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The head of the FBI knows just how deep the surveillance state

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The head of the FBI knows just how deep the surveillance state rabbit hole goes.

Why would he do something so foolish and "leak" a memo to the (((MSM)))?

Anyone else not buying this?
Why take a 3pointer instead of the layup? Sjiitt, some niggas just fuck up, you know what im saying dawg?
Rumor has it Comey is a double agent
I don't understand what Comey's plan was in all of this.
He apparently held jack shit in terms of evidence against Russia, his "leaks" only served to confuse the public with misleading information and his experience with Trump has no grounds for impeachment.
It was a private memo he wrote himself, with no classified info

Nothing illegal about it
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is it part of the muh russia conspiracy?
>one of the heads of the hydra knows what the inside of the body looks like
are you sure?
Wrong. It doesn't have to be classified for it to be illegal.

This is the federal statute that Comey violated:

your personal notes of business meetings are not yours to sell to the media
None of this is making any sense anon. There are some significant pieces we're just not privy to.

Also, never underestimate the effect of sheer incompetence. It has the potential to come across as randomness or chaos.
no I mean Comey is helping Trump.
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He most likely has the highest security clearance. And it's his job to know how it all works. And he's probably seen shit you wouldn't believe :^)
>heads of intelligence organizations always depicted as badass in fiction
>real life counterparts say ''im not strong enough'' while on the verge of tears

my Chinese cartoons lied to me
what makes you think that? joint chiefs of staff can't get a straight answer from skunkworks (area 51) and you think FBI head has highest clearence? im not even american and I know thats bunk.
Nothing leaked so far seems bad enough to be illegal. Maybe there is something in the rest of the memos but to know that, they would have to be made public
I wonder if orange man is really that intimidating.

It doesn't matter what the contents of the records were. They were government records that he created on an FBI computer, and he conveyed them, without authority from the AG or the President, to a private third party. This act violates the letter of the statute. It was illegal. If he skates on this, it's no better than Hillary skating on her criminal acts. It just means he's elite enough to be above the law. If some fucking low level government employee did what he did, the Justice Dept. would hang him.
This. He is one of a handful and i do mean handful( prob less )of potus's that is privy to the whole shabbang, everything from secret space programs to et crypto managing the masses through their selected "el-ites" and so called royal bloodlines to the very alliance working to break humanity free from these chains.
Maybe the reason he played this farce was to put himself up as some kind of patriotic hero in front of the public to try and get away with it.
this is far worse than civil charges. he was head of the FBI and leaked contents of a private meeting with the president of the united states. i think he had a clear hatred of trump and he was willing to do anything to try and fuck him. then he realized after he leaked the info to the new york times, that he would be under oath and trum possibly had tapes of it. so he was forced to testify about nothing really. he will not testify again unless he is forced too. he will not go under oath again by choice unless he has lost his mind. he keeps incriminating himself.
I don't know what that means.
Is that a hockey reference?
comey decided to crash the FBI with no survivors.
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Wow, didn't know that about Area 51.

Regardless, the FBI is a full-fledged intelligence agency, he knows that between them and NSA no stone goes unturned.

Also, just now realized how using a non-bait image to start a thread leads to much higher quality discussion.
Serious question, do you think how he handled Hillary's email situation was patriotic?
No idea, didn't really follow the situation that closely.
he has like the second or third highest clearance. he is the director of the fbi he is not necessarily going to get information from a military operation and vise versa. its need to know information. the director of the fib would have the clearance to hear or be given the information about area 54 likely, but the air force or the president would have to give it to him for a reason. do you see what i'm saying?
That's why he wanted a special counsel, because he was basically whistleblowing. I think his claim is fair that trump was a bit out of line. I could see myself acting the same and Comey seems like a very honest guy.
comey put himself in legal jeopardy for the sole purpose of trying to hurt trump. he isn't a whistle blower, there was nothing even close to a crime that comey is alleging. he is'nt some honest hero he covered for hillary and tried to get trump impeached because he got canned.
I don't think you're fairly putting Comey's actions in their proper context. Remember, he claimed that he woke up 'in the middle of the night' and decided to send the memos off to his friend at Columbia because he suddenly realized they could be used against Trump, and so, according to his testimony, he sent them, in the middle of the night, on a whim. Now think about that. He sent government records that were material to a potential investigation (that's WHY he sent them) without seeking a classification review (he just declared them to be unclassified unilaterally, which is not how classification works) or attaining authorization from anyone at Justice. He just sent them off. Government records, potential evidence in a criminal investigation, without any concern for whether or not they were officially classified, because he felt like it. And in doing so, he violated a federal criminal statute.

