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One of the main reasons you say that transgenderism is degen

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One of the main reasons you say that transgenderism is degenerate because of the increased suicide rate.

Just a thought, maybe the trans suicide rate is elevated because certain people assume they're monsters who want to rape and abuse, when really they just want a place to poo and pee without being bothered.

Maybe it's because trans people are alienated from their families and their communities at a highly elevated rate compared to the general population. See: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5178031/
>One of the main reasons you say that transgenderism is degenerate because of the increased suicide rate.
nope, that's what we like about it.
they are mentally ill, and if they are alienated then that is a healthy reaction from a sane part of society.

if they kill themselves, then that is a good thing.
>highest trans suicide rate is in Sweden where they're the most normalized and tolerated

how about you contribute to that suicide rate OP
Why is it good that they kill themselves?

Does no one ever wonder why this degenerate shit are always coming from a leaf or a burger
They are pretty cancerous to functional society in my experience
Nazis don't have that high of a suicide rate except for a brief window in 1945, and everyone everywhere calls them monsters and hunts them.

For a more practical example, people with clinical depression, a condition most commonly associated with suicide doesn't have as high a suicide rate as trannies do, and that's including that most trannies also have clinical depression.
>They are pretty cancerous to functional society in my experience
Mind sharing some stories?
We took all your Jews from the Weimar Republic. Just look at Henry Kissinger

>Kissinger was born Heinz Alfred Kissinger in Fürth, Bavaria, Germany, in 1923 during the Weimar Republic, to a family of German Jews.
>For a more practical example, people with clinical depression, a condition most commonly associated with suicide doesn't have as high a suicide rate as trannies do, and that's including that most trannies also have clinical depression.
>One of the main reasons you say that transgenderism is degenerate because of the increased suicide rate.
You wot faggot?

fpbp only good thing about it
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>One of the main reasons you say that transgenderism is degenerate
Nope, We say that because Johns Hopkins has labeled it a mental disorder, and the media outlets that push this shit are run by Jews, who are degenerate.
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>when really they just want a place to poo and pee without being bothered.
Here comes the le ebil jews meme
Nature running it's course.
Statistically, they are more likely to be monsters that rape and abuse. Also, have you ever seen their junk? It is FUCKED UP.
>Statistically, they are more likely to be monsters that rape and abuse.
Really? Source?
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Why do guys look so damn good in makeup?
They are mentally abnormal and should be treated like they are. We should be trying to help these people, not putting a bandaid on their broken minds. Same goes for gays. Gayness and transgenderism are things that manifest from ill minds, nobody is born that way.
>Nobody is born with an ill mind.
...O maybe it's because they have increased anti social and neurotic tendenices?

Just a thought. Those are generic btw :^)
Spot the autist.
>...O maybe it's because they have increased anti social and neurotic tendenices?
I'm not saying you're wrong, but it'd be really cool if you had a source.

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You dont know much about personality disorders do you?
Fuck off runescape nigger
I absolutely do not.

Are you well-educated? What videos or books or articles should I read to reach your level of enlightenment regarding personality disorders?
Mental illness that is produced by social factors promoted by Jewish agendas. The goal is to confuse the individual, a part of divide and conuer tactics. Us vs. them.
Its degenerate because I fap to traps and cant be bothered to ask myself why

You dropped out of middle school didn't you? Have you just done no reading on deterministic theories of human behavior, like at all?


Of course this is a hot topic in todays predominantly post modernist academia field, so maybe you just have been drowned in onto one kind of opinion for too long.
>One of the main reasons you say that transgenderism is degenerate because of the increased suicide rate.

This is untrue. We say it's degenerate because it isn't supported by science. It contradicts what liberals say "A man born with a womans brain" & "Genders are social constructs". Science doesn't support it, not at all. It's a mental abnormality, and therefore it should be removed before it spreads like cancer.
Don't you ignore me I know you fags are raiding us
Trans are mentally ill homos that have shown a penchant for self mutilation and are therefor a danger to themselves and so must be assumed to be a danger to others as well
I'd say the reason they go on to kill themselves is probably a mixture of societal pressure ( and them believing its far greater than it really is) and the realisation that they will never actually be the sex they want to be no matter what bit of their body they cut up. Female to male tend to make convincing transitions but it's incredibly rare that male to female ones do. There are just to many signs that your just a man with fake boobs e.g. forehead, hands, hairline, hair thickness, pelvis, arms, shoulders, feet, vascularity, waistline, voice and the list goes on.
>Trans are mentally ill homos that have shown a penchant for self mutilation
Do you mean sex-change surgery, or do they cut themselves like emos at a higher rate?
Its about 40% attempt rate for trannies.

