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When did you realize, that "bio food" also has chemicals

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When did you realize, that "bio food" also has chemicals in it? It's all just a big money grab.
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What the fuck does "bio food" mean? Biological food? What the fuck else would food be?

What kind of food isn't made of chemicals? Are we supposed to eat sunlight?
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>yfw your food has dihydrogen monoxide and Deoxyribonucleic acid in it
I specifically buy non-bio food for this. However, did you know some stores just stopped selling normal eggs? Like, what the fuck man. I don't care chickens are in cages and stuff, I just want that cage-discount. But now they don't even make these money-savers anymore.
>non-bio food

look at this retarded snowflake
Any of that ecological/green/carbon free bullshit is just a huge government scam to artificially inflate prices and create new taxes. I spit on every part of it.
>biological food
Those kikes sure know how to advertise...
So you're like a contrairian hipster but stupid
It just means organic here but I dont really know what OP is talking about.
your body has chemicals in it.
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Where did u find this picture of me
table salt

that's about it.
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I'd love for IUPAC nomenclature to be standard on all food packaging
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I detect redundancy in your post
All food is organic lol
*plays organ*
"Bio" is the Hipster-tax. Don't fall for it, enough studies show that it's not healthier and some even show that their production is more harmful for the envoirement because gee, guess what just because a fertilizer isn't synthetic doesn't mean it's better for the flora and faune (especially potato production destrois the soil due to "bio"-fertilizers and anti-pestizits killing off everything instead like the synthetics just a small bunch of pests).

It's just another trick to grab money from silly whites due to their conscience. If you actually want to help animals and their suffering just order from your lokal farmer.
A comprehensive list of all substances without chemicals:
References: GCSE chemistry
Organic/bio food isn't that much different for the consumer aside from certain specific products.
The main thing such a label could mean is that the farmers don't put themselves in as much danger sanitary speaking.
there is nothing wrong with genetically modified food.
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everyone who doesnt buy organic food should kill himself because you are not worthy of being part of the white race.

Your body is your temple and you have to do everything to keep it healthy.
And if you dont want to pay a little bit more money for getting food without all the chemicals on it you should seriously kill yourself u greedy jewcuck
>be me
>work around farms that grow broccoli and cauliflower
>farmer doesn't spray on time/forgets and his field gets infested with bugs
>put certified organic stickers on the boxes
>sells bug infested garbage to hipsters
>sells bug infested garbage

Dont see the problem? I often had salat with bugs in it? Doesnt mean I cant eat it. I wash the bugs of but I cant wash the chemicals off and I eat 8 portions of fruit and vegetables a day. So I prefer washing bugs off over getting cancer. But who am I kidding subhumans like you dont even eat fruits and vegetables, therefore it makes no difference for you.

But I give you a protip: kill yourself strayacucknigger
The farmers near you are retarded and dont know how to make natural buspray
>be me
>eat junk food all day
>you don't have to worry about your food being bio, or not
>become a fat disgusting fuck
>throw out your money for a sticker goy
>t. has no clue about the science on this topic

You're just a retard which has fallen for a cheap scheme without any benefit for yourself, the envoirement nor anybody else.

Read, you good goy:
>tfw on the non-chemical food diet
>can only eat bricks of pure sodium and potassium
>desert is a laser pointer and a tank of Xeon gas
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>a little bit more money for getting food without all the chemicals

>food without chemicals

Ask yourself.
Now you're just being pedantic. You know full well that they mean inorganic compounds added to the food.
They pre-salt your food for you? Does the gov let you put the fork to your mouth these days?
Even if it is not completely without pesticides, there are definitely less pesticides. And I pay a higher price if I can get less pesticides.

Oh look at the little german cuck, you know exactly what I've meant with chemicals, or not because your brain is already impaired by all the pesticides you have eaten.

I give you one advice: Dont write when a person with a high iq makes a point and go in the kitchen, open the cutlery drawer, take the biggest knife you can find. Then you grab 3 aspirins, take them, walk, of course with the knife, straight to your bathroom. Now you fill the bathtub with very hot water. If the bathtub is full, take off your clothes and after taking a piss, you sit in the bathtub.
Now you relax a few minutes, let the warm water make you feel at ease.
And then you take the fucking knife and cut your wrists open you fucking worthless German niggertier cuck

theres much more to the statement/issue than just deliberately added artificial compounds
Whats the purpose of the 3 aspirins?Im curious
>Adding salt to bananas and oranges
No problem Hungary friend.
Just make sure, you give this advice to the next German cuck kek

yeah sure (((chemicals))) are good for you

name any matter that isnt composed of one or more chemicals

good luck
When did you realize that you are chemicals?!
>there are definitely less pesticides.
No. Also less doesn't mean there are less harmful. Arsenic or Alum is also "bio" and has been used in food in previous times, doesn't mean it's healthy. Biolgical =/= healthy/ better.

Synthetical only means that science has picked the least harmful ingrediens which only kill what is necessary instead of an all-round killer which would be found in nature. Science can make small and accurate cuts will going bio means "just smash it up".

You clearly don't know what you'Re talking about. "bio" food is just as much an ideology like liberalism and marxism.

>Oh look at the little german cuck

Actually I'm a Polack which doesn't even buys pre-prepaired food but only from lokal farmers (which is even more cheaper).

