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What happens here? Is this the European North Korea? How

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What happens here?
Is this the European North Korea? How is life there?
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Pretty comfy.
Great food. Pretty girls.
Communist party and KGB.
Its like USSR min.
Kvas cyka pidaras and hardbass bljat, playing csgo and smashing vodka. Nothing to see.
So it is like a soviet remnant? And how 'free' is it? Everything is state controlled right?
Kinda like Russia, but with less oil and more remnants of the soviet system.
Its definitely not nearly as backwards as the best korea.
They have political parties, so de jure it's not a dictatorship, but time has pretty much stopped here. Just like North Korea, it's a country that survived itself.
So lukashenko is a prime minister/President?
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would party and drink there/10
Yup, he's some sort of hardcore Putin. Not a Kim Jong-un tier dictator, but most political power is in his hands.
Its a Russia clone
Its amazing just how delusional you are here guys. Belarus is a shithole, trapped 20 years behind times, that isn't even trying. Entire country serves purpose of maintaining status quo for its dictatorship regime. When Lukashenko dies country will fall apart and be annexed into Russia or become its puppet.
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Good country: cheap and great food, clean streets, powerful industry, no LGBT, free medicine and education (Including higher education), KGB and Batka.

Like USSR, but pretty good modernizated
Sounds good to me
Hah, nice one
We should create union of countries with homosexual marriage forbidden.
They have negative unemployment benefits. E. g., the unemployed have to pay a fine.

Funny country, but living in it must be hell
Traps are okay too.
t. Lukashenko
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Its pretty free like for a Soviet kolhoz.
There are opposition mostly NWO financed by USA and EU.
There are significant Polish minority there also.
Overall if you do not go against regime its pretty good and safe and even if you go its not much of business until you try to overthrown it or cause trouble.
Belarus still have some industry but their citizens can not go and work in EU. So its pretty poor.
Its like eastern Poland would look if Poles were banned from West job market.

t. weak kraut
lot of cute girls
>the unemployed have to pay a fine.

Jesus Christ

If you dont work - you are dont eat. Soviet style.
This isn't soviet style. It's neoliberal.
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Slavic Reich
>European North Korea
Nah, man. It's a pretty decent country actually.
why is this country even independant? they are basically russian. can some russia anon enlighten me?

I give them 20 years max., then they are rightful russian clay again

Neolib is new commie without free shit.
and you earn 100$ a month. What a paradise!

Worked out great the first time, right?
>Belarus is a shithole, trapped 20 years behind times, that isn't even trying.
Not even close to truth.
also add the worthless currency
No, you don't. Not even in Ukraine salaries are that low...

It's a Soviet tradition.
The Soviet economy had full employment (officially, at least ...) and, therefore, the unemployment were bullied into working.

I am NEET leech.
There is that word I dont think you know what it means.
Holy shit that was nice
Yeah if you do not work - you are parasite and need to punished.
When Soviets fall Russia was taken by KGB and GRU when local republics were taken mostly by local Parties.
Belarus also claim that its PLC successor state and to be honest it have more right call itself a Lithuanian Grand Duchy successor than Lithuania.
Its stable and safe. Sure its not great and rather poor but compared to Ukraine its amazing.
For once the Lukashenko even if he is dictator and use his power to enrich himself he keep it in decent manner - not like other nearby countries where everything is for sale or steal.
its popular scam here in prague to offer dumb tourists on the streets to exchange their foreign shekels for czech money with much better exchange rate than in bank. The scammers then give them belarusian roubles, take the dollars or euros and run away

>muh eveything is moneuy

slav licence revoked
>earn 100$ a month
Nope, but you can survive with 100€ per month there.

Well, 70% of your economy is state-owned so technically you are all living off taxpayers money.
Hey, I saw that video.