Was it whistleblowing? Maybe. But if he was so sure of that, why didn't he just hold a press conference and share the contents of the memos with the public? Why did he use a third party conduit? Why didn't he go through the proper channels? Why didn't he seek classification review? If he was so sure that he was whistleblowing, rather than just trying to undermine his President, why didn't he go through any of the proper channels?
this. since comey was shitcanned by the trump administration, does anyone honestly believe that those documents (which are property of the FBI/DOJ) would be unclassified AFTER he got fired? fuck no. they hated comey and would want to keep most of his work classified so he wouldn't leak it. i'm not sure if they will charge him for this, but i can promise you if he keeps fucking with trump and the DOJ they will make an example out of him. i think he did the american people and trump and tremendous disservice.
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He could easily be democrat biased, like in his handling of 'mattergate', taking orders from Loretta Lynch. I just don't think he can be blamed for the majority of problems in the FBI.
could you translate that for non-Basketball-Americans?
He fucked up. Nobody expected Trump to fire Comey even Comey didn't expect it. They thought he would be so worried of the firestorm for doing it that he wouldn't
the problems at the FBI and NSA etc, is they haven't been held accountable for any of their actions for the past 16 years. why do you think the deep state hates trump? he is an unknown and he hates the establishment in DC. certain people in the FBI, NSA will do life in prison if their crimes ever come to light. they are scared shitless of trump.
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this is why I still come here, quality content fellow burgers
I'm not sure what he said made sense. Your better off just not asking.

Layup: one point, high chance of success.
3 pointer: long distance shot, lower chance of success.
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> Complains about 'leaking'
> Pays Russian whores to pee on him
Is your picture a man dressed as school girl looking at imaginary tin foil conspiracies? That's what it looks like
This is all a set up by trump and Flynn and comey is being used as a tool right now to ensnare the rest of the bullshit in dc. Nothing you're seeing is authentic
I got into a huge debate with a DNC legislative district member today about whether the memos are FBI property or not. The DNC spin is that because they were not written as FD-302 document that they're his personal property and not government property. I argued this contradicts FD-291 FBI employee agreement regardless.

Just FYI, this is the talking point issued by the DNC to their members in defense of Comey in the media (claim that memos not property of FBI)
>tin foil conspiracies

are you talking about pizzagate? aka the DC pedophile ring? it happens to be real if you are really interested.

here is the world's largest public pizzagate picture database.

I believe he had sent the memo beforehand. The guy is Daniel Richman. He claimed to be going off with his wife for the weekend and wanted to avoid the press. Weird but not inexcusable. He's also trying to protect his own ass.
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keep your head up. arguing with these people must be like banging your head against a wall. well someone MUST do it.

btw, i'm not a lawyer; but i believe the items you highlighted are very clear. i'm not sure many judges and LE officers will disagree with you.
I missed this post. The leaf is pushing the DNC talking point that Comeys memos aren't FBI property. Here we fucking go. Strap in for the next week this is what they'll push
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Also in terms of classification, nothing of what I've read seems classified. Trump's lawyer just called it 'privileged communication'.
We did learn conclusively on Thursday that he is a little bitch and the world's tallest manlet.
The group I am in (local FB political talk group in deep Democrat district) has several members who are DNC Legislative District Committee Members and other misc DNC positions. I get a really good idea of their new talking points and directives based on what they all start saying in reply to me like the fucking Borg all at once. I use it for data mining in the meme war efforts.
but it's not nearly enough to hang their hat on. literally anything report or memo you write while on the clock (and often off the clock) are property of the FBI/DOJ. unless you have specific permission to publish a document, you are fucked.
They're going to have to get the DOJ to pursue a case against Comey. After posting what I wrote about FD-921 I pulled this from Comey testimony transcript.


BLUNT: So you didn't consider your memo or your sense of that conversation to be a government document. You considered it to be, somehow, your own personal document that you could share to the media as you wanted through a friend?

COMEY: Correct. I understood this to be my recollection recorded of my conversation with the president. As a private citizen, I thought it important to get it out.


