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why do Christians mock Germanic paganism, while ignoring Greco-Roman

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Is it because all their memes fall complete flat when facing ACTUALLY civilization when compared to desert tribes?
this is the part where they're supposed to attack ancient European civilization because only the Jews at that time were worth respect because of YHWH
because they have to convince themselves that we were literal devil worshippers until jews showed us the true way via Christ, a Jew
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Because nordicists only care about Germanic paganism, Greco-Roman paganism is dead since the places it was once widespread are also devoutly Christian and any pagan believer isn't taken seriously there
Because there aren't a bunch of Greek diner owners who spend their weekends dressed up as Hesiodian metaphors.
When will this plebbit raid be over?
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Why do Pagans ignore Canaanite paganism?
Many Roman pagan memes were absorbed into Catholicism.
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>Because nordicists only care about Germanic paganism

Norse people care about Norse paganism, WOW color me surprised? Are you mad we don't see you AID like some starving African? Oh wait we do!
because Graeco-Roman pagans never got BTFO this hard https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donar%27s_Oak
anyone with half a brain in religious reconstructionism is fully aware of Interpratio Romana

nobody is ignoring it, you're living the monotheistic splinter from it
but they did, they extinguished the sacred fire of Vesta, but nobody likes to talk about that because it was the desecration of the West's finest civilization, and then they went on to persecute the native religions like the Late Antiquity Muslims they were.
I've never worshiped the devil or pagan gods, you idiot. I am not my great great great great great grand-father. Pretending I believe in Thor is not going to magically bring back a long dead culture and tradition. Also, Christians make fun of pagans because most pagans are autist innawoods larpers. We don't talk about Greco-Roman pagans because there aren't any, or at least they aren't as retarded about it.
Like it or not greek paganism is much superior compared to other european pagan religions but it has some errors.

First it doesn't have a set of rules,dogma or holy book. This is why homosexuality and pedophilia was rampant in ancient greece. However if you have studied the bible and greek paganism instead of watching varg's retarded historical revisionist videos you would see that christianity is heavily influenced by greek paganism a lot even at the time it was born. Jesus can be connected with dionysius.
>Also, Christians make fun of pagans because most pagans are autist innawoods larpers. We don't talk about Greco-Roman pagans because there aren't any, or at least they aren't as retarded about it.
so what's the argument AGAINST it besides that we got fucking by Semites a long time ago and I'm going to continue to be because reasons
>However if you have studied the bible and greek paganism instead of watching varg's retarded historical revisionist videos you would see that christianity is heavily influenced by greek paganism a lot even at the time it was born. Jesus can be connected with dionysius.
and this is why Christianity is far more tolerable than say, Islam, it's brother, but why settle for the cheap knock-off?
>First it doesn't have a set of rules,dogma or holy book
A book to make good slaves. I am pretty sure you were faggots for other reasons than what kind of Gods you hailed to.
No one remembers the old traditions. That is why. Do you really think lonely angsty kids in 2017 are going to remember what our forefathers were worshipping many moons ago? Shit dude you need a reality check. Europe escaped destruction during the plague, it seems we have only mortgaged our fate to the future. Good luck.
Obviously you only remember your McDonalds, we're talking about countries in Europe.
Yes because it has a set of rules the people can follow more effectively than say paganism.
Also islam is not religion but an arabic military expansionist ideology disguised as a religion so it can spread more effectively. Islam should never be accepted in europe since it forces it believers to absorb arabic culture into them.

I wouldn't have to mock paganism if a bunch of idiots on /pol/ didn't treat it like an actual religion instead of the mythology that it is.

The Roman Empire in like 380AD was hardly the West's finest civilisation.
Well faggot, I don't remember asking a cucked piece of shit for his opinion.
so what I'm gathering is, Jews were noble and enlightened people and Europeans were savages and blindmen.
the Roman Empire was, and the fire wasn't lit in 380 AD
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Nice projecting Christcuck, literally worshiping a sandmonkey.
>A book to make good slaves

No but a book to keep society from becoming a degenerate cesspool.