>Dont write when a person with a high iq makes a point
tfw IQ of 127
oy vey here is some cyanide. A pill a day keeps the doctor away, At least after the first pill kek
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Also natural pesticide is best pesticide.
Im looking at you, nettle.(Urtica dioica to be precise).
Recipe: take 1kg nettle,put it in 5 liter water,let it ferment in the sun for 10-14 days,dilute with 25 liter water and you have the most natural stuff.
Prevents pests and fungi like a charm.
that's copypasta material, my toothpaste friend
Fuck Wakker Dier (translated: awake animal). Those shits want to have all meat 100% organic grass-fed shiatsu massaged during their life. They honestly think that 25-30 euros per kg of shit-tier meat is what it should cost.
>Even if it is not completely without pesticides, there are definitely less pesticides.
Haha this couldn't be farther from the truth. It has even more pesticides
I don't buy bio food because I'm not a homo
das Gesicht, wenn meine Hochbegabung, zusammen mit meinem hochwohlgeborenen Status leicht überdurchschnittlich intelligentes, wenn auch - aufgrund der Falschinformationen, welche du hier verbreitest- mangelhaft gebildetes Proletariat vor Neid erblassen lässt, da selbst seine eigenen Deutschkenntnisse -nicht zu vergessen, dass es sich um seine Muttersprache handelt- im direkten Vergleich zu diesem Polyglotter, wie die ersten "Gehversuche" eines Zweijährigen aussehen
Bio product doesn't mean it can't have any chemicals, check link for currently available chemicals in ocological farming in Hungary.

Maybe in your little garden at home, if you work 10 hectars then you might as well piss on your plants instead of nettle juice.
>acting like you're on Krautchan
Zahnpasta bitte

It's not disinformation just because you've buyed into it and are now to proud/ indoctrinated to be willing to accept the actual science on it. Liberalism is a religion and "bio" is their Ablassbrief. Your only argument is a natural fallacy and ((())) against atcual facts.

Sad. Many such cases.
>little garden
>somehow different conditions than 10 hectar garden
Go back to aranykalászos tanfolyam sponsored by monstanto, retard.
no indoctrinated would be to say that GMO's are bad.
I have no problem with GMO food but I eat 8 fucking portions of vegetables and fruit a day and I definitely dont want some pesticides on them
And don't forgett mono-cultures don't react the same way, while at the same time you can ruin your soil if your fertilizer or pestizie will accumulate in such dimensions.

Such recommendataions from people which don't really know how agryculture actually works is really silly. As if someone balkony or big city garden would be the same as farms which feed the world.

Also: Evolution. All those pests will simply evolve and don't get bothered any more by it - which is happening day after day - which is also why using one-for-all methods is contraproductiv.
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>All those pests will simply evolve and don't get bothered any more by it
>mfw Monsento's cash-cow Roundup is becoming useless as we speak, and has already stopped working in a few cases
It would be great if there wasn't (((someone else))) to make the next big bottled AIDS.
And if american farms didn't revert to fuckign agent orange
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Ok, I will, although my horticulture degree is being sponsored by the Hungarian state not monsanto. And I've studied organic farming for 3 semesters but please enlighten me about nettle juice.
I'm pretty sure nettle has allelopathic effects too, so yeah you'd pretty much ruin your plantation if you sprayed it around all the time.
>I have no problem with GMO food but I eat 8 fucking portions of vegetables and fruit a day and I definitely dont want some pesticides on them

You have to read into what pesticides are actually used, in which amounts and how they react in such in humans to make a educated decision. Pesticide isn't = pesticide and "bio" doesn't actually use the less harmfull ones.

I'm sure you can google the allowed ones in your country and which who uses. Than take the time to do the research and math.

But most of the times a simple scrub will be enuogh with warm water. Living in western europe you will rather die due to auto gasses and shit like that than some "bad apples".
it's almost like some chemicals are worse than others.
>I'm pretty sure nettle has allelopathic effects too, so yeah you'd pretty much ruin your plantation if you sprayed it around all the time.

B-b-but some they work on my pot of cherry tomatoes! You're just a paid shill! SAAAGE reee
what are you? a kant(cunt)? Why are you trying to make a mature citizen out of me? kek

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It's not about scrubbing with warm water, pesticides decompose after a certain amount of time. Usually there's 3 day and 2 week pesticides, After that they'll pretty much leave barely any trace. The probelm is obviously if a plant is sprayed with a 2 week decomposition time and then sold after 4 days. But obviously if the police catches you doing that you gonna be fucked. Now the problem is that these laws and regulations on pesticides aren't always enforced on import goods. Like from africa or asia where they use pretty dangerous pesticides.
As far as food quality goes anything grown in a european country is perfectly safe and healthy. Ecological farming is primarily about preserving nature and not exploiting the soils, healthy food is just a secondary issue really.
Oh, except that the genes the organism used to grow were artificially selected and implanted. But other than that it's totally cool.
>taking India as an argument on anything
Pavel pls

They don't even use their only meat source while they're starving.
Let me guess,pallas?
Also you only have to think.Who benefits if farmers dont spend half their income on pesticides because they make their own...
Not everything old is obselete.
Also go ask what Kishantos used for anti-fungi.
Lol - watch out for those "chemicals".

protip - your body is MADE of chemicals.
If they eat the cows their fields would go without fertilizers. They don't poo on their fields, they do it on the streets. No cows, no farming.
>Now the problem is that these laws and regulations on pesticides aren't always enforced on import goods.

>not buying local and saisonal to support your nations farmers and economy

That's your mistake. Import goods really should make only a really small part of your diet if you're living in europe. We have everything we need. Do not support globalism, especially if you're concerned about the envoirement.
Le 20 year old dhmo meem.
>Who benefits if farmers dont spend half their income on pesticides because they make their own.