Such fucking bullshit from Comey. This guy is a God damn SWAMP CREATURE
they have to be shitting their pants right now. i mean these narratives they are pushing don't hold much water. i would argue that these new narratives are so far divorced from reality it's not even funny. i'm not sure what wakes them up in the morning.
My goal is to let Comey help take care of the problems entrenched in the FBI etc. The employees basically work there forever. Only the heads are replaced by administrations.
How can he decide it was "his own" document (in form of a private citizen) when the conversation happened between POTUS and FBI director, not between Trump (person) and Comey (person)

mental gymnastics much from James?
Federal Bureau of Matters*
This is the conspiracy that is being hidden is Obama used the intel com to spy on everybody.
Classified or not has no bearing on FD-921. FD921 just references criminal sanctions for "releasing information gathered in your capacity as an employee of the FBI unless written authorization from FBI director is received"

Comey says he leaked AFTER being fired. So he can't use the justification that he authorized himself to do it which would actually be allowed. If he changes the timeline he committed perjury on his claim the Trump tape recorder tweet spurred him to leak it.

He should be fucked, but now the DNC and Comey's narrative is the memos aren't FBI property and weren't info obtained in his capacity as FBI director (total bullshit to anyone with a brain)
I agree, seems like they're setting up Trump. Yet they must know we'd kill them all if they tried?
>Russian whores

hey lib-tard, isn't that against your political correctness?
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speaking of perjury
Exactly. Trump's lawyer Kasowitz will file a motion to the DOJ to pursue an investigation of Comey for the leaks. The wheels are in motion now we just have to wait.

>not knowing much about hillary investigations and how the comey led fbi let her skate time after time on unimaginable disrespect for the law (13 blackberries)
>thinking you have a serious input on anything comey related
lol get real faggot
ok, i think you are reaching there. obviously comey was leaking information about his relationship to the president BEFORE the tweet in question. therefore, comey had already made up his mind to leak the information to the press. this does contradict comey's testimony.
I think Comey literally fucking slipped up under the unexpected question on the timeline of the leak. He should have said he leaked it while he was FBI director to protect himself. Now he is fucked by making the "Trump tweet made me do it" comment. He was trying to avoid being an obvious anti Trump agent but did at the expense of incriminating himself. The truth would have set him free legally but destroyed his reputation and credibility forever
He implied he gave it to his friend before being fired.
the real issue with comey is he is acting like his own lawyer.
>Comey has done many questionable things as FBI director
>Many of those things might not be legal.

obviously comey has a huge ego and thinks he can fool both the public and the senate. do you guys think comey will be dumb enough to testify again willingly?
nigga hes small potatoes compared to dir of CIA or NSA hell hes an underling to the AG WHO answers to the POTUS
He didn't have a choice but to testify
He did a horrible job of dodging questions
Even Brennan knew to dodge that "did any ambassadors order names unmasked?" question
Made him look sketchy as fuck but he gave no concrete answer
How did he respond?
that shows intent. the problem is now comey has no evidence trump did anything illegal. hell they can't even prove what he did was unethical. so why this insane urge to let the world know every little detail about his meetings with potus? its starting to make him look seditious. there is a decent chance comey will avoid legal prosecution but he is still placing himself in some jeopardy.
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requesting a greentext of a day in the meme war behind enemy lines
were they also part of operation F@F or was that that nigger guy who was AG?
No, he said he gave it to his friend after Trump's "tape recorder" tweet. His argument isn't that he authorized himself to release it as director, he already argued under oath he believes his memos are not FBI property that they're his personal works akin to memoirs.
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yeah same with paris accord - no one even knows what's in it and yet there's a moral panic
it's pretty obvious to me what's going on and sometimes i'm thinking i'm crazy because nobody else seems to see what's obvious
i think comey is saving his own ass, flynn is playing the long game to open the human trafficking jar (look into his history) and trump is rampaging the elite
>trump at some point between getting the nomination and being inaugurated that he was being tapped
>intentionally throw flynn to the wolves with an eventual nothingburger
>unmasking scandal, susan rice
>set up this theatre with comey
>get him now to open the loretta lynch can of worms
>EVERYTHING comes into question under obama doj
>trump proves unconstitutional spying
>now flips the mug russia narrative on its head, gets everything IN COURT
>flynn testifies he was speaking with russian officials about human trafficking problems (why russia won't let heir children be adopted into us, putin-approved)
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I say: IF and I mean IF Comey is a double agent does this make his investigation on Clinton's Email invalid?
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wow he's donesky
the director of the FBI doesn't get to take liberties with the law, no matter how scawy the mean pwesident was.
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>He didn't have a choice but to testify
maybe you are right. i would have personally told the senate to go fuck themselves. i mean, "I would like some peace and relaxation with my family. Please respect the wishes of my family; they have been through much. I have nothing of value to add here. I'm sure the acting FBI director will gladly answer all questions you may have."

