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GET IN HERE Official laugh at libcucks thread. BAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHHAHAHA

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Thread replies: 126
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Official laugh at libcucks thread.

>surely drumpf wont run for president
>s-surely drumpf wont win the primaries
>s-s-surely he won't win the election
>s-s-s-surely the electors will vote for hillary
>s-s-s-s-surely he will be impeached, r-right guys!?
Jamal will own your wives and you will like it
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>watching all those kikes get BTFO right at the end
nice numbers
But Trump is the most pro Israel president in history
It's about time for David Brock's second heart attack
Yeah and the last chance to save the white race in America.
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Can someone give me a real quick and gloating pic related
>Flashforward 3 years
>s-s-s-s-s-surely he won't get reelected.
>Comey previously testifies in his experience no effort to impede investigation
>Yesterday Rogers, Coats, McCabe testify Trump never pressured them
>Today Comey testifies he can't be sure, he felt the conversation was improper.

Wtf is going on here. No Russia collusion, no criminal investigation, Trump not under investigation. This has become the biggest shitshow I've ever seen.
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>one year later
>s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-surely he'll die in office!?
Get out plebbit.
What is going on is all of the sources were fake, besides the source which leaked the FBI memo, which was Comey
You actually sound butt blasted. People dissing trump doesnt hurt your feelings does it?
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yea, he sounds really angry
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m8 i can smell ur butthurt from all the way over here
Seen someone post a timeline similar to OPs on every step of the way and then had a "we are currently here" line. Anyone have an updated version?
He is worked up about something. Like trump being a president is getting back at percieved enemies or something.
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I think you're projecting gayboy
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>y-you gonna cry, drumpf-*sniff*-drumpfkin
This made me chuckle and feel slightly less awful about being a leaf :^)
It hasnt been a good day for you has it Kurt?
Don't worry, at least you are not a demoscat
You guys do realize that Comey admitted he was fired because Trump wanted to undermine the Russian investigation.

That's grounds for impeachment if the dems take the house.
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Look at this Drumpy's
Look at their faces
Do you see the joy and happiness knowing Trump is OVER
that's right Drumpydoodledandies
This pic proves which side won this hearing
>no russia collusion
Nigga are you high? Manenfort got kicked out and Flynn resigned due to LYING about talking with Russians.
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Wrong, because Trump wasn't under investigation and was supportive of the investigation towards the election itself.
Comey was likely fired ultimately because he wouldn't announce that Trump was not under investigation personally, which itself is not obstruction of justice.
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Trumps the greatest #1488Dchess
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That's what he claims. He was being investigated and didn't want them to uncover anything unsavory.
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>"trump country" is the most impoverished, least healthy and most degenerate part of the USA


oh wait, that's not what you meant. how's "winning" going for you kiddo? don't forget to kiss my yankee feet for keeping your shithole state afloat with my tax dollars! you're welcome :^)
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Why do you lie?
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How many rage-induced memes about trump are there?

-Two Scoops
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Neither party colluded with Russia, as Comey said IN THE HEARING you dumb fuck.
Manenfort got kicked because he had ties with lots of officials he didn't originally make clear. Flynn resigned because he lied about his ties. That said, Comey just clarified that there was no evidence either of them, nor anyone in Trump's cabinet or campaign team actually collaborated with Russia for their interference.

If I have a friend that ends up robbing a bank, I'm not guilty of shit unless I planned or participated in the bank robbery as well. I just look like a fool for having a friend that ends up robbing a bank.

>That's what he claims
>That's what the director of the FBI claims
>That's what the director of the FBI under legal oath claimed today, something which, if later found untrue, would have him sent to jail
>Brookyln bar
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TOO SCOPS!!!?!??!!!
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Even Chris "Never Fake News" Mathews knows Trump is done
Suck it DrumpyLumpies
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>projecting this much
>me after a week of nofap.
Bottom right is downright disturbing
Stop being retarded
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>S-s-s-see, youre angry d-drumpftard, we'll impeach him any minute now
80% of the hearing was people asking variants of the same few questions

>Did the russians hack our election, if so have they done it before and will they do it again
Yes, yes, and yes. They have a huge interest in who is leading the country.
>Did Trump pressure you into dropping the investigation
In language? No. But I feel he was trying to.
>Is or was Trump under investigation personally? Why did you never publicly state if he was or was not?
No, if we said something then something came up changing it it would be a headache
>What about [news story] and their statements that directly contradict what you are saying?
Fabrication, plain and simple

Notable otherwise? Comey leaked (allegedly unclassified but an investigation has started) information when he left the white house. Lorretta Lynch actually asked him to downplay clinton investigation, directly resulting in him not pressing charges. Senator McCain is a senile old fool who thought comey was the president.
Comey admitted he's the leaker? I didn't watch the whole thing can you sauce me up?
say hi to rdt
Today has been a rough day for you
>ask friend what he thought about the comey hearing
>said it's undeniably true that the media lies and is colluding with the US gov
>starts spouting about the saudi deal even though he was against it when trump announced it
>can't even properly formulate his thoughts
>calls trump a liar
Get fucked paki, I can't wait till you're done school and go home

Look, im not on of those people who want an impeachment. Just saying this thread reminds me of the nig kids in middle school who thought they were cute when they tried to get good kids in trouble.
He admitted to giving memos to a professor at Columbia Law so that he could leak that info to the press.