They don't make their own, they still have to buy it. They farm food not shit to make pesticides. You're thinking is too small scale.

And who profits from food that in your logic can be cheaper and easier produced while the prices are 5 times as high?

Really gets your noggin jogging.
>If they eat the cows their fields would go without fertilizers.

That's not how this works. You produce more cows, kill the older/ useless ones while profiting from milk and free shit till they themself get old. This gives you more protein, letting your kids not grow up retarded and maybe 2020 will not remain a meme.
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Not really. I doubt you'd be able to make anywhere near enough nettle juice to spray around your stuff.
I mean if you care about this why don't you apply to the university, after the second year you can specify into organic farming. I know at least 10 people who are part of the ecological farming faculty.
>Not everything old is obselete.
They generally are though.
Sure, I'm just pointing it out, if you buy food at tescos then there's some chance that you run in to food that doesn't necessarily hold up to standards.
Yeah, I really despise such supermarkets just like malls. They destroy peoples attachment to their nations soil and make them materialistic.

Lokal farmers markets at saturdays are really something every /pol/ak should check out.
Because im not interested in university stuff.
Also how much do modern sprayers spray?600 litres on a hectar?Thats 20 kilogramms of nettle for 600 litres of stuff.
Nettle is a weed that can be harvested weekly or even more often.
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>eating gene modified food

No thanks, I stick to the original
Did you already forgett the topic of soil health and concentration due to accumulation or the biological addaptation due to mutations? Just like antibiotics, we have to invent new pesticides year after year because evolution doesn't stop. The only reason your nettle juice can be used small scale is due to the fact that after time those addaptations dissolve and old stuff can be reued (just like antibiotics).
Rmit organic food study

Have fun non-organic food cucks kek
I mean, I don't really feel like writing you an essay on saturday afternoon. I have to go make a herbarium today too. So I'm just gonna say that you're spouting inane stuff. Nettle has pests too you know, if you grow a shitload of it, you'll need fertiliser and pesticides out of the as too. And like I said it ruins the soil, fucks up the plants and generally everything on a plantation scale again little gardens are not the same as plantations. I know you think you found some wonder medicine and it's just the evil conspiracies holding it down. But no, it's just dumb. And if you don't care about agriculture then don't talk about it based on greenpeace propaganda articles.
>black boy vs white boy
Did you know nettle thickens the plants skin making it harder for pests and fungi to attack it?It doesnt kill pests and fungi,it prevents them.Granpa used it all his life.No adaptations there,mate.
The only downside of nettle juice is it kills you with its smell.

Do you have a point? Are you not intending to use stomach acid to break this matter down or not?
>found some wonder medicine
>wasnt used everywhere in old times
Lmao you're just jealous your shit country doesnt have any means of producing that.
That's just another classic impossible to prove anecdotic propaganda line. I mean if you want to say stupid stuff out of your expertise on the internet then sure, that's what it's for. Just for the record I'm saying that it's stupid.
>not eating Iberico De Bellota ham
>not eating only pastured eggs

fucking plebs man
How can non-GMO even compete
except that it solves a problem that doesn't exist
Yes please,go on,tell me its bullshit and poor people didnt survived using it succesfully even when the soviets came and told the citizens they only get blue vitriol if they enter the TSZ.
>It doesnt kill pests and fungi,it prevents them.

>what is evolution

Gee, if pests could only adapt to new envoiremental obstacles due to random mutations

Why do you ignore this?
I think you should realise that your random anecdotes don't really effect someone like me at all. If you want to convince me that you can use nettle juice like some wonder drug then at least write a thesis about it. Spend 2 years of research and experiments, gather scientific articles and show 30 pages of your work. Then I can look through it with a professional eye and consider your scientific findings. You are perfectly free to do it, apply to the university, join the ecological farming faculty and do your research.
This "muh grandpa told me" is not exactly basis for a scientific conversation.
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Dude it's natural so it's good for you!
>plant skin thickens
>evolution mate
>pest now bigger and stronger and able to pierce
Thats not how it works.In reality they just adapt to different plants that they can feed on.
Evolutionary pressure applies only when there is no easy solution for nature to fix the obstacle.
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>A country, mostly based on agriculture can't produce bio-food, even though all food here is basically bio-food since GMO is banned
I know you're a gypsy, but God damn, you're fucking retarded.
Back to the sewers with you
off topic but, hows life in hungary magyarbros? i was there today in letenye and nagykanizsa the countryside look very poor with small old houses and old in bad condition buildings overall.
That's selective breeding, not GMO.
>pest now bigger and stronger and able to pierce

It's like you have seen the light. How do you think evolution works if not that biologican units try to survive, while only those which are adapted to sudden changed by seer coonincidence will procreate and produce more and more generations which can deal with Y obstacle.

