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Friendly reminder that literally the only reason we are different

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Friendly reminder that literally the only reason we are different skin colors, are because of adaptations to sun burns and vitamin D Absorption, and that racism beyond those two points, and those two points alone, is completely irrational and scientifically inaccurate.
Have you ever looked at a black person, OP?
Race is more than skin color
How does this explain eskimos.


Well no. The reason why Black People are Black and White People are White is because of environment.
But Black People and White People do have other differences. A racial average for IQ is lower for black people for example, which means that a group of niggers will have less scientists in it.
They also have higher percentages of the Stabbing gene (there was a thread about it earlier today) so that one scientist is getting shanked
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Scientists predict that anatomically modern humans have existed for 7500 generations. It takes 100,000 generations to have discernible evolutionary branching, but only about 500 generations for phenotype changes. (minor adaptations to the local environment, such as skin color to stop burning/cancer and sun vitamin balance) This is an important distinction.
Daily reminder that the official cutoff for borderline mental retardation in the United States was lowered in 1973 from 85 to 70, because it was deemed too awkward that approximately 54% of African Americans are classified as at least somewhat "retarded" under the old definition.
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and yes, that means in about 1500 years, "whites" in America, for example, will have red skin, as the amerindians did, adapting to the harsher American climate, which has far more sunlight than Europe.
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friendly reminder, that this happened because they changed the scaling of the system. The average IQ in 1973, scaled to today's averages, would be in the 80s. The average IQ in the 1800s to today's scale, would be in the 70s and 60s.
Thats a rather fundamental misunderstanding of Evolution. The skin color changes occurred Pre-Medicine and Pre-Buildings where people couldn't stay indoors for their whole lives.
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>A racial average for IQ is lower for black people for example,
100% true
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>minor adaptations to the local environment
>waiting for Starbucks to open shop
so you cant make a difference between a white native european and a native african albino?

There's physical and hormonal differences between the 3/4 races, as well as behavior studies showing differences.

It'd be awesome if it was purely just looks, and everyone was the same as Euros or Nips/Chinks.
Eskimo's eat a large amount of offal, particularly liver which gives them vitamin D and other vitamins.
black businessmen capturing and selling black slaves for a profit to Arabs and to Whites.
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Not true at all.
First I prove the fundamental difference between men and women. Pic and essay related.
Then, in my next post, I prove the fundamental difference between 2 races.
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hard historical facts.
blacks started slave trade.
Daily reminder that we used to teach Latin and Greek in high school, and now we teach remedial English in college. Daily reminder that Haiti looks a lot like the Congo because its people are from the Congo. Daily reminder that black Africans never invented the wheel or the sail. They never invented the saw. They never built a multi-story building. There is no example of anything which could be called a mechanical device having ever been created by black Africans prior to their encountering white people. Daily reminder that, Even in 2017, most black Africans still require white people to come show them how to dig a well, or to swat the flies away from their faces.
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The australian aboriginals evolved isolated from the rest of mankind for 40.000 years. 100% pureblooded aboriginals can't build a modern house with the help of other races or hybrids and they can't be taught.
A wolf and a border collie can breed, one has the genetic inclination to herd sheep, the other will never learn no matter the training.

Prove me wrong. Protip. You can't.
but blacks invented slave trade of their own black brothers, so don't say that they are all stupid and useless,
I thought the Jews did
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>cientists predict that anatomically modern humans have existed for 7500 generations. It takes 100,000 generations to have discernible evolutionary branching,
Not true at all.

Also, if a black person needs a bonemarrow transplant, they need it from a black, some goes for whites, they need for whites. The human races are as different as the dog races.
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Huuur deeeee huuuuurrr duuuuuurrrrrrrr
Eskimos get vitamin D from eating raw meat and fish. Either you have white skin or eat raw fish livers, your choice and even then theyll likely evolve white skin as time goes on, eskimos have only been in the arctic for less than thousand years you know.
no blacks made an offer that (((they))) and Arabs and Whites could not refuse,
they offer their black brothers for sale at very attractive prices.

Wait, wait, wait, Eskimos have only been in the Arctic for less than a thousand years?
Friendly reminder that literally the only reason we have different IQ, are because of adaptations to local hazards and environment, and that racism beyond those two points, and those two points alone, is completely irrational and scientifically inaccurate.
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>Hurr durr, we can evolve different addaptions to sunlight but nothing beyond that
Makes you think
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reminder that maletese is an arab pidgin language that was infused with Italian after arabs left.
>Race is more than skin color
very deep.
same as car is more than tires.
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Not true at all. Everything is genetic. All behaviour is genetic. A japanese man with the same iq as me will still have another mentality on average then I do as a nordic man.
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It does make you think.
drop the name, faggot
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yes. "eskimos" (anthropologically known as the "Thule") entered the region around 1100 AD an replaced an earlier population named the Dorset people. They were completely unrelated ethnically.
He bought into the race is just skin colour.
Racism is the fault of the sun.
Yeah, what are you going to do if I don't? Keep writing on a anon board that I should drop it?
> Friendly reminder that literally the only reason we are different skin colors, are because of adaptations to sun burns and vitamin D Absorption, and that racism beyond those two points, and those two points alone, is completely irrational and scientifically inaccurate.