In every society that doesn't have a set of morals and rules, degeneracy will exist like it or not.
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stop posting shit images, for the sake of a history
HAHAHAHAHAHA, I'd buy you a beer if I could brother....

But pagans were disgusting degenerates in 380AD. Augustine was right
If you compare ancient german tribes and nordics with ancient jews you can say yes. But jews were not as wise as ancient greeks were and thats why after the greeks conquered judea the jews assimilated many aspects of the ancient greek culture and religion.
>those who built Rome were degenerates

so the only way to even begin justifying this, is to say that Christianity isn't pure

and furthermore they also banned that which they drew from, see Stoicism
The story of Jesus as recorded in the gospels is about what happens when the Spirit of God appears on Earth, and is resisted by the worldly powers of organized religion and the state. Anytime the message of Christ becomes co-opted by religious doctrine or state power, it has already abandoned its roots, since at its core the Jesus story is about how those very powers will stop at nothing to subvert and destroy the Christ. Though of course they can never succeed - to those with eyes to see and ears to hear, the King remains enthroned.

Christ shows us that self-giving sacrificial love is the true power in the universe, not the top-down tyrannical brute strength of Caesar. Christ's earliest followers proclaimed "Jesus is Lord!", rather than "Caesar is Lord!" which regions conquered by the empire were required to say. The implied subversive question - who is making a better Kingdom? Caesar who puts people on crosses, or Christ who bears the cross in love for all? Caesar who dominates and kills all who oppose with brute strength, or God who raised Christ from the dead?

Why is self-giving sacrifice the ultimate power? Picture water. In some senses, the most submissive substance imaginable. It will flow through your fingers, fit any container you put it in. Yet nothing can compete with it for domination of the planet - it covers 70% of Earth's surface. It uses its power not to dominate like a tyrant, but to quietly nourish each and every thing that lives. This is built into Creation as a prefiguration of Christ. The blood of Christ is spiritual water, and those who drink of it will never thirst again.

tl;dr - fuck your empires. All of them will crumble. Christ remains King of all forever
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>tips antlers
Well many things that were associated with paganism had been banned. Just like plato's academy.

>Romans in 380AD
>the same as the Romans who built Rome
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>why do Christians mock Germanic paganism, while ignoring Greco-Roman paganism?

Because the neopagans they mock are almost exclusively supporters of Asatru, with followers of various Germanic groups as well.
Because Jupiter became a saint and the greek woman god became mary.
I remember back in 2010 I watched a video of a priest in a church in Stockholm, she invited a Muslim Imam and they were talking about the exact same thing, how the Christian god was just the same as Allah.

Fast forward to 2017: Sweden overrun by Muslims
Thanks Zeitgeist
>mocking larpers
You mock yourselves.
>the greek woman god
Pontifex maximus hmmmmmmmm
>Had a common practice of raping boys.
It deserved to collapse.
Doesn't Afghanistan have the same thing today..
>why do Christians mock Germanic paganism, while ignoring Greco-Roman paganism?
Because Germanic paganism is actually getting new fedora followers while Greco-Roman paganism is largely ignored. Both lost to Christianity millenea ago btw.
Juilus caesar and the pope are both ponitfex maximus. Christianity is a shit ad on DLC to roman religion.
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Hail Oden!
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here we go again, boys

>Christianity becomes the official religion of the Roman Empire
>the Pope inherits the old pagan title of Pontifex Maximus

Not that complicated
And jupiter becomes a saint etc etc. So you can't make fun of greeco roman pagans. Hence the answer to the OP question.
I'm actually a follower of Athena. I masturbate to anime fanart of hers and sometimes beat people up in cunning strategic ways.
Greek paganism got ruined by the perverted fanfiction written by Homer and Herodotus. That aside, it's the best model of scientific paganism there is. Titans make up the universal forces, gods make up the earthly forces, all these forces interact with each other, and men roam in this world that is a physical manifestation of the pantheon's interaction. It's almost as perfect as Tolkien's mythology (considering he based it primarily off of Greco-Roman myths).
Yeah but are there any LARPing Greco-Roman Pagans?