The bigger your farm, the more insects ou have, the higher the chance to get mutated bucks (which bigger jaws) which can still fuck you up. The first couple years you will be good as those will remain a minority till the day they make the majority and your nettle juice is worthless.
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>convince someone
>on the internet
Good one,mate.The whole purpose is to open up your indoctrinated mind that not everything is law what they teach you in school.
If your mind werent indoctrinated you would have mentioned the first time that nettel juice if working nicely but there are now more effective stuffs that do more than prevent pests and fungi.
>>A country, mostly based on agriculture
Ja, maximum 1300-ban. "Magyarország agrárország" egy idióta meme, ha nem adnánk nekik több milliót az adónkból minden évnenben már rég tönkrement volna az összes gazdaság

Azért nem írok angolul mert nem akarom a szőröstalpú előtt égetni az országot
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>open up your indoctrinated mind
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Well your whole statement is overall pretty vague "plant skin thickens". What does that exactly phenologically even mean. Show me 5 pages of biological research you've done about it and I'll see if it's bad, good, even exists, or just random shit you said.
I think those are some of the worst areas of the country. But I'm not saying it's much better anywhere else. I mean, it's fine, it's not impossible to live here.
Uhh sure, I'll just go back being a professional horticulturist and you keep posting your stupid anecdotes with no scientific basis.
Because it doesnt presents evolutionary pressure if there are other plants they can feed on not making survival hard.
Tegnap előtt hallottam az államtitkárt beszélni egy előadáson. Szerinte az export jövedelem 33%-a a mezőgazdaságból származik. De te biztos jobban tudod.
How about you show me 5 pages of biological research you've done about why its not working?After all there should be one,if its so common knowledge that thickening plant skin is not effective at prevention.
>politician of agriculture
>his mouth moves
>doesnt lie
The indoctrinated mind.

read you nonorganic cucks have getting aids
Ki a fasznak exportálunk? Németeknek?

Mi is a lengyelektől vesszük
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A cigánynak erről nem kell tudnia, nincs azzal semmi baj, ha /pol/ továbbra is azt hiszi, hogy mi vagyunk Európa mementői. The memes must go on...
Azért amúgy ne túlozzunk, jártam cigányisztánban, a földek ott rohadtak parlagon, Balkán a javából. Azért ezt itthon nehezen tudnám elképzelni, a földben van pénz vőven, de csak akkor ha több hektáros területeid vannak, nem három picsányi kukoricásod a falu szélén.
That not how it works. Otherwise antibiotics would not form resistances as long as there are people which haven't taken X antibiotic.

Those mutations aren't a willing process, it's coincidence. Some bucks are bigger, some smaller, etc. That means that there is a high change that someday those better bucks will evolve stronger if needed to survive simply because their parent generation had an easier way of getting food. Pests will not simply migrate somewhere else as soon as you spray some nettle juice, especially not (and here is where your small scale thinking is showing) if we're speaking about farms feeding the world. Most pests can't take such distances in their whole life cycle.

As I said, you simply don't know what you'Re talking about.
>about why its not working
Burden of proof, desu.
The burden of proof is on you bud. You made a statement, provide proof for it. That's how the scientific community works, I can't just go and say my piss makes apples go 5 times as big and if I'm asked to prove it I say "you prove it doesn't"'
>random guy on 4chan
>knows everything better than profesionals and the secretary of state
Nem igazán, elég minimális az importunk. Németeknek is, első sorban oroszoknak.
i was there to buy some shit, i guess i need to visit budapest then, btw your language sounds cool.
Because viruses in your body just can gather up their stuff and move on to another body.
Németeknek, ruszkiknak, a néha a japóknak, Bonisztánnak, stb, akármilyen hihetetlen, sok ország a mai napig exportra szorul agrártermékekből.
Annak azért megvan az áldása, ha az országon van egy ekkora Alföld.
But you made the statement that its only working small scale and then going on and on how it doesnt even works at all
Whenever I go to the supermarket, I make sure to look for that "100% Synthetic" label

...Actually, no, I'm a poor, so I look for that "Manager's special: $2 off" label. And if it's ground meat, I make sure the container isn't "gassy."

I assume you're talking about "organic" food.

That's a luxury product, here.
>Because pests in your monoculture across half a nation just can gather up their stuff and move on to another farm
De Ánon, minden országban vannak subsidiek agrárterületen, USÁtól kezdve Kínában mindenhol.

Ez nem egyedi kishazánkban.
Also let me google and copy the first fucking link it spits out.
Yes,anon,there are no plants between them,just lifeless deserts.
Why are you cucks ignoring this
>Pests within your monoculture

Stop being racist.
Jamón de bellota is bot bio or eco meme wtf you talking about tyrone
what the fuck apples have silver in them?
fuckin noice, selling apples $20 an ounce
Oh, what in the fuck man?
ALL food has chemicals in it. You know why?
Cause everything is chemicals. EVERYTHING
> tfw buy organnic just because filthy rich
As far as agricultural areas go I think Szeged is the most decent. Budapest is an european capital, it's full of muslims, jews and niggers but I guess the buildings are nice.
Not really, I said it might work in gardens (which I don't give two shits about because why would I). Again horticulture is still a science, not anecdotes and shit the spirits of the forest told you. If you want to convince anyone in this profession get a title and write a research paper. Otherwise whatever you say to me is just random shit that might or might not do anything but I have no proof. Because as far as my knowledge goes in the subject everything you say is bullshit. If you want me to change that opinion I'm gonna need some proofs.
>Nonetheless, these preparations are rarely the subject of laboratory or crop testing while questions
are also raised regarding their efficiency and their methods of use.
>Completed in
the framework of the VETABIO programme,b
these first trials highlighted a very limited efficiency of
fern slurry and of peppermint, lavender and elder infusions (7 to 20% at best)
>no actual results about nettle
And the other article was about german regulations. Sooooo what exactly is your point with this review? At least find an actual study.
You're just using different methods to get the same results. If anything GMO is faster and probably safer.
>be happy but brainless buck
>eat your fav crop
>farmer sprays some shieeet
>try to eat, doesn't work
>wander around your local area, nothing changes
>remember that your not intelligent, flexible or mobile enought to change your fav crop, move to another state or produce tools