Friendly reminder that what this Anon claims is complete bullshit and NOT supported by science, but by "muh feelings!"

Fuck, when will humanity finally begin relying on scientific fact again!?
Indeed. Adaption skipped the brain, after all!
yeah exactly, its an anon board and you dont fit in with a name on

Wow thanks for the info. I always thought the Eskimos came across the land bridge during the Ice Age. Very interesting.
Then why is it an option to write ones name?
I see you conveniently ignore the rest and concentrate only on skin color - poor shill

The sun did this. And socioeconomic factors. Obviously.
to detect faggots and newfags obviously, look around, does anyone else wear a name besides you?
it makes it painfully obvious you are new

also trips can be useful on other boards when playing boardgames or somesuch

>and that racism beyond those two points, and those two points alone, is completely irrational and scientifically inaccurate.

Except that humans can be catagorized under races and studies find repeatedly that there are significant differences based on ethnic and racial characteristics.

Stop raiding our board with your shitty threads.
>When will society start relying on science again?
When society returns to Christianity, which created it in the first place and is the philosophical foundation of scientific investigation.

Right now critical theory has returned us to Aristotelian naturalism: we reason what would be the most elegant reality, and then use mathematics to see if this reality would be possible under a logical system. If it is possible and elegant then it must be real.
>, look around, does anyone else wear a name besides you?
No. But then why would they? I on the other hand discovered the fundamental difference between men and women. Also, if this is your first time seeing my name, you are the newfag.
Friendly reminder that virtually all non-white nations, with the exception of certain oriental populations, are irreparable shitholes who's population levels would return to what they were 10,000 years ago provided that the assistance of pathologically altruistic whites was suddenly and completely removed.
If someone made a game about fighting unread in different parts of the world and the reanimated-skeletons had different skulls per region, how racist would they be accused of being?
Your science is retarded OP. You don't know evolution.
>in about 1500 years, "whites" in America, for example, will have red skin
What religion is this from OP?
>I haven't left my basement in a week!
>and that racism beyond those two points, and those two points alone, is completely irrational and scientifically inaccurate.
Reminder that is provably incorrect and all of modern genetic research proves it to be an anti-science view.
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>I on the other hand discovered the fundamental difference between men and women
amazing, so you think you are some kind of celebrity and your name serves to garner attention.
fine, suit yourself if standing out like a sore thumb pleases you
Få dig dog en tripcode så jeg kan filtrere dig fra.
Det er da afskyeligt at se på.
>I on the other hand discovered the fundamental difference between men and women
Oooh, what is it? It's not the Pussy, since you have one and claim a male name...
Maybe the tits? The curved figure? The desperate need to serve?
he's half alive, he's half dead, folks just call him buckethead
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>so you think you are some kind of celebrity
Some dumb people think that. I'm just the man that came up with falsifiable experiments to prove the fundamental difference between men and women. You want to hear about more experiments? Its really easy once you understand, you just have to leave women alone.
>Oooh, what is it?
Pic and essay related.>>129313603
Just read the picture.
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Liberal retard. You'd think all the terrorist attacks would clue you in that we're not all the same.
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Extremely. That's why TV, Movies, and Video Games only ever show the Caucasian skull and skeleton when showing a human.

Wouldn't want the Goy catching on that some fuckery is afoot.
>evolution stopped with skin color
>I'm srs guys

This is how dumb people are
Eskimos are Mongoloids tho, not nigs
>Friendly reminder
>is completely irrational and scientifically inaccurate
Psychology isn't a science, dingus. Hypothesis testing is 100% fake science.
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Did you read it you extraordinary dumb fuck? You asked, so I want to make sure you know.
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You mean European Paganism, Renaissance values and Eastern Philosophy were adopted by Galileo to create the Scientific Method. And as you should know, the catholic Church made him reject his claims on penalty of death by stake.

>Even if I WAS reading japanese porn, what would be big deal?
>not into cartoons though

Holy fuck, Eichenwald has the memory of a fucking gnat.
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Maybe we could subvert by meme'ing that practice as being an example of white privilege.

That's actually a good idea. Why only Caucasoid skulls be used in TV in sheet?
Frame it as an "equal representation" argument, and we could have anti-white non-Jews holding signs in protest. Maybe even stress the beauty of the Negro or Abo skull in contrast to the "plain-vanilla" "boring" flat-faced white man's skull. Even mock white people's skulls for being "dead and white" -- Remember that the ridiculousness of such a "criticism" will never register with these animals, and the Jews will be torn on how to deal with it, because they love it when non-whites mock white people, etc. Could open some eyes.
>dead rape victim on CSI
>it's a white person's skull
>every. single. time.

What's up? Sista's ain't hot enough? It's always those skinny white bitches that men are after? Sheeeeit

And those fucking nu-males in the back. God i hate liberals..
Friendly reminder that skin color is not the only thing that is different between humans and niggers.
Still, 900 years is more than enough to develop genetic traits, especially when selective pressure is as severe as it would be in the arctic.
You're an illiterate faggot
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