I mean don't you think it is kind of odd that all the pagan shit on pol is Odin which we hardly know anything about and almost never about Zeus which stuff is actually written about or Hindu which actually has an unbroken chain of existing?

more is known about greece paganism then about norse paganism.

plus greece was the greatest civilization ever while nordic tribesmen where carving cracker runes in wood.
nice projecting Swedecuck. Literally worshipping black cock
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Whose the hottie strumming the harp in the shopping cart?
save your breath
they dont even acknowledge that christianity was developed in rome
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>60 Million people invent more things than 300 thousand people living in a frozen land

Made me think
Because Christianity has inherited all its good parts (no exceptions) from the Greeks, mainly Plato and Aristotle, so it has a merited inferiority complex towards Hellenistic culture.
Greco-Romanism died with Julian the Apostate.

Jesus is the same storm god as Zeus and Thor Coming from the prime storm god of the white race which lived ~10000 years ago around the black sea.
What does that have to do with Europe 2000 years ago?
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Well the Roman empire expanded into the Middle East, so these people that live there today were probably a part of it.
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Because greco roman pagans aren't uppity anti-christian feminine keyboard warriorfags.
>all germans are norse

You also have anglos believing in that shit too
>self-giving sacrificial love is the true power in the universe

That's why the Muslims are winning right now. Christians in the past didn't follow this hippy dippy nonsense.
Why do meds and anglos fear the Slav?
>not being a European Traditionalist, follower of the sophia perennis
How does it feel to be a total plebe?
Afghanistan wason the other side of the continent. It wasn't touched by Rome.
This is why I can't stand neo-paganism. Neo-pagans seem to believe that had Germanic pagans not been converted to Christianity and civilised, they would have continued to practice their religious beliefs the same way over time. Yet Greek and Roman paganism would have once been as undeveloped as Germanic paganism, and they still advanced and evolved over time as the people became more civilised. I don't see why neo-Pagans believe that Germanic paganism wouldn't have done the same. If they want to be taken seriously, they should abandon their tree-hugging bullshit and start building temples. Their """"reconstructed"""" beliefs are almost entirely made up anyway so I don't see why building temples and moving on from barbarian worship is such a bad thing.
>the Christian god was just the same as Allah.

Well except that is kind of true. Islam is an Abrahamic religion. It has some similarities to Christian and even Jewish religious history. When Muhammad started his war band, he was originally considered by Thomas Aquinas to be leading a Christian Heresy and not a new religion entirely. The key difference however is that Islam is a Arabic warband ideology. Muhammad created it to get back at his enemies and to rob the silk road for money and power. That's it. Unfortunately it stuck.
Greco-Roman pagans were just as evil, just as sinful, and I dislike them just as much. But there are no LAARPing beta faggots trying to bring it back, so there's no point in talking about it.

Also, we don't need memes to defeat Roman shit. We have works of the desert fathers. Kys, heathen.
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germanic mythology is still monothesitic when you go to the top ginnungagap has a mind and will of its own.
>and start building temples.
No that would be larping, instead we just hail to our ancestors. You can't infiltrate and destroy or use us for wars this way as well.
Greco-Roman paganism went silently. Rome adopted Christianity and slowly over many years Roman and Greek paganism assimilated into the new Churck. Norse paganism didn't assimilate the same way. They went down fighting.
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it actually survived in roman catholicism all roads lead to rome my friend.
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>Implying monoteistic jewreligion is better

Roman religion best religion.
Praise Mars!
Here's the bad news you won't believe greeks stole a lot of shit from persia and egypt. Places with at the time more advanced civilisations.

Important ancient greeks made money by mercenaring it up over in the east. Xenophon the Athenian a spartan weaboo the most famous who comes to mind.

In comparison Germanics were next to fuck all.
"Thor" was a Turk, who is supposed have came from Troy (SOURCE:Snorri''s Eddas & British Eddas). Now, what were you saying about "desert" again?
If didn't have a writing tradition is it really that sad?
I don't have a problem with any Paganism except pozzed faggoty multikulti bullshit, same with Christianity; atheism is pretty shitty though and shows a complete lack of creativity, imagination and sense of wonder.
Ancient Asia Minor was already Turkish desu

Yahweh's wife, Asherah. She was worshiped until about 2nd BC and even after the Israelites became monotheists, she was still worshiped. Solomon also built a temple to her.