>be other buck
>born with high T jaw
>have to bite harde but still get something to eat
>mate with the few buck hoes left
>your genes get spread due to being the new alpha buck
>be minority
Couple fertile years later in the same monoculture
>be majority
>she farmer with the ancient curse of your ancestros
>don't give a fuck because you'Re the product of generations of high T jawed bucks
>farmer uses Nettle juice
>it's not effective
>destroy high income
you are a fucking idiot
t. masters in bio engineering
>t. masters in bio engineering
t. master of the universe
So whats the difference then? Why is GMO worse than selective breeding?
Worse or not I'm not gonna judge but it is different. Well the difference is pretty self evident, selective breeding is breeding, gmos are plants that get a specific gene inserted in them with the use of agrobacterium tumefaciens that could potentially cause genetic distortions( that bacterium after all is the cause of cancer in plants). That wouldn't occur through breeding.
Oh, you mean like selective breeding and crossbreeding like people have been doing since they figured out seed plus water equals food? Guess you want to enjoy your corn ears the size of a shot bottle and purple carrots then.

>muh ferd hers kur muh kurr

"Muh science is super hard." - [OP]
"Muh STEM is super patriarchy sexist" - [OP]
"Muh cis white male is raper" - [OP]'s holistic astrologistic (((womath))) professher

"It's Greek to me": the thread
So its different methods of getting a stable organism. Your just increase the amount of potential genes you can choose from.

And fair enough, you run a risk genetic distortions, but at the same time if they aren't safe enough to consume or are not stable enough to produce, they won't get sold for long.

Genetically modified 'food' is a Jewish scam that is poisonous to ourselves and to the environment at large.
Again I don't want to comment on whether it's good or not. They're different methods. I think the main concerns with gmos aren't even about the genetics of the plant but the economic interest of those producing gmo plants. Like you know, green energy is not neccessarily bad but the interest of the people making them is pretty questionable.
Bio also isn't healthier than "non-bio".

But it is better for the environment. - that's its only benefit.
selective breeding is natural genetic changes
Genetic modification is when you fuck with the DNA and make it produce wacky shit.
for example one gene in a plant which can perhaps make it resistant to a pesticide can also make it absorb mercury or produce toxins. the new GMO stuff can also fuck with surrounding plants, fucking up their genes too.
essentially what im trying to say is with DNA changes that happen unnaturally we can never really know whats going on with the other things it codes for, the science in this area is not fully developed so ALL GMO that is happening up to this point is kinda just in the experimental stages, yet we have so much GMO shit and its all marketed as safe. everyone who consumes GMO stuff is just a guinea pig, they will never tell you that though.
I don't know jack shit and i don't care.
All i know is that the bio bread i bought started molding before i had time to finish it while regular bread never do that so fuck that natural bullshit i embrace progress.
The good thing is that you only have to study basic biology and genetics to actually be able to experiment yourself with already being sold GMO Kits. I guess in 50 years it will be as easy to just copy (c)ed crops like you can just mix your own coca cola. Especially in the third world nobody will give a shit if it's verboten.

Also see "golden rice" which is already helping people. There is always a danger and risk, that's the price for knowledge.

t. kicked out of the paradise

It literally is
>Genetic modification is when you fuck with the DNA and make it produce wacky shit.
>for example one gene in a plant which can perhaps make it resistant to a pesticide can also make it absorb mercury or produce toxins. the new GMO stuff can also fuck with surrounding plants, fucking up their genes too.

>Essentialy what im trying to say is I don't know how GMO works and that there are a dozen different ways to "gmo" something

Also most of those crops are sterile, one year crops (can't spread or interact).
>one study
>over 2000

"Bio" doesn't mean they don't use pesticides.

They just use different pesticides.
And here's the crux: those pesticides might be less toxic but they use MORE of those pesticides becasue they are less effective.

The net effect (based on loads of scientific research, not some feel article) is close to zero: neither bio nor regular is any healthier or less healthy than the other.

You buy bio to save planet earth.
Not to save yourself.
>if they aren't safe enough to consume or are not stable enough to produce, they won't get sold for long.
thats where your wrong, bucko
public perception is a big thing to modern corporations, it doesnt matter what the quality of a product is or whether its safe, all that matters is that people think its safe
and people (generally) think GMO is safe, despite the truth of the matter being VERY unsettled. for an example, see smoking, edward bernays completely jewed everyone in the world into buying cigarettes, and you can draw parallels with GMO.

>those crops are sterile
they do this now, pretty lucrative for the GMO seed merchants too.
>>Essentialy what im trying to say is I don't know how GMO works
im explaining it in simple terms, the situation is very complex and interconnected with all sorts of other shit. so of course i cant explain the whole thing, that would take days
im just trying to give the general gestalt
Please don't confuse GMO and Bio.

"Bio" means they don't use man-made chemicals for pest control and other parts of the process, only natural occurring chemicals.
Genetic modifications are a completely separate subject.
That's fair. It's just not about the method of GMOs. And yeah i don't neccessarily trust food producers either.

I can agree that GMO may have unintended consequences. But i'm pretty sure selective breeding has produced somewhat similar results over the years, we just stopped trying to produce those resources since they don't work. Which i would assume would happen with GMOs aswell after testing. Also something being Natural doesn't mean it is better/safer for the environment or you.
>they do this now, pretty lucrative for the GMO seed merchants too.
You will bitch no matter what, that's why it'S an ideology with an bogeymen. There is no way to appease you.

>im explaining it in simple terms
> very complex and interconnected with all sorts of other shit
No, your selection of words shows that you don't really know what and how it is happening while also not acknowledging hen you have been pointed out on bullshit.