After digging around (most sites just reports the successful suicide rate of depression (15%) which is the same thing being measured above) this has information on attempts (20%)
>The risk of someone suffering from an untreated major depressive disorder trying to commit suicide is around 1 in 5 (20%).

So you are twice as likely to kill yourself for being tranny than for being depressed. Most trannies have some kind of depression or other diagnosable mental disorder, but there aren't enough of them to really skew the statistic even though they'd be included here, but its something to maybe keep in mind.

As another point against OP. Older, white men have one of the highest suicide rates (Whiteness being beaten out only by native american-ness). That demographic is supposedly the most privileged and unabused demographic in the world. Black women (and black in general) have an extremely low suicide rate despite supposedly being bullied every hour of every day for just existing.

Also most personality disorders occuring due to genetic and environmental factors. Recently however biological determine has been sort of a refreshed opinions after studies of monozygotic twins separated at birth and the Minnesota trans racial adoption studies. Of course there have been meta analysis done on these studies that shows false positives, but meta analysis is notoriously unreliable and prone to bias/mistakes.

Much more of human behavior is completely innate than people think.
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If their suicide rate isn't 100%, it's too low
>Maybe it's because trans people are alienated from their families and their communities at a highly elevated rate compared to the general population

Nope even in Northern European countries where they have the greatest acceptance in communities the suicide rate is high.

Maybe they commit suicide more because they have a mental disorder and are unstable and transurgery is attempting to fix a mental problem with a physical cosmetic solution and so much like you wouldn't cure schzophrenia with a kidney transplant you don't cure gender dysphoria with plastic surgery.
>transgenderism is degenerate

Transgenderism is an abomination.
they're fucking faggots who are going to Hell. that's all there is to it
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This is the referenced study. Pic is a relevant table. This was performed in Sweden in 2011.


>Our findings suggest that sex reassignment, although alleviating gender dysphoria, may not suffice as treatment for transsexualism, and should inspire improved psychiatric and somatic care after sex reassignment for this patient group.

This study is extremely pro-LGBT and it STILL says "There is more going on than gender dysphoria"

This! Trying to fix an underlying mental illness with cosmetic surgery is about as valid as trying to fix a TV by drilling a hole through the back of the set and beating on it with a hammer, hoping for the best.
Sex change you dumb liberal nigger
Seriously though, the suicide rate is due to many transgender having body dismorphia and becoming depressed that their physical appearance doesnt match their mental self image. That is a legit mental illness similar to girls with anorexia. I dunno how to fix it but it is sad
If toilet issues lead to trannie suicide, then why is India still a thing?
>it's your fault i have low self esteem
The victimhood with you people never end.
First you massively shove it in peoples face to the point where they nearly throw up at overexposure, then you complain that not all of them are happy about that. Then you blame your insecurities on us.

Look the main reason trans people kill themselves is usually tied with them having gender surgery and realize that they will always be a male but just without a penis and never a woman, or never a real man but always a woman with uterus and all the other biological things. And THEN realizing that they fucked themselves with surgery and that they were actually mentally ill but now they can never fucking go back to being their normal gender because they had surgery.. That's what causes them to kill themselves, they are already mentally unstable as it is.
Every single transgender person I've met is a degenerate pedophile enabler. They'd vote in legalization of pedophilia if given a chance. I say hang'em all.
they actually commit suicide at a much higher rate then the general population.

so its a self-correcting condition to some extent, at the least
Tell it to the kids you've molested you sick fuck.
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They are mentally ill attemtion whores. If they wanted to be tereated with dignity, they should behave in a dignified manner, instead of strapping a dozen dragon dildos onto his/her/its rainbow-colured see-through miniskirt and screaming for special bathrooms for Attack Helicopters. I will just about tolerate gays but draw the line at supporting the mental illness of some teen who wants to be in on the latest internet trends (like "transgerderism"). Mental illness is supposed to be treated, usually by making the sufferer face up to reality - not by encouraging health professionals to indulge in the mandness as well.
We do not graft weapon-laden cyberarms onto edgy cyberpunks who want to be robots, nor do we apply tails and ears to weeaboo girls who want to be nekomimi catgirls. Why should "trans people" be treated differently?
Homosexuality and gender dysphoria aren't personality disorders
They commit suicide because one day they wake up and realise that they have mutilated their body and permanently destroyed their life.
Here's another good study that compares a lot more factors.

or MAYBE they kill themselves because they're mentally ill, destined to die without kids and alone... just maybe
>one of the main reasons you say transgenderism is degenerate is because of the high rate of suicide

Literally no one says this
My favorite part of this second study, FWIW, is that it shows that physical abuse from family members decreases the suicide rate. (17% vs 40% overall, Table 21 p13)
Doesn't make them any less mentally ill though.
you're fucking cancer. the host (humanity) senses it and immediately seeks to jettison the compromise. That is why you are hated. Instinctively, the same way a pack of animals leaves the infected to die alone.
Homosexuality is a sexual preference, gender dysphoria is a dissociative disorder more than likely caused by hormonal imbalances or whatever, that causes you to be insecure about your biology. It's not the biology that's uncertain it's what's going on in your head.