There are hints of her in the bible (along with other deities) like when God refers to himself as "we", but most references to Asherah have been edited out.

There is some possibilities that her attributes like "mother of all men" was given to Eve.
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Ignorant burger here

Please tell me more what religion did the Romans followed?
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the gnostics teach that the holy spirit is the mother, while the father is yahweh, and the son of course being jesus.

Adam was originally made androgynous in the image of the Elohim. the female energy eve was removed from him.

This isn't true. Some of the last pagans were Greeks in the 9th century.

Also, Roman Catholicism is pretty much Roman Paganism. It was a very easy transition. The Emperor = Pope, Vatican = Curia, Senators = Cardinals, Priests = Flemens, Vespa Virgins = nuns, then most of the Gods were turned into saints, particularly Apollo, Castor and Pollox, the most beloved of the Roman Gods in Late Antiquity.
I was not aware that IAW/JHVH (the Judeo-Christian "god") was the same as a Arabian moon deity who was part of a 360-strong polytheistic pantheon worshipped at Mecca,or that the Judeo-Christian "god" had 3 daughters (same as Allah)..But, hey, if a female preist from Sweden and her paki boyfriend says this is so, who are we to argue? Sweden would never lie to make islam look acceptable...

First of all

Second of all, there is no archaeological or linguistic evidence, this was probably just Snorri connecting everything to antiquity, as medieval scholars tended to do.
There were no turks in anatolia then, only greeks.
The turks came after the Byzantine Empire, but Troy fell before Rome existed.
>60 Million people
>2500 years ago
Are you retarded?
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Heaven was close to Earth and all of humanity saw it.

/pol/ needs to see Symbols of an Alien Sky

"Alien" just means Ancient (no ET nonsense)

Symbols of an Alien Sky (Full Documentary)
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Oh c'mon there is no real ignorant in the age of internet!
Use your google-jutsu and you will be enlightened.

Little hint: next time you see a "based Poseidon" thread remember that the Mare Nostrum (Mediterranean Sea) God is called Neptune.
Your grammar is leaning more towards a mexican.
>60 million

Wait what.
christianity endured for 2000 years and still endures (your protestant/sects/cuckcatholicism with SJW pope/heretical/ etc etc western shitholes don't count as christianity)

how long have your pathetic LARP religions endured? and who crushed them eventually?
Catholicism is the Roman religion

also the Greeks were homos
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They get all emotional about it haha. The sandniggers are running a society better than them at the moment. They're brainwashed fags.
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More desert bullshit. We don't like desert religions.
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Funny how nordcucks are calling greeks non white but when it comes to steal their civilization they all go WE WUZ

One produced a great and learn'd culture, the other produced a culture of rapists and mudshiters.

Can you guess which one is glorified by Europeans?
do jews have alot of greek blood? Why did greeks decline, you were once at the top!?
How many greek pagan larpers do you know?
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chatolicism is a continuation of the pagan gods.
not wise to worship dead gods
This is what comes to mind when I hear "Greece"


Antisemitism in Greece Organizations that oppose same-sex marriage Opposition to Islam in Europe Fascism in Greece Eurosceptic parties in Greece Euroscepticism in Greece Far-right political parties Neo-Nazi political parties White nationalism in Europe Political parties established in 1993 1993 establishments in Greece 1990s in Greek politics Parties represented in the European Parliament Eastern Orthodoxy and far-right politics Neo-fascist terrorism

>Eastern Orthodoxy and far-right politics
Reminder that greco-Roman paganism literally has a god of feces. Not even poo in loos have that yet.

Why does that Greek look black ?
they dont; paganism worldwide is indefensible.

The poos have an infinite amount of gods desu.
Everyone declines at one point, Spanish Empire, French, British...
Civilizations rise and fall
Also not really, of course we have our own jew group like others have ashkenazis and sephardis, but ancient Greeks were civic nationalists to the bone, many saints of the orthodox Church had Greek names and studied in Greek schools but were Syrians and lydians, kinda like the Romans, who also placed culture above blood
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