Your paroting some anti-GMO nonsense. That's about all.
Read the thread again.
Do they have something for frogs?
>Aus is too salty (generally) for a lot of crops to grow well
>engineer the crop to be more salt resilient
>we can grow food
Since public perception is important they can't keep on selling unsafe produce. So they might sell some of it but once people start getting sick because of it they'll be in trouble.
they all just want a circle jerk propped up with memes
/pol/ is shit now
I don't care that the thread got derailed.

I was only talking about the original subject.
I know, it's just that most people who buy into "bio" also buy into the "gmo is frankenfood" meme. Both sings of being scientifically illiterate or ideologically biased.

Although it is interesting that such lefty meme are now being adopted by the conservative even dough they tend to be more into actually fact checking their shit due to being pressured to proof shit like race realism and biological grounds against equality.
>fact checking

>something being Natural doesn't mean it is better
my honest opinion is that we should just stop with all the science in our food, every new change we make causes something else to go wrong and then the process repeats.
>selective breeding has produced somewhat similar results over the years
the way that genes are selected by the reproduction process is something we dont fully understand yet, if we GM something we could be changes a gene which isnt MEANT to be changed. you can think of DNA as in like a page of text, you have letters, words, sentences, paragraphs etc. and everything is interconnected to make a logical "text", but if we mix up a few words or sentences then the whole thing will make no sense.

>>You will bitch no matter what
>unironically defending big agriculture
>>your selection of words shows that you don't really know what and how it is happening
>arguing semantics
noice, more evidence that u are a jew for monsanto
>Your paroting some anti-GMO nonsense
this is just advice from someone who has an understanding of what goes on in the big GM labs, its not good stuff.

>Since public perception is important they can't keep on selling unsafe produce.
did you read the rest of what i said?
>people start getting sick because of it
it isnt the kind of "food poisoning" you get from badly prepared food, its more the potential consequences, and the fact that we DONT know what they are.
on top of that a large amount of independent research has gone into GMO soy and implicated it in all kinds of stuff, brain damage, food allergies and thyroid problems to name a few.
regardless, the science is unsettled so dont let yourself become a guinea pig when the consequences could be dire.
Sure, the right has to actually proof their position against feels and (((science))). It had to for a long time now. That's why the left is reacting so emotional, because they have forgotten how to science due to being in the majority and simply acted on might makes right. Science is the real cure against liberalism.
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>buy tomatoes
>they're 100% chemicals
>ascorbic acid, tocopherol, menaquinone...

How the fuck is this allowed?!
we're to blame for not being ok with bruises and a short shelf life
>unironically defending big agriculture
I don't. GMO isn't "big Agriculture", it's just made so by (((some))) pushing inhumane regulations which proof them against some businesses. Accepting GMOs as what they are instead of the devil they have been made would allow small farmers to be a real competition. Why do you think global players like monsanto don't have a problem with new reguilations while small even university crops get burned down by "activists"?

>noice, more evidence that u are a jew for monsanto
See above, retard.


>posted from a computer which was produced by small rice nigger hands
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>eating your computer
>not eating out your waifu from time to time
when did you realize a wide range of chemicals come from an organic source?
>small farmers to be a real competition
>courtesy of monsanto
yeah nice one
you realize that GMO seeds essentially lets the seed companies become the controller of all agriculture
you really think small farmers have the technology required to create genetically modified seeds?
GMOs are technology of the elites
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Just grow up your own 100% homemade vegetables/fruits. If you don't have that opportunity, then you are fucked up. Feels good to have a village near my city where I go there every summer to enjoy those fresh & non-gmo nature gifts. You can even pasteurize them in jars for the winter/spring and by that way you have non-chemical food 24/7 in the year.

>non-chemical food
>eating neutron stars
>you realize that GMO seeds essentially lets the seed companies become the controller of all agriculture

Only because the market is so hard regulated that small farmers can't pay all this shit which would allow them to experiment themself with GMOs, use and sell them. That'S why EVERY big cooperation is pushing further regulations which is destroying small businesses.

>you really think small farmers have the technology required to create genetically modified seeds?
It's not that hard or expansive without all the laws and regulations. You can literally order a GMO kit online for under 100€ and with the know how make your own "frankenfood".

>GMOs are technology of the elites
GMOs have been made a technology for which regulations only the elites can pay.
I've made GMO bacteria which begane glowing in the dark in high school. It's really not that hard if you're interested in biotechnology. Send your son to study agriculture and biotechnology and you would be able to be the next monsanto without (((state regulations))) reducing competition due to higher starting credit.

That's the globalism scheme you only have to look out to see it. The EU makes the shit up for a reason. Even cucumbers get regulated in colour and shape, which makes small farmers go bankrott due to not having the mones to waste good food just because it's not perfectly shaped.
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>Studies have shown
No they have shown nothing, they actually state it would be too complex and costly to make experiments to assess health effects related to pesticide residues. Yet, it was proved that farmers who are exposed to larger amounts of pesticides get seriously ill including cancer, mental diseases, depression, birth defects, autism etc. which indicates the potential harmfulness of pesticides. If you want to be on the safe side then you should only eat organic instead of food with literally poison on it.
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>Daily reminder guise: GMO's are dangerous to your health because reasons, not because any study has proved it but trust me goy---i mean guy im just some random bro like you.

Man you guys crack me up. Just give me one study that has found any negative effect on the human body by GMO's and you will have won me over, okay?

Ill just wait right here while you totally enlighetened fellas show me some proof alright?
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You do realise that organic food has MORE pesticides on it right?