i'm not sure if that would work. you might be right, they might have dragged his ass in front of the senate anyway but who knows.
that link goes nowhere
He doesn't say either way unless it's in a different part of the testimony
COLLINS: And to whom did you show copies?

COMEY: I asked — the president tweeted on Friday after I got fired that I better hope there's not tapes. I woke up in the middle of the night on Monday night because it didn't dawn on me originally, that there might be corroboration for our conversation. There might a tape. My judgment was, I need to get that out into the public square. I asked a friend of mine to share the content of the memo with a reporter. Didn't do it myself for a variety of reasons. I asked him to because I thought that might prompt the appointment of a special counsel. I asked a close friend to do it.

COLLINS: Was that Mr. Wittes?


COLLINS: Who was it?

COMEY: A close friend who is a professor at Columbia law school.

COLLINS: Thank you.

works fine for me
nevermind. look at all the downvotes lol pathetic from normie fags
It's a lot more retarded than you're probably expecting. These people aren't the brightest, they're there by virtue of the district being all Democrat urban demographics.

>I post info about Lynch - Comey colluding to stop Clinton investigation
>They reply "you're obsessed with Clinton emails thats a total nothingburger they determined there was no intent / crime
>They post info to fellow Dems to spread about Trump from sources like vox that "prove" Trump is a puppet
>Articles filled with innuendo and speculation, borderline retardation.

Shit like that nonstop. I pay attention to the direction the comment replies of the DNC members go when I challenge them and I get a really good idea of the talking points before they go full blown in media.
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comey did it on purpose to spiral an investigation into clinton. First off ive been lied to every day my whole life as well as mentally abused so i have learned how to pick up feelings that someone is either hiding something through body motions and the way they talk as well as the energy if theyre genuinely a good person. ive been right so far with what happened. Right now i believe Comey triggered this to happen while hes playing stupid at the same time so that he doesnt look like a threat to hillary. he didnt know who to trust either. He found some shit and did some 4D chess shit so this would gain national attention. Hes playing ignorance so that he doesnt get murdered like seth rich. I believe when seth rich was killed , comey and uncorrupt agents were trying to get to him first. Also he made a terrifying refrence that made my skin crawl.
He said "it wasnt worth dying on a hill for". He was making a reference to Victor Thorn; a author who wrote a book "exposing the clintons" and was then found dead on a hill next to his house by gun shots last August. Comey is secretly saying that he was afraid for his life which is why he didnt come foward. He doesnt know who to trust. His life is in danger.
Comey is one of the good guys and hes making himself look bad to keep himself alive by looking stupid and incompetent like "huuur ijust made a mistake im still loyal to the clintons hurrr"He even was saying things like how he didnt know what Trump was like because he just didnt have experience with trump which is why also when trump called down to the FBI, trump was sort of vaguely saying what he said and it was translating to "hey im on your side git R Done" and all of a sudden "big scary trump intimidated me" and he ran off and leaked this thing and got it to start.He made it look like trump was the one being investigated just to get everyones attention and it made hillary drop her guard thinking all the shit she did was going to get pinned on trump.
lel this user wants SO bad to defend comey
look thru all his posts. if this isn't shilling it's sad "i just think comey is an honest guy. he dindu nuffin"
thank you for your service
take note everybody, the way to win is with infiltration and subversion
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fascinating, ty anon

maybe this is how dilbertman is able to be so prescient about future (((MSM))) narratives
Circa News hinted at way more to the Lynch/Clinton/FBI cover-up of her email investigation. Circa broke the news of all of the unmasking that's been going on so I'd say he's covering his own ass.
I don't understand how you're not reading from that that he leaks to his friend after waking up Monday night, which is after hes fired.