Didn't Belarus change their money so those guys are giving them literally worthless currency? I don't think they're giving them valid Belarusbux.
It absolutely is truth, visiting that place gives very creepy feeling of deja vu, of Lithuania 20 years ago. Our country might be cucks that are suckled by Germans and protected by US, but fuck at least we are trying, and going somewhere, even if in baby steps, BL is just depressing. Contrast might not be as clear if you compare BL with ukraine.
No clue. its not like i need to exchange czechian money
Eh depends. They seem to be like Austria-bavaria are to germany and the austrians at least made their case legit.
Back then ucrainians, belarusians/ruthenians and russians were seen as little, white and great russians who were the three founding people of the "thrice united russia". With the advancement of the tsars into the east the white and littlerussians became just some people under many who were a bit different and through the 19-20th century upheavels they seem to be kinda distinct enough to have considered sovereignity something they want to keep up.
They have a "social parasite" law where people who don't work (except elderly, I'll or pregnant women) have to pay a fine.

Shops must sell a certain percentage of Belaruian products.

Retailers can only make a maximum 30% profit margin on goods.

Amazing country.
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When I agree that Poland or Lithuania offer better perspective for a individual than Belarus I dunno how it work for a nation.
Poland and Baltics are depopulating itself and whole industry or even agriculture is destroyed or in soon to destroyed state.
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It's also quite radioactive.

That's called Communism, if you (still) adore that, you're beyond help ...
>but fuck at least we are trying
>went from most suicides per capita to most alcoholics per capita in a few years

Sorry buddy but your country is just as bad if not worse considering it's in the EU

Archived it for you
>This is what Poles believe.

Russia and Poland are on the same level. Poland just leeches off EU's money.
Here's a nice video of Belarus.
How did you make that bot anyway? The mods just allowed you to?
One of the rare even sort of economically and culturally independent countries, similar to North Korea, Cuba before Castro died, that sort of thing.

Unfortunately it's only possible to have a country like that if it serves the great powers as some sort of a buffer zone, so when it's not needed anymore, it will be consumed by the neoliberal machine.
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That is not true.
Poland pay directly and there also not direct costs of these 'subsides'.
Poland get some money but whole industries are gone and agriculture is almost done.
Not even mentioning that millions of Poles work In EU and their money is more important that some EU 'subsides' that mostly go back to Germany anyway.
anyway Belarus history in 5 minutes
How do they leech eu money Abdul?
The little gibs is for removing import-export taxes and opening up the market for multinationals.
The absolute state of this board. Really only low iq kids come here anymore?
For a minute there I thought that was a keytar.
>trapped 20 years behind times
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Why are Belorussian posters so RARE?

No interest I guess.

(yes this is bait to get a Belorussian to post and give me his flag)
Yeah I wonder the same. Quite a few Lithuanian posters, and yet there are many more Belorussians in the world.
t. Janicz
Maybe their Internet is censored?
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>t. Janicz
Care to explain?
Belarus is very Russified. Majority of the population speaks Russian.
well the country's name is literally white russia in english
what the fuck did you expect?
belarus is pretty much ukraine, if it was cucked by Putin and not the EU
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Yeah, it's pretty much a Russian puppet state. If they try to leave Russia, like Ukraine did, they will be annexed immediately.
I've been reported and ban requested more than anyone on this board by now, if I were a bot I'd be a goner. Even if I got a new IP and so on, the mods would just swat me for ban evasion. The reason that's not the case is because I communicate with anyone with a fresh question and I offered the mods to do a screencast of how I use 4chan.
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It's a wonderful place, but lately lefties started waking up. Probably sponsored by the (((globalists))), just like anywhere else. Belarussians are wonderful people, and eastern Europe is better with them.
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Blocking internet access is the ultimate redpill, prove me wrong
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Tell me, is there some kgb tier organization that monitors you like in the older soviet states or is it more free now?
Also is everything government property or does Belarus allow private as well?

Enjoy your muslim-nigger-spic union
My Belarusian friend says he would never want to live there again. So, take that for what it's worth.
I can't believe that's a real quote.