I might go so far as to say though that in some cases it might be something unnatural due to chemicals or whatever the mother consumed during pregnancy that then effected the child, it's not natural at any case. But in most cases it's just plain mental dissociative disorder, dissociative episodes can happen to a lot of people if they are under tremendous stress or experience some trauma of some fashion and feel disconnected from reality in this case their own biological sex, but it's purely mental, the mistake is that it's peddled by the fucking media as if you should embrace it instead of work through it. And young teenagers or young kids already unsure of themselves just in the process of discovering their own identity etc. are extremely impressionable and fed that garbage as veritas which is a big mistake.

There's a clear correlation that this is all of a sudden happening so massively now, it's insecure youth acting out what they are told to embrace even if it isn't that way.
>Every single transgender person I've met is a degenerate pedophile enabler. They'd vote in legalization of pedophilia if given a chance. I say hang'em all.
Really? Do they come out and say it? How does it come out of them in conversation?
It isn't degenerate because it has a high suicide rate, it has a high suicide rate because it's degenerate.and they know it
They used to be classified as such in the DSM

Btw ignore the title of video

So are you just going to ignore all the sources you've been given, despite asking for sources?

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Nothing gets /pol/ more triggered than trannies.
>Really? Do they come out and say it? How does it come out of them in conversation?
A disturbing number of homosexuals and "transgender" people have been sexually abused but aren't letting people know that. They then also themselves develope a tendency to do those things aswell.

The parents that deliberately tell their kids that they can choose their gender should be tantamount to child abuse. They're fucking with the kids head the worst thing a parent can do to a child that's seeking guidance from its parents.
>nature always wins.
>I dunno how to fix it

The current method is to treat mental disorders of dysmorphia by mutilating the body chemically and surgically until it reflects the delusions of the disorder:

>twist the body into something resembling the sex they want to be

>liposuction and weight-loss supplement away the fat until the patient is as skinny as they want to be

>cut away at the person until they resemble a dog as that's what their particular vein of the disorder makes them believe they are

>person feels like their legs aren't supposed to be part of their body
>Am I well educated

On psychology I tried to be , but there are very few evolutionary psychology classes and they are onto offered at higher level universities , so I'm trying to be a medfag instead.

I'm still very interested in the subject and as such I've realized that most of psychology is a sham.
>So are you just going to ignore all the sources you've been given, despite asking for sources?
No. People have sourced trans' high suicide rate. No one has sourced a trans penchant for pedophilia, have they?
Are you saying america needs to POO in the LOO?????????!!?!?
I saw a video once where a guy goes around and with hidden camera asks a lot of gays in a gay bar or something like this how they became gay or when they knew they were gay or something like this, a disturbing amount of them, essentially the majority asked end up saying that their stepdad or whatever sexually abused them when they were little..

I mean imagine you're a little boy, and you get raped in the ass by some older person. You might be so traumatized by it that instead of getting mad you accept it and think
>maybe i'm a basic bitch maybe i liked it maybe it's not wrong and then go dress up in girls clothes and becomes transgender.or become a flaming faggot.

Quite a few examples other than that is also girls that look not very attractive/look more like boys or vice versa that then decide they would rather be a boy/girl because they feel more comfortable with their apperance that way. Doesn't change their biology though. Because biology and gender has nothing to do with what is mentally going on in your head atleast in the way that you can't change your biology by mentally pretending that you're something you're not.
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No studies have accounted for this. Even in particularly accepting open societies, there is a disparity. They made this arbitrary term for this called minority stress. These people are deeply troubled, and invasive surgery rarely helps them.
Also a lot about the faggotry is that men have like a g spot in their ass, it's tied into rewarding the male for eating and pooping and the relief when the poop comes out, so he can grow big and strong etc. It's not meant to be utilized sexually. So some that are sexually abused end up telling themselves they like it and embrace that unnatural thing instead of realizing that someone really violated them and undermined them.

homosexuality is a sexual preference it's not something you're born with it's a sexual perversion.
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People don't like trans people because trans people are selfish entitled FUCKS who refuse to understand that pronouns are meant for quickly identifying the sex of a person, not for how they fucking feel.