And as I posted earlier, he uses the justification that he is now a private citizen and not a government employee anymore

BLUNT: So you didn't consider your memo or your sense of that conversation to be a government document. You considered it to be, somehow, your own personal document that you could share to the media as you wanted through a friend?

COMEY: Correct. I understood this to be my recollection recorded of my conversation with the president. As a private citizen, I thought it important to get it out.
It clearly states any information gained through his office. Information doesnt have to be written down on specific paper it's illegal to reveal it in any form. They have no argument.
No. It's government documents written on government time and he said he leaked to spur the appointment of a special council yet he knew the President was not under investigation. He's a rat and he's letting this country polarize further because he's trying to cover his ass or his feelings are hurt.
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oh shit nigga, you just blew my mind
setting him up how and for what
He testified himself that one of the memos was written and saved on a secure classified FBI laptop anyway. He is still claiming it doesn't count as FBI property regardless.
what he did was clearly not legal imho. i think they likely will not charge comey as long as he stops fucking with trump and goes on to live his life.
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Because I know to not always take trump's or especially his lawyer's words at face value. Comey also devastated democrats right before the election. I also just don't judge him as a slimy guy.
He can plead the fifth like he claimed everyone from DNC did to him.
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Pizzagate is real. Anyone who refuses to stop covering it dissapears. Theres an underground railroad of underage human sex trafficking running through santcuary cities and democrat states mostly. Big ones are on the west coast like portland oregon. A lot of democrats are pedophioes like that one seattle mayor and creepy biden. Prostitutes know a good deal about that. Compare this map to a map listing democrat sanctuary cities.
critical understanding
hmmm maybe. if he ever is forced to testify again, he should literally pled the 5th for every question.
>compare this map to the most heavily populated areas in the country
>comey and uncorrupt agents were trying to get to him first
why do you believe this? what is the evidence which pushed your belief in this direction?

i just moved from houston and i was good friends with a 911 cop (they have specific cops for 911 calls there) he told me a few stories he would hear about the mexicans trafficking children for sex. some of those kids were like 2 years old man. life is cheap in mexico and the pedophiles pray on illegal family's and their kids because they are scare of the police.
*scared to talk to the police*
It is definitely odd to say "as a private citizen". In other parts he talks about a special counsel.

Pizzagate is real, bit not how you think it is.

Look into Jimmy Pizza's Pegasus, and where that was in relation to where Seth Rich lay in a puddle of blood
it's total horseshit mate.
>as acting fbi director, i walked into trumps office as a private citizen.
i watched an episode of a tv show called Gangsters Most Evil or some shit like that and it was about some mexican lady who was head of a large child sex trafficking ring in houston
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Because he got chased into an alley when trying to meet with FBI.
>comey desvestated dems before election
nice belief in the mainstream narrative
here's what really went down, and how comey PROTECTED the dem establishment and indeed the political establishment by "reopening that investigation"
>assange internet cut oct16
>WL tweets out 3 security hashes that never match up with their release files btw, never happened before with WL
>massive DDOS oct21, podesta in london, pamela anderson takes "vegan sandwich" to assange oct 18, assange falls "ill", fox reports he'll be arrested within hours, never follow up
>wikileaks tweets images of massive amored presence outside embassy
>we don't see assange at window until his recent may appearance at embassy balcony
>a few short days after oct 21 mayhem, NYPD seize weiner laptop and "650k insurance files"
>fbi, lynch doj swoop in in record time, gag up nypd and take all evidence, "promise" to do the right thing to quell threats of leaks from nypd (just look what members of nypd were saying about what they found in oct on weiners laptop...)
>so comey "reopens" investigation, satisfying nypd momentarily
>week goes by
>"huh gee whiz we went thru 650k in a week (took a year to go thru 33k emails) and golly we didn't find a damn thing!"
>literally overnight pizzagate/pedogate/cheesebay breaksa
>who tf do you think started pizzagate? it was nypd white hat leaks.
it amazes me how many people believe comey was hurting clinton in oct. he was falling on the public-image sword for her. you can't rationalize their sordid and criminal past (comey and clinton. comey in general desu) and comey also trying to hurt clinton.
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james alefantis is a pedophile, and he's likely also a cia agent or asset.
ok, how do you know he was tying to meet with the fbi? what have you seen that makes you think that.. because i haven't seen anything bringing me to that conclusion. but i'm very curious
Look at this mother fucker.


