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You guys been to any other provinces? We're one country

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You guys been to any other provinces? We're one country but many Canadians have never left their province. Btw Ontariofag here. I've been to Quebec and that's it. It's kinda like Ontario but with a lot more historic monuments and of course "French people". I hear that western Canadians are dicks.
I hear that all Canadians are cucks too.
Ontario is a land of cock-slobbering dogfuckers. Sort yourselves out.
WTf does this have to do with politics Baldilocks ?
>any province telling Ontario what to do
You're our bitch
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How old are you?
Quebec is huge, Montréal is nothing like Quebec City, and Gaspé is nothing like Sherbrooke.
Montreal is a unique city, in the same elite group as Amsterdam and Barcelona.
Vancouver is a gorgeous place but the average detached home on the Westside (half the city) is ~$3.7million USD. So, there's that.
The people are not immediately friendly, though.
People in Montréal and Calgary are friendly and open.
Toronto is not friendly, and it's not beautiful like Vancouver or Zurich, but it does have a LOT going on, culturally and business-wise.
Newfoundland has the friendliest people on the planet.
Oh, Ontario.
It was cool all the way up to and including Mike Harris.
But now it is horrible, under Wynne.
A foolish, money-wasting, hyper-politically-correct nightmare.
Mike Harris needs to come back.
GOOD Morning, Cancucks! Time to worship a random Gay God™ lest your children be taken away from you by Justin Castro and forcibly subject them to acts of beastiality by gay faggot refugee Muslims.
We all watch from afar and try to understand how a once-proud territory could fall so far into degeneracy and failure.

You are the shame of this country. And that's saying quite a lot.
Been to every province. Everyone is the same except for the Newfies. They're fucking wild.
>Toronto is not friendly
Not true. Torontonians are the most tolerant people in Canada, it's just that people don't really have the time to speak to random people since it's a city of over 2 million people. I've noticed that in small Ontario towns, people are always waving hello but that's just not practical in Toronto.
I'm from Buenos Aires and I say kill 'em all!
Man shut the hell up you ugly cunts have a terrorist attack every week now.
Go to Winnipeg, its isolated but is a melting pot of Canadian style and virtues and not /nu/-canada values either.
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More like Ontario is the rich CEO while the rest of Canada are the hard workers who don't get recognition.
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>I hear that western Canadians are dicks.
Eat shit and die. I will force feed ball point pen ink into your mouth while playing sub-par nickleback on my ukulele.
You will be in a cage with one item for you to escape permanently.
A knife.
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Calm down
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German /pol/ak here who might need to move from Germanistan to Cucknada (work related): which province would be best suited for a red pilled individual like myself?
please we dont like syrians
If you want a practical answer I would say Toronto but since you want a red-pilled answer I would say Calgary.
How is Toronto compared to the rest of the country? I mean, some people say that Toronto is pretty bored and Montreal and Vancouver are by far more interesting places to be. What is the reality?
PEI has an anti-foreign property-owner law

That's pretty good

Just let dad have it, he's going through a rough time.
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My cousin lives in Calgary. She tells me people there are the only true Canadians. What about the East? Im Eurofag, I like culture and history. New Brunswick, Newfoundland? I also love the outdoors so what about BC?
That's pretty much reality. Toronto is nicknamed Hogtown and the Big Stink. Vancouver is physically gorgeous but the cost of living is high. Montreal is a hip cool city but the political climate is a little weird. Both are much nicer than Toronto, no question.
If you like big city life, tons of restaurants, stores, bars, malls, fast transit, and museums then you'll want to go to Toronto. Vancouver is a lot smaller than Toronto but has mountains and beautiful scenery. Montreal is kind of a mix between the two with some historical buildings and monuments.
best food is in quebec no contest
Vancouver = high IQ

Toronto = average IQ

Montreal = subhuman waste
The west is where the lumberjack and redneck memes come from.
I live in Edmonton and have been to Vancouver and Winnipeg, Hamilton (and obv Toronto.) Wish I could go more out east. I disagree that its about time, it takes no time to hold a door open and you don't know how to handle the situation (seriously it wireds you people out.)