Not even joking, it will take you 5 seconds of googling to figure that out.
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>cringy meme picture
>hasn't read half the thread with over 2000 studies proving him wrong

Do you also post anti-vaccine meme where crying babies get injected green fluid with a big as syringe? Or apples with the same one and a scull in the background?

Toppest of keks.
People who rant against AAAAH MUH GMO are as bad as anti-vaxxers.
What kind of retard are you? Organic food is defined as having significantly less or no pesticides. Asides from that stricter standards such as Demeter allow no pesticides at all.
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Well, if one could only now which to trust.
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>aspartame craze a few years ago
>stevia suddenly marketed immediately after as a "better" alternative

What happened, /pol/? It's the exact same shit.
You can even investigate the chemicals for yourselves, what the human body breaks them down into and if the created substances are harmful.
A single fucking google search.
I've gotta admit, whoever makes these images is pretty good at making them feel surreal. I've seen similar ones for other topics too, I think there are some with Obama or satanism or whatever

that being said anti-GMO is stupid
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>Organic food is defined as having significantly less or no pesticides

>not even knowing the definition

>Organic food is food produced by methods that comply with the standards of organic farming. Standards vary worldwide, but organic farming in general features practices that strive to cycle resources, promote ecological balance, and conserve biodiversity. Organizations regulating organic products may restrict the use of certain pesticides and fertilizers in farming. In general, organic foods are also usually not processed using irradiation, industrial solvents or synthetic food additives.[1]
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So you are actually retarded then? I bet you're one of those guys who have never stepped outside the town or even seen a farm.
Im gonna pretend that you are actually stupid and explain:
"Organic food is the product of a farming system which avoids the use of man-made fertilisers, pesticides; growth regulators and livestock feed additives. "

Where does it says it avoids pesticides? It only avoids MAN-MADE pesticides, and spoiler alert just because the poison is concentrated poison from i.e a herb doesn't make it better.
In fact, its usually worse since the plants have an easier time absorbing these pesticides since they are natural: Whilst many man-made ones are specifically made so as to avoid the plant absorbing any of it.

Do you understand kiddo?
You are dumb

GMO create a monopoly
You have to buy seeds every years while in natural farming, you can just plant the seeds you harvested
You also have to treat your fields with pesticides a lot more because GMO farming doesn't follow the natural cycle of nature
It ruins farmers by making them dependent to something they don't need
In the end, there are chemicals in your food and countryside that do give cancer (look it up) and farmers can't even make a decent living
GMO are a literal jew trick
It is not a meme picture, it is the simple truth which verifies the severe negative health effects from exposure to pesticides for farmers who obviously need to protect themselves. There is not one single study which prove that pesticides have no harmful effects, because experiments on this would be to complex and costly.

And yes I am against vaccines too, but this is another discussion. You are very cocky for being so bluepilled.
>Hurr gmo's dont produce seeds i read in a fb meme!

Some companies does this, not all. Ever heard of Golden Rice for example?

>Hurr GMO's need more pesticides!

Again, golden fucking rice. GMO's are often designed to AVOID the use of pesticides.

Read 5 minutes on the subject before showing to the world you are a retard right?

Just trying to ignore me to seem smarter huh?
And that's how easy its to disprove these city-retards.
>GMO create a monopoly
Regulations create monopolies

>You have to buy seeds every years
You don't have to, only if you want the nice benefits of larger crops, wuicker grow and less pesticides on them

>You also have to treat your fields with pesticides a lot more
Thanks to them being better adapted you can heavily reduce pesticides and fertilizer.

>It ruins farmers by making them dependent to something they don't need
They aren't dependend, they just want to gain the benefit while bitching that they will have to pay for the better crop

>In the end, there are chemicals in your food
Like in every other thing on this planet.
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>it is the simple truth
The non-artificial pesticides are not harmful, which is why organic farmers do not need to wear protective clothing. Organic farming is practically how we farmed for thousands of years.
How much bitcoins are transferred to your account for shilling for the pesticide industry?
Sound like damage control, not debunking

>Thanks to them being better adapted you can heavily reduce pesticides and fertilizer.
b-but no
If you make agriculture without giving a shit about how nature balances itself, you are obviously going to use a lot more uneeded artificial crap than you would normally. It is simple logic
Your crops might be more resistent to disease yeah, but you still have to kill the weeds, make your soil fertile (which is hard enough when everything in it is dead and never given time to stay fallow) ...
That's what it's all about
modern agriculture is all about profit and big numbers, it's not a choice some farmers make. They have to do that choice if they want to make enough money to live and face globalisation
It IS a jewish trick
> non-artificial pesticides are not harmful, which is why organic farmers do not need to wear protective clothing

Every farmer wears protective clothing. Even while spreading shit on their soil and not get covered in it, you retard. Also they usually use both in cooncentrated forms which can burn in your eyes even without being harmful.

Shit-liquid is bio, doesn't mean you would like to take a drink from it. And even then hazard suits ar only used by law to protect farmers, no matter if they're GMO or not if they use specific chemicals, which can also be "bio".

Good god, why even argue with someone

>Sound like damage control, not debunking
It's literally exlpaining where you're wrong.

But I guess ideologies can't be over argued. Have fun wasting your money, I'm off.
>Like in every other thing on this planet.
I cannot even find words to describe your rhetorics. You must be a Jew, it is obvious even without seeing your bent nose. You imply that toxic chemicals on the food are "just like every other thing on the planet". Eat your toxic plants yourself you kike shill.
>If you make agriculture without giving a shit about how nature balances itself

Without taking natural balance into account the farmers would lose their soil and income.