Must be all the radiation.
can belarus transform itself from socialistic dictatorship into a cool capitalistic one?
I remember the thread with the pissed israeli calling you out
Hilarious stuff, keep on doing a great work Norskfriend
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Just did a lot of instagram research on chicks checking in from Belarus.
They're not as hot as Serbian /Croatian girls , Central European Slav girls, Baltic girls , Nordic girls
But they are hotter than chicks in UK Western/deep southern Europe and US

To me how hot a countries chicks are is part of the pleasures of living there
Lukashenko has Russia's protection as long as he remains Pro-Russian. If he flips, they'll dispose him and put in another Pro-Russian government.
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but a virgem like you will never get near a girl
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rip my dear brother
slavs = irrelevant

in the past , in the present and forever
you're as relevant as us, faggot
Russia is the only relevant Slavic country. The rest, other than Poland are literally whos.
im not a virgin but I don't really get pussy...
Out of shape and shy
>basically russian

Lithuanian. Belarus is the historical Lithuania.
It's Russian now.
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> is there some kgb tier organization that monitors you like in the older soviet states or is it more free now?

We actually still have the KGB. Even the name is the same. The KGB's budget is smaller though, and Lukashenko deliberately keeps KGB, MVD and his own security service in a state of permanent cabinet struggle to ensure none gets too powerful.

>Also is everything government property or does Belarus allow private as well?

Private businesses are allowed, but tax laws limit their growth, and much of the economy is owned by the state.
Nobody cares about that
their culture is russian not lithuanian
even lithuania has some russian culture
How hard is to get residency or citizenship there?
I think Someone hand was doing shit with his orange flag around Belarus some months ago
Russians, Ukrainians and Belarusians are all same people.
Poles and Russians are the empire-building Slavs, always trying to unite the region. We have a more diplomatic approach, while Russians go with force.

Their approach has been more effective in the last chapter of our great dance, but tides are slowly turning with our insane economic growth and their decline.

Russia failed to modernize their economy and everything is still based on her resources, which are getting less and less valuable.

I actually kinda like the Ruskies, wish we could get along, but it's not possible, since we will never abandon our ambitions. Strong Russia = weak Poland and vice versa, it was always like that in history.
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Ausies, Abbos and Kiwis are the same people.
It is, surprisingly, prohibitively hard to get the citizenship of Belarus.

However, getting a residency is much easier, and as long as you don't commit, I don't remember, 2 or 3 minor lawbreakings (jaywalking, stowaway, etc.) per year or a single crime, your residency is secure.
Its not really independant anymore, we are union state of Russia and Belarus right now. You can google it if you don't believe me. What it really looks like is Russia tells Lukashenko how to react to forieng affairs and he rules over Belarus undisputed.
If they were Russian they would despise the Commonwealth, but they don't, they see it as a proud part of their history, keeping all the palaces of Polish nobility and such in great shape etc.

They're looking for a way to distance themselves from Russia very hard, they know it's a sinking ship. They would love to get super close and comfy with Poland, but Putin's leash is hard to break.
Belarus is q&a https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hh5yL-UWyDg
That doesn't explain Lukashenko's position on Crimean crisis or his unwillingness to support Abhazian/Osetian sovereignty. But russian influence is significant indeed.

True. Palaces of Polish nobles are kept as they were, just like Soviet war memorials. We try not to paint our history black and white.
>implying Poles aren't militant as fuck
Nigga you literally had multiple crusades into Russia and started most of the wars between the two of you
Also you are EU slaves that just think they're independent because Junker hasn't seen fit to poz your boypussy just yet
Belarussians do their shopping in Poland

t. someone who lives 1hr drive to Hrodna
bielorussian girls are very cute, probably some of the best looking females on the planet
Why is this the case?