Pronouns were the difference between a rapist getting away or caught. But now police need to look for "Xs Timothy" and refer to "Xs Timothy" as Xer. If this gets too bad, people will begin to die because of the selfishness of the trans community.
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They kill themselves because they want to be something they can't ever be, they even mutilate themselves thinking this will be the point it all changes. It doesn't.

It's like thinking you're superman, you buy the outfit and walk around in public wearing it and everyone says "look it's superman" and you feel like a million dollars. Then you see a criminal stealing a car, you goto stop him because you're superman afterall and he beats you up like you're nothing. Suddenly at that moment you realise, you're not really superman at all and all those people that said you were just played along and knew all along you were deluded.

It's a total delusion, that keeps being built up higher and higher by people around them. It just takes one person, one truthful person on one day to reject their fantasy and say they're a dude to bring the whole mess of cards down on them.

These people should be made to accept what they REALLY ARE by mental help specialists and that it's ok to dress this way etc. The current thinking is just awful and leaves these people mentally unstable, it almost guarantees they will kill themselves later in life because it gives them not way to accept or deal with reality when it hits them in the face.

TLDR most people play along but when someone refuses to do so they have zero coping mechanism for it and go straight to -10000
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Show me that suicide rates for trans are lower in say, Sweden.


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Most businesses only have 1 bathroom. Your bathroom crap is all BS.
To be fair, most trans are closer to Blaire White.

>I'm so sorry I can't make kids for you
>Please like me because I swallow

It's tranny activists that are trying to shove it in our face.
>most of psychology is a sham.
Really? All I know is that REGARDLESS OF AGE OR EXPERIENCE LEVEL therpists tend to all have an equal success rate implying there's no point in mastering it, and that therapy is just as good as talking to a stranger, and that the "experts" are no better than the newfags.

I also know Freud was a jew.

I want to be as redpilled on psychology as possible! Please drop as many truth bombs on me as possible, senpai!!
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That they even try for this is a disgrace.

There's simply no excuse for not being passable these days.
nice proxy
>It's tranny activists that are trying to shove it in our face.
I tend to agree with you, also if they didn't shove it in peoples faces probably very few would even have a problem with it. Something these activists apparently refuse to accept.
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Unsurprisingly, those that use trannies as political pawns are the least concerned about their well being.

In the absence of SJWs, /pol/ would be the strongest supporter of trannies:
>Mock the fuck out of them (others will not follow their footsteps for attention)
>Fap to the traps that actually do go through with it (give some validation to their miserable existence)
>Strongly condemn reassignment surgery - making sure trannies can change their mind later in life
just a reminder that if you want to bottom for trans women you should kill yourself
>virtue signalling gone awry and used as a political gambit for all kinds of people with sexual perversions to "get at" normal people whilst leaving the actual people hanging in the wind.
Yeah i really would like for that crap to stop, it would be nice that if we could get back to people actually standing for something legitimate instead of pretending for something just so that they expect others to say how awesome they are for pretending to do so.

I mean it's really infected everything, just look at the climate change thing, do i care about the environment, yes do i believe in co2 causing climate changes, not necessarily but here's what gets me about the whole thing. The most vocal proponents of it talk about everyone reducing their co2 emissions and simultaneously fly everywhere on private jets spewing out more co2 than many people would do in their entire lives. It just tells me this, that they're not serious about it and don't believe in it at all. It's like, don't look at what they say look at what they do.

Tucker carlson has a brilliant example of it here laying out a few examples summarizing their blatant hypocricy that leaves a simple conclusion, THEY don't even believe the message they are preaching; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EFCF4Wf9vuU&spfreload=10

This virtue signalling is fucking cancer. If you're going to stand for something fine, but atleast practice what you fucking preach or i can't take seriously a god damn thing which you're saying.
if more looked like Blaire White, Aubrey Kate we would have more tolerance, not the ones like that pic "I have a vagina now" still has beard and look manly.
because it looks better than all-man when fucking a woman
Suicide rates with discrimination = 60%

Suicide rates without (identified by themselves) = 40%

Still mentally ill, still a fucked us society that is too scared to tell people that chopping their dick off is a bad idea.
That is the best thing about it the suicide rate
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I think it is degenerate when you are choosing gender reconstruction before puberty. these children will never have children. You are dooming or letting them doom themselves to a life as an outcast. At an age before adulthood they may not know what they will want 10 years later.
This 100% can't stand these parents who do this it's cruel and irresponsible.

Trans and homosexuality are traits of psychopaths. They have been the oppressor class for centuries.
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