I like the GTHA attitude a lot more than some of the fake attitudes in Vancouver (though plenty of genuinely nice people there too.) but if people in Edmonton and Calgary can act like civilized humans in regards to interacting with others you can too. Hell people in Hamilton are way more legit than Toronto, its why you fucks are moving there :).
>Vancouver = high IQ
Nah it's filled with obnoxious pricks. I remember the 2011 riots.
Lived in Caracas, dude. The worst city to live in this entire planet and with the highest homicide rate in the world. I'm sure I can do it there

1. the population of greater Toronto is 6.4 million

2. people in NYC are friendly and chatty, and it's much bigger

3. Toronto was even less friendly when I was younger, and my mother says it was much much less friendly when she was young

...so, it's got nothing to do with size.
glasses: $565
hockey stick: $280
jeans: $230
ruining your own city for nothing: priceless
I'm from BC

Every time I go to Alberta around Calgary and Edmonton the whole feeling is depressing. Shitty roads where you drive 15 minutes and use the highway to go 5 blocks, no trees and dead brown fields. Highway patrol car for every 20 cars on the highway. No rivers or lakes. Everyone just goes there to work but it seems like everyone hates the area.

Ontario I only went to some town called Cobourg and it felt like my home town in BC 20 years ago, but gross humid weather
Seems to be a case of New York Syndrome. A lot of U.S states seem to hate New York the same way Toronto is hated in Canada.

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Montreal is interesting like Amsterdam and Barcelona.
Toronto is much bigger, and is it's own thing.
Vancouver is culturally not interesting but it as great restaurants (so does Toronto, tho).

Vancouver is an international resort city. People drive McLarens, Bentleys, Mercedes, Volvos, Ferraris, Audis, Lamborghinis, Rolls-Royces, BMW's.
They ski and yacht and play tennis.
They mountain-bike and garden and golf.
Then they go to Maui to "relax" for a bit.
Then return to Vancouver, repeat, rinse, repeat. Condos cost over a million.
A shitty house costs $2 million USD. An average house costs $3.5million USD.
A 4-litre jug of grass-fed organic whole milk costs $13 at Stong's in Dunbar. Or you could slum it and go to Whole Foods in Fairview and get something similar for a couple dollars less.

Vancouver is NOT a place for most people to just visit for a few months, unless they have a lot of money.

Montreal is cheap and exciting and there's always cool shit happening.

Toronto is expensive (just normal expensive, not Vancouver-league expensive) but also exciting with a shit ton of stuff going on all the time.
Toronto and Montreal are also close enough to NYC that a visit there is a no-brainer.

Calgary has easy access to the beautiful Rockies, and the people are nice.
that was just disgusting
look at those people, damaging those cars and shit, and being so proud of it.
absolutely degenerate.
Montreal is the most fun city by far. Its easily Canada's biggest party city and you don't need to know French. Vancouver is fun as well but replace a big mix of different races like Montreal has with like 35% Chinese. Toronto is a shit hole full of depressed/weak retards. The women act like men and roam in packs and have huge inflated egos even though they're fat, just like America. You can bang mocha/malasian type girls easily enough but don't go if you like white girls. Calgary ive never been to but its like 70% men.
>You're our bitch

Actually everyone is Alberta's bitch considering that's where literally all the money in the country comes from so much so that every other province literally gets gibmedats from AB.

The last 4 points on this is a good rundown but lol for thinking that Montreal is the worst of the 3 in terms of food. Montreal is world class in terms of food.

If you like to party go to Montreal. In the summers there is always festivals/music/big events going on every week and is the cheapest by far out of the major cities here. If you like to sight see or do touristy things Calgary Vancouver and Montreal are all great. I can't think of one thing Toronto is best at in a positive way.
>I can't think of one thing Toronto is best at in a positive way.

Even more than Quebec, Toronto unites the country in camaraderie to say "that's the place we need to be rid of"
Are you a Chavista?
My dad was a prominent manager at a big oil company here, he was kicked out by chavistas because he opposed their madness. He works now in Texas. so, maybe that answer your question
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I love the Yukon, but it'd be 10x better without the hobo natives.
>money comes from Alberta
This meme died when oil dropped below $60 a barrel and you elected the NDP turning it into a welfare province with 7.9% unemployment.