Isn't Poland more expensive due to the Euro?
All our Eastern neighbours do shopping here, little Russia too.
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Its more that Eu demands demand Luka to resign from power and to abandon its sovereignty when offering very little.
I bet Luka would be love get comfy with Poland but he can not simply as Poland try to undermine his position on EU orders.
That is good. Citizenship should be hard to obtain.
Is crime high in Belarus?
Because Belarus has huge import taxes, so anything from personal electronics to cars is going to cost more, unless it's locally produced.
My friend who lives near the ukrainan border said that even tho its more expensive at least you don't get a food poisoning from our food.
Poland doesn't use euro. That's why you've got so many of them over there in bongland
Most household supplies are cheaper in Poland. Not even mentioning consumer electronics, not only they're VAT free but also much cheaper as well.
>burger education
Poles were on defensive sides mostly engaging Moscov on behalf of Grand Duchy or Order remnants.
The only big intervention and offensive war started when some PLC nobles start messing in Russia dynasty crisis.
Holy shit, I actually had no clue that this was the case.
That's what happens when you try to purge Jews and they all leave. You end up with a poor, radioactive shithole whose biggest brag apart from its Z-list dictator is that they scorn gay people. So brave!
Actually, the MVD publishes a nation-wide daily crime report on their official website - it's an average of 4-5 assaults (mostly drunkards trying to butcher one another after too much vodka), 1-2 murders (when they actually succeed), several dozen thefts, a few drug-related crimes and an assortmaent of petty crime. Organized crime is almost unheard of, but with our tax laws it's very easy to be charged with economic crimes. Corruption level and related crimes are slightly lower than eastern european average, but still disgustingly high. Whether or not it is high is for you to decide.
>Check wikipedia
>5'000'000 banknote existed at some point
>Have to change currency every few years due to inflation

Belarus is the Zimbabwe of Europe
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UN is a joke and all, but nonetheless. You kind of betrayed us here.
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This is like the fourth time in the last couple of days I'm seeing a Brit on pol convinced Poland uses the Euro. What's up with that?

We don't.

And we won't.

Euro was a disaster for the Lithuanians, they spend millions shopping in Poland, even though they're slightly poorer than us, stuff is just so much cheaper (like 50%?).
That was later m8. Poland eventually got fucked because of their geography and had to defend on all sides, that is true
True, we sold you out there. For a quite profitable oil deal with russkies, though.
I actually didn't know that either. I guess most burgers, bongs too maybe, think EU and assume the Euro is universal.
I know that the Balts use it, and Germany obviously uses it so I just kind of assumed.

Just to point out, it's usually Albanians and other foreigners scamming the tourists, not us.
You mean conquest of Red Rus?
It was against Mongols and their vassals.
Ukraine was a problem child that Poland get from Lithuanian Union.
Do not feel bad. Nobody really care about Ukraine West just use them to mess with Russia and they do it almost for free.
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Always the Albanians. Why not genocide for them?
I had to drive through Belarus several times when I came back from trips to Russia.
Once a border official claimed he had found 100 kilo cocaine and he would forget it for 1000 rubles.

Apart from that, it is very dreary, but for example Transnistria is even stranger.
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seems like a good thread to ask this

I know a Latvian guy but he likes to tell strangers he is Russian. Why is this?
just been Babrujsk a month ago
Maybe because there is a significant number of ethnic russians in Latvia?
I know a British guy but he likes to tell strangers he is a Paki
Not understanding the basic principles of economy
>What is GDP per capita ?
>What is PPP GDP ?
>What is purchasing power ?
>Why are Poles so retarded ?
only like 60% of Latvians are actually Latvian.

Under the USSR there were mass deportations and a plan of replacement by the party. Look at what happened in Kalinigrad.

The local languages were suppressed, and only Russian was taught in schools. It was a plan of national destruction.

he isn't Russian though.