HE IS LITERALLY a BIG FLAG when it comes to possible leaker.
The Pegasus tower is within line of sight of where the ambulance picked up Seth
you mean the museum? i'm not suprised at all. i think comet ping pong etc is a big CIA operation.
the pegasus connection with pizzagate and seth is something i need to know more about
Pegasus was when pizzagate truly "crossed the line" of comfort for alefantis and co
There's a stack of stuff on public record

Or was, not sure how thorough the clean up crew has been

Dig, but quietly
could you pls provide evidence that isn't "look at his shirt and pants"?
i want to believe you, but pls tell me you didn't just come to that conclusion that comey and fbi were trying to get to seth first because of his clothing.
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one needn't look further than Jimmy Comet IG
He was trying to give them information about hillarys election fraud and was killed by people posing as FBI agents. The fact that snopes is trying to say that exact thing i thought happened was FALSE is a big red flag already.
now people might start to understand the left's and elite's desire for open borders, and advocation of illegals, since it provides an avenue for largely untraceable and frankly cheap abductions
He leaked the memo because his DNC overlords told him to. They probably have his family hostage or something.
please give me everything you know about pegasus i beg you
everything got shoahed when we got too close to pegasus back in nov/dec
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Because he's lying and he likely did leak them while he was director or IMMEDIATELY after being fired out of anger and he used Trump tape recorder tweet as an excuse.

His excuse for not announcing Trump was not under investigation while he was FBI director was that in case he WAS LATER he would have to correct himself again like the Clinton investigation.

So as yourself why if he leaked AFTER he was fired when he would face no such obligation did he fail to leak the entire memo where he states THREE TIMES to Trump that he is not under investigation. Ask yourself why he left that out. Either he leaked it during his time as FBI director or just after he got fired immediately after in anger. Either way he is lying his ass off.

Reminder of pic on this post: >>129315462

Comey needs to go to jail.
It's no surprise that the Comet "shooter" fired only two shots, one of which superconveniently happened to go through the HDD of the desktop tower moved there that very day
Also there WERE actually articles saying he was meeting with FBI before his death. But ive noticed after trying to provide sauces that a lot of sauces are gone now. You can speculate that im just blowing smoke but im not. Just have faith that im right. This is all going to be exposed down the road because trump is going to open this investigation next.
No, thankyou

That's not a hill worth dying on, research, but quietly
and he hit a kid a week before he incident... it's pretty obvious to those who can see that he made a deal to be a patsy in the CPP "shooting"
IIRC the shooter, Welch, had a father with some kind of intriguing connections
i hope you're right and appreciate your answers
He was an actor

IMDB page and everything

>>129318579 read this post i made earlier anon
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In the words of the Clap
it's a fucking site run by psychopaths from the CIA who went off the reservation. at least that is my theory.
I'm sorry but I really don't buy it. Comey is not altruistic. He's a Clinton connected swamp creature. See his and Lynch HSBC connections, he let's Hillary off without charges for white water, let's her stooges off for the embezzling etc etc. Comey is the swamp.
iirc pegasus isn't even open to the public?
What I will say is, all you need is a map

And red sticky dots. Capone's bar, pickup, Pegasus...

Then plug it into Street View and go for a little walk
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Also comey leaked it after the firing so that he could pass that information under the claim that he was no longer part of that job and leaked it under the fact that he was just now a concerned private citizen. Trump is the king on the chess board and comey is the knight piece hopping over walls . This is all trumps plan. Trump is fucking them all up.
not that i'm aware of no. alefantis owns many properties under that name. comit, bucks, pegasus etc. those are just the ones close in dc. he likely owns hundreds of properties. he owns many shit restuarants and cafes all of the world. as far as i know, pegasus has never been open to the public.
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>its not a hill worth dying on.

Ignore the "less than a month" whoever wrote that was a dumbass.
>>129313232 >>129313463 >>129313553
>>129313714 >>129313808 >>129314183
>>129314224 >>129314430 >>129314570

>Someone who has a plan

Mid-level insider here- while I'm keeping tabs from sunny Fort Meade, please allow me to clear up something and disabuse anons of the notion that federal employees possess such desirable qualities as competence and wherewithal: we do not.

Comey attained his position in life by saying "lordy", playing boy scout, following orders, taking his laughably mediocre paycheck, and all in all exhibiting a stunning level of incuriosity, slavishness, and shambolic ineptitude. This is the federal employee.

