the only pureblooded Europeans left turned Muslim on our asses?
Am I getting this right?
Another kike that's jelly
The Croatian Bosnians are Catholic, not muslim
The muslim ones are usually shorter
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Hail our people!
Oh thank the Lord. It would be a great shame that the Indigenous people of the continent turn fucking muslims!
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Nice one burger
>Coinslot eyes
Our people!
Go back to the steppes m8.
A shortbow and a pony is all you need.
How are they mutts u retard? Ever heard of a tan. Plus those are kids and not teenagers and haven't gone through puberty at the time. Holy shit. All u do is shitpost on this thread
By your logic the picture you posted saying if that guy could be aryan is brown, i also have green eyes am i still brown?
Holy shit, the guy left looks like /ourmanlet/ Nathan Damigo.
Fuck them.
The nordics were farmers and fishermen when you had an empire spanning the globe.
Wake up and don't seek approval from Khaned rapists.
the guy i posted is white. brown hair, brown eyes
Mario machado is all brown
>tfw born too late for Lebensborn
t. Proud blue eyed and blonde nord.
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Yeah he's a reincarnated Nazi haha. We're winning this time!
This is true but I don't like all of this divide and conquer bullshit, for me both nords and meds are white, both are europeans and we should unite intstead of having this rivalry
Still much better than any brown race.
Poles are screetching untermensch brainlets
these people are literally extinct because they suicided their whole country. we need to mourn what could have been and just move on to other shit
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nowadays white germans look like blonde kikes with huge hook noses and eyes like ping pong balls. all those years of hard work for nothing.
Yeah tell that to them all they think of is muh precious whiteness, because they get the sun like 20 days a year.
When they come down here they faint after an hour of exposure and people run to save them with wet towels and iced water.
They make for good comedy though.
>Deus Vult
>Goes to middle eastern country
>Oh Jesus I turned into a cooked lobster!
>O lawdy i fainted and I can't get up!
Idiot doesn't know that black and white film was commonly much more blue light sensitive compared to red and green resulting in a darker look in skin tones that primarily consist of red and green light. Idiot.
we will black you out of existence you white faggot.
they look like huns to me
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Because humans are shit. Nuclear holocaust is the best course of action
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