> you are obviously going to use a lot more uneeded artificial crap than you would normally

You can actually use less due to it being specifically created to only kil of whats harmfull while letting the other insects/ animals/ plants be.

>It is simple logic
It's not about logic, but facts.

>Your crops might be more resistent to disease yeah, but you still have to kill the weeds
So, it's better to use something against both because it'S not absolutely perfect? wat.

> make your soil fertile
No, GMO crops can deal with worse soil and therefore use less fertilizer.

>modern agriculture is all about profit and big numbers
Just like "big organic".
Yes, I'm obviously a jew because you don't know how to formulate a sentance without sounding like a retard. Oy vey.
No, normal farmers do not wear any hazmat suits at all. There are literally gazillions of studies that do not leave the slightest doubt that non-organic farmers are experience the most severe diseases when exposed to pesticides. I am surely not wasting money when I prefer to eat food without toxic materials on it. Enjoy your cancer and xenoestrogenic effects to save some money.
Gas yourself, kike. You can eat the pesticide Jew yourself. I prefer food produced like it was thousand of years before and without your dumb poison.
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>Herbicide Resistance
>Insect control
>Virus Resistance
>Bacteria Resistance
>Fungal Resistance
>Dry Tolerance
>Salt and aluminum tolerance
>Better nutrient uptake
>Faster growth
>Bioavailability of phosphates and iron
>Protein quality type and content
>Improve quality of oils
>Enrichment with vitamins
>Potatoes do not do discolor and produce less acrylamide
>Non-browning apples
>Removing allergens
>Detoxification of crops
>Pharmaceutically and medically important substances

B-b-but my ebil monsanto meme...
>what are citations
>Without taking natural balance into account the farmers would lose their soil and income.
Of course not. They just need to follow daddy Monsanto's instructions.

All I'm saying is, until actual regulation steps in and farmers start working on a smaller scale and draw inspiration from their grandparents ways instead of some chemist in a lab, there's going to be danger
The concept of GMO isn't bad in itself, it's the way they apply it that sucks

>Just like "big organic".
well obviously. By making cancer the norm, they also turned organic food into something big but it shouldn't. It should be perfectly normal to find vegetables with no shit on them and not having to pay 10 times more for it
You can get almost all of these through natural methods without feeding an evil corporation for it
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>food produced like it was thousand of years before and without your dumb poison

>doesn't know science
>doesn't know agriculture
>doesn't know history
You're a fucking idiot
Go read a biochemistry textbook.
You can't, that's why till now we had to use so much pesticides, fertilizer or could not grow it on bad soil.

>All I'm saying is, until actual regulation steps in and farmers start working on a smaller scale and draw inspiration from their grandparents ways instead of some chemist in a lab, there's going to be danger

Yeah, we did so great without science and being subservient to natures will

>Non-browning apples
So I do not notice when the apple becomes bad? Sounds like a BRILLIANT idea.

Organic food has everything needed for a healthy nutrition. All the improvements you list are thus superfluous. Asides the potential severe side effects of GMOs like cancer are reason enough not to choose such food.
Synthetic pesticides are a relatively recent phenomenon you retard.
>So I do not notice when the apple becomes bad? Sounds like a BRILLIANT idea.
You do now that apples aren't bad when they brown, but only oxidase after being cut open?

They will still get soft, brown and stinky if they go bad, you retard. Just end yourself.
>thinks synthetics means bad
>probably also eats willow bark instead of apsirin
It still helps me to see how fresh the apple is you miserable being.
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>Thinks synthetic is not bad
Apple brown after 2-3 minutes. That's not a sign of real freshness. It's like applying the juice of a citrone on them which also prevents browning. Just that it will be already implemented and reduce food waste.

That's too much bait, so kepp talking to yourself retard. YOu've been rpoven wrong on every fucking thing. I'm not going to waste even more time on you.

apropos: KYS
>Apple brown after 2-3 minutes.
Have you even ever bought an apple? I eat one organic apple every day and it takes a lot of time until they get brown.

>Reduce food waste
Rather to sell things that are not fresh anymore.
>Have you even ever bought an apple? I eat one organic apple every day and it takes a lot of time until they get brown.

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Gas yourself, paid Monsatan shill. You try to convince people here to eat poisoned food just so you get some money transferred to your banking account. Get the hell out of here and never come back you evil, evil person. Shame on you.
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Try breathing organic ketchup. Tell me if its safe.

GMO's are not without downsides, nor is pesticide use. But exaggerating, and coming up with retarded arguments like the image you shared doesn't help improve agriculture.
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Umm flour is unsafe to breath but safe to eat. Same with most mold spores. Same with many types of fungi. That argument is not valid.
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We do not need such Monsatan magic, just let it become brown so we see its freshness.

Also did you not want to leave and get back to your Jew cave?
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When I started growing and hunting my own food.
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Reminder that the real issue with GMOs is patent of food.
It's onbiously not.
I do not need to wear a hazmat for all things you mentioned.
Do not need a hazmat suit being in a sauna. You paid shill are still here? You broke your promise and did not leave yet, you are a liar through and through.
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No it's one ingredient adding to today's rise in insanity
>dihydrogen monoxide a

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I agree w dat poster.

Bio food also looks good as normie food.

And wgo cares if it looks more natural, when its healthier anyway.

I dont like pesticides in my food

is this the magnum opus of /pol/s scientific illiteracy?
Don't do it

Can't be taken serious
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