Have you taken the final "redpill"?

This is it: watch C-SPAN for a week. Compare and contrast Congressional Oversight committees featuring federal Department Heads vs. their civilian analogs. Notice a difference? Does it come into sharp relief?
Once you do those things, ask yourself

What is the range of a Thompson military rifle, and what calibre ammunition does it take
Also i forgot to add comey let them go so he wouldnt die. He was waiting for the right president..
i appreciate this
i quietly look. anything else comes to mind, post it if you can
damn this is like some godfather type getting rid of all your enemys shit
The plan was to entrap Trump from the start. They were sure 'crazy' Trump would get angry about the witch-hunt against Mike Flynn and say something incriminating. Trump didn't take the bait - but they still went ahead with the rest of the plan. That's why you end up with this bullshit.
Hillary has been doing this for her entire life.
i'm following what you say up until the end.
>Compare and contrast Congressional Oversight committees featuring federal Department Heads vs. their civilian analogs.
>Notice a difference?

ok i give. what's the secret? if i were to hazard a guess i might say the Department Heads appear to be "Unaware" do i win anything?

Paster Anderson is really Victor Thorn?
holy shit this

Stop speaking like a nigger, it upsets kek.
go back to sucking your muslim overlords cock
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Any relation to seth rich?
Hard to confuse comey and his involvement in the Hong Kong shanghai banking corporation. HSBC A 100 year plus drug laundering organization. He's deep in the doo doo.
i would pay close attention to all things involving:
>any leakers (including reality)
>any pedo arrests in gov (most recent high level was DeBlasio's assistant. (((schwartz))) )
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i know he got busted for CP. didn't he have baby porn? sick fuck...
iirc he was involved at a high level in either obama or hillary's campaign
>A close friend who is a professor at Columbia Law School.

You know, Obama was a professor at Columbia too.
kikes and nogs gogether like peas and carrots
Comey just got a 10 million dollar book deal

You have to go back. Conform to board rules of GTFO redd*t. You should have said:
"yup, nigger.
he was involved at a high level in either obama or hilllary's campaign, nigger".
proof? i hadn't seen this
>iirc is now reddit lingo
don't ever associate that shit fedora site with me or my son again
comey was a dem hack plain and simple. All he did was attempt to use his reputation as a fari an impartial actor to his credit all the while admitting he was a democrat hack, though not as much as lynch
Obama is getting 70 Mill.


Just give it a try, chief.
i knew that
he'll remain a lib hero tho while they complain about "while men who make too much money"
>Why would he do something so foolish and "leak" a memo to the (((MSM)))?

Because it's not illegal, do you really think he would be so careless?
yes i do
Its scary that the Kardasian style promotion and wealth aqcuirement has become the norm in DC.
even scarier that those that fawn over such bullshit simultaneously virtue signal against "the 1%" or "the wealthy elite" or who they truly think is a corrupt politician

It's a classic money laundering scheme. De rigueur among Thee Iblisian Set.
Why did that nigger still have FBI property after being fired?
The only way Comey didn't realize he was going to be fired is if he's extremely autistic. His descriptions of interactions with Trump made it pretty obvious Trump was unsure of Comey and was constantly trying to feel him out and decide if he could be trusted and Comey's reaction was to be as weaselly and evasive as possible.
it's basically graft. hilldawg got 50 million UP FRONT for book that no one was going to buy.
>do this favor for me and i can get you a nice book deal this year.
>i own a publishing company too
>oh don't worry, i will get a ghost writter to take care of everything
literally free cash.
The same agent who represented bill and Hillary for their book(s) is representing comey. I'm smelling a payday for not selling those corrupt cunts out.

Comey did mention he's not trying to die on a hill which is a reference to the fate of the guy who wrote many books about the corrupt Clinton's
comey might be on the spectrum. he might have thought he was "too powerful to fire" etc. well he was barking up the wrong tree. he tried to hold this non-investigation over trump's head.
>hey comey i'm not under investigation right? you've told me such.
>remove this cloud of suspicion over me and the white house
>it's bad for the executive branch and bad for the country really
>the press is out of control
>mr president, i wouldn't want to do that, it might take away some of the power i'm holding over your head
>your fucking fired.
basically trump ordered him to tell the public he is not under investigation. comey is too fucking stupid to follow a reasonable command and gets fired. not sure what comey was thinking.
The nigger is right. Comey just fucked up super hard. Good thing literally no one liked him.
666d chess
Reminder that it's not "leaking" if the memos were

1. of non classified conversations
2. you are a private citizen

It's just.. releasing memos of a conversation. He has no obligation to protect drumpf from himself breaking the law and obstructing justice.
>private memo

When you're the head of the FBI meeting with the President, which in every possible scenario, whether it be over a burger at McDonalds or at the White House, is not a private meeting.