I mean when people ask him where he is from, he says Russia, not Latvia


>Jew detected
Rightful Lithuanian clay
>tfw you can have 2 course meal with dessert and drinks for like 3 euros in Belarus
True story.
can confirm al the """EVIL""" jews that used to live there are now in Israel or stayed there under a tombstone.
look at belruse today commie hell hole
How hard is to get visa to your country?
if i rember croeectly you get 6 month "tourist" visa after that u have to go/
prettry hard immgrition laws.
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The last 100% white country in the world. Whiter than Poland.
There are some recent laws which simplify the procedure for short term (5 days iirc) visits. You might not even need a visa.
Natural reserve for slavs and potatos. Homogenity enforced by kgb.
My great uncle lives there now, he occasionally sends sweets.
They have really weird sweets, nothing is made out of chemicals, it's all completely natural and it feels and tastes natural,
yet it's wrapped in the same plastic as your average Twix.
It's bizarre, but it kinda makes me wanna see what else they have that's this bizarre.
>and only Russian was taught in schools
That's not really true though.
Maybe he's been brainwashed by Russian and Russian-leaning media?.. You know, separatism and all that?
Lithuanian clay is rightful Polish clay desu.
Fuck you with your Poland. Half of the Russians won't find you on the map and have never given a thought about your country in their lives.
It's my plan B if our jewish goverment fucks up
This could be inferiority complex. "People don't know where Latvia is on the globe, so I'd rather say I'm russian than humiliate myself by trying to explain that Latvia even exists on the globe".
and i pray every day for it to stay this way
Of course they won't, why would mongols know geography?
Belle Russ...
why did you push...
the only good thing about belarus is that its a dictatorship
>food with no chemicals
Sometimes you gotta think, how fucked is the west?
Belarus is the only ok neighbour of polan even tho they hate us i think
>precooked meals everywhere, nobody really cook here anymore
I was on premade food like 1month(coz tired, busy and lazy) and it was terrible.
Get allergies and another shit, feel awful.
Nah, they are pretty cool. I do not think they have any hate for us.
Why would they hate us? Because we are the only country willing to cooperate with them, while Putin wants to fuck Lukaszenko up?
Comfy country. Average life.
every neighbour thinks that we oppressed them or something and that its our fault that the PLC died
There were problems when Poland backed opposition to subvert Belarus. But I do not think that they keep grudge against Poles.
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It's not legal yet.
Wut? I'm not surprised if that happened back when PO ruled. PiS wants to improve that cooperation.
Belarus is the best country in europe and it's an undebunkable fact
so... France?
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There were big noise about oppression of Polish minority organization and Poland also supply and fund some of opposition groups alongside with Germany and USA.
Yeah it was few years ago, now its pretty well normalized. I think PiS cut their funding as it is now more wary about German meddling.
True brother.
Belarus and Poland Union under glorious Lukashenko when?
As if Poles would want to live under a dictator.
Fuhrer kaczynski is already our dictator
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Well, yep. Democracy doesn't work everywhere and Poland is good example of that. Political brothel full of exact same jews and german lapdogs since 1989. People complain how shitty it is here, yet they keep voting for those post commies every 4 years xD!
t. KOD
You forgot about one nigger
>Under a dictator.
Dictator does not equal regime, in this case it equals a man who has the balls to take responsibility for his people and take the blame if something goes wrong.
I dare say Belarus is the most politically independant country in europe. Not economically though.
>implying hes not
he has 100% power in this country
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>You forgot about one nigger
I am not a nigger you faggot. Anyway care to explain what I forgot?
pure kino

makes Schindler's List look like some pussy shit
who said that was a bad thing, comrade!
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The swamp part mane, that's some anxiety inducing shit
Nope, look at what happens in their party, it's fucking mess. Everyone does as he pleases. And Macierewicz is american agent btw.
Polish-Belarussian union without Lithuania is PLC lite.
>implying that we need anything from Lithuania that isn't Wilno
Most of Belarusians don't speak English.
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Lukashenko is not Russian puppet. He is smarter than he actually looks. Lukashenko just likes to trade on best terms with both Russia and Russia's enemies.

Belarus is doing military cooperation with China now, more than with Russia.

pic related. Belarus received tactical ballistic missiles from China.

Lukashenko is getting heavily armed in case if Putin chimps out at him.
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Yeah he try to pull Tito and get gibs both from East and West.
Because EU do not even want talk with him he is naturally in bed with Russia but he do not like it much.
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S O O N - you will have to decide, Poland!
>We don't.
>And we won't.
Why this country such a boring shithole?
Isn't it WW2 genocide consequence?
It always was boring.
Its only fun times when somebody invade.
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It's the last dicta... white country in Europe.
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