But even when oil was $125 a barrel it was still a meme because you never ever in any year generated as much tax revenue as Ontario or had the votes.

You are now just completely useless.
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How true is this meme ball?
You're dad should of just been on board the Chavez train.
Worse than that, because children are literally starving. There have been several cases of children dying of malnutrition
It's a bunch a feral chugs.
Highest murder rate in the country.

It is the city of the Eternal Chug
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Quebec is going to be fucked in a decade or two. Anglo Canadians are going to put every racial stranger the French PM's invited into Canada into Quebec before taking all land south of the St. Lawrence and booting them out of the federation.

The Americans will support us putting all the racial strangers there if we let them put a few million black criminals there too no doubt.
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I envision non-stop buses taking the racial strangers from Toronto to Quebec under the protection of our Anglo North American militaries. For every Quebecois that fights back in any form 1km sq of your best northern resource territory would be permanently seized.
Canadians feel more nationalistic for their provinces than for the entire country.

I've been in
>New Brunswick
>Nova Scotia
Every single place has very different ideas of what Canada is and what Canada should be. Even the fucking Newfies don't even call themselves Canadian, I've talked to a shitload of them and they're all proud of Newfoundland and said they're fine with staying in Canada if Canadians stay away
>Everyone is the same except for the Newfies
Agreed, they have their own culture and history.
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Blame Quebec. Shit before Trudeau Sr. destroyed the federal government (pre-1980/90's) provinces did absolutely jack shit.

People cling to their provinces because frenchmen absolutely rotted out and destroyed this country. It will take deporting millions of people to Quebec, seizing tons of their land/shit, and booting them out of the federation to begin to clean up this mess they created.
Ive been to ontario, quebec, new brunswick, and nova scotia and its always really surprising how different each province was to each other even if they were right next to each other
Leave it to the anglo to blame the french (who basically want to be left alone in their province) for fucking up the other 85% of the country

It's not like Quebec's 55% against immigration, unlike the rest of canada

You have to speak French to immigrate to Quebec my dear neighbor (it's the law).. that's why we don't have poo-in-the-loo here..

Good luck with that deportation project..
If the American-Canadian Anglos decide you are going to take in every non-white Canadian and Americas 45,000,000 negroes, you'll damn well do as you're told.

Every open borders marxist was/is from Quebec. Many Anglos are now demanding that you need take in the people you invited here before being forced to go your own separate way.
You also need to compensate the hard working educated non-whites driving taxis you tricked into coming here. Your pension fund should be put to that use.
>can't even properly fill
I've heard that Canada is a meme country.

Is this true?
It's a SHIT country
Slight difference
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Newfie here.

Yeah, I've mostly been to Ontario and Nova Scotia. Toronto and the general area is nice to visit but I would never live there if I had a choice. Even though half my family moved there.

Halifax is a comfy city, especially during the summer with the buskers and entertainment on the boardwalk.

I'm from the West coast of my province, so nothing really bad happens here other than breaking and entering between retards who buy fentanyl. But for interesting history I'd visit L'anse Aux Meadows up north, the first settlement in NA via the Vikings. Original houses and worship sites still intact. During the summer they have people who roleplay as Vikings. For adventures, go to Gros Morne. For parties, go to St. John's and walk down George Street. Freeflowing drinks and easy, fun sluts galore.
Didn't read. You are racially inferior.
I've been in every province from BC to Quebec but not the east coast or territores yet. East coast seems beautiful & is on my to do list.
Manitoba unless you're going North to see the polar bears is a waste of time. Saskatchewan has nothing to see but the people are really friendly.
Banff & Jasper are the only worthwhile things in Alberta & people are dicks there. The cops unsarcastically wear cowboy hats in Calgary & they host the world's largest rode Albertans are Canadian hill billys. They're proud to be "Texas North".
Vancouver & BC is beautiful to visit but not live. You should definitely check it out at least once.
Ontario is hands down the best part of Canada & if you want to change it up go to Quebec or a short vacation.
Eat a dick
He fucking privatized the 407 & sold it in a private function at 1/5th market value. Fuck him & the Conservative Party. Fuck the Ontario Liberals too.
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