Any memo written belongs to the government.

It's the exact same thing in the private industry, except a lot less serious. If I go to meet a client over dinner, and take notes, the notes aren't mine. They're not private simply because I wrote them. The notes belongs to my employer.
Pretty much. Trump kept bringing him in and asking him if he was a rat, and Comey's response was to make squeaking noises and eat some cheese.
it becomes real fucking serious when you are talking about high level politicians. it becomes a matter of national security if it's POTUS.
Comey is such a melodramatic weasel
many anons ITT are overlooking the possibility that Comey the corrupt has deliberately implicated himself in order to be charged with a crime. As bizarre as this sounds consider the following;
Comey charged with crime attempts a plea deal
>tfw plea agreements are the most common form of conviction today
During the plea dealing Comey gets an immunity deal and can then provide information about past crimes with the Clinton cabal and keep his own ass out of prison.
Assuming his story is true. Most likely he called up Richman and told him to say this and that. Memo doesn't exist.
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Tennessee GOP is based.
Trumps apparent "clumsiness" and "incompetence" in the whole story kind of overshadows him here just because he's Trump and he gets all the bad press. Now, maybe this wouldn't have happened like this if Trump was less impulsive but it think that it would have been worse if Trump was clean and tried to stay silent and not play the Russia narrative this would have been an even BIGGER blow to him because now the bar was so low that everyone expected Comey to testify for outright obstruction of justice and evident of Trump colluding with Russia. It's still muddy for Trump but if he plays this right and if he foresaw this he can get out of it pretty well, especially in the best case scenario if the "tapes" contradicting Comey would be real.
doubt he's going to go against the clintons dude. they fucking kill everyone who attempts to testify against them. he doesn't have the nuts to do it.
Memos written on government time on government laptops are government property.
You are impressive. More anons including myself could be more effective by following your lead.
LOL shill
Comey could very well be afraid for his life. HOWEVER, you totally miss the boat on Comey's decades old role as major fixer for both Clintons. Start with Comey letting Bill off for his Presidential pardons of multiple billionaire/millionaire criminals. Read up bro!
Not sure
i find interesting that el chapo plead guilty to charges of
running the sinaloa cartel on the same day of Trumps

game of catch and release(escape) since 1993 finally over.
How can people not see what is right in front of them?

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feck off
Why do any of these cucks do all this cloak and dagger shit?
It's a narrative. Everyone wants to be
a hero in the eyes of the public.
A. Comey was doing weird shit with Obama
B. Comey was doing weird shit with Obama
C. Comey was doing weird shit with Obama
D. Comey was doing weird shit with everyone.

I'm larping and tire
Should go to sleep
>One point

You're just making it worse
not if he's in protective custody
There's enough smoke and fire with the Clinton cabal for a really good RICO
>mfw Comey knows he faces life in prison or life in protective custody and he knows how to play the system.
Comey is the bait. He's taking a fall so that the DOJ has someone not connected to the DNC to investigate.
You cannot prosecute someone like Loretta Lynch of Hillary Clinton without extremely damning overwhelming evidence.
Comey falls, Gowdy keeps pressure on the investigation, and Trump clears out any obstruction. It's actually pretty genius.
>Loretta Lynch of Hillary Clinton without extremely damning overwhelming evidence.

and a certain ~~former FBI director~~ spineless weasel willing to turn state's evidence to save his hide will help uncover real evidence because he knows where the skeletons are buried
Comey did 9/11

Building 7 is the connection

screencap this
>walk in a room with the most powerful man of the earth
>tape him multiple times
>leak everything like an absolute madman
is Comey /our guy/?
Why not just get a quarterback instead of a Fenway lickie. Pretty obvious stuff, m8
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This is a pretty nice thread.
Unrelated to that Rich family as far as I am aware
See, again the leaf with the DNC talking points. The memos are FBI property and subject to FD-291
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It's happening

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