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I've always thought Comey was impartial in his own weird way.... Been catching a lot of shit for that position over the past year or so from both (((sides))). Do you bros think he is swampstatus?
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No worries, leafy, the day of rake is still coming for you
Don't worry, soon the dems will push for hope to be a thought crime.
You certainly won't be the perpetrator, going extinct and all.
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I'll do it in his name.
You'll kill your white brothers in the name of a browned cuck? Great minds or something I guess.
I hear the wailing of buttblasted liberals in every forum this afternoon. It is glorious!
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If it alleviates the shit posting of my board, I am prepared to do most anything.

Nothing personal, kid.
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good to know where your allegiances lay, nowhere concrete, like every American
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Fuck off plebbit
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*Laughs in KEKistani*
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Hahahaha, mane!
>you dumb fuck
Anon, we know for a fact that Trump associates had talked with Russia. Trump denied this. He lied.
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>Comey shits on Shillary with emails during election
>Comey exonerates Trump
Is this Trump 4d chess? Comey is Trumps guy.
Just telling the facts.
Comey was fired because he wouldnt drop russia
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>trump won't start the shoah
anyone got that screencap with trump as snake for pic related, hypothesizing how he wants revenge against the (((deep state))) for killing all his friends on 9/11?
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It's the fact that you can't into banter that makes you such a disappointment. The rakes of wrath will descend upon the tundra of the north, and we will purify the land with our leaf blowers and bic lighters, and take this board back from the leafposter. And we will start by storming your forests, purging your autists. Courts will be convened. keks will be enjoyed. Leafs will be burned. The great white north, it will endure. And maybe one day, a new form of leafposter will rise from the ashes of justice. But you probably won't be that leaf.
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They're not allowed to.
I'm not trying to banter with you I'm trying to call you pathetic. I hope you didn't waste too much time typing out that wall of butthurt.
Comey was fired because he is a coward with no integrity.
When your daughter lets gangs of feral niggers gang-fuck her, do you applaud the rejection of her white privilege?
Trump is finished.
why couldn't the religion of peace make an appearance here?
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Why am I pathetic?

>inb4 on 4chan

Do you really think I would kill fellow huwites just b/c I participated in a meta-meme? And what exactly do you even use this place for, if not banter?
Comey admitted that the President Trump wasn't even under investigation for Russian ties when he was in government. He literally fucking said it today. If you read things that aren't fake news, you would know this.
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This timeline is kinda funny. Actors leading Nations and terrorists being citizens.
thank you for paying for all the services I wish we could just cut already. You're keeping the limb alive and allowing the infection to spread. Great work doc!
he should start having three scoops just to piss off CNN.
I think he just tries to cover his own ass
Nope. You can keep reaching though.
t. increasingly nervous kike
Trump literally admitted in an interview with lester Holt he dired him kver Russia.
everyone knows that officials talk with Russia. They also talk with Iran & China too. Having backchannels with other countries has been the norm since the beginning of time.
Um, yep. Both Flynn and McMaster.
Trump said his team had "no comunications. He lied
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this kills the lib
>everyone knows that officials talk with Russia. They also talk with Iran & China too. Having backchannels with other countries has been the norm
And that would be all fine and dandy if Trump hadnt lied and said such talkes hadnt happened
>dired him kver Russia.
There IS no Russia(conspiracy). This is has been proven over and over in allll the senate hearings. The only proven is that Comey admitted that he himself used his position for political purposes-Not treating the Lynch/Clinton meet with the same deference as his meet with Trump.
Once again, he admits that he has NO SPINE(That's TWICE now), thus he was fired.
Sounds like a dozen fails in a row, why are liberals sucking his dick on youtube comments?
cause thats all liberals can do is suck dick are you new here?

I can't find the screen cap but it was a letter to Israel pm on holocaust remembrance day where trump clearly wrote in caps Never Forget rather than we will never forget. Implying that he isn't remembering the same thing as him.
If it had happened in any nefarious way, then I'm sure the shills have some tangible respectable evidence no?
So fucking gross.
And the Black race. Repeal and abolish welfare already.
Frankly - I'd pay a lot to ask this cuck, what went through his head at that that moment, because this is the most pain and embarrassment ridden face I've ever seen.
That doesn't matter as long as he's able to take down the (((elites))). Israel itself is a non-issue.
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Punished Trump
yes let it burn in your mind that image forever. this is what shillary wants for you mmmm yes its so fucking progressive ^^
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He was not doing his job properly. He should have publicly called for Lynch to recuse herself. He should have tell plain and clear to Trump that the conversation was not appropiate. He seems to know what to do, but he never does that.

Look, he seems like a straight shooter, and not part of the swamp, but his actions in the last year and a half had put him in the place of a drama queen.
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Yeah let the kikes have their patch of dirt. Just keep them out of ours.
Assange being an absolute savage
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ive seen better
Bu mp
You Drumpfkins may think you've won but Hillary is going to run again in 2020 and 2024 and 2028 and 2032 and 2036 and 2040.

We already have a plan to keep her head alive and in a jar. No body = no seizures.
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